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De Sabrina (Brie's Story) ———————————————— by Courier © 2001 |
Chapter 6 |
Naomi and Sabrina's shower had been anything but relaxing. Like the rest of the suite, the bathroom was huge and luxurious, a combination of oriental wood and western tile. The glass-walled walk-in shower would have accommodated Brie's entire soccer team, with only a little soapy, squeaky, skin-on-skin overcrowding. Multiple shower heads and a wide selection of bath products should have made for a calm, refreshing experience, and would have, except for their evil virtual chaperone.
Every time the girls got "too close" or looked at one another "the wrong way," Eve-L would turn off the hot water or flood the shower with chilling mist, and the AI had a very liberal idea of "too close." This had left Brie even more frustrated than before. She had assumed that she and Naomi would have at least a little time for "cuddling" before Lian arrived. All that squirming and sweating in the cocoon and all that teasing by Kat and Naomi had left the Latina with an itch the needed scratching... badly! But even her innocent approaches of Naomi were met with rebuke from the AI and an instant cold shower.
Finally the two women had given up any hope of physical contact or even casual conversation in the shower and had gone about their ablutions in grudging silence. The warm cascade of water and the rich scent of the bath oils soothed Brie's temper a little. Still, she determined she'd have to find some way to get back at the intrusive AI... Maybe Charlie could help... Can you even get back at an avatar, she wondered. What do you do, program it to consider itself punished?
Brie and Naomi had finished their shower with a warm dry air shower that left them both squeaky clean and slightly flushed. Naomi went in to begin dressing while Brie pulled a comb through her long ebony hair, hurrying to put it into some semblance of order.
"This feels marvellous," Naomi called from the main suite. Brie looked up and found her lover pulling her blue silk robe closed. Brie sighed, watching Naomi cover her exquisite body, but she had to agree that the robe was lovely. The rich, midnight blue was gathered at the waist and shoulders, giving it the illusion of layers and volume. Delicate embroidery of winter white flowers dotted the fabric like errant stars. The robe was belted with a wide sash of the same silk, but this was deep indigo and un-embroidered. The color set beautifully with Naomi's tanned skin, short blonde hair, and deep blue eyes.
Brie watched Naomi run her hands over the silk covering her curvaceous body. "Um, Nam?" Brie said, finishing pulling her hair into a dark pony tail. "Could you please not do that right now?"
Naomi was about to ask exactly what she shouldn't do when she realized she was stroking the silk covering one of her breasts. She paused in mid exercise and looked at her flushed friend. She knew that Brie was still aroused from her earlier experience... "You mean stop this?" She asked with faux innocence and her hand wandered over her silk covered bosom.
"Yes!" Brie exclaimed, walking into the suite and intentionally not looking at the playful blonde.
"OK," Naomi agreed. "But you don't mind my describing the feeling of silk running over my rigid nipples as my fingers explore my..."
"Agh!" Brie screamed in frustration. She rounded on Naomi, fire in her rich, dark eyes. "I'm the one that was stuck to that wall with every passerby in the Katacombs teasing me! I'm the one all hot and bothered now! I'm not the one that got to have Kat do me!"
Naomi was taken aback by the frustration in her lover's voice and more so by the hint of... jealousy? The blonde executive dropped her hands to her side and her eyes to the floor. "I'm sorry Brie, I didn't..."
Her attempt to mollify her precious Aztec goddess was cut short by the sounding of a deep gong. Both women stopped and looked towards the slowly opening door to the suite. With precise control the lights and sounds in the suite changed. A distant tinkling music began, as though played by hidden minstrels. The windows darkened and the lighting became more muted, with only the door and the foyer illuminated with a golden light.
Into that light stepped Lian Xiyang, Chief Operating Officer of TESSERACT Hong Kong (and to the Inner Circle, Dragon Queen of the Orient). She still wore the cheongsam that Brie had seen earlier, but in the lighting of the doorway the silver embroidery seemed to shimmer with an inner light, almost like the scales of a great beast.
Madame Lian paused in the foyer as the doors silently and slowly closed behind her. When the heavy doors clicked shut she smiled, a smile of ownership. She gestured with her right hand and the light level rose in the chamber, illuminating the blue clad Naomi and the still unclad Sabrina.
The Dragon Queen looked at the two women and cocked her head in stern disapproval. "Ms. Sanchez, will you never be properly clothed?" She asked.
