The Adventures of Super Hot Chick
Issue 3: Octopussy Strikes
by X-Writer
"SUPER-CHICK NAKED!" was the front page headline for the next day's edition of Titty City's biggest newspaper.
Alicia just couldn't believe it. She had started out being so on top of being a superhero, and now she had been exposed completely naked in public twice! The first time had been an accident; the second had been a deliberate act from a costumed maniac!
It just felt so weird, one day later, to continue patrolling the city, looking for crime . . . a lot of people knew what she looked like now. Her full-color naked photos had made the newspapers, news, and magazines. Television broadcasting had been interrupted with the report, and it hadn't been censored; the stations had claimed there was no time to censor it while broadcasting live.
Everywhere Alicia flew, the people she saw had seen her naked. Even though she was fully dressed again, she felt like she wasn't even wearing her costume at all; like she was still exposed. Today, a much crazier-looking woman was roaming the streets of T. City. Lesbian Octopussy was her name. She wore a black bra, black leather pants, and black g-string, with black lipstick on her face, and nothing else. She had black hair, matching her clothes, going down to her waist.
The most bizarre part of Octopussy was the fact that there were eight metal tentacles attached to her back.
"Super-Chick!" Octopussy said. "At last, we meet!"
"You're Lesbian Octopussy!!" Super-Chick exclaimed.
"Yes – and you're the girl who was stripped naked yesterday!"
Super-Chick blushed.
"You've heard of me," Octopussy said. "Now prepare to see me in action!"
Octopussy reached two metal tentacles over . . . and ripped Alicia's top off!!
Alicia was completely topless. She quickly covered her breasts with both hands. "Oh no!" she squealed. "I'm naked again! But . . ." She reached into her pockets, and pulled out a spare top. "I've got more than one!" She quickly put it on, and was naked no more.
Octopussy growled. "Fine," she said. One metal tentacle was still holding her bra, but Octopussy tossed it away.
Alicia's eyes glowed bright red. Small, thin lasers came from her eyeballs – hitting Octopussy's top immediately, the small metal link between both black cups.
Alicia expected to see the top get split in two, causing it to fall off her body . . .
. . . but the metal tentacles hit the laser instead, saving her clothes.
"That's right!" Octopussy said. "I'm more than prepared for you! Time for you to see just what I can do with this metal on my body!"
The eight metal tentacles started thrashing around at once. There was just no way to know what she was planning to do next!
Two metal tentacles held Super Chick’s shins in place.
Two metal tentacles held Super Chick’s wrists together, a few feet up above her head.
Alicia was totally helpless now. Her hands and feet were being kept completely in place. Octopussy was at full strength, and had plenty more energy left.
A fifth metal tentacle gripped Super Chick's white shirt – and tore it off completely. Super Chick was now reduced to a white string bikini top and skirt. Octopussy raised the fifth tentacle up into the air and held the torn shirt out on display.
The sixth metal tentacle gently lifted the skirt up, allowing people to see the white panties underneath. People gasped as they caught a glimpse of the panty shot. The sixth tentacle then gripped the side of the skirt, and ripped the whole thing off. Now she was reduced to a white string bikini bottom. Octopussy raised that tentacle up into the air and held the skirt out on display.
Super Chick was reduced to just her two-piece bikini, and she couldn't move . . . but Octopussy wasn't done. There were only two free tentacles left – and, incidentally, two articles of clothing left on Super-Chick's body. She continued to squirm and wriggle, trying to get out of Octopussy's grip, but to no avail; she was completely stuck.
A small crowd of photographers were already gathering around. Super Chick was able to see that five pictures were being taken per second. "No!" Super Chick pleaded. "Get back! Don't get close to Octopussy!"
Octopussy smirked. "I'm not gonna hurt them," she assured the heroine. "On the contrary . . . I'm gonna make their day!"
All across Titty City, normal civilian activity was stopped dead. Today's news story – how Lesbian Octopussy was threatening to end Super-Chick once and for all – was all over the city. In every living room across the town, people were gathered around the TV to watch the updates.
"Oh, it's horrible," Amy Ace, Ace Reporter, said. "This could very well be the end of Super Chick."
