by Nosbert


CHAPTER TEN - The Bluebell Woods

The next morning … Sunday 27th February …

6:00 am

As the sun rose above the rolling hills to the east of Carrowbank Farm, the birds began their dawn chorus. To add to the joys of Spring, a cockerel crowed loudly from one of the barns. The cacophony awakened Chloe. This was all something very new to her. The only birds she ever heard were those that coughed and spluttered in the industrial haze of the big city.
Chloe went to the window, pulled back the curtains and looked outside. It was a beautiful Spring morning. There was not a cloud in the sky and the weather looked set fair for the rest of the day. She got back into bed and tried sleep, but after a half hour passed she found she could not rest. The noise was far too deafening for a city dweller. In the end she got herself showered and dressed and went downstairs.
As she entered the kitchen she found Godfrey already up and about. He was sat at the table eating toast and drinking a cup of coffee.
"Good morning my dear," said Godfrey as she entered the kitchen. "Get yourself something to eat. There's cereals in the cupboard, there's bread over there for the toaster, there's butter and marmalade on the table, and the kettles just boiled. The rule here is that everyone looks after themselves in the morning."
"Thank you, and good morning Godfrey, and how are you feeling today?" said Chloe as she crossed the room and placed a couple of slices of bread in the toaster.
She was quite used to looking after herself. In fact she preferred things this way.
Godfrey smiled and answered her.
"I'm fine Chloe, and what brings you up so bright and early?" he asked between sips from his mug of coffee.
"It was the all noise… the birds woke me up," she explained as she found herself a mug of her own to drink from.
Godfrey gave a little knowing smile.
"You're not used to country life then Chloe?" asked the farmer.
He could tell a city dweller when he saw one, and Chloe was most definitely one of them.
Chloe shook her head and confirmed what Godfrey was thinking.
"I've never stopped on a farm before… It's that cockerel of yours… just listen to him, he's still going at it now!" she told him.
Godfrey smiled once more and nodded his head.
"That's old Monty,.. It's meant to be short for Montgomery,.. Field Marshall Montgomery... Marion gave him that name because she reckoned he always acted like a Field Marshall in charge of his troops… but it suits him… he can be quite bossy at times, and he does like to sing a bit in the mornings too… but I suppose he's got a lot to crow about… he's the only male amongst more than twenty hens… and he's always letting everyone know who rules the roost."
Chloe had trouble recalling who Field Marshall Montgomery was. He had something to do with the last war, but that was way before her time, and something for her parent's and grandparent's generations to remember not hers.
"I've not seen Monty around before Godfrey,… I've seen plenty of chickens in the yard, but never a cockerel,… he must hide somewhere during the day and only come out in the morning," said Chloe as she made herself a mug of coffee.
Godfrey smiled at the observation. There was some truth in what Chloe was saying. Monty was a strange creature and would only ever come to Marion at feeding time. However, since his daughter's departure the bird had got somewhat aggressive, and possibly it was a good thing that the cockerel did hide away during the daytime.
"Monty loves to climb to the highest point and crow from on high," Godfrey started to explain. "I reckon if you want to get a good look him my dear, then you've got to climb right up to the top floor of the old barn across the courtyard… I bet that's where he is now… he likes to stand in the old doorway right at the top and sing his head off at this time in the morning."
Chloe smiled at the thought, but cockerel spotting was not one of her favourite pastimes.
"I don't think I'll bother," said Chloe, "fluttering things give me the creeps anyway."
 Godfrey nodded his head.
"I guess it's best to keep out of Monty's way anyway. He's turned a bit aggressive lately, and I wouldn't like anyone to get hurt," said Godfrey.
"I guess I'll keep out of his way then," said Chloe bringing her coffee and toast with her to the table.
After that the conversation changed to talk of differences and comparisons: It was either life at university, or tales from the farm, depending on the storyteller; and the farmer could be quite a chatterbox once he got going.
Chloe reckoned that Godfrey must have taken an 'upper' before breakfast. For his mood was in stark contrast to that of yesterday following the reading of that letter from Aunt May in Scotland.

8:00 am

Roger and Mimi rose from their bed at eight o'clock. After a quick shower together they got dressed and went downstairs. They arrived in the kitchen to find both Chloe and Godfrey sat chatting at the table. They had plenty of toast ready for breakfast and were drinking coffee.
