by Nosbert



Two days later … Monday 10th April …

8:30 am

Roger called all the staff together. There were about thirty of them all gathered in the foyer of the main building at Littlesea Amusement Park. Those in the front line wore uniforms, those at the back were administrative staff and were casually dressed. The doors were due to be opened at nine o'clock.
Roger waited for silence before addressing the gathering.
"Mr. McTavish is in London all this week, and I'm away there myself today and won't be back until tomorrow afternoon," he informed them. "I want you to keep the place running smoothly whilst we're both away… and I leave Henry here in charge… and I think he now wants to say a few words to you."
Henry was the an elderly gentleman normally in charge of the fairground attractions. He was stood alongside Roger and had been informed earlier about all that was happening. He stepped forward in order to take over the rest of the briefing.
Roger saw that Henry was handling the situation well and moved away. He had a few administrative duties to do, but that was all, and then he would be away. He had no intentions of waiting around until this afternoon before setting off to London. He had come straight to the amusement park this morning. He would visit Mimi in hospital, tell her all about what was happening, then head off to London.

9:00 am

After tiptoeing quietly across the landing, Tracy peered into Wendy's bedroom. The teenager was fast asleep after spending yet another late night out with Tim Walker. However Tracy was expecting to find Wendy in this comatose state, and she had to admit, it was mostly of her own making. She had encouraged Wendy to go out with Tim again last night, not for Wendy's sake but for her own. Tracy had her own little scheme brewing and she needed Wendy out of the way for a while.
Tracy continued to peep in through the partly open door at the sleeping Wendy and gave a little smile. On this occasion Wendy had at least managed to undress herself and climb into bed before falling asleep. Tracy had not bothered to wait up for Wendy the night before, but guessed that it must have been very late when she returned. At one time she had worked out a way of keeping Wendy occupied whilst she visited FotoPix Studios. But after encouraging Wendy to go out with Tim for a third evening on the run, she reckoned that she had no need to do anything as drastic as that and the plan had been shelved. Wendy had taken to coming back feeling totally shattered each evening, and as a result had fallen into the habit of sleeping through each morning. Tracy looked to the sleeping Wendy and gave a little nod of approval. Today was proving to be no different and everything was going according to plan.
Tracy returned to the kitchen and looked to the clock on the wall. The time was nine o'clock and she had an appointment in another part of London in one hour's time. Quickly she scribbled out a note for Wendy and placed it on the kitchen table.
The note simply read: 'Wendy, Gone out. Be back this afternoon. Love Tracy xxx'.
She then put on her coat and headed for the stairs.
With the A-to-Z of London opened and resting on the driving seat Tracy set off for the dockland area of the city. The journey was slow and tortuous, with traffic lights and road junctions every few hundred yards, but eventually she made it, and amazingly with five minutes to spare. She parked her car in a back street close by and walked the short distance to the studios. At the entrance she read the notice board with its long list of companies, then looked skywards. The building was old and dilapidated yet seemingly filled with a good many companies. She counted the storeys. FotoPix Studios was to be found on the very top floor.
Tracy entered the building and looked around for the lift. There was none, only arrows pointing up the stairs to the various companies. She saw the words 'FotoPix Studios' on a faded sign and began to follow the arrow up the stairs.
At the very top, and very much out of breath she stopped momentarily to regain her breath. Hanging by only one screw, a lopsided sign on the door read 'FotoPix Studios'. She felt tempted to put it straight but refrained from doing so, instead she rung the bell and waited.
The door opened and a woman in her mid-twenties answered.
The woman smiled and asked: "Can I help you?"
Tracy returned the smile.
"My name's Tracy Goodyear and I've got an appointment with a Mr. Lenny Blackmore," she told her.
The woman smiled.
"Ha!.. Tracy… do come in… Lenny will be with you in a moment... He's just developing some films at present," she explained and opening the door wide so that she could enter.
Tracy stepped into the studio. She got the impression that the floor area was large, but it was difficult to see very much. Great canvas sheets were draped everywhere, partitioning off the area and obscuring the view. She looked upwards. Dozens of large spotlights hung from the beams and the only natural light entering the area was coming in through skylights in the roof.
"My name's Judi by the way," said Judi introducing herself as they walked together across the floor.
Tracy shook her hand then followed on through a couple of the screened off areas. She found it all very interesting with each area depicting a different environment or surround. There was a four-poster bed in one, stocks in the other, and in each the backdrop was painted differently. The bedroom scene was painted yellow with small flower motifs, whilst the background to the stocks was emblazoned in grey blocked stone.
With Judi leading the way they reached another door that desperately needed a touch of paint. They entered. The room was small with a table at the centre. Four chairs and a single filing cabinet placed in a corner made up the rest of the furniture. There was a telephone on top of the filing cabinet and the table was covered in black and white photographs. Further photographs hung from a couple of washing lines strung across the room. The room had a small window that looked down on the road outside, and another door on the opposite side of the room had a sign on it saying: 'Dark Room. Do not enter if light is on'. Above the door a red bulb glowed.
"Take a seat Tracy… Lenny won't be long," Judi told her. "I'm just popping out to the shops… Lenny wants me to get a few things." She then crossed the room, tapped on the door to the darkroom and called. "The new girl's here Lenny… I'm just popping down the shops…. won't be long."
A muffled voice from behind the door answered: "Okay… won't be long myself… just finishing off now."
Judi turned to Tracy.
"He'll be with you soon Tracy… just wait here until he comes out," she said.
