These are works of fiction by a twisted mind. (Aren’t they all?) If you are offended by graphic descriptions of natural and/or unnatural sexual acts, if you are underage or if this type of material is illegal where you are, don't read any further.
These stories are fantasy. You will have to loosen your clench on reality a little when you read them. These are tales in which physical acts and human responses are not limited to, nor necessarily based in, reality. Some acts and responses in these stories may be physically impossible and/or physiologically improbable.
Also, as is the case with most of the stories in this genre all the women in these stories are beautiful; gorgeous, even. Gravity has not caused their breasts to droop nor have wrinkles creased their unblemished faces. The men (the leading men, at least) are hung like bulls. They can get it up and keep it up often and at will. In this special little fantasyland, there are no STDs, morals, or unwanted pregnancies; and guilt is a four-letter word. But most important of all, no amount of strength of character, courage of convictions or moral beliefs stand a chance against an erotic stimulus. This can be as benign as an accidental glimpse of a bared ankle or as stimulating as a whipping on the genitals.
For those of you who didn't understand the preceding statements, GO AWAY!
These stories are intended for the salacious entertainment of consenting adults. Do not try to do any of the things described in these stories. You will injure yourself or your partner. Or be arrested, or shot by her father....
If you are under 18 years of age, GO AWAY! This story will burn your eyeballs and fry your brain.
If material of a strong sexual nature is prohibited where you are, GO AWAY!
By continuing, the reader accepts all responsibility for any disgust, revulsion, jail sentences, or pleasure that results from reading these stories. If you don't, GO AWAY!
You have been warned!
If you enjoy these stories and feel the urge to post them on a <free> site, at least give me (Peter Loaf) credit for it.
So, stick your tongue firmly in your cheek and enjoy the ride!....:) Annon.
Note: I found the above warning somewhere on the internet and adapted it to my needs. I do not know who the author is or I would give him credit. Peter Loaf
The following is a catalog of the available works of Peter Loaf. At present it is all here for the asking. If you see anything you'd like to read simply ask for it by its catalog number. I love to share my work with those who enjoy this sort of thing.
01 3rd EYE POEMS.
In an attempt at making these stories more visual, they have been written as a set of directions to the artist. But, believing that the best sketchpad is in the human mind, I offer these as a new form of "Comic Book". A "Third Eye" Comic. One you read with your eyes, but "see" with your mind's eye.
01a Bishop illustrated 3rd Eye Poems
01a01 Bait; Morgan the Pirate and the daughters of the viceroy.
01a02 Bastinado; the bottoms of her feet exposed, and whipped.
01a04 Hold; captured by drug smugglers, she is left with a taste for restraint. 2 illos.
01a05 Kidnapped; captured at the beach, the girl in the leather bikini finds her next few days to be eventful. 18 illos.
01a06 Lady Killer I & II; the professor has a co-ed habit. 16 illos.
01a07 Outlaw; a slave revolt in the desert.
01a08 Shackled Innocence; the farmer takes a wife.
01a09 Singapore Sling; the female Houdini gets it in the end.
01a10 Tenderfoot; services rendered by willing cowhands.
01b Manning Illustrated 3rd Eye Poems.
01b01 Beastly I & II; this dog is more than Man's best friend. 5 illos.
01b02 Black Pearls; Genderfuck and exposure at the opera. 2 illos.
01c Naka Illustrated 3rd Eye Poems
01c01 Benched I; a bondage adventure in the WNBA. (See Stig 3rd Eye.)
01c02 The Cure; strapped to a rack, the woman is cured of her taste for booze but left with a taste for bondage.
01c03 Glory; a captured spy on display, waiting for the mob to come for her.
01d Photo Illustrated 3rd Eye Poems
01d01 Pirate's Pussy; modern day pirates, age-old lusts.
01e Stig Illustrated 3rd Eye Poems
01e02 Collared; the horny young Priest and his attic of penance. Stig illo, altered by Loaf.
01e03 Garden I-VII; the privileges of rank in 7 parts. 9 Illos by Stig, 1 by Naka, one unknown.
01e04 Hoodwinked; a cottage in the woods, an actress, two men, a camera and all the toys they will ever need. 5 cut and paste montage illustrations by Stig and Loaf.
01e05 Sisters Twisted; the family that comes together.
01e06 Traitor; extracting answers, the Captain of the Guard shows no mercy.
01e07 The Walls of Red Wing; the training begins.
01e08 Whore; jailhouse "justice".
01f Various Artists Illustrated 3rd Eye Poems
01f01 Circ DeSade; three rings, a score of clowns, a girl in a bag and an audience with their raincoats over their laps. Unknown artist altered by Loaf.
01f02 Dutch Girl; kidnapped by white slavers, the Dutch girl is loaded on a slow boat for Bahrain. 3 illos by R.
10f03 Flintheart; hitched to the landlord's pony cart, the convict works off her indenture, until the Highwayman comes along. Thorn illo
01f04 Gifted; she owes him big time, and she's found out what he likes. Sanderlin illo.
01f05 Morgan; The sack of Panama as seen by the Grandee's daughter. 2 M illos.
01f06 Transported; she expected justice, she got none. Unknown illustrator.
01fo7 Buchanan's World; in the not too distant future the Holy Father Church/State rules the Earth.
Same as above, except that the story is told in prose.
02a Bagged; the story of a woman who accidentally gelded her husband. 2 illos by Loaf and Naka.
02b Betrayed; The mob, the cop and three bimbos in steamer trunks. 2 illos by Bishop.
02c Cherry Poptart's Blind Date; Cherry Poptart meets Sidney Greenstreet. 1 Bishop illo.
02d Hellfire Chronicles; a "good girl" finds herself kidnapped and diddled by 60 drunken perverts. 3 Bishop illos.
02e Suspended Sentence; the lady burglar meets Snidely Whiplash, who teaches her to fly. No illo.
03 44 HAIKU
44 mostly Japanese drawings and 17 syllables for each.
0301 A Gift For His Boss
0302 Bound Maiden Waiting
0303 Bridle Path
0304 Chairbound
0305 Comfort Girl
0306 Dragonride
0307 Dreamscape
0308 Freedom
0309 Ginza Delight
0310 Hostage
0311 Hothouse Nights
0312 Houseguests
0313 Icehouse
0314 Initiation
0315 Instruction
0316 Japanese Lantern
0317 Jiggle
0318 Lady In Waiting
0319 Lovebound
0320 Lovejuice
0321 Mask
0322 Music Lesson
0323 Needs
0324 Playtime
0325 Pony
0326 Ropelust
0327 Seminal
0328 Showgirl
0329 Spring
0330 Student Nurses
0331 Stump Broken
0332 Tangled Emotions
0333 Tattoo
0334 Teahouse
0335 The Questions
0336 The Request
0337 The Sake Cup
0338 Thirst
0339 Time On A Rope
0340 Training School
0341 Trophy
0342 Twins
0343 Valedictorian
0344 Zen
These are fully illustrated story poems, mostly one illo to a stanza, at least one illo to a page.
04a Ashley Pictures At An Exhibition; eleven limericks telling eleven short stories. 11 Ashley drawings.
04b Autodafe'; the good Fathers find and "save" two lesbian witches. 9 Bishop illustrations.
04c Bedouin; the rat has stolen the bait, will the cat catch him before it’s too late? 7 Roberts illos
04d Death Angel; The Cold War fought South American style. 9 Bishop illustrations.
04e Empire; trapped in a dungeon, two lovers fail to keep their secrets. 4 Roberts Illustrations.
04f Friends; Three good friends doing a photo shoot with the one and only Barbara Behr.
04g The General; two "spies", one long painful night. 3 Japanese illustrations.
04h Giselle; the novitiate and the street walker find their destinies in the Dungeon Diablo. 75 Roberts Drawings.
04i The Master; secure in his sense of power, the Master awaits his three o'clock servicing. 20 illustrations by Royo.
04j Milady’s Caning; caught out whoring again the countess gets a session in the cellar to teach her to be more careful. 8 illustrations by Ashley.
04k Moonlight Sonata; three people under the influence of a big bright moon. 15 illustrations by Tarsis.
04l My Fair Slavey; Pygmalion told with a hard-on. 21 illustrations by Depuceleur.
