The Islands
by Sexy Senior Citizen

Chapter Three

As the three of us walked back to the factory we discussed what had been discovered. The Ambassador was not an inside player and had been unaware of the implications of the stocks in the fund. He obviously did not wish to return to France as he thought he was broke which would put him at a great disadvantage there. His long tenure on the island had, for all intents and purposes relegated him to a very minor role in the French government.

He was not a team player as far as the French were concerned; he was too involved with the islands.

Aside from his personal financial condition he was most concerned about the people who were being relocated and the future of the islands.

All in all, he really wasn’t that bad a fellow from my point of view.

Jim and I decided to stay on his boat for the night. I asked Paul where he was staying, "On my little boat over there," as he pointed at the biggest one at the dock. It must have been seventy feet long. That wasn’t a boat -- it was a ship.

We said, "Goodnight," to each other and parted company. Jim checked the moorings while I made a pot of coffee. We sat on the aft deck and discussed the meeting further as I slowly pulled his opinions out in the open.

While I had been engaging the Ambassador in conversation he had been watching all the others for reactions. He felt that the ones who had sat on either side of the Ambassador were actually the close advisors while the rest of the men were of much lower ranking. He suggested that the farther they were seated from the Ambassador the lower the rank.

However all of them seemed to be in agreement with the Ambassador, except three. The three seemed to be the newest members of the staff, which made sense to me. When the coffee pot was empty we called it a night and went below.

I woke up with the feeling someone was shaking the bed. I looked around but didn’t see anyone but I still had that feeling. As I stood up I realized the boat was gently rocking and I lost my balance and quickly sat down on the edge of the bed.

Jim poked his head in the doorway just as I fell back and laughed at me. His only comment was, "Land lubber." Very funny.

I asked what was causing all the rocking and rolling. "The tug is delivering some loaded barges."

I stood up and took a couple quick steps to the doorway and grabbed hold of the framework. I stood there for a minute to get the feel of just which way the boat was going to go next then made it up to the deck.

The tug was in the process of securing four barges to the pier. I watched as they separated the group and positioned them for unloading. I went back into the cabin just long enough to get a cup of coffee and then returned to the deck as the tug began to assemble the three empty barges for removal.

I must have watched for a lot longer than I intended because the coffee pot was empty. As I made another pot I glanced at the clock, It was a little past nine. I had watched that tug work for over an hour.

I glanced around to find that Jim had left the boat. As I stood there wondering what to do next I saw Paul and Tammy on the deck of their ship. They waved and I waved back. Paul gave his wife a hug and walked down the gangplank to the pier and started towards the dock.

I managed to get off of Jim’s boat and onto the pier without spilling my coffee and walked to the dock also. I asked him if he could set up a meeting with the local leaders, he replied, "Already done, it is set for ten this morning in the factory office."

We made our way to the cafeteria where Paul loaded a plate with ham and eggs while I settled for a roll and a coffee refill.

When Paul had finished we walked into the main part of the factory to find Jim directing traffic as several lift trucks moved the material and equipment from the barges into the building.

There was a lot of building materials plus several large crates of machinery. Jim would check each crate and direct it to a section of the building where crews were uncrating them and beginning the assembly.

Jim noticed me and stopped long enough to explain that the factory would be in operation within eight hours now that all the equipment had arrived.

I went back outside to just look around. On the east side of the building there was a much smaller building emitting a lot of noise and was plastered with caution signs in French apparently so that the locals could read them. I opened the door anyway to be greeted with the sight of the biggest diesel engine I had ever seen. That sixteen-cylinder engine was driving a monstrous generator as well as a huge rotary air compressor. The noise was unbelievable in there; I had seen enough and shut the insulated door.

I went to the dock to watch the activity there for a while as l waited for ten o’clock to roll around. There were lift trucks running in what seemed like all directions at once. The first barge was now empty and they were working on the second one, which seemed to be all building materials while a crew was installing some type of racks in the first one.

As I watched this organized mayhem a small cabin cruiser that looked familiar approached the piers. It was soon in position right behind Jim’s boat and two men jumped off of it before it was secured to the pier. As they approached I recognized Jerry and Jeff, they must have been expecting the e-mail I had sent yesterday to be here so soon.

The first thing they asked was, "Where can we get something to eat?" They had skipped breakfast to get here a little sooner. I led them to the cafeteria and refilled my coffee cup as they loaded their plates as if they hadn’t had a meal in a week.

As they ate Jeff explained that they had expected to be called here and were packed and ready. They had flown to Miami and chartered a floatplane to take them to the center island where they commandeered one of the company boats in order to have someplace to stay. Paul had let them know there were very few decent accommodations on the first island.

I quickly informed them of the meeting with the Ambassador and his staff and the conclusions that had been drawn from it. Amazingly Jerry agreed with the conclusions I had reached. Jeff was reserving his thoughts until he could meet them also.

Paul entered the cafeteria followed by a dozen local people. This had to be the college-educated group I wished to meet. They were a nice looking group, well groomed and also well mannered. My understanding was that they were all married couples that didn’t wish to leave the islands.

Paul made the introductions and as usual I forgot almost all of their names as soon as I heard them. That is, I forgot all of their names except Raul Smith who seemed to be the spokesman for them.

I suggested that each of them should select a drink from the cafeteria counter and we would begin. I decided to use the question and answer format that had worked so well with the Ambassador with this group also.

I invited Raul to start. His first question was totally unexpected, "What do you have against the people here that you wish to disown them?"

There really wasn’t a simple way to answer this so I took the long way around it. "Let me give you a little background before I answer you. We have purchased these islands from the French government with the full intention of establishing a first class resort here. As you know there has been a considerable amount of work completed so far." I motioned sweepingly to the building we were in.

"Much more has been accomplished on the center island than here. The construction will continue for at least a year. Full utilities will be provided as well as good roads. Hotels will be built. A good hospital is in the plans also."

"The people are not being disowned; they are being relocated to another island near the coast of South America where the work has already begun to provide housing and utilities there. The houses will be constructed from subassemblies built right here in this building. Each person who is relocated will receive a house and twenty thousand dollars per person, with a total of one hundred thousand dollars per family when they relocate. The interest on this money would provide them with more money than their present income. Therefore disowned is not correct."

"They will need a considerable amount of guidance required in the continued development of that island and particularly in the management of their new found wealth. Hopefully you are the people that can direct them in the right direction. I am aware there was very little change accomplished by the French mainly because they were French; however as well known and respected members of their society you may be able to provide the guidance they will require in the future however it is doubtful they will comply."

