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Charlie's Belt-2 by DUG Guest Author OMDOM99 © 2001 |
Chapter 2 |
Two days later, Elke walked into Charlie's new office. She looked around and stopped in front of Charlie's new assistant. "Hi, you must be Jenny Lovell; I'm Elke, the director of the Health Spa. I don't believe I've seen you down there yet."
"Nice to meet you, Elke." The attractive brunette stood up from her desk and extended her hand. "No, I'm pretty new here and I haven't gotten around to coming in."
The athletic blond gripped her hand warmly and smiled. "Why don't I set you up an appointment tomorrow? I can give you the nickel tour and show you how the equipment works?"
Jenny's grin was enthusiastic. "Great! I cant wait." She looked over at Charlie. "That's alright, isn't it, Boss?"
Charlie walked around her desk and joined them. "I may be the boss of this little office, but there are lots of people in the company who outrank me. One of them is Elke, so you never need to ask for permission on anything that involves her."
Elke's smile was open and friendly. "Charlie, you know I am on your side."
"Yes, and I want to keep it that way." Charlie responded sincerely. "Jenny, would you be interested in a task?" Jenny nodded. "We need to find out if R&D has any projects that we could contribute to. I am interested in problems that you and I have the expertise to solve. Could you spend the day with their engineers and see if there is anything interesting?"
The slim young woman picked up her notebook and moved toward the door. "I'm on it, Chief! Nice to meet you Elke; see you tomorrow."
Elke waved and turned to Charlie. "How do you like your new office?" she asked warmly.
Charlie could hardly hold her excitement in check. "Oh, Elke. It couldn't be better! There is so much to do and learn and so many things to work with—tools, software, and all kinds of challenges!"
Elke's face grew concerned. "I'm sure. But how are you coming on your Dissertation, Bug?"
Charlie realized she was in trouble and began to stammer. "I...ah…well. I have been busy setting up the office and getting organized here."
"It's been two days, Bug. You know, I don't think you're taking this seriously enough. Eve, please remind Charlie what happens if she doesn't focus on that Dissertation."
Charlie jumped as the beads activated on low speed. "Oh! Oh no!" Her hands instinctively reached down to the source of her stimulation. She tried to squeeze her legs together to dull the pulsing sensation. She spread her legs wide, but nothing worked.
"Elke, please! Eve, Stop! I'll be good. I'll work on the dissertation; I promise! Just stop. Please stop!" Charlie dropped to her knees in front of her smiling tormentor. "Elke, give me a chance."
"Okay, Eve." She said. "I think she gets the idea."
Charlie fell forward resting on her hands and knees. "Thank you Elke. I'll work on the dissertation, you'll see."
The shorthaired blond reached down and effortlessly pulled the shaken girl to her feet. "I know you will, Bug. That was just a reminder. Think what would happen if we left it on medium power for an hour or two…"
Charlie practically ran behind her desk and sat at the computer. "See, I'm starting to type. Look I'm bringing up my outline." Her fingers flew rapidly over the keys.
Elke suppressed her laughter. "I can tell you need some quiet to concentrate. I'll leave you to work now. Eve, would you contact me tonight about eight o'clock with a progress report?"
Eve's voice answered softly, "Certainly Elke." And Charlie was left alone rapidly bringing reference material on line and extracting data.
That evening, Elke was seated next to one of the Stair-Step machines surrounded by parts, gears, nuts, and bolts. Promptly at eight PM Eve's soft voice echoed in the empty the spa. "You asked for a status report on Charlie. Shall I wait until you have finished fixing the machine?"
Elke rose from the floor wiping her hands on a towel. "No Eve, I'm ready for a break. How is the Bug doing?"
"She seems to have accumulated a large amount of raw data previously. Today she worked diligently for several hours, and was starting to analyze it. Unfortunately, she got distracted when Ms. Lovell returned from the R&D Department."
"I was afraid of that!" the tall blond said with a frown. "They're two of a kind—both trying to get involved in every project available."
"You are correct." Eve continued. "They plan to attend a meeting at R&D tomorrow that will cover a variety of projects some of which will be of interest to them."
