When last we left Our Heroine,
Ronnie Allbriton (TESSERACT Game Designer & Tae-bo
Tart); she was trapped in Virtual Reality with no memory of the "real
world"; had been captured by the Kul'Dakar Amazons (the Ancient Warrior
Culture she herself helped invent); accused of being a "Spirit-witch"
& Spy; "stolen" & "entertained" by the "Sacred Twins" (who
nick-named her "Neeka"); sentenced by the Kul'Dakar's Dread Queen to be
BURIED ALIVE in the Caverns of Kor... & was! ...then was
rescued by the Alluring
& Mysterious "Red Ghost;" was transported to the Ravishing
Redhead's Subterranean Lair... & WAS EATEN BY A GIANT SNAKE!!!
(She got better.) Rescued again by The Red Ghost (who now
lets "Neeka" call her "Teela") the pair have joined forces to fight the
hated Kul'Dakar. Now aided by the Powerful Magic of their allies
The Apemen, Teela & Ronnie are on a Brave Quest to reenter the city
& rescue Princess Tollie; however, at the very first outpost of the
Kul'Dakar... Ronnie has apparently been recognized!!
They continued
up the trail, around two more switch-backs, then came to the ditch,
bristling abatis, and log palisade protecting the outpost. Ronnie
stole a glance and discovered they were at a narrow drawbridge flanked
by two guard towers. A squad of Panther Cult amazons were on
guard, with two of their giant mounts saddled and lounging beside the
gate, one licking it's paws, the other eyeing the newcomers with feline
"Halt and identify," one of the Panthers ordered, in a somewhat bored
"Teela—Kestrels, Third of the Left, detached to wander," Teela
"Pass," the guard responded, and Ronnie followed Teela across the
narrow bridge. The gate before them opened and they continued
towards the inner compound. They were halfway through the gate
defenses, surrounded on all sides by Panthers, when suddenly a voice
shouted from one of the watch towers.
"Look, it's Neeka!"
Ronnie's blood ran cold, and her
heart began hammering in her chest. Bound as she
was to her heavily loaded yoke-frame, she might as well have
been hog-tied for all the good she'd be in a fight. She carefully
lifted her eyes to gaze at Teela's back.
The redhead turned and gazed up at whoever was in the tower.
"Teela!" she shouted.
"It's Teela... and I don't know you, do I?"
The voice called down from the tower (where Ronnie dared not look),
"Not you, Hawk-chick...
your slave. She's a Neeka!"
"Have I entered the Military Zone through the Insane Panthers Gate?
" Teela inquired politely.
The surrounding guards chuckled at Teela's jibe, not taking offense.
Two stepped aside and their Squad Leader joined the group.
She was a tall Nubian (and very attractive). "No
Kestrel, this is the Impolite Panthers Gate," she answered.
The squad laughed (as did Teela), and Ronnie relaxed (a little).
"Excuse me a moment," the Squad Leader told Teela, then lifted her head
(and voice) towards the
tower. "Hara, do your Squad Leader a favor and SHUT YOUR
The surrounding Panthers cringed
(as did Teela and Ronnie), and a tiny voice answered from
above: "Yes, Squad Leader."
The Squad Leader smiled and turned her attention to Teela. "I
apologize for my Cult
Sister. You've been wandering," she noted, and Teela nodded.
"It's all the rage, back in the city, to find brown-eyed
slut-slaves with good builds, crop their hair, and call them 'Neeka.'
There was a Spirit-witch spy caught a few weeks ago that looked
like that. She caused quite a stir, supposedly defeating several
squads of guards before she was captured. And before she was
executed she seduced the Sacred Twins, seduced the Queen's
Witch-warriors, and in some versions of the tale, seduced The Queen!"
"You're kidding," Teela laughed.
The Squad Leader chuckled. "Perverse, isn't it? Anyway, the
taverns are full of minstrels singing various versions of the saga and
'Neekas' serving drinks... and themselves. No one can resist taming
a Neeka, bedding a Warrior-slave."
"Warrior-slave..." Teela muttered. "That's blasphemous!"
"It's a fad," the Squad Leader said, "and will pass. By the time
my squad gets relieved,
something else will be in fashion. Anyway..." She shifted
her attention to Ronnie. "Clean this one up and sell her... and
you could make quite a haul. What's her name?"
Teela smiled. "Neeka. She battles amazons and seduces
The Squad Leader and her troops laughed. "Enjoy the city," the
Nubian said, and gave the
"Kestrel Scout" a casual salute.
Teela returned the salute with snap (as was appropriate to an amazon of
higher standing), gave Ronnie's leash a tug, and they continued into
the outpost.
A dozen strides from the nearest
amazon or slave Teela dropped Ronnie's leash, stepped behind
her, and began fussing with the yoke-frame's load. "You did very
well, slave," she whispered.
"This slave nearly shit her loincloth, mistress," Ronnie whispered back.
