by Nosbert


CHAPTER TWO - The Unexpected Visitor

Two days later … Sunday 9th January …

9:00 am

The new caretaker arrived to take up his duties at 'Littlesea Amusement Park' on the Sunday morning following his appointment.
He had set out very early and arrived about nine o'clock. He wanted to have everything sorted out and ready for the Monday morning photo-shoot. He was also keen to try out his new Mercedes on a long run. As expected the drive down to Littlesea had been effortless and smooth. Yet not quiet: His quadraphonic speakers had been booming out loud disco music for most of the journey.
Roger Downton was in a very happy mood. He was also very much looking forward to meeting Mimi again. He had spoken to her the night before on the telephone and they had chatted for quite sometime. He considered Mimi to be a very pleasant girl and they got on well together. He very much wanted to meet up with her over the weekend, perhaps go out to a club together, but work had to come first unfortunately. A six o'clock Sunday morning start meant a Saturday night in the flat unfortunately. He had explained all this to her over the phone and said that he was looking forward to seeing her again on Monday morning at the photo-shoot. Mimi had said that she understood.
Mimi by the way was not her real name. He had found this much out over the phone whilst chatting about nothing in particular. Her real name was Michelle Whitely, but the Mimi tag had stuck with her at a very early age and she could never recall being called anything else. And besides she liked it. Mimi sounded far more exotic than plain old Michelle.
Thinking about Mimi, Roger unlocked the main gates and absently pushed them wide open. He turned his mind to more immediate matters. The police had said that they had finished with their investigations and would no-longer be present on the site. However he frowned at the presence of all the police tape still spread across the short driveway and threaded through the bars of the gates. The police may have gone away but they had not tidied up behind them. Quickly he removed everything, rolled it all up into a big ball and tossed it into the boot of his sparkling brand new Mercedes.
He left the gates open and moved on down the drive to park up in front of the main building. Again he was irritated to find even more tape spread across the main steps to the foyer above. Once more he gathered up everything and tossed it into the back of his car. He wondered how much more tape he was going to find?
Leaving the car at the bottom of the steps he scaled to the top and unlocked the main doors to the complex. He moved inside. Everywhere felt cold and damp. The heating was off, and by the feel of it the boilers had been shut down for quite some time. If he remembered rightly the boiler house was to the rear of the building adjacent to the loading bay. He considered his first task would be to get the heating going again.