"The major reasons we wish to relocate the natives are several. First is the matter of communications. The language here is basically French, but French with a difference. The pronunciation is totally different and the meaning of many words has changed over the years to the extent that it is almost a totally different language. As college educated people you are well aware of this. You are also aware that a major effort was made to correct the problem but it failed miserably.

The official language here is going to be English, less than one percent of the people speak that language much less read and write it."

"The education level is also very low. Schools were built many years ago but the children were not attending. Adult education was available but ignored by all. It is estimated that only ten percent of the people are able to read or write at even a fourth grade level. The cost in time to correct this deficiency is far too great."

"The construction phase is going to require several months and will start by removing all the old and decrepit buildings. There will no longer be any place for them to live on the island during that time."

"The total cost of the relocation will be over one hundred million dollars. They will all be wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. I don’t believe they are being disowned, but I do believe it will take the next generation to bring them into the modern world if they decide to start the journey now."

Raul thought about my answer for several seconds. "Your assessment is essentially correct. At the present level of development they would be totally out of place in a modern environment. They are being given an opportunity for a major step forward, I can see that. However the disruption to their lives will be considerable."

"In any case it was going to happen sooner or later that they would have to take advantage of the opportunities the island provides or be left further behind. I hope they choose wisely, as for me and my wife Sofia, we do not wish to join them. I am tired of struggling to help them help themselves and I feel that we can be an asset here. If we can not stay here we will use the money to immigrate also but not to that other island."

The six couples nodded their agreement with Raul’s statement. It was time to put a few more of the cards on the table. "Very well then, there are certain criteria that must be met for citizenship under the new government. Any children that you may have at or over the age of sixteen will have to qualify also."

Again Raul was the spokesman, "What are these criteria if I may ask."

"There are several actually, we would start with a psychological profile then move on to a complete physical examination."

Raul was puzzled, "There is not a financial criteria?"

I grinned, "Nope, as a citizen you will be expected to support yourself in an occupation that is suited you."

"I have a degree in hotel management and business administration, would that be of value?"

"Certainly, we need people with those skills."

"Then I can stay?"

I laughed, "The other items also need to be completed."

"When can we start on them?"

For the first time Jerry spoke up, "Right now if that is what you want."

The two older couples said they had kids that would also have to be qualified. I suggested they bring them here for lunch and as soon as the noon crowd left the testing could begin.

Lunch went well; they were surprised that the items available included not only seafood but also beef, ham and turkey which were high priced luxury items to them.

By twelve-thirty the room was essentially empty and the first parts of the tests were passed out. It was soon discovered that although most of them could hold a conversation is English they were not proficient in reading that language. Jeff surprised me by volunteering to translate for them.

I gave a little speech before Jeff got started. I asked that they answer all of the questions and answer them as accurately and truthfully as possible. I explained that many of them were very personal and the information would be kept confidential. I also suggested that they should not try to answer with what they thought we wanted to hear because they would very likely be wrong which could prevent them from staying on the island.

Jerry positioned them all around the room so that no one would be able to see what anyone else wrote. As Jeff read the first question in English and then translated it into French I decided I would rather be somewhere else for the next three or four hours.

I located Paul working on a computer in the factory office. I looked over his shoulder at the screen to see that he was working on a civilian listing of crimes that would be activated as soon as the constitution was in place.

All the common items were there such as theft of any kind, scamming, rape, murder and such. I got on another computer and entered the same files and began to scan the contents. I didn’t find any proposed law that I could disagree with and soon found myself trying to figure out what wasn’t there.

All the puritan stuff was missing such as indecent exposure, sodomy, and so forth. I was unable to find anything about prostitution, either pro or con. There was a section on physical abuse that was quite lenient. Property rights were very detailed which I expected.

I was still reading when Jeff and Jerry entered the room. Damn, it was four o’clock, I had been reading for well over three hours.

Jerry set the completed tests on a desk and retrieved his laptop from the boat. When he returned he plugged it into the main file server and transferred the test-grading program into the system.

I made the mistake of asking if there was anything I could do to help. He handed me about half the tests and said, "You can enter these."

Paul laughed, "Serves you right." I groaned; this was going to take hours. Paul reminded me that we had another meeting with the Ambassador tonight which didn’t help my attitude; there would be at least twice as many tests from there.

Well, it really wasn’t as bad as it looked; the worst parts were the names and resumes. They took about fifteen minutes each to enter and get a grade. I had no idea what the grade meant but they were all over the scale from a low of eighteen to a high of ninety-four with a letter following the number.

Paul had completed the nine he had kept long before I had finished the eight he had given me and had separated them into two piles. He glanced at the scores on the one I had completed and separated them also.

He explained the meaning of the scores; the number was a reflection of their participation in the permitted activities while the letter indicated their compatibility to our way of life as well as how their ideal fantasies would affect them and us if they were realized.

He picked up the test with the score of eighteen followed with an ‘A’. He quickly scanned the score sheet I had attached to the front, "This person is very inexperienced but would love to be more involved. The attitudes and fantasies are almost a text book example of someone we would want for a member."

I flipped the score sheet back to check the vital statistics; he was right on the money. This was a sixteen-year-old girl that had only had sex a couple times with her boyfriend.

I didn’t want to know all the little details of how the scores were determined so I jumped past any more explanations, "Who qualified and who didn’t?"

He pointed at the two piles of papers, "Eleven of the seventeen qualified as individuals." He checked the names on the papers and began to re-sort them in a different order. "There are seven that will qualify if the physical examinations are okay, one couple and all five of the teenagers."

The couple was Raul and his wife, which didn’t surprise me but I hadn’t expected the kids to pass. Apparently a more open social structure was forming in spite of the adult attitudes.

We would have a meeting with all the applicants tomorrow but right now it was time for dinner and then another meeting with the Ambassador and his staff.

We met Paul in the cafeteria, ate quickly, and then all four of us began the walk to the embassy. Paul filled Jeff in as much as possible on what to expect.

We were met at the door by the same servant and led to the conference room. As we entered the Ambassador stood to greet us.

Jeff quickly turned to Paul, "What is his name?" When Paul told him a smile crossed Jeff’s face.

Paul again made the introductions with Jeff being the last. Jeff greeted the ambassador, "Hello Pierre, I haven’t seen you for many years."

The Ambassador was taken aback by this crude and informal greeting. "Do I know you, Sir?"

"You should, we had many a good time together in the past."

The Ambassador scrutinized Jeff more closely, "I’m afraid you have the advantage of me, Sir." He walked over to Jeff to examine him more closely. "You do look somewhat familiar to me. When did we meet?"

"Many years ago in Saigon."

The Ambassador still looked puzzled as he continued to look at Jeff, "Reggie?"

