Pony Park
by Peter Loaf
In darkness stumble, my heels too high
Half naked pony, my nasal cry
Garden I wander
Tripping I founder
Gentleman lifting, pussy to pry
The garden private, twenty foot walls
Several young subbies, their nature calls
Hooded and silent
Half naked client
Pussy Park visit, time in the stalls
The darkness complete, inside the hood
Shirt of tight rubber, got me but good
Stump broken stagger
Pumping the gagger
Waist down I’m naked, needs ubderstood
Wandering fuckers, dicks in the dark
Faceless and quiet, their style stark
Pussy drip semen
The double teamin’
Breeders cup betting, the pony park
Bent and inspected, fingers intrude
Then a hard penis, new interlude
Hitching rail binding
His rhythm finding
Deeply he’s thrusting, hot spunk is spewed
Subbie space shelter, watch from above
The fuckers fucking, tight as a glove
Sometimes in tandem
It’s all so random
Cocks in my pockets, push comes to shove
The bell is ringing, the session done
Left on my lonesome, out in the sun
My trainer leading
Inner thighs seeding
Coach horns sounding, racing begun
Sulky shafts hitching, fresh semen drips
Buggy whip touching, hot swollen lips
Pony girl meeting
Rivals defeating
My driver teasing, my subbie trips
Suited in rubber, out in the heat
Hitched to the sulkies, smelling so sweet
The crowd is cheering
My driver steering
The pace car followed, ponies compete
The whip comes popping, lunging away
My long legs pumping, buttocks in play
My months in training
Buggy whip paining
My time improving, winning today
The backstretch crowded, digging for lead
The drivers driving, their mighty steed
Popping star anus
Need to explain us
Pony girl subbies, feeling the need
Public exposure, sexual bend
My subbie surging, cannot defend
Helpless I’m horny
Briar patch thorny
Toss me in Massa, nirvana send
The track is endless, my legs not tired
The popping constant, my boiler fired
Lunging for finish
Feeling my spinach
The ribbon breaking, my goal desired
The winners circle, crowding around
Fingers exploring, some pussy hound
Bent over table
Helpless unable
Winner’s stump breaking, new passion found