Unbillable Hours
by Peter Loaf
Her bill resented, showing no shame
Her client knowing, she is to blame
His lawyer bagging
To basement dragging
Stocks and a spreader, his slave to tame
The client angry, she lost his case
Forgot a filing, he lost his place
Her billable hours
Within his powers
Bent and presented, fucking her face
Stripped of her clothing, clamped in the wood
Spreader bar spreading, got her butt good
For rescue screaming
Nightly wet dreaming
Gonna get reaming, as well she should
Fucking her tonsils, gargle and choked
Her screaming silenced, his organ poked
Blue lipped and gasping
Empty hands grasping
Her pussy dripping, inner thighs soaked
No way to fight him, her airway blocked
Struggles are useless, the stocks are locked
Spreader bar clanking
Her bottom spanking
Pussy juice splatters, her airway cocked
Gasping and choking, he moves around
Her pussy swollen, new target found
Hot wet inviting
His lust inciting
Deeply he’s thrusting, pussy fart sound
Riding his pony, dancing on air
Gripping her boobies, thousand yard stare
Pleasures come pumping
Helpless she’s humping
Gripping and stripping, his broody mare
Nipple pinch rolling, two points of pain
Pussy juice flowing, the floor to stain
His pony sliding
No way of hiding
Orgasms crashing, endless refrain
Unbillable hours, he has his nerve
Three days his captive, learning to serve
Bent and presented
Nothing prevented
Subbie converted, the dirty perv
From law retired, new future bright
His loving subbie, night after night
The thrill of knowing
His seed he’s sowing
A use more fitting, the subbie’s plight