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Sabrina (Brie's Story) ———————————————— by Courier © 2001 |
Chapter 5 |
"I look ridiculous," Naomi said to no one in particular, turning and examining herself in one of the passageway's mirrored walls. Unconsciously she struck a voguish pose, then blushed and shook her head. "Ridiculous!"
She had managed to don the leather outfit with almost a minute to spare. When she had tightened the last buckle the display had frozen, flashed twice and then winked off. That had been several minutes ago and the taunting AI had yet to send her on her next errand.
During the wait Naomi had time to actually look at the outfit she had hastily dressed in. It was best described as a combination of show girl and show pony! Thin leather straps framed and enhanced all of Naomi's "attributes". They crisscrossed above and below her breasts, outlining and pushing them up and out. A complex belt arrangement dove three leather strands between her legs. (The middle, butter-soft strand had been nestled as gently as Naomi could manage between her labia before being pulled tight.) Straps encircled her thighs, above and below her knees, and her ankles. There were several unused strapping points on the ankle pieces and Naomi supposed that the outfit usually included some ridiculously high heels. Similar to her legs, her arms were banded in leather at the bicep, two at the elbow and again a more complex wrist piece. The wrist strap had a number of little clasps that Naomi figured would match up nicely with the extra rings on the front and back of the outfit.
The outfit was topped off my the head piece. A wide leather headband fit snugly on Naomi's brow. From the headband a strap arched over her crown and then down, under her chin. The chin strap was attached to the collar of the rest of the costume. At mouth level there was another anchor point and another strap that ran behind her head below her ears. Naomi figured that this portion normally came with a bit, but thankfully it was lacking in her case. Finally, a strap ran straight over Naomi's head from front to back, holding a pair of bright yellow, upright plumes.
Just what the bang up-to-date show pony is wearing this year, Naomi groused. She considering prancing around a little in the outfit, but didn't want to give the AI any more evil ideas.
And where was that damned AI anyway? Surely she should want to gloat over Naomi's latest humiliation.
"Hello?" Naomi said, "All dressed here..."
"So I see," an instantly recognized, alto voice purred from behind Naomi's back.
Naomi's breath caught and her heart rate leapt. She slowly turned to the source of the voice. There, silhouetted in an archway was Katherine Mayfair in all her glory. Kat! Naomi's shivered and felt suddenly chilled in the warm corridor.
The bodyguard had dropped most of her equipment, leaving her dressed only in the glistening black bodysuit and hood. To Naomi it looked like Kat had been dipped in thick oil. The suit was almost liquid in its character. The effect was magnified by Kat's languid grace.
"My my, Miss Curtis," Kat teased, slowly approaching her prey, "you didn't have to get dressed up especially for me..."
Staring at the woman who had kidnapped her from her own house, Naomi's mind was suddenly frozen. For Naomi Kat didn't exist in the nurturing, sensuous world of the Inner Circle, Kat existed in the unforgiving real world. Hypnotized as by a cobra, Naomi watched Kat slowly approach.
Kat stopped ten feet down the passage and cocked her head to appraise the leather clad reporter.
Finally Naomi's mind started working again. And she was pissed! Here was the person that could take her fun games with the Inner Circle and made them frightening; the person that had haunted Naomi's mind like a boogey man for months. Even in the most extreme situations Naomi knew how to keep her cool... She just didn't want to this time. She had run from Kat, hidden from her, avoided her in public. Enough was enough! If Kat wanted a fight, Naomi was going to give her one.
"You want me?" She demanded of the smirking Kat. "Come and get me!"
Kat's smile faltered for a moment, as she considered her formerly cowering foe. Naomi had squared her shoulders and adopted a rather primal fighting pose. Kat leapt at her prey. She grabbed Naomi, working for an arm lock, while Naomi countered by wrestling for all she was worth.
Kat was by leaps and bounds the more talented fighter. She was a mistress of several martial arts and practiced her combat skills daily. Naomi, on the other hand, had taken a self defense class and done some kick boxing workouts. There was no way she was going to defeat Kat. But Kat saw no reason to rush the inevitable conclusion. She liked tussling, and if her opponent was a beautiful, voluptuous blonde dressed in nothing but leather thongs, all the better.
Naomi knew she never had a chance, but she was determined to go down fighting. The biggest problem was not her lack of skill, it was Kat's body suit. Naomi tried desperately to get a solid hold on her opponent, but on the outside the suit was slicker than oiled Teflon. Naomi's hands slid off Kat without gaining even a hint of purchase. But this didn't discourage Naomi, she yelled an improvised battle cry and redoubled her efforts.