9:30 am

Having got the boilers working again, Roger descended the rear steps to the basement and switched on all the lights. Already he could feel the heat starting to appear. The boilers were doing their job well.
Roger found himself standing in a service area full of crates and boxes. There was also an old pillory stood close to the bottom of the stairs, and away in a corner he could see some stocks. He considered that everything here must be old equipment and in all probability awaiting return shipment to London. It had to be anyway. There would be lots of new displays and equipment arriving shortly and space was needed to store and assemble a whole range of new items. He made a mental note to get this lot returned to London as soon as possible.
He moved away from the partitioned off service area and into the main exhibition hall itself. This was the first time he had seen the actual dungeon construction and he felt suitably impressed. Nearly half the large basement hall had been filled with the prefabricated concrete sections of the display. The rest of the hall floor was empty. This was where all the glass cages, dummies and displays were to go.
There were two cave entrances, one to either side of the hall. This would be the entrance and exit to the new dungeon display. He wondered which cave was the entrance and which was to be the exit. He recalled that the display was to have firstly a long tunnel littered with alcoves before leading secondly onto the dungeon area itself. After that the exit tunnel would be plain with no alcoves, and designed simply to take the public back to the main hall. Here the roped off gangway would lead them past a scale model of the old castle and onto further exhibits all set up in glass cages.
He looked to the construction between the two caves. The bare concrete itself was destined to be covered with patches of artificial turf and landscaped to look like a rugged cliff face. There might even be a wax seagull or two sat up there somewhere.
Roger walked across the hall and entered the cave to his left. This tunnel followed the wall of the hall then doubled back on itself. He guessed this to be the exit route since he found no evidence of the alcoves. After a further short walk he entered the large vaulted roof of the dungeon area. He whistled softly to himself. He was impressed by the enormity and size of the place. There was a large vaulted roof and several large circular stone pillars supporting the structure. He had been honoured on three occasions to visit the actual catacombs and seen the original dungeon beneath the old castle, and this looked every bit the same. The design engineers had done well to reproduce the same structure inside the exhibition hall.
He looked around at the exhibits. The rack was there, and so was the chain for the thumbscrews hanging down from the roof. He remembered researching these two devices and handing a detailed and historically correct description of their construction and uses to Mr. McTavish. He was pleased to see that those instructions had been followed to the letter. He looked to the back of the display. Two small cells were there. These also appeared to be accurately constructed, with the small alcoves inset into the walls and iron gates across the front.
Roger stepped over a low dividing rope and approached the rack. There was no police tape here, but all the same there was plenty evidence of their presence. The whole of the surface had been dusted for fingerprints. He tried to blow the dust away, but quickly discovered that a duster and spray polish was what was really needed. He gave the spoked wheel a short turn and listened to the clicks. He also noted the two ropes lying on the surface and attached to the large drum at the top of the rack inch their way up the bed slightly. As far as he could tell the rack was in full working order.
He made a mental note to get some spray polish and turned to investigate the long chain hanging down from the high vaulted ceiling. He gave the chain a little tug and swung it around. It felt solid enough. He checked the winding gear attached to the floor. He gave the handle a few turns. It clicked away merrily and the chain rose slightly. This too appeared to be in good working order. But again a thorough dusting was required as there was chalk dust everywhere.
Finally Roger crossed to an alcove at the back. Inside the recesses there were eyebolts fixed to the back walls with chains already attached. There was also a pair of manacles resting on the floor. Taking hold of two bars of the gate he gave it a little rattle. This too felt solid and not likely to fall apart. But he never really expected anything different. Mr. McTavish was a stickler for authenticity and any shabby work would have been thrown out ages ago. He made a mental note of the ever presence of yet more chalk dust and moved on. He also wanted to do something about all the packing cases and builders items left scattered about the place. All this would have to go along with the crates and equipment he had first discovered when entering the hall. He sighed. There was an awful lot of tidying up to do.
Roger set off down the second tunnel. Here he discovered the many alcoves. This only confirmed something that he already knew: That he was walking the display in the opposite direction. There were piles of bricks lying about on the tunnel floor in readiness to be laid across the alcove entrances. Some alcoves were to be bricked up almost to the top, others would just have a few bricks laid.
He stopped at the first alcove and inspected a brick lying on top of the pile. All the bricks were hand made, and in a shape and size relating to a period in history dating back to the thirteenth century. He smiled and nodded his head with approval. Again everything was technically accurate. He placed the brick back on the pile and looked up. Inside the alcove, set into the back wall were two eyebolts, one near the top and another one close to the floor. Chains with either fetters or manacles were already attached to each eyebolt. Roger nodded his approval. Mr. McTavish was a thorough man and had got everything almost technically accurate. He had seen the real thing, and as far as he could recall, this alcove was an exact copy of those to be found in the catacombs below the old castle.
Roger moved on down the winding passageway and checking each alcove as he went. There were also more boxes and crates here. These would have to be cleared out along with everything else. He just hoped that London could take them all.
