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Elke's Birthday
Party by OMDOM99 © 2003 |
Chapter 3 |
THE PARTY'S OVERCharlie stood next to the huge table as the last guest left the room. She looked down at the helpless prisoner with a devious grin. "Alone at last…" she said, laying her hand lightly on Elke’s exposed breast. Her prisoner groaned through the gag and tried to raise herself toward the tantalizing touch.
Charlie looked down at the birthday girl sympathetically. "I’m sorry about that gag but I can’t let you talk. I’m afraid you would tell Eve to help you escape. Even though Margo said it was OK, I know you have some kind of special override authority. That’s one of the reasons I took your signet ring earlier." Charlie moved her hand slowly over the soft skin.
Eve’s voice broke the silence. "Charlie, Elke is at an extremely high level of arousal due to her previous stimulation by the inner circle. I detect increases in pulse rate, respiration, blood pressure, and body temperature. Unless it is your intention to cause her to climax, I recommend you remove your hand."
Charlie quickly jumped back. "Thank you Eve. I was enjoying this so much that I forgot the overall plan." The energetic captor knelt below the table for a moment and pulled a lever. The table rose slightly as a Teflon castor extended from each leg allowing Charlie to roll it easily toward a set of double doors at the far end of the room. "Elke." She said. "You may be thinking that your birthday party is finished, but I can tell you that the evening is just beginning." The table slowed and then stopped as Charlie opened the huge doors to the VR sound stage. "In fact, I have been planning this party for months." She said moving to the foot of the table and swinging it around so that Elke could lift her head and look into the next room. It was almost comical how her blond friend did a double take; glancing at the room first, then up at Charlie and back to the room. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.
The room looked like a cross between a circus tent and a French boudoir. Indirect, overhead lights cast a soft glow over the gold and red velvet décor below. The centerpiece was an "emperor" sized bed covered with a black fake fur spread. At the head and on both sides were large mirrors that gave the scene a surreal look. The walls were covered with gaudy, red and gold tapestries. Dozens of sconces held fake torches that consisted of colored cellophane and a small fan. Several items hung down from the darkness above the lights. Elke could see at least two sets of chains, one of which ended in a leather strap type harness.
Charlie babbled excitedly while she wheeled the table under one of the chains. "I know this doesn’t look as good as it would if Eve had helped me. But I had to keep this a secret from everyone—especially you." She walked behind one of the mirrors and returned with a length of "smart rope" which she threw over Elke’s chest, pulled it under the table, and knotted it. "I had so much fun decorating this place! And nobody knew what I was up to." She ran out of sight for a moment and returned with two spreader bars. "I hope you appreciate that I had to do a lot of planning for this."
She placed one of the bars on the table above the captive’s head between her fettered arms and moved to the foot of the table. "There is no way I could get away with this if you were free. I remember you picking me up and carrying me under one arm. Anyway..." she said, clipping one end of the spreader bar to the cuff around each of Elke’s booted ankles. "I don’t intend to give you a chance to overpower me. I have everything planned down to the last detail."
Connecting one of the hanging chains to the center of the bar, she untied the bindings holding Elke’s ankles to the foot of the table. Again the industrious pixie disappeared from view. A few seconds later, Elke felt her feet being pulled up toward the ceiling. She struggled against the bindings without success until the chain had raised her high enough to lift her hips off the table. Then it stopped and Charlie returned holding a gaily-wrapped present. "This is my present for you. I made it all by myself." She giggled. "Oh, Eve got me some of the parts. But I put it together myself. I had a one-of-a-kind model to use as a pattern." Walking up to the side of the table, she opened the package.
Elke was getting a premonition of danger as her diminutive friend threw the tissue paper packing material on the floor. When Charlie pulled the shimmering silver material from the box, Elke tried to yell through the gag. She recognized the dreaded Tikler Chastity belt that she and Margo had used on Charlie months before. It looked like a normal pair of French-cut panties except that the fabric was made of Mylomar, a newly developed product with applications in the aerospace industry. Charlie held them up for Elke’s benefit. "They may look thin, but the fabric is stronger than steel. I tried to cut them off with regular scissors but you need a special device." Charlie grinned and pointed to a tiny attachment. "See this little ‘thingee’ at the top of the smaller hole? That’s the clit collar—it’s made of lightweight Teflon. I used a drop of that oil you got from Brie to lubricate it." Charlie poked a finger through the top hole. "I’ve made only one improvement. See this Mylomar mesh sleeve attached to the middle? It’s got tiny seed pearls attached. They’re just like the larger tikler beads around the top where it connects to the hole."
