by Nosbert



The following morning … Thursday 6th April …

7:00 am

Both Tracy and Wendy rose early the next morning. They had set the alarm to go off for seven o'clock. It was only Tracy that needed to be awake so early, but all the same, Wendy had insisted on getting up at the same time to help.
The next two days were to prove crucial to their investigations. This morning Tracy was off to the Dom Domingo Club to release Chloe from the pillory. She had to be there before eight o'clock in order to catch Walter before he set off for work. And tomorrow Wendy had an appointment with Tim.
Before retiring to bed the night before, the two girls had talked over what should be done the next day. The inevitable question was, whether or not Wendy should go along too? In the end it was decided that it was best that Tracy went to the club alone. It seemed better this way. If Tracy was to gain the full confidence of Chloe, then they needed to be together and alone for as much time as possible.
As it happens, Wendy did not mind too much about being left out of this assignment. She had been busy herself whilst at the club, and had arranged an appointment of her own. But that was not until tomorrow afternoon. Tim had said that he would leave early from work and call to collect her at sometime around two o'clock on the Friday afternoon. They would then go for a spin together in his bright red sports car.
There was also another meeting arranged for the Friday. Davina was calling round to see them at the flat sometime that the morning. She was heading back to Littlesea at the weekend after spending a few nights with her old school friend Sylvia Sparelli. Calling in at the flat on the way back seemed like the best way of keeping everyone up-to-date with everything that was going on.

7:55 am

Just before eight o'clock Tracy arrived at the big house. She pulled up in the drive alongside Walter's large Mercedes. She looked around, and then up to the skies. The weather remained mild, the early morning sun was out, though damp patches on the ground did suggest a shower or too in the night. She wondered how Chloe had taken it all.
As Tracy got out of the car, the front door to the house opened, and out stepped Walter. He must have been waiting in the hallway and looking out for her. He was dressed smartly in a navy-blue pin-striped suit and was carrying a briefcase.
Walter and Tracy met up somewhere halfway between the house and the cars. They greeted each other with a smile.
"Good morning Tracy,.. glad you could make it," said Walter.
He leant forward and kissed her on the cheek.
"Good morning to you too Walter," answered Tracy, and then asked: "and how's Chloe this morning?"
Walter smiled, then shrugged his shoulders.
"Chloe's just fine… I stayed with her all night… she's dying to get out though… but I told her she must wait until nine o'clock… rules are rules," he answered.
Tracy gave a wry smile.
"I bet she is," she replied.
Walter handed over a small bunch of keys.
"That's for the front door,… that's for the back,… and those are for the garage… this one fits the doors at the front… and this one fits the door at the back," he explained, then added: "Just make sure everything is locked up before you go."
Tracy took the keys and nodded her head.
"Will do Walter," she said, and then asked: "And what do I do with them afterwards?"
Walter thought for a moment.
"You may as well hang on to them Tracy," he decided. "Give them back to me at next week's meeting… I've got plenty of other copies, so those won't be needed."
Tracy tossed the keys up and down in her hand. It seemed strange to her that the man was so trusting. They had only met just a short time ago, and now, here he was allowing her the full run of his house. But that was Walter by all accounts. That was why everybody loved him.
Tracy smiled at the thought.
"I'll do that then Walter," she assured him, "I'll hang on to them and hand them back next Wednesday."
Walter looked to his watch. He was a man in a hurry.
"Look Tracy, I'll have to go… I'm late already," he said, "make yourself a cup of coffee or something whilst you're waiting… then get Gayle straight into the shower… the water's always nice and hot... Oh! and Gayle's clothes are in the kitchen keeping warm."
Tracy nodded her head.
She stepped to one side to let Walter pass, then as he began to walk away, she called him: "I'll do that Walter… and don't worry about Chloe… I'll see that she's all right and taken back to the university safely."
Walter stopped, turned and smiled.
"I'm sure you will Tracy," he said as a final word, then set off once more for his car.
Tracy waited for Walter's car to move away before making for the open front door. She gave a little wave as the car disappeared from sight, then tossed the keys up and down in her hand. She was smiling. She was alone with Chloe now, with no one else around to disturb them. Things could not have worked out better.