Brie swallowed and looked at the Asian executive nervously, her anger of a moment ago draining away, replaced by simple embarrassment. "I...," she began.
"No excuses, Ms. Sanchez," Madame Lian cut her off. "You will make recompense for this affront later, I assure you. Now, clothe yourself properly and kneel with your companion."
Brie blushed again and turned to the arrayed robe while Naomi took the hint and dropped to her knees, eyes downcast. Brie quickly donned the red, silk robe, silently agreeing with Naomi that it did indeed feel marvellous, and joined her friend in obeisance. Like Naomi's robe, Brie's was also embroidered, but with abstract golden patterns that suggested fire.
As the two knelt, Madame Lian walked around the apartment undoing the numerous buttons on her dress. "This is to be a very enlightening weekend for the two of you. Margo has asked me to make clear to you her displeasure concerning various of your actions, and I intend to do just that. I also intend to instruct you in the ways of proper decorum and etiquette. I am sure you will find it quite rigorous, but you will both be the better for it."
She crossed in front of the two, kneeling women. Brie could see her black heels and the slit of her black dress. "The first lesson you will learn is that you are to do nothing without my permission. You will not move, you will not speak. Do you understand?"
Both women nodded their silent assent. "Very good", Madame Lian said. "I would order you to control your lustful thoughts as well, but you are untrained." With that she let her dress slide down her body and into a dark pool around her ankles. Brie bit her lower lip in frustration. In that instant she wanted nothing more than to look up at her captor's body in awe. In her mind she imagined the strong, lithe physique that must now be displayed. She pictured black silk underwear and then no underwear at all. She felt her loins tighten and bit her lip harder.
"Very good, students," Madame Lian said. With that she stepped out of Brie's line of sight and walked towards the bathroom. Brie heard the shower begin and considered whispering to Naomi. Her emotions were all over the map. At one level she was sexually frustrated, and she also knew that she'd probably have to endure a great deal more arousal before she was allowed release. She was excited to be kneeling before Madame Lian, but she was also frightened of the trials ahead. She was angry at Naomi for teasing her, but at the same time happy to be sharing this experience with her lover.
No, Brie decided, whispering was not a good idea. Not only could she not formulate a rational sentence, but the ever present Eve-L would likely chastise them and cause them to incur Madame Lian's displeasure. More importantly, Brie wanted to follow the Dragon Queen's orders, she wanted to ride this tiger... as far as she was able. Brie shuddered in a combination of fear of Lian's displeasure and excitment at being subjected to it.
Brie wondered what Naomi was thinking, kneeling beside her. Was the less experienced blonde frightened? Frightened in the good way... or the bad way? Did Naomi know that Brie wasn't really angry with her about the Kat thing? Brie hoped that Naomi was excited and frightened in the good way.
The shower cut off and the women heard the whoosh of the air shower. Again Brie's imaginings got the better of her. She pictured the T-HK COO standing in the turbulent air flow, her silky black hair flying free and wild, her lithe body drying while her nipples hardened. Brie shifted anxiously. This was going to be a long weekend.
The air shower stopped and the women heard Madame Lian exit the bathroom. The swish of cloth told them that she was dressing and a few moments later Lian was standing before them again. This time her legs and feet were not visible, but covered with a long, black silk robe in the style the two supplicants wore. She paused and looked down at them (or so Brie assumed).
"Now my dear pupils, you will stand and join me for dinner and I shall begin your lessons..."
Brie's Story | Chapter 6 |
If Naomi and Sabrina had been imagining a reserved, Chinese meal they were grossly mistaken. "Dinner" found the two women seated in ornate chairs back to back and completely helpless. Madame Lian first lead Naomi to the fancy chair. It appeared to be rich teak with intricate carvings of dragons over every surface. The seat back was high and the seat was covered with a blue silk cushion.
Lian ordered Naomi to sit back against the back and to rest her arms on the seat's arms. Naomi did so, finding the chair perfectly fitted to her frame. That precision should have been a warning. Most Inner Circle members knew that when something fitted you perfectly it was more likely than not eitherdesigned for you or its shape could be controlled by Eve. Madame Lian had ordered Naomi to stay perfectly still and this had required all the nervous Latina's self-control—for the chair holding her blonde, silk-clad lover had started to move!