The energetic pixie pulled the two-inch sleeve away from the garment. "I got the idea in a craft store in Bellevue. Ever hear of a ‘dream catcher’, those American Indian decorations that keep bad dreams away?" Holding the article of clothing closer to Elke’s eyes, she continued. "See? After I attach the labial clamps to hold you open, I stuff this mesh sleeve inside you. Then I fasten the clit collar and snap the outer garment together like a steel diaper."
"Eve?" Charlie asked. "Is she calm enough for me to put this on her? You know that I have to make some very personal and sensitive connections."
Eve’s voice seemed to contain a hint of amusement. "Elke’s sexual excitement has diminished somewhat. I now detect additional emotions of anger, fear, and anticipation, so you may continue. I must warn you, though, that if Elke gets loose, she is likely to retaliate strongly."
An involuntary shiver went through the mischievous imp. "I know, Eve. That’s all I have been worrying about since I started planning this thing!"
She carefully threaded the garment between Elke’s wide spread legs as the bound captive struggled to avoid the inevitable. "Come on now. Don’t make this any harder than it already is. I have some delicate adjustments to make down here." Charlie smiled playfully as she grasped one of Elke’s labia and clipped it to one side of the bead-ringed opening. Elke was beginning to moan when the little pixie tenderly tickled the hood of her clit until it unfolded like a flower. "Oh Elke." Charlie said with a smirk. "Look at you! You’re so responsive!" Pushing the tiny clit collar into place over the hardened bud, she made an adjustment with the remote device and the collar contracted gently. "I hated this part of the belt the most. It keeps you hard but prevents you from rubbing it." She looked down cruelly. "I want you to be completely dependent on me for release." Then she giggled as she became conscious of the double meaning.
Elke recognized that she was completely under Charlie’s control and she let her head fall back on the pillow in surrender. She looked up at her captor pleading with large anxious eyes.
Ignoring the muted entreaties, Charlie stuffed the mesh sleeve carefully into the captive’s slippery vagina and snapped up the garment. "I know this feels kind of breezy." She said bending over and blowing gently into the opening. "But you’ll get used to it after a while."
The energetic brunette ran around to the head of the table and locked the other spreader bar between Elke’s wrist cuffs. Then she left the table for a moment to lower Elke’s feet to the table. Returning, she unhooked the chain from the spreader bar between her ankles and swung it over to reattach it to the bar between her wrists. Finally she bent down and untied the smart rope that held the prisoner to the table. In a moment, Charlie had raised her captive from the table and pushed it out of the way leaving Elke suspended by her arms next to the bed.
"How does that belt feel now?" She asked. "Don’t you feel open and exposed?" Charlie knelt in front of the helpless form. Again she blew gently between her legs, smiling at the involuntary trembling. "That’s how I felt all the time after you put it on me…" She grabbed the smart rope and tied one end around the spreader bar and the other end to the foot of the bed. When she tapped it with the signet ring, it contracted pulling the suspended fitness instructor along a track in the ceiling until her feet were above the bed rail. Charlie ran over to the chain control and lowered her captive onto the bed. When she returned she pulled a strap connected to the top of the bed and snapped it to one of Elke’s wrist cuffs. She started to climb over the prostrate prisoner to clip the other wrist but stopped half way and looked down into Elke’s pleading eyes. The image was startling—the small, elfin creature on top of the large muscular, Amazon. It was a study in contrasts. Face to face and up close, their size and stature were exaggerated—each in comparison to the other. Charlie looked even more petite next to Elke who seemed much larger and formidable. But the statuesque blond was anything but dangerous with her highly developed body secured to the bed—completely at the mercy of her smaller subjugator.