Walter had suggested making a cup of coffee, but Tracy had other things on her mind. She wanted to take a look around the house whilst she was still alone and had the chance. She did not know what she was looking for, but all the same it was an opportunity not to be missed. It was just something that detectives did in the movies, and that was good enough for her.
To be truthful, after peeking in all the rooms, both upstairs and down, she found nothing out of the ordinary. It was just a big house, expensively furnished, and tastefully decorated. One room downstairs had been dedicated to bondage, but this she already knew about from her earlier guided tour with Walter. It was filled with equipment and had hooks on the ceiling, but otherwise, this room too was nothing out of the ordinary.
The only other room she could find dedicated to bondage was a library. For some unexplained reason Walter had not shown this room to Tracy and Wendy whilst doing their guided tour. Tracy wondered why, and concluded that maybe this was a private place for Walter alone, but she could not be certain. But it did seem a great waste if it was.
The library shelves were stacked with a vast assortment of BDSM books and magazines. A lot of care had gone into the layout. Around the walls all the shelves had been marked with the various categories. There were sections for male domination, female domination, dungeon scenes, lesbian bondage, pony girls, and lots, lots more. Within each section, each item had been carefully arranged in order from A to Z. Furthermore, if you were still not able to find what you wanted, then a book, all neatly written by hand, lay on the central table that cross-referenced everything that lay on the shelves. It was so simple, it was brilliant.
Tracy indeed was so impressed with the library, she hung around here much longer than in any other room. For a while she flicked through a number of books and magazines from off the shelves. Afterwards she was always careful to ensure that they went back in their correct places.
Forty-five minutes after arriving Tracy set off to check on Chloe. She reckoned she had seen all there was to see, including a good look inside the garage.
From the terrace, Tracy descended a series of garden steps that led down to the compound. At the bottom, the gate clicked open, and she stepped into the towering ring of conifers. For a moment she stood just inside the gate and looked around. The place seemed very different now that it was daylight, and the atmosphere a whole lot more friendly. The dark foreboding background now sparkled and glowed in an assortment of greens and browns, and the damp red-clay pony track looked clean and fresh after the sprinkling of rain in the night.
A small mound of red clay had been thrown up right in the centre of the pony track. On top of this mound stood a lone pillory. Locked into it was Chloe. She was its prisoner. Tracy felt saddened by the sight. Chloe's pale naked body looked white and cold, and in stark contrast with its bright surroundings.
Tracy hurried to the centre to greet Chloe, and as she did so, she looked to her watch. The time was a quarter to nine. There were fifteen minutes to go before she could be released.
Chloe had heard the catch on the gate go click and had looked up to see who had come. With head twisted and slightly raised she managed a smile the moment she recognised Tracy approaching.
Tracy came to a halt in front of the pillory. She felt horrified by the sight that greeted her. Chloe's naked body was a complete mess from head to foot. Her hair was bedraggled. The soured cream, followed by the sprinkling of rain in the night had left her hair soaked, hanging down, and clinging to the sides of her face. Her body too was absolutely filthy, and to be quite honest, it reeked of sour milk. Rivulets of rain had left dirty streak marks everywhere, and remnants of the rotten fruit and vegetables still clung doggedly to her face and hands. Tomato pips were in abundance everywhere, along with globules of fruit and rancid vegetables.
"Chloe, you look a mess!" stated Tracy in horror, then composed herself a little before asking: "Anyway… how are you feeling?"
Chloe's head bobbed up and down within the confines of the wooden circle that contained her neck. She appeared to be extremely cheerful despite her awful condition.
"Not too bad considering," she replied brightly.
Tracy looked around. Walter had obviously been doing a bit of tidying up. Two large black plastic waste-bags now contained all the rubbish hurled at Chloe the night before. A large broom also accompanied the bags. Walter had swept the central mound clean, and it now shone as red and brightly as the pony track around it.
A sleeping bag had been left out too. Walter must have used it in the night, and now it was rolled up. Tracy collected the sleeping bag and dropped it down in front of the pillory. She then sat herself down on the bag and propped her back against the post that held the pillory. She made herself comfortable and looked upwards. The two girls' faces were now in direct contact, albeit upside down to one another. It seemed more friendly this way, and stopped Chloe cricking her neck.
