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Sabrina (Brie's Story) ———————————————— by Courier © 2001 |
Chapter 7 |
Sabrina Sanchez, star forward for the TESSERACT Furies, drove down the soccer field with an intensity that scared even her own team mates. She controlled the ball with ease and headed for the goal with murderous intent.
The defenders of the Silicon Neuroptics Valkyries moved to cut her off with all the passion of women rushing to the dentist. Already Sabrina (or, La Pantera as her team had nicknamed her) had scored one goal and muscled her way past the defenders with a new found fury. To be honest, the women on the opposing team wanted no part of the seemingly possessed striker. But even with that lack of enthusiasm they tried, and were promptly left stumbling and twisting as Brie slipped past them.
At the goal, the opposing keeper swallowed nervously and watched the fiery Latina slice through her last line of defense. She mentally measured out the lines and distances and finally decided to charge the oncoming brunette in the hopes of catching the ball off her feet. She sprinted, leapt at Brie's feet (and the ball) and watched helplessly as the agile Latina twisted at the last moment and sent the ball whizzing past the her outstretched hands.
Even as the keeper knew her attempt had failed (the roar of the crowd told her that the shot was clean) she still managed a clean, full speed flying tackle of the striker.
THUMP! The two women collided and went down in a heap.
Brie leapt to her feet, her TESSERACT blue and black jersey stained (again) with mud and turf. She pumped her fist and screamed her victory to the skies. The Valkyrie goalie lay stunned, still trying to catch her breath, and watched the stunningly beautiful striker stand over her and exalt.
Brie gazed down at the panting goalie for a moment, and time seemed to stand still. Her vanquished foe was a tall redhead, with high, freckled cheekbones... and green eyes... green eyes showing mainly respect, but also a hint of fear; fear that sent a thrill of pleasure down Brie's spine, fueling the pent-up frustration already burning in the Latina's loins. Brown and green eyes remained locked as Brie smiled. I'll remember you, Roja, Brie mused, if I ever decide to turn into an evil Kat and start kidnapping my playmates off the street. The interlude passed, and Brie turned from the stunned woman and sprinted back to embrace her teammates. Even the usually reserved Liz, the demanding TESSERACT coach, was cheering and dancing on the sidelines.
Brie moved through the celebration in a hurry. She wanted nothing more than to get the ball back in play and burn off more of her nervous energy. She wanted to run and kick and scream. Well, truth be told she wanted to grab Naomi and ravish her for a week, but a certain Chinese woman had forbidden that.
The morning and early afternoon of Sunday had been spent with Brie trussed helplessly while Madame Lian instructed an eager Naomi in the arts of erotic denial. This wouldn't have been so bad had not Brie's immobile body been the classroom. Lian had demonstrated how acupuncture could be used to both heighten erotic sensations and deny them release at the same time.
Brie shuddered, remembering the fear she had felt as their sensei produced a set of four platinum needles. Of course Lian did not allow the neophyte Naomi to apply them, but did so herself. Brie watched with wide eyes as Lian probed her right hip with a fingertip and then applied the pin. It didn't hurt, but Brie had felt an odd tingling. The process was repeated on her left shoulder and then twice on her right fore arm. All this time she was held in a stringently tight spread eagle on the floor of the executive suite. Her sweat slicked body unable to do more then quiver. Her mouth was packed full of soft silk unmentionables, courtesy of Naomi, and a silk kerchief concealed the dermaform tape covering the lower half of her head.
Naomi had leaned forward, "You mean that with those pins there she can feel everything, but can't cum?"
Madame Lian clucked at her trainee's coarse language. "With these points cut off I have restrained her second chakra, which allows release, and empowered her third chakra which controls passion."
The blonde former reporter looked down at her helpless lover and pondered the possibilities. "So I can do this..." she said trailing her fingertips across Brie's splayed and glistening vulva in a way that always drove the Latina wild, "and all she can do is take it?" Brie wide eyes closed tightly as she relished her lover's touch. The previous teasing had left her centimeters from climax and Naomi ministrations were exactly what she needed. She tensed for a wild orgasm... and nothing happened!
