by Nosbert



Three weeks later … Saturday 12th February …

9:00 am

Saturday the twelfth of February was to be the day of Mr. McTavish's return from Australia.
Roger had spoken to Mr. McTavish over the phone on a couple of occasions since the photo-shoot. The Scotsman had received his parcel and was absolutely delighted with the results. The brochures were now all drawn up and the printing was well underway.
As for Mr. McTavish's return, he was due back sometime that evening, possibly around seven o'clock, but that was all dependent on flight times and various delays that always seemed to occur on these long-haul flights. Roger had suggested that he meet him at the airport, but Mr. McTavish had told him that he had already organised a lift. Someone called Jimmy Jones was picking him up at the airport and bringing him back to Littlesea.
Roger had sent the eight workmen home for the weekend. They had worked solidly for three weeks and now it was time for another break. The exhibition hall however was starting to look good and most of the displays were now in position.
As for Roger, well he had other plans for the day, and they were exciting. Not only was Mimi arriving, but Lenny and Judi with a couple of younger girls were also coming down from London.
Earlier in the week Lenny had made contact with Roger and told him that he was looking for a farmyard location for a photo-shoot. Somewhere with old barns and plenty of beams. He explained that he had a possible contract with a magazine that was willing to pay well for some farmyard shots. However on this occasion the models had to be young girls aged eighteen or nineteen, so Mimi and Judi would not do. It seemed very odd to Roger that at twenty-five years of age you were considered too old for certain magazines. But emphasis on the younger student seemed to be a big seller in this strange world of BDSM.
The phone call from Lenny had come about because Mimi had spoken often at the studios about Carrowbank Farm, and the fact that she and Roger would be moving in there as soon as Mr. McTavish returned.
Having been approached, then Roger could see no reason why not, but he had informed Lenny that he would have to ask Godfrey for his permission first. However, when it did come to the asking, he did not actually reveal the true nature of the photo-shoot. He had told Godfrey it would be glamour girls, the sort of things you got on calendars, that would be coming to the farm. Anyway as it turned out it did not really matter. The farmer was only too delighted to say yes. And besides he was out all weekend anyway. He was off to a two-day 'National Farming Convention' being held some fifty miles along the coast. He was setting off early on Saturday morning and returning late on Sunday night, so the whole place was free for Roger to use for the entire the weekend.
Roger had relayed the good news on to Lenny and the photo-shoot was quickly scheduled for this coming Saturday. They had all agreed to meet up at the farm sometime around ten o'clock that morning. They were to travel down together in two cars, with Mimi leading the way. Lenny, Judi and the two models were planning to return that evening, but Mimi as usual was stopping overnight at the farm and returning to London on the Sunday evening.
Roger had organised with Godfrey to have his old room back where he once lodged. This would give Mimi her first taste of the place and hopefully entice her to stay many more weekends on the farm in future. With Mr. McTavish returning that very day he considered this to be a more prudent move; and besides with the Scotsman back and wanting his bigger bedroom back, then the small second bedroom was not large enough for two people to sleep anyway. There was also one more important factor to consider here; the walls in the attic were awfully thin!
It was therefore a cheerful Roger that locked the main gates behind him and set off for Carrowbank Farm that morning. He planned to spend the entire day at the farm. He would return to Littlesea the next day to see if Mr. McTavish had returned home safely. But in the meantime he had to find a shop that sold Lenny's favourite whisky. He was also wondering what sort of wine to buy the girls on this occasion.

9:30 am

Many miles away, in a cheaply rented room in a run-down office block in the old dockland area of London a meeting of 'CROPWATCH', a self-styled protest group, opposed mainly to the growing of any 'Genetically Modified' crops, was in full swing.
The full committee were present and seated around an old battered table. This one room was the headquarters of the organisation. Apart from the table they were all seated around, in one corner stood a wobbly desk, a rusting filing cabinet and a ten year old photocopying machine, but that was about all there was to the room. However, no-one present at the meeting minded. For the money and the resources available then this was about the best they could ever hope to achieve.
There were twelve people in the room altogether. Ten were delegates, the other two were the elected full time officials of the organisation. Most, if not all of the delegates were young students still at college or university and had come from all four corners of the United Kingdom, including one from Scotland and one from Wales. Of the ten delegates, they were split equally amongst the sexes, with five males and five females attending. At the head of the long table sat the two full time, but unpaid, officials of Cropwatch. These were both females. One was the chairperson, a mature woman in her early thirties by the name of Sylvia Sparelli. The other full time official was the organisation's secretary, a younger woman in her mid-twenties, and her name was Laura Bennett.
The meeting had been going on for about thirty minutes. Most of the formalities and reports on the successes and failures of the last organised protest had been recorded in the minute book, along with any lessons to be learned. It was now time to move on to discuss the next organised Cropwatch disruption. But firstly there was the issuing of a number of certain protest items to be dealt with.