"Walter says I'm not to let you out before nine o'clock," said Tracy after she had settled into position.
Chloe gave a little upside down smile.
"I know," she said, "but I can wait… How long have I to go anyway?"
Tracy raised up her arm and showed Chloe her watch. The time was approximately twelve minutes to nine o'clock.
"About twelve minutes, that's all," Tracy told her.
Chloe smiled once more.
"That's not too bad then," she replied, "I reckon I can last out another twelve minutes."
Tracy decided to use up the remaining time asking questions, but she would start in a roundabout way. Nothing difficult or probing to start with.
"How come you got yourself in such a mess anyway?" she asked for starters.
Chloe bit her bottom lip and considered hard and long. Thoughts of Gayle became foremost in her mind as she tried to find a way of answering the question. The trouble was, Tracy was a newcomer to the club, and she would not have known Gayle like the rest of the members. She decided to tell it as simply as she could.
"I'm here because I made a bet with a club member… and I lost… and that's it really… that's why I'm here," she told Tracy.
"And this thing you're doing… being locked in the pillory and pelted with tomatoes… it's something you all call the club's forfeit isn't it?" asked Tracy.
"That's what this is all right," replied Chloe solemnly, "what you see now is the club's forfeit in operation."
Now that she had Chloe talking freely, Tracy decided to move on a little. It was time to bring the conversation around to speaking about Gayle Jackson.
"The girl you made the bet with… She's the girl that's gone missing isn't she?" asked Tracy.
Tracy looked up to see Chloe's head bobbing up and down.
"Yes,.. her name's Gayle Jackson… and we had a little bet together… we agreed to take part in a series of pony girl races… the best of three to decide… and she won, and I unfortunately lost… and that's why I'm here, and not her," Chloe explained the best she could.
For Chloe to think that this was just idle chit-chat between the two of them, Tracy needed Chloe to mention Gayle Jackson's name first. Whatever the subject discussed, Tracy did not want it to appear that she was forcing the issue. However, now that Gayle's name had been mentioned, she had the chance she was looking for. She was now able to move the conversation on in that direction.
"What do you think happened to Gayle Jackson? Do you think she was abducted?" she asked.
Chloe shook her head slowly from side to side. To be truthful she did not know what to think.
"I just don't know," she replied, "Gayle disappeared on her way back from here to the university… the police believe she was waylaid going through the park late at night… after that no one's seen or heard from her since."
Chloe's mention of the police allowed another line of questioning. As far as Tracy was concerned the conversation was moving along nicely.
"Do the police suspect anyone from here?… Could someone from this club have done it?" she asked.
Again Chloe looked uncertain and she frowned heavily.
"I don't know that either," she admitted openly, "it could have been I suppose, but I don't know who it could possibly be… and it's not the sort of thing any of the members would do… The police suspected her boyfriend Tim at first… but they let him go after detaining him for questioning for a couple of days."
Tracy nodded her head in agreement.
"Is this Tim still a suspect?" she asked after a short while.
Chloe nodded her head in response.
"I suppose he still is," she answered thoughtfully, "but he insists that he drove straight home from here… and his parents only seemed to confirm this… the trouble is, the police have no way of verifying their statements… and there's such a lack of evidence… I guess the only thing they've got to link Tim with the crime is a Mercedes… he was driving his dad's Mercedes that night… and there were reports of a Mercedes prowling around the park at the time… but that's where the investigation seems to have come to a grinding halt… and no one seems to be getting any further with the case."
Tracy looked pensive.
"There's a lot of Mercedes about here… this is a posh neighbourhood… even the wives and mistresses drive Mercedes for their second and even third family car," she pointed out.
Chloe nodded her head in agreement.
"I guess you're right there Tracy," she admitted, "this side of the park is a very rich and exclusive area."
Tracy's head nodded in unison. All she could do was agree with everything Chloe was saying.
"Even Walter drives one," she added as an aside.