"Ohhh." Charlie purred. "You look so vulnerable. I could do anything I wanted to you, couldn’t I?" Sitting up on the captive’s stomach, she grasped a nipple in each hand and gently pulled them toward her. Elke groaned and lifted her body toward the cruel fingers to ease the growing pain. Charlie released them and scrambled over to connect the other wrist to a strap that also came from the top of the bed. Checking that the snaps were locked, she crawled to the foot of the bed and secured Elke’s booted ankles in a similar manner. After checking all the bindings twice, she disconnected the spreader bars and dropped them beside the bed. Then she quickly pulled off her clothes and stood next to the bed wearing only her panties.
She was a little out of breath when she crawled back to the spread-eagled hostage. "See how I felt when you tied me to that massage table?" She asked rhetorically. "Well, this is nothing. Wait till I turn on the belt…" Elke shook her head strongly trying to shout through the gag. Charlie ignored her. "Now where did I put that remote control?" She ran her hands over the helpless body. "You don’t have it do you? Nope. No pockets." The mischievous pixie threw one leg over Elke’s waist and sat on her facing her feet. The searching fingers moved down toward the belt. "Here’s a pocket…" she said, allowing one finger to lightly explore the opening between the squirming victim’s legs. Elke went crazy jerking against her bindings and bucking her hips. "Nope, not in there." Charlie leaned forward and moved her hands down the wide spread legs. "Maybe it’s hidden in your new boots." She said sliding her nude body along Elke’s exposed skin and running her fingers over the soft leather. "Maybe I left it in the other room." She said jumping off the bed. "I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere…" Then she disappeared.
Elke lay there, staring up toward the ceiling hidden in the darkness. Part of her was dreading what was to come; another part was excited with anticipation. The sexual stimulation she had endured at the hands of the birthday guests had made her hotter than anything in her prior experience. Each of the sexual torments had made her more responsive to those that followed until she could think of nothing but the agonizing sensations and her desire for sexual release. She had been so close to orgasm for so long—on the edge and then pulled back. And now that the Tikler belt had been installed, she had become a toy under her friend’s complete control.
Charlie bounced back into the room with the remote control. "I found it!" She exclaimed. "And I also found something else that I saved from the time you tied me up in Margo’s office." She held up two small rubber suction cups. "Remember how you said that they would make my nips longer? Well they did. But they also made them more sensitive. I’m going to return the favor tonight."
The diminutive domme climbed back on the bed and knelt next to her involuntary submissive. Lightly brushing her fingers over the bare skin, she caused the nipples to swell until they stood up like large rubies. Then she squeezed the air out of one ball and placed it over a hardened nipple. Holding it tightly against the aureole she released it and leered as it expanded and sucked the nipple tightly inside. Elke inhaled sharply through her nose and groaned into the gag. Ignoring the reactions, Charlie reached over and repeated the process with the other breast. This time Elke reacted strongly, throwing herself against the bindings trying to dislodge the small sources of discomfort.
Charlie smirked. "Pretty intense aren’t they? But it’s amazing how the feelings change when you get sexually stimulated." Charlie said pulling the remote out of her waistband. "Watch this." She activated the belt on its lowest setting.
Elke’s reaction was impressive. Throwing herself around on the bed, she pulled against the steel cables that held her in place. Her moans quickly changed in tone from high to low as she became more and more aroused.
Charlie looked down at her. "Not thinking about the nipple cups now, are you?" She gently flicked first one and then the other with her finger. Elke looked up at her imploringly, but the cruel tormentor continued to play with the rubber balls, pulling them gently and pushing them from side to side. "The balls feel different now, huh? I bet they almost feel good, don’t they"
Elke was in a world of her own. The soundless vibrations between her legs masked all other sounds. Her world was focused on the sexual stimulation that was increasing her desire for release like helium in a balloon. In her mind she was that balloon—tugging against the bindings holding her down—trying to soar into the sky.
Charlie watched her in amazement. "Awesome!" She whispered. "This is only the outer ring of beads… What’s she going to do when I activate the ‘dream catcher’?" She turned off the belt and Elke fell back into the bed moaning. Charlie quickly removed the gag and pushed her victim’s hair back from her sweat soaked forehead.