After letting Naomi try a few grabs and wild swings, Kat decided it was time to end the game before Naomi accidentaly strained one of those lovely, toned muscles or bruised part of that flawless tan skin. Kat faked left and then slid easily behind her opponent. She slipped her arm under Naomi's flailing arm and locked her hand behind Naomi's head. Naomi tried to struggle out of the hold, but Kat was firm. The bodyguard shot her leg in front of Naomi's ankle and easily tripped her. As Naomi toppled to the ground Kat twisted the nearly nude executive on top and took the impact unto the smooth concrete floor herself.
On the ground Naomi could feel all of Kat's body sliding under her as they grappled. Even angry and struggling Naomi couldn't help but appreciate the sensuous quality of Kat's bodysuit. Naomi was quickly rolled onto her stomach and Kat strong hands pulled her flailing limbs together. Then Naomi felt Kat using the unused clasps on the wrists and ankles of her harness to lock her into a hogtie.
Naomi struggled against the tie and cursed at her captor.
"Now, now, Miss Curtis," Kat teased, lounging on the hogtied prisoner, "be nice or I'll simply have to gag you..."
Naomi decided it was better not to be gagged. She was still panting from the struggle and needed to catch her breath. She felt Kat roll over on top of her, sliding her breasts over Naomi's bound hands. As Kat rubbed across her, the bodyguard's hands roamed over Naomi's helpless body.
"I love the thrill of the fight, don't you?" Kat asked. "All that adrenaline and sweat!" Kat's gloved hand wandered up between Naomi's spread thighs. The feel of the slick back of the glove was amazingly erotic, Naomi discovered.
"Hmmmm..." Naomi moaned in agreement. Her heart was pounding, partly from the fight, partly from fear, and partly from the thrill of her predicament.
"I have to say, you impress me," Kat said. Her nimble fingers were tracing the strap bisecting Naomi's sex. Kat's other hand was gently massaging Naomi's neck and cheek. "I knew you were smart, but I didn't expect fight like that."
Kat's middle finger pushed the strap aside and slid effortlessly into Naomi's body. Naomi moaned. There was no doubt about it, she was incredibly aroused. "Aggression is such a delicious sauce," Kat purred, her lips inches from Naomi's ear, "don't you agree?"
Naomi shuddered in her bonds, in Kat's intimate embrace, in her anger and fear.
"You've got guts, Curtis," Kat said, sliding a second finger inside her captive. "I thought you had guts as a reporter, but this..." Kat's other hand cupped Naomi's face and turned her head towards the lounging bodyguard. She then slid up Naomi's body coming face to face with the flushed reporter as her other hand continued its intimate penetrations. "Offering combat, defending yourself, all the while knowing it was pointless to resist a trained fighter such as myself..." Naomi shuddered again as Kat's fingers traced the outline of the helpless captive's flushed lips, both sets of flushed lips. "Such bravery deserves... a reward," Kat purred.
Naomi struggled, bucking in her bonds, whimpering and helpless. Kat's oily, black-clad body felt so good; the bodyguard's, slippery fingers so cunningly delicious. The fear had left Naomi's mind, as had the anger. All that remained was hunger, for her captor's promised "reward."
Kat pulled Naomi into a passionate kiss as she increased the pace of her caresses and found Naomi's clitoris with her thumb. Naomi's body exploded into orgasm as Kat held the tight kiss and coaxed Naomi's tongue into her mouth. As the waves of pleasure lessened Kat slowed her caresses and softened the kiss.
Finally Naomi's body sagged and Kat released her kiss. Naomi's eyes were closed and her face flushed.
"I love a good fight," Kat repeated. "Gets the blood going." Kat slid her hand out of Naomi and observed the moisture glistening on the already shiny surface, "And other juices I suppose." She added with a smile.
Naomi opened her eyes, blinking away a tear, and looked up at Kat. The bodyguard was smiling and watching her captive. "That was... " Naomi began, "That was really... Nice."
"'Nice'?" Kat asked. "You're lucky I don't have time to see if I can ring a more enthusiastic endorsement out of you! But Margo seems to have plans for you, and I have the entertain Jodi."
"I..." Naomi began. She wanted to explain to Kat all that she had felt. The fear, the anger, all of it, but the words wouldn't come. Instead tears came. Naomi sniffled and blinked rapidly.
