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A SERIAL MELODRAMA by Van © 2003 |
When last we left Our Heroine, Ronnie Allbriton (TESSERACT Game Designer & Tae-bo Tart); she was trapped in Virtual Reality with no memory of the "real world"; had been captured by the Kul'Dakar Amazons (the Ancient Warrior Culture she herself helped invent); accused of being a "Spirit-witch" & Spy; "stolen" & "entertained" by the "Sacred Twins" (who nick-named her "Neeka"); sentenced by the Kul'Dakar's Dread Queen to be BURIED ALIVE in the Caverns of Kor... & was! ...then was rescued by the Alluring & Mysterious "Red Ghost;" was transported to the Ravishing Redhead's Subterranean Lair... & WAS EATEN BY A GIANT SNAKE!!! (She got better.) Rescued again by The Red Ghost (who now lets "Neeka" call her "Teela") the pair have joined forces to fight the hated Kul'Dakar. Now aided by the Powerful Magic of their allies The Apemen, Teela & Ronnie have reentered the city to rescue Princess Tollie; however, temporarily alone in the Vast Labyrinthine Corridors of Valpakra, naked but for collar & loincloth, kneeling & tethered to the wall, Ronnie has been discovered & recognized by Captain Elá, her original Amazon Captor!!!
Ronnie's heart was hammering in her chest. Kneeling on the hard floor, her wrists crossed behind her back (wrapped in binding fiber to appear as if she was bound, but actually free), Elá's sword point under her chin, naked but for a tiny loincloth, Ronnie stared up the length of the Guard Captain's blade and into her gloating blue eyes.
"What are you doing here, spy?" Elá demanded, nudging Ronnie's throat just above her collar. She then noticed the small medallion plaque crimped around the base of the ring on Ronnie's collar and leaned closer to examine its markings. "'Tilá'," she read aloud. "So... back from the dead and promoted to personal slave. Who is this Tilá? ...a fellow spy?"
"I pronounce it 'Tee-la'."
Two things happened with lightning speed: Elá spun on her heel to find Teela standing a pace behind with drawn saber, but as she did so, Ronnie reached out with her "bound" hands, grabbed Elá's sword wrist, and gave it a savage twist. Ronnie grabbed the blade as it fell from Elá's numb hand, grabbed the rope still clipped to her collar, and rolled to the side. Meanwhile, Elá had drawn a fighting dagger with her left hand, but this was already caught and pinned on the guard of Teela's saber; and Teela's left hand was extended and held, palm forward, inches from Elá's face. Teela's eyes glowed a bright emerald green... and Elá collapsed like a puppet whose strings had been cut.
By this time Ronnie had the rope unclipped from her collar and was at the ready. Teela knelt and pulled a couple of large linen rags from her satchel. She stuffed one in Elá's mouth, quickly whipped the other into a rolled bandage, and tied it between the still unconscious amazon's teeth in a tight cleave-gag. As she was lashing Elá's wrists behind her back with binding fiber, the blonde warrior came to her senses and began struggling.
"This one has a strong will," Teela muttered as she tied the final knot with a savage jerk. "Two doors down is a punishment room," the redhead told Ronnie. "We'll stash her there. Get her dagger and my rope, and let's go, quickly!" She hauled Elá to her feet with one hand in the blonde's hair and the other grabbing her harness. "C'mon, Captain," the gloating redhead growled, whispering in the struggling, angry captive's ear. "Remember what life was like before you passed your trials and took your oath to serve The Queen? When you were just a fresh caught slave? You're about to take a trip down memory lane."
Trapped in Time-9
Halfway up the complex ziggurat that was the Kul'Dak, Chandra the Novice Witch-warrior was kneeling on a woven mat. She was out on one of the palace's terrace balconies, naked and alone, her only adornment her hawk earring Witch-tool. Witch-warriors guarded all entrances to the terrace. All distractions had been removed. The novice meditated, eyes focused beyond her current reality" (as she'd been taught), and she allowed her aura to expand... and expand... until it hovered over the bustling city like an invisible shell. She could just feel the aura of the intruder who had invaded the city, the one who had somehow managed to shield herself from the city's protective wards... but she couldn't localize the spy's mundane form. Maintaining such a wide presence was taxing, but Chandra persevered. This was her first real assignment, and she had hardly even started her training. She would not fail.