"Yep, but I go by Jeff now to protect the guilty."

The ambassador shook his hand and suddenly gave him a bear hug, which Jeff returned. "We have many things to discuss and memories to recall. How have you been these many years?"

"I’m fine, working with a great group of people."

The Ambassador continued to shake Jeff’s hand, "I wish I could say the same. My government has sold my island out from under me and this gentleman," as he indicated Paul, "is trying to evict me and my staff."

Jeff turned to Paul, "Quit picking on him, he is one of the good guys."

Paul, seldom without something to say replied, "That’s good to hear." As we were being seated Jeff whispered to Paul, "Pierre is a player and so is his wife. I met them if Paris after the Vietnam fiasco was over." Paul nodded in response.

Jerry asked that the wives and any kids within the age previously specified be asked to join the meeting. From that point forward the procedures was much the same as with the other group. They separated as much as possible and completed the test with minimal questions about translations.

The Ambassador was not required to complete the forms at this time although they would be needed for the files later.

Jeff and Pierre engaged in a conversation that didn’t include the rest of us. They were enjoying old memories and the laughter was almost constant.

By ten all the papers had been completed and collect by Jerry. We made our exit and began the walk back to the factory. Jeff filled us in on his relationship to the Ambassador. They had both been Majors in the marines of their respective countries. The French were leaving Vietnam finally as the American force was exiting also. Pierre was one of the last to go as he was attached to the diplomatic corps. They had many a fierce poker game and many parties with the local girls.

Jerry put the test papers in the safe and Paul secured it as we all headed for the boats and a good nights sleep.

Jerry was busily scoring the tests when I enter the office for a cup of coffee the next morning. Okay, so I overslept, big deal.

He glanced at me and shook his head. I asked what was wrong. He laid the papers down, "I can’t believe these scores."

Jeff walked in just in time to hear that comment. "You got a surprise?"

"Very much of a surprise; only two couples failed to qualify. All except one of fifteen teenagers made it".

Jeff grinned, "I wonder how Pierre managed to miss them?"

Paul checked the papers again, "Both are relatively new to the islands, they were posted here less than a year ago."

This was a lot more people than I had expected, twenty-two teenagers and twenty-two adults, way too many for the small dispensary on the center island to process.

I asked Paul how many people he could accommodate on his ship. "All of them if some can sleep in deck chairs."

"Good, notify them to be at the dock by six in the morning with all the papers needed to enter the States. The Ambassador and his wife will be flying back with me. Also call Bill and make arrangements for a flight from Miami to Hopeful. Have him make arrangements for the teens under eighteen; there are eight of them, to stay with the migrant people."

"You will also need to notify Klaus that he will be having several house guests."

That was enough for the day; back to the boat for a little sleep before we headed over to the center island.

Jim shook me awake at five so that I could get at least a couple cups of coffee down before the activities began.

The Ambassador and his wife, Florence, arrived with enough luggage to sink a battle ship. I suggested that they bring only a change of clothes and put the rest of it on Paul’s ship.

Pierre shrugged, "If the city is as Jeff described we will not need any of it for a few days."

Jeff and Jerry were retuning to the city also and were soon awake and ready to go.

The trip to the center island only took a couple hours this time. As we entered the marina the Ambassador commented that the mountain did not look as high as he remembered.

Jim explained what was being done there.

The hotel came as a surprise to him also. "This is what I wanted to do many years ago but the natives would not hear of it."

Sandy decided to stay on the island, "These girls need a lot of training to be able to keep up with all that is going on in that office."

The flight was slow and uneventful. As we circled to land the Ambassador asked what city was below us. When I told him the disbelief was evident on his face.

Art met us at the airport with my van. I dropped Jeff and Jerry off at Project Central and continued to the manor. Pierre was dully impressed with the appearance of the house, "This would look wonderful in France as a manor house."

June, Art’s wife, met us at the door completely nude as I had directed. The Ambassador and his wife acted as if this was completely normal as we entered and I showed them to the spare bedroom.

I suggested they might want to shower and get ready to go out to dinner as I directed them to the luxuriously oversized bathroom and shower area.

I went to my room and did the same, dressing in business casual style, short-sleeved shirt and slacks. I waited a few more minutes before knocking on their door.

Pierre answered and stepped into the hall closing the door behind him. "We have a problem; Florence did not bring the proper clothes for a formal dinner."

"At this restaurant you may dress as you choose or choose to not dress at all. However you wife is the same size as Sandy and there is a closet full of her clothes in my room. Have her come with me and I will show her."

He opened the door and called to her. She appeared wrapped only in a large bath towel and both of them followed me to my room. She was pleasantly surprised at the selection of dresses and gowns that was available.

She began looking at first one and then another selection as she made cooing sounds with each new item. She commented, "I have never seen so many wonderful gowns all in one place before." In her effort to see all that was available one of the gowns slipped off of the hanger and started to fall. Without thinking she caught it with both hands as the towel slid down her body to the floor.

She nonchalantly put the gown back on the hanger as if nothing had happened and provided me with a good view of her naked body. Her nipples were pierced and a hood piercing was also noticeable in that clean-shaven area but the breathtaking mural on her back was unbelievable -- two unicorns facing each other with a very detailed foreground of a meadow and bubbling brook.

Pierre laughed at her, "How did I know you would find a way to show off?"

She just grinned and continued to look at the clothes completely ignoring the towel on the floor. Since nudity apparently didn’t bother her I suggested a jade green backless gown with removable panels over the breast area.

She quickly lifted it over her head and let it slide down and around her body; it looked good; accentuating her light completion, blonde hair and green eyes.

I showed her how the split front of the gown could be secured back on either side to display her hood piercing also. She was delighted as she twisted and twirled in front of the mirrored closet doors trying to see herself from all angles.

Pierre asked, "That is very nice for a private party but are you sure this is appropriate attire for dinner? I would not like for us to be forcibly removed from the restaurant."

We arrived at Jacob’s rather late in the dinner hour and many people were leaving as I pulled up close to the entrance; love those handicapped plates. Pierre just sat in the van for several minutes as he watched the parade. Then it occurred to him that there were more people inside and almost ran to the door leaving Florence and me behind.

She giggled as we slowly strolled the short distance to the entrance while Pierre held the door open for two couples to exit.

Sometimes thing work out, the two couples were Bob and Brenda Robertson and Michael and Connie Smith. It had been several months since I had seen them and they greeted me as if I had been gone for years.

I introduced them to Florence adding that the fellow still holding the door open was her husband, Pierre. When he heard this he sheepishly released the door.

They soon suggested that we needed to have another party in ‘that lovely play room of yours’. I agreed but didn’t set a date.

