10:00 am

At about ten o'clock the following day, the body of Malcolm Smith was brought to the surface. Men in overalls and hard helmets appeared at the gate carrying a stretcher covered by a blanket.
Stood in the car park were many onlookers. Most of the folks were from the adjoining cottages and had come out of their homes to see the spectacle. That list included the Goodyear's and the Bartlett's. Both Wendy and Tracy were in the crowd but were apart and stood next to their parents. There were three other people there too that were not from Castle Point. Davina Townsend, Georgina Watkinson and Gabriel Lang stood together on the edge of the car park and watched as the stretcher got loaded into the back of an awaiting ambulance.
Strangely, both Davina and Georgina shed a little tear. It was not meant to end this way. Malcolm Smith, for all his evil doings was never meant to die. It was not part of the pact. A life in prison with physical scars to remind him of the wicked things he had done was all they had deviously schemed for.
Gabriel Lang cast his arms about both the girls and tried to comfort them. It was a sad day for all. He now realised that he had a lot of counselling to do. He thought that it would only be Wendy who needed that extra guidance, but now he knew better. He would try to get his first group session going as soon as possible. In fact, whilst all four were here, he would call them all together and organise it. It was a Friday today, so sometime early next week seemed like a good time to start. He had his appointment book in his Land Rover. He would find a suitable time and put it to the girls.
As the ambulance departed, the crowd massed around the old castle ruins began to disperse. The spectacle was over and there was nothing more to see. But once again drama had come to Castle Point. That was the third incident here in just as many weeks. First the Bartlett's had their daughter Wendy disappear, then the Goodyear's daughter Tracy had been snatched away from her own bed, and now someone had died in the catacombs below the old castle. There had never been so much excitement come to Castle Point before.
Before leaving the old castle Dr Lang managed to bring the four girls together and arranged to meet them all at two o'clock next Tuesday afternoon. He had several appointments booked for the Monday and that was the earliest he could make it. The meeting was also scheduled to take place at his surgery at the hospital and not on Castle Point. He considered memories of the old castle ruins in association with the death of Malcolm Smith were now too strong in the mind to do any good work there. He wondered just how difficult that first session would prove to be. But that was something for the future. Today he had more patients to see, and also a hastily re-arranged appointment to keep with Inspector Hawkins in his office at three o'clock.