From a neighboring terrace but well back in the shadows, Chandra was being watched by two Witch-warrior elites: the short brunette member of the Weird Council who had assigned Chandra the duty of following her link to the mysterious intruder, and The Queen's Champion. The Champion was dressed in full plate armor, rare and hideously expensive, even for the Kul'Dakar, and this armor was custom fitted with magic. It weighed next to nothing (less than leather), but was impervious to virtually all mundane attack (and most magic).![]()
The Champion's magic talent was turned almost completely inward, trained and tuned to enhance her fighting skills, so her vision of the planes beyond the mundane was limited. "Is it working?" she whispered.
The petite Weird at her side nodded. "Yes... but unless our intruder does something—wait!"
Chandra's body tensed and she turned to face Valpakra, the vast, block-like building that housed the Handler's Guild and the city's main slave training facilities.
"Valpakra?" the Champion asked.
"Or that quarter of the city... or the walls... or the terrace farms on the far ridge." The Weird sighed. "I sensed a tiny disturbance, but if I wasn't tuned to the Novice's aura, I would have dismissed it as noise."
"But the search is narrowed," the Champion growled.
The Weird nodded in agreement. "It is narrowed."
Trapped in Time-9
The punishment cell contained a "Spike Cage," an open cabinet with oak sides and iron bands and lined with sharp spikes. Its appearance was deceptively open and airy, but the interior space available for an occupant who wished to avoid being impaled on one or more of the cage's vicious spikes was quite limited.
It's quite difficult to strip and bind a healthy amazon warrior who is fully alert, only partially restrained, and PISSED OFF, but Teela and Ronnie accomplished this feat in a relatively short time. The cell contained a basket full of thin rope, so binding supplies was not an issue. Ronnie assisted but let Teela take the lead. The smiling redhead reinforced Elá's wrist bonds, then bound her arms to her sides, used a crotch rope to pin her wrists against her buttocks, and tied her knees and ankles. "That's not very tight," Ronnie observed.
"She's going to be standing in that cage a very long time," Teela explained, locking eyes with her glowering victim. "If the ropes are too tight, they might hinder her circulation, and she might collapse against the spikes even sooner." The mention of the cage caused Elá to redouble her struggles, but Teela knew how to bind a prisoner. Teela stripped and began donning Elá's uniform. "A Kestrel Scout goes in," Teela explained in response to an inquisitive stare from Ronnie, "and a Panther Cult Captain comes out. It never hurts to confuse your tracks... even if you aren't being pursued." She quickly bundled her old costume and tossed it beside the door. "Wait here," she told Ronnie. "I'll be back."
Elá's sword back in her hand, Ronnie stood over the captive, watching the naked blonde writhe and fight her bonds. The prisoner forced a final angry complaint past her gag, then went still. She stared up at Ronnie, panting through her flaring nostrils. Ronnie went down on one knee and placed her left hand on Elá's right breast. "How the mighty have fallen," she whispered, and gave the firm globe a gentle squeeze. "You know, Elá..." She began toying with the prisoner's nipple. "After you left me buried alive in the caverns... I fantasized about what I'd do to you... given the opportunity. And here you are." Ronnie leaned close and gave the now erect nipple a gentle lick. "Funny thing is..." She licked the nipple again. "...now that you're tied up and helpless and at my mercy..." She took the nipple in her teeth and gave it a playful tug. "...torture just doesn't appeal to me." The blonde shuddered in her bonds and mewed through her gag, but the anger in her eyes had been joined by something else; something that might have been a glimmer of affection.
Teela returned, a steel slave collar in her hand. "Remind me to teach you the rudiments of guard duty," the redhead muttered to Ronnie as she unlocked the collar.
Ronnie stood (and blushed). "Where...?"
"There's a small storeroom down the hallway," Teela explained. Elá struggled and bucked but couldn't prevent the collar from being fitted around her throat and locked. "Internal security in this place is rather limited, if you avoid the main training areas. They rely on terror to keep the trained slaves in line." She dragged Elá to her bound feet and shuffled her towards the spike cage. "Open it!" she barked, and Ronnie scrambled to obey.
The cabinet had a flush mounted series of bolts interlocked with iron lever arms on its left side, and the key was in the lock. Ronnie opened the front panel, Teela placed Elá's feet in the center of the cage, and spun her around. She then pulled the front closed, threw the handle on the main lever arm (causing the bolts to slide home with solid clicks), and turned the lock. Standing on her bound feet, squirming in her bonds, Elá glared at her captors, defiance in her eyes. She had a few inches of "freedom" in any direction, but the placement of the spikes was cleverly designed to deny her any relaxation. Elá could stand, or she could impale herself. She had no other option.
