by Peter Loaf
The doghouse waiting, up in the barn
Two naked lovelies, visit The Farm
The cameras circle
Pay For View jerkle, where is the harm
Harnessed by rigger, lifted from feet
The wooden ridgeline, taking her seat
Ankle shanks clanking
Gag garbled thanking
Pussy lips crushing, smelling so sweet
To doghouse crawling, lead by her nose
The bimbo collared, the praying pose
Heads or tail entries
Doghouse needs sentries
Bottom displaying, her pussy shows
Two girls together, heard but not seen
Gag garbled screaming, the roof between
Bitches in season
Pussy juice squeezin’
Steam powered dildo, mining her seam
Flogging her body, dancing in place
The edge is wedging, pleading her case
The girl down below
She’s giving a show
The screaming whistle, highballing pace
Steam engine rhythm, pounding away
Shackled down ankles, making her stay
Pay Per View earning
Her secret yearning
Subbie young sluty, secret betray
Nipple clips swinging, back to the whip
Support rope tightened, losing her grip
Dildo positioned
Horny conditioned
Lowered down over, her swollen drip
Each girl unknowing, the other’s fate
Multi orgasmic, the garden gate
Clit buzzers tickle
Girls in a pickle
Pay Per View session, cheaper than date
The session over, soak in the tub
Two pussies swollen, the tender rub
Slip giggle struggle
Post coital snuggle
Subbie lust lovers, Moll Flanders Club