
Malcolm led the way. To avoid the areas protected by various burglar alarms, he took the back stairs to the basement. At the bottom he made Katie wait whilst he turned on all the lights. As the chamber illuminated Katie looked about her to see that she was in an area tucked away behind a row of large wooden screens. Littered about the floor stood a great number of props and various other contraptions. Many of the items were broken and lay scattered haphazardly about the floor. Several other units were of discontinued lines, just dumped in the corners to be stored away indefinitely. However, there were a few new items amongst the jumble, and most of these still remained in their packing cases.
Very close to the bottom of the stairs stood a replica pillory. The catch and padlock were broken and hanging loose. Katie sidled across to poke at the headboard and to make a closer inspection of the overall structure. The pillory was assembled in one unit, with a big flat wooden base, and a three-holed split-board arrangement for the head and hands perched on top of a single, stout, square wooden beam rising up from the front edge of the platform. The whole display had been set on castors so that it could be transported easily. She found this much out when the complete assembly rumbled away across the floor after giving but a light touch to the side.
Katie waited for Malcolm to return, then pointing to the pillory, asked: "What's this doing down here?"
The truth was it was a discontinued line and he tried to explain: "Err.. it's err.. it's an old pillory thrown out by London. Mr. McTavish err… at one time thought we could make use of it. There are err... some stocks as well to go with it, they're err... over there in the corner. But the agreement with the err… Castle Trust has changed all that... and we're err… doing a dungeon display instead."
Katie looked thoughtful for a moment then stepped up onto the platform and attempted to raise the upper half of the board. After much exertion a small gap appeared. "Malcolm! This thing's very stiff!" she remarked whilst still struggling to lift the board without much success.
Malcolm put a foot down on a lever to lock one of the castors in place, then stepped up to assist in the raising of the upper section. "It's err... a bit rusty!" he remarked after forcing the board up higher.
The gap by now was just big enough to place a head inside. Katie bent forward and positioned her neck within the central cut-away and rested her hands inside the two smaller outer indentations. "Close the top down for a second please Malcolm," she requested of him.
Malcolm was not too certain whether he should do this or not, and hesitated, but Katie was quick to allay his fears: "Don't worry Malcolm, I don't mind this at all, honestly!.. It's just me I guess, and this kind of stuff, it simply turns me on, it really does. So please bring it down... please... just for a few seconds!.. I won't scream... I promise!"
"Err... I err...," muttered Malcolm incoherently then tried to make a sentence of his thoughts. "I wouldn't do it if I err… were you! It can't be err... very nice locked up in one of err… these!"
But Katie was determined to have her way: "Malcolm," she said forcefully in that Governess voice of hers. "Do it just this once.... I won't ask again, I promise! Just do it this once for me, please!"
Malcolm, too weak to resist when Katie spoke like this, did as he was asked. Pulling hard down against the force of the rusty hinges, he brought the board down about her neck and wrists. "Err... just for a bit then," he told her as the boards locked together.
Once down, the rusty hinges did the rest, and Katie made a failed attempt to pull herself free from the apertures. Satisfied that she was indeed pinned down, she took a deep breath and had a second attempt, but this time with such ferocity that it caused the base of the pillory to move, forcing Malcolm to jump down from the platform and lock the rest if the castors in place.
"Oh! That feels good... That really feels good!" sighed Katie as she struggled to wrestle free.
After setting the remaining three castors Malcolm straightened himself and looked up. In the commotion Katie's skirt had worked its way even further up her legs, and now, not only could he see even more of her thighs, but also the thin line of a pair of black frilly knickers cutting into the cheeks of her pert little bottom. For the first time in his life he had no need to visualise. Here was the real thing. A round and firm little arse that was in desperate need of a good spanking. With Katie trapped the way she was, he could quite easily give her six of the best, and what could she do about it? The answer! Nothing, absolutely nothing at all! Perhaps there was something to this bondage scene after all!