Brie waited another moment, eyes closed and body primed, but the long awaited climax never arrived. She opened her brown eyes and furrowed her dark brows. She looked up at Naomi and saw that the blonde was barely suppressing a giggle and was grinning in a way that made Brie very nervous. On the other side of the helpless beauty, Madame Lian merely watched the interplay between the two women with a serene smile.
This is not good! Brie thought. Her loving torment of Naomi the night before with the aid of the TESSERACT Hong Kong COO was about to come back to bite her big time! The helpless Latina shivered in her bonds and whimpered behind her gag, steeling herself for a teasing the likes of which she had never experienced. 'What goes around comes around' should be the motto of the Inner Circle! she mused.
What followed was indeed the most frustrating hours of Brie's life. Hours? It had felt like days! Naomi knew Brie's body very well, knew how to play it like a virtuoso musician, and she proceeded to do so. Fingers, lips, tongue, silk scarves, exotic oils, gossamer feathers, oddly shaped jade statuary, all of these were used on the restrained Latina. Naomi seemed to go wild over the opportunity while Madame Lian lounged on silken pillows and made the odd suggestion.
If there were any justice in the universe Brie would have climaxed ten or twenty times during the erotic assault. In their ordinary play she would have worn out her lover in half that time or less, but Naomi in the role of torturess seemed to have boundless energy. She applied herself and numerous appliances to her task with a vigor that Brie had never seen or experienced or even suspected. Many times during those hours Brie silently prayed to climax or at least to pass out from the sensory overload, but both requests were denied. In fact, she wasn't really exhausted. The continual denial seemed to be building her energy rather than wearing her out.
At last Lian had gently tapped Naomi on the shoulder and whispered something in the grinning blonde's ear. Brie was only half aware of of her surroundings, but she did know that the tortuous assault had finally abated. She panted through her flaring nostrils and tried hard to focus her eyes. Her body was slick with sweat, but Lian and Naomi were now kneeling over her with moist towels. The towels, Brie immediately discovered, were not only moist, but chilled. Her two captors proceeded to gently wipe her sweat soaked body and bank her flaming libido.
After they had soothed her to Madame Lian's satisfaction their teacher whispered to Naomi and the blonde exited. Lian leaned forward and with the skill of experience removed the dermaform and silk from Brie's now dry mouth.
"Please..." was all Brie managed before Madame Lian eased a flexible straw into her mouth.
"Poor thing," the oriental woman cooed, "you must be very dehydrated. Drink and be refreshed!"
Brie decided that quenching her thirst was just a little more important than begging for sexual release. As the Latina drank more and more of the fruity sports drink, Lian massaged parts of her body. An arm, a calf, Brie's neck. Again Brie felt an odd tingle, but she was too absorbed with the drink to act. Then Madame Lian pulled the straw away. Brie was about to complain that she could drink more when, with her other hand, Lian quickly plucked the four acupuncture pins from the Latina's body. For a moment Brie felt nothing and then her entire body shuddered with a prickly, electrical sensation. She twisted and bucked and yelped, but it was over quickly. Lian replaced the straw in her mouth before Brie could invent a new complaint.
As Brie continued to quench her thirst Naomi returned with what Brie recognized as her sports bag.
"Now," Madame Lian explained, "I have promised Margo that you will be very capable in today's match and I expect you to be so. If this was not enough motivation for you, be aware that Miss Curtis will be joining me in the private box and I shall be entertaining her in somewhat less pleasant ways then you have just experienced. If you disappoint me I assure you she will regret it!"
Brie's eyes met Naomi's and she saw the blonde was quite nervous. Even after the torment the blonde had just put her through, Brie was not going to let her suffer needlessly. At least not at the hands on someone else!
"I... I'll do my best," Brie stammered.
"Make certain that you do," Lian said, as Naomi freed her lover's limbs, "but even if you do not, I am certain that I will find something to entertain myself."
Naomi swallowed and nervously helped Brie to her feet. Brie looked down at the carpet where she had lain and was amused to see a dark sweat stain in the shape of her spread body. With all that torment she was amazed at how energetic she felt! She practically bounced on the balls of her bare feet.
Naomi left with Madame Lian while Brie changed into her soccer kit...
