When last we left Our Heroine,
Ronnie Allbriton (TESSERACT Game Designer & Tae-bo Tart); she was
trapped in Virtual Reality with no memory of the "real world"; had been
captured by the cruel but fictional Kul'Dakar Amazons (the Ancient
Warrior Culture she herself helped invent); accused of being a
"Spirit-witch" & Spy; "stolen" & "entertained" by the "Sacred
Twins" (who nick-named her "Neeka"); sentenced by the Kul'Dakar's Dread
Queen to be BURIED ALIVE in the Caverns of Kor... &
was! ...then was rescued by the Alluring & Mysterious
"Red Ghost," was transported to the Ravishing Redhead's Subterranean
Lair... & WAS EATEN BY A BIG SNAKE!!! (She got
better.) Rescued again by The Red Ghost (who now lets "Neeka"
call her "Teela") the pair have joined forces to fight the hated
Kul'Dakar (& their Dread Queen!) As we rejoin our story,
Teela & Ronnie are plotting to reenter the city & rescue
Princess Tollie!
"This sucks!"
Ronnie muttered, eyeing the pile of mush in the crude wooden
bowl before her. Naked but for a skimpy and very ragged
loincloth, kneeling on the stone floor of The Red Ghost's Lair, her
hands crossed and bound behind her back, she lifted
her gaze to her "trainer" and scowled.
Teela sighed, leaned down, grabbed a handful of her "trainee's" hair,
and jerked her head back. "I keep telling you. You have got
to have the reflexes of a slave. One minor slip and you
arouse suspicion... or get your throat cut for disrespect. No
untrained slave gets out of Valpakra, much less out of the city as the
personal slave of a wanderer."
After much discussion Ronnie and the Red Ghost had settled on roles for
their expedition to
rescue Princess Tollie (King Ancillar's daughter, last seen
as a hostage/slave on Meg's crew inside Valpakra, the Slave House of
Kul'Dakar, capital city of the Kul'Dakar Amazon Empire).
The Red Ghost (a.k.a. Teela) had many choices for her disguise.
Over the years she had captured the armor, clothing, and
equipment of virtually every amazon cult and guild. She had
decided to portray a Kestrel Scout, one of the hawk-riding,
Hawk-goddess worshiping warrior cults who specialized in reconnaissance
and swift raids. She would garnish her Hawk badge
with a feather and lock of her own hair,
both dipped in blood (the sign of mourning) and if questioned (which
was highly unlikely) would say her mount was slain in battle.
Amazons unfortunate enough to be thus dismounted (and survive)
often went through a period of extended mourning for their mounts, and
it wasn't unusual for them to decide to "wander" for a few months, to
pray and meditate in the wilderness, deciding what to do with the rest
of their lives. (The mount/rider bond was very personal,
whether the mount was a cat
or a hawk, and not easily shrugged off or replaced.)
Her costume
was therefore a bandeau, loincloth, and cloak of coarse linen woven in
a subtle horizontal sawtooth pattern, the earth tone colors chosen to
match and complement the feathers of her mount (and not coincidentally,
to act as excellent camouflage). She also wore a harness belt
and soft thigh boots, both in a mottled rust-red. Her weapons
were various small blades, a short recurved bow and quiver, and a
lightweight saber.
Ronnie had no choice as to her role. The iron collar
magically and physically fused around her neck limited her disguise
options to one: slave. A small ring-like bronze "slave-tag" disk
with Teela's mark was crimped around the front ring mount of her
collar. (The tag was magically charged, the means by which they would
penetrate the city's magic defenses with Teela's Spirit-witch powers
remaining intact... they hoped.) The only other change: "Neeka's"
skimpy loincloth was now a much faded and frayed rag that matched (had
once matched) her Kestrel-Scout mistress' attire. Kul'Dakar
personal slaves were often "clothed" with their mistress' cast-offs.
They had been training for more than a week. After some debate,
Ronnie's sword practice had continued. While it was death for a
slave to so much as touch a blade, much less use one to threaten an
amazon, Teela had finally agreed that if things went bad, very
bad, it would be better to have a sword-wielding novice at her
side than a cringing slave. Ronnie was getting reasonably
competent with the short sword, and had incorporated a few Tae-bo
moves into her style that might surprise the average amazon.
The rest of the training was equally rigorous but not at all war-like.
Ronnie's days of dining Kul'Dakar-style, comfortably reclined on
her side on
a soft pallet, were gone. She now took all her meals in a
wooden bowl, kneeling on the floor, and at least once a day, that meal
was "slave mush," the almost tasteless starchy mixture of
rice, grains, and dried meat that was the staple of a Kul'Dakar
slave's diet. Slave mush could be baked into bricks and with
appropriate precautions stored for months, then soaked in water
and heated (or served cold).
