The Passage I
by Peter Loaf
Grad’ak the warrior, riding his steed
Underground passage, fortress to lead
Enemy massing, laying a siege
The message bringing, word from the liege
His pony Princess, one of the best
Swift strong and faithful, captured in west
Her past forgotten, her prideful fall
Space fairing people, she can’t recall
The magic powder, blown up her nose
Her past forgotten, his will impose
Her planet distant, strong as three men
Carry a warrior, the work of ten
The passage flooded, forgotten mine
The message vital, knee deep in brine
The fortress holding, a few more days
Crushing invaders, their tents ablaze
Sound of carousing, off to the right
Enemy warriors, flickering light
Pony girl orgy, mounting their mounts
Caught with their pants down, his chance to pounce
Blood spilling slaughter, one against five
His axe of razor, leave none alive
Leading their ponies, into the fort
The starving army, their rations short
His message given, riding away
The secret passage, he dare not stay
His pony Princess, butchered for meat
His mount for mounting, his toothsome treat
Mission accomplished, safely away
Grad’ak the warrior, his time to play