"Open, open!" Brie yelled as she sprinted down the right side of the field. As her mid fielders struggled to both support her and keep up with her, her eyes were drawn to the mirrored windows of the special TESSERACT skybox. She knew from experience that it was large, luxurious, and fully equipped to entertain Inner Circle members. I hope a hat trick is enough for her , Brie thought, worrying what tortures Naomi might be enduring...
Brie's Story | Chapter 7 |
"No more; no more, please," Naomi begged.
The blonde was bound in place (of course). Her chair was large and plush and swiveled freely. When facing the field it offered her a perfect view of the action (and of her lover dissecting the Valkyrie defense). It also offered a copious number of concealed tying points. To the casual observer the seat was just another executive luxury in the already luxurious Skybox, but with a simple voice command to the observing AI (in this case Eve-L dressed as a perky, TESSERACT cheerleader) more than twenty swiveling D-rings popped out and allowed for any number of ties.
Madame Lian had taken great pleasure in using each and every one of the rings in securing Naomi. The PR executive was in awe of the Asian CEO's skill in oriental rope work. In awe and totally (literally) in thrall. Lian had started with over 30 meters of bright red silk rope and had used every centimeter of it securing her subject. The blond's arms were secured to the sides of the chair and her legs were pulled up under it, but Madame Lian's greatest efforts had gone into securing Naomi's curvacious torso. Her tanned body was crisscrossed by cords, as were her breasts, wrapped tightly and then crisscrossed again. Her abdomen was covered with an elaborate pattern of interlocking cords that dimpled her skin, as a beautiful as it was inescapable. All that elaborate patterning lead to three, separate cords diving into Naomi crotch. All three were repeatedly knotted and were carefully settled one on either side of her vaginal lips and the third knotted between them.
Not content with securing only her limbs and torso, Madame Lian had quickly arranged Naomi's blonde hair into two short braids and had wound them into the bondage as well. Naomi was fairly certain that the cords between her legs were tightly secured to her braids, but she could barely squirm enough to test that theory.
After securing her captive, Madame Lian had brought out a tray of exotic canapes and a glistening jug of chilled white wine. She had then settled into the matching chair and turned her helpless companion so they could both watch the action on the field.
Naomi had braced her self for whatever discomfort that Lian had planned. Even though she wasn't gagged she knew enough not to say anything. Lian's powerful presence was a more effective gag then a meter of duct tape.
Looking down at herself, as best she could, Naomi had decided that whatever awaited her was most likely to be applied to her protruding bosom. She shivered as her over active imagination creating a long list of frightening things that could be done to a helpless woman's breasts. None of them were particularly pleasant.
Naomi's fate was not to be the horror she had imagined. When Brie quickly took over the game Lian seemed very pleased. She smiled and laughed, watching the driven striker cut through the defense and score her first goal.
"She's quite marvellous isn't she?" Madame Lian mused. When Naomi didn't respond the older Chinese woman turned to her and smiled, "It's perfectly alright to speak child. I only told Miss Sanchez that I would be abusing you to further motivate her."
"Oh..." Naomi said, the hollow feeling in she stomach suddenly evaporating. "Y-Yes, she's very good."
Madame Lian smiled, "Oh yes, she's an impressive player, but I meant her fire! Look at the passion she puts into her play!"
Naomi looked back at the field. Brie was already back in the thick of things, fighting for the ball. Even at that distance Naomi could feel the heat of her lover's energy. Knowing that she could be the target of that passion made her shiver with a sudden chill.
"She's such a wild spirit," Lian said. "How ever will you tame her?"
Naomi was jolted out of her reverie by the question. "I..." She began and then stopped. She tried to imagine 'taming' Brie. She tried to imagine attempting to suppress that energy, that fire. She shook her head. She looked to Madame Lian and smiled. "I won't," she said. "I couldn't. Why would I want to? But I will be with her!"
Lian smiled at her. "Very good. Acceptance of the world as it is is one of the Three Noble Truths of the Buddha. I suppose that acceptance of Miss Sanchez would count under that as well. Now," Madame Lian continued, "since I am not going to have to subject you to the torments of the Third Level of the Tibetan Hell, shall we eat?"
The canapes were delicious, as good as anything Brie had ever created... and apparently limitless.