Tracy sat down at the table and watched Judi leave the room. As the door closed and finding herself alone she began to contemplate on the situation she had got herself into. The awful part was not knowing exactly what was in store for her. She tried to put those fears to one side, and for a while passed the time looking at the photographs spread out on the table before her. Some were upside down, others half hidden beneath the piles, and without touching anything she scanned her eyes across the table. At least half were of Judi, the rest were made up of a number of models. There was one common theme however, they were all of bondage images with a multitude of chains, straps and ropes in view.
Tracy's mind returned to thoughts of just what might be in store for herself. She drew in a deep breath and composed herself. She told herself not to be so silly, if Wendy could do it then so could she. Wendy had displayed such bravery when sacrificing herself for the cause, and it was her turn now to match that unselfish and heroic effort.
Tracy heard the click of a switch, and from the corner of an eye she saw the red bulb above the door go out. She turned herself bodily to face the door and waited. Soon the door opened and a man stepped out drying his hands on a towel. He was of medium build with wavy brown hair. He was wearing a black shirt opened at the front and exposing a very hairy chest and a large medallion hanging on a gold chain about his neck.
Tracy rose from her chair to greet him.
The man held out what was hopefully a dry hand and said: "I'm Lenny… and you must be Tracy?"
Tracy put on her best smile and tried not to let the nervousness show.
They shook hands.
"I'm Tracy Goodyear," she said and introducing herself. "I spoke to you on the phone on Saturday and asked for some work."
Lenny took a step back and looked Tracy up and down, the gaze of his eyes finally settling on Tracy's oversized breasts. He nodded his head as if in approval.
"So you're a friend of Chloe's," he said eventually.
Tracy nodded her head.
"Yes… she's a good friend of mine… we met at the Dom Domingo club," she answered.
Lenny moved to the filing cabinet and opened out the top drawer. He withdrew a form.
"I need you to sign one of these before we start… it's just something to say you're over eighteen, you agree to nudity, bondage and having your image taken in such positions, and you accept the terms of royalty, copyright and rules of the company," he explained.
Lenny then moved to the table, pushed aside an area of photographs in order to clear a space. He then clicked a pen and left it resting on top of the document.
"I don't usually do much on the first shoot Tracy," he explained, "normally just a series of shots for a portfolio so that I can show my various clients… but this time I think we might be in luck… we do have one particular request that I think I can offer you… I've sent Judi out to get a few things… she'll be back soon… so have a quick read and sign it if you agree,… I'm just going to finish off inside the darkroom and load up a few cameras."
Having explained these things to Tracy, Lenny returned to the darkroom but leaving the door open.
Tracy sat herself down at the table and stared at the document placed before her. At the top, in big bold letters, were the words: 'Contract of agreement and Consent'. She began to read the details. The various itemised clauses basically said everything Lenny had just conveyed to her, but all written down in legal jargon that at best appeared confusing and at worst total gobbledegook. She got to the end, picked up the pen and hovered above the document for a moment. She asked herself; did she really want to get involved in this? She still had the 'get out' option left open to her. She could walk away from it all now and nothing more would be said. She turned her thoughts to Wendy, and the way she had gone about everything without a word of fuss or complaint. With fresh resolve and determined to stick it out to the bitter end, Tracy filled in all the details then signed and dated the document.
When she was done she placed the pen down with a sigh, consoling herself in the fact that she had very little choice other than to agree with the contract if she was going to take this investigation any further.
Lenny came out of the darkroom carrying several cameras. He saw that Tracy had completed the document.
"Happy with everything?" he asked.
Tracy nodded her head.
"Yes, no problem," she answered. "I've filled it in and signed it."
Lenny took the document from off the table, gave it a quick glance and returned it to the filing cabinet.
As the drawer to the filling cabinet slid shut, over on the other side of the room the door opened and in walked Judi. She was holding a carrier bag with the local supermarket's name on the side. She dropped it on the table and having little regard for the numerous photographs spread out on the surface. She then began to empty the contents of the carrier bag. Tracy was a little confused. Lenny had indicated that Judi had gone shopping especially to buy something intended for her, but first out came a jar of coffee, followed by a tub of milk, and then a bag of sugar. Lenny calmly picked these up and placed them in the bottom drawer of the filling cabinet.
"Did you manage to get the all things?" Lenny asked as he slid the bottom drawer shut with foot.
Judi nodded her head.
"Yes, no problem," she told him, and with that she delved her hands into the carrier bag and pulled out two long, thin boxes of cling-film and a pack of clothes pegs.
Judi looked to Tracy.
"Has Lenny explained what he wants today?" she asked.
Tracy shook her head.
"No, we'd just got round to signing the contract," she answered.
Judi's head turned to Lenny.
"I've not had a chance to explain anything yet," he confirmed.
Judi's returned her glance to Tracy.
"Have you ever been plastic wrapped before Tracy?" she asked.
Tracy shook her head.
"No never," she answered honestly.
Lenny interjected.
"Judi, why don't you take Tracy to the bedroom area, and explain what's needed whilst you both get yourselves ready," he suggested.
Judi nodded her head.
"Okay, follow me Tracy and I'll fill you in with everything as we go along," she said.
Judi, carrying the cling-film and pegs in her hands, made for the door.
Tracy composed herself, rose up from the table and followed Judi out. She was wondering just what it would feel like to be wrapped up in cling-film. On the face of it, it did not sound too bad. To be quite honest she had come here expecting far worse. However, she remained a little concerned about the presence of the clothes pegs.