Roger finally returned to the hall. He had walked the guided tour, albeit in reverse, and was satisfied that the public would be happy with the experience offered. He thought ahead to his task tomorrow. The brochure had to depict the walk through the tunnels and explain just how technically accurate the exhibition was. With the catacombs below the old castle inaccessible to the public this just had to be as close to the real thing as they could get. Somehow Mr. McTavish had managed to achieve all this and he was suitably impressed. At least he now had a fair idea of what Mr. McTavish would be asking for tomorrow morning. He was satisfied too that most things were in place for the photo-shoot. He needed to shift all the crates and things to one side, and then do a little bit of tidying up and dusting. But that was about all. The only problem he could foresee was; where could he get spray polish from on a Sunday morning?
On stepping back into the main hall he felt the heat once more. He nodded his approval. The boilers were working well and the place should be at a perfect working temperature for the girls to take their clothes off tomorrow. He rubbed his hands together in anticipation. He was really looking forward to tomorrow's photo-shoot.
In the mean time Roger had a few more things to do. He would take his suitcases and things up to the living quarters and have a good look around up there. He was aware that there was a small bedroom high up in the attic for him to use. He had actually slept there for a couple of nights when he had first arrived down here last summer. That was when he had discovered all the noise and distractions and opted to move out to the farm. But things were much different on this occasion. For one thing the complex was shut down, and for another he had a completely new task to fulfil, so the small bedroom would serve him well for the time being.
Roger also had something else on his mind. If he was going to be the host tomorrow then he would have guests to look after. So he needed to sort out the kitchen and make sure that it was fully stocked up with something to eat and drink.
However, once that little lot was done he reckoned that he would have a little bit of time on his hands. One more thing he wanted to do that day was to pop over to the farmhouse where he lodged last summer and look up some old friends. He had to go out anyway to stock up with the food and drinks he required for his guests tomorrow. And apart from the food he also needed to get some spray polish and a bottle of Lenny's favourite whisky, and possibly a few bottles of wine for the girls so that they could all toast success afterwards.
His only problem was, today was a Sunday, and he was not sure whether he would find a shop open that sold all the things he wanted.
He wondered what best to do.
He decided that it would be in his best interests to visit the farmhouse first.
If Marion Brookes was there, then she would know exactly where to go for the items he required. He would also have a little chat with her father Godfrey and see how he was getting on.

10:00 am

Mimi was alone in her little one bedroom flat when the telephone rang. She had just got out of bed and was dressed in her robe and wore slippers on her feet. After all, this was a Sunday morning and she had promised herself a lie in.
She walked across to the phone. She wanted the call to be from Roger. She had chatted to him over the phone the previous evening and they had had a long talk. She liked Roger. He was a nice guy and she could fall for him in a big way.
Mimi had not got a steady boyfriend. In her game the only sort of person she really came into contact with was usually someone associated with BDSM. For work in the studio that was fine. But for her private life she wished for someone different. Though bondage was not out of the question. She enjoyed that part of the job. It was just that she felt she needed someone who would show her a little bit of respect. Someone to love her for what she was and not for what she did for living.
She lifted up the phone and spoke: "Hello, Mimi here."
"Morning Mimi," came the reply.
It was her boss Lenny Blackmore speaking.
"Morning Lenny," she replied with a yawn.
She was sorry to find out that the call was not from Roger. Yet somehow it was just something she hoped for and not expected. However, a call from Lenny was also something not expected.
"Mimi," said Lenny. "I think we've got a bit of a problem for tomorrow."
Mimi felt a little more awake now.
"What's that then Lenny?" she asked and having a stretch.
"Well it's the car," he told her. "I don't think it's big enough to take three people and all my equipment as well. I was wondering if you could do us a big favour and take your own car. I can then put the back down in mine and load all the equipment in there."
Mimi thought for a moment. She had her own car and did not mind driving. And besides it might give her the opportunity to be with Roger without Lenny and Judi being around.
"That's no problem Lenny," she told him. "I'll go down in my own car, and you load up yours with all the equipment."
"Great!" exclaimed Lenny. "So what do you want to do then Mimi? Do you want to follow us down in the morning?"
Mimi thought again. No, she would go on her own and meet them there. It was five miles out of the way to get to Lenny's place, and the arrangement had been for him to pick her up at her flat anyway.
"I'll make my own way there Lenny," she told him. "Just give me instructions on how to get there and I'll meet you there in the morning."
"Okay Mimi, that's fine by me. We'll see you down there. But don't be late. This is a most important photo-shoot and I don't want any cock-ups," emphasised Lenny and then went on to explain: "And Mimi, the instructions on how to get there are quite simple. You get to Littlesea and follow the signs for the promenade. Get there and you can't miss the Amusement Park. It's surrounded by railings. The entrance is right on a corner and there's a small traffic roundabout just outside. I'm told it's very easy to find."
"Okay Lenny, I'll see you there in the morning," she told him.
"Eight o'clock sharp then Mimi, and no later," said Lenny and stressing the importance of being there on time.
"I'll be there at eight o'clock Lenny," Mimi assured him.
"Fine, see you there then," added Lenny.
"Bye Lenny," said Mimi.
"Bye Mimi," said Lenny, and the phone went dead.
Mimi placed down her own receiver and started to think. If she tidied up now and got herself ready she could be away from the flat by twelve o'clock. She could be in Littlesea by mid-afternoon.
She wondered what Roger's reactions would be when she turned up on the doorstep a day early?
Somehow she did not care.
She just wanted to meet him again.
11:00 am