"That's a little better," Kat said, "but I can't deliver you to Margo a mess." With that the bodyguard cradled Naomi's head and kissed her lips again. Kat trailed her tongue up Naomi's face, lapping up the tears like a kitten with cream.
"Besides, I'm a big believer in damsel 'tag and release,'" Kat said. "Otherwise, the day may come when the sight of countless damsels frolicking in the Katacombs would be just a sad, distant memory."
Naomi couldn't believe that Kat was actually making a joke. She found herself giggling despite all her confused emotions.
"Actually," Kat continued conversationally, "I'm thinking of keeping Jodi as a trophy. Maybe Margo will let me mount her somewhere."
Kat reached back and freed Naomi's wrists and ankles. As Kat flowed to her feet she address the empty air, "Eve? I'll need another pony outfit, matching this one."
Suddenly Naomi remembered the weird way the AI had been tormenting her earlier. She rolled onto her back and whispered, "Kat, I think there's something wrong with Eve. She's... different."
"Hm, let me test," Kat said. "Eve, have you been playing games with Miss Curtis?"
"Yes," Came the answer from the AI, "I've been a very, very bad avatar... I should be spanked!"
Naomi stood up and looked at Kat. "See?" she offered.
"Sounds fine to me," Kat answered.
"But..." Naomi began, then stopped when she noticed the twinkle in Kat's gorgeous green eyes.
"Eve, give us a vid," Kat said, and immediately a wall screen came to life. On it was an "Eve" that Naomi had never seen. Unlike the business-like, auburn haired avatar to which Naomi was accustomed, this projected persona was blonde and wild. She wore a tight fitting leather bustier and hot pants and playfully gestured with a riding crop.
"Naomi Curtis, meet Eve-L, my special security avatar," Kat said while Naomi starred speechless.
"I'm so pleased to finally meet you face to face, Miss Curtis," the AI singsonged, "And may I compliment your lovely outfit?"
"Errrr..." Naomi managed.
"What's the matter?" Eve-L teased, "Kat got your tongue?"![]()
"Eve-L is my special assistant for security," Kat explained. "I use her for all the shadow ops I have to run, as well as for monitoring internal areas..."
"Like the Katacombs," Eve-L chimed in.
"Nice to meet you," Naomi finally said. "I didn't know you..."
"Not many people know about me," the AI pouted, "I think Kitty-Kat is ashamed of me."
"What did I tell you about that nickname?" Kat snapped at the screen.
"That if I ever used it again you'd have Eve-Prime do something terrible to me," The AI seemed quite excited about that possibility.
Kat furrowed her brow. "And you thought I had trouble with Elke," Kat mumbled to Naomi.
Meanwhile the Avatar on the screen had switched from the leather clad dominatrix to the guise of a naughty schoolgirl, caught in the act of some adolescent mischief. Her hair had gone from wild to tightly pig tailed, and she shifted her weight sheepishly from loafer to loafer. "I'm so vewy, vewy baaad," she cooed. "I hope teacher doesn't decide to make me bend over so she can take down my fwilly liddle panties and cane my naughty liddle heinie 'til it's all pink and tingly!"
Kat rolled her eyes in amused exasperation and turned her back on the artifical naughty schoolgirl. "I think Charlie's been hacking her humor files and making, shall we say, enhancements. I can't prove it... but I think I'll probably kidnap the Bug and torture her a few days anyway... just on general principles."
Naomi swallowed nervously. "Uh... you're kidding... right?"
Kat smiled. "Orders from the 'Red Queen,'" she told Naomi, ignoring the worried blonde's question. "Take that," she said, indicating a crab-bot carrying another leather harness outfit, "free Miss Sanchez, and the both of you report to the penthouse. I have a Trickster to take out my frustrations on."
Brie's Story | Chapter 5 |
Brie relaxed in her partial cocoon of solidified resin and tried to calm her mind. She had found that by shifting her body in its limited freedom she could settle comfortably into the hardened web. Of course, she was still hot and bothered and more than a little aroused. Just thinking about spending the weekend as the prisoner of Madame Lian got her heart racing. And to share that experience with Naomi... It was like all the year's holidays rolled into one!