10:30 am

At about the same time as Judi was leading Tracy away to get ready for her first professional photo-shoot, away on the south coast of England an estate car driven by Davina Townsend was dropping Sylvia Sparelli off at Littlesea railway station.
The two old school friends got out of the car. Sylvia collected her travel bag and gave Davina a big hug.
"Thanks for having me Davina," she said. "I'm feeling a lot better now… the break's done me good… so I guess it's back to work tomorrow."
Davina smiled.
"You're welcome back anytime Sylvia," she told her, "you know that."
The two women kissed each other lightly on the cheeks.
"Perhaps when summer comes I'll be able to find some time to come back," suggested Sylvia.
"Yes, you must do that," said Davina.
Davina walked with Sylvia as far as the booking hall. Here they hugged and kissed one final time before Davina returned to her car and Sylvia made her way to the ticket counter.
"One single ticket to Victoria Station," she told the man in the peaked cap behind the counter.
Sylvia collected her ticket, took her bearings from the giant screen hanging down from the roof of the booking hall, then set off towards what was hopefully the platform for the next London bound train. Those screens were not always correct.
As Sylvia departed the booking hall, a man, dressed in an un-seasonally long dark raincoat, supporting a wide brimmed hat upon his head, and wearing a pair of dark glasses, moved towards the vacant ticket counter.
"One single ticket to Victoria Station," he told the booking clerk.
11:00 am