Dr. Gabriel Lang strolled gently along the old railway embankment that formed one boundary to Carrowbank Farm. The doctor was the resident psychiatrist at the local Littlesea General Hospital. By his side walked a patient of his, a farmer by the name of Godfrey Brookes. They were both dressed in green overalls and wearing wellington boots. They stopped and turned to face the River Carrow which was the other boundary to the farm. The land that belonged to the farm was long and thin and stretched for nearly two miles sandwiched between the winding riverbank and the old disused railway line. A country road also ran alongside the railway on the other side of the embankment. Traffic was always light since the road never really went anywhere of importance in either direction.
Between the old railway line and the river lay a newly ploughed field. The two men were nearing the most northern limit of the farm. Here the hills that traversed the south coast of England rose steeply forming the northern boundary. The single track old railway line, though not used for some twenty-five years or more, once passed through a tunnel cut into the yellow limestone hills. Since then all the track and sleepers had been taken away and the embankment on either side was now overgrown with bushes and young trees.
On reaching the hills, the road alongside the track took an alternate route. After running doggedly alongside the old railway embankment for some three miles or more, it suddenly began to rise, cross over the top of the tunnel, then wind its way up the hill to follow the contours of the river valley.
This was a quiet and pleasant part of southern England.
The two men stood and stared across the newly ploughed field.
"So this is your new genetically modified crop then Godfrey?" asked Dr. Lang.
The farmer nodded his head.
"Yes doctor, it's a new experimental crop, designed for early planting and hardy enough to withstand frosts," explained Godfrey. "It's actually oil-seed rape that's been genetically modified to withstand winter conditions. If it's a success then farmers should be able to grow crops like this all the year round."
"So when will it be ready to gather in?" asked Dr. Lang.
"In about two months time it should be ready," replied Godfrey.
"And you find this easier than raising pigs do you Godfrey?" asked the doctor.
Again the farmer nodded his head.
"A whole lot easier doctor. You don't have to get up early in the morning to feed and water them, and you don't have to worry about the money coming in either. It's nice to know that the 'Department of Agriculture' is paying for this little lot regardless of the yield and quality," Godfrey explained.
Dr. Lang smiled. His suggestion to move away from pig farming and switch to the growing of experimental crops appeared to be working. Very slowly the doctor was getting there. He thought back to the very beginning. This was a far happier farmer than when he was first brought onto the case. Back then Godfrey Brookes had been suicidal and taken an overdose of sleeping pills. The doctors at the hospital had managed to save him on that occasion, but the threat of another attempt on his own life was always a real danger. Dr. Lang knew from the outset that he had a lot of work on his hands to make this farmer see the world in a totally different light.
"And you're not sorry to see all your pigs go are you Godfrey?" asked Dr. Lang.
"I'm not sorry at all doctor," replied Godfrey. "Raising pigs was a family way of life. It had been going for several generations. But without a son of my own, it was always going to be difficult to carry on the tradition anyway," responded the farmer.
Dr. Lang nodded his head. This was the first time he had ever managed to get Godfrey to admit to anything like this. Now he felt that he was really getting somewhere. The trouble right from the start was deep rooted, firstly in the loss of his wife, who had died tragically of cancer a few years back, and secondly in the attitude of his two daughters. One daughter, the eldest, was now an airline stewardess and jet-setting about the world. His other daughter was engaged to be married to a nice boy from Littlesea. But he had no interest in farming and had set his carrier on being a solicitor. He now worked for a small company of solicitors in Brownsands a little further along the coast.
The couple walked on at a gentle pace. They were a long way from the farmhouse now and nearing the old railway tunnel that ran beneath the hills.
"And what about the wedding? Are you looking forward to it?" asked Dr. Lang.
He waited to see the farmer's reaction. With no hypnosis of the patient, nor any hypnotic suggestion involved whatsoever, then this was going to be the acid test. After the money had dropped out of the pig market, and quickly followed by the threatened departure of his one remaining daughter, the man had cracked up. Being left on his own to manage the farm had become the final straw that had led to his attempted suicide.
"Yes doctor, the wedding's only two weeks away now, and everybody seems to be so busy. And yes, I am really looking forward to it," replied Godfrey.
Dr. Lang smiled once more. Godfrey Brookes was almost cured. It came as a great relief. This had been a very difficult case from the outset.
The couple halted. They could walk no further. Before them lay a blocked up railway tunnel covered by sheets of galvanised corrugated steel. The greyness however had long gone. Every sheet was now a rusty brown. There was one small access doorway, again fabricated from corrugated sheeting, and a great rusted up padlock held it firmly sealed.
Dr. Lang stepped forward. He had not walked this far with Godfrey before. There was evidence of decay, and one or two of the corrugated sheets showed signs of coming loose. He lifted the flap of one to create a gap big enough to peer inside. He could not see much, but could hear the sound of dripping water coming from inside.
"How long has this sheeting been here Godfrey?" asked Dr. Lang.
"Oh, about twenty-five years doctor," answered Godfrey. "They blocked the tunnel up not long after they took all the tracks and sleepers away. They did the same at the other end. The tunnel is completely sealed off at either end, and I don't think anyone's been near the place since."
"It's starting to fall apart. Something ought to be done about this, it could be dangerous," suggested Dr. Lang and rattling one of the loose corrugated sheets.
Godfrey nodded his head in agreement. "The problem is, who owns it now? Since the privatisation of the railways, if it's going to cost money, then no-one wants to know about it," he replied.
The couple turned around and started to re-trace their steps. The rusty old corrugated sheets were not their problem.
Dr. Lang was happy with his patient's excellent progress and was already thinking ahead to his next difficult case. He had four girls to treat, all of whom had been subjected to some horrific tortures, and he was due to see them on Tuesday afternoon. He had also been asked to see a boyfriend of one of those girls. Apparently he was emotionally upset by her sudden and dramatic change in character. She had told him that she no longer fancied men and had cut her hair short to demonstrate the point. It seemed strange that what the torturer had done to her should cause this to happen. Usually after being inflicted with a certain amount of pain and suffering that person would be only too willing to find comfort in the arms of someone they loved and knew well. But until he had spoken to Tracy Goodyear, then he was no nearer the truth than was her boyfriend Richard Davies.
Dr. Lang sighed thoughtfully at all his commitments. He had a full diary and was a very busy man. However he was glad that he had found time out on a Sunday morning to come and visit Godfrey at his farm. He liked it over here. It was so calm and peaceful and it allowed him time to think.