"You didn't panic, and that's what counts."
Ronnie stifled a smile, proud of
her "owner's" praise. "What now, mistress?"
There was a pause while Teela tightened a strap. "This 'Neeka
fad' is a gift from the gods. It should make moving around the
city even easier."
"I meant now, mistress," Ronnie said. "This slave is
tired. "
Teela chuckled under her breath.
"And you spent most of the day resting in the bottom
of a canoe. Maybe I should sell you to a tavern or
slave-brothel, 'Neeka'... and buy me a nice strong pack-slave
to take your place."
"This slave shivers in her unworthy skin in fear and dread at the very
thought, mistress."
Teela chuckled again. "I'm
going to find a tavern with a slave kennel, you're going
to get some more rest, then I'm going to enjoy a minor feast
and maybe get a little drunk, which would be expected of a returning
wanderer. Tomorrow we head for the city, still a little less than
a quarter moon away."
Ronnie shifted her weight, settling the heavy load. "Can't we
sell these trade goods here ... mistress?"
"Don't be absurd, slave. I'll make much more in
Kul'Dakar's Main Market." She stepped to the front, retrieved
Ronnie's leash, and gave it a tug.
Ronnie stifled a sigh and followed her "mistress."
Trapped in Time-8
The remaining
days of the journey passed without significant incident. They
passed long coffles of pack-burdened slaves heading in and out of the
city, but these formal transport caravans camped in their own exclusive
walled compounds, staffed by amazon members of the Handlers Guild.
Teela and Ronnie trekked from inn to
inn, with Teela renting a bed for herself and kennel space
for her slave each night. The inns catered to amazon travelers
from the outlying colonies and farms, and their slave kennels were more
attached stables than prisons. Sometimes Ronnie would find
herself chained by her collar to a post and sleeping on a bed of straw;
sometimes locked in a wooden barn or shed, commingled with the other
guests' pack-slaves.
Ronnie soon learned there was an etiquette to the kennels. When
the mush was served, the older
(tougher, stronger) slaves supervised its distribution. Ronnie
noticed, however, that the dole was always fair. In fact, the
weaker, younger slaves always seemed to get a little more (but only
after the elder slaves watched them eat, then discovered that their own
bowls were "too full.") Sanitation was meticulous.
After the feasting in the common rooms ended and their mistresses
retired, the slaves would huddle together for warmth (and
Ronnie remembered one incident the third night from the city.
She was locked in a barn-kennel with a slave a little older than
herself and
two youngsters, each no more than eighteen. The three were all
owned by the same amazon mistress. The night was wet and chilly
(for the tropics) and the straw pallets narrow and impossible to move.
Ronnie watched the trio trying to cuddle, having difficulty on
a single pallet.. She caught the elder's eye and nodded, opening
her arms slightly.
The elder nodded in return, and gave
one of her companions a shove away. "Stop hogging
the straw," she muttered, turned her back, and pulled the
other slave close.
The rejected youngster looked ready to cry, then saw Ronnie smile and
beckon to her. She returned the smile (shyly) and crawled to
Ronnie. The two embraced and settled into the straw. "My
name's Ronnie," Ronnie whispered.
"I'm Weena," the little blonde answered. "Thank you for your
warmth." She then looked
back over her shoulder and continued in a louder voice. "You
don't stink like other slaves I know," she huffed.
The other youngster, the one who had not been ejected, giggled
quietly. Ronnie
caught the elder's eye and they exchanged a knowing wink.
When morning came, the elder, Weena, and the other youngster went one
way (up one of the mountain
trails, hauling city goods towards a terrace farm, led in coffle
behind their amazon owner), and Ronnie trudged towards the city
on Teela's leash... just like yesterday... just like every day.
Trapped in Time-8
They came to a
wide section of trail at the crest of a rise...
and Ronnie experienced an intense flash of déjà vu.
Teela noticed her hesitation and led her towards the edge of the
trail. Between the trees they had an excellent view of the city
of Kul'Dakar, perhaps a half-mile distant. The massive
towers and ramparts of Victory Gate were directly across a shallow
valley, the walls of the city running to the sheer cliffs on either
side. Beyond the walls the top half of the massive stone block
that was Valpakra, the "Mother of Slaves," was to
the left; the domes and towers of the Kat'Ur, the "Warrior's House,"
was to the right; and the huge ziggurat that was the Kul'Dak loomed in
They had arrived at an opportune moment.
A large caravan of fresh-caught slaves was about to
enter the city in parade. Even from this distance they
could hear the eerie wail of the thousand or so bound captives and the
crack of the Handlers' whips as the procession started, the
echoing sounds carried back to their ears by a trick of the the sloped
walls. The massive iron bound timbers of the main gates opened,
music started from within the city, and the first of the
cheers echoed through Victory Gate's gatehouse tunnel.