Tracy stood naked alongside the big four-poster bed she had walked past when first entering the studios. Judi was by her side. She too had taken off all of her clothes, but instead of remaining stark naked she had put on a costume consisting mainly of leather straps. As she pulled tight the last leather strap, Lenny arrived on the scene. He had a camera in each hand, plus two more and a light meter hung about his neck.
"Are you girls ready?" he asked on entering.
"Yes, we're as ready as we'll ever be," answered Judi as she adjusted the straps about her breasts.
Lenny switched on a number of spotlights held on stands and focused them towards the bed. He then put down three of his cameras, double checked the light with his meter, readjusted one of the stands, then turned to address the girls. He was now happy with the lighting and ready to continue.
"Right, let's get this session on the road then shall we?" he said and clapping his hands. "I want to take this right from the very start… Tracy you sit on the edge of the bed… arms by your side… you Judi enter with the cling-film from behind… you then wrap her up… and you know the rest anyway… just keep the action going and I'll keep shooting… we need to tell a bit of a story here."
Judi looked to Tracy.
"Ready then Tracy?" she asked. "Just look surprised at first and keep facing the camera,… that's important… and do try to keep still whilst I get this cling stuff around you… is that okay?"
Tracy nodded her head and sat down on the edge of the bed. Lenny moved in front of her and raised his camera to an eye. Judi moved to the other side of the bed and stepped initially to one side so as not to be seen in the first shot.
"Right Tracy… keep those arms tight against your sides… look up at me… put your head to one side… give us a big smile… right that's fine,… hold it like that," said Lenny.
As Lenny finished speaking a flashbulb went off on his camera which blinded Tracy momentarily. Five seconds later the bulb flashed once more, and then again another five seconds after that. Soon Tracy found herself mesmerised by the rapidity of the flashes, but she remained motionless as instructed, with the smile intact and arms pressed firmly against her sides.
What Tracy was not aware of was the movements of Judi behind her. Judi was a professional with many years experience and knew just what Lenny was looking for. After each flash she took up a different position. The first time the flash bulb went off she was nowhere in the shot. The second time she had moved to stand over on the other side of the bed. The third time the bulb went off she was kneeling on the bed, and so on, and each time getting a little closer to Tracy's back.
The sixth blinding flash of the bulb saw the introduction of the cling-film. Judi passed her arm's forward over Tracy's body. She was holding a stretch of cling-film between them. She then began to wrap it about her body.
"Sit up a bit straighter Tracy," Lenny told her as the first complete loop of cling-film passed about her waist and arms.
Tracy sat herself upwards just as the bulb flashed for the seventh time. A complete circle of clinging plastic had now been wound tightly about her body. It was positioned just below her breasts and already she could feel the pressure building on her arms. She was a little surprised by this. Just a single layer of cling-film gripped and hugged her body, yet it felt like an elastic corset pulled tight against her waist and pinning her arms to her sides.
The camera continued to flash into Tracy's eyes, and Judi continued on with the wrapping, as a second turn and then a third was wound tightly about her body.
"Stand up now Tracy," instructed Lenny, "and put your arms straight down by your sides."
Tracy rose from the bed and straightened out her arms as if standing to attention. Her elbows where already pinned to her waist anyway so there was very little extra movement needed to comply with the instruction.
Judi jumped down off the bed to stand alongside Tracy. She then set about winding the roll of cling-film round and round the body and getting a little lower every time.
"Right Tracy, put your legs together now… close them right up," said Lenny as the winding reached the top of her thighs.
Tracy locked her legs together and momentarily glanced to her feet before returning to face the camera. Judi was moving down her legs now, and already her arms from just above the elbows right down to the very tips of her fingers were encased inside a tight plastic cocoon. She attempted to move her fingers, but the horrible plastic film clung to her body so tightly it was impossible to move any part of her body more than a mere fraction of an inch.
The roll came to an end after three or four turns about the ankles. Judi tossed the cardboard centre away and extracted the second roll from out of the box.
"Stand still,… look up…. keep facing me," Lenny instructed Tracy as she turned her head to follow Judi's movements.
Tracy returned to staring at the camera and put on a little smile. She was swathed in a plastic binding from just below her breasts all the way down to her ankles, and she could not move anything but her head anyway.
Judi started the next roll by winding it about the top of Tracy's head. She then moved on down, covering the eyes and ears with several passes before moving on to the neck. Tracy was wondering what was going to happen to her nose and mouth, and was worried about her breathing, but these were left well alone and the lower half of her face remained untouched.
Judi reached the shoulders, did several loops about the body just above the breasts, then moved on down to begin another series of turns below her oversized bulging tits. Judi was now unwinding the second roll of cling-film on top of the initial wrappings, and the whole lot was getting very tight.
Tracy, now unable to see what was going on, and with only a hazy light filtering through to her eyes could feel the pressure building about her body. She was aware that her breasts remained exposed. She could feel the cooler air wafting against them, but the rest of her body felt encased and rigid, she could no longer move any part of her body from ankles upwards.
The second roll came to an end somewhere about the waist, and Judi once more tossed the empty cardboard centre away. For a while she stood back allowing Lenny to take shots of the finished state from several different angles. Then, after a nod from Lenny she returned, this time to lower Tracy backwards onto the bed and adjust her position so that she lay full length with her head on the pillows. She then stepped away, allowing Lenny to take more shots.