If it weren't for Lian's stern gaze pinning her to her place Naomi would have leapt up in no time. She felt the carved dragons on the seat's armrests twisting under her arms and her darting eyes watched nervously as the seemingly solid teak Chinese dragons wound around her. The beasts began at her elbows and twisted over and under her bare forearm until they reached her wrists. There, pairs of reptilian teak claws rose from the armrests and clutched over Naomi's wrists. The dragons seemed to rear slightly at this and then clamped their teeth onto the clasped claws. As Naomi watched her arms being secured, the back of the chair began its own motion. Large, draconic claws rotated out on either side of her head. Naomi caught the motion and turned to look at them nervously.
"Eyes," Madame Lian ordered, "here!" She used one hand to grasp Naomi's chin and the other to indicate her own eyes. Naomi nervously locked eyes with Lian and felt the teak claws settle almost gently against her face. The process was repeated with her ankles, welding her to the chair.
Madame Lian released Naomi's chin and smiled at her. "Excellent!"
Brie's seating and restraint had been similar. She was a little better prepared for the experience, but had involuntarily yelped and shuddered nontheless when the teak dragons began crawling, entwining, and clutched her limbs and head. Surprisingly, Madam Lian had said nothing, but had merely stood and watched the process, a hint of a smile on her smooth, even, high-cheeked features. Dark knowing Chinese eyes locked with dark frightened (and aroused) Mexican eyes as the teak beasts seized their prey, and returned to inanimate inescapable lifelessness.
Now both women were seated, back to back and quite immobile. Dinner then proceeded with Madame Lian feeding the two captives from a sumptuous selection of dim sum.
The feeding was accompanied by a lecture on the senses. Madame Lian would delicately pluck a dumpling from the wide assortment with her ebony chop sticks. She would then hold it up for whichever of the girls she was feeding. She would insist that the captive look at it in detail, then describe the sight. Next, she would pass it under the girl's nostrils and demand a full accounting of its aroma. Finally, if she was satisfied with the detail of the descriptions, she would pop the morsel into the captive's mouth. This was followed by a sip of tangy green tea, the taste of which (and how it had been altered by the aftertaste of the dumpling just consumed), she would also require to be described.
As the meal progressed both the women began to focus more and more acutely on the tasks presented. They traced the complex surface of each dumpling with their eyes, and began to discern subtle differences in color and texture. Likewise, their perceptions of the smells and tastes of the morsels seemed to become sharper. While Brie was better able to describe the contents of the exotic foods, Naomi focused more clearly on the sensation of chewing and swallowing. All the while Madame Lian would comment on their descriptions or mildly castigate them when they were not detailed enough for her satisfaction.
When the meal was finished, Madame Lian lifted a cup of warm plum wine before each of the women. She swirled it under their noses and then held it to their lips. Brie was amazed at how potent the wine tasted. She knew it wasn't any more so than ordinary, but her senses were so much more acutely focused on the experience... I wonder if this works with other senses? She wondered. Madame Lian caught Brie's eye and smiled. Oh My! The wine burned warm in Sabrina's stomach.
"Now you are ready to truly begin your lessons," Madame Lian said. "Stand up," she ordered. The Dragon chairs obligingly released the women and they each stood. "Now we shall begin to explore the power of chi and the secrets of the tantra."
A server-bot quietly removed the remains of the meal and a large area of the floor was now open.
"Ms. Sanchez," Lian indicated where she wished Brie to stand. The Latina stepped forward at once. "And Ms. Curtis." Naomi followed suit. Lian had them facing one another perhaps two strides apart. Brie drunk in the sight of her blue clad lover. Naomi was gorgeous as always, but somehow Brie's eyes could pick out more subtle tones of her lover's beauty. From the smouldering look in Naomi's eyes it was clear she was looking at Brie with the same heightened perception.
"I should very much like to demonstrate these techniques on the two of you, but that will be for later. For this lesson we will require a model upon which to practice. Eve?"
"Yes Madame Lian," said the oddly subdued Eve-L.
One of the walls of the suite was illuminated. The central panel in the wall slid silently aside, revealing a sleek multi-wheeled transport robot and its helpless female cargo. The bot had three sets of different sized wheels with articulated axles that allowed it to negotiate complex and uneven terrain. The base was a rough triangle with raised edges. The upper part of the bot was composed of a variety of generalized lifting and attaching robotic arms. These arms were designed to load and secure bulky or fragile objects remotely. In this case they were securing the bot's "cargo," the cargo in question being a kneeling woman with a full leather hood covering her head. She was naked but for the hood and her skin was fair, with a hint of Oriental coloring. Long, glossy, raven-black hair sprouted in a ponytail from the top of the hood.The woman's ankles and knees were secured to the armature by soft wide straps; likewise her waist, shoulders, elbows and wrists. With enhanced senses Brie and Naomi watched the anonymous prisoner tested her bonds, her breasts rising slightly as she breathed, her toned muscles gliding and flexing under glistening, slightly flushed skin as she twisted and pulled her inescapably restrained limbs and torso.