04m Pawns; taken to a fortress, held for ransom and worse. 7 Bishop illos.
04n Real Estate Agent; she thought she was showing them a mansion, turns out what they wanted to see was a little more personal. 10 Insex photos.
04o Sleeping Beauty; 13 part epic of sexual fantasy. 161 Tarsis illustrations
04p Sub Level B; marshal law logic, played out in passion. 8 photos and a drawing by Moore.
04q The Test; has she got what it takes? 26 Tarsis illos.
04r Tigress Tamed; the set is quiet, the camera rolls, four lusty actors, selling their souls. 2 Roberts drawings and 2 Insex photos.
04s Trophy; ten men and a girl who can't say no, having a party in a warehouse. 8 Insex photos.
04t Trotter; some girls have all the luck. 7 photos.
04u Watch On The Rhine; stopping for the night at a castle in the Alps, the tourist couple try out a dungeon scene. 5 Roberts illos.
04v Wired; hogtied in soft copper wire the party girl holds court in the back bedroom. 4 Insex photos.
04w Witch Hunter; a trail by fire. 66 Depuceleur illos.
04x Yubbies; Barbie and Ken visit a bondage club. 31 Depuceleur illos.
04y Wielding The Whip; the Master’s manservant tries, with little success, to ride herd on his two young charges. 10 Ashley illustrations.
04z Virgin’s First; Professor Pervert meets his match 10 Thorn Illos. (See also 05j44, 45 and 46)
04aa Jimmy The Preacher; tipped off that the televangelist is visiting a very special house in Georgetown, the tabloid reporter gets the goods.
04ab Coffle; the new ponies get the grand tour.
04ac The King’s Pleasure; the hostage is being held to keep her rebel father in line.
04ad Brutes; the brand new DEA agent should have stayed in the office. And then her sister shows up.
04ae Plantation; slave training in ole Virginia.
04af Embezzler; shooting the auditor, taking his secretary hostage, the rouge CEO escapes to Hole in the Wall.
04ag Package Delivered; The professional submissive finds she’s bit off more than she can chew.
04ah Saucer; Part 9 of the story Alien Slaver.
04ai The Rice Merchant; a series of stories about the perverted old man and his string of pearls.
04aj Duct Tape; reduced to a pussy on a stick, the hooker earns her next fix.
04ak Harvest; Part 2 of the story Alien Slaver.
04al Dynamo; Part 6 of the story Alien Slaver
04am Fuel Unit; Part 8 of the story Alien Slaver
04an Mounted; her head mounted on one side of a wall, her tail on the other.
04ap Ragweed; a trespasser violated.
04aq Goldenrod; Alice in wonderland meets King Cong
04ar The Sisterhood; a week of service, a lifetime of Power.
04as The Rook; tied to the saddle, watching him come.
04at The Trainer’s Trophy; head in the barnyard, ass in the stall, bippy whip titties, pony girl call.
04au Plucky; Held in the oak, ready to poke, some kind of joke?
04av Romance: pillow talk is cheap, having your fantasies fulfilled can be expensive . . . and painful.
04aw Exposure, after the revolution, the daughter of the Viceroy discovers the charms of her father’s pillory.
04ax The Pallet; a night of passion shackled to a pallet.
O4ay The Pillory; held in the wood, better be good.
04az Jenny; captured by drug running pirates, Jenny is traded for a cargo of ganja.
04ba anna rose; getting ready for the big pony race, anna rose spends an afternoon on the training rack, learning deportment.
04bb Slipping The Mickey; the professional submissive is shopping for a new Master but her old Master has other ideas.
04bc Puppet Master; hung up on an iron hook, the subbie finds fame and fortune. (See also 0671)
04bd Tiger Ride; the tiger ridden, out on a limb.
04be Silent Movie; a poem written to fit the art of Asmodeus
04bf Dental Exam; a cut-rate dentist, his special chair, waking up groggy, there in his lair. Infernal Restraints
04bg Mountaintop; perched on the lookout, horny and hot, pony girl passion, hitting the spot. Hogtied (See also 0675)
04bh Ram Rub; with the aid of an ancient magic, the sex tourist wows the crowd.
04bi Bad Girl; sometimes a girl just has to get what’s coming to her.
04bj Pixie Perfect; she signed up for a photo session. After it was over the crew had a little party.
04bk Jasmine; she received a letter . . . and became a pony girl. Peter PD
04bl Paddle Rack; the Headmaster Masters his charges. Beats writing lines.
04bm The Intern; she thought she was going to Tokyo to learn international contract law. Oops!
04bn Human Ewe; at the shepherd’s convention the most popular exhibits were the human ewes.
04bo The Trainee; fixed to a scaffold, ring gagged and hooked. Sex slave in training, she should’a booked.
04bp The Cabinet; netcasting session, from inside the box.
04bq Rental; when her Master rented her out to a masked stranger, she had a ball.
04br Kink; trusting him, she told him her deepest, darkest secret.
04bs Specimen; caught in a cosmic butterfly net, the subbie gets collected.
04bt Charity; As an act of charity, the confessed trollops are shown the error of their ways.
04bu Toughie; the girl from Belgrade is tough as nails yet still tender. (See also 0673 and 05j98)
04bv Sitzkrieg; sitting all day in a set of stocks, the submissive is ready to entertain her Master’s buddies, when they finally show up.
04bw Sawzall; legs spread and shackled, sawzalled and tackled, the suspect is jackled.
04bx Bunged; three holes for blocking, her Master comes knocking.
04by General Orders; a “Special Remand” for the captured enemy pilot.
04bz Breath Play; tied to a chair, going nowhere, under their care, gasping for air.
04ca Walkies; another visit to the wizard of pain . . . for both fun and profit.
04cb Oxygen; Gasper sex is her ticket to ride.
04cc Sacked; I thought I had a deal. I was wrong.
04cd The Purge; ridding the kingdom of Jews and witches, the authorities keep themselves in power.
04ce The Switch; for a novice, her hubby catches on fast.
04cf Bundle Bound; enjoying the spoils of victory, the storm troopers have a little party in a barn.
04cg Rider; mother and daughters, three for one sale.
04ch Uncle Ned; Sold to the highest bidder, the orphan becomes a sex slave.
04ci Canned Heat; shackled naked in a cage, the witch confesses, in the end.
04cj The Index Rule; In an off Broadway theater, Insex does his thing, to rave reviews.
04ck Sassy; the bondage model is new to her work but that will only make it better.
04cl Singletree; sometimes a girl just wants to hang out.
04cm Pole Sitter, The castle has finally fallen and the “Terror” is in full swing.
04cn After School Beating; the princess wanted to be “near her people”. Her daddy agreed, but with some ground rules.
04co Trolley; the spy caught red handed gets it in the end.
These are simple story poems, most written to single illos.
05a Badia Illustrated Jerkers
05a01 Baghdad Reporter; She was nosing around where she had no business, now she getting the story first hand.
05a02 Mandrake; saving Jewish souls, the inquisitor is a magician.
05a03 Posture Training; a night on her knees, learning to please.
05a04 Questions Unanswered; fixed to a kneeler, the suspect gets softened up before the questioning begins.
05a05 Rhapsody; under the baton of Mistress Lessa, a rhapsody in black and blue.
05a06 Suggardaddy; kidnapped for ransom, or so it seems.
05a07 Pyramid Power; the lefty learning the power of power.
05a08 The Waiting; hung out to ripen, the subbie awaits her Master’s pleasure.
05a09 Service Week; the pledge knows what she’s getting into, it’s the reason she came.
05a10 Crown of Thorns; the heretic questioned, for fun and profit.
05a11 Mac The Knife; the battle royal, final defeat. .
05b Bishop Illustrated Jerkers
05b01 Anticipation; waiting in bondage, wondering.
05b02 B-36; working their way through the Bishop archives, the couple find one that does the trick.
05b03 Blind man's Bluff; upstairs downstairs, she tries to keep him in the dark.
05b04 Breaking Point; questioned by the KGB in the back of a truck.
05b05 The Captive Rebel; spending the evening being molested, maid Marian awaits her Robin.
05b06 Catechism; breaking the heretic.
05b07 Cheerleader's Surprise; caught in the visitor's locker room armed with itching powder.
