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By Van & Zack
Our Story Continues
The sun was just setting, and the long twilight had begun. The children were walking to the Huron campsite, carrying camping gear and the ingredients for the evening meal. Just before they reached the clearing Cheryl stopped and handed her backpack to Mike. "It's time to start the game again. Janet and I will be Melissa's fellow captives, and we'll talk to her." She surveyed the crowd of children. "Hey wait! Everybody's here!" She turned to Emily and frowned. "You left Aunt Melissa alone?"
The Huron Princess wasn't in the least bit cowed. "Yeah, it's OK. She can't get her hands loose, and I doubled her tether. I took out the gag and gave her some water. She was pretty thirsty."
Cheryl's frown faded. "That's good, I guess. How's she taking things?"
"Oh, she's happy as Janet dancing to In-Sync in her PJ's," the Princess giggled.
"Shut up," her sister muttered, ignoring the boys' snickering.
"I'll take that as an exaggeration," Cheryl said, and held out her hands. "Tie me up again. Janet, too."
The Chief gestured to his warriors and Jeremy and Andy sprang into action. They wrapped a leather thong around Cheryl's wrists, knotted it, and cinched the loops with a length of cotton rope, leaving about five feet free as a lead. Then they turned to Janet.
"I still can't understand how you got loose before," Jeremy grumbled. "We tied you plenty tight."
Janet didn't want the boys to know of her ability to shift her bound hands from the back to the front, so she thought up a story. "Oh, you know how hard it is to tie a tight knot in leather. I just rubbed them against the tree and they came undone."
Jeremy wasn't completely convinced, but he didn't have a better explanation. "In that case, we'll just use rope." He crossed Janet's wrists and tied them with more cotton rope, again leaving a long lead. "Just to be sure, I'm going to tie your elbows. Hold her, Andy." He tied a rope around Janet's right arm just above her elbow and then across her back to her left elbow. He tightened the rope until Janet's wrists were tight against her belly. "That'll hold you." he gloated.
Janet shrugged. She was fairly sure she could still reach the knots on her wrists with her teeth.
"Listen, everybody," Cheryl said. "Our only chance to avoid getting in big trouble is to persuade Aunt Melissa to play the game for real. That means we've got to stay in character. If she says anything that doesn't fit in with the eighteenth century look at her like she was crazy. Everybody understand?"
Andy frowned. "Why do we have to playact all the time? It's too much like work."
Janet enlightened him. "Look, moron, if we're playing the game, Aunt Melissa's an 'English Captive' who has to do what she's told. If we're not playing the game, Aunt Melissa's Aunt Melissa, and we have to do what she says. Got it?"
Andy smiled. "Ugh. Ugly yellow-haired English girl make much sense, even if she is stupid girl who got herself captured." Then he frowned. "But she call Huron warrior 'moron', so she must be punished."
Janet watched nervously as Jeremy stepped behind her and grabbed her upper arms. Meanwhile, his twin readied a stick-gag. "Hey, come on, guys," she pleaded, then grimaced and complained when Andy thrust the stick between her teeth and Jeremy pulled the attached thongs tight and tied a knot.
"Who's the moron now , moron?" Andy gloated.
Janet twisted her bound wrists and struggled against the elbow ropes pinning her arms; but with the dignity proper for a highborn English damsel, didn't deign to attempt a comeback.
Smiling at her fellow-captive's predicament, Cheryl decided it was time to reassert control. "Let's go, people!" she snapped.
Mike nodded. He took Cheryl's backpack and draped it over her right shoulder. Then he took off his backpack and draped it over her left shoulder. "Hey!" Cheryl complained, "what are you doing, Mike?"
"Chief not carry pack when he has captive to carry it." He yanked on Cheryl's lead. "Come, English girl, or I beat you."
For once Cheryl was speechless... without being gagged.