Brie had heard stories about Lian from the girls of the Eastern Circle. They spoke of her with the same reverent loving tone Brie's Western sisters used to describe Margo. All of them held Madame Lian in awe. Of course, Brie figured that a lot of that was just them teasing her for her interest, but still, if only a tiny bit of it was true... And Brie knew that Lian was a powerful presence. She was wise and quietly clever and, also like Margo, very protective and nurturing of her charges. I wonder if she knows all those Japanese rope styles, Brie wondered. That could make things really interesting.
Again Brie's thinking was interrupted by someone approaching down the dark corridor. This time the intruder padded on bare feet and announced her coming with an echo distorted call of "Brie?"
The Latina craned her neck to look down the corridor at the approaching Naomi. Her lover was dressed in a version of one of the show horse costumes that Margo often used to dress her pony girls. In fact, Brie had been forced to wear one for several weeks in the Biosphere Gardens pulling a cart, part of her penance for exposing Inner Circle secrets to Naomi. Pulling the cart wasn't so bad, but sleeping on the hard floor of the stalls...
Of course the version Naomi wore lacked the bit and blinders of the one Brie had worn. It also lacked the hoof boots that she had been forced to stumble around in. Still, it did flatter Naomi's lovely body quite pleasingly...
Naomi stopped in front of Brie, arms akimbo, and cocked her hip. She took her time in looking the flushed captive up and down, cocking an eyebrow at the taped bosom. "I've got an idea," Naomi said, "let's take a short cut through the Katacombs!"
Brie grinned around the grenade, remembering Naomi saying those same words some hours earlier.
"Next time I come up with such a clever idea, feel free to wrestle me to the ground and gag me, okay?" Naomi shook her head and Brie nodded enthusiastically at the suggestion. "Well," Naomi continued, "I didn't have any special plans for the weekend, did you?" Brie did her best to shrug. She tried to explain about Margo and Madame Lian, but around the grenade it sounded more like gibberish. Naomi's facility with gag-talk was not up to Margo's.
"You're probably right," Naomi agreed with the nonsense words, "I should be getting used to working weekends at TESSERACT. No rest for the wicked, huh?"
Brie rolled her eyes. She'd have to wait for Naomi to remove the gag to explain the exciting weekend adventure ahead.
"Kat said that Margo had some 'special assignment' for us both this weekend, but she didn't go into the details. Given that Kat instructed me to bring you a copy of this outfit," Naomi held up a tangle of straps and buckles, "I'm willing to guess we won't be reworking the CDC Proposal."
Brie looked at her lover carefully. If Naomi had had a run-in with Kat, she was taking it very well. Naomi normally didn't even like talking about Kat and now, here she was, relaying a conversation as though it had happened at the water cooler. Not only that, but Naomi seemed both calm and slightly flushed... Had she and Kat actually "kissed and made up?" And why did that make Brie just a little jealous? So... my Nam has become the brave one, has she? the helpless Latina mused. I wonder how I can arrange for her to retain a little of the fear of the predator. She is so delicioso when she gets all shivery. Brie sighed behind her grenade-gag. I wish Kat owed me a favor. I'd have her kidnap Nam and deliver her to me, helpless, blindfolded, and expecting the worst.
Brie looked back at her lover, who appeared blissfully unaware of Brie's villainous inner thoughts. Naomi was playing with the ragged edges of the resin webbing. Flexing it back and forth she easily broke off a piece. She studied it, then tossed it aside. "That doesn't hurt at all does it?" Naomi asked.
Brie shook her head.
"Good, then I can take my time," Naomi said evilly.
I really should have thought about that before answering, Brie thought. But then again, having Naomi do "evil things" to her was not the worst way to spend a Friday at work...
Naomi set the extra outfit on the ground and surveyed her captive friend. "How exactly did you get all hot and bothered in that?" she asked. Brie mumbled an indistinct response. Naomi ignored her, "Could it be that you just like to be tied up so much you don't care how or where? And of course, being the little tease you are, you had to show off your boobs." Brie narrowed her eyes at her blonde antagonist. Naomi gave an exaggerated sigh, "You are such a Do Me Damsel!"
Brie growled through the grenade. Brie's intended translation was something like, "Put you in a pair of handcuffs and we'll see who does who, chica!"
Of course, Naomi didn't know she was being threatened with horrible fates, she was having too much fun teasing her helpless lover. "'Oh, look Nam,'" Naomi adopted her imitation of Brie, "'I was playing with these cuffs and I got stuck, hee hee. Whatever shall I do? And look, I've misplaced my top, and my enormous, wobbly, brown boobies are exposed!'"