Teela held the key to the cage for Ronnie and Elá to see. "The fact that this 'rebellious slave' has been placed in the cage bound and gagged means the amazon who did this to her isn't interested in hearing her whimper or beg." Elá glared at Teela, and the noise being forced past her gag was anything but whimpering or begging. "The fact that her punisher took the key..." Teela slipped the key into the front of her leather bodice. "...means she's not to be released by anyone else." Elá ceased her struggles, but brave defiance was still in her eyes. "So..." Teela continued, "if by chance some amazon does look into this chamber... all she'd see is a punishment device... being put to its proper use."
Teela held her palm before Elá's face, and her eyes glowed bright green. The captive shuddered in her bonds, and her eyes began to glow as well. This continued for several seconds... then the glow faded. Teela spun on her heel and walked to the door. "C'mon," she urged Ronnie. "I know where we need to go."
Ronnie stared at Elá sadly. "Can't we just... tie her up better and leave her in the corner?"
Teela sighed. "This Kul'Dakar bitch doesn't deserve your sympathy, and we have to treat her as her fellow bitch-warriors expect a slave to be treated. There are no slave kennels on this level, and the bitches don't design punishment cells that allow anything but torture. Now c'mon!"
"Sorry, Elá," Ronnie sighed, and turned to leave.
"Bundle the Panther bitch's sword with my old costume and wrap it with the cloak," Teela ordered. "Then follow me a pace behind. First chute we pass we'll dispose of it all."
Ronnie made the bundle, then looked back at Elá, still standing in the center of the cage of spikes (of course), still bound and gagged, and still defiant. "Good bye, Captain," she whispered. "Next time, try to be a little friendly with unexpected visitors, okay?"
The door closed and Elá growled in frustration (and a thrill of unaccustomed fear coursed up her bound, naked, helpless body).
Trapped in Time-9
High on her terrace on the flank of the Kul'Dak, Chandra tensed in her kneeling stance, concentrating on the disturbance again emanating from Valpakra. Her aura had already shrank from a city-wide shell to a broad beam, centered on the "Palace of Pain." She began to narrow her focus even further... and then the disturbance was gone. The blonde youngster whispered a single word under her breath, very softly. Still in meditation trance, she was not aware of what she was saying. "Meg."
Chandra rose from her meditation stance (ignoring her complaining knees), and donned her loincloth, the gold linen bandeau and pleated wrap skirt that was her Witch-warrior Novice uniform, and strapped her amazon dagger around her narrow waist. With a final glance towards Valpakra, she exited the terrace and strode towards the stairs leading to the main street below.
The Weird and the Queen's Champion watched her depart, then the Weird made a simple gesture and they were joined by a contingent of amazon scouts and Witch-warrior trackers. "Don't follow her too closely," the weird warned the Champion, "but by the Hawk and Panther, don't lose her! She has talent... more than we suspected. The city needs such talent."
"She's cute, too," the Champion purred.
The Weird smiled. "Silly bonehead," she whispered. "Stop thinking with your twat and follow her."
The Champion sketched a sardonic salute and strode away. Despite her plate armor she set a rapid pace, and was completely silent. The shorter scouts and trackers broke into a jogging run to keep up.
The Weird turned back to stare at Valpakra. "Oh Dark Panther, protect thy cub with thy Mighty Paws," she prayed. "Oh Fierce Hawk, shelter thy chick with thy Great Wings. Be safe, Novice Chandra."
Trapped in Time-9
Teela and Ronnie waited in the shelter of a small storeroom near the kennel chamber of Meg's work gang. The platoon of nearly naked slaves had returned from their duties far below nearly an hour earlier, but Ronnie didn't recognize "Princess Tollie" among them. Teela had decided they would remain hidden a while longer. "Let them eat their evening meal," she whispered. "Then we'll make our inquiries."
Three slaves departed the chamber and returned several minutes later. One had a basket full of empty bowls, and the other two were burdened by a large covered pot suspended from a carrying pole. The door opened, there was a chorus of feminine voices raised in delight, and the door closed.
Ronnie's stomach rumbled. "You sure you don't want to make this raid before they finish all the mush?"