Melissa sat leaning against a tree. Her hands were still tied behind her back, but mercifully her mouth was no longer plugged by the gag. Her original tether was fastened around a small tree to her right, and another tether was fastened around a small tree to her left. All the knots were beyond her reach, and she couldn't possibly maneuver her bound hands anywhere they could do her any good. She'd tried... for more than an hour after Emily had left her alone. "I'm not going anywhere unless I can free my hands," she muttered, "and that ain't going to happen." Her wrists were red and beginning to feel raw, testifying to her struggles to free herself. The rubber tubing surrounding her cable tie bonds cushioned her skin, but anything chafes after hours of struggle.
She didn't know for sure how long she had been sitting alone, but she estimated it was several hours, because the sun was just setting. Once she had realized that she was truly a captive, she had sat quietly, watching the birds and animals of the forest. A doe had walked to within a few feet, seemingly aware that Melissa couldn't do it any harm. The deer's cute, she thought, but I'm glad there aren't any wolves or panthers around here .
She looked up as the Hurons and their captives approached. Melissa gave herself a mental peptalk. Now I've got to be calm and reason with the children. They've had their fun, but I'm sure they understand it's gone on long enough. Cheryl is the ringleader. All I have to do is convince her that playtime is over. She gave another pull against the bonds on her wrists. I've got to remember that I'm not negotiating from a position of strength, so threats won't be very effective.
Cheryl reached over with her bound hands and removed Janet's stick-gag. "Look, sister. These savages have captured another unfortunate. Poor girl, she appears to have been mistreated badly."
Janet feigned shock. "Mistreated! Do you think they..."
"Oh, no! They never have congress with an impure woman, which means anyone not of their tribe. This is the one way they are more civilized than the Europeans in this godforsaken wilderness, especially those French devils. I just meant she has obviously been driven hard, and perhaps beaten."
"OK, Cheryl," Melissa said in a calm, even manner. "We've all had our fun, but enough is enough. I'd like you to untie me now. My arms hurt."
Cheryl moved closer to Melissa. "Are you addressing me, girl?"
To a libber like Melissa few things were more insulting than being called 'girl,' but she took a grip on her temper and tried sweet reason once again. "Yes, Cheryl. This has been an exciting afternoon, but now it's over. Please release me right now!"
"Now I recognize you," Cheryl said. "Aren't you the... shall we say... 'wife' of one of the soldiers? Your name is Melissa, is it not? My name is Cora and this is my sister Alice. We are Colonel Munroe's daughters."
Melissa lost it. "I don't want to play your stupid game, Cheryl! If you don't let me go right now I'll tell your parents and all of you will be grounded for the rest of your miserable lives!"
"The poor girl is raving, sister," Janet said sympathetically. "How tragic."
"Yes, the shock of her capture must have unbalanced her mind." Cheryl turned to Melissa. "I know it is difficult, girl, but you must face reality. You will need all of your wits if you expect to survive this ordeal."
Melissa screamed.
"No screaming!" Princess Emily called from across the clearing. "Paleface make noise, Paleface bite on stick. Got it?"
"It will be difficult, girl," Cheryl said earnestly, "but you must pretend to be a Lady. The savages are less likely to mistreat you if they think you can be ransomed."
"Yes," Janet added, "and if you can do this and we escape with our lives there may be a place for you as a maid in our father's establishment. Let's call her 'Lady' Melissa, sister. That may fool the savages."
Melissa could hear the quotes her fellow-captives put around the title. She said to herself, I will not get angry. I will not get ANGRY. I WILL NOT... GET... ANGRY!
"It may be hard for you to accept the reality of your captivity, Lady Melissa," Cheryl said, "but you must do so. The savages have you in their power and your wishes mean nothing. Accepting this will make it easier for you."
Melissa managed to speak without screaming. "I don't want to be part of this game. I don't like being tied up."
Cheryl sat in front of Melissa and looked her in the face. "If you want to escape from your captivity, Lady Melissa, you will have to cooperate with me and my sister and do as the savages tell you. Only in this way might you be returned to your old world. Otherwise you could be a captive for a long time. Do you understand what you have to do?"