"No more; no more, please," Naomi begged. "I couldn't eat another bite!"
Madame Lian withdrew the fondue covered strawberry she had been feeding Naomi and picked up the cup of wine. She held it to the blond's lips and then smiled at the chocolate smudge on her chin.
"I suppose you have had enough," Lian said, "Besides, you have other duties to see to this evening."
On the field the game had turned into a complete rout. Brie had scored five goals herself and assisted in two others. She was all over the field, her jersey stained with mud and glass and her wildly flying ebony hair having long since escaped its pony tail. There were just five minutes left and Naomi watched as Liz got one of her subs up off the bench and signaled for a change of players. The assistant coach held up the electric sign signifying that #1, Sabrina Sanchez, was being replaced.
Naomi watched Brie jog to Liz and, apparently, plead her case (complete with wild arm gestures) to remain in the game. Of course, those who were acquainted with Liz knew that when her mind was made up nothing short of Divine Intervention (or a casual remark from Margo) would change it. Since neither omnipotent power seemed to be in attendance, Brie cursed and stomped off to the showers.
Madame Lian leaned over and kissed Naomi passionately. The surprised blonde took a moment and then returned the kiss with gusto. Madame Lian continued down past the range of Naomi's motion and licked her chin clean.
"There," the Chinese woman said, "now you are presentable. All that's left is for you to be freed and to greet your returning heroine."
Brie's Story | Chapter 7 |
Sabrina had stomped into the TESSERACT locker room only to be greeted by a hologram of Eve-L. The erratic AI was now dressed, if that was the correct word, in panties, and was using a towel to dry her tousled, damp, blonde curls. For all the world she looked like she had just stepped out of the shower.
"Great game, Sanchez," she teased, "But no shower for you!"
"Listen you..." Brie began, but then her virtual tormentor was joined by a second projected figure: an elaborately bound, gagged, and naked Naomi. Eve-L coiled her towel into a rat-tail and made as if to snap it at the exposed flank of her cringing, whining Virtual hostage. Brie took the none too subtle hint and held her tongue, but nothing could keep her from glaring at the gloating, grinning security avatar.
"That's better," the un -gagged projection gloated, and Virtual Naomi rippled and vanished. "Now, follow me," Eve-L ordered and turned towards the floor to ceiling mirrored wall of the locker room.
As Brie approached, a panel of the mirrors swung open. Just like all the mirrors in the main complex! Brie realized. She hadn't even considered that the same might be true of the mirrors here in the Sports Complex.
Brie followed the flickering projection to the other side of the looking glass and saw that, also like the main campus mirrors, these were also one way. She could see the well lit interior of the locker room perfectly, and its occupants would be completely oblivious to her presence.
"Strip!" the projection commanded.
The room on the other side of the mirror was dark and humid. Brie couldn't tell its size, but it felt small. She removed her stained uniform and stood naked, hand on hip, waiting for the AI.
"Over here." The projection indicated the central mirror panel and Brie complied. "Face the mirror and press against it," the AI instructed. Brie did so, pressing her sweaty breasts and hips against the warm surface of the one way mirror. It was body temperature, Brie noted. That would keep the other side from fogging in interesting patterns.
Brie heard a whir and a click and saw that two manacles had lowered from the ceiling along with a metallic head harness with a bit gag attached, all dangling at the end of heavy chains. "You know what to do," Eve-L said, "Ankles first!"
Brie looked down and saw a matching pair of shackles on the floor of the chamber, about four feet apart. She knelt and secured one and then the other, hearing the click-thunk as the solenoid locking mechanisms activated. Knowing the next command, Brie fitted the bit gag into her mouth and then the harness around her head. As the back section met there was another click-thunk. At least it wasn't too tight, Brie thought.
Finally Brie slid her wrists into the dangling cuffs. She was greeted with a hiss as the interior of the cuffs expanded to tightly hold her wrists.
"Now all that's left is stringing you up," the AI gloated.
First Brie felt the head harness tighten, clamping her head in a firm embrace. I should have known, she mused, then mewed through her grimacing mouth as the bit expanded to mouth stuffing proportions. Then the ankle cuffs began to separate, splaying her muscular legs even further apart. Finally, the wrist and head chains were pulled taut, pressing Brie's nude, slick, suspended body against the glass.