Suddenly an earnest call snapped his reverie: "Malcolm!"
Back in the real world he returned to the platform and raised the rusty board. Katie extracted her head cautiously. "Wow! That was great Malcolm! Absolutely fabulous!" she ranted whilst massaging her wrists and neck. "Now what else can I play with around here?" she added playfully and eyeing up the stocks stored away in the far corner.
"Err... it's getting late Katie, hadn't we err... better go and see the err… dungeon project now?" he said, reminding her of the prime reason for the visit.
She cackled a wicked laugh. "The torture chamber it must be then! Lead me to it Malcolm! I'm all yours! I am but a wicked and sinful slave, to do with what you will!" she remarked, then with a further giggle, she added: "Wow! Talking like that, it's made me go all wet between the legs!"
Malcolm was not quite sure what to make of Katie's remarks. Apprehensively he led her through a small door in the partitioning to the main exhibition area on the other side. Katie followed close behind, her high heels clicking on the concrete floor.
On reaching the other side Malcolm paused briefly and pointed across the vast empty space. "Err... over there at the far end is where we've err… sited the reconstruction of the old castle's dungeon. It's something like a Santa's grotto with an entrance and an exit for the public to walk through," he told her whilst pointing to the far end of the chamber. "We're creating a err… reproduction of the catacombs below the err.. old castle, and we're hoping to depict by err… means of dummies… err… what actually went on down there."
Katie listened intently to what was said before asking: "What's this area here for then Malcolm?"
"Here we're going to have err.. various displays and err… models all in err… glass cages. There's err… going to be here err… models of the err… castle and the surrounding area at err… various times in history. They're all being made by the Castle Trust at err.. present, and they'll err… all be spaced out in the centre here. And around the outside there's going to be err… findings from the various digs and err… period costumes and such things," he tried to explain the best he could.
"So the public will be free to wander about in this area?" she asked.
"Yes that's err… basically it," confirmed Malcolm, adding: "The public will enter over there, err… via those main stairs that lead to the err… main foyer. Then they'll be free to roam this area before err… visit the dungeon project afterwards."
Katie looked around trying to visualise the proposals. "It's all going to be very nice when it's finished," she remarked after giving much thought to what was said.
They set off, walking briskly to the far end of the hall.
The dungeon display had taken about two months to assemble using a whole army of workmen, and what was now visible looked very much akin to a building site. Much of this became evident to Katie as she approached the far side of the vast hall. From the exterior the grotto was made up of hundreds of pre-fabricated concrete sections all bolted together to form a structure running the complete width of the hall. At opposite ends stood the mouths of two gaping caves. These were the entrance and exit to the display.
Malcolm stopped outside the mouth to the cave on the left hand side of the hall. "This is going to be the err… entrance to the grotto," he told her, and pointing across the hall added: "The public will pass through in err… just one direction, and err... come out the other side, err… over there."
"What about all this concrete?" asked Katie with a frown. Her thoughts being that the construction was all a bit too unsightly for the public to see.
Malcolm explained: "All this is going to be covered with err… artificial turf and err… rocks. Remember the dungeon to the err… castle was err… actually cut out of the rock beneath the cliffs. We're err… trying to give the impression to the public that they are err… actually walking in tunnels below the err… cliffs."
Katie nodded her understanding. "Let's go underground then," she said with eager anticipation.
They set off once more. The passage inside formed a high and wide arched walkway that initially followed the side wall of the basement hall. The interior aspect of the concrete sections were moulded in such a way as to resemble a surface cut out of solid rock. The lighting was also very well done with spotlights hidden behind outcrops of rock and tucked away in jagged crevasses.
"This is just like being in a real cave Malcolm!" remarked Katie once they were well inside the passageway.
"It gets better," he told her. "Just wait until we're round the err.. corner!"