With the whir of its electric motor the Bot glided into the suite. As it entered the panel slid closed behind it. The bot easily negotiated the two steps into the "conversation pit" where Naomi, Brie, and Madame Lian waited. The Bot stopped before them and the wheels raised, settling the helpless cargo to the ground. The captive writhed hopelessly in her bonds, tossing her hooded head and flexing her useless fingers. She knew something was happening.
"Display her, won't you Eve," Madame Lian said. The bot whirred to life, raising the girl's body in one, graceful motion. Her torso was raised parallel to the ground by the larger arms that held her waist and shoulders. Meanwhile the lighter arms raised her arms and legs and splayed them into a spread eagle. The woman was held securely in a belly down spread-eagle half a meter from the floor. She moved her head (about the only thing she could move), but no sound escaped the hood.
"This girl has incurred Margo's wrath. So much so that she has been given to me to bring back to Hong Kong and see to her penance personally. I assure you," Madame Lian said with a dangerous smile to Brie and Naomi, "if she returns, it will be as a changed woman."
Brie's mouth suddenly grew very dry. She licked her lips nervously and wondered who the poor girl was, sentenced to every Inner Circle member's worst nightmare: exile from Margo's presence!
Lian laughed and shook her beautiful head. "Oh, do not be so distressed, my students. I cannot maintain this pleasant fiction. Your Sister is not being banished, but transferred to my staff... to learn... and it will be her mixed fortune to begin her education by acting as our model. You might think that acting as a sensual plaything is not such a harsh sentence, but we will be exploring both the correct and the incorrect methods of arousal. You will learn much, even from her mute reactions."
Brie wasn't exactly certain what was a bad form of arousal. From the way Madame Lian had said it, Brie thought it sounded very scary indeed.
"You will now kneel and we shall preform a ritual known as the 'Washing of the Fruit'," Madame Lian explained. She directed Naomi to kneel next to the captive's left foot and Sabrina to kneel at the right. In the meantime Lian gracefully settled in front of the helpless "model."
"When we pluck a soft, succulent fruit from the orchard we will first wish to make certain that it is clean of dirt. Observe," Lian commanded and she began to softly, lightly stroke the skin of her model's shoulder. Her motion was too quick to be truly erotic, too much pressure to tickle, but it still caused the captive to squirm. Brie knew, from experience, that the hood the model was wearing was fully sonicly muted, meaning that the girl couldn't hear anything being said around her. In fact, she probably had no idea who was toying with her!
Naomi and Sabrina reached out and began to mimic Madame Lian's motions on the girls legs and feet. The stroking continued for several minutes with Lian occasionally correcting the techniques of the two women. "Slower, Ms. Sanchez! More circular motions, Ms. Curtis!"
Brie noted that as the caresses continued the model's bare flesh flushed and seemed to almost glow. Even though Brie wasn't attempting to arouse the model, the experience of stroking her soft skin was sensual. Brie relished the feel of the smooth pliant flesh under her fingers. Madame Lian gestured for them to cease the attentions and settled back to observe the model.
"Now that we have washed our fruit we shall began to marshal her chi to the chakras of arousal. This marshalling is primarily accomplished through a form of tantric accupressure." Madame Lian explained. "The word 'chakra' is from the Sanskrit for 'wheel', and the seven chakras are thought to regulate much of our experience.
"The chakras are all located on the head and torso, but they are connected though the line of Chi to all portions of the body. In order to energize her chakra we must first redirect the Chi energy from the extremities to the body."
Madame Lian took the model's left hand in her own. The girl initially reacted with surprise at the touch, but relaxed her hand as Madame Lian began to stroke it with feather-soft, gentle motions. Lian traced each of the girl's fingers, first the front, then the backs and finally the sides. "As you become more acquianted with your partner, you will become more aware of the flows of her Chi. I shall demonstrate."
Madame Lian took Brie's hand and guided it to the captive's palm. She pressed Brie's fingertips into the ball of the hand and then the length of the fingers. "Do you feel it?" She asked.