Lenny switched to his third camera as Judi approached, and this time with the box of clothes pegs in her hands. The first peg out of the box was clamped a nipple, as did the second. After that Judi set about building a ring of pegs about each tit. Each time she squeezed the flesh between thumb and finger of one hand, then attached a peg to the flattened and raised surface. Lenny was on his fourth and last camera as the final circle came to an end.
Encased inside her plastic shroud, Tracy could do nothing to prevent the onslaught on her tits. She just had to lie there, feeling totally helpless and taking whatever came her way. The clothes pegs really hurt. Right from the very start, even when the first peg gripped a nipple, she wanted to scream, but told herself not to be so silly. She had to be seen and accepted as a true professional, and concede that pain was just something that came with the job. With fresh resolve she simply gritted her teeth and hoped and prayed that it would all be over very quickly.
Not long afterwards the end did come, but only after the final clothes peg had been attached, and not before Lenny had finished off his final reel of film.
As the last exposure flashed in the camera Lenny smiled and said: "That's it then girls… thank you very much."
And that was the end of it. The session was over.
Lenny collected up his cameras and disappeared without saying another word, and leaving Judi to release Tracy from her wrappings.
Judi already had a pair of scissors at hand. Starting at the bottom she began to cut away the cling-film from between the ankles and move on up the legs. At a point just between the breasts she stopped and pulled both sides of the wrappings apart. Immediately on release Tracy lifted up her arms and moved her legs. Then, as Tracy set about massaging her limbs, Judi started cutting again, this time from a point just above the breasts. She then continued on up along one side of the face.
As the final layers of cling-film became sliced away, Tracy sat herself up.
"Wow!… that was quite something," she announced.
She still retained a ring of clothes pegs about each breast, and also one pinned to each nipple. Slowly and delicately she began to remove one of the pegs attached to a nipple.
"Yeh!… it went very well… I think Lenny was well pleased… he certainly got everything he wanted anyway," Judi informed her.
Judi moved to help Tracy with the pegs, but Tracy had other ideas. Even the act of removing them hurt badly and she wanted to handle the operation herself.
"No… please… I'll do it," she told Judi.
Judi understood and gave a little smile.
"Okay,… you carry on Tracy… I'll just get myself dressed," she told her.
Tracy thought this a good time to start asking questions. The two girls were together and she could see this as an ideal opportunity to hold a little bit of feminine chit-chat.
"Do you think Lenny will have some more work for me?" she asked for starters.
Judi was taking off some of her straps as Tracy spoke. She finished removing the section that went around her waist before answering. In the meantime Tracy removed a few more pegs from her body.
"I think he will,… he usually keeps a little bit going for all his models,… but he'll probably pass this lot on first and find out the reaction from the publishers before calling you back… that's the way it is I'm afraid," explained Judi.
Tracy was not really interested in coming back, once was enough as far as she was concerned, but she saw this as an opportunity to ask about the other photographer, the one in Littlesea. However, she removed a few more pegs first before speaking. There were several that were really bugging her.
"Chloe was telling me she also did a bit of work for a guy in Littlesea… do you reckon I stand a chance there?… I could do with the money and I'm looking for anything that's going," she said on removing the last peg from around her right tit.
Judi shook her head as she started to pull her panties up her legs. She knew the photographer Tracy was taking about, it was Roger Downton, and she was also very well aware of his current circumstances. Thoughts of Mimi lying in a coma in hospital also brought back sad memories.
"Sorry, you won't get much joy there,.. he's out of action at the moment… there's no work there for the time being I'm afraid… his fiancée had an awful accident a few weeks back and she's lying in a coma in Littlesea hospital," Judi said sadly.
Tracy could see the sadness and felt awful for asking. She removed a few more pegs before answering.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," she said simply, "is she expected to come out of it?"
Judi pulled a distorted face.
"All the signs are hopeful… but only time will tell…" said Judi and still talking in solemn tones, "Mimi, his fiancée used to work here… we went to school together… and they were meant to be getting married soon… it's so sad."
Tracy could feel the agony and she bit her bottom lip. But she was so close to finding out the man's name, she felt compelled to carry on. She tried to think how best to compose the next question. How could she get Judi to reveal the man's name without seemingly pushing for an answer? She concentrated on removing the last of the pegs before asking the vital question. In the meantime Judi was pulling her dress down over her body. She was nearly dressed and ready to go, so Tracy could see some urgency in asking the next question. She removed the last peg and composed her self. She had figured out the best way to ask the question.
Tracy's mouth opened, but that was as far as she got. From somewhere behind the canvass backdrops a bell rang, and from a distance Lenny called: "Judi, someone's at the door, can you get that?"
Judi slipped her feet into her shoes and called back: "Yes… leave it to me Lenny… I'll get it."
Judi turned to Tracy still sat on the bed and rubbing her aching tits. They were very sore and both had red rings around them where the circles of clothes pegs had been pinned to the flesh.
"Finish getting yourself dressed Tracy… then go back to the office… I'll see you later," Judi told her.
And with that Judi pushed the edge of a canvass to one side and disappeared.
Tracy cursed silently under her breath, but then considered what she had already found out. The man she was looking for had a fiancée named Mimi, and she was at present lying in a coma in Littlesea Hospital. If she did not learn anything else today, at least she had another important lead to have a go at.
Tracy slipped off the bed and moved towards her pile of clothes. She nodded her head in approval and gave a little smile. She knew exactly what she was going to do next. She had no need to ask any more questions, instead she needed to return to Littlesea. She smiled at the thought. She was going home.