"Make as much noise as you want," Eve-L gloated. The mirror wall is sonically shielded, white noise speakers that broadcast your pathetic, whining efforts at communication 180 degrees out of phase, cancelling them out."
That does it! Brie fumed silently. Artificial or no, you are on my shit-list, chica!
"Enjoy yourself, darling," the AI trilled, and Brie heard more than saw the mirror panel twist closed... and suddenly felt alone... then her teammates began streaming into the locker room!
Brie watched in enforced silence as the athletic women undressed in the adjoining room. Many glanced at Brie, but then the Latina realized they were just looking at themselves in the mirrored wall. Brie also realized that the sound from the locker room was being piped into her hidden chamber.
"...great game..."
"I couldn't believe what she did!"
"Brie was totally hot today and...
"Did you see her make that third shot? It was..."
"...was like on fire! God Naomi is lucky!"
"Yeah, with all that energy!"
Sabrina listened helplessly as her teammates sung her praises, even the usually perfectionist Liz! The acerbic coach entered and proceeded to lecture the half naked women on their faults, holding Brie up as the model athlete. But after such a rout even her famous temper was softened as she handed out rare praise to her team. She finished her speech with the usual, "hit the showers," and the dirty sweaty naked women scurried off. Then the diminutive coach turned to the mirror, looked straight at Brie, and winked!
She knows! Brie thought. She knows I'm here! This thought cut through her voyeuristic anonymity and reminded Brie how trussed up and helpless she was. It also reminded her how aroused she was. Without the game to funnel her excess energy, the fire was now returning to her loins and demanding release!
Brie twisted and squirmed, trying to find some way to scratch the itch that was rapidly becoming unbearable. Her stringent position, however, left her little surface to rub against; then she heard Eve-L whisper, "Naughty naughty!" and with a shuddering snap, she was pulled several centimeters away from the mirror wall, suspending her completely! Her frustration built as she watched her now showered teammates reenter her vision and begin dressing for nights on the town (a Furies tradition, especially after a victory).
Please, Brie prayed, please. She felt her eyes tearing and sniffled in fear of having to spend the night here, unable to quench her fires of arousal. She hung her head as much as the harness would allow.
Then she felt motion behind her. Someone had entered the hidden chamber.
Brie felt the person moving closer, their motion stirring the lazy, humid air in the chamber. Then a smooth, cool, naked body was pressed against her back.
"Mmmmm..." Brie moaned through the gag.
"Mmm... indeed," the figure said. NAOMI! Brie exalted.
"You were magnificent," her lover continued, rubbing her naked body up and down Brie's moist back. "My champion!" Naomi cooed.
Brie moaned her joy at the reunion, relishing the feelings of her lover exploring her body.
"Now," Naomi whispered, "How many goals was that again?" Her hand slid between Brie's legs to her overheated sex. Brie arched at the first contact.
"Mmmm... Five goals I need to pay you back for..." Naomi said, beginning to stroke her lover's swollen clitoris.
Brie's body reacted at once. All the pent up arousal of the day rushed back. Brie's arousal built to a peak almost at once. She quivered, twisted and squirmed in her bondage as her lover brought her to a wild orgasm.
As Brie was riding the peak of the extended climax Naomi leaned forward to her ear and whispered, "I love you Sabrina Sanchez."
Brie bucked and pulled on her inescapable restraints, then collapsed... but far from extinguished, the fire of her passion returned. If anything, her craving for release was greater! Madre de dios! Brie thought, whining through her gag. What did that Oriental Witch do to me?
"Ready to go again, darling?" Naomi inquired innocently, then with newly expert fingers began building and channeling her helpless lover's Chi.
"M'MMPFH!!!" Brie screamed through her mouth stuffing bit, straining against her bonds as a second wave or unbearable pleasure rocked her sweating, captive body.
Naomi gave Brie a minute to recover and then said, "And I only owe you three more for your performance on the field... Then you can start working off what you owe me for that nipple clamp nonsense."
Brie whined through her gag as Naomi began building her Chi yet again. I'll die! she thought, ...but what a way to go!
THE END | of Brie's Story — Chapter 7 |
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