05b08 China Doll; she came to find a better life. Instead, she found a pimp.
05b09 Contraption; he done her wrong. She done him wrong, twice.
05b10 Delivery; a dark night, a bundle of woman flesh delivered.
05b11 Enslaved; born into freedom, captured by the Rebels.
05b12 Fanni; a tribute to the Master and his favorite squeeze.
05b13 Feather; the Indian maiden finds herself a guest in Custer's tent.
05b14 Final Settlement; 2 people dreaming the same dream, each afraid to tell the other.
05b15 The Gambler 2; still playing poker, the gambler throws a game.
05b16 The Game; helpless in the cellar, she waits for the game to be over so the games can begin.
05b17 Happiness Hanging; strung up spread-eagle, content with her lot.
05b18 Harness: all harnessed up and ready to entertain.
05b19 High Wide and Handsome; to motivate her husband, the kidnappers make him watch a while before they send him out to get the money. While he is gone she learns she is a slave at heart.
05b20 The Highwayman; outlaws in the forest, a king's daughter and a ransom in gold.
05b21 Ishtar; gimme that old time religion.
05b23 Lines; where do you draw the line?
05b24 The Long Riders; raiding from their stronghold in the mountains, the Kristian Komandos continue the fight for "Family Values".
05b25 The Magic Moment; coming out in style.
05b26 Milk Made; a victor enjoys his spoils, the spoils can't complain.
05b27 Party Doll; one helpless dame, ten masterful bastards.
05b28 Performance Art; they put on a heck of a sex show, then they go home and please themselves.
05b29 Plaything; a professional bottom, earning her keep.
05b30 The Pledge; to late the pledge realizes she has been betrayed.
05b31 Pledge Party; the party's over, let the party begin.
05b32 Prisoner of Lust; a young black woman caught after dark in South Louisiana by the town clowns.
05b33 Pussyhook; a party Piñata who drools.
05b34 Rocket Science; keeping her country's secrets, the Rocket Scientist reveals something a little more personal.
05b35 Saint Joan; her last night on earth, spent with the English Bishops.
05b36 Shackled Guilt; the sad story of a man who broke his toy.
05b37 She Bear; saved by the bear.
05b38 Simple; its simple, she can't get up off the hoe handle.
05b39 Snidely's Bride; a revisit to the Taming of the Shrew.
05b40 Starlet; balanced on the dildo, the photo session too long.
05b41 Stool Pigeon; fixed to the stool, telling him her secrets.
05b42 Suspension; Hung by her curlies, will she tell them what they want to know?
05b43 Sweet Sentence; she’s been bad, real bad. Her master will straighten her out.
05b44 The Tide; caught on a Mexican beach by drug smugglers, the girl is seen as nothing but loot.
05b45 War; The War On Drugs and how it plays out in a Mexican prison.
05b46 See-Saw; fixed for the night, the coed discovers the truth about herself.
05b47 Sitter; the part time hooker goes with the wrong john.
05c de Mullotto Illustrated Jerkers
05c01 The Mark; she wanted a tattoo, her Master had other plans.
05c02 The Parrot's Perch; white slaver training, she'll quickly learn.
05d Depuceleur Illustrated Jerkers
05d01 Daughters of Power; the Leader’s own daughters, kidnapped and tortured by Arabs.
05d02 Jolly Roger; daydreams in a rowboat.
05d03 The Paddle; a man and his wife playing a loving little game of pink bottom.
05d04 Spoils; to the victor go the spoils.
05d05 Stud Farm; caught sucking the wrong dick, the girl gets a night in the mare.
05d06 Taxi; She wanted to go home, but she never quite got there.
05e Emma’s Illustrated Jerkers
05e01 Bonny Prince Harry; The evil queen triumphs. Topping from the bottom.
05e02 Brittny; the slave training circus comes to your town.
05e03 Exchange Student; so far from home, riding the bone, nipples in cone, holding the phone.
05e04 Horse Thief; carelessly tethered, the pony girl awaits . . . whomever. Emma’s illustrated.
05e05 Powerhouse; High stepping ponies, Mistress unkind
Thigh boots and harness, arms in a bind
05e06 Royal Reaming; once a year she comes to the King to pay her husbands taxes.
05e07 Three Legged Pony; party girl playthings, bait in a can.
05e08 Marrakech; kidnapped from a cruise ship the young woman becomes a pony girl.
05e09 This Side Up; a crate full of new meat comes to the castle for training.
05f Manning Illustrated Jerkers
05f01 Goddess; awaiting her pleasure, he worships in trepidation.
05f02 Hydration; filled to bursting, she writhes in helpless passion.
05f03 Jade; the Emperor and his concubines play a little game in the pillows.
05f04 Prime Cuts; his horse tethered, his flanks under attack.
05f05 Service Station; she is the centerpiece of the party
05g Moore Illustrated Jerkers
05g01 Darkness Descending; more shoplifting than rape, the hooker goes for a ride.
05g02 The Hostage Princess; sent to insure peace, the princess becomes just another piece.
05h Naka Illustrated Jerkers
05h01 Agent; her cover blown, the agent's in a bind.
05h02 Clothes Pins; twenty-four clothes pins applied to her burning body by a man who loves her.
05h03 Horny; self bondage and private passion.
05h04 Inverted; horny and hanging, a girl has time to think.
05h05 The Piercing; two people, two nipples, two safety pins.
05i Peterpd Illustrated Jerkers
05i01 Curiosity; she was curious, she should have been running away.
05i02 Vigil; the ponies spend a long uncomfortable night learning that resistance to their Master’s will is always painful.
05i03 The Key; she has the key to her shackles but can’t seem to reach the locks.
05i04 Stable Boy; spending her vacation on a pony ranch, the new filly gets serviced day and night.
05j Photo illustrated Jerkers
05j01 3 Point; hung up and fucked, the subbie has a passionate afternoon.
05j02 Bruno Of Hollywood #1; finding my first love in an attic, I wax poetic.
05j03 Bruno of Hollywood #2; same poem, in rhyme.
05j04 The Bundle of Lust; hopping and helpless the trophy girl gets what she wants.
05j05 Cabin Girl; A co-ed earning her tuition in the maritime union.
05j06 Canvasback; delivered in the dark of night to a seedy hotel room, the submissive in the straight jacket can only serve her captors . . . or vice versa.
05j07 Captive Companion; A submissive and her Master, doing things the way that makes them happiest.
05j08 Carry On; packaged for delivery, the subbie joins the mile high club.
05j09 Chased; naked and helpless, the bunny runs.
05j10 Cheng; an updated Chinese device retains its essentials.
05j11 The Cop; excerpted from the story Stakeout. The perp is called Longfellow.
05j12 The Count; chained to the floor in His dungeon, the girl in the latex long johns finds that her reward has been coated in Crisco.
05j13 Cowgirl; three people, a mountain meadow and a long pleasant afternoon of brainfucking.
05j14 Deep End; helpless and shackled she cannot swim, so where do you suppose he takes her?
05j15 Deliverance; a Jewish Princess finds herself a prisoner in a redneck meth lab.
05j16 Delta Phi Delta; it is rush night and the Delts have hired a bondage hooker to pull a train of freshmen.
05j17 Donkey Dick; the subbie submits to her Master’s desire and is rewarded with a nice ride on his pony.
05j18 Dream Date; a trip in a limo to the Hamptons gives this party girl a taste for the finer things in life.
05j19 The Drop; the Mob Boss’s daughter has been taken hostage by some very foolish gangsta’s.
05j20 Dundee 1 & 2; two tales of the horny laird and his gamekeeper.
05j22 Foreplay; wearing His nipple stretchers and rope, the hostess entertains her Master's guests.
05j23 Gauntlet; the three lesbian co-eds thought they were alone. They didn’t know about the frat party on the other side of the lake.
05j24 G Man; taken to a safe house for interrogation, the gangster's girlfriend has little chance of holding out.
05j25 Hobbled Handled; the vandal gets it in the woodshed.
05j26 Holey; a short religious observance that feels great and satisfies better than most.
05j27 House Party; once her hands and feet were tied she was theirs for the taking.
05j28 Hunter; catching the witches in the middle of their rite, the witch hunter takes them to a safe place and reforms them into something more acceptable to his idea of God.