3:00 pm

Inspector Hawkins greeted Dr. Lang in the reception area of Littlesea Police Station and led him to his office. After organising a hot drink for both of them, he showed the doctor the paintings and sketches made by Malcolm Smith along with photographs of the dungeon taken at Cuckoo Cottage. Afterwards he handed him a folder which included the initial reports on the three additional girls found imprisoned at the new site.
After seeing the drawings, the doctor scanned through the folder presented to him. He read all about the three freshly abducted girls. They apparently were all found to be in a poor medical condition, and like the four girls from Littlesea would require much counselling. But they were not his problem. Doctors from their own areas would treat them from now on. Reading on through the reports, one little piece of information did stick out. One of the abducted girls named Katie Brown had once resided in Littlesea. She had lived with someone named Richard Davies for over two years in a flat almost adjacent to the Amusement Park where Malcolm Smith once worked. There was also another link here too. Richard Davies was now seemingly the lover of one of his patients, Tracy Goodyear.
After seeing Dr. Lang had absorbed all the information there was to read, the Inspector finally asked: "Why doctor, would Malcolm Smith want to return to Littlesea? He could have gone anywhere and been safe. But no, he opted to return here. That's the question that keeps baffling me."
"Are you sure he came here of his own free will?" answered the doctor by putting another question. His initial thoughts were very similar to those of the Inspector. Barring force he could think of no good reason why Malcolm Smith should return to Littlesea.
The Inspector nodded his head. "Pretty sure... We found his motorcycle hidden amongst the sand dunes… he obviously left it there and walked up the hill, probably along the cliff paths so as not to be seen… We also found a change of clothes and over six-thousand pounds in a suitcase strapped to the back."
"I see," said Dr. Lang thoughtfully. "Then if his actions were not coerced in any way I suggest there must be some link between this Katie Brown and one of his first victims,… Tracy Goodyear."
The Inspector looked thoughtful. He had some other information to relate that was not written down in these reports.
He explained to the doctor: "Katie Brown fell out with her flatmate and partner Richard Davies just before Christmas. Apparently it was over Tracy Goodyear. He'd taken her on as his new secret lover. Apparently they both worked together at Kryton Chemicals. It was Katie Brown that had put Richard Davies in hospital in the first place. I got that information from Richard Davies himself. I interviewed him in hospital a few days ago."
Dr. Lang nodded his head. He thought he had a possible explanation. He put his theory to the Inspector.
"This might be what happened Inspector," he said and rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "It's quite possible that Malcolm Smith was in some way infatuated with this Katie Brown… They lived quite close to one another and may have at some point in time met up with each other… If they did, and his passions ran high for her, then he would probably have headed north to find her after fleeing from here… If that was the case, and they did meet up, then there would most certainly have been some sort of confrontation between the two of them… I guess she would have spurned his advances outright… and that would lead to her abduction and transfer to Cuckoo Cottage… He probably had no alternate… especially if she had learned of his dungeon exploits in the newspapers and threatened to go to the police."
"And the other girl from Lancashire?" interjected the Inspector.
"It says here she was a friend of Katie Brown's. It's my guess she probably got in the way and had to be taken along too," suggested the doctor.
The inspector nodded his head in agreement. He had figured that bit out for himself. So far so good. The doctor's theory sounded very plausible. The third girl, Jennifer Stansfield was already in Muddleton Morton. She probably just got in the way too. However, he still had one nagging question that had not been answered.
"But doctor, one question still remains. Why did he come back here?… To Littlesea… and the old castle?" he queried.
There was a pause. It was a difficult question to answer.
"I'd say, in a twisted sort of way, he wanted to impress Katie Brown," replied Dr. Lang after giving it much thought. "He needed to do something that would turn her around and bring her back on his side, and that's where Tracy Goodyear must have come in. Malcolm Smith knew just how much Katie Brown hated Tracy Goodyear for taking Richard Davies away from her. He must have reasoned that if he could present the girl to her, possibly strapped to one of the devices in the dungeon, then Katie Brown would love him for doing it... It was probably why he wanted to kidnap Tracy Goodyear in the first place… He saw it as a means of bonding his love with Katie Brown… After his first failed attempt, perhaps he thought that he would be more successful the second time around."
The Inspector began to smile. He could see it all now. Malcolm Smith had returned to Littlesea with the sole intention of abducting Tracy Goodyear once again. She lived right next to the old castle, and he had snatched her from her bedroom once before. That was obviously the reason why he had returned to Castle Point. It would also explain the rope, ball-gag and blindfold found at the bottom of the steps.
"So Malcolm Smith's plan was to abduct Tracy Goodyear for a second time? And with the sole purpose of impressing Katie Brown," reiterated the Inspector.
Dr. Lang nodded his head. "But he arrived here only to discover that she had gone away with a friend on a short break, and he had to wait for her return. In the meantime he must have found the gateway to the chamber had been tampered with by local drug takers, and used it as a suitable place to hide. He must have just been coming out to have another look around when you surprised him."
"Yes, he did look a bit surprised, when just by chance we were pulling up in the car park. And we know the story from there on," added a much happier Inspector.
"You asked my opinion Inspector, and for what it's worth, that's the best I can come up with right now," concluded Dr. Lang.
Inspector Hawkins smiled and lit another cigarette. He leant back in his chair and blew a smoke ring in the air.
"Thank you Dr. Lang," he said. "I think you've just cracked the case for me."
The Inspector was a happy man.
He now knew what to put in his report.
Unrequited love was the driving force behind Malcolm Smith, and the prime reason for all his wrong doings.
It all made sense now.
The case was closed.

5:30 pm

As dusk began to fall, four girls sat on a bench overlooking the cliffs at Castle Point. Lights were already on the many ships passing through the English Channel. There was a light breeze, the sea was calm, and the sound of the waves hitting the rocks below was barely audible. It was a pleasant January evening to be seated on top of the cliffs next to the old castle ruins.
For the first time that day the four girls found themselves together and on their own.
"Well girls, I guess it's all over," said Davina flatly.
No-one disagreed. The secret pact they had forged had come to an end. Yet everything seemed so hollow and unreal. Nothing had turned out as intended.
"The only thing is, what are we going to do with this little lot?" asked Wendy holding out a carrier bag.
Inside were fourteen bundles of twenty pound notes. There was seventy thousand pounds in total inside the bag.
They were all at a loss. It was impossible to do anything with it. How could they explain away their sudden wealth without serious questions being asked?
"We could toss it over the cliffs," offered Tracy as an alternative.
"What, and have notes flying everywhere?" stated Georgina. "I don't think so. The police will be here for a few days more tidying up their investigation."
There was another long pause. All just stared out to sea at the calm mirror surface and watched the large ships passing by on the horizon. They all wondered what they were going to do with themselves from now on. After their great adventure there was now nothing more to look forward to. Somehow life for the four of them would never quite be the same.
"How about a fighting fund?" suggested Davina and breaking the silence.
They all looked towards her.
What did Davina mean?
"Well, we all worked well as a team together didn't we? We got our man in the end. It was just the last bit that didn't quite go to plan," explained Davina.
"You mean we stay together as team? We keep the pact going in some way and fight crime together?" enquired Georgina.
"Precisely! And why not girls?" replied Davina. "Let's fight evil in our own way… If anything else like this ever happens again, then let's be on to it… You read about these things happening practically every week in the newspapers.. So why not do a bit of investigating ourselves?… We beat the police to it once… So we can do it again."
There was silence whilst all considered the implications.
Georgina spoke eventually: "Girls!.. I suggest we bank the money somehow, and do as Davina says… We use it as a fighting fund against crime… You never know, it might well come in handy one day."
"So we all keep in touch and meet up occasionally?" added Davina.
"Yes, and if something really serious happens then we put out a call and meet up someplace where we can talk," suggested Georgina.
"Why not we all meet up here? On this bench," suggested Wendy.  "It can be our meeting place. If anyone of us finds something in the future that needs tackling, then we put out a call and we all turn up here. This can be our secret meeting place."
They all nodded their heads in agreement.
This bench would be the place where they all assembled. All it needed was for one of them to put out a call, and they would all turn up here to meet.
They made another secret pact.
From now on, no abductor of woman anywhere in the country would be safe from their clutches.
That was their solemn vow.