Malcolm was not wrong. The passage turned right, continued for a short distance then turned right again to double back on itself. Suddenly the cave opened out and they were walking in a vast cavern supported by a series of large circular pillars and sweeping arches all constructed from huge granite blocks. In the space of but a few paces they had passed from natural cave to man-made chambers. For all intents and purposes they could very well have been standing inside the walls of an old castle.
Katie whistled. "Wow!… This is absolutely fabulous!… And the area so vast!" she enthused as she looked around the chamber with eyes open wide and mouth agape.
A low glistening white rope supported on a series of short wooden stands ran around the perimeter of the chamber. The rope had been laid out in such a way as to direct the public around three sides of the display before exiting via another cave away over on the far side. Like the rest of the displays in the building the short posts that supported the ropes were originally to be of chrome, but Mr. McTavish had considered these to be totally inappropriate and a special set of wooden ones made. Within the roped off area, positioned between the nearest set of supporting pillars and arches, stood the rack. Further over, between the next adjoining archway hung a chain that passed over a pulley on the ceiling and came down again to enter winding gear bolted to the floor. There was some sort of metal frame attached to the end of the chain. On the back wall, which in effect formed the fourth side of the chamber, stood two small prison cells. These were no more than alcoves strewn out of the solid rock with a small grilled gate positioned across the front. From the nearest cell the prisoner would look out and see the rack before them. In the cell farthest away the view would be that of the chain and winding gear.
"And that's your infamous 'la tourmenter' then is it Malcolm?" asked Katie with a little bit of French accent thrown in.
"That's it!" he confirmed.
"Can I step over the rope and take a look?" she asked.
"Yes, I err… don't see why not!… Here, let me err… move it for you," said Malcolm.
With such high heels upon her feet he considered that Katie would find difficulty in negotiating the low rope. He drew the barrier to one side, moving one of the short wooden pillars, then gesturing for her to move forward into the display area. She accepted and clicked her way across the hard floor to the rack.
"So zis iz eet zen Malcolm! Votre grande tourmenter!" she remarked in a strong French accent as she reached the large wooden construction and began to run her fingers over the rough cut solid oak planks that formed the bed of the device. "This came all the way from France then did it?" She added afterwards in plain understandable English.
Katie's final remarks were more a statement than a question, but Malcolm was happy to confirm something that she presumable already knew: "It was all made in France... yes… It's err... an exact replica of a rack found in an old French dungeon and considered by experts to be virtually identical to the err.. one excavated at the old castle."
Katie ambled her way round to the far side to stand next to the wheel. She bent down and peered beneath the bed. Malcolm remained on the side opposite to her. After a while her head bobbed back up again. "Is this what you've been doing today then? Putting all these cogs and things together?" she asked thoughtfully.
Malcolm confirmed with a little nod of the head.
"What's still to be done then Malcolm?" she asked. "To make it all work properly and give someone a real good going over?"
Malcolm craned his neck to peer over the rack and look down at a couple of coils of thick rope lying on the floor close to Katie's feet. "Err... those ropes down there... They've err… got to be wound around the drum, and there's err... also the leather straps for the wrists and err… ankles to be fitted, but that's all," he told her.
"When that's done can it be used for real?" she queried.
Malcolm hesitated. Was Katie hinting at something? Surely she did not want to use it properly? There was a delay before he nodded a thoughtful response.
Katie waited until Malcolm's head bobbed up and down a couple of times before continuing: "It's for real isn't it? Just like the original. And it won't fall apart or anything will it?"
He returned an indignant look. "Err.. Yes of course it's for real," he said hurtfully. "and it's err… all put together as solid as a rock. It err… certainly won't fall apart or anything!"
"Great!" replied Katie, nodding her head with approval, and once again lovingly running a hand across the oak boards that formed the surface of the bed.
Malcolm was becoming a bit uncertain to Katie's motives. "The rack is err… in real working order, but... err... we only ever put err… dummies on it, never err… real people!" he explained to her.