All this talk of Mercedes cars brought back a distance memory to Chloe, something she had not considered before. It seemed that expensive Mercedes were not confined to just this affluent side of the park, but were also to be found over on the other side of the railings. She recalled, when she and Gayle walked to the club that evening, and before ever reaching the park, on seeing a Mercedes parked up in the road. It caught her eye because of a 'Visit Littlesea Dungeon' sticker in the back window. She recalled at the time thinking the car belonged to someone she knew well. All this set her thinking. Why had she not thought of this before?
There came a lull in the conversation, and for a while nothing was said. Both girls were deep in thought. Tracy was about to speak, but Chloe got her word in first.
"Funny thing Tracy, all this talk of Mercedes," she mused, "but I saw a Mercedes that night, parked over on the other side of the park… and the thing was, I thought I knew the owner… I thought I recognised the sticker in the back window… the problem was… the owner did not come from around here… but from the south coast… and that's what made me think it so odd… Gayle was with me at the time… and she told me I was being silly… it just had to belong to someone living in one of the houses nearby."
This was very interesting news to Tracy, and whilst Chloe appeared to be in such a talkative mood, she decided to press on with the questioning. This was never her plan: Not straightaway anyway. She had come prepared to take it easy at first, and to gain Chloe's friendship gradually. However, whilst she still had the opportunity, she decided to ask another related question.
"It must have been an unusual sticker in the window for you to take notice the way you did," she suggested.
Chloe pulled a face. She was convinced that she had made a mistake, and was beginning to regret mentioning the Mercedes in the first place.
"I guess it was unusual… at least for around here anyway… but there's got to be thousands of those stickers around… it was just the combination of the Mercedes and the sticker that made me think it belonged to someone I knew… that's all,… but obviously I was wrong," she mused.
Tracy needed to keep the conversation going. This might well be the breakthrough she was looking for. If only she could find out the name of the Mercedes' owner. But she dared not ask the question directly. That would be too obvious, and far too dangerous this early in their relationship.
"What was this sticker all about then Chloe?… How come you thought it unusual?" asked Tracy, but at the same time trying to sound casual and unconcerned.
Chloe pulled a distorted face.
"Oh, it was not an unusually sticker really… it was just one of those things advertising the Littlesea Dungeon Exhibition,.. and like I say, they're everywhere… thousands of people have visited the place since it opened, and those stickers are handed out for free to every visitor," she explained.
The mention of Littlesea and the dungeon exhibition took Tracy completely by surprise. If she had been seated on a chair, then she would probably have fallen off. Littlesea was her own home town. The place where she lived and grew up in.
She quickly pulled herself back together. She knew only too well that she had to be careful from now on, and not to give the game away. Her cover was that she had come down from Lancashire along with her cousin Wendy, and that they were stopping in London to help their Aunt at her agency. This pretence had to be maintained at all costs.
Having composed herself, Tracy continued with the probing.
"This man,… the one that you thought the owned the Mercedes… does he come from Littlesea too?" she asked, and trying even harder than before not to sound too keen to know the answer.
Chloe's head bobbed up and down in the pillory.
"That's right,… he comes from Littlesea," she confirmed, then went on to add: "but like I say, he was just someone I got to know through my photographic agency,.. we did a few photo shoots together down there,… and besides, he would have had no reason to come here anyway."
All this was very revealing, and Tracy wanted to keep the conversation focused on this man from Littlesea. At least, even without his name, she now knew that he was a photographer and owned a Mercedes, and there were not many of those in Littlesea. She continued with the questioning. Another tack was needed.
 "So you've been to Littlesea?" she asked, and in doing so widening the conversation a little.
Within the constraints of the pillory Chloe nodded her head once more. However she decided to keep her reply as simple as possible. She did not particularly want to mention the time she went there for a funeral. That was a sad occasion and brought back too many depressing memories.
"Yes, I've been to Littlesea on a few occasions… mainly on photo shoots for porno magazines," she replied thoughtfully.
Tracy decided it was time to twist the truth a little. She did not want to, but under the circumstances she had very little choice. She would tell just one little white lie.
"I went to Littlesea once… I went there on holiday," lied Tracy, "Whilst you were there Chloe, did you ever get to see the beach and the castle?"
Chloe thought about it for a while. It was true Roger had taken her there once to look around an old cottage up by the castle, albeit sat in a car most of the time,. However, she had seen the beach, the large sweeping bay, the sand dunes and the old ruined castle, and she thought it to be a wonderful place.