"Naked, tired," Teela whispered; "no... naked, exhausted,
bound, terrified, and hungry... The bitch-warrior crowd cheering,
the music droning, the dust... oh Goddess of Freedom, the
dust..." She took a swig from her waterskin and spat, then held
the skin for Ronnie to drink. "I remember it like it was
yesterday. You never had a parade, did you Neeka?"
Ronnie swallowed, and blinked sweat from
her eyes (or was it sweat mixed with tears?) and listened
to the ghostly echo of the new slaves' wail. "I... I
don't know," she whispered back. "All
I remember is being there... in Valpakra... not how I got there."
"It's something all slaves and amazons have in common," Teela
mused. "All of them began what they call their 'true lives'
through Victory Gate, as part of a
coffle... even The Queen."
Ronnie shuddered in her yoke-frame bonds. "I hate her!" she
"Control your tongue, slave," Teela hissed, giving Ronnie's leash a
jerk. "'Obedience is the Prime Emotion'," she quoted. It
was the first lesson of many awaiting the new slaves being led through
the gate below. "You've done very well up to now. Don't
start slipping on me."
"Yes, mistress," Ronnie whispered, her eyes on the dust beneath her
naked feet. Her leash jerked again and the last mile of their
journey began.
Trapped in Time-8
Chandra composed herself, as
she'd been taught. Naked but for her single jewel of power,
a Sea Hawk motif earring with a ruby eye, she was seated on the thin
pallet of her tiny cell in the training warren under the
Witch-warrior's wing of the Kul'Dak. Her legs were folded and her
hands in her lap. Her loincloth and bandeau of gold-dyed linen
were to the side, neatly folded and waiting to be donned. Battle
Practice was less than a thousand heartbeats away, and from bitter
experience the novice amazon knew that if she tried to participate in a
Coven-level exercise without achieving the proper meditative state,
she'd be fighting a blinding headache the rest of the day.
Eventually she'd be able to enter Combat Trance instantly, even
after a day of hard running... but that level of control was many long
months of training in the future.
Concentrate, she told herself... but it just wasn't working.
Something was wrong. Something was coming! She
could feel it. It had been building for hours... a vague
unease... a psychic itch...
She'd mentioned her feelings to Leefa, her Drill Leader, and had been
ordered in no uncertain terms to keep her untrained, unfocused, useless
mind on her training. Fool! Chandra fumed. Maybe
I can't diagram the forty two Spirit Channels linking the
sixteen Mundane Realms of each of the the nine Planes of Anti-chaos or
demonstrate the seven ways to mind-shield an assault force from
archers, but that doesn't mean there isn't something
out there! The least Leefa could have done was tell
the Ward Watch to be on special guard, or pass her warning on as a
petition to the Weird Council, but all Chandra got for her honest
concern was a slap on the face and a hundred extra mantras to chant.
Chandra sighed and tried again to clear her mind. This time,
rather than simply ignoring the disturbance, she tried integrating
it into her mental incantation. To her infinite relief, the
irritating buzz faded into the background noise of what she'd been
taught to call her aura. Thankfully, with the Blessing of the
Hawk, there would be no headache today.
Trapped in Time-8
"Teela the
Kestrel Scout" (and her insignificant pack-slave) entered the city
without incident, not through the post-parade chaos of Victory Gate,
but through one of the Trade Posterns. It was a short walk to the
Main Market, and after only a couple of hours of bartering she was able
to convert her trade goods (mostly bundles of aromatic jungle herbs,
decorative pelts, and exotic spice nuts), for an impressively
full pouch of coins. She immediately indulged herself by
her worn saber with a better balanced, slightly heavier, not as
elaborately decorated model, and by renting a private room in a slave
brothel for herself and her slave.
Tired from a day of load-hauling, the stress of entering the city, and
the mental exhaustion of maintaining her servile role, "Neeka" stood
sullenly behind her mistress as her now half empty yoke-frame was
removed by two of the brothel's trustee slaves: a
tall blonde and a short redhead. Both were naked, but for silk
loincloths, and were clean, oiled, and perfumed, their hair elaborately
plaited and pinned back (the very opposite of Ronnie's dirty, sweaty,
tousled, and trail-worn condition).
Ronnie watched (with carefully stolen glances, as would any slave) as
Teela negotiated for room and board with the establishment's amazon
owner. Finally, a deal struck, Teela's brown-skinned
amazon hostess led her away with a gesture. Without a backwards
glance Teela shouldered her weapons and cloak and followed. Ronnie
would have followed as well, but was held back by the other two slaves.
"No, stupid," one whispered (the redhead), "you're getting a bath."
"Never been in a slave brothel before?" the blonde asked, and Ronnie
shook her head. "It figures," she muttered. "A wanderer
returns from the wilderness, fresh-minted coins burning a hole in her
pouch, books herself a deluxe suite with play-kennel, double
meals of every delicacy on the menu... and wants to share it with her
untrained pack-slave."