12:00 noon

Dr. Gabriel Lang was saying goodbye to both Godfrey Brookes and his daughter Marion when a rather large and sparkling brand new car pulled up in the farmyard.
"Who's this?" asked Dr. Lang.
Godfrey shook his head. He did not know anybody that owned a large Mercedes. It was probably someone lost and wanting directions. It was something not unusually, especially on a Sunday morning when people went for a ride in the car to find a beach or sheltered spot somewhere.
The car pulled up next to one of the tall barn buildings that formed the perimeter of the courtyard and a young man got out. A number of chickens clucked and scattered in all directions.
Marion recognised the driver almost immediately.
"Roger!" she called across the yard. "What brings you here?"
A smartly dressed young man got out of the car and crossed over to greet them. Wearing expensive black leather shoes he took a zigzag course, being careful where he trod to avoid the mud, puddles and scuttling chickens. He shook hands with Godfrey first and then kissed Marion on the cheek.
"Roger, this is a surprise," said Marion.
"I'm back in Littlesea for a while and I thought I'd come and look you up," explained Roger.
"What? Back at the amusement park in Littlesea?" she asked.
"Afraid so Marion! They've just lost their caretaker in a freak accident and I've been assigned to keep the place going until the manager gets back," he explained further.
Roger looked around. There was another man present. Someone he had not met before. The man looked like another farmer. At least he was dressed the same as Godfrey in overalls and wellington boots. It felt discourteous of him not to say something so he turned to the man.
"My names Dr. Lang," said the doctor introducing himself before Roger could say a word. "I'm a friend of Godfrey's."
Gabriel Lang made a mental note that the amusement park had got themselves a new caretaker. But it was none of his business and he refused to comment any further. And besides, he had to go. Time was pressing. He just hoped that the new caretaker would not turn out like the old one.
The two men shook hands. Roger thought the title of 'Doctor' rather unusually. But this was a Sunday morning and the man was probably off duty. He had probably come to find out about growing turnips or something. However, he understood about the wearing of the wellington boots. He made a mental note to find his old ones out and keep them in the car in readiness for coming here.
"And I'm Roger Downton," he said, and then explained. "I stayed here last summer for a short while and I'm back to look up some old friends."
Roger had not heard of Godfrey's attempted suicide. That had taken place after he had left. Also details of Marion's wedding were very sketchy. In fact news of her engagement only became known to him a few days before he returned to London. Since then regrettably no further contact had been made between them.
"Right, I'm off then," said Dr. Lang, raising a hand and climbing into his Land Rover. "I'll probably pop over and see you again sometime before the wedding. Just to wish you luck."
"You do that," said Godfrey. "You're always welcome here doctor."
And with that Dr. Lang slammed the Land Rover door, started the ignition and set off down the track; and leaving a trail of black diesel smoke in its wake. A waving hand appeared from out of the window and the three people stood in the courtyard waved back.
"Come on in the house Roger," said Marion. "Let's have a hot drink. I bet you've got a lot to talk about."
"And you I guess," said Roger, "the wedding must be quite soon then?"
"Two weeks, that's all it is now," said Marion. "It's getting quite close."
The three of them walked towards the old farmhouse that formed one side of the quadrangle.
"And how's Godfrey?" asked Roger turning around to speak to Marion's father. "How are you keeping?"
"I'm fine Roger," replied Godfrey.
But to be quite honest, talk of the wedding was getting to him. It was the stark realisation that after that day he would be left all on his own, and he wondered if he would ever cope.
Godfrey hung back a little bit, then shrugged his shoulders and followed Marion and Roger into the house.
Dr. Lang had told him that everything was going to be just fine.