Chloe was facing the door when they entered and was first to speak.
"Good morning lovebirds," she said as she greeted them.
She had listened to at least two of Mimi's orgasms through the bedroom wall before resorting to her own vibrator and adding a few more muffled squeals of her own.
Mimi managed a reply: "Good morning all," she said, "lovely morning isn't it?"
Roger could only utter a grunt.
Godfrey turned on his chair, smiled and said: "Good morning you two." He then looked towards the clock on the kitchen wall and added: "Goodness, is that the time?… Look I've got to go… I've got lots of work to do."
And with that he knocked back the last of his coffee and stood up from the table. He reckoned that he must have been sat chatting with Chloe for almost an hour, and that was not going to get any work done at all.
The 'good morning's' quickly turned to 'goodbye's' as Godfrey left the kitchen. But the farmer was truly busy. There were lots of things to be done if he was going to be away in Scotland from Tuesday to Saturday during the forthcoming week.
Mimi elected to make the coffee and Roger rubbed his tired eyes and sat down at the table. He did not get half the sleep he wanted. But after Mimi had dropped the bombshell on him that she was pregnant, the excitement had got to him, and he just could not sleep anymore. He had also been a bit wary of making love, but Mimi had assured him that it would be all right. After that he had taken her twice before Mimi fell asleep exhausted.
As for announcing their engagement, they had both agreed to keep it all a big secret until next weekend. Roger was going to purchase a ring during the week and then place it on Mimi's finger when she came down next Saturday. It was then that they would announce to the world that they intended to get married; possibly within the coming month, but nothing was certain at this stage. News of the forthcoming baby would follow on shortly after the announcement, and people could make of it whatever they wanted.
After a couple of rounds of toast and marmalade, and several cups of strong coffee later, Roger was feeling a little more awake.
Eventually he got round to asking: "Well girls, what are we planning to do today then?"
There was a possibility of continuing on with the photo-shoot. The subject had been touched upon the previous evening as a possibility, but Roger was not at all keen on the idea anymore. He did not like the thought of Mimi doing anything strenuous in her condition, even though she insisted that everything was fine and that he was not to start worrying about her for at least another six or seven months.
"Can we go a walk please Roger?" asked Chloe immediately the question was raised.
She wanted to see more of the countryside and less of a dark tunnel. Her little chat with Godfrey had brought up a few suggestions for the day, including a walk up the valley. She was told that it was very nice at this time of the year.
Roger looked to Mimi for a reaction. He personally was all for it, but he did not want to see Mimi become physically exhausted, especially someone in her condition.
"What do you think Mimi?" he asked. "Do you fancy a walk up the valley?"
Mimi was stood at the kitchen sink and waiting for the kettle to boil. More strong coffee was on its way. She nodded her head in confirmation.
"That sounds just fine by me Roger," she told him, "where do you suggest?"
Roger went to say something, but Chloe interrupted. She had learned a few things about the area from Godfrey in the past hour and a half, and there was somewhere she especially wanted to go.
"Can we go right up the valley?" she asked. "Godfrey say's that if you follow the river all the way up through the steep cutting you come out into woods on the other side. He reckons that at this time of the year the floor is completely covered in bluebells, and it's a wonderful sight."
Roger nodded his head, but counted the mileage first. It was about one mile to where the river banks closed right up into the cutting, and about another two miles after that to the other side. He had once walked beyond the northern boundaries of Godfrey's farm and about halfway into the cutting, so he knew what to expect.
"It's okay by me," he told the girls, "but it's about a three mile walk there, and then another three miles back. Are you up to doing a six mile trek? And over some very rugged terrain in places?"
Roger looked to Mimi and waited for a reply. The final decision he would leave with her.
"It sounds like a great idea," said Mimi, "and Roger, make sure that you take your camera with you. If the bluebell wood's that pretty I want plenty of photographs."
Roger knocked back his coffee.
"Right girl's, one more cup and then you'd better get your walking shoes on. It looks like we're going to pick some bluebells today," said Roger.