"There's no accounting for a mistress' taste," the redhead sighed.
"Especially when it comes to her choice of slave-wife," the blonde
added, and the pair laughed.
"Did you say bath?" Ronnie sighed.
"Shut up, Dirt-monkey," the blonde scolded, "or you'll be gagged.
If it wasn't for you, one of us would be sharing a feast
"Don't take it out on the Monkey," the redhead said. "It's not
her fault her owner lacks imagination."
Ronnie was hustled through a side corridor, past a bustling kitchen
(the delicious aromas causing the "Dirt-monkey's" mouth
to water), through a barred gate, and into the slave quarters.
She was thrust into a tiled room, her loincloth was jerked away,
and she was tossed a bucket and sponge.
"Get clean!" the blonde ordered.
Ronnie filled the bucket from a slowly running font
to one side, then stepped back to the center of the room and over
the drain in the floor, poured the bucket over her head, and began
scrubbing herself with the sponge. This process was repeated
three more times until the blonde was satisfied with Ronnie's condition.
"You know..." the redhead said, inspecting Ronnie's
wet, dripping form with a clinical eye, "this one has the makings
of a 'Neeka.'"
"Like she isn't one now?" the blonde responded, stifling a yawn, "and
as if we need another one?"
"No, I'm serious," the redhead continued. "She's well fed.
Tan skin and big tits, perfect tone from all that trail hauling,
graceful, obviously a natural slut-slave... She'd make a good
addition. We should suggest her purchase to mistress."
"The kennels are full, in case you haven't noticed," the blonde
muttered, then turned back to Ronnie. "That's enough,
Trail-monkey. Over here."
Ronnie was dried with a rough towel, then led to another room.
"Inspection position!" the blonde barked. Ronnie gazed at her,
confused. "Are you a dimwit?" the blonde demanded. "Legs
apart, back straight, hands on your head, elbows back!"
"She's tired," the redhead said, walked to a rack of shelves cluttered
with small clay and glass vessels, and returned with a small pot.
"Hold still, Monkey," she purred. "You'll like this."
She removed a leather cover from the jar... and a
pleasant aroma filled the room. All three slaves inhaled deeply,
enjoying the floral, musky, exotically complex perfume. The
redhead dipped her left hand in the pot, then handed it to the blonde.
She then rubbed her hands together, then began rubbing the thick,
greasy oil on Ronnie's skin, starting at her ankles, up her calves and
shins, over her knees, and up her thighs.
Ronnie shuddered and sighed. The thick oil felt hot on her skin,
soothing her aching muscles with a deep, throbbing burn. She
stood perfectly still (as still as she was able)
as every square inch of her body was oiled, panting with pleasure
as her buttocks, back, abdomen, shoulders, and breasts were kneaded
and massaged.
"Enough, already," the blonde said finally and nodded at her partner.
"Go clean your hands before they get red."
The redhead returned to the washroom and the blonde
led Ronnie to a pair of stools. "Sit!" she ordered, then sat
herself, took Ronnie's hands, and began cleaning her fingernails
with a wooden stylus and a small brush. The redhead returned
and made quick work of Ronnie's toenails.
Ronnie closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy
being pampered. Her hands and feet were oiled and wiped;
her face massaged, lightly oiled, and patted with a fluffy cloth;
and her hair brushed, dusted with perfumed powder, brushed again,
then carefully rubbed down with a lightly oiled cloth. Finally,
her teeth were brushed with a spicy, aromatic paste.
"Up!" the blonde ordered. "Inspection position—but don't
muss your hair!"
Ronnie stood, hands atop her head (but not touching
her sleek brown bob), feeling clean and relaxed for the first time
since... since The Red Ghost's Lair. Remember where you
are, she reminded herself.
The redhead walked up with another small clay pot in her hands,
stirring the contents with a small brush, a sardonic smile on her
freckled face. "Ever feel nettle oil before, Monkey?" she
"Was that what you used on me?" Ronnie whispered. "It burns.
It feels good."
The blonde
stepped behind Ronnie, grabbed her hands, and wrenched them
behind the startled brunette's back. Ronnie felt binding fiber
tightening around her wrists and thumbs, then the fiber was pulled
tight with a savage jerk, cinched, and knotted.
The redhead watched her partner work with a gloating smile. "We
oiled you with aromatic palm and pepper oils mixed with rendered musk,"
she said when Ronnie's binding was accomplished. She held up the
pot and her smile became... feral. " This is nettle oil.
It also burns. Open your mouth."
Ronnie frowned. "Wha—M'MMPFH!"
The blonde had reached around from behind and crammed a ball of silk in
Ronnie's mouth. This was followed by a neatly folded silk cloth
that cleaved the shuddering, squirming captive's mouth and was knotted
tightly (but elegantly) at the nape of her neck.
"Screaming disturbs the mistress-guests," the redhead explained, "
especially when they aren't the ones causing it."