"Yes, I was taken to the castle once… it's nice up there… lots of beautiful scenery," she said.
Tracy gave a wry smile and thought how lucky she was to be living so close to such a wonderful old castle. She recognised that her mind was drifting and she collected her thoughts.
"Did this person who owns the Mercedes take you?" asked Tracy.
Chloe nodded her head once more.
"Yes, he took me," she answered, then in a sudden change to the conversation, she asked: "What's the time Tracy?… It's got to be close to nine o'clock now surely?"
Not thinking, Tracy held up her watch for Chloe to see. If the conversation kept going like this, and if she played her cards right, she would soon have the man's name. However, from above her head there came a big sigh.
"At last," breathed Chloe, "I can get out of here."
Tracy was taken a little by surprise with the statement and looked to her watch. She had not bothered to check the time before raising her hand. The time was just a few seconds away from nine o'clock. She cursed her bad luck. Here she was, on the brink of finding out the man's name, and this had to happen. It was obviously impossible to push the conversation any further without creating any suspicions. Her only hope now was to raise the subject again as soon as she had the chance.
"You're right Chloe, it's nine o'clock," she announced with a sigh of her own, "time to let you out."
Chloe gave loud cheer at the news. At long last her ordeal was over.
Tracy rose to her feet and withdrew a single smallish key from her pocket. She had kept it safely tucked away since the previous night. She placed the key in the padlock and gave it a turn. The padlock opened and she extracted it from the catch. With one hand she raised up the board, and with the other she helped a very stiff and aching Chloe extract herself from the three semicircular indentations. Assisting with her one free hand, she helped lower Chloe to the ground before dropping the board with the other.
After replacing the padlock with the key still inside, Tracy raised up Chloe by one arm. Chloe was unsteady on her feet and remained at a stoop. Her body had set in an arched position after twelve long hours stood in the pillory. Slowly she straightened out her back. It was a painful thing to do, and she moaned and groaned whilst doing so.
"Think you can make it to the house?" asked Tracy as she kept a tight grip on an arm.
Chloe nodded her head slowly.
"I think so," she replied and took her first tentative step for twelve hours.
She teetered and steadied herself, then took another step. All this time Tracy held her firmly by the arm to stop her from falling.
"That's good… keep going… let's get you up to the house and into the shower," said Tracy as Chloe took her third step.
Slowly at first, then as joints and muscles eased, at a more gentle but steady pace, the two girls made their way up the garden steps and onto the terrace above.
Having looked around earlier, Tracy had a fair knowledge of the layout of the house. There was a bathroom with a shower on the ground floor that led off the hallway. She entered the house and guided Chloe towards the bathroom. Chloe was walking a lot better now, but all the same Tracy held on to her least she should fall.
Tracy helped Chloe into the shower and sat her down inside. She set the spray going and regulated the temperature. As the welcoming spray of warm, refreshing water steamed down upon Chloe's head, and enveloped and bounced in sparkling droplets from her body, she looked up from the floor of the shower and smiled.
"Thank you Tracy," she said, "thank you so much."
Tracy returned the smile.
"It was the least I could do," she replied.
Tracy looked around for the soap and shampoo. She found what she was looking for on a shelf inside the shower cubicle. For a moment she giggled to herself. There was a bottle of shampoo there, plus a bar of ordinary looking soap. But these were not the items that amused her. Also resting on the shelf stood another bar of soap, this time shaped like a penis, and complete with testicles at the base. The giant phallic symbol stood erect on the shelf, and for a moment or two Tracy had difficulty taking her eyes off it. This had to be something Walter had put there to amuse the membership. Well it worked: Tracy was amused.
But this was no time for merriment. Tracy rolled up her sleeves, dropped the ordinary bar of soap into Chloe's lap, then spilled the contents of the shampoo bottle upon her head. She then began to lather the hair with her fingers.
"You'll get yourself all wet Tracy," remarked Chloe on seeing Tracy's arms entering the spray.
Tracy could see what Chloe meant. The water was splashing onto her clothes.
"You have a go then Chloe,… see if you can do your own hair," suggested Tracy, and at the same time withdrawing her arms from the cubicle.
