Catch Me If You Can
by Peter Loaf
Black bra and G string, pointy toe boots
Dildo inflated, the signal toots
Off on a runner
Long legged stunner
High on the mountain, video shoots
Camera man follows, trotting along
No helps no hinders, silent and strong
Climbing the hillside
Starting a landslide
Stilettos useless, perfectly wrong
The ridge I’m topping, the cannon’s blast
The hunters coming, usual cast
Dark in four hours
Fire breaks and towers
Hunting ranch fencing, I cannot pass
The dildo stretching, nearly to rip
Pussy lips swelling, starting to drip
I’ll never get free
Hands cuffed behind me
High up within me, my pussy grips
Staggering horny, I cannot come
The G string tickles, I need to run
Ten horny hunters
All of them punters
Each of them carries, his paintball gun
Mountain Man running, this bimbo hunt
Ten men competing, one running cunt
One paintball carried
The colors varied
First one to hit her, one lucky punt
Hiding in bushes, outside cabin
Huffing and puffing, my ribs stabin’
The last place looking
To cabin booking
Peeking in window, no one within
Handcuffed and hampered, open the door
To bedroom running, a hardwood floor
In closet hiding
The time I’m biding
Make it to sunset, the distant shore
Camera man ratting, “She’s back at start”
Mountain Man coming, a heart to heart
“The light is fading”
“For footage paying”
“The capture sequence, think of our art”
For tree line sprinting, the paintballs fly
Dodging and weaving, I gotta try
My bottom stinging
The gunner singing
My G unstringing, the rules apply
Taken to camper, locking the door
Pheromones pumping, from every pore
Hairless gorilla
Colored vanilla
Cock like a donkey, my night long chore
My bra strings parting, thrown on the bed
My knee boots pulling, my feet are red
Camera in focus
Some hokus pokus
Spread legged binding, pussy well fed
His fingers tickle, touching my clit
Vulva still dripping, shuddering fit
The valve releasing
Pressure decreasing
Dildo withdrawing, a catcher’s mitt
A collar strapping, around my neck
Dragged up to sitting, now what the heck
My collar snubbing
My pussy rubbing
Smoke if you got’em, starting my trek
A fire plug sitting, a perfect fitting
Donkey cock bit-ing, a gusher getting
Fucked to a frazzle
Its razzle dazzle
Actress not acting, the sun setting