Elke began to pace back and forth. "This is ridiculous! Bug has no idea how serious Margo and I are about her Ph.D.! OK, Eve. How about monitoring that meeting and if Bug starts volunteering for projects, let me know and start her vibrator on a low setting." A diabolical grin crossed her face. "She will most likely return directly to her office and I will be there."
"As you wish." Eve responded. "Do you have any other instructions?"
"No, but I intend to get her attention this time." Elke said grimly.
Charlie's Belt-2 | Chapter 2 |
The Research and Development Division meeting convened in the main conference room. All of the branch chiefs and several branch specialists sat around the highly polished table. Mrs. Hardy, the Division Chief chaired the meeting and introduced Charlie and Jenny to the group. The two newcomers listened eagerly as each of the attendees summarized their ongoing projects and activities. Charlie couldn't help asking about several areas in which she had knowledge.
"That's right down our alley!" she babbled eagerly. "We could handle that project in our office."
Mrs. Hardy looked at her quizzically. "Charlie, I appreciate your enthusiasm. But this is a major project. It is extremely complex and will require a considerable amount of effort. Are you sure you have the resources to devote to this?"
"Piece of cake… ah… oh, my." Just then the Piezo-electric device activated on its lowest setting. Charlie began to fidget in her chair. "I mean, I… oh no."
"Charlie," Mrs. Hardy asked. "Is there something wrong?"
"Wrong?" Charlie gasped. "Ah, no! N… N… Nothing's wrong! I mean… I'm just excited… about the project." Everyone in the room was staring at her. Charlie was squirming; Jenny was looking at her in alarm.
Mrs. Hardy's voice was filled with concern. "Charlie, your face is flushed and your voice sounds strained! You better report to the clinic!"
"I'll take her." Jenny announced helping Charlie to her feet and pulling her toward the door.
Charlie walked unsteadily with Jenny's support. "Just get me back to the office and I'll be all right." She said weakly.
Jenny held her close as they walked down the mirrored corridor. "Charlie, you're breathing so fast. What's wrong?"
Charlie groaned. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
Jenny turned and grabbed the trembling girl by both shoulders. "Is there anything I can do?
"Don't stop. Just get me back to the office so I can sit down." She said as she lurched down the hall.
Two minutes later they made it to the office. Jenny helped Charlie to her desk and stared down at the trembling young woman. "Let me get you some water." She said dashing toward the door which was suddenly blocked by the muscular figure of Elke. "Oh, Elke!" Jenny exclaimed. "There's something wrong with Charlie!"
Elke smiled cruelly. "I think I know what it is and what to do about it." She helped the stricken victim to her feet. "Come with me, Bug. I think I can help you."
Charlie's voice was strained. "Wait! Jenny, go back to the... uhh…meeting and take notes. Don't uhh… Don't volunteer for anything but uh, get as much information as you can."
Jenny looked at Elke. "Is there anything I can do?"
"No, Jenny. I can take care of this. You go on back to the meeting. If she's recovered, Charlie will see you late tomorrow."
Jenny dashed out the door and Elke scooped up her wobbly patient. "Let's go, Bug. I believe you need some special treatment down at the spa." And she strode out the door with Charlie shuddering in her arms.
"You were warned, Bug!" She spoke heatedly. "You have one primary mission. That is to finish your dissertation. You cannot take on any additional distractions until you get your doctorate!"
Charlie clung to Elke's Lycra covered body. "Please turn it off. I'll work on the paper. I'll work day and night." She sobbed. "Please Elke, stop the beads."
Carrying the young girl like she weighed nothing, the powerfully built woman quickly arrived at the spa and walked into one of the massage rooms where she placed her moaning charge on the padded leather surface of the table.
"You just didn't get it the last time, did you?" she said removing Charlie's shirt and bra. Efficiently she locked a set of leather cuffs around each wrist and booted ankle before pushing her back on the cushioned surface. Pulling Charlie's arms over her head she snapped the cuffs to the head of the table. "Lift your buns!" she ordered pulling off the short skirt and panties at once. Moving to the foot of the table she grasped the girl's leather covered feet and pulled strongly. Naked except for the boots and chastity belt, the frantic girl was stretched tightly as her legs were spread and secured to the sides of the table.