Sylvia Sparelli called down the long narrow table to the Scottish delegate seated at the far end.
"Right Stuart, can you lift the box up onto the table and show us what's been donated by our Scottish Branch?" she asked, then addressing the rest of the delegates she added: "I think you'll all appreciate this."
Only the two full time officials sat at the top end of the table, and the Scottish delegate at the other, knew of the contents of the large box.
A young man seated at the opposite end of the table stooped down and raised a heavy looking box from off the floor by his feet and placed it on the table before him. He stood up and opened the flaps of the box. Delving his hands inside he pulled out one small box and slid it along the surface to Sylvia Sparelli at the opposite end of the table.
"These have all been donated completely free of charge by an anonymous donor in Scotland. Altogether there are one hundred and twenty in this box," Stuart told the full committee.
He was grinning like a Cheshire cat and enjoying keeping them all in suspense for a little while longer.
All eyes turned to Sylvia Sparelli as she set about opening the small box. She tipped it up, and a shining chrome object thudded against the wooden surface of the table. Suddenly there were a few hoots of delight as the item inside became revealed. On the table rested a pair of handcuffs.
Sylvia Sparelli picked up the handcuffs and held them high so that everyone sat around the table could see.
"In the past we've managed to cause a little embarrassment here and there when some of our members have chained themselves to railings or lampposts. But think of the chaos it would cause if one hundred and twenty protesters were to do it all at the same time. I think this is a brilliant donation and our vote of thanks should be sent back to Scotland for presenting us with these items. I'm sure we can make good use of them. Don't you committee?" she told them.
No one disagreed. It really was a very useful contribution to the cause. Everyone was aware that the longer a disturbance went on, then the more publicity they would receive. If the police could not throw them into their vans straightaway because they were all chained to a combine harvester or some other farmyard appliance, then total chaos would ensue.
In the end it was agreed that the handcuffs should all be kept together in the box and dished out at the next protest. Laura Bennett, the secretary agreed to take charge and organise the distribution on the day of the next protest.
"Right, let's move on to our next protest action then shall we?" said Sylvia skipping to the next item on the agenda, and of course the main reason for calling the meeting today.
She then turned to a young woman seated immediately to her right, and asked: "Gayle, what have you found for us this time?"
Gayle Jackson, the London area delegate, already had a sheet of paper laid out before her. She started to read from the typed-up list.
"We have discovered two new experimental genetically modified crop sites to target," she told the delegation. "One's located in Shropshire close to the Welsh border, and the other's on the south coast. They are both known to be growing experimental genetically modified oil-seed rape crops. The Welsh border site has six acres planted, and the south coast has ten. The question is, which one do we target next?… And of course when?"
"Where's the one on the south coast situated," asked Sylvia thoughtfully.
She was from the south coast of England herself so had a good knowledge of the area.
"It's at a place called Carrowton. It's a little village at the foot of the Southern Hills and not far from Littlesea. The farm itself is called 'Carrowbank Farm' and lies next to the River Carrow," explained Gayle Jackson.
"I think I know the place Gayle," said Sylvia Sparelli. "I was born and bred in the area and went to school in Littlesea. And I remember the old train line used to follow the Carrow Valley before it was closed down. I think I was about seven at the time. But I remember there was a Carrowton Halt somewhere along the line. Have I got the right place?"
"Yes you've got the right place Sylvia," confirmed Gayle. "We've already surveyed the area and have a rough idea of what is involved. The ten acres in question lies between the river and the old railway embankments. And a little further on is the old tunnel where the railway line used to go under the hills."
Sylvia smiled. Once having been described to her she now knew exactly where the place was. She remembered the tunnel too. It was a long one, probably two miles long.
"I know exactly where you mean now Gayle," Sylvia told her. "The river flows out to sea at Carrowmouth. If you move along the coast from Littlesea, it's a little seaside village just over the other side of a big hill called Castle Point. There's a road there that follows the river and the old railway lines all the way up the valley. It then climbs up and over the hills."
"That's right Sylvia, the road runs along there too. Most of the time next to the old railway line. From the coast you go through the small village of Carrowton first, you then carry on for about another couple of miles before you come to Carrowbank Farm. It's a big old grey building on the left and surrounded by big barns," confirmed Gayle.
Sylvia Sparelli remembered it all now. She also recalled the big old grey farmhouse and its many outbuildings. She could even remember seeing lots of pigs in the fields next to the river. It could even have been one of the biggest pig farms in the area. She vaguely recalled someone telling her this when she was young. But she was not too sure about that.