3:00 pm

By three o'clock in the afternoon Roger was back at the amusement park. He was sat in the kitchen drinking coffee and thumbing through the bondage magazines he had purchased from the paper shop two days before. Whilst at the farmhouse Marion had directed him to a little village shop that would be open on a Sunday and would have everything that he required. And that included whisky for Lenny and wine for the girls. The coffee he was drinking was fresh, as was the milk, and it tasted good.
Roger was feeling relaxed and rather pleased with himself. As far as he was aware he had got everything ready for the photo-shoot tomorrow. He had dusted and polished all the fingerprint chalk away from the exhibits, and had shifted all of the crates and debris from off the floor. The dungeon looked spotless. He had even swept the floor. He had also installed a telephone in the place so that he could dial Australia directly from the area.
He wondered what else was needed. He thought about the two girls. He wondered if they would need someplace to change. But after seeing what went on in the FotoPix Studios he doubted it. He thought about the temperature too. But even that was starting to feel okay now. The heating was starting to percolate nicely about the building. Even the kitchen where he was seated felt warm and cosy.
Roger closed up the bondage magazine he was reading and swapped it for another one. This one he had not looked at before. He had stopped reading the magazines as soon as he had found the advert he was looking for. This particular magazine had been at the bottom of the pile. At first glance it appeared to include rather more dungeon scenes than the other five.
About halfway through he stopped and looked more closely. There were two pictures here, one on either side of the page that caught his eye. He recognised the backdrop for a start. The large block painted canvas he had seen quite recently, as were the 'X-frame' and the 'pillory-come-stock' devices depicted in the two photographs. These photographs had been taken at FotoPix Studios, of this there was no doubt. The girl in the pictures he also recognised. However she was neither Mimi nor Judi. This was the third girl he had seen on some of the photographs on Lenny's table. The teenager, and he wondered who she was. He moved on through the magazine trying to find more pictures of the girl, but those were the only two photographs he could find.
Roger continued to thumb through the rest of the pages, telling himself that the identity of the girl did not really matter anyway. He turned his mind to the actual contents and the strange world of BDSM. He had still not managed to try out bondage himself. After all he had not had much of a chance to do so yet. He had only been introduced to it two days ago, but he promised himself that someday in the near future he would give it a try. He loved the idea of having a girl bound and at his mercy. He also liked the idea of having a gag to shut them up. He had been out with a lot of noisy acquaintances in his time, and the silent girls were always the best. They were less disruptive.
As Roger neared the end pages of the magazine a car horn sounded to break his concentration.
Suddenly he cocked an ear.
He was certain that he had heard a car horn blowing. But what was more relevant, it sounded as if it was coming from the driveway below. He recalled that he had not shut the main gates all day. It was something he was meaning to do before it got dark.
He got up and crossed to the kitchen window. Leaning over the sink he peered down to the driveway below. His own brand new Mercedes was there, parked immediately in front of the main entrance, but so was a much smaller car. It looked like a Ford Escort or something very similar, but from the top he could not be sure.
As he looked down the driver's door opened and out got a young woman. She was dressed in coat and jeans and had dark hair. But once again, looking down directly on top of the head, he could not recognise the person at all. He decided it best to go down and investigate. It was stupid of him to have left the gates open in the first place. It was probably some nosy reporter come to investigate the dungeon. Anyway, whoever she was, she just had to go.
Roger took the service lift down to the foyer and crossed the large entrance hall to the doors. Looking through the glass panels he saw the woman again. Her back was to him. She was leaning into the car again. He heard the horn blow a little longer this time. She was obviously trying to attract someone's attention.
Roger opened up the door and move to stand on the top step.
He called down: "Can I help you miss?"
The young woman straightened herself up, turned and smiled. And in that instance Roger recognised the person standing by the car. Strangely it was someone he had never seen with clothes on before, and that was probably what threw him in the first instance.
"Mimi," he shouted, "what on Earth are you doing here?"
Mimi held out her hands.
"I thought I'd come a day early for this most important photo-shoot we've got tomorrow Roger," she called up the steps.
Roger quickly descended the steps and gave Mimi a big hug and a kiss.
"Well I never!" he exclaimed. "Mimi, It's nice to see you. I think you've just made my day!"
"It's nice to see you too Roger," she said, and then went on to explain the reason for her unexpected arrival: "Lenny had a word with me on he phone this morning. He was a bit worried about space in his car. He reckoned with all the equipment he needed to bring down with him there wouldn't be enough space in the back for me as well. So I agreed to come here in my own car… so here I am Roger!… A day early!"
Roger grinned a broad smile. It was so nice to see Mimi again. And what a pleasant surprise. He kissed her again.
"You'd better come up to the kitchen," he told Mimi. "Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?"
Mimi smiled back. "A nice hot cup of tea would be lovely Roger," she replied.
Together they ascended the steps and entered the building. Roger took Mimi's hand and led her to the service lift. He pressed the button to the top floor where the kitchen was sited and the lift began to rise. There was one more floor above the kitchen, but this was the attic space where the  bedrooms were situated and the lift did not go that far.
At the top they got out and followed a corridor along to the kitchen. Roger put the kettle on and sorted out a mug for Mimi. The coffee he had been drinking when he heard the sound of the horn blasting in the drive below was almost gone and he decided to make himself another fresh cup. He crossed to the table to retrieve his own mug and saw Mimi flicking through the pages of the bondage magazines he had left on the surface.
"Oh, by the way Mimi, if you look through that one there, you'll find a couple of photo's taken in your own dungeon. I don't know who the girl is though… It's not you or Judi," he told her as crossed back to the sink and began to swill out his own mug.
Mimi found the two pictures Roger was taking about.
"Oh her!" Mimi exclaimed. "I remember her… Gayle… Gayle something… Gayle Jackson I think that was her name…. She was some miserable student that was doing the work for a bit of pin money… I doubt if we'll ever see her again... We get lots of young girls like Gayle… mostly students… They come in… sign a form… Lenny sticks it in his filing cabinet… they do the business… then collect the money and piss off… and we never see them again afterwards."
Roger shrugged his shoulders. He probably guessed as much. He knew that Mimi and Judi were the only two regulars. And it did not matter who the girl was anyway. He was not that curious to want to find out.
Mimi joined Roger by the kitchen sink. Roger handed her a mug of tea. Together they stood and looked through the window and out to sea. For January it was a nice day and the waters were not too choppy. There were ships passing by on the horizon. The English channel was one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world and ships were always present. Roger and Mimi, stood shoulder to shoulder, sipped their drinks and watched a large oil tanker slip by.
Mimi turned her head to the right and take in the view of the long sweeping bay and Castle Point away in the distance.
"Roger, is that a castle over there at the end of the bay?" she asked after a while.
She had never been to Littlesea before, and Lenny had not explained much to her about tomorrow's shoot. It was dungeon work, and be there at eight o'clock in the morning, were about the only two things she had been told of any relevance.
"That's Littlesea Castle," explained Roger. "Below that castle are some dungeons. And that's what we've got in this building. A complete replica of the place down in the basement here. And that's what we'll be photographing tomorrow, with you as the star of the show I hope."
"Can I see it?" asked Mimi.
"What the dungeon?" asked Roger.
"No, the castle," said Mimi. "I just love exploring old castles and ruins."
"I don't see why not," answered Roger. "I want to go and shut the main gates anyway… So why don't we do that?.. We can take a ride in my car to the castle… And perhaps we'll go for a meal afterwards… How does that sound Mimi?"
Mimi smiled. "That sounds lovely Roger… let's do that then," she replied.
Roger smiled back. He had never loved anyone before. But somehow Mimi was something different and very special.
He wondered if this was love he was feeling?
They held hands, sipped their drinks and stood staring out of the window at the old castle on the hill.
For Roger life was just beginning to turn wonderful.
He was so please to be with Mimi again.
He did not know it, but Mimi was thinking something along the same lines.
She had come down here on impulse, and not knowing what Roger's reactions would be. But now here she was, stood next to him, and he was holding her hand.
She wondered if this must be love she was feeling?