We entered the building, this time I held the door. Jacob greeted us warmly and we followed him to a table in my usual alcove that provided a view of the entire dinning area; I made sure that Pierre and Florence were seated to take advantage of this.

A pretty young waitress, completely nude except for a cute little hat that proclaimed ’Jacob’s’ soon arrived at the table with her multiple piercings and belt tattoo fully displayed. Her nametag was attached to an oversized ring in her left nipple.

She suggested that the Veal Parmesan was excellent; I ordered it for myself and asked Florence if she would care for the same, she agreed. We both sat there and waited for Pierre to say something but his attention was on the multiple lip rings the girl had. Florence finally kicked him under the table to bring him back to reality.

Coffee was served while the main meal was being prepared. Pierre was totally distracted trying to see everything all at the same time. My attention was focused on a different table though. There were five people at that table, two couples that I recognized as medical people from the hospital plus Monica Steel. I didn’t see her friend, Lester Banks.

The meal was served and was a good as it gets. Pierre said there wasn’t a better restaurant even in Paris.

He ordered two glasses of wine for Florence and himself while I had another cup of coffee as the meal was concluded.

The two couple were now getting ready to leave and Monica stood up also. She noticed that I was looking at her and smiled. I patted the chair beside me and she nodded slightly. There was a quick conversation with the couples and as they went toward the exit she walked over to my table.

I made the introductions and invited her to join us explaining that Sandy had stayed in the islands and I would like to have another pretty girl at the table. She giggled and sat down; a little too much wine perhaps?  We chatted about how well the hospital was doing and she explained that Lester was doing an emergency appendectomy.

Pierre and Florence were having a conversation in French and I didn’t understand a word of it but apparently Monica did. She giggled, "No, I am just a girl he rescued from a bad situation, nothing more."

Pierre suddenly came to attention, "I apologize for my manners and it is certainly none of my business what the relationship may be."

Monica was still giggling, "He was speculating about how an old duffer like you could have so many pretty girls around."

I laughed out load, "It is my sterling personality." We would see who the ‘Old Duffer’ was before this night was over.

Monica laughed also, "And a few other things also."

Pierre had recovered his composure, "And what would the ‘few other things’ be, I wonder?"

Monica began to answer him, "Well for starters there is a wonderful play room and..."

I cut her off in mid sentence,  "Let’s leave some things to the imagination or at least leave them for another time."

She laughed, "Awww, am I embarrassing you?"

I dodged the question by saying it was time to leave.

As we all stood up I asked if she wanted me to drop her off of if she would like to spend the night at the Manor. She thought the Manor would be fine.

As we drove home I called Klaus and asked if he would care to join us. He said he would be there before I was. I guess he was feeling kind of out of the mainstream. He had been keeping a very low profile for many weeks after the major cosmetic surgery that had removed all the heavy scars that had resulted from the plane crash near Paris.

True to his word, when I pulled up to the front door, Klaus opened it for us. He was standing there in all his naked glory with Kathy standing nearby. Pierre greeted him as if he were wearing a thousand dollar suit as I made the introductions.

I suggested that we might like to shower and leave the clothes in the bedrooms before proceeding to the playroom for a couple hours of fun. I directed Monica to another empty room but she asked if she could use my room; sure thing as it implied an overnight stay and some private play as well.

As Monica and I disrobed she gasped when she saw my new hardware. "You have improved it some more I see."

I grinned, "That one barbell was getting lonesome all by itself." She giggled again; a little giddy from the wine? I watched her pretty butt as I followed her to the shower. Apparently she wasn’t a stranger to having a little help with her showers as she held the shower door open for me to join her.

We played in the water for several minutes while we washed each other and as usual some areas received a lot more attention than others. In fact I washed that cute ass several times. I was the complete gentleman as I even helped her dry off. Of course her butt got very well dried. Did I ever mention that I... yeah, I think I did.

She returned the favor by drying my decorated cock several times also and then bent over and kissed it too. Wow, this was going to be a fun night.

Pierre and Florence were sitting at the huge table in the kitchen chatting with Art, June, Klaus and Kathy when we walked in.

The ever vigilant Kathy spotted my new hardware immediately. "Oh I love it. Is it ready for use?"

"Yep, still a little tender but useable."

"Nice, I will give it a test drive just to be sure."

Monica giggled again, "Me first."

Florence looked at Pierre and he nodded his approval. June thought she would like to try it also. I love it when the girls gang up on me but it sounded like I was going to have a very sore cock before the night was over.

We all headed for the playroom as a group. I was surprised to find that Art had set up a table full of snack foods for the occasion; good idea I could use that as an excuse to delay some of the action if I had too.

Since Klaus and Art were old hands at using the equipment they immediately picked out the areas they wished to use. Art was getting June ready for the treadmill while Klaus was securing Kathy to a whipping bench. Pierre was just standing at the doorway gazing all around the room. I began to point out the various devices and the many uses for each. He decided on the Sybian horse for Florence so I explained how the controls worked and how to rig the safety harness.

He soon had her in position and set the machine on low. It took a couple minutes for her to react to the minor stimulation being provided but she was soon beginning to moan. Pierre selected a light flogger from a nearby rack and began to whip her ass with medium strokes.

With the added sensations she emitted a moan that was almost a scream. Pierre then directed his attention to her pierced nipples and the moan continued.

I glanced toward the treadmill in time to see June begin to stumble from the effects of the ‘walking dildo’. Art stopped the machine but continued to flog her titties until her orgasm passed, then started the treadmill again.

Kathy was receiving a good ass whipping with about every third stroke striking her ever-present butt plug.

It was time to ‘entertain’ Monica. I led her to an open area and installed cuffs on her wrists and ankles. I lowered a two-foot long spreader bar from the overhead pulley and secured it to her wrists. As I removed most of the slack her arms were raised over her head and she was still giggling.

Next I secured her ankles to bull rings imbedded in the floor and pulled her feet wide apart. She was now in a standing spread eagle position with all the interesting areas very accessible.

I picked up a flogger and swung it in the air a couple times to get the feel of it. She was watching me as I walked around her trying to decide where to start for her first real whipping.

She giggled, "Are you going to hit me with that thing?"

"Yep, I sure am."

She giggled again, "Okay."

The first stroke was on her ass; her only reaction was a soft "Oh."

The next stroke didn’t get any reaction at all. It took a dozen medium strokes to finally produce a moan. I switched my attention to her breasts and applied five medium strokes to each. She was moaning softly but otherwise there was still very little reaction.

I felt between her legs and found that her pussy was soaking wet. She was turned on and nearing an orgasm.

I applied five more stokes to each nipple and she responded with "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh," as her orgasm began.