Melissa understood all too well. Play along with the children, or stay tied up until their parents returned. What a choice! She considered her options for several long seconds before she spoke. "All right, Cora , I'll do what I have to do. I can't free myself now, but if I get a chance to escape I'll take it."
"That's the spirit!" Cheryl said with a happy smile, placing her bound hands on Melissa's dress-covered knees. "But be careful. If you attempt to escape and are recaptured the savages will be angry and they will treat you harshly."
While this conversation had been going on the boys had been building a campfire. When it was burning brightly the Chief skinned the game to be cooked (he opened the package of hot dogs) and the warriors stuck the meat on wooden skewers and held them over the flames. Mustard, relish, a big bag of corn chips, and various brands of soda completed the traditional Native American menu.
The children had researched Huron customs, so the warriors ate first. Only after they had eaten their fill did they give some food to their captives. Melissa's hands remained tied behind her back. She was fed by Emily, who plunked a slightly burned hot dog into a slightly over-toasted bun, slathered on mustard and relish, and used her grubby fingers to present the result to Melissa. The captive was so hungry she ate the dog without complaining, as well as another like it, a large handful of chips, and a diet coke.
As the shadows deepened and the campfire burned down to glowing coals Mike produced a bag of marshmallows. The cooking sticks were loaded and the roasting began. Andy, Jeremy, and Tommy shared the toasted treats with Cheryl and Janet. Emily fed Melissa, but for every one the Princess gave "Lady Melissa" she consumed three or four.
Melissa caught Mike's eye and nodded towards Emily. "She's had enough."
Mike glanced at Emily, but ignored his captive Aunt.
Melissa took the hint. "Chief," she growled, "your Huron Princess will poison herself if she doesn't stop eating those white mushrooms."
"Aww!" Emily complained.
"The captive English girl is right," Mike said. "Huron warriors don't eat marshmallows 'til they puke."
Emily followed the orders of her tribal leader, but pouted for a few minutes, glaring at Melissa. Cheryl and Janet exchanged a knowing glance. Without realizing it, Aunt Melissa had taken an unwitting step on a slippery slope. With more encouragement she might start sliding into the game for real, just as they'd hoped.
After the meal Emily led Melissa into the woods. "Better pee now, Paleface. You won't have another chance before morning." She raised Melissa's skirt and tucked it out of the way. Melissa really didn't want to spend the night in the woods, but it was clear she didn't have a lot of choice. She squatted without comment.
While Melissa was with Emily the boys had been preparing the camp. They had scraped together a big pile of leaves and thrown a tarp over it. Mike finished pounding a sturdy stake into the ground a couple of feet from the edge of the tarp. He gestured to Emily, "Bring her over here."
Melissa was led to the tarp and Mike helped her sit in the middle. He had two more rubber-covered cable ties which he tightened around her ankles and then cut off the excess length. He used a smaller tie to link the anklets and pin Melissa's ankles closely together. Finally, he tied a rope from the stake to the linking tie.
While Mike was securing Melissa's feet, Andy and Jeremy were feeding long lengths of nylon rope through each of the ties around her wrists. They tied the ends together to form two big loops, and took the knotted ends back into the woods and wrapped them around two small trees. Once these were secure Mike removed the ropes that went around Melissa's waist.
Melissa moaned as the tight ropes were untied. She sighed as Emily massaged the groove they left behind.
Mike said, "If you don't fight I'll cut the tie between your wrists. It won't do you any good if you do fight, because there aren't any knots you can reach. You gonna do as I say?"
Melissa decided to play along for now, in the hopes the children would become careless later. If she couldn't escape there was no point in fighting, and this was not a favorable situation. She nodded, and Mike cut the tie. She grimaced and moaned as her arms fell limply to her sides.
Mike frowned. "You hurt?"
"What do you think? I've had my hands tied behind my back since lunchtime."
"Oh, yeah. OK, I'll give you a few minutes to rub your shoulders."
"Let me help," Cheryl said. She settled behind Melissa and began massaging Melissa's shoulders with her bound hands. Janet joined her and the two girls kneaded their fellow-captive's sore muscles.