Super Chick continued to try to wriggle and squirm her way out of the tentacles' grip. She still had her white bikini on, and she was going to have to think of a way to get out, and fast.
“I can still get you!” she yelled, trying to zap Octopussy with red lasers from her eyes.
But one of the two free tentacles quickly brought itself to where the laser was, and once again Alicia saw that the metal, somehow, was laser-proof. It was possible that she could use the lasers to destroy something else, from a distance . . . possibly causing a large object to fall to the ground, near Alicia or Octopussy . . . but Alicia wasn't quite sure how to execute this move. Octopussy made her next moves slowly, almost delicately, in front of the spectators. The seventh tentacle moved to Super Chick's back. A helicopter news camera was recording a video of the action live, as the tentacle gripped the knot in the back of the white bikini top.
The tentacle suddenly jerked backwards, hard. The knot became completely undone. The tentacle then undid the knot for the string around the back of her neck. The bikini top's strings started to fall downward, over the white cups. Finally, the tentacle gripped the front of the top, between both cups, and jumped five feet up in the air, ripping it off.
Lesbian Octopussy was holding Super Chick's bikini top in the air – and Super Chick herself was bare-chested, and exposed for all to see.
There was a definite silence all across the city. There was a definite tone of fear and suspense, spoken louder with silence than with words, in the hearts and minds of all the spectators in the scene.
Then, there was a sense of relief.
Then, the whole city was cheering!
"No!" Super Chick said. "Don't cheer! Octopussy is a bad guy!"
The pictures were flashing, just as fast as ever. Major news was breaking out today. Super Chick continued to try to break her arms out of the tentacles' grip, but she was trapped; the most she could do was press her legs together to try to protect her bikini bottoms.
However, that too was a futile effort. Octopussy had one tentacle left, and Super Chick could tell what she planned to do with it.
Actually, Super Chick found that there were a lot of surprises in store for her. Octopussy actually began to thrash four of her metal tentacles – the ones not holding onto her limbs – around wildly. She began to let go of what she was holding! Super Chick wondered if the torment was over – if she was going to get her clothes back now.
She was shocked to find that, now that there was a crowd gathered around, the diabolical villainess was giving her clothes away to nearby people!
The shirt and skirt went first; people snatched the clothing up like rabid wolves. Next, the bikini top flew into the crowd. There was more desperation for this item of clothing than anything else; after all, now that this super-people fight had become national news, it was a historic top to have, and it would be worth a substantial amount of money.
Super Chick couldn't see where her clothes had gone, but she could tell they weren't returning now. She was just going to have to make do being topless. As more pictures continued to be taken, she realized that it really was all over for her.
Octopussy's tentacles started to do different things. Two continued to hold her hands, and two continued to hold her shins; but now the fifth and six held her by the sides, just above her bikini bottoms. Octopussy was actually lifting her up into the air!
The seventh and eighth tentacles – the latter of which had never been put to use yet – gripped the two knots on the sides of the bikini bottoms. Both tentacles pulled the strings, thereby undoing the knots. One tentacle then moved to the front, gripped the top part of the undergarments, and pulled it down!
Super Chick was now completely naked and exposed, for everyone to see!
The bikini bottom was flung into the crowd; and this was, without argument, the most valuable item of all. Men and women everywhere were frantically running to catch them. Even straight women were in a rush to get them, for they understood how much historical and monetary value they would have.
The pictures were being snapped, and the day just got more noteworthy. Octopussy even turned Super Chick around in mid-air, so that the public could see her backside. More pictures were taken, and Super Chick realized that everything bad that could have possibly happened today, had now happened. What a terrible adventure this had been for her.
Finally, Octopussy let go of Super Chick. She fell to the ground, landing on her feet. She was completely, one hundred percent naked now. The most she could do was arrange her hair to
cover her breasts, then use both hands to cover her privates. She tried to run away to a place where there were no people. Being a superhero was not the fun and games she had once pictured . . . this mission had ended on a note of failure for her.
But, the vow was burned into her head . . . Super Chick would get her back for this, as soon as she could . . .
The End