"You have to get used to it," Teela explained, "and you have to learn
to eat it without making a mess of your entire face... like you've been
doing it for years."
"It still sucks," Ronnie complained.
Her hand still clutching Ronnie's hair, Teela sighed again and leaned
close, touching her forehead to Ronnie's. "I'm trying to save
your life, Neeka," she whispered. "It's the small things
that betray a spy. The amazon bitches ignore their slaves, but if
something, anything makes a guard suspicious, or a passing
shopper in the market sees you do something funny, or a trustee slave
going about her duties catches you watching a guard..." Teela's
grip tightened. "...you'll die!" She released Ronnie's hair
and took a step back.
"I'm sorry, mistress," Ronnie whispered. "I'll do better."
"See that you do!" Teela barked, "and for being disobedient... no
supper tonight, and you sleep turtle-tied and gagged."
"Yes mistress," Ronnie muttered, her eyes downcast.
Teela smiled. "That's better. Good reaction. Now,
"Yes mistress," Ronnie repeated, and ate, trying her best to consume
the lumpy warm paste in
her bowl without making a mess.
"I was kidding about the no supper
and turtle-tie bit," Teela admitted.
Ronnie paused, but her eyes remained on her food. "I know that,
mistress," she said. "Mistress Teela spoils her lowly
Teela laughed and settled gracefully to her knees. "'Personal
slave' is the first grade
of trustee," she lectured, and dipped the fingers of her right hand
into Ronnie's mush. "It's expected that you and I would have a...
special relationship." She held her
hand before Ronnie's smiling lips and the "personal slave" licked the
gooey mess from her mistress' pale fingers. "You might
hear an amazon refer to you as my 'slave-wife.' If that happens,
you blush, suppress a smile, and keep your eyes on the ground. I,
on the other hand, finger my sword hilt, and try to determine if it was
meant as a good-natured jibe or an insult."
"'Slave-wife'," Ronnie purred, keeping her manner properly subservient
but clearly enjoying the blush the term brought to Teela's beautiful
"Stop that!" Teela barked, "or you really will sleep gagged
and turtle-tied."
"Yes, mistress," Ronnie answered, her lips quivering with suppressed
mirth as she licked the remaining mush from Teela's fingers.
Teela stood and walked away. "Finish your lunch," she called back
over her shoulder. "More rock-hauling this afternoon."
Ronnie frowned and started to complain, but caught herself. "Yes,
mistress," she sighed, and resumed eating.
in Time-7
was accomplished with a device routinely used by Kul'Dakar slaves to
heavy loads: a yoke-frame. There were no roads leading to
The mountainous jungle terrain surrounding the city and its
colonies made road building difficult, but the rapid fluid mobility of
giant hawk and giant cat cavalries was the Kul'Dakar's strongest
advantage, and the foolishness of allowing the rapid movement
of an invading foe obvious. Only a network of easily defended
foot trails connected amazon outposts, terrace farms, and the main
city. Commerce was accomplished with slaves as the principal
beast-of-burden, the "yoke-frame" both a tool and a unit of measure.
(One yoke-frame equals one half an average slave's weight.)
The frame itself was essentially a wooden pack frame with hip belt,
shoulder straps, a head sling at the top, and handles and wrist cuffs
at the bottom. Straps and frame were well-padded, and properly
adjusted, distributed the pack's load evenly. This was not for
the slave's comfort, of course, but to allow the extended hauling of
heavy loads without damaging the slave's hide.
Intellectually Ronnie agreed that being inescapably strapped to a
padded frame and hauling half her weight in large rocks up and down the
several miles of tunnels surrounding the Red Ghost's Lair was excellent
conditioning; but also, like eating mush from a bowl on the floor like
a pet dog... it SUCKED!
"You have to get used to the frame,"
Teela had explained. "Once we leave the tunnels and
reach the first amazon trail, we could be surprised by a patrol
or a passing caravan at any time, so I can't pamper you with a light
load; and you can't arrive at the city with chaffed shoulders and hips.
There's a headstall with a bit-gag and blinders that
can supplement the head sling. Don't make me use it!"
That first day Ronnie had managed a muttered "Yes, mistress," and had
staggered down the passage glowering at Teela's back. Since then
the loads had gotten heavier, but to her infinite surprise, the effort
required to haul them less (and the nightly hot tub soaks and deep
massages by Teela's skilled fingers almost compensated for the
pain). The stones were used to build an additional work table in
the Lair's kitchen area, nearer the fire pit.