Mike waited impatiently as Melissa stretched her arms and moved her shoulders, leaning back into the welcome massage. "That's enough," Mike said finally. "Lie on your back and put your arms over your head."
Cheryl and Janet moved out of the way and Melissa lay back. Andy and Jeremy took the slack out of the ropes fastened to her wrists. When they finally tied them to the trees Melissa wasn't exactly stretched, but she didn't have any freedom to move around, either.
Mike turned to Emily. "We want to go back to the house and watch Lord of the Flies again. You stay here and guard the captives, Princess."
"OK. That movie's stupid anyway." She pointed at the captives. "But they have to be tied up better than that." Janet's elbow tie had been removed so she could feed herself, so now Cheryl and Janet only had their wrists tied together in front.
"How do you want them?"
"Tie them down next to the big one." She commanded, "On your backs, English girls, next to the other Paleface." Janet and Cheryl obediently lay on the tarp, one on each side of Melissa.
Mike drove two more stakes into the ground. Andy and Jeremy tied more ropes onto the lead ropes that still cinched the girls' wrists. They pulled the girls' hands over their heads and tied the ropes to trees.
Mike tied Cheryl's ankles to a stake while Emily did the same to her sister. Emily said, "Pull the ropes tighter. They still have too much slack."
The boys obliged. Janet winced. "Ouch! That's too tight!" She realized that she was now in the power of her younger sibling, and she was worried.
Mike said, "They can't get away now, Princess. What are you going to do while we're gone?"
"Oh... I'll find something," the Princess replied, smiling sweetly.
"Remember, don't untie Aunt Melissa."
"I wouldn't think of it." She chuckled evilly as the boys walked away.
Emily put more wood on the campfire. As the flames roared higher she addressed her prisoners. "You know how when the Indians tortured a captured warrior he showed bravery by not making a sound? You aren't warriors, but I'm going to give you a chance to prove how brave you are anyway."
She sat cross-legged by her sister's feet and took off Janet's shoes. Janet was scared now. "What are you going to do?" she whined.
"Well, I don't have a red-hot iron, so I'll use this." Emily took the feather out of her headband and stroked the soles of her big sister's feet.
Janet shrieked. "Don't! I can't stand it!" She thrashed and twisted, trying to keep her feet away from the monster with the feather, but Emily was merciless. Janet laughed, giggled, and screamed until she was exhausted. Finally Janet lay panting and limp, and Emily's feather was only able to extract twitches and moans.
Emily said, "Well, you certainly wouldn't win any prize for bravery. Let's see if your 'sister' can do any better." She moved down the line, removed Cheryl's shoes, and applied the feather.
Cheryl was determined to resist. She wasn't very ticklish anyway, and she tried every trick she could think of to keep her mind off the tickling. Emily was able to produce a few twitches, a little lip quivering (and a few beads of sweat that discretely rolled down the stoic prisoner's freckled face); but Cheryl never laughed, so eventually the 'cruel savage' gave up. "You're not any fun." Emily complained. "On to the next victim."
Melissa's spirit sank when she heard that. She was very ticklish, but she had been hoping that Emily would spare her. She tried to wrap her toes around her sandals, but Emily removed them easily.
"Are you ticklish, Lady Melissa? We'll find out." Emily touched Melissa's foot with her feather and Melissa exploded, bucking and twisting, fighting the ropes that held her, and all the time laughing hysterically. Emily was thrilled, and wielded the feather like an artist, each stroke rewarded by peals of laughter. Unlike Janet, Melissa was in very good condition, so the torture could go on and on... and it did.
The boys were returning to the camp as Emily was finishing her third trip down her line of victims. Andy asked, "What's that noise?"
Jeremy replied, "Somebody's laughing. It sounds like Aunt Melissa."
Mike said, "That's her all right. Well, I guess Aunt Melissa's okay with everything now."
"Yeah," Andy agreed. "Listen to her laugh!"
The next morning Melissa woke with the sun shining in her face. She was still in the campsite, and still tied down. She had been so exhausted after the tickling that she didn't even remember falling asleep. "At least they put a blanket over me," she muttered.