Elke’s voice was hoarse. "Charlie, please. I can’t take this. Please let me come?
"Now you see how I felt when you teased me!" She replied.
"Please, Bug… Don’t keep me like this. You’re driving me crazy." The muscular blond twisted restlessly on the bed. "Please do something!"
The smaller brunette leaned over her. "Okay… How about this?" And she pulled both rubber cups off at once.
"Nnnngh!" The captive groaned. "Not that! You know what I need! I’m so hot!"
"Be careful what you wish for…" Charlie laughed. "You may get it…"
"I know what I want! Come on, Bug. Give it to me!" Elke said desperately.
The belt reactivated on low causing the prisoner to jerk against the cables that held her spread-eagled. "Ugh! Ugghh! Yes!" She twisted on the bed, thrusting her hips into the air. "More… Give me more!" She gasped.
Charlie lay there next to the squirming woman resting her head on her hand. Idly she let her other hand caress the exposed skin. The nipples truly did look longer and Charlie couldn’t resist playing with them. By now Elke was panting with desire.
"Charlie, help me…" she whimpered.
But her captor held her on the edge and continued to play with her. Running her hands down across the silvery belt, Charlie tickled her inner thighs and ran her fingers down to the backs of her knees. The helpless captive tried to thrust her body against her teasing friend. Charlie ran her hands over the smooth surface of the riding boots. The soft leather felt warm to her touch and she sat up to reach the cuffs that held them apart. Elke was moaning constantly now. Again she was in a dream like state of intense passion, tugging against the tether that held her down on earth—struggling to take wing and fly. Release was so close… She was almost there… Her captor’s fingers tantalized her helpless body! She strained against the bonds! Almost…
And then she was there! The orgasm swung her through the air—up, up into the clouds! She was swooping and diving, and coming! And the sensations continued. They wouldn’t stop. She couldn’t stop coming. She saw tiny points of light like stars against a rose colored sky. There was a roaring in her ears. And the unrelenting climax went on, and on. It seemed like hours and still it pulled her through the air like a fiery comet. A fleeting thought ran through her mind, I’m going to die of orgasm!
And then the belt was turned off. Elke lay there in a haze. She had never come as hard as that. Her pelvis felt numb from her stomach to her thighs. Slowly her breathing returned to normal and she could see her friend’s worried face above her.
"Are you Okay?" She asked anxiously. "I never saw you like that before."
Elke smiled up at her nervous friend. "Yes, Bug. I’m Okay. But I tell you—I’ll never be the same again! That was amazing!"
"Whew!" Charlie said in relief. "That was just a clitoral orgasm. Wait until you feel the vaginal one with the ‘Dream Catcher’!"
Elke’s eyes widened in alarm. "No, Bug! You can’t… I can’t… I just came harder than I ever did before! I can’t come again!"
Charlie smiled down at her. "Don’t be a baby! I say you can have as many climaxes as I want you to have… At least as many as the batteries in this remote say you can…" She held up the remote. "So… Are you ready to start again?"
"No! Charlotte, don’t! Stop! Oh no! Ohhhhh! Aaaaaaah." The beads resumed their song and Elke’s body tried to sing harmony, her voice going lower and lower until all you could hear were animal sounds of passion. This time the orgasm that she had chased caught her quickly. Again she was flying through the air, swooping and diving. Her heart beat faster. Her body stiffened as the ‘Dream Catcher’ found her "G spot" and began a dance that wouldn’t end. The sensations were different than before—stronger and deeper. She couldn’t stand the pleasure—and it wouldn’t stop. She seemed to hang in time; her back arched her mouth open in silent protest. And still it continued—until mercifully, everything went black and she lost consciousness.
"Eve!" Charlie called. "Is she OK?"
"She is in a very deep sleep. I recommend you let her rest for several hours."
"Right." Charlie replied. "It’s late anyway and I have some more games planned for tomorrow. Will she be alright if I don’t untie her?"
"I recommend you loosen the cables and permit her some slack. She will be stiff tomorrow morning, but she will be alright until then."