10:00 am

At sometime around ten o'clock, Roger and the two girls found themselves deep into the steep sided cutting. Here the River Carrow flowed swift and fast in its haste to reach the sea. The pathway alongside the riverbank, if present at all, was mostly non-existent in places, and large rocks and obstacles hampered their progress at every turn.
On a large rock, near to a bend in the river, the three weary travellers sat down for a well deserved rest. Roger carried a rucksack on his back and his camera about his neck. They had come well prepared for the day and had packed a huge vacuum flask of coffee along with lots of sandwiches and a few home made cakes. Mimi took charge of the rucksack. She poured out three cups of coffee and handed two of them out to Roger and Chloe.
"How much further to go Roger?" Mimi asked as she sat on the rock and sipped her coffee.
Roger opened out an Ordnance Survey map of the area. A finger rested on the bend in the river. He then traced a line with his finger to a point where an old disused railway line emerged from out of a tunnel. The distance traversed by the finger was not very far even at a scale of two-and-a-half inches to the mile.
"Mmmm… about another half mile or so to the tunnel… and that marks the start of the wooded area on the map. So we're nearly there girls," he informed them.
Mimi felt relieved and so did Chloe. When they first set out, three miles to the wood did not sound much, but when you were continuously clambering up steep banks and over rocks it felt more like walking ten miles, not three.
Fifteen minutes later and they were on their way again. The valley widened quickly and the going underfoot became much easier from now on. Trees also began to appear once more. At the narrowest point the vegetation had all but disappeared, leaving just steep scree-slopes of limestone to either side of the river banks. Somewhere high above them, running along the contours of the valley was the road to Carrowton. Occasionally a car could be heard way up above their heads, but generally the only sound to break the silence was the babbling of the river as it raced over the rocks.
The trio moved away from the river to follow the curvature of the hill. The ground also started to rise quite steeply from this point onwards. The number of trees also thickened to become woods long before the old disused railway line was ever reached. Roger reckoned that the map was now out of date and should be revised.
Chloe felt a little disappointed as they walked through the trees. Everywhere she looked there was evidence of spring. Bright fresh green leaves were spurting from every branch, but the floor was just a mulch of rotting leaves. However, there was not a bluebell to be seen anywhere.
Eventually they came to what once must have been the embankment and the old railway line, but it was now so overgrown it was impossible to tell. Trees that had started to grow some twenty-five years ago were now almost fully grown and covered the steep sloping side.
Roger helped the girls scramble all the way to the top. It was quite a climb and very exhausting even for three reasonably fit young people. The embankment on this side of the tunnel was much higher and steeper than on the other side. It was also one sided. The far side of the old railway line had been cut into the side of the hill and formed a wall of crumbling yellow limestone.
From this high vantage point it was possible to look above the tree tops across the valley to the other side. A gap in the tops of the foliage made by the course of the river could be seen, along with the steep rising hills over on the other side of the valley.
After catching his breath, Roger looked along the old railway line towards where the tunnel entrance should be. They had come possibly a little further along the embankment than intended, and with all the trees in the way it was impossible to tell for certain, but he reckoned that he could just about make out the wall of corrugated sheeting that blocked off the tunnel.
"Right girls, are you fit?" he asked after about a five minute rest.
Mimi and Chloe had just collapsed to sit on the ground at the top of the embankment and had not moved since.
"Fit for what?" asked Mimi.
She was shattered and had no intention of going anywhere until she was good and ready.
"To see the other end of the tunnel," Roger told them.
"How far is it?" asked Mimi.
"Oh, about two hundred yards in that direction," said Roger pointing along the embankment.
Mimi looked to where Roger was indicating. Maybe she could see something through the thicket of bushes and trees, and then again maybe not! Anyway, she did particularly care. Whatever was over there, it did not inspire her enough to make her want to rush off in that direction. She was just happy to sit were she was for another ten minutes or so.
"You go and take a look Roger. We'll just sit here and wait, won't we Chloe?" she told him.
Chloe simply nodded her head. She felt the same way as Mimi. She too was exhausted and it would probably take another ten minutes or so before she was ready to stand up.
Roger shrugged his shoulders. Women could be so frustrating at times. It was them that wanted to come on this walk in the first place, and now that they were here, all they wanted to do was to sit on their backsides and do nothing!