Katie saw the look of horror on Malcolm's face and immediately burst out laughing. "Don't fret silly! I don't really want to use it!" she told him. "It's just that,… well,… I was only thinking of what I'd like to do with it, that's all!… If only I had half a chance that is!... I'd just love get that slut called Tracy Goodyear up on here, and oh boy wouldn't I make her squeal!... Nothing would stop me!… I'd just keep turning and turning this wheel until her arms popped out of their sockets!… And I wouldn't care one little bit!... I'd just be loving every minute of it!…. Honest I would!…"
Malcolm recalled the sight of the girl he had espied earlier through the flat window arguing with Katie. A mental picture of the scene quickly formed. In his mind's eye he saw the image of Tracy Goodyear lying naked upon the wooden surface, her huge breasts wobbling under the torment of being stretched apart. Secretly he agreed that he too would be delighted to witness the same scenes as Katie, but probably for an entirely different reason.
He shook himself back to reality. Katie appeared no-longer interested, instead her head was turned towards the device in the adjoining section. She pointed across the chamber and asked: "What's that chain over here for then?"
"It's the displays err… second torture," he said vaguely.
Katie set off, reached the chain and started swinging it from side to side.
"What's this thing on the end do then?" she asked eventually, and wanting to know something about the frame-like construction on the end of the chain.
Earlier Malcolm would most probably have been very embarrassed to give an answer, but as time passed by he found himself becoming less and less shy to talk about such matters in Katie's presence. She had proved to him that she was certainly not squeamish, and always appeared most receptive to his explanations no matter how sordid the details. "They're pilliwinkles! A form of thumbscrews," he announced without even a hint of hesitation.
Katie fingered the metal construction and tried to work out what it did. There really was not much too the device. It was simply a casting with three forks. The central prong had a screw thread down its length, and a butterfly nut moved a flat bar with three holes in it up and down the forks. She pointed to the gaps between the top of the casting and the adjustable plate and asked: "Do the thumbs go in here then?"
Malcolm nodded. "The central nut winds the plate upwards and locks the thumbs in place," he demonstrated with a turn of the butterfly nut.
"Then the chain is taken up I suppose?" queried Katie.
"Sort of!" he replied hesitantly, for there was slightly more to it than that.
"Sort of?" repeated Katie putting her head to one side and awaiting clarification.
Malcolm collected a small three-legged stool from just a few paces away and placed it beneath the chain. Then demonstrating with thumbs held together, he began to explain: "It's all speculation of course, but remember we're only trying to emulate thirteenth century torture here. A chain such as this would have been used for many different purposes over the years. However, historians who've delved into the castle's records believe a typical thirteenth century victim would be made to put her thumbs in there, then forced to stand up on a stool or box before the chain was raised. There are recordings of sentences being passed down to prisoners asking for a 'goodly flogging' followed by a 'suspension of the thumbs' for the duration of one hour, or sometimes even longer. It appears an hourglass was used, and lines in the records say things like 'for three passing of the sands'. The punishment would normally take place in two distinct halves. In the case of the whipping, some fifty to a hundred strokes was common practice. It's thought the suspension part would have followed immediately afterwards. Doing it this way, the difficulty would be keeping balance on the stool in the first place. If she fell then it was just bad luck. The hour glass would not be turned until the flogging was completed."
Katie winced and drew in a long intake of breath at the horrible scene just described. "Tell me Malcolm, why did you refer to the victim as being a female?" she asked simply out of curiosity.
Malcolm failed to realise that the scene he described included a female victim. In truth the gender of the victims had never been mentioned in any of Mr. McTavish's notes. He personally however could not envisage anything different. He thought quickly. "In reality it could be anyone, though for purposes of the exhibition, market research indicates that err... there is more public demand for female victims," he told her, and hoped that she would swallow what was in truth a pack of lies.