Finally, the agreed upon day of departure arrived. "Slave" and
"Kestrel Scout" consumed the last of the fresh meat and fruit in
Teela's larder for breakfast. Ronnie watched as Teela donned her
weapons, slung her rolled cloak and a small satchel, then waited with
slave patience as she was strapped into her yoke-frame and their trail
supplies lashed down.
"That's not very much, mistress," Ronnie noted, then blinked in
surprise when Teela jerked off her
slave loincloth and began folding it into a narrow bandage.
"You forget we're taking on a consignment of 'trade goods' from the
Apemen," the grinning redhead said, then blindfolded her
"Hey! How do you expect me to follow the trail?" Ronnie
complained, then yelped when Teela slapped her face.
"Not even one step away from the Lair and already you've forgotten your
"Sorry, mistress," Ronnie muttered. "How you you expect this
lowly slave to follow the trail, mistress?"
"That's better," Teela purred, and gave Ronnie's face a gentle
slap, "but a little too impertinent. Try again."
Ronnie felt her cheeks coloring, but
she kept her blindfolded head lowered (not a difficult task
as Teela was now fitting and adjusting the frame's head sling).
"Forgive me mistress. This slave is afraid she'll stumble,
"Much better," Teela said (a very irritating tone in
her gloating voice). She clipped a rope lead to the ring dangling
from the frame's sternum strap. "I won't let you fall.
Trust mistress."
"Yes, mistress," Ronnie muttered.
"The Apemen are wary of strangers. If the Kul'Dakar ever learn
the trails in and out of their territory, it would be war... a war
they'd almost certainly lose. It's much better for all concerned
if you remain blind."
"I understand, mistress," Ronnie sighed, and waited patiently to be led
Instead, Teela came close and gave her harnessed "slave" a savage
kiss... which Ronnie returned... and it lasted for some time.
Finally, Teela broke the kiss and took a step away. "That's
the last time we get to kiss until this little escapade is over," Teela
announced. "Oh... I may slave-rape you a few times at night,
after we camp; and
you may be required to give your mistress pleasure... but no idle
displays of affection."
"Yes, mistress," Ronnie whispered, a
thrill of arousal, exhilaration (and fear) shuddered through
her body. She felt a gentle tug on her leash... and they
were off.
Trapped in Time-7
Much to Ronnie's
surprise, the blindfold was less of a handicap than she feared.
During her conditioning with the yoke-frame she seemed to have
established a rapport with her "mistress-handler" without even
realizing it. Small twitches and tugs on her leash
warned her of rough spots and obstacles in her path. It
was only on the most treacherous parts of the trail that Teela had to
grab her by the sternum strap and whisper instructions, and even
that was accomplished with a minimum of verbal communication.
The echoing closeness of the caverns suddenly gave way to the open
jungle, with all its sounds and smells and the occasional warm,
hair-stirring breeze or the gentle burn
of direct sunlight. Ronnie continued to trudge on her leash,
following her mistress' subtle signals, carefully planting her bare
feet on the leaf litter carpeting the trail.
Hours passed. There was a pause and Ronnie was helped to sit on a
moss-covered boulder, then was watered and her feet inspected.
"All that rock-hauling on the hard stone
of the cavern trails and sword practice in the sand pit has
given you tough peds, slave," Teela whispered as she massaged
the feet in question.
"Thank you, mistress," Ronnie whispered in return, her lips curling in
a coy smile beneath her blindfold.
"Do you hear that bird calling?" Teela asked. "'Took-rah...
took-rah'... then the trilling slide?"
"Yes, mistress."
"A beautiful bird," Teela said. "Long white tail feathers and
blue-green wings and body. Bright and shining, like a butterfly."
"Yes, mistress." Ronnie sighed.
"And it's not found anywhere near this valley."
"Oh... I see, mistress."
"Be brave, and be respectful," Teela instructed, then helped Ronnie to
her feet and began checking the yoke-frame's straps. "The Apemen
are not stupid, and the weakest
among them could snap your spine like a twig."
"Yes, mistress," Ronnie muttered, and the journey resumed.
Trapped in Time-7
They walked for
an hour more, then Ronnie began to notice a change in the terrain.
The trail seemed less open than before, with
more ferns and vines trailing from above that Teela had to hold
for her or maneuver her around. There were new smells on
the air as well, which Ronnie finally separated into wood smoke and
cooking food. Her stomach grumbled as she trudged through
the close jungle. It had been a long time since breakfast.
They came into a clearing, at least it felt like a clearing to Ronnie's
heightened senses.
"Wait here," Teela whispered, and Ronnie felt her leash drop.
Seconds passed. "Mistress?" Ronnie whispered. She could
hear things moving around her... big things... with big feet.