"Right, I'll go on my own then," he told them, and set off in a huff along the course of the old railway line.
Soon Roger reached the tunnel entrance. With everything so overgrown it was obvious that no-one ever came here, and probably had not done so since the old railway line was closed down and the tunnel boarded up some twenty-five years ago. All along, his one fear was, that someone would enter from this end of the tunnel and walk the two miles to the other end. At least now his mind had been put to rest. No-one was ever likely to find this place, let alone decide to venture inside.
Roger tested the corrugated sheeting. The state of decay was very similar to that experienced over on the other side. He managed to lift up a flap and peer inside. He did not know what he was looking for and could not see much anyway. To all intents and purposes this end of the tunnel looked no different from the other.
Feeling a whole lot happier, Roger returned to the girls. There had been some activity since he went away. At least now they were standing up and looking out across woods below.
As Roger rejoined them, Mimi stretched out an arm and pointed across the tops of the trees.
"Look Roger, over there?… Can you see?… There's some smoke rising from amongst the trees… someone's got a fire going," she told him.
Roger's eyes followed the direction in which Mimi was pointing, and sure enough, she was right, someone did have a fire going.
"Probably boy scouts," he told her.
"Can we go and see?" asked Mimi.
Roger actually doubted that the fire had been started by boy scouts and was a little wary. However, from the look of the terrain and a quick consultation of the map, it appeared that they had to head in that general direction anyway to get to the bluebell part of the woods.
"That's the way we want to go," he told her, "so I guess we'll find out who's there and doing the cooking."
Mimi looked pleased, Chloe not so sure: She possibly had the same doubts as Roger.
They set off, scrambling down the embankment and into the woods again. Once at the bottom and back on their feet, Roger stretched out an arm in the general direction they needed to follow.
"We need to go in that direction," he told them.
They set off, walking slowly and with Roger in the lead.
After about half a mile he stretched out an arm and brought the girls behind him to a halt.
"I think that's the campsite over there," he said and pointing to a clearing up ahead. "Let's get a little closer, but go quietly… just tiptoe from now on, and no talking."
The three intrepid explorers crept slowly forward. Suddenly this was beginning to feel like the start of a great adventure.
On the edge of the clearing they stopped and hid behind a large tree trunk. With Roger and Mimi looking out from one side, and Chloe from the other, they observed the campsite. For a start it was not boy scouts, that was obvious, the place was not tidy enough. If anything the site looked more like it was occupied by hippies.
Over on the other side of the clearing was parked one of those old Volkswagon campervans with the spare wheel bolted to the front. It was painted brightly; mainly in reds, greens and oranges; and had writing on the side. Next to it stood a canvass awning spread amongst the trees and a fire burned nearby. As for activity, there appeared to be no evidence of any. At least no-one could be seen from where they were standing.
From behind the tree Roger consulted his map once more. There was an old cart track marked on the map that led from the road to the river. There must have been a ford or crossing there many years ago as the broken lines on the map continued to move on once across the other side of the river. He traced the track in the opposite direction, away from the river and as far back as the road. He then returned his finger along the line to their present position near to the track. It was about a mile's trek to the road, and then another three miles back to the farm after that.
"Right girl's, this is the plan," he said and gaining their attention, "there's a track that goes from here to the road. That's how that campervan van got this far into the woods. If we follow the track we should pass right through the middle of the bluebell woods before finally coming out on the road. We can then walk back to the farm that way. I reckon it's about four miles altogether, but at least we'll have no more rocks to clamber over."
Both Mimi and Chloe seemed relieved. The walk through the valley cutting had been nice, but once was enough. They had been there; done that; and now it was time for something different.
"Let's go then," said Chloe, "let's see some bluebells."
She did not like hanging around here any longer than necessary. There was something about the place she did not like. There was an eerie feeling to it all.
"Which way is it then?" asked Mimi.
Roger was not too sure. He had found the track on the map, but from the edge of the clearing there was no evidence of its existence.
"I reckon we need to follow the tracks left by that campervan. That should tell us which way to go," he explained.
Mimi looked out from behind the tree to the campsite on the other side of the clearing. There was still little evidence of anyone being there.
"Well let's go then," she said, "the sooner we find the track and get away from here the better."