12:55 pm

Wendy opened up one eye, yawned and looked to the bedside clock. Suddenly she sat upright. Tim was calling for her again in just five minutes time. His plan for the day was to spend the morning at work then have the afternoon off. This he could do with impunity since his father owned the business and he did not have a real job anyway. He was simply being groomed to take over the reins sometime in the future, and that was a long way off at present.
Wendy jumped out of bed and made her way quickly to the bathroom. She had been sleeping naked anyway so there was nothing to remove. She simply dived into the shower and turned on the taps. Quickly she swilled away the grime, leapt from the shower, dried herself down and slipped on a dressing gown. Up until now she had not even thought about Tracy, or told her about her plans for the day.
"Tracy," she called as she rushed across the lounge to the window and to look to the road outside.
It was as she feared. As she stared down at the road and the park beyond, a bright red car appeared, to pull up against the kerb over on the other side of the road.
"Shit… Tracy… Tim's here… can you go and let him in," she called as she retraced her steps to the bedroom.
Quickly she slipped on a fresh pair of panties and sorted herself out a new bra. As she fastened the clips and set about adjusting the straps, the doorbell rang.
"Tracy… get that please," she called.
It was probably at this stage that she first began to realise that Tracy was not around. Up until now she had been too busy to think otherwise. Quickly she slipped back into her dressing gown and shot down the stairs. Mrs. Covington was approaching from the hallway as she reached the front door.
"I'll get it Mrs. Covington," she told the elderly lady, then waited for her to return to her own apartment on the ground floor.
Wendy opened up the door. Tim was stood there smiling.
"Are you ready?" he asked.
Somehow he did not think so. Wendy stood in her dressing gown and her hair was still dripping wet.
The plan was to take another spin together in his powerful sports car. Then after that? Well neither Tim nor Wendy were short of ideas. Today was going to be another fun day all round.
They kissed and hugged on the door step.
"You'd better come in and wait whilst I get dressed," she told him.
Wendy led Tim up the stairs and deposited him in the lounge.
"Just give me five minutes and I'll be ready," she told him then returned to her bedroom.
Wendy finished getting herself dressed, then moved to the kitchen before seeing Tim.
By now she had come to realise that Tracy was out. Probably doing Mrs. Covington's shopping. She saw the note lying on the table and read the message. There was a pen alongside.
She turned the sheet of paper over and wrote her own message: 'Tracy, have gone out again with Tim. Couldn't say no unless he got suspicious. Hopefully be back a little earlier tonight, but don't stop up if I'm not. Love Wendy.'
 Having written the note, Wendy returned to the lounge. Tim rose from the easy chair and they kissed and embraced.
"Come on Tim, let's go," said Wendy afterwards, "Tracy will be back soon and I think it's best we don't meet her."
Tim nodded his head. He was ready to go for a drive in the car anyway.
"Okay Wendy, let's go then… where are we going this time… any ideas," he asked.
Wendy considered the question. Today looked a very pleasant day. The sun was shining brightly and the weather was warm.
"Somewhere nice, maybe a beach somewhere, and perhaps we could go for a swim," she answered with a cheeky grin upon her face.
Tim nodded his consent. He was all in favour of Wendy's suggestion.
"Why not?… I could collect my trunks from home on the way," he told her.
Wendy chuckled.
"Right, I'll get my swimming things and collect a couple towels," she told him.
"Okay… let's get moving then shall we," Tim replied and now equally eager to be getting on the way.
Wendy raced away to collect her swimming things. There was a bouncing spring to her step. Today was going to be a real fun day and she was really looking forward to dipping in the sea.
1:15 pm

At about the same time as Wendy and Tim were leaving the flat in North Park Avenue, the morning train from Littlesea was pulling into Victoria Station. Unusual for the British Rail system, especially the Southern Region, the train was only about five minutes late.
Sylvia Sparelli stepped out of the train onto the platform and made her way to the taxi rank outside. She was deep in thought and showed little concern towards the masses of people milling about her.
"Chelsea," she told the driver as she climbed in and settled down on the back seat of the black London taxi.
As Sylvia's taxi moved away a figure in a long raincoat, wide-brimmed hat and dark glasses climbed into the taxi behind. No one asked why, on such a warm day, would someone be dressed this way. After all, this was London, and there were far weirder people than this walking around everywhere.
"Follow that taxi just leaving," he told the driver, then settled down on the back seat and focused his attention on the taxi in front.
What he did not want to do now was lose sight of the vehicle in front. That would be a disaster now that he had gone to all this trouble. He had made many plans, all of them involving Sylvia Sparelli, and he did not want to see all his good work go to waste.
1:30 pm