Something whooshed through the air several yards away and thudded
to the clearing floor. There was a guttural exchange, too quiet
for Ronnie to hear more than a few barking, hooting sounds, then
several pair of feet pattered away in different directions.
More seconds passed... and seconds became
minutes. Ronnie was getting nervous. Whatever...
whoever was out there... they were still there... all around
here. They had to be Apemen, she knew... but where was
Teela? What was happening?
Ronnie heard feet approaching, smaller and lighter than the others she
had been hearing, and suddenly realized
that several animals... people? ...Apemen? ...were close around
her... surrounding her.
"Toola n'wanna ree," a voice whispered, and several other voices
responded with subdued laughter. All the voices were soft and
high-pitched and feminine.
Suddenly a small hand touched Ronnie's right outer thigh. The
blindfolded, naked, and bound "pack-slave" started and bit her lip.
Then another hand touched her left knee. The right hand
returned... and remained, then other hands began touching her,
caressing her legs... then one hand touched her left butt and began
sliding towards the crack. "Urp! Mistress?" Ronnie called
out softly. Suddenly, a hand touched her sex! "Teela!"
Ronnie yelped and squirmed under the gentle, continuous, caressing
assault of the unknown female crowd.
"Hoon!" a deep male voice called from far
overhead, and in a giggling flurry the hands disappeared and
the crowd was gone... and Ronnie was alone. "Mistress?" she
whispered, bit her lower lip, and fought the urge to cry. Then
she heard a swoosh , and something big landed nearby.
"I am Keera," a voice announced. It
was alto, deeper than the others, but just as unmistakably feminine.
"You'll have to forgive the Ape-maidens. The only hairless
ones they know are the captured Ape-wives... and myself. They're
"Maidens?" Ronnie blurted, then caught herself. "I'm sorry,
mistress. This slave was frightened, mistress. She meant no
disrespect, mistress."
"Enough of that," the voice laughed, and Ronnie felt her wrist cuffs
being unstrapped, then the head sling
and sternum strap were released, and the yoke-frame pulled from
her shoulders. "Don't touch your blindfold, please," the voice
Whoever or whatever Keera was, Ronnie could tell she was tall, and from
the way she hefted the half-loaded yoke-frame with one hand while
loosening straps with the other, she was strong! "Yes,
mistress," Ronnie whispered.
A firm but gentle hand gripped and lifted
Ronnie's chin. "'Mistress'... I suppose, you're
right," Keera sighed. "It probably is best for you to
remain in character. But I refuse to punish you like an amazon
Soft lips kissed Ronnie's, and Ronnie knew she had a new friend.
"Yes, mistress," she answered, her lips curled in a shy smile.
She heard and felt her Keera step behind her and the knot of her
blindfold being checked.
"I'm going to tie your hands," Keera announced. "It will make the
more nervous members
of my family feel better. Is that all right?"
Ronnie was momentarily confused. Someone was asking if
they could tie her up? This was a first. "Yes, mistress,"
she whispered, and crossed her wrists behind her back. Something,
perhaps a broad ribbon of rawhide, was wrapped and cinched around her
wrists, then quickly knotted. The bond was comfortable, but
Ronnie could tell it had been expertly applied, and was inescapable.
Keera lifted Ronnie into her arms and carried her away. Ronnie
found her tall, polite, new friend was as hairless and apparently
nearly as naked as herself. She was carried several paces, then
abruptly shifted to Keera's shoulder and balanced there, stomach down
and rump in the air, while her captor used both hands to swarm up a
thick vine. Ronnie cringed and fought the urge to cry out.
The climbing continued for some
time. They stopped and Ronnie felt a breeze lifting her short
hair and cooling her naked skin. How high are we? she
"No matter what happens, keep still and don't shift your weight," Keera
whispered. "I won't let you fall."
"What?" Ronnie whispered in response.
"Be brave," was Keera's only answer, and they swung out into
Ronnie gasped and barely suppressed a scream. The air was
whistling around them. They swung low and then back up... there
was a pause... and they swung again. It was terrifying... and
exhilarating! Ronnie trembled, struggled to remain motionless,
and fought the urge to cry out in fear.
The swinging stopped, but not their journey. By the sounds of
fluttering leaves and singing birds,
Ronnie surmised they were high in the canopy, and Keera was running
along the branches of a forest giant.
"Jump coming," Keera muttered.
"Wha—eeeh!" Still balanced on
Keera's shoulder Ronnie was suddenly weightless—then they landed
and the running treetop journey continued. "Sorry, mistress,"
Ronnie whispered.
Keera laughed. "You're doing very well, Neeka. One more set
of vines. Here we go!"