The meeting continued and the Welsh border site was also discussed. But if Sylvia Sparelli had her way, then the delegates were all going to leave the meeting having agreed to target the farm on the south coast. A little nostalgia had crept in and she wanted to return to her roots. Her parents had left the Littlesea area and moved to London when she was sixteen, and that was over seventeen years ago; more than half her life away. She was now thirty-three years old and never had a serious relationship with any man. But that was in her make-up. She was a very independent woman with strong views on how the world should be run, including the banning of all genetically modified crops.
It was therefore quite natural for Littlesea to be ranked highly on Sylvia's list as the meeting debated the question of where the next raid should take place. She considered it would be nice to go back to her roots and see what had changed in the intervening years. It would also give her an opportunity to look up an old school friend of hers. Davina Brackley she had been called then. She was a little blonde headed girl in pigtails. But she had married since and her name was now Davina Townsend.
The meeting finally broke up some two hours later, and not surprisingly Carrowbank Farm was to be their next agreed target. A date had also been set for the protest. The raid was to take place on Saturday the fourth of March, and the time would be somewhere around midday. This would give ample time for all the protesters to assemble in the area before invading the meadow and uprooting all of the crop.
Before all the delegates could go their separate ways however, there was one more thing left to do, and that was to pose for a photo session. Desmond Douglas, the delegate representing the South East, also happened to be the editor, column writer and publisher of the protest group's 'The Cropwatch Journal'. A cheap four page news sheet that was given away on the streets and issued monthly to all its members.
Desmond Douglas gathered up all the female delegates and officials of the organisation and got them to stand against the back wall of the office. There were seven in all; five delegates and two officials. At the centre of the group stood the chairperson Sylvia Sparelli. To one side of her stood the London representative, Gayle Jackson, and on the other, the organisation's Secretary, Laura Bennett. To the left of that trio stood two more delegates; these were from the North East and the West Midlands; and to the right stood those representing East Anglia and the Home Counties.
"Smile," said Desmond.
The camera clicked and a flash bulb went off.
"Just one more," he added, and the flash went off once more.
"That's fine, thank you," he said when he was done.
The six young women who were stood to either side of the chairperson then moved away leaving Sylvia Sparelli and Desmond Douglas to talk alone together.
"When are we going to see the photos then Desmond?" asked Sylvia.
"I hope to get them in the March issue Sylvia," he informed her. "I'm also aiming to have enough copies ready to distribute at the next protest on the south coast."
Sylvia smiled.
"That's a good idea Desmond," she told him, "perhaps we can drop some news sheets about the town too. Just to let them know who we are and what we're trying to achieve."
"I'd better get my film developed quickly then," he said, "and churn out a few extra copies if that's the plan."
"You do that then Desmond, and I'll see you at the protest," she said.
"Will do Sylvia," replied Desmond, "see you there."
The two organisation members then went their different ways to join in separate discussions with people now in the process of packing up and heading back to whatever part of the country they had travelled down from.
Sylvia Sparelli thought the meeting to have been a good one, with the organisation going from strength to strength. She was of the opinion that the next official protest was going to be a good one too. She was also wondering when it would be best to contact Davina Townsend in Littlesea and tell her that she was going to be in the area in three weeks time. Apart from the protest, she was looking forward to meeting up with her old school friend once again and having a little chat about old times.
Sylvia Sparelli left the meeting in a happy mood, as did everyone else. The one regret possibly coming from the London delegate, Gayle Jackson. She had turned down an offer of a lucrative photo-shoot for a pornographic magazine in order to be at the Cropwatch meeting today.
FotoPix Studios, where Gayle had done some previous work, were looking for two young girls for a photo-shoot this weekend. She had been contacted and told that the shoot was out on location somewhere, and also very well paid. She had also been told that another girl from the same university as her had already elected to go and they were looking for a second. But she had been forced to decline. However she did not mind. Even though short of cash the principles of what Cropwatch stood for ranked far higher than any of her own personal needs.

10:00 am

Roger had been at the farm for no more than five minutes when he heard the two cars arrive. He had not even had time to put the kettle on. In fact the only thing he had managed to do was put four bottles of wine in the fridge to chill. Quickly he departed the farmhouse and crossed the courtyard to greet the new arrivals. Mimi got out of her car and flung her arms about Roger's neck. They kissed and hugged.
"Hey! Don't damage the goods!" shouted Lenny as he got out of the second car.
Roger and Mimi broke their clench and smiled above the roof of Mimi's car.
"Sorry Lenny, I was forgetting that you had first call on her today," joked Roger.
A young teenage girl stepped out of the car from the door behind Lenny and stretched her limbs. She looked towards Mimi and Roger and smiled.
Lenny introduced the young girl to Roger.
"This is Chloe, she's our model for the day," said Lenny over the top of Mimi's car. He then turned to Chloe and added: "And Chloe this is Roger, our host for the day."