Brie growled again, making more promises of hellish retribution.
"Ah well, I guess I can't let you dangle here all day. I mean, someone might come along and take advantage of you... And that's my job," Naomi said, leaning in to kiss Brie's nose. Maybe the pay back won't have to be that horrible, Brie considered.
Naomi gently jiggled Brie's right taped breast. Then, examining it more closely, she poked at the small boxy shape under the tape. Brie complained as the plastic tracker poked her nipple. "I hope that's not you," Naomi said. "Square nipples are sooo last year." Naomi used her nails to pick at the end of the tape, freeing a half inch of it. "Hmmm..." The blonde mused, "Now I can't remember, do you like to pull band-aids off fast, or slow?"
Brie tried to make her opinion known, but either the grenade was preventing it or Naomi really wasn't interested.
"I know!" Naomi smiled, "I'll do half fast and half slow! You'll get the best of both!" With that she meticulously, slowly pulled at the tape. This was not, Naomi noted, the usual Inner Circle tape that was designed to hold tight and come off easily. This was more like 'standard' duct tape. Brie complained through the gag as Naomi teasingly pulled. They watched as the smooth skin of Brie's breast was pulled after the retreating tape, holding on in patches and releasing in yelp inspiring bits. Brie bit down on the grenade, and blinked to keep her eyes from watering.
Naomi paused half way through her game and inspected the black plastic blinking chit stuck to the inside of tape. She reached in with her off hand and poked the chit. Then noting the dimple it had left on her lover's breast, she massaged Brie's now freed nipple. Blood flowed back into the nipple and it blossomed to rigidity. Meanwhile, Brie yelped and arched her back at the ache. Naomi seemed to like the response and continued massaging the nipple, rolling it between her nimble fingers. Brie continued to squirm and inarticulately express her displeasure.
Naomi watched her lover squirm and when Brie closed her eyes tightly, Naomi whipped the tape off the rest of the way. Brie eye's shot open and she stifled a scream of shock, just barely managing to keep a grip on the grenade's spoon.
Naomi held up the dangling tape and examined first it and then her fuming and flushed captive. "I guess you were the slow band-aid type, huh?" She teased, tossing the used tape away.
"Well, enough playing around. Let's get you out of there," Naomi said. "First I think I'll need that bit..." She reached up and took hold of the ends. Brie protested, trying to warn her lover about the nature of the "bit," but Naomi just started pulling. Brie bit down, holding onto the grenade. "Come on, it can't taste that good," Naomi said. "Give it here!" She continued to pull and Brie continued to bite and gurgle. "Bad doggie," Naomi scolded. "It's not a chew toy! Let go or no kibble tonight!"
Brie growled angrily, then went silent, not wishing to make further canine noises. That does it! she fumed silently. First chance I get, somebody's gonna spend the weekend chained naked in a kennel with a rubber bone strapped in their mouth!
Finally, making no progress, Naomi let go with her left hand and snaked it into Brie's right armpit. Still pulling on the bit with her right hand, Naomi began tickling her sensitive lover mercilessly. Brie's eyes widened and she giggled and squirmed, trying desperately to hold onto the bit and resist the tortuous tickling she was receiving. More sweat trickled down her lovely face as she held out as long as she could.
Naomi kept up the assault, finally reaching the exact combination of pressure, location, and speed of tickling that drove Brie insane. Immediately the Latina released the grenade and exploded in breathless laughter. Naomi, meanwhile, was caught unprepared by the violence of her victim's reaction and pulled the grenade free with more force than she had planned. Holding the saliva slick end with one hand proved too difficult and the grenade sailed through the air. The spoon flew free and the cylinder fell, hissing, to the floor.
Brie managed to catch her breath and shout, "Run Naomi! It's a gas grenade!!!" Her warning given, Brie shut her eyes tightly and prepared for the agonizing assault of the itching gas. At least her lover would be... Brie realized that she didn't hear Naomi fleeing! She opened her eyes and found Naomi holding the horribly hissing grenade right in front of her. Brie was speechless.
Hiiiiissssss.... Click... "Boom!" said the grenade in a tiny, tinny voice (a voice Naomi recognized as that of Eve-L). "I am a prototype Itching Gas Grenade, model I-21. I will explode in five... four... three... No, wait! I have been deactivated per Housekeeping Protocol M23. Never mind! Have a nice day!"