Teela smiled. "For a pretend slave, you've developed quite a appreciation for slave mush, haven't you?" Ronnie favored her companion with a withering stare... which turned to a grateful smile as the grinning redhead reached into her satchel and produced a Kul'Dakar "city ration," a meat and vegetable sausage baked in a pastry shell. Ronnie watched as she peeled back the ration's leaf wrapping. "Didn't you bring anything?" Teela teased.
"Evil Kul'Dakar bitch!" Ronnie whispered, a smile on her impertinent face.
Teela laughed, tore the ration roll in two, handed half to her "slave," and took a bite from the other half. They ate in companionable silence, also sharing a skin of watered wine.
Eventually the door to the kennel chamber opened again and a petite Han slave emerged, burdened by a basket of dirty bowls. The slave was only a few paces down the the hall when Teela emerged silently from the storeroom and motioned for Ronnie to follow. "Remember the plan. You bind all the slaves like I told you while I question this Meg."
Ronnie nodded. The little Han on bowl duty was out of sight. Teela threw the chamber door open and walked through. "This is a lock down drill!" she shouted. Ronnie was behind the "Panther Cult Captain," her head lowered and very much in her slave persona; however, she was able to assess the scene with stealthy glances.
The two dozen or so slaves present were sprawled on the floor in various pursuits, some playing games with make-shift pieces, some simply talking and grooming each others' hair. Instantly all scrambled to their knees, placed their hands behind their backs, and settled their foreheads on the stone floor. The sole exception was Meg, the trustee-slave leader of the work unit. She stood on the raised dais that included her simple bed and bowed towards Teela. "How may we serve you, mistress?" the tall, shapely brunette asked.
"Are you deaf?" Teela demanded, and addressed the slaves directly. "Lock down! In your kennels! Gag yourselves! Bind your ankles to the far rings and wait to be secured!" She turned back to Meg. "You, assume inspection position and be silent!"
Meg stood, hands atop her head, feet apart, and elbows back, watching as her slaves removed their loincloths and gave themselves tight cleave-gags, then crawled into the barred cages that were their usual sleeping quarters, bound their ankles together, and then to the rings set at the far end of each kennel. The elder trustee was confused. "Mistress," she whispered as Teela joined her on the dais. "Please, I don't under—"
"Silence!" Teela hissed as she pulled a coil of binding fiber from her satchel. "Hands behind your back." Meg crossed her wrists and Teela bound then tightly together.
Meanwhile, Ronnie was working her way down the line of kennels. One by one she closed and locked each kennel door, the slave inside thrust her hands between the door's central bar, and Ronnie bound her wrists together with binding fiber. Ankles bound to the back of the kennel and wrists to the front, the naked slave was thus unable to reach her gag with her hands or her bound wrists with her teeth. Ronnie bound each slave quickly but efficiently, making the thin fiber bonds tight enough to be inescapable, but not tight enough to cut off their circulation. Most of the slaves were resigned to their unknown fates. A few glared at Ronnie resentfully as they were bound. None of them resisted.
Meg's crew was comprised of virtually every race, nation, and tribe preyed upon by the Kul'Dakar. Ronnie bound wrists that were as dark as black coffee, as pale as polished ivory, and every color in between. Brown, blue, green, and hazel eyes gazed at her above tight gags, obscured by tousled hair that was black, brown, auburn, copper-red, and blonde; straight and curly.
Eventually the last slave was secured (a brown eyed brunette with high cheek bones and a Roman nose) and Ronnie turned her attention to the dais. Teela had Meg bound to her bed, wrists linked to the back of her trustee-collar, waist cinched and tied to either side, and legs splayed. Teela was jerking off Meg's loincloth and tying an overhand knot in its center.
"Tollie has been taken." Teela told Ronnie.
Ronnie frowned. "Taken?"
Teela smiled. "Yes... by the Sacred Twins." Meg was more confused than ever, her eyes darting from "Mistress" to "Slave." She opened her mouth to speak—and Teela took the opportunity to cram the knot in her loincloth between her teeth. Ronnie held the trustee's long hair atop her head as Teela tied a tight knot at the nape of her neck.
"I know the way to their quarters," Ronnie purred as she released Meg's hair. She gestured upwards with her right thumb. "The roof."
Teela nodded and they left Meg squirming on her bed. They were nearly to the door when it began to open. Quickly and silently Teela and Ronnie flattened themselves against the wall. The little Han had returned from bowl duty. The nearly naked slave took several paces into the chamber, stretching and yawning (politely covering her open mouth with the back of her right hand)...then she realized things had... changed. Her body tensed and her long, black hair swayed gracefully as she turned her head from side to side. Her fellow slaves were bound, gagged, helpless, and locked in their kennels! Meg was bound to her bed! She seemed to sense a presence behind her and was starting to turn—but Ronnie was already upon her.