4:00 pm

The big Mercedes swung into the castle car park and came to a halt. There was a lot of police tape around and only half of the car park was accessible. Roger parked up in what space was available and he and Mimi got out. For January the weather was pleasant and the sun was nearing the western horizon. The temperature however still warranted the wearing of a warm coat or anorak.
Roger looked around. The old castle at this time of year was normally deserted and today was no exception. He could see no-one else about except for two girls sat on a bench that overlooked the sea. One was a young girl, probably in her late teens, with shoulder length blonde hair. The other was a few years older, possibly in her early twenties. Her hair was closely cropped and practically bald. There was no other car in the car park so Roger assumed the two girls to be locals who lived in the nearby cottages. Anyway, it was none of his business. He took Mimi's hand and led her away from the two girls and towards the castle ruins.
They could not get too close to the gate that sealed off the entrance to the catacombs because of the many ribbons of police tape strewn all over the place, but Roger stopped and pointed to the entrance.
"The original dungeons are down there," he told Mimi. "I was allowed down there a few times, and it's an incredible sight to see. But it's not safe for the public, and the only reason I'm here is because the last caretaker at the amusement park was crushed to death down there in a rock fall."
"Oh dear," said Mimi, "that's so sad!"
"I guess it is Mimi," said Roger thoughtfully, "but then again, I would probably never have met you would I?"
Mimi smiled and squeezed Roger's hand.
"Come on Roger, let's explore the castle," she said.
For a while they walked the parts of castle ruins deemed safe for the public to venture in, then carried on a little further along the cliffs. On the other side of the ruins, and well away from the only two other people to be seen on the rocky outcrop, they found a bench to sit on that looked out to sea. Seated next to each other, Roger put his arm around Mimi and hugged her close to him. For a while no-one said anything. It was just so pleasant to be there, sat on top of the cliffs alongside the old castle ruins and looking out to sea. As ever the large ships in the channel were passing by on the horizon.
"It's nice up here isn't it Roger?" said Mimi after quite some time. "It's so quiet and peaceful."
"I guess it is," answered Roger absently.
He too felt at ease and relaxed.
"I bet Judi would like to come up here too," mentioned Mimi. "It's the sort of thing she would like."
"Perhaps we could all come up here after the photo-shoot then," remarked Roger.
Mimi nodded her head.
"Perhaps I'll suggest it to her then," she said.
Roger wondered what relationship Mimi and Judi had going between them. Lesbian lovers seem out of the question. But all the same, he thought that he had to ask.
"Are you and Judi close friends?" he asked.
"We went to school together," Mimi informed him.
Roger somehow felt relieved at the news. He was in two minds whether or not Judi was a serious contender for his affections. But being told that they were old school friends tended to put his mind at ease somewhat. But he was still a bit unsure about her relationship with Lenny.
"Is that how you got into this game together?" he asked. "With Lenny I mean."
"Sort of," responded Mimi. "I did a lot of jobs before, but none of them ever came to anything… I bumped into Judi one day in the supermarket... We'd not seen each other for about five years I guess… She asked me what I was doing… I told her that I was out of work... She said that she had this thing going with a chap called Lenny, and would I like to join them?.. They were looking for an extra full time model… I was a bit unsure at first, but I turned up and had a go… and I've been there ever since… and that was about two years ago."
Roger nodded thoughtfully. "Do Judi and Lenny live together?" he asked. He had a slight suspicion that they did. If it was not Lenny and Mimi, then it had to be Lenny and Judi instead.
"They're married," pronounced Mimi. "It's Mr. and Mrs. Blackmore. They got married about a year ago."
"Oh," said Roger. He did not know, but he should have guessed. Somehow the pair did look suited to each other. Then he added: "So Judi and Lenny are 'FotoPix Studios' and you work for them, is that the set up?"
Mimi nodded. "That's about the way it is," she confirmed.
"What about this bondage scene then?.. Don't you mind being tied up day after day?" asked Roger.
Mimi shook her head. "No… I like it Roger," she answered truthfully. "It was a bit strange at first… but it sort of grows on you I guess."
"But what about all these strange men you meet?.. You know, the ones that turn up with their own cameras and book an hour with you?" he asked.
"You sort of grin and bare it I suppose... It goes with the job," explained Mimi. "And you're never on your own anyway... There's always Lenny or Judi around to make sure nothing ever gets out of hand."
"What did you think of me then when I turned up?" asked Roger. "Did you think that I was just another punter come to take some seedy photographs?"
"I must admit Roger, I'd not been told anything about you before you turned up… I'd been busy all day... But we don't get many punters in smart suits and carrying a briefcase, so I guess I thought then that you were something different… You get to know who's into BDSM and who's not, and you didn't look the type," explained Mimi.
"That's true Mimi… I've never been into bondage… It's never been my scene before," said Roger spilling out his soul.
"But you would like to try it out now wouldn't you Roger?" stated Mimi. "You were looking through those bondage magazines on the kitchen table just before I arrived, so you must have some interest now?"
Roger nodded his head.
"I guess so Mimi," he replied. "I had to buy those magazines to get your telephone number. But I must admit that I've looked through them all again since, so maybe I could get into it this BDSM lark… One never knows!"
"Would you like to try it?… Would you like to tie me up Roger?" asked Mimi.
Roger was taken a bit aback by the directness of Mimi's question, but he answered truthfully all the same: "I guess I would Mimi... I guess I would… but either way I'd just love to see that naked body of yours again."
Mimi smiled. She would like to show him her body too.
"Why don't you do that then Roger?.. I'm game for a session," said Mimi. "I'll let you tie me up if you want to."
Roger hugged Mimi closer to his body. He leaned across and their lips met. To be truthful he did this because he did not know how to answer all these direct and leading questions being  fired at him. He needed a little time to think, which in his case was something a little bit unusual.
As they broke from the kiss he told her his answer: "Mimi, I guess I'd love to tie you up… and thanks for the offer."
She smiled. "Then, like I said, I'm game any time Roger… Just name the time and place and I'll let you do it," she confirmed then added: "Maybe I can convert you to BDSM after all."
Roger smiled. Mimi seemed so unabashed with the way she openly discussed the subject of bondage, it was unbelievable. He had never known a girl like her before.
"You know Mimi, you're something different," he told her. "And I love you."
"Heh! Hold back on the love," said Mimi and digging an elbow into his ribs. "We've not even slept together yet."
Roger laughed. But both knew that it was only a matter of time for this to happen.
"Talking of sleep, we've not discussed any arrangements yet have we?" said Roger. "There's a big double bed up in the attic. Why don't we both sleep together there tonight?"
Mimi chuckled. Somehow sleeping with Roger felt right even though she hardly knew him. Yet she was hardly a virgin. But all the same, first night contact was something she rarely did with dates. She felt that she really had to know them before any intercourse took place. But Roger was something different. She had even wondered whether it was right to come down here a day early. She knew that she was taking the lead. But somehow she did not care. Something was driving her on. She wondered once more if it was that little thing called love?
"Why not Roger?.. Why not?… And we can do a spot of bondage too," she answered eventually. "So I hope you've got lots of rope handy!… I think you'll need it."
"I can find plenty of rope," confirmed Roger. "Enough to at least stop you getting away from me… We can't have you escaping now can we?"
"Who say's I'd want to escape?" said Mimi, and she cuddled up closer beneath Roger's arm.