 9:15 pm

Georgina was back at home watching television when the doorbell rang. She was on her own. Her parents had gone out and would not be back until way after midnight.
She answered the door.
PC Grantford stood in the porch. He had come to see her. He was still in uniform and had just come off duty.
"Come on in David," said Georgina with a smile.
As he entered the hallway she threw her arms about him and they kissed hard and long.
Eventually they broke and David collected his breath. He wanted to show Georgina something he had brought with him. In his hands he carried a whole pile of holiday brochures, mainly of Spain.
"I collected these from the travel agents today Georgina. I thought we might have a look through together and see if there's someplace we'd like to visit this Summer," he said and showing her the brochures.
Georgina smiled.
Right up until the point where she found herself abducted by Malcolm Smith the relationship between the two of them had been no more than one of mutual respect. They were colleagues at work and nothing more than that. It was true David had been her patrol partner and a good friend, but being a policewoman had always come first in her life, and any personal feelings towards him had always been put on the back burner. But somewhere along the line that purely Platonic relationship had melted away. Perhaps it was as early as the time when he had brought flowers to her as she lay in bed in the hospital. Or perhaps it was something that just grew as the days ticked by. Whenever and wherever it was her feelings towards David changed, she could not say precisely. But change they had, and now she found herself deeply in love.
"Let's make ourselves a hot drink first David, and then go and sit down by the fire and see if there's someplace we fancy," suggested Georgina.
It was David Grantford's turn to smile. He too was in love with a most wonderful and very beautiful woman. It was his turn it kiss her. He bent down and their lips met once more. Perhaps this embrace was even longer and more affectionate than the first, but no-one was counting. They were just two people very much in love.
Afterwards as Georgina turned for the kitchen, she remarked: "I'm told the Costa del Sol is a nice place to visit David. Perhaps I could even find myself a nice little bikini to wear and get myself brown all over."

10:00 pm

Davina had suggested an early night to her husband. She had got up early that morning and had driven a long way and was feeling very tired.
As they snuggled down together beneath the sheets their lips met.
This was much better. Being with a man felt right. Her three in a bed session with Tracy and Sam had been an experience, but nothing more. It was a one-off and something not to be tried again.
She let her husband's hands wonder over her breasts and shut her eyes.
"I love you," she whispered.
"And I love you too," he replied as he leaned over and began to run his tongue around a nipple.
They were two happy people and very much in love.
And nothing was ever going to change that.
She remembered that she had not taken the pill since her abduction, and there was no other means of contraception in the house.
Should she say something?
Should she stop him going any further?
She shrugged her shoulders.
Why should she?
Perhaps, after six years of marriage it was time to have a child.

10:30 pm

On a bench overlooking the cliff tops sat two young girls. One aged seventeen, the other twenty-one. They had been neighbours for quite some time, but they had never been out at night together before this time.
As the sound of waves crashed about the rocks below and echoed around the cliffs, Wendy snuggled up into Tracy's arms. It was so peaceful sitting here in the arms of someone she knew so well. She was a virgin and had never had a boyfriend. In fact she did not care too much for boys at all. All they did was hurt her and make her suffer. But Tracy was something different; somebody very special. She knew just how to comfort her, and was a real friend and companion to her.
Tracy ran her fingers through Wendy's hair. There was something so appealing about being in the company of other girls. She had not seen Richard Davies for several days now, and somehow she did not care. She had a whole new love in her life now. The love of femininity and being in the company of other females.
Tracy's hand moved inside the open front of Wendy's coat and slid beneath her clothes. Her fingers edged slowly beneath the bra and began to fondle the breasts and nipples beneath.
These were young breasts and not fully developed yet. But they were so comforting to handle.
She bent down and they kissed hard and long.
This was so comforting for both of them.
Tracy wondered whether to take Wendy with her to see Sam on her next visit.
She had promised three in a bed.
Was that how it was meant to be?

End of Story