Roger put the map away and stepped out into the clearing. The two girls followed on close behind. They set off towards the smoking fire and the campervan.
They arrived and looked around. Beneath the awning was a folding table and one single chair. There was also just one enamel plate and one mug on the surface.
"It looks like just one hippy then," observed Roger.
Mimi nodded her head and turned to walk away. She and Chloe had seen enough; the place looked spooky and gave them both the creeps.
The cart track was now apparent, and ran alongside where the campervan was parked. They set off, but as they passed the old battered Volkswagon, Mimi stopped to read the message on the side. It read: 'I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.' *
"What's that mean Roger?" asked Mimi and pointing to the words.
Roger read the message.
"It's something from the bible," he told her. "I guess we've got some sort of religious nutter camping here."
Mimi moved around to the other side of the Volkswagon.
"It's got something else written here," she told Roger. "It says: 'Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life'." **
Roger shrugged his shoulders. He was not a religious person.
"Perhaps that's what he's doing in these woods… perhaps he's looking for the tree of life!" he told Mimi.
Mimi appeared from around the other side of the campervan looking bemused.
"What's the tree of life?" she asked.
"I've no idea," said Roger.
In the mean time Chloe had taken it upon herself to start walking away. The sooner they were all out of here the better as far as she was concerned. She did not like the place at all.
"Come on you two, let's go and find those bluebells," she called from down the track.
Roger took Mimi's hand and they set off at a brisk pace to catch up with Chloe. The last thing they wanted to do was get mixed up with a religious fanatic who would probably start preaching to them as soon as they met up with him.
About half a mile along the track the bluebells began to appear, and soon afterwards the whole floor was covered in a sea of blue. Roger stopped and took photographs as the two girls moved away from the track and into the woods.
Chloe began to pick a bundle of bluebells. She would take them back to the farm and put them in water. She had plans to take them back to her little bedsit in the hall of residence at her university in London. She thought they were lovely.
 Eventually they sat down on a fallen tree covered in moss. Mimi took the rucksack from Roger and poured out the coffees. It was time for another well break deserved break.
After a while, and a cup of coffee later, Mimi said: "Well this looks like a good enough place for it Chloe! What do you think?"
"Looks fine by me Mimi," answered Chloe.
"Looks fine for what?" asked Roger.
The girls were always full of little secrets.
"To do another photo-shoot," Mimi told him.
"What? Of you two naked and romping through the woods?" said Roger.
He was already warming to the idea.
"No, with us tied to the trees, that's what," said Mimi.
Roger liked the idea even better, but he could foresee one little problem.
"That's all very well girls, but haven't we forgotten something? Like the ropes for instance?" he asked.
Mimi shook her head and delved inside the rucksack. The girls had done all the packing and Roger had only been asked to carry it. In fact, even during their two breaks he had never looked inside. On every occasion Mimi had done the dishing out of sandwiches and the pouring of coffee.
Mimi's hand appeared from out of the rucksack holding several coils of rope.
"Will this lot do?" she said with a smile.
Roger nodded his head.
"I reckon that'll do nicely," he confirmed. He also knew now why the rucksack had felt heavier than expected.
After a second cup of coffee and another sandwich each, the girls were eager to get started. They had agreed to take it in turns and Mimi was to go first. Chloe had been last to perform whilst riding the wooden pony in the tunnel, so it was Mimi's turn anyway.
Mimi got herself undressed, placing her clothes over the fallen tree, whilst Roger loaded up a new film into his camera.
In the meantime Chloe had been sent out to find a suitable tree with a sturdy overhanging branch that was just above head height. A short distance away she found a tree with a branch that stuck out horizontally from the trunk, and at about eight feet from off the floor. She reckoned that this tree would do nicely for what they had in mind.
Roger and a naked Mimi stepped through the bluebells to join Chloe who was stood next to the selected tree. Mimi was carrying several coils of rope in her hands.
As the couple arrived, Chloe pointed up to the chosen overhanging branch and spoke to Mimi: "I reckon this'll do nicely for starters, don't you Mimi?" she said.
Mimi nodded her head.
"That looks fine to me Chloe," she agreed.
Mimi handed Roger the ropes.
"Come on then, get tying Roger," she told him.
