Suction Pumps
by Peter Loaf
Three little gadgets, red rubber ball
Spread eagle stretching, offering all
Self bondage gifting
Subbie space drifting
Waiting for rescue, clock in the hall
My wrists in zip ties, the steely bite
My body stretching, my helpless plight
Nipples and pussy
Swollen and juicy
Puka pumps pulling, my future bright
My Master coming, right after work
The thought betrays me, leg muscles jerk
Inside the sucker
Pussy lips pucker
The seconds tick slowly, my nipples perk
My pussy throbbing, nothing to do
Humping and grinding, bubbling stew
Passions inflating
Ready for mating
Ying and yang couple, the perfect two
The phone starts ringing, startled I scream
Machine takes message, a fever dream
“Going to airport”
“Presenting report”
“See you next Monday,” oh foolish scheme
Panic comes crashing, three days and nights
I must stop jerking, zip ties too tight
No back up planning
Our understanding
Spread eagled hopeless. I cannot fight
The hours passing, the sun is set
Stretched on the bedding, I cannot get
Suction pumps sucking
Bound woman bucking
Hot yellow spurting, mattress to wet
Pussy pump flooded, gone from the scene
A time of sleeping, hot horny dreams
My body aching
My nipples baking
A time regretting, my little schemes
Garage door lifting, who can it be?
Trashing not dashing, I need to flee
A foot on the stair
I’m gasping for air
Hubby comes strolling, gag garbled plea
“My flight was canceled, storm in New York”
Twiddles my nipples, the horny dork
Too long in traction
Too late for action
Muffled protesting, the walls are cork
Puka pump sucking, gripping my puss
A finger worming, given a goose
His quiet chuckle
His belt unbuckle
His trousers dropping, The Mighty Bruce
Quarter yard phallus, starting to rise
Muffled protesting, meeting his eyes
Deep understanding
Our needs demanding
Suction pump hissing, his pussy prize
Spread eagle helpless, eating my lunch
Pussy so swollen, hurting a bunch
Clitty bit squeaking
Love muscle seeking
His story bullshit, I have a hunch
I love my hubby, he’s hard to fool
His phallus ready, his special tool
Pussy lips parting
My tits are smarting
Subbie space gifting, my Master’s rule