One stroke directly on her pussy and she exploded with an ear-splitting scream as she twisted and turned while tugging on her restraints.

As her orgasm began to fade I put another stroke on her pussy and it started all over again. This time I whipped her titties about every thirty seconds to keep her orgasm alive. After twenty stokes to each breast she was hanging limp and silent.

Pierre had been watching me for several minutes and didn’t realize that Florence was also experiencing an orgasm that was continuous since he had left the Symbian horse running. He raced to turn it off.

As I lowered Monica onto a table I watched as Florence began to awaken. Pierre lowered the horse and half carried her to the lounge area where she slumped in a chair.

Monica was still totally in sub space so I left her to recover as I went to the snack table for a donut and a cup of coffee.

Kathy began to scream her delight as Klaus had entered her from the rear while she was still secured to the whipping bench. To increase the effect he was working her butt plug in and out in time with his thrusts.

Art was removing June from the treadmill and she sagged to the floor as he lowered the safety harness. I walked over to help him get her to the lounge area where she also sagged in a chair.

I guess I had volunteered as the headwaiter so I brought everyone a cup and set a full coffee pot on the table.

Pierre was full of questions about the playroom but mostly he wanted to know where I had found all the equipment. He was surprised to learn that it was manufactured here in the city. "I have seen advertisements for some of these items that could be ordered but that company had a Kansas City Post Office box."

"We use that means of selling these products and it is very effective."

"I have also seen gowns much like Florence wore this evening advertised from an address in Indianapolis."

I grinned, "That is us also."

"I must see your facilities."

"I’ll give you the grand tour tomorrow as soon as your physical is completed."

Florence was the first girl to reach for the coffee but Pierre intercepted and poured it for her; she was still shaky after her ride on the horse.

As Kathy began to stir I noticed that Monica was also moving a little. I walked over to her and helped her off of the table and supported her as we managed to get to a chair.

Within a few minutes all the girls were pretty much back to normal if you could say pink titties and red asses were normal.

Klaus, Pierre and I chatted about the tentative plans for the islands but soon Pierre steered the conversation to the matter of drafting a full set of laws and regulations. "You might be well advised to use the existing laws in the beginning and remove or modify them as you are able to determine their worth."

He had a good point; we could establish a policy of selective enforcement for a few months as we adjusted the justice system to our needs. I would discuss it with Paul when I returned to the islands.

While we were caught up in a political discussion the girls were at a nearby table discussing their different experiences. Florence, who admitted she had been a player for many years, was nonetheless very impressed with the Symbian Horse.

Monica was still trying to understand what had happened, "I have never been whipped before; a spanking or two but never a whipping. I had no idea it would lead to such a fantastic orgasm."

I noticed Kathy looking in my direction and then she had a whispered conversation with the other three girls as they turned toward me also. I had the feeling Kathy was instigating something.

I was right; they all stood and walked over to me. Kathy had assumed the position of spokeswoman for all of them, "We decided it’s time to check you out; we want to find out what all that hardware is for."

"Don’t forget that Klaus has some hardware also."

She put her hands on her hips, "I know that but not as much hardware as you."

Monica walked past Kathy to stand directly in front of me. "Me first," was her only comment as she sank to her knees and kissed the tip then slowly lowered her lips over the head running her tongue all around the little shiny balls. She took it all in her mouth and her nose was firmly pressed against my groin. She was forced to rise up as my equipment rose to the occasion.

She continued to run her tongue all over the head but soon sat back on her heels and looked at it as she wrapped a hand around the base of the shaft. She began to squeeze and release her hand and watched the hardware move with the different pressures. She stood up and straddled me as I slid down in the chair to provid her with a good target. She stepped forward and positioned herself over my cock and slowly began to descend toward it.

Soon her pussy lips were being parted as all of the hardware in my cock head began to penetrate. She stopped, shivering and moaning softly for a full minute then continued to impale herself until her full weight was on me.

I contracted my groin muscles and then released them several times as she continued her soft moan.

There was a slight stinging sensation from the newly stretched piercing but it was minor and did not interfere with the activities.

I reached up and took each of her well-whipped nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and slowly applied increasing pressure to those little pink buds. Her moans became stronger and she began to slide forward and back slowly until she screamed as an orgasm swept over her.

She collapsed against my chest and just lay there breathing hard for several minutes before leaning back,  "That was unbelievable. Lester is going to have to get some hardware just like yours."

As she stood up and my cock was slowly pulled from its hiding place she moaned again; for a second I thought she was going to have another orgasm but she managed to step away and leaned against the table for support.

As I looked around I saw that June had moved to the Ambassador’s location and was busily giving him a blowjob that had him moaning. The every ready Kathy was doing the same for Art.

To my surprise Monica went over to Klaus and asked if she could try his hardware also. I had never seen Klaus refuse a pretty girl and she was soon kissing his limp cock.

All the girls were occupied except Florence; I walked over to her and asked if she was ready for some more fun. She nodded so I took her hand and we walked over to a medical examination table. I positioned her on it with her feet in the stirrups and her ankles secured. I also secured her wrists to the sides of the table and ran a strap across her stomach.

I had noticed how well she reacted when Pierre had whipped her titties so I reached for a light flogger before moving in between her wide spread legs.

I laid the flogger down across her stomach to let her know what was coming as I bent down to lick her pussy lips. She responded immediately as she tried to move to get more contact. I licked her lips for several minutes as she became more aroused with each stroke.

When I teased her clitty with my tongue she bucked up as high as possible within the restraints so I did it again, several times until she was ready to explode.

I walked to the snack table and poured a cup of coffee and sat down to watch the other girls.

Pierre was holding June’s face tight against his groin in an effort to let the sensations subside a little bit so that he could continue for a few more minutes.

Monica was sitting on Klaus’ cock as he pinched her nipples to the accompaniment of her soft moans.

Art had moved Kathy to a table also and was busily whipping her tits as he moved in and out of her. She was screaming as her orgasm continued for several minutes and Art didn’t seem to be ready to stop any time soon.

Florence had settled back by the time my coffee cup was empty so I returned to her and sucked on her clit until she was again on the brink of an orgasm. I slowly began to enter her as she moaned repeatedly as she tried to hurry the insertion.

When I was fully imbedded in her I took the flogger and began to apply it to her breasts being careful not to let it get tangled up around her nipple piercings. I used my free hand to wiggle her hood piercing, which in turn rubbed against her clit.

After only two short strokes her orgasm began. With the continuing stimulation I was able to keep it going for several minutes as I slowly moved in and out of her. With a final deep moan she passed out.

I got another cup of coffee and joined the others at the table in the lounge area.