There was a leap... and the swinging resumed. Ronnie found that
her fear had vanished. Keera was strong and as skilled as an
acrobat, and Ronnie trusted her completely. The blindfolded
captive's heart was still hammering, but now she was struggling not to
scream in delight!
The final swing ended with a running sprint and a short leap, and then
Ronnie sensed they were entering an enclosed space. She was
carried several paces, then gently placed on a soft surface.
Keera's strong hands grasped and pulled her ankles together; and
they were tied with what felt like more of the soft rawhide already
binding her wrists. Then Keera spun Ronnie around on her naked
rump and began untying her blindfold.
The frayed linen rag came away... and Ronnie blinked in the sudden
light. "Thank you, mistress... oh! " The folded
cloth was slipped around her waist from behind and was being returned
to its former role of loincloth. Ronnie squirmed as Keera's
strong, tan arms reached around her and made intimate adjustments to
the skimpy garment. As her eyes adjusted she found herself in a
hut of some sort. Dried thatch comprised the ceiling and the
walls, tied with woven grass to a lattice of lashed bamboo. The
floor was more bamboo, and Ronnie was sitting on a comfortable bed of
dried grass, herbs, and flowers covered with
a broad silk cloth in a leopard skin print.
Ronnie squirmed around to face her
and caught her breath. Keera was wearing a skimpy bra
and thong of real leopard skin and lying on her back with her legs
in the air. More of the leopard skin silk hung like a drape
on the wall behind her. Her hair was pale blonde, almost white,
and she was smiling and was tall and tan and muscular and...
"Thank you, Neeka," Keera said, her smile broadening.
Ronnie blushed. "I said that aloud?" she muttered.
"Yes," Keera laughed. "You're something of a jungle orchid
Ronnie felt her blush deepening. She squirmed in her comfortable
bonds and averted her eyes. "Wh-where are we?" she asked,
desperate to change the subject.
"Where are we, mistress," Keera corrected her, still smiling.
"Sorry, mistress," Ronnie responded quickly,
more flustered than ever.
Keera took pity on Ronnie's embarrassment, leaned close, and kissed her
lightly on her brow. "We're up in my tree house," she explained.
"You'll remain here while the Ghost chants with our shamans.
The storm shutters are lashed down, so the secrets of my family
will remain safe from your prying eyes."
"I-I'm sorry if I'm causing any trouble."
"No trouble, Neeka," Keera said. "We're happy to have you among
us... but must take precautions."
"Teela explained that to me."
"'Teela'...," Keera whispered. "The Ghost has given you her birth
name. Interesting. This is more serious than I thought."
Ronnie didn't know how to respond, exactly. Aware of the blush
still burning her cheeks she watched Keera smile, then lowered her eyes
to the mat-covered floor.
"Come over here," Keera ordered and reached behind her to produce a
covered bowl and a sloshing gourd with a cork plugged in one end.
"I assume you're hungry. I know I'd be starving if I'd
been load-hauling through the jungle all day."
The bowl was full of cooked rice, vegetables, and strips of roasted
meat. Ronnie's stomach growled and she scooted to the edge of the
low pallet and leaned forward. Keera smiled and used the fingers
of her right hand to spoon the meal into Ronnie's eager mouth.
The gourd was full of a delicious coconut and fruit juice mix.
Between swigs from the gourd Ronnie consumed every morsel in the
"You want more?" Keera asked when the bowl was empty.
Ronnie shook her head shyly. "I didn't
realize how hungry I was. Thank you. That was delicious...
Keera laughed and gave Ronnie a final drink from the gourd. "I'll
pass your compliments to the cook," she said, then set the bowl and
gourd aside and helped Ronnie lie back on the bed. "You take a
nice nap now."
Ronnie nodded, and caught herself in a huge yawn. She blushed
Keera leaned down and kissed Ronnie's lips, then turned and gracefully
exited the hut. Ronnie had a quick glimpse of the sun setting
through a canopy of leaves, then the
thatch door closed and she heard a solid timber sliding into a slot
on the far side.
Ronnie lay back, closed her eyes, and stretched in her bonds. She
could hear the wind rustling the canopy and the entire hut was gently
swaying to and fro. Keera—Jungle Princess... Keera—Friend of
the Apemen... Ronnie snuggled against the soft silk and smiled.
"Beautiful," she murmured, and was asleep.
Trapped in Time-7
It was full night
when Ronnie awoke; however, there was a full moon, and despite the
huts' closed door and shutters, enough light was present for her dark
adapted eyes to discern most of the hut's interior... then she realized
what had disturbed her sleep.
Ronnie shuddered in her bonds. There was a sound... a deep,
echoing, thundering sound... dozens,
perhaps hundreds of voices, male voices, chanting
and singing. Every hair on her body stood on end. There
were also drums and eerie flutes and a strange rhythmic whirring noise
she couldn't identify... and all of it was getting louder... and closer.