Ronnie held the petite slave's elbows behind her back with her left arm. Her right hand was over the little Han's lips in a tight hand-gag. "Panther Cult Captain" Teela stepped into view and the slave's brown, almond-shaped eyes popped wide.
Teela jerked off the slave's loincloth and began tying a knot in its center... then paused, smiled, and untied the knot. "Hold your head still, slave," she ordered, and gave the Han a tight blindfold. "Bind her wrists to her collar," she told Ronnie. Quickly and efficiently (and with the Han's complete cooperation) the petite slave's wrists were crossed and bound behind her back, then linked to the back of her collar with a foot of doubled binding fiber. "What is your name, Little One?" Teela asked.
"I... I am called Bing, if it please Mistress," the frightened little slave answered.
"I have a task for you, Bing," Teela said, crooked one finger through the ring in the front of the slave's collar, and hauled her towards the dais and Meg's bed. "Get me some rope," she instructed her "other slave."
"Right away, Mistress," Ronnie answered (suppressing the urge to stick out her tongue).
In a short time Meg's waist rope was linked (via the trustee slave's butt crack) to the ring in Bing's collar, and Meg's legs were crossed around the little Han's thin waist and her ankles crossed and lashed to Bing's wrists. Finally, Bing's legs were splayed and tied to the bed's foot posts, keeping her flat on her stomach and her blindfolded face mere inches from Meg's sex.
"Do you recognize the scent of the slave before you?" Teela asked.
"I... it is my work gang leader, mistress," Bing answered.
"Your task is to give her pleasure until you are told to stop," Teela said. "Each time she cums, you may rest for a count of five hundred, then you are to pleasure her again. Diligence and enthusiasm will be rewarded. Shirking will be punished. Do you understand your task?"
"Yes, mistress," Bing whispered.
"Begin!" Teela ordered, and the little Han began licking, sucking, and nibbling Meg's sex. The Trustee-slave's pale blue eyes darted from Teela to Ronnie. She mewed through her tight gag and shuddered in her bonds.
Teela leaned close and whispered in Meg's ear, so quietly none of the others could hear her words. "If you punish Bing for this, I will return and cut out your heart. Understand?"
Meg nodded her gagged head, and shuddered again.
"Work slowly, Bing," Teela ordered in her normal voice. "It will be a long night, and for this task there is no virtue in speed."
Bing paused in her labors. "Yes, mistress."
Teela motioned and she and Ronnie crept away. Ronnie took a last look towards the dais as she closed the kennel chamber door. The little Han was well into earning her first rest period, with Meg fighting her inescapable bonds and mewing softly through her gag. Bing had her orders and would continue her task.
Ronnie leaned back against the closed door. "What the hell did you do that for?" she demanded.
"Experienced trustees like Meg are clever and resourceful," Teela answered. "It's just as well she be kept... occupied. Now, exactly where on the roof are these 'Sacred Twins?'"
Trapped in Time-9
Teela and Ronnie made their way to the roof without difficulty. They only encountered one guard along the way and she (a Hawk Rider with wavy brown hair, tan skin, and green eyes) thought nothing of a Panther Cult amazon leading a "bound" slave on a leash. There were more guards on the roof, but none near the arched stairway entrance where they emerged under the open sky. Night had fallen, and once they were away from the torches at the stairs they had no trouble fading into the shadows.
"Over there... the walled area with the canopies," Ronnie whispered, pointing towards the Twin's compound. Teela nodded and they made their way towards the nearest entrance. Its light trap design allowed them to duck inside, then look around the far corner to see what was happening. The intruders slowly, silently eased their heads past the edge... and discovered a tableau of erotic delight... or humiliating sexual torture, depending on one's role in the arrangement (and one's attitude).
One of the twins (by her iron collar, the one assuming the slave role for the day) was naked and lashed in a standing spread-eagle against an X-frame of stout timbers. She was also hooded and gagged. Her tan, well-conditioned, petite body was flushed and slick with sweat, her nipples hard and pointing.
Kneeling between her legs was Tollie. The lithe, fair-skinned slave's body was pink and dripping with sweat. Save her collar, she was naked . Her wrists were crossed and bound behind her back, her thumbs tied together and somehow linked to the back of her collar. The damp, gleaming mass of her long, raven hair obscured the details. She was leaning forward and delicately probing the captive twin's glistening sex with her long, pink tongue.