One hand clutching Ronnie's wrist bonds, the other on the knot of her
gag, the blonde leaned close and whispered in Ronnie's right ear.
"If you break position or struggle, you'll be punished. We
have ways of causing you pain without marking your hide and
spoiling your mistress' pleasure."
"Don't be mean," the redhead muttered. "This will be hard enough
on the poor thing without you doing your Bitch Handler act."
She smiled at Ronnie and pulled the tip of the brush from the
pot. "Brace yourself, Monkey," she said, and
began painting Ronnie's left nipple with a clear, glistening oil,
carefully, meticulously coating the entire surface from the margin
of the areola to the tip of the erect teat.
Ronnie watched this process with dread... then with surprise. The
oil burned a little, but it wasn't that bad. Her right
nipple received a coat of oil, and the redhead knelt and set the pot on
the floor.
"Don't move," the redhead ordered, and reached out with her left hand,
parted Ronnie's labia, and teased the hood from around the captive's
clitoris. Squinting in concentration, she then gave the erectile
nubbin a smooth, glossy coat of oil with the tiny brush.
Ronnie shuddered and squirmed in her bonds. She couldn't help
herself. The deep burn teasing her flushed nipples was
building... and now her clit was burning as well.
"You were told not to move," the blonde hissed.
The redhead retrieved her pot, stood, and walked back towards the
shelves. "Let her be!" she called back over her shoulder.
"She's done very well, so far." She placed the
pot on a shelf, turned, and ambled back towards Ronnie and her partner,
a chilling grin on her angelic, freckled face. "Let her go."
The blonde released Ronnie's wrist bonds and gag and
took a step back.
Ronnie shivered and her eyes popped wide. Her nipples were on
fire, and her sex was beginning to smolder. She squirmed in her
bonds and panted through flaring nostrils.
"She is doing well," the blonde conceded. "Some panic and start
weeping. I hate when that happens. It's hard trying and
make a sniveling twit look like a trained pleasure-slave."
"You're very brave, Monkey," the redhead told Ronnie. "Try to
hold still, if you can. Your mistress will be enjoying her bath
and massage right now. The nettle oil will continue to burn for a
while, then the itching will start. By the
time that peaks, your mistress should be ready for you... and
you'll be more than ready for her."
Ronnie fidgeted and danced on her bare feet. The fire in her
loins now matched her sizzling nipples. She looked down at her
flushed, painfully erect teats, half expecting to see
them burst into flame.
"Do you think you can remain still?" the blonde demanded. "Tell
the truth. If you can't, we can tie you to a post with padded
ropes. There's no shame in being untrained."
Ronnie glared at the smug blonde and shook her head.
She couldn't help but squirm, but she could remain where she
was. The burn wasn't building any more... but it wasn't
The blonde and redhead turned and exited the room, closing and locking
a cage-like door of iron bars; but their voices carried back to the
helpless Ronnie as they strolled away.
"I like her," the redhead's voice echoed.
"She is brave," the blonde agreed, "but she needs a lot
of work."
Ronnie shivered in her bonds, and suffered.
I can handle this, she told herself, trying to ignore her
blazing nipples and sex, ...I think.
Trapped in Time-8
Close to an hour
later Ronnie was delivered to her "owner." The redhead returned,
snapped a leash of braided silk rope to Ronnie's collar
and led the sweating, shivering captive through the slave corridors
of the brothel, through a heavy barred door, and into the business
part of the establishment. The air was scented with incense and
perfume (and musk). They passed through the back of a public
lute and drum music pounded, and (through the haze of sexual arousal
tormenting her every moment) Ronnie glimpsed several amazons drinking,
feasting, cheering a wrestling match between two heavily oiled and
naked slaves, and watching a troupe of silk-costumed slave-dancers spin
and whirl
around a blazing fire.
Ronnie was led through a heavy wooden door, and the music became a dull
pounding. They passed through a second door, and the music was
silent. More heavy doors were on either side of the corridor.
The redhead opened a door and the blonde led Ronnie into a large
room. She unclipped Ronnie's leash and pointed to a small rug on
the floor. "Position," she whispered, and bowed at the waist,
directing her obsequious gesture to the center of the chamber.
Still shivering with the fiery itch coursing through her
bosom and sex, panting through her nostrils, Ronnie knelt on the floor
and pressed her forehead to the smooth pile of the rug. The
backed out of the room and the door closed.
Ronnie lifted her head and found Teela lying on her stomach on a huge
bed, her chin propped on her her hands, as naked as her delivered
"Don't you look pretty," Teela said, climbed off the bed, and poured
wine from a moisture beaded glass carafe into a large goblet. She
gazed at Ronnie and took a slow, careful sip. Ronnie squirmed and
moaned through her gag. "Hold," Teela whispered, set the goblet
down, tip-toed to the door, and jerked it open.
