Deer Camp
by Moll Flanders as told to Peter Loaf
The Paintball Hunters, bunch of perverts
Me and my subbie, our just deserts
My partner jenny
There’s way too many
Internet casting, your semen squirts
Came to perform, “Dike and Her sub”
A live broadcasting, from sportsmen’s club
Jenny in panic
Hooded satanic
Two against fifty, now there’s the rub
Billionaire bimbos, caught on the hop
My jenny and me, bottom and top
But no one’s asking
Our bondage tasking
Hung up inverted, my bubble pop
Mistress and subbie, hanging beside
Deer pole displaying, ready to ride
Cameraman Carl
He’s on the prowl
My subbie stirring, can’t be denied
jenny’s scent wafting, always expect
Membership sniffing, come to inspect
Her pussy pinking
Pheromones stinking
Today’s hot quarry, game to collect
jenny’s so lucky, being a bi
To her no difference, gal or a guy
subbie lust smelly
Tied on the telly
Mistress beside her, feet in the sky
The chatter chilling, their plans discussed
Through forest running, our elbows trussed
Knee boots and nothing
Bottom slap toughing
Ten thousand acres, hunted in lust
Starter’s gun popping, running away
Underbrush torture, bodies to flay
Running together
High in the heather
Fantasies filling, my feet of clay
The signal gun fires, the hunters come
Each one perverted, the driving drum
Tracking dogs baying
Hot urine spraying
Chasing up valley, hoards of the Hun
Each has his color, paint bullet one
To mountains driving, the fun begun
A gunshot explodes
And no good it bodes
Comes from above us, the setting sun
A second drumming, paint-ballers too
The circle closing, we would eschew
The over eager
Quick on the trigger
The first ball hitting, bright shade of blue
jenny’s tits flopping, dodging the rain
Ducking and weaving, more guns to drain
Lucky streak ending
Crimson hit sending
Billionaire bimbos, our night of pain
Hit on my bottom, the spreading ink
Hardbound and helpless, starting to pink
The girls I prefer
To bondage defer
No choices offered, deep in my kink
Topping my business, my fortune made
The coin two sided, challis and blade
Back to camp taken
Captives forsaken
Night of the marksmen, deep forest glade
Circle of lanterns hissing away
The captives shoving, it’s bright as day
In rows of seating
Our entrance greeting
The Paintball Hunters, bodies betray
Cameraman Carl, shooting in zoom
Pussy lips parted, needing my groom
The marksmen hooded
Both are well wooded
Standing ovation, thunder-fuck doom
Bent over railing, ass in the air
Ankles spread widely, binding with care
Ass up and ready
Subbie lust heady
Bippy stick swishing, my unmarked pair
Passion igniting, rockets and stars
Pussy lips dripping, bent over bars
Pussy drip licking
Two fingers sticking
Two subbie lovers, flying to Mars
After it’s over, left on the rail
Membership welcome, serving hot tail
Cameraman Carl
Still on the prowl
Ass up presented, his boss to nail
Threats and invective, have no effect
My pussy probing, “Wait just a sec!”
“How about a raise?”
“You only work days?”
Cameraman Carl, then we connect
Master and subbie, feel him inside
Dykey and spiky, the pleasure ride
I’m parting the veil
Shades of grey tale
No one’s exclusive, the whip applied