The other twin, the amazon twin, was standing behind Tollie with a bull whip; but she seemed more interested in using the whip to pleasure herself than to threaten Tollie. She was as naked as the rest; more so as she alone wasn't collared. She slid the braided leather of the whip against her sex and panted, her soprano voice carrying across the compound. "Yes... yes... make her cum again. Make her cum like a slut-slave!"
"We'll take her when she cums," Teela whispered in Ronnie's ear.
"Which one?" Ronnie whispered back. Teela frowned, so Ronnie affected a coy smile and continued. "There's an awful lot of cuming going on out there, Mistress."
Teela stifled a smile. "When the one that's not bound and/or gagged cums, we'll take her. Now get ready."
Ronnie smiled and batted her eyes. "Yes, Mistress."
"Just wait 'til I get you home," Teela muttered as she pulled binding fiber from her satchel and handed it to Ronnie.
In the main compound, the time to strike was approaching. The amazon twin was caressing herself with the whip with increasing vigor, tossing her head. Teela and Ronnie crept forward. Her eyes closed and her head back, the amazon twin was oblivious to all but her rising orgasm. "Oh... oh... oh... oh—M'Mmpfh!!!"
Teela had the twin in a tight hand-gag, with her arms pinned back at the elbows. The twin seemed only half aware that she was being captured. She struggled weakly as Ronnie bound her wrists behind her back, then crossed and bound her ankles. Teela maintained her hand-gag. "Hog-tie her," Teela ordered. "Toes to thumbs." Ronnie did so, and soon the twin's big toes and thumbs were stringently and closely linked. "Find me a gag," Teela added as Ronnie finished.
Ronnie scampered to the twin's rack of slave-handling paraphernalia and selected a simple ball-gag, a stitched leather sack attached to a broad strap She tossed it to Teela, then stepped over to Tollie. The black-haired beauty was still servicing the slave twin, apparently oblivious to the change in status of the amazon twin. Ronnie placed her hand on the captive's white shoulder. "You can stop that now," she said.
Tollie leaned back and blinked, licking her musk-filmed lips. "Huh? What?" She turned her head and watched as Teela cinched the amazon twin's ball-gag, then used the bullwhip to tie her to a convenient iron ring by her waist and throat. "Who are you?" Tollie demanded.
"We're here to rescue you, Princess," Ronnie explained, helping the naked, sweating slave to her feet.
"Rescue me?" Tollie whined. "From the twins? You're taking me back to Meg? But I'll have to work!"
"We're taking you to your father," Ronnie said.
"My father..." Tollie whispered. "You mean... away?" The enslaved princess was dazed and confused.
Teela found a basket full of ratty loincloths (probably part of the wardrobe of whichever twin was filling the slave role on a given day). "I'll make this easy for you, slave-Tollie," she growled and thrust the loincloth between the startled captive's teeth and knotted it behind her head. She then lifted Tollie's chin and gazed into her blue eyes. "You're mine now, slave," the redhead growled. "You'll do what I say, when I say it, or you'll be whipped. Understand?" Tollie nodded. "Sit on your butt and cross your legs in front." Tollie did so and Teela used a convenient coil of rope to lash her ankles together, then yoke the mewing captive's shoulders, bend her forward at the waist, and bind her in a cross-legged crunch. "Stop whining, slave, or I'll give you something to whine about!" Teela barked, and Tollie was silent.
"Do you have to be so mean?" Ronnie whispered.
"I can tell she'll be no help whatsoever 'til we get out of the city," Teela whispered back, "so she can travel as what she is: a slave. Once we get her away, we can start weaning her off the collar."
Ronnie nodded. "What now?"
Teela nodded towards the slave-handling equipment. "I see some interesting equipment over there," she purred, then nodded at the hog-tied and ball-gagged twin, "and I can't wait to see it in use."
Trapped in Time-9
Teela checked each and every buckle and knot binding the slave twin to the X-frame, and found no fault in their current tightness or arrangement. Her "amazon" sister had done an outstanding job of rendering the mute, deaf, and blind "slave" completely helpless. Teela then turned her attention to the other twin.