The redheaded and blonde trustee slaves were in the corridor, looking
rather sheepish (and a little frightened). They had been
listening at the door—and were caught! Both immediately dropped
to their knees, crossed their wrists behind their backs, and placed
their foreheads on the stone floor.
"What have we here?" Teela purred, "a couple of spies?"
"No, mistress," the trustees said in unison.
"Hmm... lying spies, it would seem," Teela muttered. "Present!"
The trustees scrambled to their feet and assumed the inspection
position: feet apart, backs straight, hands atop their heads, eyes
focused on infinity. "I suppose if I punish both of you, your
will add a surcharge to my bill," Teela mused, "...so I'll punish only
one of you... but which one?" The blonde and redhead held
position with perfect discipline (the fear still evident in their eyes).
Teela gazed at the blonde, then stepped in front of the redhead,
reached out, and took the freckled pixie's chin in her left hand.
"Hmm... very pretty," Teela mused, turning the fellow redhead's
face from side to side. "You can handle your companion's duties
as well as your own for the rest of the evening, can't you?"
"Yes, mistress," the redhead whispered.
"Good..." Teela purred. "I want you to take her back to the
slut-kennels, bind her... oh... let's say... a nice tight turtle-tie?
...and make sure she stays that way 'til dawn."
"Yes, mistress."
Teela released the redhead's chin and took a step back into her suite.
"Take her in hand!" she barked.
The redhead turned on her tall companion, tapped the back of the
blonde's tan knees with one freckled foot, and pulled a length of
binding fiber out from under her loincloth, all with one fluid motion.
The blonde settled to her knees and grimaced as her wrists were
bound behind her back. The redhead then jerked off the blonde's
loincloth, thrust it between the captive's teeth, and knotted it behind
the blonde's head. The redhead then snapped the leash to the
blonde's collar (the leash formerly used to lead Ronnie), hauled the
blonde to her feet, and bowed to Teela. "Permission to depart,
mistress," she whispered.
"Granted," Teela said, and the redhead gave the blonde's
leash a jerk and began to back away. "Wait," Teela muttered,
and both trustees froze. "She is to cum at least seven times
tonight, evenly spaced between midnight and dawn."
"Yes, mistress," the redhead whispered.
"You, however," Teela continued, "are not to cum at all."
"Yes, mistress," the redhead whispered again, and Teela closed the door.
Trapped in Time-8
Teela threw the
heavy bolt on the door, smiled, and strolled towards the squirming,
mewing Ronnie. "That should give us some privacy," the pale,
naked, beautiful redhead stated, "at least until the evening feast is
delivered. Want some wine?"
Ronnie pulled on her bonds and vigorously
shook her head. It wasn't clear whether she was declining the
offered drink or trying to dislodge her gag. Teela untied the
knot of the cleaving scarf and helped her expel the stuffing. The
naked captive licked her lips and continued fighting her bonds.
they did something to me!" she gasped. "They painted this stuff
on my tits and—"
"Nettle oil?" Teela suggested. "I should hope so. I
paid enough for the service."
"You told them to do this to me?" Ronnie demanded. "Why
One hand clamped over Ronnie's mouth, Teela leaned close grabbed the
front ring of the writhing captive's collar. "Remain in
character," she hissed, then continued in a normal voice. "I give
you permission to beg, slave," she purred, and released her hand-gag.
"It will amuse me."
"Please," Ronnie gasped, locking eyes with her gloating friend.
"Please, mistress. Touch me."
Teela reached out and smoothed Ronnie's bangs. "Oh...
I don't know..." she muttered. "I thought maybe we'd wait until
after dinner. We're having river prawns in peanut sauce, roast
pork, quail garnished with— eek!"
Despite her bonds Ronnie had thrown herself at her "mistress,"
toppling the giggling redhead onto her back. She was straddling
Teela's pale body, raining kisses on her face, and grinding her breasts
and sex against her "owner." Still laughing, Teela rolled Ronnie
onto her back and straddled her body.
"Please, mistress," Ronnie whispered. "I burn,
"Poor little slut-slave," Teela cooed, and began massaging Ronnie's
nipples with her strong, pale hands. Ronnie moaned and twisted,
fighting her bonds and thrusting her sex at Teela's hip. "Does
this feel good?" Teela asked, and Ronnie nodded frantically, her moans
building to a strangled scream, strangled because Teela's left hand was
once again over her lips. The redhead's right hand was between
the writhing captive's thighs, stroking and parting Ronnie's labia and
wriggling inside the frantic brunette's sex. "Poor slut-slave,"
repeated, and controlled Ronnie's frantic writhing with her limbs and
as the bucking captive came and came.
After several long seconds (which felt like eternity to the shuddering
captive), Teela released her hand-gag, kissed Ronnie's lips, and
carried the limp prisoner to the bed. "Do you still burn, slave?"
she asked.
Ronnie writhed on the clean silk sheets, her eyes wet. "Yes,
mistress," she whispered.