05j29 Hurting; a story of need and fulfillment.
05j30 Juicer; hogtied and hooded, I feel my Master's big juicer.
05j31 Lonesome; caught in self bondage by a husband she thought too straight, the young bride discovers their shared secret love for BDSM.
05j32 Lust Fog; bound and helpless the subbie awaits her Master's pleasure.
05j33 My Plan; she’s discovered his secret. Now her plan is to use it to get what she has always wanted.
05j35 Oblivion; wrapped in plastic and left to simmer, the subbie gets really tender.
05j36 Open; the submissive is first crated then delivered to the BDSM party in the woods.
05j37 Outing; the lesbian couple decide to "come out" in the most public way possible, on a float in Rio's Carnival.
05j39 Passion Prize; hogtied and horny, she awaits her Master’s favor.
05j40 Patience; topping the bottom properly sometimes cannot be rushed.
05j41 Penance; she lied, she cheated, she has come home to do her penance.
05j42 Poet; she's being outed to her friends. First her Master is going to read her poetry to them, then let them meet the author.
05j43 Princess Yoshika; upended, the princess gets a royal reaming.
05j44 Honors In English; trading the pervert professor tit for tat, the submissive student improves her grade. (See also 05j45, 46 and 05o07)
05j45 Kiss the Bippy; a second visit to the infamous pervert professor. (See also 05j44, 46 and 05o07)
05j46 Waiting For Rescue; on our third visit to the pervert professor we learn nothing new. (See also 05j44, 45 and 05o07)
05j47 Pussypot Plaything; first they shoot some film, then they get down to the fun.
05j48 Ready Freddy; dispatched as air cargo, the professional submissive has no idea where she is going but she knows why.
05j49 Red Rosie; posed in tight
bondage in front of one way mirrors, Rosie figures she is going to
have a interesting
05j50 Rigid-Cuffs; helpless, naked and hobbled, her Master sends her outdoors.
05j51 Sex Object; a classic position, time passing so slowly.
05j52 Sexual Circus; three rings of lust.
05j53 The Shaft 1&2; she went out to look at some property she’d inherited. Too bad about the motorcycle gang she discovered squatting there. In part two the same gang returns to the old mine only to find a surprise package waiting for them.
05j54 Sneekypeak; the voyeur sits at his laptop, watching the couple next door play The Game.
05j55 Somewhere In Spain; waking up spread-eagled on rubber sheets the party girl regrets getting so drunk last night, for a while.
05j56 St Ives; the gangster thinks he's found the perfect victims, he's wrong.
05j57 Stocks; every month she makes the pilgrimage to his world of Mastery.
05j58 Styx; it's her first trip into bondage and she finds she likes it.
05j59 Subbie In Service; fixed to his bar, she gets quite far.
05j60 Subbie Trust; subbie and the Master she trusts, sharing an evening of pleasure.
05j61 Supersub; she should have asked why the customer was offering twice the normal modeling fee.
05j62 Tabletop; Spread out like a garden brunch buffet, the helpless submissive thinks she hears a chopper coming.
05j63 Treed 1; left spread-eagled, naked and alone in the woods, the blindfolded subbie communes with nature . . . until the poacher comes and takes advantage of her.
05j64 Two Legged Pony; a mare visits her stud/Master for servicing.
05j65 Undine; soapy and sudsy, bubble and squeak, hands shackled helpless, she's up the creek.
05j66 The Way; captured by rednecks, strung up for pain, the cub reporter gets her story in the end.
05j67 Wedding; The bride might be unwilling, but her mother has already spent the bride price.
05j68 White Squaw; the Sioux warrior first saves the white girl, then uses her as a kind of No Trespassing sign.
05j69 Woods; a Master and his pretty, young, and quite helpless subbie, playing the game in a dark and deserted woods.
05j71 Insex Remembered; remembering the magic and regretting its passing.
05j72 Insex Inventions; the Master’s gadgets, training begins.
05j73 Headless Horsewoman; head in a bucket, tail in the wind, ready for breeding, her ankles pinned.
05j74 The Yoke II; after their final victory the right wing re-imposed slavery but only for non-whites, women and traitors.
05j75 Corset And Collar; she’s always dreamed of being the helpless, half naked girl in a den of perverts. Tonight she gets her wish . . . And more.
05j76 The Boy’s Toy; subbie and Master, not a disaster.
05j77 Houseguest; the stock broker goes to a beach-house party only to find herself the only guest.
05j78 Cameraman Carl; spinning down onto a knobby dildo, the subbie puts her hubby through med school.
05j79 Altar; the young virgin nun has never had none, until tonight.
05j80 Nipplewhip; hung up by her elbows and mercilessly nipple whipped, the Insex model earns her fee and discovers something about herself at the same time.
05j81 Rockette; stanchion dancing for fun and profit.
05j82 Night Of The Knife; when torture becomes official policy can troops be blamed for going freelance?
05j83 Rathole; brainfucking below, nowhere to go.
05j84 The Hayloft; a slave on her way to London finds a friend in the farmer’s daughter.
05j85 Colleen; slave girls on the road to Rome.
05j86 Rail; taken to the place of purification, the witch brings her own stake.
05j87 Lambs; subbie lust selling, kissing and telling
05j88 Bird Cage; automated prisoner sorting, brought to you by Haliburton. (formally known as The United States Of America)
05j89 St Andrews; fixed to a cross, she finds who’s boss.
05j90 Show And Tell; horny and helpless, the submissive shows off.
05j91 Submission; rape-racked and ready, the sex slave submits.
05j92 The Cabin; sometimes a girl just has to sing.
05j93 Iced; taming the shrew, in an icehouse.
05j94 Portable Prison; held in two balks of wood, the subbie discovers many new things about herself. (See also 07c10)
05j95 Frisky; waiting for her lover to come home, the subbie has his weekend all planned.
05j96 Too Tight; the submissive finds a sailor to show her some fancy knots.
05j97 The Promise; a promised minute turns into an afternoon delight once the shackles are closed.
05j98 Toughie; the girl from Belgrade is tough as nails yet still tender. (See also 0673)
05j99 Student Body; working her way through med school, the bondage model earns next semesters tuition.
05j100 Lollypop; the kidnapped heiress takes her licks until daddy pays the ransom.
05j101 Sacked; taken hostage, the DEA agent provides information, her weight in gold and a great fuck to the drug lord before being sent back to her friends.
05j102 Sure Thing; held in irons inside a shipping container on its way to the slave market, the girls get some in transit training.
05j103 Frogbound; after the takeover there had to be a certain amount of retraining.
05j104 Keeper; a second visit to the Wizard’s tower. (See also 0669, 0676, 04bg)
05j105 Rogered; at the frat rat’s party, the prick tease gets reformed.
05j106 Headwaters; tired of life in Hoboken, the subbie moves to the Amazon.
05j107 Fixture; re-educating the lefty, the Patriot Center guards use sub level B.
05j108 Golden Gate; caught napping by modern day pirates, the solo sailor has an interesting weekend.
05j109 Brat; the brat comes home to find daddy waiting up.
05j110 Crated; slave girls to order, brought to your door.
05j111 Unforgiven; after the shopping spree, the slave pays the piper.
05j112 Weigh-In; the hunters in full rut, the trophy’s are on display.
05j113 Dreamtime; shooting yet another Insex movie, Tyler Ann finds her dreams fulfilled. Pussy too.
05j114 Teacher Trap; a Yankee schoolteacher meets a tree hugger.
05j115 Woolies; once he had her under complete control, he got out his jar of wooly caterpillars.
05j116 Dealer’s Choice; she lost her markers, now she will pay the piper.
05j117 Burglar Buggered; caught with her hand in the ship’s safe, the burglar suffers a slight change in career path.
05j118 Credit Counseling; the Master finds a way for his subbie to pay off her credit cards. With change to spare.
05j119 Truant; having given up on reforming delinquents, hizonor the mayor has hit on a way of at least getting them off his streets.
05j120 Asking For It; professional submissive, doing her thing.
05j121 Say Ah; another day, another contraption. Suits me.
05j122 Spiked; sitting on a hoe handle the submissive awaits developments.
05j123 The Miller; the landlord’s daughter, caught and brought to the mill.