Leaning against the rack of gags and binders she recognized a "slave star," a pentacle of iron bars with rings dangling from each point. There were many ways to bind a slave to a star, and Teela had experienced most if not all of them before her escape from Valpakra. She used one of the most stringent positions to bind the amazon twin. First a rigid posture collar of thick leather was buckled around the twin's throat and its back clipped to the top ring of the star. Her back against the iron bars, the twin's hands and wrists were buckled into tight mitts, pulled back, and clipped to the star's centrex. Next, her legs were pulled back and crossed above the star's lower legs, and buckled into wide cuffs. Finally, cuffs and tensioning straps linked her knees and elbows to the rings at each star point. In essence, she was hog-tied with tight leather cuffs against the five interwoven iron bars.
Next, Teela selected a highly specialized hood. It incorporated a padded ring-gag, blindfold, and ear plugs, and several dangling straps. The struggling, writhing amazon twin was buckled into the hood, then Teela began strapping a corset-like belt around the slave twin's waist, and the apparatus' nature became clear.
"That's nasty!" Ronnie whispered, awe (and amusement) in her voice.
Teela had wrestled the star pinioned amazon twin between the X-frame pinioned slave twin's spread legs, and was leaning the amazon's hooded head towards her sister's glistening sex. She made sure the "amazon's" ring-gag was properly aligned with the "slave's" well-lubricated sex, then allowed the pentacle frame to lean forward. Both twins bucked and struggled in their bonds as Teela threaded and buckled the cheek, chin, and forehead straps that pressed the amazon twin's hood even closer to her sister's crotch.
Finished, Teela took a step back and watched the twin's writhe. "Come here, slave," she ordered Ronnie in a husky whisper. Shuddering with arousal, Ronnie stepped forward, and allowed herself to be positioned, legs apart and facing the helpless twins. "Inspection position," Teela whispered, and Ronnie interlaced her fingers atop her head, and pulled her elbows back. She gasped as Teela embraced her from behind and slid the fingers of her left hand between Ronnie's labia. "Just as I suspected, you little slut-slave," the redhead cooed. "Wet as a mink in heat."
"I... I'm sorry, Mistress," Ronnie whispered, writhing in rhythm to Teela's thrusting, probing fingers. "I can't help myself."
"You've never been properly trained," Teela whispered. "When we get back to the lair, that's the first thing I'm going to do... train you."
"Yes, Mistress," Ronnie whispered, shuddering with pleasure, then mewing in complaint when Teela withdrew her fingers.
Teela raised her left hand to Ronnie's lips, and without being told, Ronnie began sucking the musk filmed fingers, one by one. "The twins had a great deal of fun at your expense, didn't they, slave?"
"Yes mistress," Ronnie answered, smacking her lips as she finished cleaning Teela's hand.
"And now you have them at your mercy," Teela continued. "I'm going to skulk around a little and check our security. Here's what I want you to do until I get back: One, I want you to gag yourself with your loincloth. Make it tight and secure so no one outside the compound will hear you if you scream. Two, I want you to play with the amazon slave until she cums; and I want you to keep playing with her and make sure she keeps cuming. Three, I want you to play with yourself, and make sure you keep cuming. Understand, slave?"
"Yes, Mistress," Ronnie whispered. "I'm clever and resourceful and you want to keep me occupied... like you did with Meg."
"Very good, slave," Teela whispered, again lightly brushing Ronnie's sex with her strong, pale fingers. "Actually, I want you busy filling a slave's role while I'm gone, in case the twins have an unexpected visitor. We both know what a failure you are at guard duty." She leaned closer and allowed her fingers to slide between Ronnie's labia. "I suppose I could just truss you up, bind you next to the Princess over there... (She nodded towards Tollie, who was following their conversation with wide-eyed attention.) ...and let you both watch the twins have all the fun... or... (Ronnie gasped as her mistress gently caressed her most intimate anatomy.) ...you can join in.
"I... I choose to join in, mistress," Ronnie whispered.
Teela withdrew her hand. "'Choose?' You 'choose' to join in? Slaves don't choose anything. You will gag yourself, pleasure yourself, and pleasure this captive because your mistress orders you to do so. You are nothing but a miserable slave. Aren't you? Answer me!"
"I... I'm nothing but a miserable slave... your miserable slave, Mistress Teela," Ronnie whispered, then turned her head and kissed the suddenly blushing redhead. "No play acting... no pretend... I'm your slave... and you're my mistress."
Teela returned the kiss, then took a step back. "Hell of a time for a swearing ceremony, 'Neeka'," she whispered. "Follow your orders!" she barked (still blushing).