"Elke, please!" she begged. "I'll be good. I'll work on the dissertation! I won't get distracted! I'll… I'll…" Her voice trailed off as Elke interrupted.
"I'm tired of your promises, Bug! Obviously your last session didn't make a big enough impression on you. You need a different kind of motivation. Last time it was prolonged pleasure. This time it is going to be prolonged deprivation!"
"Eve," she said.
"Yes, Elke." Eve answered softly.
"Leave the belt activated on the low setting. If it looks like she is going to climax, shut it down. I am going to install a pair of electronic nipple clamps. If she needs a jolt to get her attention, give it to her. I want to keep her on the edge of orgasm for the rest of the day. I will return at 6:00 PM with her supper and will decide then if she needs to be deprived all night too."
"As you wish, Elke." Eve responded.
Elke pulled open a drawer and removed a pair of metallic tweezers, each with a short antenna. Turning to the trembling captive, she began to trace light circles around each sensitive breast. Charlie knew what was coming and tried not to respond. But the silent vibrations from the beads overpowered her resolution. Elke's skillful fingers did the rest and the exposed nipples quickly grew. "That's it, Bug. Make them hard for me." She bent down and gently seized one between her teeth.
"Ungh! Oh Elke please don't be so mean. I'll be good! I promise!"
Charlie groaned as Elke released the nipple and tightened one of the clips over it. "I know you will, Bug." She smiled wickedly. "Because if this session doesn't work, we can always go for two days; then three." She bent down and teased the other nipple. "But I think we will get your attention today. By this evening, you will be begging to come. By tomorrow morning you'll be willing to do anything…" She secured the second clamp on the other hardened nipple. "If I think you are serious about working on that Ph.D., you will get another chance. If I think you have not learned a lesson, I will hang a sign on this room saying ‘closed for the month for redecoration’ and you can beg until you're blue in the face." So saying, Elke turned and left the room.
Charlie twisted on the padded table while the belt tormented her unmercifully. The silent vibrations between her legs seemed to radiate through out her body. They started as an itch that she couldn't scratch and grew to a maddening sensation that caused her to pull helplessly against the bonds that held her in place. A thin film of perspiration covered her body and her hips began to thrust up from the table.
"Oh, Eve." She moaned. "Please don't torture me like this! I'll do anything. Please!"
"Charlie, you have almost six hours of these sensations. If you get too close, I will stop or I will give you a small electrical stimulation like this…" Suddenly the nipple clamps activated sending a low voltage shock, first into one breast and then into the other. The helpless victim screamed in surprise, her body arched and then fell back onto the leather surface.
"Oh. Oh. Eve! Don't do that again!"
"I don't think it will be necessary. Would you like to hear some music?" The sounds of Enya filled the room.
"Eve! I don't want any dam music! I just want to get out of here!" Charlie shouted. Then she jerked against the cuffs holding her in place as the vibrator speed increased slightly. She began to pant. "Stop… ahh. I'm sorry I said that. I love the music! Please, Eve. This is… uhh… driving me crazy."
Charlie writhed in growing frustration, as the little beads seemed to tap dance between her thighs. She could imagine them as tiny demons whose objective was to drive her insane with their insistent attention. Her hips rose and her back arched as she sought relief. Time stood still while she endured the sweet agony of the insidious belt. Her moans became louder and she could sense an approaching orgasm.
Suddenly the belt shut off. "Noooo!" she screamed. "I was almost there!" Squirming on the table she fought the bonds that held her in place. The overhead lights reflected off her shiny leather boots and the sheen of perspiration that covered her trembling body. "Eve… anybody, help me." She moaned. The soft music filled the room adding to the almost surreal atmosphere. Then the belt activated again, each little bead dancing against her sensitive flesh. "Oh no…" she gasped. "I cant take any more. Please let me come?" The music and the dance continued incessantly.