05j124 Clank; the hooker should have known better than to go with a john with luggage.
05j125 Tiger Bait; the thing about tigers, is they have this appetite.
05j126 Godfather’s Rite; taken to safe house to service the troops. But first the Godfather has a big surprise.
05j127 Fantasy Dancer; working their passage, slow boat to Spain.
05j128 Board Meeting; when the boys are away, the passion’s play.
05j129 See Me; working her way through college, the freshman serves it up.
05j130 Invitation; she wanted what her Master could not give her, so he invited in some help.
05k Roberts Illustrated Jerkers
05k01 Answers Extracted; strapped down and wired up, the rebel will answer his questions before the dawn.
05k02 Arabesque; a white slaver gets careless and wakes up a little too late.
05k03 BDTV; the action is real, and so is the money.
05k04 Brainwashing; the captured spy will tell what she knows, but first a few games come to her interrogator's evil mind.
05k05 Clair; the general’s mistress knows more than she should about his plans.
05k06 Convert; the missionary came to Tangier intending to bring good news to the heathens. She learned better in a hurry.
05k07 Daddy Demented; molester magic and subbie lust.
05k08 Debasement; the subbie finds out what her Master has been building in the basement.
05k09 Double-Mint Victims; the trouble with passing out at a party is that the party might not be over, for days.
05k10 Dripping; the girl would be a nun, if she shows herself worthy.
05k11 Haunted House; twin sister co-eds try to find a place to party but find the masked sex fiend instead.
05k12 Hobblestep; the sex tourist in heaven.
05k13 Patriot; taken while protesting, the traitor stands trial in a secure location.
05k14 Peppermint; answering an ad our heroine finds everything she wanted.
05k15 Phalanx; the captive heiress outlasts her captors and keeps her secrets.
05k16 Power; locked up in an oubliette until she does as she’s told, the captive becomes a slave.
05k17 Santa Lucia; two pony girls running off the pounds on a fat farm.
05k18 Shell game; the twin sister secretaries spill the corporate beans.
05k19 Shipwrecked; found on the private island of a cult, the shipwreck’s sole survivor learns to obey.
05k20 Sitting Pretty; Mormons in heaven.
05k21 Sleuth; the spy knows how to save the King, it’s the sleuth’s job to get her to tell her secrets.
05k22 Tourist; she wants the real thing so she goes to the real place.
05k23 The Edge; the sisters of swat, finally caught
05l) Sanderlin Illustrated Jerkers
05l01 Betty The Bonder; a visit from their favorite Mistress.
05l02 Dog Walk; 64 Dykes and a floor show to remember.
05l03 Dr. Feelgood I & II; Kitty and Katy get some expert help.
05l04 Fixed; the shoplifter gets reformed.
05l05 The Pimp; what goes around comes around.
05l06 Posted; the confederate spy spills her guts under torture.
05l07 Rings; white slavers filling an order.
05m Stig Illustrated Jerkers
05m01 Benched Two; part two of the story of the girls of the WMBA. This time the team’s starting center falls for a midget.
05m02 Company Punishment; corporal punishment before the ranks.
05m03 Family Values; the obedient daughter.
05m04 Fire and Nice; mixed pleasures on a perch.
05m05 The Flogging; to rid the Kingdom of monsters the ladies in waiting set a trap.
05m06 The Gambler; she made the wager, now she's lost her pants.
05m07 Hell; caught climbing the convent wall, a novitiate finds Hell on Earth.
05m08 High Wide And Juicy; upended on a device that exposes her all, the subbie finds herself Mastered in fine style.
05m09 The Lovers; she doesn't mind.
05m10 The Marriage Counselor; the bondage horse, par for the course.
05m11 Necessary Roughness; contras and commies.
05m12 The Post; a political prisoner gets broken in.
05m13 Prep School Punishment; caught with her panties down in the boiler room, displayed before the student court.
05m14 Pussywhipped; framed by a corrupt Mexican cop, the gringa gets "questioned" in the basement.
05m15 Rehab; stripped of more than her rights, the pothead gets "cured."
05m16 Resistance: on the 5th of June, the French resistance fighter holds out.
05m17 Scoundrels; she should never have trusted them.
05m18 Sisters Twisted; half sisters with a lot in common.
05m19 Sjambok; caught diddling in the pantry, punished with a strip of salt cured rhino hide.
05m20 The Songbird; tweetly tweet, the songbird will sing.
05m21 Swift Justice; The pickpocket gets two days with her victim to balance the books.
05m22 The Tail of Billy Bud; his cock got him into this trouble, it won't get him out.
05m23 Trixie; the dangerous dyke finds her lover in bed with the hunky foreman. There will be Hell to pay. Two illos, one unknown, one Stig.
05m24 Upended; a kangaroo court and a dildo on a crank.
05m25 The Victim; victim's rights taken to the extreme.
05m26 Cry Of The Loon; sometimes madness is catching.
05m27 The Note; unsatisfied with what she has, the woman finds that there is more to her hubby than she knows. See also 05m29
05m28 The Offended Member; she spilled some tea, oh my oh me.
05m29 Aversion Therapy; A second visit to the Rocky Top Tower and Madam Nell. See also 05m27
05m30 Butt Hooked; the ponies stand inspection before the auction begins.
05m31 The Kneeler; fixed to the kneeler the pony gets serviced.
05n Various Artist's Jerkers
05n01 Atlantis; the sea is rising, so the High Priest sacrifices a virgin. It couldn’t hurt. Rosco.
5n02 Bishop’s Bite; The Bishop has caught a witch. Time for the fun and games to begin. Rosco.
05n03 Canvas; hung up for punishment, the human canvas awaits the pain/t. Sardax.
05n04 Centerpiece; dressed in skin-tight latex, the subbie is the centerpiece of her Master's sex party. Christopher.
05n05 Coed; taking a shortcut through a hobo jungle might not have been this coed's smartest move. Unknown illustrator.
05n06 Dark Art; a dungeon game played well. Blas.
05n07 Delivered; kidnapped from a street corner in Detroit, the hooker finds herself post-marked Abu Dhabi. RR.
05n08 Derby; The ponygirl performs. Eneg.
05n09 Happy Hour; a man comes home hot and tired, only to find his wife merely hot. Unknown artist.
04n11 K-9; a kennel trained slave girl. Ashley.
05n12 The Keep Of Caliphia; held in a far off dungeon, the Princess waits for her hero. Hillaker.
05n14 The Long Night; the professional bondage slave earns her rice ball. Unknown artist.
05n15 Mindfuck; role playing in a schoolroom, innocence passionately remembered. Unknown artist.
05n16 Nose Candy; the drug lord's daughter, milked for cash. Rich.
05n17 Old Scratch; is she in Heaven or Hell? M.
05n18 Party of Four; three men, no waiting. Sorayama.
05n19 Pax Romana; The Nordic Princess, taken in battle and shipped back to the slave markets as loot, very dangerous loot. Royo.
05n20 The Pet Shop; yet another story of O. Illustrated by Coco
05n21 Plaid; two girls pay a visit to the local D/s club. Rich.
05n22 The Plank; The servant serves, the Master Masters. Coco.
05n23 Ponygirl Carla; her Master needs some cash so he auctions off her assets. Chas.
05n24 Pygmy; taken up to the volcano for sacrifice. Kagan.
05n25 Q&A; questions the captured spy will in time answer, giving her Master the chance to attack. Unknown artist.
05n27 Culture; an ex-pat goes home to find her roots.
05n28 Run-A Way; the pony bolting, but there is nowhere she can run. M C Russle.
05n29 Silk Sheets; a slave under training in her Master's bed.
05n31 Tryouts; they thought they were going to try out for Cheerleader scholarships. Instead they find themselves on their way to the slave market.
05n32 Unicorn; a virgin's wet dream. Unknown artist.
05n33 Witness Hook; once civil rights were canceled, it became quite easy to get confessions. Coco.
05n34 Concubine Captured; The rebels have captured the Emperor’s favorite concubine. They plan to send her back, when they are done with her. Unknown artist.
05n35 Well of the soul; punished for thought-crime, the liberal finds TRUTH at the bottom of a well. Turk.