8:00 pm

It was dark when the Mercedes returned to the amusement park. After a drive into Littlesea and a stroll on the beach, the couple had found an Indian restaurant to have a meal. They were both now feeling quite replete.
Roger felt it strange that after having the offer to shack up with a girl for the night, he found himself not heading off directly to bed with her. Especially with the added bonus of a little bondage thrown in for good measure. Heading directly for bed was something he always did when out clubbing, just in case the girl had recourse to change her mind he supposed. Usually at this stage of the game he would be thinking of what the girl would look like without any clothes on. But in Mimi's case this was all very different. He enjoyed her company, and even chatting across the dining table they had found lots to talk about.
But now they were back, and bed was very much on the agenda.
After having locked the main gates and then the foyer doors behind them, the couple made their way to bedrooms high up in the attic.
Roger opened the door to Mr. McTavish's room and let Mimi walk in first. She sat on the bed and bounced up and down a little bit as if to test the springs. The heating had been on all day and the room felt quite warm and cosy. Roger crossed the room to the small garret window and drew the curtains closed.
"This is lovely Roger," said Mimi, "now all we need is some ropes and we'll be away."
"I'd better go and find some then," replied Roger, then added: "And by the way, the bathroom's just down the corridor on the left. You may want to use it whilst I'm gone."
"You go and find the ropes then, and I'll be waiting for you when you get back," said Mimi.
Roger smiled.
"See you in a bit then Mimi," he said and headed off down the stairs and away to the storeroom on the third floor.
Roger returned to the bedroom about five minutes later to find Mimi missing. He cocked an ear. He could hear the shower going across the corridor. In his hands he held about a dozen lengths of rope all of differing  sizes and ranging from something like three feet to ten feet. Keeping them in his hands he walked down the corridor as far as the bathroom door. Strangely he found it to be wide open, but he did not venture in, instead he opted to stand in the doorway and look inside.
Mimi was just shutting off the taps and stepping out of the shower as he arrived. She looked up and saw Roger standing in the doorway. She grabbed a towel and she smiled.
"You're back quick?" she said.
"I knew where the ropes were," replied Roger, "and besides, this is much better than finding you in the bedroom."
"I left the door open for you in case you came back quickly," she told him.
"And a pleasant surprise it was too," remarked Roger. "Thank you for thinking of me."
Mimi smiled. She thought that he would like it.
"I see that you've got the ropes?" she said whilst rubbing her hair dry.
Roger held them up. "I think this'll be enough Mimi, don't you?" he said.
She looked up and smiled again. "I guess I'm not going to able to move if you use all that lot!" she exclaimed.
"I guess not," replied Roger, "but who wants you to move?"
Mimi gave a little chuckle. She finished drying herself and came to him in the doorway. They kissed and Roger hugged her naked body.
"To the bedroom then Roger," she said.
Roger stepped to one side and let Mimi lead the way back to the bedroom. Her hair looked to be still a bit wet and tousled, but otherwise she was quite dry.
Mimi climbed on the bed, lay down centrally with her head on the pillows and spread out her arms and legs.
"Well, you've got the ropes Roger, now try and do something useful with them," she told him.
Roger selected one length of rope and dropped the rest to the floor. He move to the top of the bed. A hand lay close to the corner post and he wound a section of the rope about the wrist and tied it tightly. He then secured the rest of the rope to the corner of the bed.
"How's that for my first attempt?" he asked when he was done.
Mimi tested what he had done, found that her wrist was secure, and told him her findings: "Yes, that's okay Roger, now do the other one."
Roger collected another length of rope from off the floor and moved around to the other side of the bed. Once more he looped the end of the rope several times about the wrist and tied it tightly. He then secured the other end to the awaiting post.
Mimi tested the bonds once more and gave her verdict: "You're doing fine Roger," she told him, "now do up my legs and we'll be there."
Roger moved back to the pile of ropes and selected another length. This time he wrapped the end about an ankle, tied it tightly, and fastened the other end to the corner post at the bottom.
Mimi adjusted herself squarely on the bed and thrust out her one remaining free leg towards the corner of the bed. Roger arrived with a fourth piece of rope and bound the ankle. Finally he attached the other end to the corner of the bed.
Mimi squirmed a bit as she tested all four anchorage points. When she was satisfied that she was tied down securely and could not move she looked up to Roger and smiled.
"Well Roger, you've just had your first taste of bondage… Are you hooked yet?" she asked.
Roger started removing his tie and unbuttoning his shirt.
"I'm hooked," he said, "now what about you Mimi?… Are you hooked on me?"
"Roger," she replied, "I'm hooked… and I've never been so hooked on a person in all my life before… just take me quickly… I don't think I can last out much longer!"
"Oh, hold on a bit Mimi," he told her. "I've still got lots of rope left yet. I'm not finished with you yet."
Mimi giggled. As far as she was concerned, then the more ropes the merrier. But she also wondered what he had in mind.
"You've been looking at too many bondage magazines Roger," she told him. "I thought they might give you lots of ideas."
Roger removed his shirt to leave him bare from the waist up. He then selected a longish piece of rope from off the floor.
"You're right Mimi," he informed her. "I saw lots of breasts all bound up, and I think yours are the perfect shape to have a little bit of rope wrapped around them… You can stop me if you want to… I'm new to this game remember and only a novice… but I guess I've got to begin somewhere... So what do think?.. Can I have some practice on your tits?"
"I don't think I'm in a position to stop you am I Roger?.. But make sure you tie them tight… I need to feel the ropes biting if you're aiming to do anything like that," she told him.
Roger climbed up on the bad and knelt beside Mimi. He then began to kneed and squeeze her breasts with his hands. Holding them tightly about the base in an effort to weigh up how to go about applying the ropes.
Mimi just moaned and closed her eyes. Whatever Roger was doing he was doing it right.
Roger then took up the length of rope and made a sort of lasso with the end. He then placed the loop about her left breast and gradually began to pull the rope tight. Slowly the breast took on a sort of mushroom shape as the rope got tighter and tighter about the base.
"Oh that's lovely Roger," groaned Mimi as the rope began to bite deep into her skin.
When Roger thought that he could apply no more tension, he stopped and wound several more loops of the rope around the breast. He then tied a knot and fixed it there.
Once more Mimi groaned with pleasure. The pressure on her breast was just wonderful. For someone who called himself a novice, Roger certainly knew what he was doing.
Roger made another lasso with the other end of the rope and slipped it over Mimi's other breast. Slowly he pulled the loop tight until the bulging breast matched the other one under the tension. He then wound what was left of the middle section of the rope around the breasts and tied everything in place with a loose end he had deliberately left on the lasso.
"How's that feel?" he asked when he was done.
Not waiting for an answer, Roger climbed off the bed and started to unbuckle his belt.
Mimi opened her eyes for a brief moment. She looked up at Roger and smiled.
"Roger, you're bloody marvellous," she told him.
Roger removed the rest of his clothes to stand naked by the bed. His penis was erect and ready for action.
"I hope that's for me," said Mimi on seeing his rampant manhood.
"It's for you all right," said Roger climbing back onto the bed.
He bent down and slowly started to run his tongue about her bulging nipples.
Mimi closed up her eyes once more. Roger was being wonderful with his foreplay. She wanted to come even though he had not touched her between the legs yet. Slowly his tongue moved down her body. Finally it crossed her mound and touched her clitoris. In that instance she sucked in a large intake of air into her lungs. She had never felt like this before. Nobody had ever heightened her pleasures to this much extent.
"Fuck me Roger!" she screamed. "Fuck me now!"
Roger climbed between Mimi legs and entered her.
She screamed and reached orgasm at the second stroke.
Roger continued and she climaxed again.
"Roger, I love you!" she screamed.
As Roger ejaculated Mimi attained an orgasm for the third time.
Eventually Roger collapsed from exhaustion on top of her.
"And I love you too Mimi," he whispered between great gasps for breath.

End of Chapter Two