"It will fade, slave," Teela promised. "It's like an itch,
isn't it?"
"Yes, mistress."
Teela climbed atop her prisoner, a gloating grin on her angelic face.
"But it's a nice itch, isn't it, slave?"
"Oh, yes mistress."
Teela traced the margin of Ronnie's left nipple with her right index
finger, causing the bound brunette to shiver with delight. "Would
you like mistress to scratch your itch again, slave?"
Ronnie bit her lower lip and glared at Teela's coy face, torn between
her anger at being treated in this manner... and her need.
"Please, mistress," she said finally.
"Only until dinnertime, slave," Teela said, and thrust her right hand
between Ronnie's thighs. "Then we eat, no matter how much of a
dripping slut-monkey you've become."
"Kul'Dakar monster!" Ronnie hissed, and kissed her "mistress."
Trapped in Time-8
At the very same
instant, across the city in the Kul'Dak, Chandra was
participating in the final pattern-spell of a day-long group exercise.
She was in one of the larger practice chambers of the
wing, one of a brace of thirty six novices drawn up in six ranks.
Dressed in bandeaus and loincloths, all were dripping with sweat,
slowly moving through the demanding exercise from pose to pose in
perfect unison.
Suddenly, Chandra cried out and collapsed to the floor. Her
coven-sisters immediately surrounding her all shuddered and gasped.
The complex framework of the spell the coven had been
constructing collapsed (although to a mundane amazon or slave (had one
been present), nothing overt would have happened in the room, other
than the novices stopping in mid stance and blinking in surprise).
The Drill Leader in charge of the exercise stormed forward.
"Chandra, what in the name of the Screaming Hawk do you think
you're doing? In all my years of kicking novices towards the
light I've never seen such a display! Are you a Witch-warrior or
a slut-slave! ANSWER ME!"
Chandra blinked and tried to focus. Her sex was tingling.
"I... I don't know what... I..."
"You're channeling carnal energy through three planes! " the
Drill leader shouted. The other novices surrounding Chandra and
their superior giggled. Two knelt and helped Chandra to her
uncertain feet.
"It wasn't me..." Chandra gasped, shaking her dripping head. "I
mean it was me, but... it was the other!"
"What 'other?'" the Drill Leader demanded.
"The one I told you about!" Chandra shouted. "The one
I tried to warn you about! She's here!"
"Who is here?" a voice
demanded from the doorway. All
turned and gasped, then bowed. A member of the Weird Council
had arrived. She was short of stance with pale skin, blue eyes,
and a short mop of dark brown hair, and was dressed in a long robe of
boiled golden silk with matching loincloth. A Hawk-goddess
clasped her robe, gold bracers were on her wrists, and tinkling golden
anklets with many dangling charms were on her bare feet. To
amazons she was a high-ranking Witch-warrior. To her
Sisters she was a legendary veteran fighter and renowned scholar.
is here?" she repeated.
"I... I don't know," Chandra answered. "I sensed something
coming, something coming to the city."
The Weird stepped forward and the coven parted to let her approach.
"You said 'she.'"
"It is a she," Chandra said, "...it is now."
"Show me," the Weird said, and took Chandra's head in her small hands.
Seconds passed, then the Weird released her hold and took a step
back. "Go to the baths, eat your evening meal... whether
you're hungry or not, novice... then go your cell and rest," she
"All of you!" the Drill Leader shouted, and the chamber emptied.
"I thought it was nothing," the Leader admitted, her eyes on the
"Not your fault," the Weird said, lifting the Drill Leader's chin and
smiling. "The Warden Mistress herself senses an intruder,
but every time she tries to see whoever it is, her sight is deflected.
It's like looking into a mirrored shield. None of
the Ward-gifted can see through it. Half of them can't even sense
"What is to be done?" the Drill Leader asked.
"The Watch has been reinforced," the Weird reassured her subordinate,
"magic and mundane. Chandra is her name?" The Drill
Leader nodded and the Weird continued. "Chandra shall be our dart
piercing the shield. You shall instruct her to follow the thread
linking her aura to this... disturbance, wherever it leads her,
and a coven-squad reinforced with warrior-elites shall follow at a
discrete distance."
"I can't send a half-trained novice after what is obviously
a powerful fey," the Drill Leader objected.
The Weird smiled. "It is not your decision... but your concern
for your young student does you credit. I can't send trained
Witch-warriors with her. Her link is personal. Others will
block or at the very least distort the flow. We will watch
Chandra through the more tenuous realms of the neighboring planes.
The shield, whatever it is, will warp around her, and
us to its mundane focus."
"I pray to the Hawk and Panther that you are correct," the Drill Leader
"I too hate sending my Sisters into danger," the Weird whispered,
turned, and left.