Chloe lifted up her own arms, but it was obvious that she was still very stiff and movement remained difficult and uncontrolled.
Tracy saw the feeble attempt fail.
"Well it's obvious you can't do it by yourself Chloe,… you still need help," observed Tracy.
"Sorry Tracy," apologised Chloe, "but my arms just don't seem to be working very well as yet."
Tracy undid the buttons to her coat and set about removing her clothes.
"Well, there's only one thing for it Chloe… I've got to get in there with you," she said.
Chloe chuckled. It seemed like a great idea.
"Why not Tracy?… come on in and join me Tracy… the water's nice and warm," she said.
A naked Tracy stepped into the shower to stand between Chloe's open legs. She took up the task of lathering Chloe's hair once more. It was a matted mass and full of tomato pips. As the hair washed clean, the pips swilled away to the body; some doggedly adhering to the skin and not wanting to swill away any further.
Chloe, in the meantime, was doing very little. She seemed content just to sit there in the spray, and twirl the soap around in her hands. Tracy bent down and took the bar of soap off her. She then began to run the soap about Chloe's body. She started with the neck and shoulders, then moved on down to the breasts. All the time soaping away the stubborn tomato pips.
Chloe looked up and smiled as the hands made first contact with her hardened nipples.
"That's nice Tracy," she said as soapy hands began to move around in circles about her breasts.
Tracy had not even thought about a lesbian relationship. She did not even know Chloe's sexual leanings. She might well be gay, she might not. Up until now she had been concentrating all her efforts on just becoming good friends. Tracy was about to move on down the body when Chloe groan in pleasure once more, so, for a little while longer she decided to concentrate on the breasts. They were beautiful tits anyway, and well worth a little more attention. She applied more soap to her hands and set about working the lather into the delicate skin.
Chloe closed up her eyes and purred.
"Oh, that's so nice Tracy," she repeated.
Tracy was stooped forward, and from a standing position, massaging Chloe's breasts from above. She was stood between Chloe's open legs in a tray full of swirling soapy water. Suddenly the soap slipped from Tracy's hands and fell to the tray. It bounced, skipped and slid about everywhere, until finally coming to rest between Chloe's legs. Chloe grovelled around in the spiralling water in an attempt to recover the soap and hand it back. But every time she made a grab for it, the bar of soap just shot away from her hands.
On seeing what was happening at her feet, Tracy bent down and made a grab for the soap of her own. The bar of soap entered her hand for a moment, then shot away as soon as she tried to get a grip. The soap struck Chloe between the legs and stayed there, partially wedged beneath her body and underneath her crack. Tracy's hand had hurriedly chased the soap in an attempt to finally get the runaway object under control. The back of her hand slapped against Chloe's sex as she chased and tried to gain control of the soap.
Chloe writhed in pleasure from the unexpected intimate contact, and she groaned some more.
"Oh, that's so nice Tracy… do it some more,… soap me everywhere," she told her.
Tracy, after grovelling around between Chloe's legs, finally got control of the soap, and she raised it upwards to trace a line along her crack. Then, in little circular movements, she rolled the soap about the clitoris before returning to stroke the bar of soap up and down her crack. Chloe eased herself down further into the tray, raised up her knees and opened out her legs as far as they could go. She groaned some more as Tracy continued to apply the soap between her open and inviting legs.
"Oh Tracy, don't stop now… that's lovely," she said.
Tracy considered the switching of soaps and bringing the giant penis into play. After all, she was enjoying this foreplay too, and by the look of it, Chloe was not going to fall out with her if she came on too strong. She decided to go for it, and stood up to collect the phallic soap from off the shelf. She then crouched back down and showed the penis shaped soap to Chloe.
"How about using this one Chloe?" she asked.
Chloe's face beamed.
"Why not Tracy," she replied.
Tracy lathered the phallic shaped soap so that it became wet and slippery, then held the dome shaped end against Chloe's tight little opening.
"Ready for this?" asked Tracy.
Chloe nodded her head.
"I'm so hot, I'm ready for anything," admitted Chloe, "go for it Tracy."
 Tracy eased the soap forward and it sailed smoothly into Chloe's already well lathered pink little hole. She held it deep inside of her for a few seconds then let it slowly return of its own accord.