05n36 Bombay Bound; sometimes a gypsy taxi takes you further than you really wanted to go. Pichard.
05n37 Dynamo; Part 6 of the story Alien Slaver. Tarsis.
05n38 Sold To The Sultan; The Radcliff girl has a small surprise for her new Master. Unknown artist.
05n39 Wetback; the high court has ruled, wetbacks have no rights. Unknown artist.
05n40 Masterpiece; the Arch Bishop’s private commission. Milo Manara.
05n41 Rape Shackles; the starlet gets the parts she wanted. Unknown artist.
05n42 Slippery Slut; first they break her, then she tells them what they want to hear. Tarsis.
05n43 Passionate Pony; taken to the fair, the passionate pony gets auctioned off to the horniest bidder. Tarsis.
05n44 The Prisoner; kept for the pleasure of the powerful, the prisoners await visiting day with mixed feelings. Von Gotha.
05n45 Saraha; captured by a brigand, the hostage princess learns to serve her inner needs. Secondshot.
05n46 Death In The Morning; Lord Henry looses his nerve but keeps his balls.
05n47 Night To Remember; after the party one guest remains. Manara
05n48 Dragon Rider; offered as tribute, the virgin princess finds her fate not nearly as bad as she feared. Alazar
05n49The Passage; the warrior must get through the enemy lines so he rides his swiftest mount. Ehliasys
05n50 The Brand; the mark of Zorro, burned on her butt, pony girl plaything, making the cut.
05n51 Heiress; taken by kidnappers to cover the looting of her trust fund, the heiress finds herself hitched to a pony cart. (See also 0667)
05n52 The Picnic; Thor presiding Haymow hiding Time they're biding Bareback riding
05n53 Standing Order; the Sisters of Satan sorority inducts a new member. Trachat
05n54 Whip Song; sometimes a submissive just has to confess her sins. Tarsis
05n55 Moon Dancer; the captured school marm finds the “fate worse than death” to have been over-billed. Swift (See also 0668)
05n56 Fence Jumper; after six months in fat farm pony training she thought she’d sneak out for a burger and a shake. Synthean
05n57 The Wizard; she came to his tower to find something magic. She came to the right place. Swift (See also 0669)
05n58 Wet Dream; the girl in the chastity belt is the hit of the party. Unknown
05n59 The Trial; logic of empire, prediction dire. Unknown
05n60 Pageant; pony girls parade, the Nordic maid. Timeliner.
05n61 Cave of the Order; on the night before they were transported the women were taken to the secret cave. Von Gotha
05n62 The English Tourist; the sex tourist finds her way to a very special club on the Ginza. Yasuda (See also 0670)
05n63 The Fly; come to my parlor, said the spider to the fly. Cuevas
05n64 The Wait; waking up naked, the banker’s daughter sits in the dark and awaits the ransom money. Unknown
05n65 The Bastard; the Crown Princess finds herself in her uncle’s dungeon, object matrimony. Tarsis
05n66 Abandoned; left in an abandoned farmhouse, the submissive finds herself Mastered by three hooded strangers. Willie
05n67 Bushy; she would do anything for him but let him shave her pussy. He promised to be good…. It’ll grow back.
05n68 Witch Of Weston; the dangerous thing about witch burning is sometimes you get a real witch.
05n69 Bitch Breaking; sent to the country, pony girl games.
05n70 Secret Service; with the whole convent listening, the sister keeps her vow of silence . . . and little else.
O5o Thorn illustrated Jerkers
05o01 The Darkness; pony girl training, pony girl straining, passion and paining.
05o02 Treadmill; at the training school for wayward girls they have ways of getting the results they want.
05o03 Debtor; sold into slavery to pay her husband’s gambling debts, the nagging wife sees the error of her ways, too late.
05o04 Waddle Duck; taken for a waddle before losing her virginity the kidnapped bride finds her fate.
05o05 Uncle Jethro; running out of
gas in front of an abandoned farmhouse may not have been the smartest thing the
young virgin ever did.
05o06 Puka Pump; a night of agony followed by a day of dementia.
05o08 Curated; If she wants a parish of her own, she’ll need the Bishop’s OK. She’ll get it, but at a price.
05o09 Perks; the Headmaster’s perks include maintaining school discipline.
05o10 Enema; bellies filled to bursting, six ponies race for one toilet.
05o11 Dracula; the old man finds his youth one more time.
05o12 Isolation; held for ransom in a Brighton Beach basement, the daughter costs her daddy all his gold.
05o13 Schoolboy’s Revolt; teachers get teached when the students take over the school.
05o14 Furrow; the sharecropper’s daughter pays off her family’s debt.
05o15 Gentleman’s Club; the young orphan finds the world to be less than kind.
05o16 Roaches; after a night with the roaches, the slave girl was much easier to train.
05o17 Strapped; the transported convict serves out her sentence.
05o18 Milker; having lost her baby to a puritan judge, the unwed mother takes a job as a wetnurse.
05o19 Voltage; before it’s over, the rebel will tell almost all she knows.
05o20 Ward; on a foster child’s eighteenth birthday the court looses interest. Not so the slave dealers.
05o21 Liverlips; needing some cash, she’s done something rash.
05o22 Harsh Training; the making of a mare.
05p Tim illustrated Jerkers
05p03 Chain Gang; guests of honor at a neo-con male bonding session at Camp David.
05p04 Mad Doctor; the perfect servant, the Igor sees to the proper training of his Master’s herd.
05p06 Tim’s Ponygirls; the ponygirl is all trained up and ready to go on the auction block.
05q Vet Illustrated Jerkers
05q01 Donkey Girl; masked and muzzled the donkey girl gets bred.
05q02 Bernadette; harnessed and happy the pony girl’s fertile.
05q03 Atisha; the African princess is taken to Charleston and trained as a pony.
05q04 Nappy; hoof boots and bridle, a tail insidle, master not idle.
05r Annis Illustrated Jerkers
05r01 Bi Bi Birdey; sometimes coming a day early for a date works out even better. Annis
05r02 Gloria; daddy’s girl holding, roped and ready. Annis
05r03 Discovery; bound by the enema bandit, the housewife reveals her secrets to her vanilla hubby. Annis
05r04 Learning Curve; the new sex slave has just three weeks in which to learn her new duties. Annis
05r05 Scavenger Hunt; Bobbie sox Betty meets Peter The Pervert. Annis
05r06 The Model; she thought she wanted the money, but before long she wanted much more than that. Annis
05r07 Database; the grad student is doing a sex survey, until she finds the right door, then she’s doing something a whole lot more exciting.
05r08 Slumber Party; the night is young, let the rites begin.
05r09 Door To Door; working her way through college, the door to door magazine saleswoman meets Peter The Pervert.
05r10 Clothesline; Clothesline restraining, setting her free, Her passion rising, her changing plea
05r11 Rent; the first of every month, the rent comes due.
05r12 Taking Easy; the coed bondage model earns her fee and so much more.
05r13 Poker Night; “Fuck? Doesn’t anyone play cards any more?”
05r14 Restless Virgin; safe in her bedroom, the restless virgin plays a little game of stinkyfinger.
05r15 Randy Andy; fucking for fun and profit.
05r16 Forfeit; topping from the bottom, the subbie sheds her hymen.
Some long, some short, all dealing with the different aspects of Bondage.
0601 72; The American missionary is counting on her Master's sense of tradition, but not closely enough. 1 Illo by Bishop.
0602 Alien Slaver; the crop of fuel units is ripe, God hopes for a promotion. 4 photos, 6 illos from unknown artists, 2 by Tarsis.
0603 Angel of Vengeance; novel length story about Death Squads and the men who use them.
0604 Bamboo; The Lady Emi has been arrested and is being marched under guard to be questioned. Photo illustrated.
0605 Beast Of Burden; the battle between the Greens and the Reds, played out in an old growth forest. Photo illustrated.
0606 Bell Book And Candle; the evil bishop terrorizes the city by using his witch hunters to destroy all resistance. 6 Badia illustrations.