The shutters and door were closed and barred, but yellow light was
beginning to leak around the edges and through the air vents high in
the walls. It bathed the interior in flickering luminescence,
broken by shadows as the light sources moved and as shapes crossed in
front of them, large shapes.
The door flew open, and Ronnie screamed! Huge, very
hairy, very male figures flooded into the shack! They
were humanoid apes and all over seven feet tall!
Their fur was dark and glossy and did little to disguise the
muscles banding their chests, arms, and thighs! They were wearing
loincloths and elaborately painted masks fringed with feathers, and
they were on her! "TEELA! HEL—mmfh!"
Huge strong hands closed around her ankles, waist, and arms! She
continued trying to scream but one of them was close behind and had her
in a hand-gag, his huge, hot palm covering her lower face from below
her nose to under her chin! The torches remained outside, and for
Ronnie everything was in silhouette. She couldn't see many
details... then she couldn't see anything at all! A blindfold was
over her eyes and being knotted behind her head! Next, something
large and soft was stuffed in her mouth and bands of cloth or perhaps
chamois leather first cleaved then covered her lips! Thick rope
was being tied around her arms, elbows, thighs, and knees! It was
cinched and knotted. She struggled and continued to scream, but
the huge, hairy hands easily controlled her, the ropes were
tight and well-placed, and the gag reduced her cries for help to
inarticulate moans.
Ronnie was lifted into the air, the hands supporting and continuing to
control her writhing, near-panicked efforts to squirm free. She
was carried outside, and the chanting swelled in volume—then she was
tossed into the air!—and caught—then tossed again—and caught again!
This continued for toss after terrifying toss! Ronnie
squirmed in her bonds and screamed, but was helpless. She felt
her hair and loincloth fluttering and the warm, humid air rushing
her body each time she was in free fall. By the time the descent
to the ground was accomplished, Ronnie was sobbing through her gag,
shuddering with fear.
The chanting continued and the hands supported her,
carrying her prone on a bed of clutching palms, held above the
rumbling, basso profundo voices chanting all around her. Ronnie's
blindfolded, gagged and bound journey continued for several minutes.
Her panic had passed, but her heart was still hammering and
she was still very afraid.
She could tell by the increasing resonance of the primal music that she
was being carried into an enclosed space, probably
a cave. A complex, musky odor hung in in the hot, humid air,
and Ronnie's journey continued.
After a
while Ronnie
was lowered and she felt fingers
fumbling with the knots of her bondage. The chanting continued
and other hands continued to grip her torso and limbs. Soon
all her bonds were gone, including the wrist and ankle thongs.
Still blindfolded and gagged, clad only in loincloth and slave
collar, Ronnie struggled and moaned as she was lifted high and pulled
into a spread-eagle. The Apemen holding her spun in a circle,
singing and chanting in their guttural voices, easily controlling her
efforts to escape their
This continued for
several seconds, then she was lowered and felt
herself being stretched against something hard and rough. She was pinned at a slight incline
with her limbs at full stretch, against a
stone structure of some sort. Soft, thick rope began tightening
around her wrists and ankles, then her loincloth was removed.
Ronnie tugged on the the tight restraints. She could barely
move. She writhed and squirmed, sweating in the humid air and
whimpering through her gag.
One of the nearby male voices sang a new chorus in her captors' unknown
language, and was answered by the surrounding crowd. Then a
counterpoint of feminine voices joined the swell. The chant began
taking the form of challenge and reply, the males singing a phrase in
deep bass voices, the females answering in a complex alto melody.
Then Ronnie started in her bonds and screamed! A dozen pair of
small, feminine hands were rubbing her captive limbs and body, rubbing
something on her, something thick and oily, and as their small hands
slid over every inch of her body, her skin began to burn!
Ronnie writhed and squirmed. The hands continued their oily
massage. The burning wasn't painful, in fact, it was rather
pleasant. Ronnie was still frightened, but something was taking
the edge off her terror.
She felt hands untying her gag... then the stuffing was removed from
her mouth. Before she could speak, something
was held to her lower lip. "Drink!" a deep male voice ordered,
and Ronnie obeyed. Whatever it was, it was delicious, the most
refreshing, delicious liquid she had ever tasted. She drank
and drank, until there was no more. Then the stuffing was
to her mouth and then the rest of the gag as well.
Ronnie's head began swimming. Stars were bursting before her
blindfolded eyes, like silent, multicolored fireworks. The
voices, male and female, bass and alto, continued chanting. The
music was beautiful... primal and beautiful... everything was
beautiful. She chewed on the cloying gag stiffling her moans and
writhed in her inescapable bonds.