Roger took the ropes.
"This is becoming a habit," he told her.
Mimi smiled.
"A nice habit though?" she pointed out.
Roger returned the smile. He then looked upwards to the selected branch. He was getting quite an expert at tying knots, and he now knew exactly what to do without asking.
"Right, give us your wrists then Mimi," he told her, "put them together and let me tie the end of the rope around them."
Mimi thrust out her arms and placed her wrists together as requested.
Roger selected the longest piece of rope. It was about ten feet in length. He then formed a lasso, placed the loop about Mimi's wrists, and pulled tight. After that he did several turns about the wrists, before repeating the action in the opposite direction; coiling the rope around between the wrists. When he was done, he manoeuvred Mimi to stand directly beneath the overhanging branch and tossed the loose end of the rope up and over the bough. As the rope fell down the other side, he caught hold and pulled it downwards.
Mimi raised up her arms in readiness. Roger pulled further down on the rope and her arms moved up even higher. But he did not stop there. He kept pulling until she was at full stretch. He then secured the end on a small branch protruding from close to the base of the tree.
"How's that feel Mimi?" he asked once he was done.
Mimi nodded her head the best she could.
"That's just fine Roger," she assured him, "just carry on with what you're doing and I'll be okay."
Roger found a snapped off branch of a tree and broke off two stakes. He sunk them into the ground on either side of Mimi's legs, then drove them in further with a rock. Next, taking two pieces of rope about six feet in length, he secured the ends about Mimi's ankles. She now had a rope attached to each ankle.
"Right stretch out your legs," he instructed.
Mimi did so, opening out her legs as far as they could go. As the centre of gravity lowered, the rope that bound her wrists above her head pulled tighter. Roger waited for her to settle, then took hold of the end of one rope and pulled the leg outwards a little more. He then secured the end of the rope to the stake driven into the ground.
As Roger walked across to do up Mimi's other leg, he stopped for a brief second and asked: "Is everything all right?"
He remained concerned over Mimi's state of health, and did not want to do anything that would harm her or the baby.
"I'm fine Roger, stop worrying," she told him, "just get on with it, and start taking those photographs."
Roger collected up the second rope from by Mimi's outstretched foot and pulled it towards the stake in the ground. As Mimi's legs spread a little more, he secured the end to the stake. Her legs were now at full stretch, with her arms pulled way up above her head.
"How's that feel Mimi?" Roger asked once he was done.
"It feels just fine Roger! And stop worrying about me! I can live with this," she told him.
Roger kissed Mimi on the lips, then stepped back a couple of paces to observe the finished result from a distance. He nodded his approval. He was getting to be quite an expert by now, and knew what was required. This would do very nicely for the first few shots. After this he would add several variations to the shots before handing the session over to Chloe. He had two films left. His plan was to use up one film on Mimi, then use the other on Chloe afterwards.
Roger took up his camera and viewed Mimi through the view-finder. She was radiant, her fair skin shimmering amongst the light from the trees, and with a floor of blue stretched out all around her. He pressed the shutter and took the first photo. He felt sure that Lenny would go overboard for these shots, and could see a big pay-day coming for the girls.
After walking around Mimi and taking several shots from many different angles, it was time to move on and do something else. Roger as ever consulted the expert.
"What next Mimi?" he asked. "What do you suggest we do now?"
Mimi looked around. Chloe had moved some distance away and was picking more bluebells.
"How about doing the same, but with me blindfolded… those sort of shots always go down well with the magazine publishers," she explained.
Roger agreed, but could foresee another hitch.
"What do we use for a blindfold?" he asked.
Mimi did not answer, but instead called out to Chloe:
"Chloe?" she shouted loudly. "Can you go to the rucksack and bring us my scarf… it's black,…  and in one of the side pockets."
Roger smiled.
"You thought of everything," he told her.
It was Mimi's turn to smile.
"I've even thought of this," she told him. "Whilst she's gone, kiss me hard and finger my clitty… It might be the last chance I get until next weekend."
Roger laughed and bent forward to kiss Mimi on the lips. At the same time a hand dropped down run a finger between her legs. She was dripping wet as usual. The finger came to rest on Mimi's clitoris and began to gyrate in a little circular motion. Mimi closed up her eyes and began to enjoy the moment.