Cheryl and Janet were no longer tied next to her, and she couldn't see any of children, but soon the Chief and the rest of the Hurons appeared, carrying food. Melissa glared at Emily, who returned a smile of cherubic innocence.
"Time to get you ready for the day, English girl," Mike said. "Are you gonna cooperate?"
Melissa sulked. "I don't want to play. You never said torture was part of the game."
Emily had given Mike a sanitized version of her captives' ordeal, so he wasn't too sympathetic. "You weren't really hurt, but I'll make it easy for you to cooperate by not giving you a chance to resist."
Mike knelt next to Melissa and pulled the bag Cheryl had made over the captive's head. She protested, but her 'Savage Captor' ignored her. "Slack off the wrist ropes," Mike ordered, "but keep them wrapped around the trees." Andy and Jeremy followed instructions, and Melissa was finally able to move her arms; however, she wasn't able to reach her neck and undo the bag's drawstring.
"Princess, you still got your snake?"
Emily blinked in confusion. Mike knew perfectly well that she'd let Sammy go the evening before, just like she'd promised Tommy. Then the light dawned. "Oh... yeah. He's right here, Chief."
Mike opened the drawstring and pulled the bag away from Melissa's neck about an inch. "Put him in here."
Melissa screamed and pulled on her loose bonds. "No! Don't do that! Tell me what do you want me to do and I'll do it, OK?"
"Sit up and put your hands together behind your back."
Melissa realized this was not the time for her Great Escape. Still shuddering at the thought of Sammy's smooth, scaly body and flicking tongue exploring the space between her face and the bag, she did the necessary sit-up as the twins slacked off the ropes attached to her wrists and she put her hands behind her back. Mike fastened her bracelets together with a cable tie and the boys removed the long loops of rope. Mike tied a leash around her neck and removed the bag. She glared at the Hurons and shook her head, trying to get the hair out of her eyes.
Mike untied the rope connecting Melissa's ankles to the stake and cut the connecting tie. He left the rubber-clad ties around each ankle and used a short piece of rope to link them together in a generous hobble. He gave the leash to Emily. "Take her into the woods, then feed her and bring her to the barn." He helped Melissa stand up.
After Emily spooned some oatmeal into her prisoner she put Melissa's sandals on her feet and led her to the barn. All of the children were assembled and a large mound of old camping equipment was piled in the center of the floor. Cheryl said, "We're going to set up the Huron village today. We have all this stuff to carry, so we'll all have to pitch in."
Mike put an old canvas and wood pack frame on Melissa. He tied the shoulder straps together in front, just above her breasts, and fastened the belt around her hips. The frame itself rested on top of her arms, and he tied it to her wrists and elbows. He had her sit on a stool, and he and Cheryl lifted an old canvas wall tent onto the pack frame and held it there while Tommy tied it in place.
Emily tugged on Melissa's leash. "Mush, Paleface. Or should I say pack mule?"
Melissa stood up and her knees buckled. The old tent must have weighed sixty pounds. "I can't carry this!" she whined.
"Sure you can. Do you want Sammy to help you?" Emily tugged harder on the leash and a reluctant Melissa staggered out of the barn.
By lunchtime Melissa was exhausted. The 'village' was located over a mile from the barn, and she had made four trips, each time carrying a heavy load. After the last trip she had been left at the village while the Hurons pursued the English girls, and she was glad of the chance to rest, even if she wasn't very comfortable. She was sitting with her back against a small tree, and her elbows had been pulled back and connected by a rope behind it. More rope tied her waist to the tree, and another band was around her chest just under her arms. Her wrists were tied to her back by a rope around her waist. Finally (and for no good reason other than Emily not wanting to listen to more complaining), the hankie-wrapped stick-gag was back in her mouth.
There was a commotion in the woods, and the Huron warriors entered the village, dragging their captives. Janet and Cheryl had their hands tied behind their backs, and the frustrated warriors had made sure that Janet wasn't going to escape again by wrapping her arms in a veritable cocoon of rope. Cora and Alice were pushed against trees and the Hurons wrapped more rope around them.