"Morning Chloe, " greeted Roger. He was still hugging Mimi as he spoke.
"Good morning Roger," she called back with a smile then stretched and yawned once more.
Chloe was a young blonde girl. She was nineteen years of age, of medium build, with a shapely figure and decent sized breasts. She was an intelligent girl in her first year at a university in London where she was reading Sociology. But like all young students she was also in desperate need of money, and that was why she was here today.
Judi was last to get out of the car. She yawned and stretched. She had been asleep whilst Lenny was driving and had just woken up. All four had started out early that morning and had driven all the way without stopping. Lenny's estate car on this occasion had the back seats up so that Chloe could sit there, and as a result the rear had been packed to the roof with photographic equipment. To compensate, Mimi's car also carried equipment, and this had been packed either into the boot or placed on the back seat of the car.
"Come on in the house Judi, and you too Chloe. Let's have a drink and a bite to eat before we get started," called Mimi. "And I guess you two fellows want something too?" she added.
Both Roger and Lenny nodded their heads.
"Put the kettle on and get the bacon frying, and we'll join you shortly," said Roger.
The three girls made for the house whilst Roger and Lenny hung around for a while.
"Good journey down?" asked Roger.
"Oh, not too bad Roger," replied Lenny with a long yawn and stretch.
Over the phone Lenny had mentioned to Roger that two young girls would be coming down to the farm, but it appeared that only Chloe had come with them today.
"I see that you've only brought one young girl down with you Lenny?" he remarked. "Is someone else coming in another car?"
Lenny shook his head.
"No, sorry Roger… couldn't get anyone else to come with us," said Lenny sadly. "All these young girls nowadays seem so busy… I got Chloe to agree all right, but after that it was a nightmare… I had one girl come back to us during the week for a few takes… Her name was Gayle Jackson… I thought that I might persuade her to come down with us… She was obviously desperate for money and I offered to pay her double the normal rate if she came with us today, but she declined… She said that she had a meeting to go to… She's into protesting about something or other, but I can't quite remember what it was all about… but never mind, whatever she feels the need to protest about, it's obviously more important than coming down here with us."
"So it's just Chloe today then?" questioned Roger.
Lenny nodded his head.
"It's just Chloe for the contract," confirmed Lenny, "but if I've got time I'll probably get a few of Judi and Mimi whilst they're both here. You never know, they may come in handy in the future. I like to have a few copies of something held in reserve just in case the need arises."
Roger did not mind if he just saw Chloe in action. The last photo-shoot at the amusement park had been fantastic and he was sure that this one was going to be just as good.
"Better show you what's on offer then Lenny," he said.
Lenny looked around the old barns that surrounded the courtyard. He could see great potential here for a whole series of photographs. The big barn directly opposite the farmhouse looked particularly interesting. It was  four storeys high and had a door and hoist on the top floor once used for raising sacks of grain to the highest level.
"Can we use this barn Roger?" asked Lenny after a while.
"I guess so Lenny," confirmed Roger, "apart from housing a tractor and a trailer it's completely empty. The only building that's used now is the barn over there, and that's full of old junk from the amusement park."
Roger moved to the double doors at the front of the barn and pulled them open. Two chickens scuttled out and clucked their way across the yard. The two men peered into the gloom. There was a tractor inside facing forwards and waiting to be driven out. They entered the building by squashing between the tractor's front wheel and the corner of the wall. It was a bit dark inside but their eyes adjusted quickly. There was a trailer attached to the tractor, but to either side of the machinery there were vast areas of empty spaces.
Lenny looked around and nodded his head in approval. This barn had everything he was looking for. There were old wooden beams and pillars everywhere. The roof above was constructed of old wooden boards which were basically the floorboards from the level above. All the beams and pillars seemed to have old hooks hammered into them somewhere, and most had some farmyard implement or other device hanging from them. At either end of the long barn there were a series of rickety wooden stairs. The ground floor was covered in flattened straw and looked like it had seen many years of farmyard use, including most probably several layers of compacted cow-shit below the present surface.
Roger tried to explain the barn's history. He was not a farmer, but Godfrey had once told him what this old barn had been used for.
"Apparently Lenny, there was once an old mill on the third floor. Grain was taken up to the top on the hoist, then fed down chutes to the mill. The wheat was then ground and flour came out here at the bottom somewhere," said Roger trying hard not to appear too technical in any way.
Lenny however was more concerned with its present use.
"I'll need electricity for my lights," he said.
There were large bare light bulbs on the beams running down the centre, but he could see no evidence of any power points.
"There's electricity in the barn somewhere," confirmed Roger. "I think the switches are over there by the stairs."
"What about power points?" asked Lenny.
Roger shrugged his shoulders.
"No idea Lenny!" he remarked quite honestly.