Trapped in Time-8
The next morning
Ronnie awoke strangely refreshed. Teela had untied her during the
night (sometime after midnight, after several glorious bouts
of lovemaking) and they had shared the suite's very comfortable
was delivered by one of the brothel's
drudge-slaves (a very pretty little
Han), Ronnie made a properly servile show of folding and stacking the
clothing and trail equipment of her "mistress," but as soon as the door
closed and they were alone, Teela motioned her over and they dived into
the food.
"This is good," Ronnie said, between bites of some sweet, exotic, pink
"This is good, mistress," Teela reminded her.
"This is good, mistress," Ronnie mumbled, then slapped her
mistress' hand when she reached for the remaining slice of melon.
"Just wait 'til I get you home," Teela whispered, contenting herself
with a juicy peach.
Ronnie smiled. "Mistress is going to punish poor Neeka?"
she whined with mock distress. "Pass the... What is that stuff?"
Teela handed her a bamboo skewer of roasted meat. "It's either
fang lizard or rock snipe... but it's good. Some kind of special
"Thank you, mistress," Ronnie muttered, taking a careful bite.
"This is good, whatever it is."
After the meal they made their final preparations for their
infiltration of Valpakra. Teela had no intention of returning to
the brothel, but arranged her possessions as if she did, draping her
cloak, bow, and quiver over the back of a chair, and leaving the still
half-loaded yoke-frame leaning against the wall near the suite's unused
slave-kennel. The absolute minimum of trail and survival supplies
required for their escape back to the Lair were packed in one small
satchel, then Teela buckled on her saber and slung the satchel over her
left shoulder to rest on her right hip. Binding fiber coils were
tied around Ronnie's wrists and knotted with tiny bows, but separately,
so she could cross her hands behind her back
and appear to be bound (without actually being
They exited the brothel, Teela in full Kestrel Scout regalia,
in a fresh loincloth, and Teela's rope trail lead (which doubled as a
climbing rope) clipped to Ronnie's collar.
Bluffing their way past the bored Cave Lion Trooper guarding one of the
lesser used posterns of Valpakra was easy. Teela's cover story
was that she was taking Ronnie in for a week's retraining and testing,
to see if she could qualify for a higher level of trustee rank:
slave-squire. Ronnie stood patiently, her hands "bound" behind
her back as Teela listened to the guard's instructions on how to find
the appropriate office of the Handlers Guild bureaucracy.
Once inside the massive building Teela led her coffle of one down the
torch-lit corridors. They passed a couple of drudge-slaves
hauling loads of linen. The dirty, nearly naked slaves knelt and
placed their foreheads on the stone flags. Teela passed them as
they didn't exist.
They came to a junction of three corridors, and Teela quickly ducked to
the right, led Ronnie through an open arch, down a set of spiral
stairs, down a much narrower corridor, and into a long corridor lined
with many heavy iron-bound doors, all bolted shut. Nearby was
yet another
junction. Teela tied the end of Teela's leash to an iron ring
pointed at the floor. Ronnie dropped to her knees. "I think
I know where we are and where we need to go," Teela whispered, "but I
to scout a little."
"Teela!" Ronnie whined.
Teela smiled. "Don't worry. Slaves get parked in the
corridors all the time. That's why the rings are here. I
won't be long. If anyone comes, just keep your head down.
In the astronomically unlikely even that an amazon asks what
you're doing here, just get weepy and say you don't know."
"Why can't I go with you?"
"I can scout things out much faster without dragging you along," Teela
explained, gave Ronnie a quick kiss, and was gone.
Ronnie blinked. One second Teela was there... the next she
wasn't. Damn she's good. Ronnie sighed and settled
her forehead to the cold stone floor.
passed... and became minutes... then Ronnie heard the click of
hobnailed boots.
stole a furtive glance to the side, and
beheld an amazon approaching down the corridor of doors. She was
a blonde, but as she was silhouetted against the torch light, Ronnie
couldn't see much more, not without being caught staring. The
"slave" closed her eyes and waited as the boots continued to approach.
"Another damn
'Neeka'," the amazon
muttered as she passed.
blood ran cold. She recognized the voice... maybe.
The boots continued for several paces, then stopped. Ronnie heard
the dry scrape of a sword being drawn from its scabbard, then the boots
returned. Cold steel nudged and lifted her chin... and she found
herself staring into the face of Elá, Captain of Panther Guards,
Ronnie's original captor when she first came to this realm!
"Not a Neeka... the Neeka," Elá said in wonder,
"returned from the afterworld. So... the bone beetles didn't like
your taste? The goddesses have a very strange sense of
humor. I imagine you have quite an entertaining tale to tell,
Uh oh!
No way around it this time!
Ronnie's BUSTED!!!
What will Elá do to our heroine?
Will she be tortured & interrogated & stuff?
(We WILL get to watch, won't we?)
Yep, do doubt about it, it's...
of Trapped in Time!
Not to worry! |
... Stay Tuned for the
NEXT thrilling
episode of...

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Revisit Chapter 7 |
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