Monica was sitting in a chair looking like her thoughts were a million miles away. Kathy was still lying on the table where Art had put her and was just beginning to move. June was sitting on the Ambassador’s lap, still impaled and leaning against his chest.

When Kathy and Florence were able to stand we called it a night. Monica was still determined to sleep with me. Klaus and Kathy decided to spend the night in one of the bedrooms at the end of the play area.

I woke up a little early and was delighted to find Monica was lying on her back, still sound asleep. I made a quick trip to the bathroom, got a pot of coffee going and returned to the bed; this was an opportunity I didn’t want to miss.

I gently spread her legs and moved into a position where I could lick her puffy lips. As I ran my tongue over them she moaned in her sleep but didn’t move. I took her little bud between my lips and began to flick it with my tongue.

She moaned again and began to hump as I continued my relentless attack. She soon reached an orgasm and screamed her delight. I continued my attack as her orgasm grew to monstrous proportions.

After nearly ten minutes of this delightful torture I let her rest. She opened her eyes but they were too unfocused to see anything as I changed positions and slowly entered her.

She moaned and rose up to meet me. I thrust into her time and time again as she experienced another orgasm.

I stopped all actions and just held my cock in her as she began to relax. I took one of her nipples in my mouth and gently nibbled on it as she moaned her satisfaction.

I withdrew and lay down beside her and continued to suck on one nipple as I twirled the other one between my thumb and forefinger.

When she was able to speak she said, "Wow, what a way to wake up. No one has ever done that to me before."

"Glad you enjoyed it, but now I think we are due for a good long shower."

She agreed and we went to the oversized bathroom. We played in the water for a while as we washed each other; I suggested that she should wash her hair also. When she had applied an overly ample amount of shampoo I suggested that she drop to her knees so that I could massage it in properly. Of course I made sure she was in position to kiss my still hard cock.

She got the picture immediately and began to run her tongue over the tip before trying to swallow it completely. She soon gagged a little and had to pull away for a moment but like a real trooper she was soon back on it and again tried to swallow it with much better results.

I gently held her head tight against me for a few seconds as I worked my groin muscles to create a small amount of movement.  She handled this new challenge without difficulty and continued to suck. It was only a matter of a couple minutes in this position before I was unable to wait any longer.

With her face still tight against me I came deep in her throat. Surprisingly she didn’t gag but swallowed repeatedly which served to continue my ejaculation.

We soon left the shower and I brought two cups of coffee to the bed. We sat side by side and enjoyed the coffee and each other’s company for some time before she spoke. "That was wonderful. I may have to stay here more often."

"You’re welcome anytime."

We ambled down to the kitchen, still naked, to find Art wearing only an apron and in the process of preparing pancakes and eggs. We had another cup of coffee as we waited for him to finish.

Soon Klaus and Kathy arrived only half awake. They hadn’t even finished a cup of coffee before Pierre and Florence made a blurry eyed appearance. I was glad to see that they were also nude; they were going to fit right in to the community’s way of life.

The usual morning after rehash of activities didn’t take place as Pierre was curious about the physical exams. "What are they checking for anyway?"

"Nothing specific just a full exam, you know, the blood tests and a few x-rays as well as an EKG just to make sure the stress of a good play session will not cause problems. Of course they will also check for any transmittable diseases or trouble areas."

He nodded, "Very good, it is nice to know that all the people are in good health. When should we be at the hospital?"

"About eight, but this can all be done at the dispensary, no need to go to the hospital. Since all the construction is completed in the main section here the curfew has been lifted and you may dress or not at your discretion."

"You mean that we can go to the dispensary without clothes?"

"Yes and anywhere else in the main section of the city; you will see the full range of dress through out this area. It will range from nude to business suits."

I continued, "We need to leave here in a few minutes so if you wish to dress you can do it now."

Pierre shrugged, "I’m fine as I am."

Florence was hesitant and said she wasn’t comfortable with all this nudity yet and would got get a dress on for now.

Monica said she would have to dress as she was assigned to the public side of the dispensary.

I nodded my agreement and said we would be waiting in the van for both of them.

Pierre and I said our ‘Goodbyes’ to Klaus and Kathy and went to the van; the girls joined us in just a couple minutes. As I drove we passed several people who were nude and a few that were wearing shirts that appeared to be for sun protection. Several people were entering the dispensary as we arrived and I led Pierre and Florence inside as Monica made her way to the other section of the building.

Lester was the supervisor of the shift and Cora was the head nurse so I introduced them to the Ambassador and his wife and asked that they make the exams as quick as possible. Lester said he would and also would call me as soon as it was completed. This was going to take at least a couple hours so I decided to stop by Bill’s office.

Bill had rearranged his offices; now there was a receptionist to clear all visitors. The girl was very young, probably one of the collage grads that Jerry had introduced to our life style. I didn’t know her and didn’t remember ever seeing her before. She was nude with nicely pierced nipples and if I knew Bill’s requirements she also had a butt plug in place.

As I approached her desk she ask, "May I help you, Sir?" in a very professional manner -- nice touch.

"I was looking for Bill."

"Mister Jackson is occupied at the moment, Sir, but if you would care to wait I will notify him you are here. Do you have a card?"

There I was, not a stitch of clothes on and she wanted a business card? This was too much, I patted both of my thighs, both ass cheeks and then both sides of my chest, "Sorry, it seems I left all the cards in my other suit."

She started to say something before she realized what I had said and done but stopped in mid-word and burst out laughing. When she had regained a degree of composure she really looked at me for the first time, picked up the phone and said, "I think the boss wants to see you." She listened for a few seconds and replied, "Yes," as she continued to giggle then pointed at a doorway. I didn’t think I had been all that funny; I was really trying to be sarcastic.

I opened the door to find Bill behind a desk that had only a couple papers and a phone sitting on it. He was involved in a conversation with Carl Batson, the head of the Agricultural department. They both looked up as I entered.

Bill looked aggravated and Carl didn’t look very happy either. Bill commented, "Glad you are here, we have a problem." Carl nodded in agreement.

I poured a cup of coffee and sat down, "Okay, tell me all about it."

"I need more equipment but Bill tells me it isn’t in the budget."

Bill gave a sarcastic grin, "He wants a couple million dollars worth of new equipment. I agree that it is needed but the operating budget will not cover that and accounting hasn’t approved the request I made. They tell me it will take a supplemental appropriation to cover it but he doesn’t want to wait for the new budget."

Carl defended his request, "The land area has almost tripled since the current budget was established. The equipment that I have is being operated around the clock but the used machinery that was acquired when the Project began is not up to that kind of use and there are many equipment failures."