Andy gloated, "You'll never escape now."
"Maybe I won't," Janet huffed, "but Hawkeye is still in the forest, and he'll rescue me."
"Where is He-Who-Lurks anyway?" Mike asked. "Has anybody seen him?"
Andy scratched his head. "I saw him once, but then he was gone. He's like a phantom. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen him, or rather, not seen him."
"We can hunt him down later." Mike said. "He can't dodge all of us."
"Aw, I'll bet Tommy's back at the house watching videos."
Andy would have lost his bet. At that very moment Tommy, in his Hawkeye persona, was lying on the ground behind Melissa's tree and was busy untying the rope between her elbows. When that was loose, he untied the bands around her waist and chest. He whispered, "Scoot your legs behind the tree so I can reach your ankles."
Melissa rolled onto her side and stuck her bound ankles behind the tree. Tommy untied the hobble. He whispered, "I can't get your hands loose without a knife. Wait 'til they're not lookin' this way, then head for the barn. I'll meet you there." He melted back into the woods, and was gone.
Melissa waited until all the Huron's backs were turned, then stealthily got to her feet (nearly tripping on what she had come to think of as her 'damned damsel skirt') and tiptoed into the woods. Once the trees screened her from the village she ran for it. She was surprised at how hard it was to run when her hands were tied behind her back, and to her back. She panted around her gag, I should have let Hawkeye have a real knife. And why didn't he take out the gag and untie this waist rope?
Meanwhile, back at the village, the Hurons were busy building a fire and preparing for lunch. They didn't see Hawkeye as he untied Cheryl from the tree, even though she was much closer to them than Melissa had been. When Cheryl was free she glanced at the empty tree where Melissa had been tied and did a double take. "Where's Aunt Melissa?" she whispered.
"In the woods, Cora. I already rescued her." Tommy was annoyed that Cheryl had referred to 'Aunt' Melissa. It was out of character.
"Uh-oh." She shouted, "Time out, guys! Hurons, we have a problem."
"How did you get loose?" Mike demanded. "And what's the problem?"
"Hawkeye untied me. He also untied Melissa, and she's gone."
"What! Why did you do that, Tommy?"
Cheryl defended him. "Tommy didn't do it; Hawkeye did. But we've got to get her back. Where do you think she's headed, Tommy?"
"I said I'd meet her in the barn. Her hands are still tied, because I couldn't undo them without a knife. Oh, and she's still gagged."
"That should slow her down. Mike, you head directly for the barn and guard it and the house. The rest of us will look for her in the woods. She might head for the Trudeau farm, so we'll go that way."
"Good job guarding the prisoner," Andy snarled at Emily.
"Like I'm the only warrior in the damn tribe?"
"Don't swear," her captive sibling scolded, idly twisting in her bonds.
"We don't have time for this," Chief Mike reminded his braves. "Let's move it!"
Cheryl and the boys ran into the woods. Janet struggled against the ropes tying her to the tree. "Hey!" she shouted, "What about me?"
Emily snickered and started walking away. "You couldn't keep up anyway. See you later."
"No, please, Emily, don't leave me here! I'll do whatever you want!"
Emily reveled in her power. She thought about crushing her sister's hopes for release, but relented. Janet couldn't be kept tied up forever, and there was always the possibility of retribution. She hurried back to the tree. "OK, I'll let you loose... but you owe me."
Janet was eventually free, and the girls dashed after Cheryl and the boys.
Melissa didn't break any land speed records on her journey through the woods. She couldn't pick up her skirt and it kept tripping her up. Damned damsel skirt. I ought to rip it off, except I'm not wearing anything underneath.
She finally reached the barn. If I can find something sharp in the barn, I can free my hands, and then I can break into the house and telephone for help. She'd already decided not to get the children in serious trouble, but a nice, pleasant, conference call between the Hurons, the Colonel's Daughters, Hawkeye and their parents would reassert her authority in short order.