For once Roger had not done his homework and had not got a clue whether or not there were any power points around. But he did know of an alternative. There was a portable generator somewhere amongst the items brought over from the amusement park. He could get that going if the need was required.
The couple moved to the end of the barn and to where the light switches were located. Roger switched them on. Immediately the ground floor lit up. At least this proved that electricity was present in the building.
"Will that do?" asked Roger.
Lenny pulled a face. It was not ideal for what he wanted to achieve.
"I'll need more lighting than that Roger," he told him.
"There's a portable generator over in the other barn somewhere. I can fix that up," suggested Roger.
Lenny rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
"I don't think that will be necessary Roger," he told him. "I've got plenty of gang plugs in the car and I can connect them into the light sockets. As long as the fuses hold I reckon we'll be okay."
"Are you sure Lenny?" asked Roger.
Lenny nodded his head. He was not too sure, but it seemed the easiest way of going about it.
"Yes, sure! I should be able to get enough lighting going for my needs without overloading the circuit boards," he said and crossing his fingers behind his back.
Roger hoped that Lenny knew what he was doing and said no more. He was also hungry and he guessed that Lenny was too. It was time for a hot cup of coffee and a bacon sandwich.
"Well shall we go and join the girls then? I reckon breakfast should be ready by now," said Roger.
Lenny nodded his head.
"I could do with a bite to eat Roger… Let's go and see the girls shall we?" replied Lenny.
With that the two men turned and headed for the farmhouse.
All talk of photo-shoots, power points and lighting could wait until after they had eaten.

11:00 am

After breakfast Lenny and Roger returned to the barn and leaving the two girls to wash up and chat for a little bit longer. Roger opted to move the tractor and trailer out into the yard, whilst Lenny concentrated on getting the lighting set up.
Not long afterwards all three girls appeared in the barn. Mimi and Judi were still dressed in the clothes they arrived in, but Chloe had changed into a dressing gown and slippers in readiness for the photo-shoot. Roger felt at a bit of a loss and settled for keeping out of the way. He would observe from a distance and watch the experts at work.
Lenny brought in a large wooden chest from out of the back of his car and dumped it down on the floor of the barn. He opened it up to reveal chains, shackles, leather cuffs, ropes and whips of all sizes and descriptions. This was his travelling bondage kit.
Lenny began to rummage around inside the chest, and one at a time extracted four separate lengths of chain with a leather cuff attached to one end. As he untangled each one he passed the chain to Judi who was standing by his side.
When he was finished he turned to Chloe who was standing and chatting to Mimi a short distance away.
"Right Chloe," he said, "to begin with I want you over there beneath that beam where I've set up the lights. We're going to do a few spread photos first."
Judi, with chains and cuffs in her hands walked across the barn to where Lenny had indicated. There were two hooks in the beam spaced well apart. There were also two wooden pillars rising up from the barn floor that supported the cross beam. She looked at the arrangement, then looked around. She needed help to reach the hooks. Lenny, as usual at this stage of any photo-shoot was pre-occupied with loading up his cameras, so she turned to Roger for help.
"Roger, can you give me a hand here please?" she asked.
Roger crossed the barn floor to meet her.
"I want these two chains fixed to those two hooks up there please," she said and pointing with a finger to the places she meant.
Roger noted that of the four chains in Judi's hands, two were quite short whilst the other two were much longer. She offered him the two much shorter chains. He took them from Judi then gauged their relative shortness against the great distance the hooks were apart. He had his doubts whether the leather cuffs would reach Chloe's outstretched arms.
"They're a bit far apart, are you sure her arms will stretch that far?" he queried.
Judi gave a little knowing smile.
"She'll make it! When Lenny says that he wants spread photos then he means it," she told him.
Roger checked the distance again. It was going to be one mighty stretch if she did.
He looked to Chloe. "Better you than me then!" he remarked.
Chloe merely shrugged her shoulders. This was no big deal. Being pulled and stretched in every direction was just something that came with the job. Although still relatively young she had been part of the bondage scene for at least three years now. She had been introduced to it when a boyfriend at the time had tied her to the bed. Since then she had dumped that original boyfriend, but kept up with the bondage side of his foreplay. It was something that really turned her on, and probably the only way to enjoy sex to the full. Currently she was a member of a local BDSM club close to the university, and had several boyfriends to choose from. None of which were serious contenders for her affections at present. She was more concerned with getting good grades and graduating with honours from university.
For the record it was Chloe's links with the BDSM club that introduced her to FotoPix Studios in the first place. Lenny had been scouting around making inquiries and left his card with the club secretary. Chloe, along with another girl at the club named Gayle Jackson had read the card and agreed to go along together. After that the rest was history. Lenny had given them work at separate times and paid them for their services. When a phone call during the week arrived asking Chloe to do some farmyard takes, she had agreed readily. Her one regret possibly being that her university colleague, Gayle Jackson, could not make it with her. But that did not matter too much. Even though they both attended the same university and were members of the same BDSM club, they rarely saw each other socially. They were merely acquaintances and not real friends.