Birthday Party |
Chapter 3 |
THE MORNING AFTERElke woke slowly. She felt great, completely rested and refreshed. Stretching her muscular limbs she smiled at the dreams of last night. It was hard to wake up this morning. She tried to open her eyes but everything was dark. When she tried to move her arms and legs, she realized that last night’s dreams were real. Her muscles were stiff and no matter how she pulled against the bindings, she could not escape.
"Well, look who’s awake." Charlie said softly. She was fully dressed and in high spirits. "Good morning, Sleepy Head."
"All right, Bug!" the blond captive growled. "Take this blindfold off! You’ve had your fun."
Charlie bounced on the bed in high spirits. "Yeah, I sure did have some fun. You were amazing." Charlie rested her hand lightly on Elke’s flat stomach. "Do you know how many times you came for me?"
"Charlotte Paretsky, when I get loose, you are in sooo much trouble!" The bound amazon yanked helplessly against the bonds that held her spread-eagled on the bed.
"Oooou, look at you twisting around on the sheets… Sort of gets to me again." She said, softly moving her hand over the nude prisoner’s abdominal muscles and around one breast.
"Charlie, you stop that and let me go this instant! You’ve had your present…"
"Oh, but I haven’t finished it yet. I get you for today too. I don’t have to release you until tonight."
The naked woman groaned. She realized that the sexual teasing from last night was nothing compared to what her impish friend could do to her for the rest of the day. She tried a more friendly approach. "Thank you for turning off the belt last night."
Charlie grinned. "I don’t think you could have lasted if I didn’t. Anyway, you needed the rest. Today is going to be a big day for you."
"Come on, Bug." She grumbled. "I’ve got to go to the bathroom or I’ll have an accident and make this sound stage smell like it looks."
"Hey!" Charlie responded. "Watch it! I spent a lot of time on these decorations. I think they match the occasion. You know it’s not every day I get to tease you. Usually it’s the other way around."
"Okay, already. The décor is marvelous—simply marvelous. Now will you let me go?"
"Okay. I’ll let you loose to go to the bathroom if you promise to come back and let me tie you up when you’re finished."
Elke bristled. "You’re crazy if you think I’m going to promise that!"
"Oh, I think I can get you to promise anything…" She replied nudging the control knob on the remote.
Ilke stiffened with a gasp. "Okay… Okay Bug! Stop! I promise!"
Charlie’s face lit up with a mischievous grin. "Promise what?"
"I promise to come back and let you tie me up again. Now please turn it off!"
"I have your word of honor, right?"
"Yes! I promise! Just turn it off!"
The belt stopped and Elke slumped back into the sheets. She felt her captor move down toward the foot of the bed and fumble with the cable that held her booted ankles apart. Slowly she bent her knees allowing her muscles to return to their normal state.
Charlie moved back toward the head of the bed and straddled the helpless blond while she leaned forward to release her wrists. Elke felt Charlie’s hardened nipples against her own breasts for a second and then her hands were free. Charlie jumped off the bed and stood there holding the remote like a shield. Elke stretched her aching muscles and rolled over on her stomach. She reached her hands up to remove the blindfold but it wouldn’t come off. "What have you done with this blindfold?"
Charlie grinned. "It’s made of the same material as the smart rope. It won’t come off unless I tap it with your signet ring."
"Well how am I going to go to the bathroom?"
The small brunette walked around the bed and stood there. "You get out of the bed on this side and I will walk behind you—guiding you."
"You really don’t take any chances do you? I gave you my word, didn’t I?" she said, getting out and standing there.
Charlie felt a surge of power as she said, "Take two steps forward."
Elke moved forward hesitantly until she felt Charlie’s hand on the back of her neck urging her forward.
"Just walk slowly." Charlie said steering her into the nearby bathroom. "Stop! Now reach forward and touch the sink." Elke complied feeling the sink and the towel rack next to it on the right. Charlie continued. "Reach over to your left and you’ll feel the toilet. I ‘m going to leave you here till you’re finished. I have to get something ready. Call me when you’re finished and I’ll come back to get you." And then she was gone.