0607 Brainman; cybersex and rough trade torture, all in the safety of your hammock. 10 Prichard illos.
0608 Bushido; Samurai, Shoguns and young women in big trouble. 5 illos from unknown artists.
0609 Christy; a short but sweet love story. 1 very pretty photo.
0610 Clowns; kidnapped from a deserted mountain highway the college girl meets seven Bozos in slap.
0611 Detour; coming home from the war, a Jewish soldier gets detoured by a gang of neo nazis, led by her own fiancé. 4 Bishop, 2 Prichard illos.
0612 Escort Service; one night in Virginia, a hooker earns her pimp a nice bonus.
0613 Far Enough; the ropes on her wrists keep her tethered, yet they also take her to a place where her dreams and desires can come true. Photo illustrated.
0614 The Finishing; at Miss Glenda’s Secure School for Young Ladies, the girls learn proper deportment and other lessons. Two Rosco illustrations.
0615 Floorshow; an actress recites Peter Loaf poetry while dancing on a standing dildo. 3 illustrations, one from de Mullotto, two from Bishop.
0616 Ghost Of Corregidor; the Japanese have overrun Bataan, starved out Corregidor and are enjoying the fruits of their victory. Then the commanding general disappears and all Hell breaks loose. No illo.
0618 Good News; the divinity student finds another way to “Take the Good News to the Heathens.” 6 photos.
0619 Grasser: abducted from her bed, the young woman is taken out into the woods and fucked silly. Photo Illustrated.
0620 Gunnery; the fun that can be had with 60 million bucks worth of flying machine and a small vibrating egg. No illo.
0621 Halverson; rescued from the assembly line, the worker bee becomes a pony girl.
0622 The Hook; a cautionary tale. Depuceleur illo altered by Loaf.
0623 Human Resource Management; as bouncer/enforcer for a chain of Mafia sex clubs our hero has his hands full keeping the girls in line. 11 photos.
0624 The Illegal; a novel length story of rednecks and revenge. No illo.
0625 Living History; ancestral memory, or time travel? No illo.
0626 Ménage; a man, his wife, his mistress and the big queer from 5-F. No illo.
0627 Nightstick; taken in the night by klansmen posing as cops the black girl is left in the forest preserve to serve as a lesson. Illustrated.
0628 Nikki; novel length, spies, counter spies, agents, inventors and bondage by the bucket. 1 illo by Naka.
0629 Noise; the exotic dancer should have been more careful, instead she finds herself a hoodwinked and hogtied captive in someone’s car trunk. Photo illustrated.
0630 Preppies; at a school for troubled rich kids (Over 18) the headmistress wields a whip. 7 Stig illos.
0631 Private Heaven; Cassandra Crossway has been nominated to the highest court in the land. Her enemies will stop at nothing to force her withdrawal. Co-written under the pen name Peter Sheffield.
0632 Promiscuous; The slave girl who cannot say no, says yes. Photo illustrated.
0633 Prudence; she trusts her lover enough to let him tie her up and take her out into the woods. Then the trees become strangers and trust has nothing more to do with it. Photo illustrated.
0634 Quality Time; two people having a quiet evening at home.
0635 Rough Justice; kidnapped by three perverts who have scores to settle, the lady lawyer gets what she has coming. 3 Bishop illos.
0636 Saving Grace; when her baby sister doesn’t come for her 21st birthday party Linda goes looking. 7 Bishop Illos and a Loaf.
0637 The Shoot; 3 tales of 1 illo by DeMuloto, 5 by Bishop, two photos by Jay Edwards and six by Sex And Submission.
0638 Sister Beth's Cabin; the Quaker abolitionist comes South to rescue the slave. The slave teaches her how to survive sexual slavery. 5 Vet illos.
0639 Stakeout; the rookie policewoman is the bait, the serial rapist is way, way ahead of them. Two insex photos.
0640 Stalker; novel length, a lifetime of itinerate rape. No illo.
0641 Sweetmeat; 2 hookers, a pimp and the gelding who loves them. Illustrated by an unknown artist.
0642 Tasha; a novel length story of Genghis Kahn and the red headed slave girl who saved Europe.
0644 Three Way; a bottom and her two favorite tops. 1 bishop illo.
0645 The Trip; caged and naked, the subbie goes to Florida. Photo illustrated.
0646 True Adventures; self bondage and the dangers therein. 1 Sanderlin illo.
0647 Trust Me; the frat boy and his semi virgin date, playing out her sexual fantasies. Illustration by Coco.
0648 A Witch Burning; under the yoke of a bloodthirsty bishop, the people cower, each afraid he will be next. Stig illustration altered by Loaf.
0649 Rosie Restraint; this couple just cannot find the privacy they need.
0650 The Harness; a blind date goes south.
6051 Moonrise; the rebels come quiet in the night.
0652 The Clowns Two; signed sealed and delivered, the girl expects great service.
0653 Block And Bucket; a short exploration of the possibilities.
0654 The Marshals; sporting twin dildos, the prisoner has a date with Power.
0655 Tee Time; Skull and Bones meets The Sisterhood.
0656 The Cane; strapped, clamped and pilloried, the actress isn’t acting.
0657 Whole; some girls are lucky enough to find the right man, and get paid for it.
0658 Enema Bandit; Hogtied and helpless, guts fit to bust. The victim struggles, object of lust.
0659 Logger’s Jogger; they told her not to get caught, did she listen?
0660 Forest Preserve; a full moon, a sulky and two lovers playing the game in the forest preserve.
0661 Iron Horse; her Lord and Master has an inventive streak.
0662 Stowaway; trying to get home the girl finds a new career in the travel business.
0663 Rebel’s Regret; never sure for what she was searching, the rebel finally finds something of value.
0664 Fallen; she’s fallen and she can’t get up.
0665 Market Garden; after the bio war the victors use the vanquished as draft animals.
0666 Missionary; she came to spread the good news, she stayed to fulfill the will of Alah.
0667 The Heiress; to cover the embezzlement of her trust fund the heiress gets taken up the mountain. (See also 05n53)
0668 Moon Dancer; The captured school marm finds the “fate worse than death” to have been over-billed. (See also05n57)
0669 The Wizard; she came to his tower to find something magic. She came to the right place. Swift (See also 05n59)
0670 The English Tourist; the sex tourist finds her way to a very special club in the Ginza. Yasuda (See also 05n64)
0671 Puppet Master; hung up on an iron hook, the subbie finds fame and fortune. (See also 04bc)
0672 The Farmer’s Daughter; when the bank robbers come she is home all alone.
0673 Toughie; the girl from Belgrade is tough as nails yet tender.
0674 Diabolical; breaking the new slave in mind and spirit, the white slaver prepares her for her new life.
0675 Mountaintop; perched on the lookout, horny and hot, pony girl passion, hitting the spot. (See also 04bg)
0676 Keeper; a second visit to the Wizard’s tower. (See also 0669, 05n59 and 05j105)
0677 Cracker; slavery isn’t nearly as dead as you might have been told.
0678 Divine Right; she mistook lust for love and so was destroyed.
0679 Witch Hammer; the coven of three, the maiden, the mother and the hag.
0680 Lost And Found; the empire has made its move, can a tree hugger trip it up?
0681 Home Invader; the convent girl finds her true vocation just in the nick of time.
0682 The Smith; after years of self-denial, the subbie submits.
0683 Islander; she thought she’d learn to sail. Instead she learned to pull a plow.
0684 Maid’s Day Off; the high brought low. The baroness is in a fix.
0685 A Passage To Valencia; the spy has been caught, now is the time to wring her out.
0686 Dire Straits; caught red handed, the safe cracker pays the penalty.
0687 Enemy Princess; alone and helpless in the court of her enemy.
0688 Wilderness; they went looking for privacy, they found a pair of predators.
07a Moll Flanders Stories
07a01 30 Days; a story of sexual slavery in a North Beach Bondage club. 22 illos, 14 Bishops, 2 Von Gothas, 2 RRs, 1 Loaf, 1 Prichard, 1 R, 1 photo.
07a02 Jack's ann; collared in Eden, ann needs the fruit. 9 illos, 1 by Vallejo, 2 by Bishop and 6 by Tarsis.
07a03 Gwen; kidnapped by Japanese businessmen, she finds love in a padded cell. 6 Bishop illos.
07a04 Turk; accused of arming terrorists, the woman finds of what she is made. 6 Bishop illos.
07a05 Pussydance; pulp wood, politics and passion, the Feds under siege. 13 Illos, 12 Bishop, 1 RR.