Chloe smiled at Roger.
"Don't worry about me!… I've suffered much worst," she told him.
Roger smiled back uneasily and separated the two chains in his hands. They were both about three feet in length. At one end there was dog-leash type clip and at the other a stout leather cuff. He shrugged his shoulders and looked to the beam above his head. If this was what Judi wanted, and Chloe had no objections, then who was he to argue? He stretched upwards and dropped the end of the clip over the hook. He then walked across to the other hook and placed the second chain on it.
"How's that then?" he asked Judi when he was done.
Judi nodded her head in approval.
"That's fine Roger," she confirmed.
Judi then turned to Chloe.
"Right Chloe," she said, "get your robe off and stand under the beam."
Chloe stepped out of her slippers then removed her dressing gown to stand naked on the floor. She handed the dressing gown to Mimi who was stood alongside. She then walked across to the beam as instructed.
Roger was still standing beneath the beam as Chloe walked towards him. He stepped to one side. This was the first time he had seen Chloe without any clothes on, and he approved wholeheartedly with what he saw. For a teenager she had well developed breasts and had a shapely body to match. He also noted that she was a natural blonde.
Chloe positioned herself centrally between the two hanging chains and stretched out her arms.
"Right, I'm ready," she said and looking at Roger who was stood by her side.
Roger had thought that his job was done when he hooked the chains to the beams, but it appeared that he was now being asked to do more. However he had no objections. He looked to Judi for confirmation.
"Carry on, you can reach much better than I can Roger," she told him.
Roger brought the cuff of the nearest chain towards Chloe's outstretched arm and buckled the strap about her wrist. That was the easy part and the hard bit was still to come. He moved to the other arm, and taking hold of Chloe's wrist in one hand and the leather cuff in the other, he brought the two together. They just about touched. Chloe raised herself up on tiptoes and stretched out her arm to assist the best she could. It was like Roger had thought, it was going to be one mighty stretch for the young girl. It was also not an easy task for Roger. He struggled to fasten the leather cuff, and only managed it at the third attempt.
When he was done he stepped away to stand alongside Judi and Mimi who had been looking on. Chloe's arms were at full stretch and already her heels were raised up off the floor.
Roger did not know it, but the three girls beforehand had colluded into making him do all the work. Mimi had put them up to it of course, but the other two had only been too willing to agree.
Judi handed Roger the other two chains.
"You'd better finish the job off now Roger," she told him.
Roger took the chains. These were much longer than the ones used for the arms and were about six feet in length. He looked to see what was needed. The only anchorage points he could see were the two wooden pillars on either side. He judged the lengths. Once more he reckoned that it was going to be a tight fit. But if he wrapped the chains about the base of the pillars and hooked the end clip back onto the chain, he reckoned that the two cuffs would just about reach Chloe's outstretched legs.
"Fasten the straps to her ankles first," said Judi offering advice.
Roger took Judi's advice and knelt down at Chloe's feet. He then attached the two leather straps to her ankles. Taking hold of the end of one chain he stood up and took two paces towards the upright pillar. Pulling the chain towards him and Chloe's leg with it, he wrapped the end around the base of the pillar and clipped it into a loop.
He looked to Chloe. She was stood tiptoed on one leg with the other drawn out sideways and off the ground. He reckoned that once the other leg was done, then there was no way she could be touching the floor. It was just a physical impossibility. However this did not deter him from his task. In truth he was enjoying every minute of it.
Roger walked back to the centre and picked up the end of the other chain. He then took two paces in the other direction and turned. He had not pulled on the chain yet and Chloe remained poised on one foot.
Roger looked to Judi and Mimi to see that they were both trying to hide a little snigger. He guessed that Mimi had put him up to all this. He looked back to Chloe. She had her eyes closed and was gritting her teeth. He assumed that whatever he did now it was not going to make her any more uncomfortable. Slowly he pulled on the chain and drew her leg towards him. Both feet were now off the ground, and that was the way they were going to remain. Quickly he wrapped the end of the chain about the second pillar and secured the clip.
Judi and Mimi began to clap.
Roger looked up and took a bow.
"Well done Roger," shouted Mimi, "we'll make an expert dungeon master of you yet."
"I'm slowly getting the hang of it," he replied, "but I guess I still need lots more practice."
"We've got all day to go," Judi reminded him. "It looks like you've got yourself a job."
It was Roger's turn to smile. This was one job he did not mind doing at all.
As they chatted Lenny appeared on the scene and started to adjust the lighting. He tossed a leather collar to Judi who then threw it on to Roger.