Charlie quickly ran over to a refrigerator behind one of the tapestries and removed a tray containing almost a dozen small, individual bowls. Setting the tray on a small table, she ran behind the curtains again and returned pushing a massive oak armchair on castors. Thick leather straps hung down from the arms, legs, and back. Positioning the chair next to the table, she pulled a lever on the back and the castors retracted, allowing the chair to drop with a loud thump. She looked around the area briefly and then returned to the bathroom.
Elke was standing in the doorway trying to hear what was going on. "Okay, Bug. I can’t get these boots off—the ankle cuffs are too tight. How am I going to take a shower?" Charlie again took up her position behind her. When it’s time for your shower, I’ll take them off. Now walk slowly forward." The size difference between them was again conspicuous as the elfin brunette guided the blindfolded body builder across the room to the heavy chair. "Stop! Now reach out and you’ll feel a chair. Please sit down and place your arms on the rests." Elke complied and Charlie quickly buckled the straps, securing her wrists and upper arms to the chair. Then she pulled a strap across Elke’s stomach and tightened it, holding her firmly against the chair back. Finally she pulled one of the victim’s legs around the outside of the chair and lifting her foot, bound it to the back leg of the chair before repeating the procedure with the other leg. "Make’s you feel kind of exposed, doesn’t it?" She ran her hand up one leg from the knee toward Elke’s exposed sex. The helpless prisoner jerked against the leather bindings. The leather boots squeaked in protest, but the straps held her securely in place.
"I hope you’re hungry because I have made us a magnificent breakfast. First I want you to try a little cappuccino. I hope you like it with sugar because I already sweetened it." Tasting it to make sure it was not too hot, she held it up to Elke’s lips. "There’s a little straw for you to take a sip."
Gratefully, Elke swallowed some. "It’s perfect, Bug. Thank you."
Charlie grinned. "We’re going to play a little game this morning. I give you something to taste and you guess what it is. If you’re wrong, I start the belt on low. If you’re right, I turn off the belt or give you another taste test." Removing a plump strawberry from one of the bowls, she placed it between Elke’s lips. The powerless prisoner ran her tongue over the surface feeling the tiny seeds and tasting the tangy sweetness as she bit down carefully.
"Stwabrry." She said around the delicacy.
"Don’t talk with your mouth full. You can swallow before you answer." She placed a large white grape into her captive’s mouth.
Again, Elke rolled it around before biting into it causing the flavor to explode over her taste buds. "Mmmmm. Grape. More!" She said smiling.
"You’re enjoying this aren’t you?" Charlie said placing a tangerine wedge into her mouth.
"Umm Hmm. More!"
"No you have to guess."
"I’m going to give you a break on this one. Orange is close to tangerine, but not correct. The next mistake earns you the belt." Charlie took another strawberry and dipped it into a bowl of whipped cream before placing it into Elke’s open mouth. Unfortunately, a dollop of cream dropped on her prisoner’s naked breast. "Oh Dear." Charlie said. "You’re such a messy eater. I’ll have to clean that up." She leaned forward and licked the whipped cream from the bare skin causing Elke’s nipples to stiffen. She dipped another strawberry and enroute to Elke’s mouth dropped some more cream on the other breast.
"Oops. That was my fault. I’ll get it." Again she bent her head and licked the cool cream from the smooth skin.
"Hey Bug!" Elke gasped. "That’s a lot of licking for one drop of whipped cream!"
"Ohh… Yeah. You’re right. I forgot myself for a minute." She held the cappuccino up to Elke’s lips. "You need to clear your pallet. These are going to get a little more difficult." Reaching into another bowl she pulled out a small pear wedge and dipped it into a cup of cherry yogurt. "Guess what this is." She said inserting the fruit into Elke’s open mouth.
"Um… It tastes like cherry, but doesn’t have the consistency of a cherry. Is it some exotic fruit that I haven’t tasted before?"
"No hints." Charlie said grinning. "What’s your guess?"
"Can I try it again?"
"Okay, just this once." The devious tormentor said, dipping another piece of pear into the yogurt and inserting it into Elke’s open mouth. "Oops! Dropped another blob on you… Don’t worry, I’ll get it as soon as you make your guess."
Elke’s brow furrowed as she tried to identify the tastes. "Passion fruit dipped in cherry yogurt… Ohhhh!" The belt activated and she stiffened against the straps that held her in place.
