X Marks The Spot
by Peter Loaf
Spread wed and helpless, X marks the spot
Subbie lust raging, the captive hot
The shackles gripping
Pussy juice dripping
The ghost approaches, my quiver shot
Deep in the cellar, deep in the gloom
Left on my lonesome, bride without groom
Leg splitting stretchers
The watching lechers
Camera lights action, my coming doom
Sound in the shadows, scuffing a shoe
Internet casting, on with the shew
The spotlight tighter
My ass grows brighter
The practice swishing, into the brew
Dressed in fine fashion, collar and cuff
Stockings and gooseflesh, trying to be tough
Slavey pain fever
Under achiever
Bring it on Molly, I’m tough enough
Dressed in black veils, nemesis floats
Ten thousand eyeballs, floating their boats
Wiggle drip touching
My fingers clutching
The swishing missing, feeling my oats
Bandwidth amazing, cameraman Kurt
The bondage real, pussy juice squirt
With chuckles ghostly
“Your buns all toasty?”
“If not they will be, pretty and pert”
The crop comes smacking, spanking my ass
Pussy lips smelling, the captive lass
Mistress and subbie
Our bondage clubby
Our nut humongous, we need the cash
Wed spread and waiting, my empty gash
Butterfly tummy, under the lash
Tickle clit twiddle
Fingernails fiddle
Subbie lust rising, a brutal slash
Hands locked behind me, down on my face
Dildo vibrating, setting the pace
Bottom cheeks burning
Millions we’re earning
Besides I love it, end of the chase
The song comes pouring, its what I do
Nightclub performance, on with the shew
Pussy pat splashing
Cracker comes slashing
Fish flopping helpless, haven’t a clue
Nightingale jenny, singing in scat
Feelings emoting, each crackers splat
While rump is roasting
We’re coast to coasting
Bottom cheeks burning, the punished brat
Subbie space casting, my passion sold
A mountain of Euros, buys so much gold
The passion submerging
Hindbrain emerging
Pain/pleasure party, the magic old