From the corner of his eye, Roger saw Chloe returning with the scarf and he withdrew his hand.
Mimi sighed. The captured moment together had been too brief.
As their lips parted she spoke: "Roger, you've got to fuck me before I go. Promise me… say you will?"
Roger nodded his head, but Chloe was nearly upon them now.
"I'm sure we can get a quicky in before you leave… don't worry, I want you just as much as you want me!" he told her.
They managed to get in one more quick kiss before Chloe finally reached them. She held out the scarf.
"Is this what you wanted?" she asked.
Roger nodded his head and took the scarf from her.
"Thanks Chloe," said Roger.
Chloe smiled a little knowing smile. She had deliberately walked slowly so as the two lovebirds could be together for a while. She had particularly enjoyed seeing Roger frigging Mimi's fanny. It was to be her turn next with the bondage. She wondered if she could get him to do the same to her? But she doubted it. Not with Mimi hovering around in the background. She would be down on Roger like a ton of bricks is she found him doing anything like that to her.
Roger knotted the scarf around Mimi's head.
"How's that?" he asked once he was done.
"Well I can't see a thing, so I guess it must be okay," reasoned Mimi.
Chloe moved out of the way once more, and Roger stepped back to begin another series of photographs.
When he was done Roger returned to Mimi and removed the blindfold. He put it away in his pocket. He gave Mimi a little kiss and looked around. Chloe was close by and picking even more bluebells. He wondered what she was going to do with them all.
Mimi remained tied to the branch; her arms up-stretched and legs held wide apart. For a moment he thought that he might have a second chance of toying with Mimi's fanny whilst they kissed some more, but disappointment came quickly. Chloe had seen that he had finished and was walking back to join them.
Roger gave a sigh. Somehow it was not meant to be.
"What next then Mimi?" he asked her.
It was back to work, and he was always looking to Mimi for advice.
"How many photos left in the camera?" she asked.
Roger looked to the little film counter on his camera.
"I've got about ten left on this film," he told her.
"Tie my legs up to the branch then... That should do to finish off the film," Mimi told him.
Roger nodded his head. He could see no objections to Mimi's suggestion. He bent down and untied her legs from two the stakes driven into the ground. Mimi closed up her legs and tried to relax for a moment. But the respite was to be short.
Roger called for help.
"Chloe, come here and give us a hand will you please?" he said.
Chloe arrived with a large bundle of bluebells in her hands. She placed them down on the ground.
"What do you want me to do Roger?" she asked.
"I want you to hold Mimi's leg up whilst I toss the rope over the branch," he told her.
Chloe did as she was told. She took hold of Mimi's left leg and raised it up to about hip height. Roger then threw the rope attached to the ankle up and over the branch. He caught the end, pulled on the rope, and tied it back around the ankle.
Mimi now stood tiptoed, with one foot on the ground, and the other held high by a rope that went up and over the branch above her head.
"Comfortable?" asked Roger.
"Just get on with it," hissed Mimi.
Roger chuckled. He was enjoying this.
"Right, next leg," he said to Chloe.
Chloe raised up Mimi's other leg and Roger tossed the rope up and over the branch. Once more he tied the loose end back around Mimi's ankle. Mimi was now swinging freely from the branch, held there by both arms and legs.
Roger gave Mimi another quick peck on the lips, and despite Chloe being close by, he ran a finger along her now very exposed slit, and gave an extra little rub to the clitoris.
Mimi moaned at the touch.
"You've got to fuck me now,… and as soon as we get back," she told Roger.
Roger smiled and gave a little push to the body. Mimi started to swing gently backwards and forwards from the branch.
"We'll see," he teased.
"Bastard!" she hissed.
Roger laughed.
"Just get on with it, we haven't go all day," said Mimi who was still swinging back and forth from the branch.
Roger took up his camera and looked through the view finder.
"Smile," he said as he took the first shot.
Mimi grimaced. A smile seemed inappropriate when you were tied hands and feet to a branch above your head.
Roger took several more shots, then looked to the film counter on the camera.
"Just one left," he told Mimi and raised the camera to his face.
"Just a minute Roger," interjected Chloe, "you may as well make the last one look good."