Trapped in Time-7
opened her eyes and lifted her head. The music echoed all around
was drifting weightless, bound with thick bands of living vines to a
bizarre structure of stone slabs and huge ivory tusks—Bound in a
stringent spread-eagle, and drifting in the darkness—Naked (but for her
collar)—Not gagged and
not blindfolded, but bound and helpless...
Suddenly, torches flared to life. She was in a huge cavern,
surrounded on all sides by concentric rings of stone ledges. She
was center stage in a natural theater, and the ledges were occupied by
countless dark, hairy, indistinct, humanoid shapes, waving their arms
and chanting.
Ronnie looked
down her body. She was glistening with oil and
swirling, strange, arcane, finger-painted symbols covered her
straining, struggling form. She opened her mouth to scream... and
nothing happened. She could hear air rushing from her mouth, she
could feel her lungs empty... but there was no sound... no sound
but the primal music echoing from all sides.
Three huge, upright, female, humanoid figures appeared, floating into
the torch light as if gliding above the cavern floor. They were
huge, each looming well over nine feet in height! The figure
on the left had feathered wings sprouting from her back, and a
skull-cap of dark feathers covered her head. The figure on the
right had long dark hair from which a pair of cat-like ears emerged.
Her eyes were red, with dark vertical slits. The central
figure was taller than the other two and had blonde hair,
well-developed muscles, and was bound in a collar, manacles, and
connecting chains of gleaming steel. All three were very
Ronnie recognized
them instantly.
They were the central trinity
of the Kul'Dakar pantheon: the Hawk, the Panther, and the
Slave-goddess, in their most human forms. Ronnie screamed
silently and pulled on her bonds. She was helpless.
Suddenly, between
Ronnie's splayed legs, a fourth figure rose into view, as if ascending
from the underworld. It was
The Queen! Ronnie's efforts to escape doubled, with no effect
on her condition.
The Queen was wearing leather training armor, just as when Ronnie had
seen her last, in the Audience Chamber of the Kul'Dak... right before
she was condemmed to be buried alive. The Queen smiled at Ronnie
in a gloating, sardonic manner. "Well, well, well," she purred,
her voice easily heard above the rumbling chant still echoing through
the cavern. "If it isn't our escaped, Spirit-witch spy, delivered
for our pleasure..." She came closer and raised her hands and
Ronnie could see that The Queen's fingers were long and her nails even
longer, and they were razor sharp! "I'm going to enjoy this a
great deal," she said, leaned towards Ronnie's glistening sex, and
opened her mouth fully.
Ronnie's eyes popped wide in horror! The Queen's
mouth was filled with serrated fangs! Ronnie put her head back,
Trapped in Time-7
Ronnie sat bolt
upright and opened her mouth to scream—and was immediately hand-gagged.
"It's about time you woke up."
The hand-gag was released, and Ronnie blinked in surprise. She
was bound hand and foot, ankles together and crossed, wrists behind her
back; she was back in her loincloth (her collar was still around her
throat, of course); and she was in a dugout canoe—in the middle of a
jungle river. "What the...?"
"I was afraid I was going to have to use that wake-up potion the
shamans gave me."
Ronnie shook her head. Her companion (the other occupant of the
canoe, the one not tied up) was, of course, Teela, and she was
in her Kestrel Scout disguise. Her bow,
quiver, cloak and satchel were on the floor of the canoe, and so was
Ronnie's yoke-frame. Ronnie noticed that her load had doubled.
new bundles were lashed to the frame. "What...?"
"The Apemen are a week behind us, slave," Teela said with a grin.
"The first River Outpost of the city is six hours ahead."
Ronnie stared into Teela's eyes, then shook her head again.
"Th-the Queen, she..."
"It was a hallucination, Neeka," Teela explained. "The ceremony
infused your collar with the deflection spell and—"
"You said you'd already done that!" Ronnie interrupted,
shivering at the memory of her ordeal.
"Keep your voice down, slave," Teela hissed, continuing
to paddle. "We probably won't pass the first Jungle Scout hide
for two hours, but you never know. My magic merely primed the
talisman. It takes more than a quick chant to defeat Great Magic
like the city wards... and warning you would have weakened the spell."
"Oh..." Ronnie said quietly. "Sorry mistress."
Teela paddled for several strokes. "It... it wasn't that bad...
was it?"
Ronnie shivered again. "I'm okay... mistress."
"Good," Teela said, and paddled some more.
"Why am I so sore?" Ronnie asked, stretching in her bonds.
Teela laughed. "You've been hauling eighty pounds
over jungle and mountain trails from sunrise to sunset for a week...
stumbling along like a zombie, muttering curses at The Queen."