Brie looked up at a giggling Naomi. "I held that fucking thing in my mouth for hours!" Naomi couldn't hold in her laughter any longer. "And you knew it wasn't..." Brie sputtered. "And you tortured me! And..." Her diatribe lapsed into an impressively poly-lingual array of profanity.
As Brie discussed both Kat's and Naomi's dubious ancestries in numerous languages, her blonde captor managed to control her laughter. She looked back at Brie (who had just reached the Slavic portion of her tirade) and lost herself in giggles again.
Finally the two of them ran out of laughter and languages and paused to catch their breath. Naomi reached out and used her fingers to comb Brie's errant hair out of the Latina's face. "I'm sorry, Querida, " She said, still smiling at her pouting friend, "when Kat told me it was a dud... Well I couldn't resist. If I let you out of there can I be forgiven?"
Brie licked her lips, something she had been wanting to do for hours, and considered her friend. It was rather funny, she admitted, and she would have done exactly the same thing in Naomi's position. She smiled. "Now my mouth is all tired and dry," Brie complained, "Maybe you can kiss it and make it better...?"
Naomi grinned leaned forward to preform her penance. The kiss was long and wet and involved a great deal of tongue wrestling. Naomi's hands also found their way to Brie well displayed breasts, exploring them with impunity. Finally the two flushed women broke the kiss by mutual agreement. Brie licked her lips again, this time savoring the flavor of her lover.
Brie finally regained her wits and told Naomi about the weekend plans, "You'll never guess who's in town!" Naomi looked at Brie expectantly. "Lian! She's here to finish the Matsushita deal, and Margo wants us to... um... 'entertain' her this weekend!"
Naomi smiled at Brie's unabashed enthusiasm. Brie had spoken about the mysterious 'Madame Lian' on several occasions and Naomi had met the woman once on an Asian trip. "And here we were planning to spend the weekend gardening!" Naomi said as she went back to the pile of leather she had left on the floor. "But first we have to get you out of your shell and dressed..."
"Maybe you could chip away a little at..." Brie began. She stopped cold when she saw what Naomi had retrieved from the pile, the two pronged 'Stinger' that Kat had used on her before.
"N... Now, Nam, I can't get out of this no matter how hard I squirm! Really!" Images of Naomi 'encouraging' her struggles with the cruel Stinger surged through Brie's mind. "I tried hard while..."
Naomi held up a hand to stop Brie's nervous babbling. "This isn't for you, silly," she said, examining the control studs on the device. "Kat told me that if I set the harmonics correctly it should shatter the crystalline matrix of the cocoon... Now, she said set it to Tickle-3, I think..." Naomi fussed with the controls as Brie breathed a sigh of relief.
The tips of the Stinger's prongs glowed into flickering red and green light. Naomi nodded her approval and approached the helpless brunette. "This may tickle a little," She said, raising the device towards Brie's encased left arm.
As Naomi touched the prongs to the web shell the whole "arm piece" vibrated in response. The effect on Brie was electric, like thousands of ants marching along her bare arm in unison. She yelped in surprise. The effect on the web was just as extreme as it quivered, turned to near powder and fell to the floor. Brie shook her now freed arm to dispel the sensation and to remove the last of the flakes.
"Not too bad?" Naomi asked.
"I'll live," Brie replied.
The remainder of the removal was quick and only caused a few more yelps. Finally, Brie was free of the cocoon, standing in her black, bikini panties and trying to brush off the flakes of the webbing. Naomi turned the Stinger off and helped her lover pick off the larger pieces.
Once the Latina was clean enough for the two of them, Brie went about stretching and loosening up her stiff muscles. Naomi enjoyed the sight of the nearly naked beauty twisting and stretching. I wonder if we have time to... She mused.
"We should get going," Brie said, breaking Naomi out of her lustful reverie, "Margo said we should get there as soon as possible."
"Oh, right," Naomi said. She retrieved the leather pony girl outfit and handed it to Sabrina. "I got this thing on in 8 minutes, wanna see if you can break my record?"
"Aren't you going to help me?" Brie teased.
"If you insist," Naomi said, retrieving the Stinger and pointing it towards Brie in a threatening manner. "Would this help?" She asked, switching it on.
"I'll-be-fine," Brie said quickly and began to try to make sense of the harness.
Eleven minutes later Brie had donned the harness to Naomi's satisfaction. The only difference between the two women's outfits was that Brie's was topped with dark blue plumes rather than Naomi's yellow ones. Brie looked herself up and down. Like Naomi's harness, the one she wore did a marvellous job of showing off her body.