Brie concentrated on the sensations of her fingertips. At first she felt nothing more than the girl's hand, but as she traced the natural contours of the hand she began to feel more. It was like tracing the heart beat in a vein, but different. Brie began to explore the girl's hand, finding the places that the "pulse" was stronger and weaker. Meanwhile, Madame Lian had begun Naomi's education using the other hand as an example.
"Now that the two of you have learned how to sense the flows, it is time to show you how to redirect them," Madame Lian said. "I must warn you that this is not to be done casually. A major imbalance in the Chi can threaten your health. You must use these techniques with great respect for their power."
Lian looked at Naomi and Brie sternly and the two women nodded, indicating that they understood the importance of the lesson they were about to learn.
For the next half hour Madame Lian explained and demonstrated to the girls how to locate and channel the Chi of their captive model. She would demonstrate a technique and then have the other women practice it. Many of these were rather pleasent for both the model and the practicioners. The collecting of the Chi of the lower limbs was more like a foot massage then anything else. And the checking of the Chi flows in the body involved poking and pressing the model in a variety of intimate and sensitive areas.
"You now have learned to most basic of the tantric arts," Madame Lian explained, "it is time that you learn their power. For example, imagine if I were to redirect the Chi from this girl's feet," Madame Lian stroked and pressed the vital points on the girl's feet, "and then cut it off behind her knees?" The older Asian woman pressed her fingers into several points on the back of the model's thigh.
The effect was immediate. The girl quivered and all the muscles of her body tensed. Brie and Naomi could barely hear gagged howls of displeasure from inside the hood. Madame Lian released the points and the girl slumped into her bondage. "The sensation is rather like a thousand ants dancing on the backs of the knees."
Naomi and Brie gulped at the image.
"It becomes unbearable quite quickly," Madame Lian continued as she soothed the sweating model. "But let us get to the more pleasurable uses of these techniques..."
The next few hours were spent in tormenting and titillating the helpless model. Madame Lian demonstrated how you heighten the sensations of pleasure in the body, making the girl's breasts almost unbearably sensitive. She traced the patterns of the chakras on the captives back and showed Brie and Naomi how to increase one chakra at the expense of the others (say, to lessen seventh chakra (Thought) and build up second chakra (Passion)).
When Madame Lian finally decided that the lessons were over, the model was clearly exhausted. The Asian COO ordered Brie and Naomi to prepare for bed under the watchful eye of Eve-L. While they changed, Brie noticed Madame Lian leaning close and whispering to the model (she assumed into the hood's now activated microphone). This continued for several seconds, then the bot returned itself and its cargo to their pose, lumbered through the suite's main door... and was gone.
Brie watched the unknown model's departure with a wistful sigh. Good luck, my Sister, Brie thought as the suite door closed and locked.
'Preparing for bed' involved Brie and Naomi silently ("No chit chat you two", Eve-L ordered) striping and then doning robes with very long sleeves. Again, Brie's was blue and Naomi's red. The two women hitched up the long sleeves and busied themselves in securing the myriad buttons on the robes.
After they were dressed, Madame Lian called them over to another portion of the suite. The large alcove must have protruded out of the main building, because it was windowed on all sides (including the roof). The chamber was dimly lit and the windows were clear, giving the women a beautiful view of the night sky and the dark hills around the complex. In the center of the room was a large round bed, covered in silken embroidered sheets and pillows, all in dark muted colors; from ruby to indigo, from cinnabar to eggplant, from night-jade to cobalt.
As Brie stared at the luxurious accommodations, Madame Lian stepped behind her, maneuvered the surprised Latina's arms across her stomach, and grasped the ends of the long sleeves of her robe. Quickly Lian wraped them twice around Brie's body and tied them over her belly. Brie had rather hoped to relieve her sexual tension that night, but the impromptu straitjacket was going to make that difficult. When Madame Lian secured another strap that held Brie's knees together, she knew relief was not in the cards.
Naomi watched her friend's binding and waited patiently for Madame Lian to secure her as well.
Once both women were bound, Madame Lian pushed first Brie and then Naomi onto the bed. She watched with quiet amusement as they squirmed, inch worm like, to the head of the bed and pillows to rest their heads. Once she was happy with their positions, Lian raised her hand and the alcove was slowly plunged into darkness, only the half obscured moon and night sky providing pale illumination.