07a06 Chrysalis; hung up to morph, the subbie changes. 1 illo, unknown artist.
07a07 brenda bump; Molly's jenny takes herself a slave girl. 1 Kagan, 2 Jackson, 2 Bishop illos.
07a08 Boobie Trap: the young man has a plan for his kinky co-ed girlfriend. Too bad, his aunt Molly has one too, and Molly's plans always trump. 1 unknown illo, 1 Prichard, 3 photos.
07a09 Willie; the young woman has been trying to trim off a few extra pounds but has lacked the motivation to do what needed to be done. The Moll Flanders spa is just what she needs. 4 Willie illos.
07a10 Oubliette; Trapped in the bottom of a bottle shaped room, the girl finds her answers. Bishop.
07a11 Sitting Pretty; just another night of debauchery and pleasure at the Moll Flanders Club. Bishop.
07a12 Venus; fixed to a leather covered horseshoe, the submissive can only go where they take her, do what they want. Photo Illustrated.
07a13 Flypaper; a careless cheerleader cums to a sticky end. 1 Bishop illo.
07a14 Suki; a series of short stories about Tokyo's Queen of Submission. Photo illustrated.
07a15 Hotel Duloc; traveling half way around the world dressed as a cheap hooker, the submissive arrives at the BDSM Resort ready and eager for the games to begin. Photo Illustrated.
07a16 Reina; drugged, kidnapped and forced to give Him her password, the young bank worker is forced into slavery to pay back what He has embezzled. She finds it suits her. Photo Illustrated.
07a17 Old Red; Katie doesn’t get laid all that often, so when it happens she likes to get her moneys worth. Photo Illustrated.
07a18 Showpony; kidnapped from her parking garage Cathy is broken to harness and taken to a pony show. 6 photo illustrations
07a19 Juicy; Her master is an inventive genius. Her job is to test his inventions before they put them on the market. 4 photo illustrations.
07a20 The Deal; another newbie comes to the club and learns how to please her Master. 2 Rosco illustrations.
07a21 Music Man; a virtuoso performer playing her body and capturing her soul. 4 photo illustrations.
07a22 The Burglar; she likes to play a little game after her hubby goes to work. The burglar takes her game to a whole new level. Photo Illustrated.
07a23 The Market; kidnapped from a festival of lesbian love, the Park Avenue accountancy student finds herself the merchandise in a slave market. Emma S
07b Moll Flanders Poems
07b01 Tour; a worldwide romp through the vast Moll Flanders empire, mostly in verse, but with introductions to each piece. 28 Bishop illos. Contains; FLANDERS FARM, THE HOLD, ISHTAR, STARLET, TETHERED, SNIDELY'S BRIDE, SIMPLE, HELLFIRE II, TENDERFOOT, Q, DILDO, PERFORMANCE ART, HARNESS, OUBLIETTE, GADGETS, SEMINAL, FIDDLE ABOUT and THE TWENTY.
07b02 Reformer; the self-ordained “Man of God” takes the lesbians into his dungeon with the intent of reforming them. Photo illustrated. 3rd Eye.
07b03 Spider Web; she came to the Keep disguised as a top. Moll saw through that and is giving the subbie what she really wants. Bishop illustrated.
07b04 What Next; fixed flummoxed and fucked, the subbie pulls a train. MC illustrated.
07b05 Ann; a woman comes home hot and tired, only to discover her Master is throwing a pony party for all his friends from the Moll Flanders club. Illustrated by Ann.
07b06 Treed 2; the Real Estate agent sweetens the deal. Photo illustrated.
07b07 Tour 2; the subbie gets a guided tour of the Moll Flanders Keep. Photo illustrated.
07b08 70's Party; A night of fun and games at the Moll Flanders Keep. Bishop illustrated.
07b09 Prancer; with only the World Championship on the line, ponygirl Prancer looks back to see who’s coming up on the outside. MC Russell illustrated 3rd Eye.
07b10 Excalibur; A caged visit to the Moll Flanders Moscow club. Photo illustrated.
07b11 Fiddle About; a short visit to another Moll Flanders club. Photo illustrated.
07b12 Ready; one girl, four Masters and a set of stocks. Photo illustrated.
07b13 Spotty Dog; a lost mountain bike rider stops at the wrong cabin. Bishop illustrated.
07b14 Wedding Bells; fixed before the altar, the submissive takes her vows and then her hubby takes her, all in front of her family and friends. Photo illustrated.
07b15 The Yoke; Moll Flanders hires a new subbie to show and share with her customers. All three dozen of the horny bastards. Insex photo illustrated.
07b16 Moneysworth; Molly has hired a new Master, the subbies just keep volunteering. Photo illustrated.
07b17 Gothic; wearing nothing but a red leather arm binder and matching thigh high boots, the subbie will be the belle of the ball. Photo illustrated.
07b18 Garden Party; the convent girl comes out. Photo illustrated.
07b19 Princess In Pokey; the princess performs for the crowd and finds that for which she came looking. Roberts illustrated.
07b20 Power Trade; harnessed and horny, the pony girl visits the Moll Flanders stables for a day of racing. Chas.
07b21 Broken Wing; hung up in the Japanese style the girl learns to fly. Photo
07b22 Down On The Farm; the Moll Flanders Pony farm in Northern California is the scene of yet another fine live performance. Photo
07b23 Powerhouse; High stepping ponies, Mistress unkind
Thigh boots and harness, arms in a bind Emma S.
07b24 Peter Peter Poems; written to compliment the art of Peterpd. 10 Peterdp Illos.
07b25 Needful; a well broken pony is outed for the first time at the East Village Flanders club. Photo
07b26 Flypaper; a careless girl comes to a sticky end. Bishop.
07b27 Siblings; twins in harness, sold for a song. Emms S.
07b28 Topanga; netcasting again, Moll and jenny get their money’s worth. Photo
07b29 Game Set And Match; sometimes tennis lessons aren’t paid for in cash. 5 Roberts illos.
07b30 Over A Barrel; Sex And Submission shooting a scene. 7 photo illustrations
07b31 Riding The Wire; Molly runs the board while jenny keeps the home fires burning.
07b32 Handled; the professional submissive sets a new record for pay per view hits.
07b33 The Rat; facing her fear, the prisoner gives her all.
07b34 Humiliation; leaving yellow trail wherever he takes her, the submissive finds passion in her humiliation.
07b35 Bondage Bowl; winning at the Bowl provides several rewards.
07b36 Pinky; a porn queen delivers the goods.
07b37 Snidely; the ex TV preacher finds her new vocation to be both more fulfilling and more profitable.
07b38 Interview; to interview the mountain man, the reporter has to agree to His terms.
07b39 Choir; my song they’re singing, under the lash.
07c Mountain Man Stories and poems
07c01 Bar and Brank; finally, the Man on the Mountain said she could come and cum she did. Photo illustrated Story.
07c02 Perfection; barnstable bondage and one nice ass. Photo illustrated Poem.
07c03 Nifty; tightly bound, happy and helpless, the woman is taken up the mountain. [4] Photo illustrated poem.
07c04 Man on the Mountain; the subbie comes to the mountain, looking for satisfaction. 6 photo illustrated limericks telling the tale.
07c05 Forklift; the mountain man visits the Moll Flanders Club to get his batteries charged. Photo Illustrated story.
07c06 Real Time; after several years of on line teasing and deception, the submissive is finally old enough to have a real time experience. Photo Illustrated story.
07c07 Season; thirty-six hunters chasing a dozen “does” in a well fenced hunting ranch. Object, mating season. 40 photo illustrated stanzas.
07c08 Stable Mating, bound and determined, another customer comes up to the mountain to get what she can’t get anywhere else. 11 photo illustrated stanzas.
07c09 Frenzy; day two of the subbie’s adventure on the mountain. 4 photo illustrated pages
Part One, Portable Prison; held in two balks of wood, the subbie discovers many new things about herself.
Part Two Supplicant; her time up, the subbie needs more than he can give.
0801 Buchanan's World; a 3rd Eye film production of the same story as in the 3rd eye poem by the same name.
0802 Insex
Experience; while the mind’s eye watches the images unfold, the woman does a
play by play commentary, in verse.