"Now, just one more thing..." Naomi said, stepping behind Brie. She pulled in the Latina's elbows and used the clasps to attach them tightly to the harness.
"Hey!" Brie complained, rather ineffectually.
Naomi quickly grabbed each of Sabrina's wrists and clipped them to the harness under her breasts. The each of the clips was anchored on the wrist strap well away from prying fingers and the other end was permanently attached to the harness. Brie looked a lot like a dog raising her paws to beg.
"Now who's my pretty pony?" Naomi asked.
"I'll show you a pretty pony!" Brie cursed and turned to try to kick her tormenter. But Naomi danced back out of range and held up the Stinger.
"Bad horsie!" She said, adjusting the controls. Brie stopped in her pursuit and starred at the glowing prongs. They weren't as bright as they had been before, but still...
"We are supposed to report as soon as possible," Brie said.
"I know," Naomi replied, "that's where I'm going to take you... Eventually. I've only set this to Tickle-1, so it shouldn't be too bad..."
"Um," Brie said.
"We'll take the scenic route, and along the way we'll work on your pony girl gaits. Now, trot filly!" Naomi poked Brie with the Stinger.
"Eep!" The Latina responded and leaped into a high kneed trot.
Brie's Story | Chapter 5 |
Half an hour later Naomi and a winded Sabrina Sanchez arrived at the penthouse suite of TESSERACT HQ. They had travelled most of the way through the Katacombs, entering into the Biosphere only for the final part and then taking a private elevator to the penthouse. The walls of the corridor leading to the suite were rich mahogany with soft indirect lighting. Under the women's bare feet the soft dark carpet felt sumptuous. In fact the air of understated power left both of the women silent and nervous.
Brie walked in front, her pony gaits forgotten as she breathed in the warm, slightly scented air of the executive guest suite. Behind her Naomi nervously looked around. She knew that Eve would have made certain that no one would come across them, but she still worried that some executive would walk out and catch them. Naomi reached forward and released the clips holding Brie's arms and wrists.
"Thanks," Brie whispered. Naomi tried to smile reassuringly in response, but she wasn't sure she pulled it off. Naomi was an executive at TESSERACT. She had handled complex negotiations that could have cost the company millions. She was in executive suites all the time. Of course, she was usually dressed in a business suit, not a nearly not there pony girl outfit!
The two women stopped before the tall, double doors at the end of the corridor. They were beautifully carved and inlaid with shining brass. On either side stood a heavy bronze statue of a praying nymph. Brie swallowed and said, "Sabrina Sanchez and Naomi Curtis reporting as ordered..."
An interminable moment passed and then the heavy doors slowly swung inward. The large room beyond was dim. Naomi and Brie could see that the suite was decorated in a mixture of high tech Eastern and Western. Beautiful screens separated parts of the chamber while rich plush furniture framed conversation pits. The windows on one wall looked out over the lush forested hills around the TESSERACT complex, while the other set showed a balcony garden.
Naomi and Brie entered slowly, taking in the size and decor with open mouths. As they stood in the foyer the heavy doors closed behind them with a satisfying THUNK! The two glanced over their shoulders at the sound, grinned at one another sheepishly, then turned their attention back to the main room. The windows darkened and the lights dimmed. In the center of the room a full body hologram flickered to life.
Eve-L hovered in the air. Her outfit had changed once again, this time to what would best be called Fetish Geisha. Her hair was now pulled back into a tight bun, decorated with Chinese pins. She bowed at the waist to the two women.
"Greetings Damsel-sans," She said, "The wise Madame Lian has left the following instructions: You are to remove your most improper clothing and make use of the shower to make yourselves presentable." A light came on in a doorway to the left of the entrance illuminating a huge, tiled bathroom. "You are to then don the more appropriate attire provided." Another light came on revealing a pair of ornate silk robes, one red and the other blue. "You are then to kneel and await the arrival of your sensei, in respectful silence." Yet another light, this time on a low, lacquered Chinese table set on the carpet. "Oh, and one more thing, dearies..." The avatar smirked, "You aren't to touch one another in any way. Madame Lian was most strict on this point, and I'll be watching to make sure you're good..." With that, the lights in the room brightened and the hologram faded away.
"I told you we should have made out on the way!" Brie whispered as the two started for the bathroom.
THE END | of Brie's Story — Chapter 5 |