Roger caught the object and looked to see what had been passed to him. It was basically nothing more than a dog collar, with a wide leather strap and plenty of studs.
"It goes around Chloe's neck for effect," Judi told him.
Roger stepped in front of Chloe, opened out the collar and passed it around her neck.
Chloe smiled at Roger. She appeared to be taking everything in her stride despite being stretched to the limits and taking all her weight on her wrists.
"Woof… woof…" she said as he buckled the collar about her neck.
Roger laughed.
It was a puzzlement to him how anybody could act so light-heartedly considering the predicament she was in. But then, once again he was new to this game, and nothing in this strange world of BDSM surprised him anymore.
Lenny was ready and he stepped into the glare of the lights. It was his turn to take over. Quickly Roger moved out of the way to join Mimi and Judi.
Lenny raised his camera to his eye and the shutter clicked.
The photo-shoot was on its way.
"I think he'll ask for Chloe's legs to be raised up higher when he's finished," said Judi. "He'll probably want the bottom chains moving up to the hooks eventually. So get yourself ready."
Roger was ready, willing and able.
He would do whatever they asked of him, and all day long if necessary..
He was really beginning to like these photo-shoot sessions of Lenny's.
5:00 pm

The day's photo-shoot had ended, everything had been packed away in the cars, and all were back in the kitchen of Carrowbank Farm. Roger presented Lenny with a bottle of his favourite whisky. He also opened up a bottle of wine and set out five glasses on the kitchen table. He began to pour out the drinks.
"Just a little celebration drink," Roger told them all.
Judi looked to Mimi stood by her side.
"It looks like I'm driving back then?" she commented. "I'd better just stick to one glass."
"It looks very much like it," replied Mimi on seeing Lenny knock back his first full glass of whisky in one go.
The two men sat down at the kitchen table and Roger refilled Lenny's glass.
Roger raised his own glass and offered a toast.
"Here's to yet another successful photo-shoot," he said.
Lenny raised up his own glass and touched Roger's glass.
"And here's to us and a bottle of good whisky," said Lenny.
Then he remembered something.
"Oh, and I nearly forgot. I've got this for you," he said.
And with that he began to fumble through the pockets of his jacket hanging on the back of the chair behind him. Eventually he found what he was looking for and passed it across the table to Roger. It was an envelope full of photographs.
"Those are the films you asked me to develop for you a couple of weeks back," said Lenny, "and I must say for an amateur they're pretty good."
Roger had forgotten all about these photographs. They were the ones he had taken of Mimi in the dungeon when she was hanging upside down from the end of the chain. After that session he had handed the films to Mimi for developing. She had promised to give them to Lenny when she got back to work, but since then he had completely forgotten about them. He opened up the envelope and started to look through the photographs. He whistled softly to himself. These were some snapshots.
The ones where he was whipping Mimi looked particularly good. They showed a hooded monk lashing out with a whip and striking her as she slowly rotated on the end of the chain. One shot in particular looked very good. The snap had been taken at the very instant the end of the whip was catching Mimi across the breasts. But what set the whole scene off was the background setting. This looked particularly good with the big stone pillars and high vaulted roof. It gave the appearance of a real bondage scene set in a real dungeon.
Roger showed Mimi the photograph. She had moved to stand behind Roger who was seated at the table. The other two girls, Judi and Chloe had also moved to sit at the table and sip their wine.
"Mmmm… very good," she said with a little nod of approval. "I think you should give up your day job Roger and take up photography. This could go in any of our magazines and be a great success."
Mimi passed the photograph on for the other girls to see. In the meantime Roger passed her another.
Lenny butted in.
"That's what I was meaning to talk to you about Roger," said Lenny. "I can get them all published, and you can earn royalties from them… So what do you say? Can I hand the negatives over to a publisher?"
Roger had never even considered the idea, and Lenny's offer had come as a bit of a surprise.
"Go on Roger, get them put in a magazine… tell Lenny yes," said Mimi and giving him a little poke in his back with a finger.
"The money's good," added Lenny across the table. "I can probably get you five hundred pounds for that little lot."
Roger did not need the money. Five hundred pounds was neither here nor there to him. But if Mimi wanted it to happen then he would agree. He was doing this for her, so perhaps she should keep the money instead.
"Ah, go on then Lenny," consented Roger. "As long as my name's not mentioned I guess it'll be all right. And if there is any money in it, then give it all to Mimi. She's the star of the pictures anyway and deserves something from it all."
"Fantastic!" shouted Mimi joyfully behind his back. "You're going to make the big time Roger."
Roger turned round on the chair to face Mimi.
"I'll need lots more practice then," he told her.
"Starting when?" asked Mimi with a glint to her eye.
"Starting tonight I guess," he told her, "I just hope you're up to it Mimi… you'll need an awful lot of stamina to keep up with me!"