"Oh! Tracy… that was wonderful,.. do it some more,… just keep it going in and out," moaned Chloe as the soap slipped away from inside of her wanton cavity.
"Like this," said Tracy as she glided the soap back in.
"Like that," admitted Chloe.
Gripping the balls of the soap tightly, she began to move the giant phallic symbol backwards and forwards, in and out of Chloe's well lathered hole.
Chloe began to moan and groan as the long shaft of soap continued to slide smoothly in and out.
"Harder Tracy… harder," groaned Chloe as the pace quickened.
Tracy obliged by thrusting the soap hard and deep against the back walls of Chloe's throbbing and aching cunt. She could tell by the ever increasing gasps for breath that Chloe was nearing orgasm, so she kept the relentless pressure going, trying to move faster and thrust harder with every stroke.
"That's it Tracy!… that's it!… don't stop!… please don't stop!,.." called Chloe as she neared the peak of her pleasure.
Then suddenly she was there and the orgasm bust from her body. For several hard strokes more she writhed and groaned about on the shower floor as Tracy continued with the pumping.
Afterwards, when it was all over, and Chloe had managed to regain a little breath, she said: "Tracy, that was wonderful… just absolutely wonderful… thank you so much."
Tracy returned to soaping Chloe's body. She had not done her legs, and there was still her back to have a go at.
The two girls looked to one another.
"Perhaps Chloe, when your arms are working a little better, you can return the complement," suggested Tracy.
Chloe smiled and nodded her head.
"Why not Tracy?" she replied, "I guess I owe you one now."
Tracy returned the smile.
It was at that point she knew that she had gained a true friend.

10:30 am

About an hour and a half after being released from the pillory, the two girls were ready to depart the big mansion. Chloe was moving about a lot easier now, and appeared to be suffering no ill effects from her night long ordeal.
Tracy wanted to spend a little more time with Chloe. For one thing she still needed to find out the identity of the mysterious Mercedes driver from Littlesea. But unfortunately Chloe had to get back to the university. She had missed her first lecture of the morning and could not afford to miss anymore. Therefore a very reluctant Tracy agreed to run her straight there and drop her off at the gates.
After making sure the big house was locked up everywhere, the two girls climbed into the car and set off for the university, the route taking them towards the park and thereafter along North Park Avenue.
As the car passed number fourteen, Tracy pointed to the house in the row and said: "That's our place there Chloe… number fourteen… that's where me and Wendy live… you're welcome to call in anytime."
Chloe made a mental note of the dwelling.
"Perhaps after the Easter break I will," she replied.
The mention of the Easter break took Tracy a little by surprise. Of course it was April now, and the Easter holiday next weekend, how silly of her to overlook this fact. All schools and colleges would be closed for at least a fortnight.
"When do you break up?" asked Tracy.
"Friday's our last day," answered Chloe simply.
Today was a Thursday. Surely not Friday, tomorrow, Tracy was thinking.
"What!… Friday… tomorrow?" she asked.
Sat by her side in the passenger seat, Chloe nodded her head.
"Yes Friday tomorrow," she confirmed, "we've got a fortnight off, and I'm away back home to see my parents," said Chloe.
Tracy felt a little low. After all the hard work put into getting to know Chloe, after tomorrow she was not going to be around for another fortnight. She considered the unfinished business. She thought about asking straight out the name of the man from Littlesea who owned the Mercedes, but considered this an unwise move to make. Chloe would want to know why she was taking so much interest, and at all costs the pact had to remain a secret. Tracy thought again. Hopefully there would be other ways of finding out. After all, she had already concluded that there could not be many photographers about in Littlesea, especially ones that drove a Mercedes as well.
Tracy considered all the options, and decided on the best course of action to take. They were due to have a meeting with Davina sometime tomorrow morning. Perhaps she could get her and Georgina onto the case, and get them to do a little investigating of their own in Littlesea.
Having decided what best to do, Tracy perked up. At least she had made a very good friend today, and there was a strong possibility that they would get back together soon.
With this thought in mind Tracy drove on towards the university.
Perhaps this morning had been all worthwhile, and today had been a good day after all.

End of Chapter Twenty-one