Brie watched the outline of Madame Lian as the older woman stretched and then let her black robe fall away. Brie gasped, a shudder passing down her spine. The sudden absence of the inky silk made their hostess' perfect body seem to glow in the moonlight like polished porcelin lit from within. Brie felt the bed shift as the TESSERACT Hong Kong COO crawled up to place her naked body between Brie and Naomi. Brie felt a warm soft hand on her face and then felt a sweet kiss. She squirmed as best she could to press against Lian's body. She might not get sexual release, but she found that cuddling with the second most powerful woman she knew was a good substitute.
Suddenly Lian giggled, her firm body quaking against Brie's silk-clad side. "Stop that, you mischevious little monkey-minx," she ordered, and Brie heard Naomi giggling as well. "You will keep your disgraceful little tongue and lips to yourself, or you will find a silken gag and hood completing your costume."
Brie smiled. Apparently her lover was feeling unusually bold. Brie stretched in her bonds, and yawned. So warm... and safe, she mused.
"The same goes for you, my brown-eyed treasure," Lian whispered in Brie's ear.
"Yes, Madam Lian," Brie answered in a sleepy drawl... and snuggled close.
Brie's Story | Chapter 6 |
Saturday had dawned brightly, or as brightly as most mornings in Seattle. Naomi had been awakened by a gentle caress and a kiss on the cheek. Looking up she saw the smiling Madame Lian. The windows of the alcove had darkened to allow the women to sleep in, and with the sky cloudy Naomi had no way to determine the time of day.
Naomi looked around for Brie, but didn't see her lover in the alcove. Madame Lian, still naked, wrestled Naomi to the edge of the bed (with liquid grace and surprising strength), then freed her arms and legs.
"Thanks," Naomi whispered. She knew that it was kind of ironic to thank a person for freeing you if they were the same person that had bound you, but she considered it polite.
Madame Lian smiled. "Perhaps you thank me too soon," she teased, "after all, I still have the rest of the weekend to enjoy you."
Naomi blushed. Lian, she noted, could make you feel very much out of your depth, a quality she shared with Margo. Suddenly I'm a gawky school girl again, Naomi mused.
"Today," Madame Lian said, "I shall be seeing to Ms. Sanchez education." Naomi looked around the suite and saw a naked Brie setting a breakfast table. "You wouldn't mind helping, would you?"
"No, of course not," Naomi said. Finally she was going to get a chance to get back at Brie for the nipple clamp escapade!
Naomi had misunderstood completely. As it turned out, the day was spent instructing Sabrina Sanchez in the arts of tying up gorgeous blondes in many and various ways. Naomi spent a rather languid Saturday secured in numerous positions. She was hog-tied, ball-tied, frog-tied and spread-eagled. She was suspended upside down, right side up, spread open and curled up. She was gagged in any number of ways, blindfolded, hair tied and ears plugged. Her binders utilized ropes, scarves, straps and chains. Between bouts, Madame Lian would spend a few minutes prescribing and describing Naomi's next prediciment. She would then set Brie loose on the hapless blonde. Once Naomi was secured, Madame Lian would explore and critique the bondage. Brie would then improve the bindings and leave Naomi to explore it herself.
Naomi didn't mind being tied up. In fact, she learned quite a few new tricks herself in the process. The problem was that once Naomi was secured, Brie and her instructor would leave her there! No caressing, no teasing, no nothing! Lian would take Brie out into the garden or kitchen, discuss philosophy or whatever. Naomi wasn't bored, but she was very annoyed... and aroused . Brie was making a habit of applying every rope, strap, or scarf to the accompaniment of strong brown fingers channeling and building the helpless blonde's Chi; proof positive she had absorbed the lessons of the previous day. It was all done very subtly, so as not to invoke the wrath of their teacher... but Naomi could tell Lian was wise to Brie's teasing torment, from the twinkle in their hostess' laughing eyes. Naomi might have complained, of course, if she hadn't been gagged most of the day (and she was too proud to complain on the few occasions when she was not gagged). Never had one girl been displayed in so many vulnerable positions and not been taken advantage of.
The day ended with Naomi mummified from head to toe in silk bandages in the center of the bed with Brie and Madame Lian curled on either side. Naomi squirmed in her tight, implaccable wrappings and smiled behind her mouth-filling silk gag. The last thing Lian had said to her (in a whisper, while Brie was occupied in the shower) had been: "Do not despair, my Priceless Opal. You shall have your revenge."
THE END | of Brie's Story — Chapter 6 |