"Keep your eyes down and don't speak unless spoken to,"
Teela whispered.
"Yes, mistress," Ronnie answered. "How soon did you say we would—"
"Starting now!" Teela hissed.
Ronnie stared at the passing water, her head lowered. Very
carefully she watched with surreptitious glances as Teela raised her
paddle and waved it in the air, then pointed the tip towards a distant
tree on the right bank of the river, perhaps a quarter mile ahead.
A red cloth appeared high in the tree's crown and waved in return.
"They've moved the perimeter out a little," Teela observed.
"Yes, mistress," Ronnie whispered.
Trapped in Time-7
The river
outpost was on a bluff above the river and was nothing more than
several huts surrounded by a ditch, stockade, and abatis of sharpened
stakes. Teela paddled the canoe towards a narrow beach protected
by a crude breakwater of logs and stones, carefully skirting several
basket-like fish traps suspended from floats in the main channel.
She beached the canoe, hopped out, and reached back in to untie her
"slave." "Get your frame," she muttered, "then haul the canoe up
next to the others."
"Yes, mistress," Ronnie whispered, and scrambled to obey. The
fully loaded yoke-frame was heavy, but she managed to get it above
the wet sand with relative ease. The canoe itself was much more
difficult. She tugged and struggled, and finally managed to drag
the heavy wooden thing a few feet until it was beside the other canoes,
then roll it onto its side and onto a pair of logs.
Teela pointed at the yoke-frame and Ronnie hurried back and
began the process of donning the heavy load. She balanced it
on its base, stooped, and settled the padded yoke on her shoulders,
then carefully stood, grasping the handles. Her head submissively
bowed and eyes on her bare feet, she waited as her "owner" fitted the
wrist cuffs, hip belt, sternum strap, and head sling.
The lead was snapped to the sternum strap ring, and allowed
to dangle as Teela donned her quiver, rolled cloak, and satchel, slung
her bow, and adjusted the ride of her blades and saber. She then
retrieved the end of the leash and gave it a tug. "Every slave is
afraid," she whispered to Ronnie, "but you're under the charge of your
Teela of the Kestrel Scouts, Left Wing, Third Flight. Repeat
"I'm under the charge of Teela of the Kestrel Scouts," Ronnie
whispered, her eyes still on the sand, "Left Wing, Third Flight."
The leash tugged again, and they stepped off.
They left the beach and started climbing the winding trail.
The trail was steep and despite her conditioning Ronnie was soon
dripping with sweat in the humid, tropical heat. They came to
an amazon at the third switch-back. From her boots Ronnie could
tell she was a Jungle Scout.
"Well met, in Her service," the stranger said (to Teela, of
course). Ronnie kept her eyes on the trail.
"Well met, serving She," Teela answered.
"Wandering over?"
"Maybe," Teela answered. "News from the city?"
"Nothing much," the stranger answered. "Another year,
another campaign. This time it's the Steppe Riders. Lots
of work for the Cheetahs, Panthers, and Hawks. Not much for
"I've been South," Teela answered. "Didn't see a damn
thing worth reporting... other than there isn't a damn thing worth
The stranger laughed. "Negative reports are valuable too.
Enjoy the city!" she said and stepped past them towards the river.
"Thanks," Teela grunted, and gave Ronnie's leash a tug.
They continued up the trail, around two more switch-backs, then came to
the ditch, bristling abatis, and log palisade protecting the outpost.
Ronnie stole a glance and discovered they were at a narrow
drawbridge flanked by two guard towers. A squad of Panther Cult
amazons were on guard, with two of their giant mounts saddled and
beside the gate, one licking its paws, the other eyeing the newcomers
feline curiosity.
"Halt and identify," one of the Panthers ordered, in a somewhat bored
"Teela—Kestrels, Third of the Left, detached to wander," Teela
"Pass," the guard responded, and Ronnie followed Teela across the
narrow bridge. The gate before them opened and they continued
towards the inner compound. They were halfway through the gate
defenses, surrounded on all sides by Panthers, when suddenly a voice
from one of the watch towers.
"Look, it's Neeka!"
Oh No!
Is the jig up before the dance even
Are Ronnie & Teela discovered?
Will the Red Ghost (& her sidekick
Neeka) be captured & interrogated & tortured & subjected to
all sorts of horrible-naked-kinky-amazon-stuff?
Could this be...
of Trapped in Time! |
... NO!!! (Is
this bit getting old yet?) |
of Chapter 7.
Rest assured, Ronnie's Virtual Adventure WILL continue... eventually...
But in the meanwhile...
... Stay Tuned for the NEXT thrilling episode of...

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Revisit Chapter 6 |
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