The Bone Ranger II - Packhorse
by Peter Loaf
The mountain stillness, the bracing air
My shotgun loaded, carried with care
The steep grade climbing
The sunset timing
Starting cookfire, roasting fat hare
Eyes on the tower, sounding alarm
A hunter cooking, a scene of charm
Stark naked with boots
His wolf whistle toots
Rape kit he’s grabbing, intending harm
Camera recording, His longest lens
His horse it gallops, around the bends
The valley crossing
Sleeping bag tossing
Nightingale singing, to dreamland sends
Waking in panic, under attack
Pinned down and zippered, girl in a sack
A rope cinching throat
Escape quite remote
Stocking disguising, given no slack
His buck knife open, cutting a hole
My hand he’s grabbing, taped to a pole
Five fingers pointed
Ball gag appointed
Arm bared and helpless, learning my role
Hog ringing pliers, from pocket brought
Nose nips and pussy, hard lessons taught
The slave that struggles
Tweaking He tuggles
Slave state conversion, firebug caught
Sleeping bag cutting, chrysalis split
Four weights attaching, some kind of kit
Lip rings and nipples
First little ripples
Passion storm coming, shuddering fit
My boots reversing, lacing so snug
A chain attaching, ring in my mug
To pack horse tethered
My hurting weathered
Voice command training, I’m uphill drug
My feet soon hurting, my backwards boots
My shotgun carried, a rabbit shoots
Tether chain yanking
Worse than a spanking
Snorting He giggles, laughing He hoots
The horse amazing, trained to a tee
Faster then slower, by haw and gee
To hideout taken
Hid by the bracken
Underground cavern, just He and me
By nose ring tethered, dancing on toes
Stretched low and swollen, my pussy rose
My hands held behind
Tape and bar bind
Whippy switch zinger, my mind it blows
My bottom welted, dancing distress
Thin nasal screaming, my fixed address
Body bright burning
A respite earning
Tether ring switching, you’d never guess
Nose to the floor ring, knees up beneath
Bottoms up holding, beyond belief
His pecker heady
Pussy so ready
My passion splashin’, the pussy thief
The spreading rumors, internet talk
Hikers and hunters, females that walk
The Logger Lusty
He likes them busty
Subbie lust raging, around the clock