Tracy returned to the flat in North Park Avenue. She was two hundred pounds the richer for her mornings work, and, despite the soreness that still surrounded her breasts and nipples, she was in a relatively good mood.
The morning had gone well on other fronts too, and Tracy really did feel that she was nearing the end of her own private investigations. One more visit to Littlesea Hospital should do the trick. She felt certain that someone at the hospital would furbish her with the name of the Mercedes driving photographer. She would then get Davina and Georgina involved in the case. They should be able to locate him once the name was known.
Tracy let herself in with a key and climbed the stairs.
"Wendy, I'm back," she called as she reached the landing at the top of the stairs.
On hearing no reply Tracy smiled. Wendy must still be asleep. She crossed the landing and peeped into the bedroom only to find the bed empty. She frowned on seeing the bed not made and Wendy's last night clothes scattered all over the floor.
She called: "Wendy!" again across the landing, and once more silence ensued.
Tracy closed up the bedroom door and moved to the kitchen looking for her. She saw the fresh note left by Wendy and read what she had to say.
She smiled at her good fortune. Everything was falling into place once more. With Wendy out for the rest of the day she no longer had cause to explain the reason for wanting to return to Littlesea in a hurry. They could continue conversing by note for as long as it takes.
Tracy found a new piece of paper and wrote a fresh note.
It read: 'Wendy, keep up the good work with Tim. Stick with him and see what you can find out. You never know, he might let something slip. I'm back to Littlesea for one night and should be back tomorrow evening. I'll fill you in on all the details when I get back. Lots of love, Tracy. xxxxx'
Tracy read through the note she had just written and felt happy with the sparse details. She then headed for her own bedroom and started to pack a small overnight bag. She looked to her bedside clock. The time was a little after two o'clock. She reckoned she could be back in Littlesea by six o'clock, maybe seven o'clock at the latest. She would go home, spend the night in her own bed for a change, then first thing in the morning she would be away to the hospital.
Tracy nodded her approval at the fresh plans she had hastily put together. Her only concern now remained with Wendy. She was asking the poor teenager to suffer far too much, and all in the name of the pact. She planned to make it all up to her once these investigations were over.

2:00 pm

Sylvia Sparelli climbed out of her taxi outside her apartment block. She collected her travel bag, paid the driver and went inside the main entrance. Her own apartment was on the third floor and she moved to the lift.
As the doors to the lift slid shut, a lone figure moved into foyer from the road outside. He watched the numbers light up above the lift doors and saw them stop at the third floor. He then hastily made for the stairwell and scaled the steps three at a time. On reaching the third floor he stopped and opened the door slowly. He was just in time to see Sylvia Sparelli entering the door to apartment number Thirty-five.
The man pulled the door to the stairwell quietly shut and smiled. Now that he had found out exactly where the woman lived everything was in place. He could now go ahead and put his master plan into action.

8:30 pm

Sylvia Sparelli was working at her desk, typing up her next article for the coming month's Cropwatch magazine when she heard the doorbell to her apartment ring. Before settling down to work she had changed into her night clothes and was wearing a silk, oriental style night gown above her chiffon nightie. She wondered who it could be that was calling at this hour. Whoever it was, she considered herself not properly dressed to greet visitors.
She rose from the desk and went to the door. Through the spy hole in the door she looked outside to the corridor. Someone dressed in a bellboy type uniform was at the door. She could see the flat peakless hat, but that was about all. Whoever the caller was he held a great big bouquet of flowers in his hands and it was obscuring his face.
"What is it?" she called through the door.
"Flowers for a Miss Sparelli," she heard a voice reply.
Sylvia wondered who it would be sending her flowers.
"Who are they from?" she asked loudly through the door.
"I'm not sure," replied a voice from outside, "they're from a gentleman from Littlesea… that's all I've been told."
Sylvia smiled. She guessed them to be from the gentleman who had given her a lift into Littlesea on Saturday. He had tried to put on the charm and put his arms around her whilst they walked around the castle, but she had rebuked his advances. Continuously rejecting men's advances remained at the forefront of her nature. She considered herself to be a modern and very independent woman, and that was how she wanted her lifestyle to remain. But all the same she decided to take the flowers. Through the spy hole they looked very pretty and it was a shame to see them all go to waste.
"Okay, I'll take them then," she called and unlocked the door.
As the door opened the man took one step forward, to hold his foot   against the door. Sylvia did not see this move and held out her arms in order to take the flowers from him. Only then did she realise that something was wrong; something terribly amiss. From the corner of her eye she caught sight of something swinging through the air above the great bunch of flowers. She had no time to move or take avoiding action before the object hit her hard on the side of the head. Immediately she felt the thud as a hard wooden club smash heavily against her temple. For a second or two she felt herself dropping to the floor, and she tried to break her fall with her hands.
On the way down however, her eyes glazed over, everything went black and she was aware of her surroundings no more.