"Wrong!" Charlie announced gleefully. "It was a pear!" And she bent down to lick the drop of yogurt off the struggling woman’s breast."
"Bug! Stop. This is driving me crazy!"
But Charlie continued to lick slowly around each hardened nipple.
Elke couldn’t concentrate on the game. She was too aroused. "Come on, Bug!" she panted. Give me another one so I can turn off the belt!"
"Okay, okay. You sure are pushy…" The tricky tormentor placed a cube of cantaloupe in her gasping mouth.
"Uh… Uhhh. Mellon!" she panted.
"Nope!" Charlie grinned. It’s cantaloupe."
Elke was squirming in the chair. "A cantalope’s a melon! No fair!"
"Okay, okay. I’ll give you another chance." Taking a cube of apple, she dipped it into a cup of chocolate sauce and fed it to her quivering victim.
Elke could hardly concentrate. But the taste of chocolate was clear and the texture of the apple when she bit into it was clear. "Apple in chocolate!" She shouted.
The teasing belt stopped and she slumped back into the chair.
"You’re getting good at this." Charlie said offering her some more cappuccino.
Elke took a sip and shook her head. "I can’t play any more, Bug. It’s too hard to concentrate. All I can think of is the itch between my legs."
Charlie pouted. "But I have so many different things for you to taste." She pulled out a drawer and removed a ring gag. "I need to gag you for the next part of this game. Open wide." She quickly inserted the ring and fastened it in place just below the blindfold with the attached strap holding Elke’s mouth open. Then she peeled a banana and dipped it into an open jar of honey. "This would be easy if you could chew it. You’re going to have to feel it with your tongue…" She slowly inserted the honey-coated banana through the hole in the ring gag.
Elke felt it enter and touched it with her tongue. She recognized the taste of honey but could identify only the shape and not the texture of the banana. "Annge." She said.
"Wrong!" Charlie smirked as she removed it and turned on the belt.
Again the helpless prisoner jerked against the straps while the vibrating beads excited her. Charlie reached into the drawer and removed a gag with a thick rubber penis mounted in the middle. She left the tip if it in the jar of honey while she removed Elke’s ring gag. "One more test. If you can tell me what this is I will shut off the belt."
"Uhhh uhhh. No more. Please." She panted. "I can’t take this."
Taking the honey-coated penis the young domme said, "Open wide!" She pushed it in and quickly buckled it behind her captive’s head. Elke realized that she couldn’t speak—that her tormentor intended to leave the belt running. Her strength and well-defined muscles could not break free of the heavy straps that held her in place on the massive chair. The tiny beads continued their silent, light amplified vibrations while the roller coaster of sexual excitement took her higher and higher. She bit down on the rubber gag and sucked at the honey coating. Under the intense stimulation, her mind returned to her first experience with oral sex and her first real orgasm.
She had been working out in preparation for her first body building competition when she was 19 years old. It had been late and she and her fitness coach were the only two people in the spa. She had been doing bench presses and her coach stood over her helping with the heavy weight. Her muscles were exhausted and she could not lift the massive barbell. Her coach had guided it into the lower slot just above her chin effectively trapping her face up on the bench. Then he had leaned over her, and began moving his fingers between her legs. He slid her leotard aside and began to gently explore her exposed sex. It was the first time this had happened and she was shocked at first—then excited. His fingers were insistent and his touch was experienced. She was pinned under the barbell and quickly became aroused. She had wanted to return the fantastic sensations that she was feeling. Without realizing what she was doing, her hands had reached up under his shorts and pulled his hardened cock down to her lips. The memory faded when she felt her blindfold being removed, then opened her eyes and saw the look of amazement in Charlie’s face.
Her friend stood in awe before the squirming blond. She saw the film of perspiration form on the glowing skin and the goose bumps on her lower abdomen. Reaching her hand down to the opening in the belt, she found it wet with Elke’s sexual juices. She smiled and began clearing away the "breakfast" dishes while her friend climbed slowly back up the mountain of sexual excitement.
THE END | of Elke's Birthday Party—Chapter 3 |