Smilingly coyly, Ronnie removed her loincloth, tied an overhand knot in its center, and gave herself a tight cleave-gag. She then knelt behind the amazon twin's star-bound body, reached between the helpless youth's splayed legs with her right hand, and began caressing the captive's glistening sex. Ronnie's left hand found her own sex, and she began caressing herself.
Tollie was still watching with wide eyes, wiggling in her tight bonds. The pale slave then flinched when Teela knelt next to her.
"Don't be afraid, slave," Teela told Tollie. "I want you to watch. You see, my other slave's new at pleasuring skills, and her technique is rather clumsy. Meg has you much better trained in the use of your hands and fingers, doesn't she?"
Tollie nodded, and Ronnie blushed in humiliation (and arousal) as she continued pleasuring her former tormentor and herself. She's just trying to hide her own embarrassment, Ronnie realized, smiling above her gag at her mistress.
"Look at her blush," Teela teased. "Yes... she's such an inelegant little nymph... but she's pretty enough, don't you agree?" Tollie nodded. "But so slow to learn. Do you think you could teach her?" Tollie nodded again, and Teela laughed quietly. The redhead stood and checked the hang of her weapons. "Did you hear that, Neeka? Tollie's going to teach you to be a better trollop!"
Ronnie blushed even brighter and turned her head to glare at her "Mistress"... but Teela was gone. Damn she's good, Ronnie thought, shuddering delicately as her fingers slid against her sex. Damn my mistress is good.
Trapped in Time-9
It didn't take long for either Ronnie or the amazon twin to cum. The Kul'Dakar youth was obviously well primed from her preliminary activities with her sister and Tollie... and apparently this hadn't been dampened even by being captured by a renegade Panther and her personal slave. (Ronnie had no idea whether of not the twin had recognized her as "Neeka," and certainly wasn't going to un-hood her to find out.) As for herself... she had finally come to accept that she was "a natural." Ronnie shivered as her fingers massaged her clitoris. I'm a slave... no, I'm Teela's slave... Teela's slave.
Both twins seemed to be entering into the spirit of the occasion. The twin bound to the X-frame (the twin not aware she was now the captive of someone other than her sister) was grinding her hips and thrusting (to the limit of her bonds) against her sister's hooded face. The twin bound to the iron star was thrusting her sex against Ronnie's hand, and was rhythmically nuzzling her sister and thrusting her tongue through the ring strapped between her teeth.
Ronnie came (several seconds after the twin she was servicing with her hand), then (shuddering and continuing to caress herself (and the twin)) glanced at Tollie. The raven haired beauty was staring at her with huge, doe eyes. Silly airhead, Ronnie mused, smiling above her gag. She probably wishes she was part of the f—" M'mmpfh!"
Someone had grabbed her, jerked her away from the twin, slammed her to the ground hard enough to rattle her head, and was binding her wrists behind her back. Ronnie shook her head, blinked, and started to struggle, but it was too late. Her wrists were crossed and bound, rope bands were cinched around her elbows, her arms were pinned to her sides, and her wrists to the small of her back. Kul'Dakar standard technique, Ronnie realized, and relaxed in her bonds. Please goddess... let my mistress escape! Please! Her ankles were crossed and bound, she was rolled onto her back, and she discovered her captor was... a blonde teenager in gold bandeau and skirt?
Ronnie's captor untied her gag and tossed it aside. "Who are you, slave?" the young blonde demanded, brandishing a long dagger. "What are you?"
"Mistress?" Ronnie responded. "My name is Ronnie, mistress."
The little blonde leaned forward and traced the lower margin of Ronnie's collar with her dagger point. "You're the nexus I seek... no, this collar is the nexus I seek. Your aura is wrong."
"My aura mistress?"
"Silence!" the blonde snapped. "Don't move." Ronnie's new captor sheathed her dagger, placed her right hand on Ronnie's forehead, and concentrated. Seconds passed, and beads of sweat began forming on the little blonde's forehead. "No... it's wrong," she said finally. "Your aura's wrong.
"Try my aura, little witch," a new voice demanded. Captor and captive looked up. Teela had returned.
of Trapped in Time! — CHAPTER 9 |
But stay tuned for
the THRILLING CONCLUSION of Ronnie's VR Saga!!! |
me... 'THRILLING CONCLUSION!' (If Buffy can conclude... so can Ronnie!) |
In the meanwhile... ... Stay Tuned for the NEXT thrilling episode of... ![]() |
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Revisit Chapter 8 | ![]() ![]() |
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