I could see Carl’s point; it was late in the year and time to get the crops out of the fields. The ‘Bean Counters’ were impeding progress.

I asked Carl if he had a list of the items he wanted, he handed me a folder stuffed with papers. I flipped through it for a few minutes, "The specifications on some of the equipment looks to be less than optimum."

"I was trying to keep the cost as low as possible."

"That seldom works, you will be much better off if you over spec; the equipment will last longer."

Carl nodded, "I know but I need it now and if lesser specs would help I would do that."

"I understand however this is for the long term so upgrade the specs, in fact over spec wherever possible. I will stop by to see Harold Iverson and tell him to expect you this after noon." I quickly made a list of the major items.

Carl was puzzled, "Harold is a car dealer."

"He also has a farm equipment business."

I turned to Bill, "Do you have an appropriation request form?" He handed me the form; I filled it in for three million dollars and signed it on the line that said ‘Approved By’. "Now both of you are covered, the ‘Bean Counters’ will have to settle it with me."

I checked the time, I would just make it home to get dressed; drive over to see Harold and be able to get back in time to pick up Pierre and Florence.

Harold was glad to see me. We discussed the car purchase plans that had been put in place for the community members and he said it was working fantastically; sales were way up and all the payments were made on time.

I asked about his farm equipment business, "Sales are very slow, none of the local farmers can afford new equipment; the service department is supporting it right now."

"Do you have any big equipment in stock?"

"A couple tractors and one combine are all except for some used machines."

"How long would it take to get more in?"

"There is a lot of equipment setting on lots all around the country; transportation will be the biggest hold up."

"Carl Batson will be over to see you this afternoon to purchase a few items for the city."

"I hope I have them on hand."

I laughed, "You don’t but we need them anyway."

I had his attention now, "What does he need?"

"Well as near as I can tell it will total about two million dollars."

He just stared at me, "You must be pulling my leg."

I handed him the list I had made, "He will start with this list and I want you to improve the specifications where ever possible. We will also need all the accessories and attachments to go with the power units."

Harold turned to his computer to check availability, after about ten minutes he smiled, "The factory in Minneapolis has everything sitting on the yard right now and the specs are great."

"Good, put a hold on it and see if they can deliver quickly."

He placed a phone call to be able to talk to a live person at the factory.

I stepped out of his office to get a cup of coffee in the reception area while he was on the phone. His daughter was there as usual and this time she was friendly. We chatted for a few minutes before Harold came out of his office.

"We have hit a snag, they have everything you had on your list but they want a million dollar deposit before they will ship. I can’t cover that."

"That is not a problem; would you prefer a check or direct transfer?"

"Direct transfer will be quicker. They also said it will take about three weeks to get everything delivered."

"When you send the deposit tell them not to bother with the railroad, you will be sending some trucks."

"I don’t have that many trucks."

I grinned, "I have access to a few."

We shook hands and I headed for the dispensary. I had to wait about fifteen minutes before their physicals were completed so I chatted with Cora a little bit about nothing in particular.

Pierre and Florence finally arrived still showing some of the residue from the stick-on connectors used for the EKG. Both were smiling and in a good mood.

I asked if they preferred to return to the Manor or ride along with me as I confronted the accounting department. Florence was still a little shy about the lack of clothes and preferred to go to the house; however Pierre said that he wanted to see the accounting section.

I drove to Project Central to discover Joan Batson; the comptroller was at the Collage in Oklahoma for the week so I had to talk to Sylvia about the needed funds transfer. She was adamant about following every little detail of the transaction to make sure everything was by the book. After I had spent nearly half an hour explaining everything she still would not follow my instructions without Joan’s approval.

I even tried to tell her that all of this was for Joan’s husband’s department; even that didn’t do any good.

Okay, since following all the proper procedures didn’t work it was time to move on. I walked around her desk and rolled her chair back, "You need to go to the restroom."

"No I don’t and you shouldn’t be behind my desk," was her indignant reply.

I rolled her even further away from the desk and began to punch keys on her computer. She looked at me with a sarcastic grin on her face, "That won’t do you any good; there are four levels of security on that machine."

I ignored her and continued to enter information. In just a few seconds I had all the files open and she screamed, "I am going to call the Police," as she reached for the phone.

I laughed at her, "Better hurry before I spend all the money."

I still had the Approval Code to enter to complete the transfer of the two million dollars when Robert, the police chief burst through the door with two of his officers behind him.

I glanced up, "Be with you in a minute."

He stopped cold, looked at the woman that had called him, then back at me. He shook his head and told the two officers to go to lunch, "I can handle this."

I finished the transfer, cleared the machine and walked around the desk. I patted Sylvia on the ass, nice ass by the way, and told her, "You can have your desk back now."

I turned to Robert, "Ready for some lunch?"

He shook his head again, "You are a troublemaker."

I grinned, "Sometimes it helps to stir up the system a little bit."

Sylvia was fit to be tied, "You aren’t going to arrest him?"

"Nope, but I am going to make him buy lunch."

I turned to her, "You’re invited also."

Pierre was still standing beside the doorway trying to figure out what had happened. Sylvia wasn’t sure of what to do.

I grabbed her hand, tapped Pierre on the shoulder. "Let’s go, I’m hungry," and walked out of the building, across the street and into Jacob’s.

Since the curfew had been lifted and the weather was delightful there was a lot of bare skin showing. Since this was the only upscale restaurant inside the main compound the noon traffic had almost doubled.

Robert soon located the other two officers and we joined them; he was a master at getting as many free meals out of me as possible. As we got settled Raymond, the construction foreman, and Bill walked in and I asked them to join us also. Pierre was going to see more of the behind the scenes activity that I had expected to show him.

Sylvia was the only female at the table and was feeling out of place surrounded by men and asked if she could move to a table with several other women. That was fine with me, I told her to bring me the check though.

The waitress was a little older than the ones seen here on the weekends; all the collage kids were back in school during the week. Actually she was probably about twenty-five and a pretty girl with a nice belt tattoo to accent her pierced nipples and nicely pierced hood.

Pierre was having a problem deciding weather to eat his steak or watch the people, particularly the girls, consequentially his plate was still half full while the rest of us were having coffee.

The two Police Officers left as soon as they had finished but Robert was relaxing and seemed to be in a laid back mood.

I asked Bill, "How many semi rigs can you get ready for a trip to Minneapolis in the next day or so?"

"Maybe twenty if I let some of the deliveries wait a few days."

I then asked Raymond the same question, "Probably twenty-five or thirty if I requisition a few from the main company, but they would all have heavy haul low deck trailers."

"Good we need those for this job. There is a considerable amount of farm equipment to haul back here from the factory."