"I reckon I can just about manage that," replied Mimi.
Chloe had been listening intently to what was being said and could see an opportunity of getting some more work.
"Hey, you two, don't forget me. If there's any more photo-shoots going on in the  future, I'm always available," interrupted Chloe. "I'm always looking for an extra bit of work."
Mimi poked Roger in the back again. She had not considered working with Chloe as a twosome. But the more she thought about it then the more she liked it.
"That's a good idea Roger," she said, "why don't we have a twosome sometime. Me and Chloe together and you behind the camera? That's if Chloe's agreeable that is?"
"That's fine by me," said Roger.
Mimi turned to Chloe seated at the table and asked: "Well Chloe, what do you think?"
Chloe nodded her head.
"I'm available most weekends, providing it doesn't clash with my studies, then I can turn up," she answered.
Mimi smiled.
"Well Roger?" she asked. "How about it? A photo-shoot with me and Chloe as the models and you behind the camera? She could even stop tonight and I could take her back tomorrow."
Roger liked the idea. Marion's old bedroom at the farm was now spare so there was no problem with extra accommodation. The only problem was that he had other commitments for tomorrow. Mr. McTavish was due back tonight and he wanted to call on him tomorrow.
He shook his head.
"Sorry, but it can't be tomorrow. I've got to go to the amusement park and see Mr. McTavish. He's coming back tonight and he'll be wanting to know a thousand and one things about what's been going on," he said sadly.
"Next weekend then?" asked Mimi.
Mimi really did want to get something organised.
Roger considered his schedule. He was a very busy man. There were now just three weeks to go to the grand opening of the new Dungeon Exhibition and there was still a lot to be done. The workmen were coming back on Monday and were expecting to work solidly for the next two weeks, so he considered next weekend to be out of the question. But there was an outside chance that everything would be ready for the weekend after that. At least that was their target date for completion. Therefore it might just be possible to fit in a photo-shoot at the farm in a fortnight's time.
"How about in two weeks time?" he asked after giving the matter much thought.
Both Roger and Mimi looked to Chloe for an answer.
"Can you come down with me on Saturday in two weeks time? We can stop overnight and I'll take you back on the Sunday. What do you say Chloe?" asked Mimi.
Chloe smiled and nodded her head.
"I reckon I can make that Mimi, providing the money's good," she replied.
"You and Mimi can share all the royalties. I don't want any money," said Roger.
"What do you say? We go halves with everything?" Mimi suggested to Chloe.
Chloe could see no objections to the proposals. If five hundred pounds was the going rate then half that amount was quite acceptable for two days easy work.
"Okay then," agreed Chloe, "I'll come down with Mimi in two weeks time and we'll all have a great time together."
Lenny had been listening to all that had been discussed and was delighted that Roger should be getting himself involved in the pornographic industry. Judi also liked the idea. It would take some of the pressure of her.
"Let's all drink to that then," said Lenny and raising his second full glass of whisky.
Roger raised up his glass. The three girls did the same.
"Here's to Roger and his camera," toasted Lenny, "may all his photo-shoots be as good as the last."
Five glasses clinked and another drinking session was on its way.
Well at least for Lenny it was.
He also had a second bottle of whisky in his car for when this one was empty.

9:00 pm

Roger helped a staggering Lenny into the front passenger seat of his car. He then went round the car and kissed Judi and Chloe goodbye as they climbed into their own seats. Judi was driving. Roger himself had stuck to three glasses of whisky all evening and was not felling too bad. But Lenny had finished off the rest of the two bottles.
"Goodbye then Chloe… see you in two weeks time," he said through the back window.
Chloe gave a little nod of the head.
"I'm looking forward to it Roger," she said.
Roger moved to the driver's window.
"Goodbye Judi,.. drive safely," said Roger.
"Goodbye Roger and thanks for the day," Judi told him as she started up the engine.
Roger looked across to Lenny on the other side of the car. His eyes were closed and he was beginning to snore.
"Good night Lenny," he said and knowing that he would get no answer.
Judi smiled through the window and gave a little wave. Chloe added a little wave from the back seat behind Judi.
"I'd best get him home and to bed," said Judi through an open driver's door window.
The car then moved off.
Roger and Mimi, stood arm in arm, waved and waited for the red tail lights to disappear before speaking.
"Well the whisky's all gone but we've still got a couple of bottles of wine to have a go at?" said Roger. "What do you think Mimi?"
"I think bed's best," she told him. "We've got a new bed here… we haven't tried it out as yet and I'm anxious to test the springs."
Roger smiled.
"The springs had better be strong then for what I've got in mind," he told her.
"Promises… promises…," remarked Mimi as they set off arm in arm across the farmyard and back into the house.
Today had been a very good day, and Roger had got himself another career.
End of Chapter Seven