10:30 pm

Following the blow to the side of her head, Sylvia Sparelli remained unconscious for two hours. Obviously she was not aware of this fact, and even when she did come round her head remained in a semi-haze. She was aware of the pain and the fact that her hands were incapable of moving to comfort her aching head, but other than that she had very little knowledge of the predicament she now found herself in.
The truth was, she had been stripped naked, hogtied and placed lying face downwards on a bed. She had also been blindfolded by several wide bands of tape wrapped about her head.
The bed beneath her naked body was also not that her own. Back at her Chelsea apartment her unconscious body had been immediately dumped into a strategically placed laundry basket and wheeled outside to an awaiting vehicle. She had not been driven far and remained somewhere at a location in London, but this and many other facts were totally oblivious to the semi-conscious thirty-five year old career woman.
As Sylvia Sparelli lay face down on the bed, trying desperately to pull her confused thoughts together, and shrouded in the darkness beneath the layers of tape wound about her head, she heard a door open somewhere behind her.
She listened to the approaching footsteps, then felt a hand touch her arms and test out the ropes that bound her wrists and ankles together. A hand then patted her on the back between the shoulder blades. She expected the man to speak, but he said nothing. He simply turned around and headed back for door.
Sylvia listened to the padding of feet disappearing from the room and heard the door close behind him.
Lying there alone in the room, she wondered just how long she was going to be kept like this, all tied up the way she was. It was damn uncomfortable.

11:45 pm

Tim's red sports car pulled up outside the flat in North Park Avenue. He killed the engine and leaned across to kiss Wendy on the lips.
Neither had bothered to look outside the car. If they had done so then they would have come to realise that Tracy's car was missing from the small car parking area opposite, and that all the lights in the upstairs flat were out. The truth was they had something else on their minds and that they only had eyes for each other.
"Fabulous day out Wendy, thanks for everything," said Tim as their lips parted.
Wendy smiled and cuddled up to Tim across the high transmission tunnel of the car.
"And thanks for taking me out Tim," replied Wendy with a sigh.
Tim cuddled her closer in his arms.
"No need to rush in just yet is there Wendy?" suggested Tim as they moved to kiss once more.
Wendy waited for the long lingering kiss to come to an end before looking to the clock on the dashboard. There was another ten minutes to go before twelve o'clock. Compared with the two previous nights this was early. She shook her head. She did not have to go in just yet, and besides, what did it matter what time she got back? She was over eighteen and could do whatever she pleased.
"No, I don't have to go in yet," she said and cuddling up to Tim between the seats.
Tim's hand moved to between Wendy's legs and hooked a finger beneath the crotch of her panties.
"You won't want these on then," he told her and giving a little tug to the material.
Wendy hitched up her skirt and dragged her panties down her legs. She removed them completely and draped them over the gear stick in the centre. At the same time their lips met once more and they embraced above the high transmission tunnel and handbrake.
Tim's hand returned to run a finger gently along her dripping wet crack. For a while they kissed and hugged, with Tim playing around with two fingers thrust deep inside her.
It was only when they needed to come up for air did the clench eventually break, and this was the cue for Wendy to set about releasing her own sexual fantasies. As their lips parted she moved on down Tim's body to kiss the fabric above his bulging manhood. She pulled down the zip, placed a hand inside and drew out his penis. She felt it stiffen some more as her hand gripped the thick and rigid shaft. Slowly she lowered her head, ran her tongue about the dome, licked away the juices, then gradually slid the rampant shaft into her mouth.
Tim groaned and threw back his head as the mouth totally engulfed his throbbing penis. At the same time he withdrew his hand from between Wendy's legs and settled back in his seat.
Wendy replaced Tim's fingers with one of her own. She knew the exact spot that would bring her off and she began to rub away gently. Making herself comfortable, then holding the base of Tim's shaft in her other hand and working the rest up and down in her mouth, she began to slowly pump away.
Soon she had Tim shouting: "Yes… yes… yes…" as his hands moved to grip her hair tightly and encourage her head to bob up and down at an even faster rate.
Tim finally came, he could not hold the climax any longer and his load shot upwards into the roof of Wendy's mouth.
"Oh wonderful Wendy, please don't stop," he called as his semen continued to ejaculate in rapid spurts.
Wendy had no intentions of stopping and she sucked and gulped down all there was to offer. The finger of her other hand too had continued working apace, and her own orgasm peaked and welled up inside of her at almost the same moment the first spurt of warm liquid splashed hard against the back of her throat.
For what seemed like eternity both bodies writhed in ecstasy across the high transmission tunnel of the car. The peaks of their individual climaxes remaining with them for many seconds afterwards. Only when Tim was fully spent and his arched body began to relax did Wendy raise up her head and release her grip on what still remained a very stiff and solid shaft. Semen trickled from the corners of her mouth and ran in rivulets down her chin. She licked in what best she could with her tongue and swallowed it down, then wiped away the rest with the back of her hand. It tasted good, a little salty but that was all.
The lovers moved to embrace between the two seats once more, with Tim still panting heavily and with Wendy resting her head upon his chest listening to his rapid heartbeats.
"I love you Wendy," Tim whispered in her ear.
Wendy looked up to Tim and their eyes met.
They both smiled a loving smile.
"And I love you too Tim," Wendy whispered back.

End of Chapter Twenty-four