Roger lowered the camera and wondered what Chloe was going to do. He watched with amusement as she stepped up to Mimi and started placing bluebells in her open fanny. Soon there was a great circle of blue flowers between her legs.
Chloe stepped back.
"That's it… you can finish the film off now," she told Roger.
Roger brought the camera to his eye and zoomed in a little further.
The camera clicked, and that was the end of the film.

1:00 pm

The session was over, the film used up, and it was Chloe's turn next. Roger and the two girls moved back to the fallen tree trunk and started to get changed; Mimi into her clothes and Chloe out of hers. Mimi started by pulling on her panties, and Chloe drew her sweater up and over her head to reveal a black lacy bra beneath.
It was precisely at this point they heard a branch crack from somewhere close by. All three looked up and turned their heads.
"Roger… there's someone out there!" uttered Mimi as she clutched a pullover to her chest to cover her naked breasts.
Roger peered through the trees in the direction of the sound. Darting between the trees and moving rapidly away, he caught sight of a flash of white. Whoever it was, he was a long way off now, but it was still very worrying. That person, whoever he was, must have been much closer when the branch snapped.
"There he goes… he must have been watching us," said Roger pointing through the trees.
Mimi drew her pullover over her head and forgot about her bra.
"Roger, I want to get out of here… now!… This place gives me the willies," she told him.
Chloe felt very much the same and put her own clothes back on. Suddenly all thoughts of the next photo-shoot were gone.
 "Do you think it was that religious nut case from the campsite?" asked Mimi as she sat on the tree trunk lacing up the last of her trainers.
Roger shrugged his shoulders.
"Could have been anybody," he said quite honestly.


At sometime around two o'clock in the afternoon Roger and the two girls stepped out of the woods and onto the road.
"Well girls," said Roger. "Three miles down the road in that direction is Carrowbank Farm. There's a steep climb first up and through the cutting, but after that it's downhill all the way."
"Well let's get going," said Mimi setting off up the road.
Chloe headed off in quick pursuit.
Roger looked to his watch. They should be back at the farm sometime around half past three. Chloe needed to be away by four o'clock at the latest. She had work to prepare for university the next morning and did not want to get back any later.
Roger managed a smile. He had a promise to keep. There was just enough time for one quick lovemaking session before saying goodbye.
With a brisk stride to his step he caught up with the girls.
At this rate they would get back quicker than estimated.
That meant more time in bed with Mimi, and he was all for that.
4:00 pm

The lovemaking session did occur, and it was quick. Far too quick for both of their likings, but alas inevitable. As four o'clock came round it was sadly time for Mimi to depart.
After saying goodbye to Godfrey, Mimi and Chloe collected up their respective travel bags and moved outside to the car. Roger kissed Chloe goodbye first as she stood alongside the car. She had a great big bundle of bluebells in her arms.
"And thanks for the weekend Chloe," said Roger as she moved to sit down in the passenger seat of the car.
"And thanks for putting up with me too... It was such a lovely weekend, we must do this more often," she told him.
"I guess there'll be plenty more opportunities, especially with summer coming on," Roger assured her.
"And Roger don't forget, I want a copy of all the photographs you've taken," she said before finally sitting down inside the car and placing the bluebells on her lap.
"I'll make sure you get a complete copy of everything Chloe," Roger assured her.
Behind the car, with Chloe's back to them, Roger and Mimi kissed hard and long. This was the time neither of them enjoyed. Parting, even for just one week was painful.
Eventually they broke their embrace.
"The next time I see you Mimi, I'll be placing a ring on your finger, and you'll be mine forever," Roger told her.
A little tear formed in Mimi's eyes.
"Oh Roger, I love you," she said, and she threw her arms about his neck once more and kissed him all over again.
"And I love you too Mimi," said Roger as they broke apart once more.
Eventually Mimi did make it to the car and set off from the farm.
As the car disappeared from sight, Roger waved goodbye.
"See you next Saturday Mimi," he called.
He sighed.
Next Saturday was six long days away; six long days before Mimi would return.
His sigh turned to a smile.
After that they would be officially engaged, and he would be proud to call her his fiancée.

End of Chapter Ten

(* ** Revelation, Chapter XXII, verses *13 & **14.)