To his relief Katie appeared completely satisfied with the answer and moved on. There were still the two small cells at the back of the display to inspect. Carved into the rock to form a small arched alcove, neither were of any great size and both just big enough for one person to stand up in. There were two metal rings embedded centrally into the back wall of each, one near the top, the other close to the floor. In front of the openings stood a wrought iron frame consisting of a series of vertical bars and flat horizontal strips. The gates were sealed by huge padlocks.
"And what's with these two cages then?" she asked holding on to a bar of one cell and shaking it viciously. They were, like everything else in the display, as solid as the rocks that surrounded them.
"We're going to have dummies put inside both of them. They'll be staring out on the proceedings with looks of horror on their faces," he told her.
"Two women, one in each cell, and standing naked in chains attached to those rings perhaps?" queried Katie seriously.
Malcolm nodded thoughtfully. For once they seemed to be completely on the same wavelength.
Katie built on the scene: "The one in this cell will have lash marks all over her body and her thumbs will be swollen and broken and sticking out at all angles, and her face will be drawn and her eyes sunk in deep dark sockets."
Malcolm nodded and let her continue some more.
"Over in the other cell the woman will be naked and in chains just the same. She'll be staring out and witnessing the rack being put to good use. She'll be bent and broken having just been released from the rack to make way for the new arrival. The look on her face will be one of great pity, knowing through first hand experience exactly what agonies the poor girl was suffering," surmised Katie thoughtfully.
"Something like that!" he said once she had finished describing her version of events. He had not actually thought about the layout in such detail before. But what Katie was saying made a whole lot of sense.
Katie chuckled. "I knew I was right!" she remarked with a certain amount of glee.
Malcolm looked to his watch. Time was marching on and they had a very early start tomorrow morning. They had to be at the railway station for seven o'clock. "Katie, we'd better move on. It's getting late," he told her.
She had seen all that she wanted to see, so she agreed. "Carry on then Malcolm," she told him after taking one last lingering look around. To be truthful she was very impressed with everything she saw. The place was so well put together it was virtually impossible to tell that they were actually standing inside a prefabricated concrete structure.
Malcolm moved the rope on the other side of the display. Walking side by side they set off down the cavernous exit passageway. In design the cave walls were identical to those of the approach route, but with one difference, carved into the walls on either side were a series of alcoves very similar to those that formed the cells in the dungeon. The only difference being that no gate guarded the entrance. Katie stopped to look inside the first alcove they came to. From the top ring embedded into the rock hung two short chains with manacles attached. A similar arrangement existed at the base. On the floor rested two leg-irons. They were connected by a short single chain and padlocked in the middle to the lower metal ring sunk into the wall.
"What's going to be happening in here then Malcolm?" she asked pointing into the alcove.
Malcolm set about explaining once again: "All along this exit route, down here and around the corner all the way to the exit, we're depicting scenes of something else the archaeologists discovered at the old castle. You see Katie, a few years back a secret passageway was discovered below the ruins, and more than fifty recesses, all very similar to the ones down here were discovered all along the route. They'd all been bricked in, and inside every one they found the remains of skeletons chained to the walls."
"Were they mostly women?" asked Katie rubbing her chin and trying to visualise the scene described to her.
A strange question he thought but he attempted to answer her anyway. "I don't think the sexes were identified! Well at least to us they weren't," he told her with a sad shrug to his shoulders.
"No doubt for the purpose of the exhibition you'll be putting dummies of a women in there though?" she said thoughtfully.
Malcolm did not disagree. "Most likely," he confirmed. "and if so they'll all be chained to the back walls, and all along the passageway we'll be showing various stages of brickwork. Starting with a pile of fresh bricks and mortar at this end and ending with just a couple of bricks missing in the last alcove."
Katie took one step up to stand inside the alcove and to inspect the chains and manacles set high against the back wall. Two small keys, held in place by a plastic tie had been threaded through one of the links. She gave a sharp tug to one of the chains to test its mounting. When nothing moved she nodded her approval. "Are these keys for  the manacles?" she asked touching them lightly with an open hand.
