by Peter Loaf

Shoes and a helmet, bicycle fast
By time they see me, already past
The city to streak
The record I seek
Castro to Golden, beating my last

The Frisco flasher, racing up street
The traffic honking, drivers I beat
Slipping through narrow
Close calls that harrow
Speed is my clothing, my streak complete

Ducking for cover, hide in the park
My clothing hidden, waiting for dark
When too dark to see
The hollow old tree
Cavity empty, my terror stark

A nearby chuckle, my lover’s voice
“Riding home naked? Your only choice.”
Sweet Molly Flanders
Perverts she panders
Clothes in her clutches, approaching noise

Whopping cop chopper, spotlights the park
Molly’s car hidden, in shadows dark
In shadows fleeing
The pilot seeing
Shoes and a helmet, otherwise stark

Molly escaping, leaving me caught
The Frisco Flasher, so highly sought
Tail of the city
Cops with no pity
Hands cuffed behind me, perp-walked in naught

Dragged into station, cops being cute
Standing ovation, third leg salute
Interview on tape
But not so the rape
Taken to night court, still standing nude

Molly’s top lawyer, offers his coat
The judge reacting, mercy remote
“Thirty day bounty”
“Guest of the county”
The bailiff dragging, stinking old goat

Back in the holding, against the wall
His hands exploring, my titties maul
Streaker taught lessons
Regular sessions
The guards come crowding, giving my all

Finally the word comes, night and a day
Injunction filed, city to pay
Police station vid
The cameras well hid
Judge and his cronies, my passion play

Streaking is legal, and nothing new
State court opinion, Seventy Two
“Just being nude”
“Doesn’t mean lewd”
Back home with Molly, millionaires view

Sex worker justice, striking a blow
Police rape victims, justice to know
Power corrupting
Evil disrupting
Passion play playing, my finest show