Robert informed me that there were about a dozen new family groups settling in with the migrant workers in the Acapulco section. Actually it was looking like they were no longer migrants but were becoming members of the community.

Ray said he had to go to get busy collecting the trucks that were needed; Bill said the same thing so Pierre and I left also. Jacob called me over to the front desk as we were leaving and ask me to sign the ticket that Sylvia had left with him. I glanced at it and laughed but I signed it anyway, she had gotten even with me for giving her a rough time in her office; the tab was for all the girls that were at that table.

I suggested that we go by the house and get dressed if he wanted a tour of the property. Florence decided she would like to ride along and we were soon driving around looking at all the buildings and businesses that had been established in just a couple years.

He was delighted when he saw the solar panels that covered several hundred acres and asked if we were going to do the same for the islands. "Yes, but I’m not sure we can grow tomatoes under them in that climate. I’ll have to ask Carl about that."

There were a couple hundred people working in the fields under the solar panels picking the ripe tomatoes. I explained that it was a permanent and almost year round job to harvest them and that several semi truckloads were processed every day.

We went past the New City Hall, Jacques Restaurant and the latest addition, a bank that handled all the financing for Harold’s dealership plus provided a program for the investment of small amounts of money that various workers wished to save.

The Acapulco Addition was now completed and provided an ideal location for the former migrant people. The architecture of the main buildings was decidedly Mayan in style and provided a striking appearance.

 We continued past the open meadows that provided grazing for the livestock and moved into the industrial area with its many special purpose buildings and the maintenance facilities for all the equipment needed to operate the community. The seemingly endless fields of corn and grain could be seen behind the factories.

I finished the tour at the airport where several of the smaller planes could be seen. There was one larger plane there, a 737, but the 747s and the C-130s were still being reconditioned and painted.

As I was returning to the inner community I drove past Hamburger Heaven and Pierre commented that he had never had a real American cheeseburger so I stopped and bought a couple dozen of them as well as an equal number of orders of French Fries before continuing to the house.

We were soon sitting at the kitchen table having an All American fast food meal, complete with cokes. There were still several couples staying on the third floor of the house and somehow they all seemed to know what we were doing and the stack of cheeseburgers disappeared quickly.

It was Friday evening and nearly six thirty by the time we finished. I asked if they would be interested in going to the piercing class. To my surprise they both agreed, "I have never been to a Piercing Class," was Pierre’s reply. "Do they do piercings there too?"

"Yes, many of them," I replied.

He stood up, motioning for Florence to come with him. She was taken by surprise, "Where are we going?"

"We are going to take a shower."

"Why do we need a shower?"

He grinned, "You will find out soon enough."

That sounded to me as if he was already making plans for the evening. I figured I might as well take a shower also. Klaus and Kathy called and asked if we were going to the meeting, when I told them we were they wanted tag along.

We arrived to find the room was already getting full but there were several empty seats in the front row as that was where Frank usually picked the people for the ‘Show and Tell’ segment and most didn’t want to be examined that closely by so many people. Yeah, I knew that he would probably ask me to be one of the subjects but at my age I really didn’t care. My modesty had been defeated years ago.

Frank began the meeting the same as usual, an explanation of what the various piercings were, the healing times and the expected results. He had shortened the presentation somewhat and called out several names, mine included, for ‘Show and Tell’. It seemed that both Klaus and Michael were going to join me on the edge of the stage.

When we were positioned he announced that anyone interested in seeing the end result of the piercing up close could examine each of us.

A line soon formed in front of me as I was at the left side of the three of us. It consisted of mostly women but also included a few men and several couples.

While each of them was looking at me I was watching their faces to get a feel for their true reactions. The first in line was a group of four collage girls, some of Jerry’s kids, all giggles and about halfway embarrassed. A cute little blonde was the first of the group to settle down and really look closely at my piercings. As usually happened at these affairs she asked to touch them and was soon moving the barbells back and forth, "Robby needs the same thing," she commented to the other girls.

A male voice answered her, "I don’t think so." I think Robby had spoken.

She giggled, "Yep, you need some of these."

Robby moved up beside her and glanced at the piercings, "That has got to hurt to beat hell."

She grinned shyly, "But you will do it for me won’t you?"

"Only if you get you nipples pierced."

She didn’t even think about her answer, "Okay!" He just groaned; I grinned.

This little conversation, with minor variations was repeated by two other couples. There were going to be some very tender cocks before this night was over; tender nipples and clits too for that matter.

Of course Michael received the most attention with his multiple piercings and his Prince’s Wand. Klaus received a fair amount of attention also.

The girls were next. Frank only called on Kathy; she had almost every type of piercing possible.

Robby and the cute little blonde were first in line. He examined Kathy’s nipple stretchers very closely; she was shaking her head.

Florence actually was showing more interest in the piercings than Pierre. She examined Kathy’s piercing that combined a vertical hood piercing with a vertical clit piercing. When she sat back down they had a whispered conversation for a couple minutes.

Frank announced that anyone who wanted a piercing should sign the forms on the table to his left and they would begin.

The lines formed quickly, women in one line and men in the other. Surprisingly Robby and his cute little girlfriend or wife were in the front of the lines.

Frank invited Robby to come on up on the stage and lay down on the table. It was determined that he wanted an apadravya.

While Frank was disinfecting the target area Cora called the blonde up also.

Frank was the first to actually do a piercing. Robby did pretty good, no screaming or such but I could see his whole body stiffen as the needle went through. An eight-gauge barbell was soon inserted and a condom stretched over his cock to contain the blood.

The blonde did pretty well also but she did give a load, "Ouch," when her left nipple was pierced. They tell me the second one hurts worse and she confirmed this with a cry of, "DAMN," when the right nipple was perforated.

While I was watching Frank and Cora I hadn’t noticed that Pierre and Florence had both joined the lines.

I was surprised to see that the second girl to have her nipples pierced was Monica. She wanted a double piercing with crossed barbells at opposite forty-five degree angles. Cora told her that she would probably pass out before it was completed. She said no she would not.

She didn’t, in fact she never made a sound and didn’t show any indication that she even felt it. Now I know from experience that her nipples are very sensitive so I began to wonder how she had managed it.

When she stepped down from the stage I called her over to ask, "I injected both nipples with Novocain before coming here." Smart girl, I would have to ask Frank why that wasn’t done for all the piercings.

Before the evening was over Pierre had an apadravya and Florence had a new vertical clit piercing positioned so that her vertical hood piercing lined up and one long barbell went through both.

Pierre’s piecing had settled down quickly and wasn’t bothering him much at all while Florence was having trouble sitting still on the short drive back to the house.