Informed Consent
by Peter Loaf
Leather dog collar, strapping her wrists
Combing her tresses, stealing a kiss
Single braid fixing, top of her head
Her gaze is steady, others have fled
Elbows together, tippy-toe taps
Her collar tightened, the helpful chaps
Her hair her tether, balance and dance
Her cool demeanor, her tranquil glance
I am observing, naked display
A gag of black iron, edge of the fray
New bondage model, informed consent
Background eye candy, the viewers bent
My trainer training, dancing on toes
Sore bottom thankful, not wearing those
Her elbows touching, her forearms too
Her pussy dripping, hands turning blue
Her posture perfect, from head to toes
Helpless and hanging, pussy juice flows
The student shackled, learning the tricks
The teacher tethered, the stiffened pricks
The Super-Subbie, balanced on tips
The pain ignoring, mask never slips
The Insex rigger, cutting her clothes
A blindfold strapping, hole for her nose
Sitting here helpless, watching the show
The under study, my job to know
Blindfold and collar, straps and stocking
Dancing dame dripping, viewers flocking
Newbie girl training, making the grade
To star in porno, naked displayed
The mask removing, still steady gaze
Her pussy lips swollen, earning her raise
Hair tether hoisting, feet off the floor
Pheromones flowing, from every pore
Fearing my feelings, feeling my heat
My teacher swinging, her kicking feet
She’s not protesting, her lips are sealed
Subbie space loving, her eyes are pealed
Pussy lip swollen, pinched in a clamp
His fingers glisten, her rising damp
Pussy lip torture, hanging between
Clitty tip peeking, making the scene
A bucket of lard, clipped to her clamps
Watching her hobble, fighting the cramps
Tippy-toe stagger, dragging behind
Her pussy stretching, the clamps unkind
The cameras circle, net-casting porn
The prices paying, the suckers born
Bippy stick whistle, the cobra’s bite
Hanging and hurting, high as a kite
The plaster cracking, teacher’s façade
Super submissive, punishment rod
Consent I’m giving, I want to try
The money making, hung out to cry
Flutter foot kicking, hung by her hair
The bippy bipping, the dragon’s lair