Several hours later, in the main spa, Elke wondered how the Bug was doing. "Eve," she called. "It's been a while now. How is our patient?"
"She is in the middle of a short rest period at the moment. Her response has been increasingly higher to each of the sessions. I am monitoring her vitals and have been successful in keeping her at a high level of sexual excitement, but she gets closer to climax with each session. So far I have only used the electronic nipple clamps three times. It is interesting that the last shock seemed to increase her sexual response."
"Do you think she can stand it until tomorrow morning?"
"I am sure she can endure the stimulation; however, it will be extremely difficult to keep her from having an orgasm. The shocks were administered to bring her back from the edge. The length of the second electrical shock had to be curtailed, as I said, because it was starting to stimulate her sexually."
"Okay, Eve. Don't start another session. I am going to bring her some food." Elke said reaching for the phone.
"As you wish." Eve responded.
Twenty minutes later, a covered tray was delivered from the cafeteria. Elke carried it into the massage room and set it down on the small towel cabinet. She looked down sympathetically on her young prisoner. "How are you doing, Bug?" she asked.
Charlie looked up at her in misery. "Oh, Elke, I'm so hot. I'm going crazy. Can't you let me come one time?"
"I'm sorry, Bug. That would defeat the purpose of your discipline." Elke lifted the straw of a water bottle to Charlie's dry lips. "Here take a sip of this. It has potassium and special electrolytes to keep you hydrated." Charlie sipped greedily and Elke unsnapped her cuffs from the table.
At first Charlie could hardly move but when the clamps were removed and the blood rushed back into her sensitive nipples, she gasped and sat up on the edge of the table. "You're mean." She pouted, sticking out her lower lip. After a moment, she was able get down with help and take several weak steps over to a chair next to the covered tray.
Then her face brightened. "What have you brought me?" she said lifting the tray top and releasing a cloud of steam.
"This is a little snack to keep your strength up. When you finish, you can use the bathroom through that door. Then it's back on the table for the rest of your penalty."
Charlie was delighted with the variety and quality of the Chinese Dim Sum samples and enjoyed them all before jumping up and running to the bathroom. Elke smiled at her innocence as she moved across the floor wearing only the chastity panties and the knee-high leather boots.
Like a little elf, she popped back into the room. "Elke," she announced. "I have decided that I will buckle down and finish that dissertation. In fact, I can hardly wait to get started. So if you will excuse me, I'll get right on it!" She said walking toward the door.
"Oh no you don't, Bug! You haven't finished your sentence!" Elke grabbed the almost naked pixie, guided her over to the table, and lifted her onto the padded leather covering. "I hope you feel as enthusiastic about your Ph.D. in the morning." She smiled pulling the young girl's wrists above her head and reattaching them to the rings. "Because if you allow your self to get distracted one more time, this can be your recurring nightmare." And she gently stretched the booted ankles and secured them in place to the sides of the table. The tall captor allowed her hand to move slowly over the soft leather to the top of the boot where her fingers traced along the skin around the knee. Charlie's breathing quickened when the fingers moved up her inner thigh toward the beaded opening between her legs. But the fingers moved past the belt to her navel, hesitating there briefly before moving up to her breasts.
Eve's voice was muted in the small room. "Elke, if you are not careful, your objective of keeping Charlie on the edge will fail. Her blood pressure, pulse rate, and body temperature all indicate she is very close."
"Oops, you're right. It slipped my mind for a minute. Let's just replace these nipple clips and let her continue to be deprived." The small silver clamps were clipped back in place and Elke stepped back from the moaning captive.
"Okay, Bug," she said with a sympathetic look. "I am going to leave you for a while. This is going to be the toughest session you've experienced." Elke walked around the table and smoothed Charlie's hair back from her perspiring forehead. "You know why you're in this predicament and what you have to do to avoid it in the future. I hope it teaches you a lesson."
As Elke walked out of the room she could hear the poor prisoner begging pitifully.
THE END | of Charlie's Belt —Chapter 4 |
THE END | of Charlie's Belt | ...but not quite the end of the story. |