Fantasy Dancer
by Peter Loaf
Gagged spread and gaping, pussy juice drips
My nipples aching, coming to grips
His betraying kiss
Situation this
Turned out to service, my blushing lips
Fantasy dancer, shackled in hold
Pussy blush showing, story so old
Passage tramp steamer
Master Bob Reamer
Fantasies filling, truth be told
Hoisted to balance, a hanging chain
Ass up presented, cannot complain
The shackles holding
His plot unfolding
Service the crewmen, our way to Spain
The Captain coming, dick in his fist
High hot and horny, held in a twist
Pussy lips gaping
Ready for raping
Head spinning passion, a falling mist
Slippery slider, hot hard and deep
The irons holding, the lover’s leap
My Master trusting
The captain’s lusting
Subbie lust gripping, his seamen reap
Pinching my nipples, into his hilt
The first mate’s waiting, he’s really built
A stallion’s phallus
They call it Dallas
The captain finished, starting to wilt
Fantasy dancing, pulling a train
Fucking and sucking, slow boat to Spain
High wide and ready
The work is steady
The line is forming, the crew to drain