Unfortunately, the barn doors were closed and locked. Melissa circled the dilapidated building, looking for a way to get in, but it was hopeless. She had just proved that a girl with her hands tied behind her back was not well equipped for a career as a burglar when she heard the sound of running feet, and Mike appeared. She quickly ducked out of sight and he didn't seem to have noticed her, but now she had to come up with another plan.
Melissa maneuvered until the barn was between her and Mike. I can reach the Trudeau farm the back way, across the hayfield, so I can still get away from the Hurons. 'Lady Melissa' shook her head. I was actually thinking of them as real Indians. The little savages have captured my mind, too. She dashed into the woods
Mike had noticed her. He tried to ambush Melissa by sneaking around the barn, but had chosen the wrong direction and she was able to reach the woods before he saw her again. He gave a war-whoop and started the chase. Melissa panicked and started to sprint. She heard other whoops from the rest of the tribe and increased her speed. She ran out of the woods and onto the road. At the same time Cheryl and the braves emerged from the trees as well, about thirty yards to her right. They bayed a chorus of war cries and were answered by Mike, who was behind her and closing fast.
The Trudeau farm was on the other side of the road. There was a hayfield covered with knee-high grass, and on the far side of it the Trudeau's barn, about 100 yards distant. Melissa's hopes soared when she saw Pierre in front of the barn, unloading fifty pound bags of feed from the back of an old pickup. His status suddenly changed from MCP to KSA (Knight in Shining Armor.)
Melissa crossed the road and screamed through her gag, "MMFH!" Pierre looked in her direction, but she never knew if he had seen her or not because she tripped on her skirt and rolled into the ditch beside the road.
Seconds later the children piled into the ditch and were beside her. "Aunt Melissa!" Cheryl gasped. "Are you OK?"
The ditch contained about six inches of muddy water and this had cushioned Melissa's fall, but the wind had been knocked out of her and she was panting for breath. She was also a waterlogged mess, her hair a tangled, bedraggled mass, her face dripping with mud and algae, her blouse and skirt filthy and plastered to her skin.
Once Cheryl was sure her aunt wasn't badly hurt she poked her head up and was alarmed to find Pierre walking in their direction. Thankfully, he wasn't close, but he was coming nearer. "Rats! Here comes Pierre!" Her mind raced as schemes were considered and discarded. "I've got to decoy him. Mike, you stay here with Melissa. Keep down and keep her quiet. The rest of you give me a head start and chase me, but don't catch me."
Mike nodded and grabbed Melissa, holding her close and placing his hand tight over her already gagged mouth. Cheryl scrambled out of the ditch and ran towards Pierre. "Go!" Mike whispered, and the braves were after her, in hot pursuit.
They put on quite a show, whooping and waving their tomahawks, but Cheryl reached Pierre before they caught her and dodged behind him for sanctuary. "I'm safe now!" she crowed. "Pierre is a French officer, and now I'm under his protection."
Andy caught on quickly. "Hello, Monsewer. This English girl is our captive, but she escaped. Give her back so we can burn her."
Pierre played along, smiling at the costumed warriors and the somewhat wet and bedraggled 'English girl' sheltering behind his back. "No, she is now the property of the French Crown. The treaty between your tribe and my King gives us custody of any English girls who manage to reach our fort."
The warriors grumbled, then turned and walked back across the field. Cheryl curtseyed. "Thank you for saving me, Monsieur. I am Cora Munroe. My father is Colonel Munroe, and he will pay a ransom for my return."
"I'm sure your father will pay to get you back. I know I would, if my daughter were a magician."
"Magician, Monsieur?"
"When you went into the ditch your hands were tied and you were wearing a white dress, and now you're free and wearing a green one... and you're shrunk about a foot in height if I'm not mistaken. That from getting wet?"
Cheryl gulped. "I can explain, Pierre."
Pierre held up a hand. "Don't bother. I have a proposal." He waved towards the barn. "Step inside the 'fort' and I'll tell you all about it."