Malcolm followed Katie's every move with interest. Intrigued by the way she went about inspecting everything, he simply nodded his head: "Yes, those are the keys. They fit the locks that secure both the arms and legs," he confirmed, and then added: "What you see here are all genuine reproductions of the real items. Perfect in every detail to the remains found in the old castle ruins."
"So once chained to the wall then there's definitely no escaping!" she queried inquisitively.
"Most definitely!" he remarked with a gleeful smile.
She stepped down and tried to visualise the scene as it probably was in days of old, and although she did not know it, Malcolm was doing very much the same. His own thoughts however were very much different, more in keeping with modern times, and much more vivid in detail. He saw Katie chained to the wall, hands above her head and feet locked in the fetters below. Most of her clothing had gone, but to mix old with new, he settled for the retention of perhaps a sexy suspender belt and stockings.
Katie shaped to ask more but seemed to change her mind at the last moment. For quite some time now Malcolm had noticed that intermittently she had occasion to gently rub the area about her crutch in a little erotic and circular motion. Suddenly and without warning she sped away, heading back in the direction they had just walked. From the mouth of the cave she turned and yelled: "Malcolm, stay right where you are! I'm just going to collect something!"
Malcolm began to follow then froze when spoken to. What was Katie up to? With mouth agape he watched Katie re-enter the dungeon area, collect the stool and return with it in her hands. She placed it down on the floor directly in front of the alcove and as close to the opposite wall as possible.
"Malcolm, sit down here and face the alcove!" she ordered.
He did as he was told, and at the same time wondered what on Earth was going on?
Katie leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. Afterwards, with their mouths just fractions apart, she whispered: "Malcolm? Does this place turn you on?" then before he could reply she added: "It does me!"
He was speechless again, his old nervous disposition back to haunt him.
She kissed him hard and long, this time her tongue darting about inside his mouth. She withdrew, returned to an upright stance and placed her hands upon his shoulders forcing him down. "Don't get up Malcolm! Just stay there like that!" she told him sternly.
With mouth still open, and with tongue still savouring that last slobbering kiss, Malcolm could only sit and watch as Katie withdrew a couple of paces and began to undo the short zip at the side of her waist. Rocking and swaying her hips akin to a professional stripper, in sensually slow movements designed to titillate and tantalise, she slid the black leather skirt slowly down to her feet and stepped out of it. She waited a few moments for Malcolm to get over the initial shock of what she had done before picking it up and tossing it across to him.
"Malcolm, it's my turn to repay you. And my skirt sweetheart, is my present to you for asking me in from the cold this morning. It's yours to keep!" she told him with a playful chuckle to her voice.
He caught the leather skirt and shaped as if he were about to get up and say something.
"No-no!… Naughty boy!… Stay right where you are Malcolm, and don't say or do a thing until I tell you! Is that perfectly clear?" she said with slight rebuke, and to make sure she hastily stepped forward, placed her hands upon his shoulders and pinned him down to the stool.
Remaining at arms length, and with breasts almost poking out Malcolm's eyes, Katie slowly undid her blouse. As the last button slid smoothly from the buttonhole, she opened out the front to expose the low-cupped, lacy black bra that she wore.
Malcolm licked his lips and savoured the moment. He had been right all along! He just knew it! Katie had freckles! Lots of them spread all across the top of her chest. Her complete upper body, from neck down to the tops of her breasts, and from one shoulder to the other, was just awash with small brown blotchy freckles.
No-longer objecting, simply content to sit and ogle, Malcolm remained transfixed and mesmerised as Katie teasingly removed the blouse completely and let it drop to  his lap.
She bent forward, nibbled at his lobe and whispered in his ear: "And this blouse my love is another present from me. This time for offering me a place to stay after I'd been tossed out on the streets and didn't know which way to turn."
Malcolm straightened out the blouse, laid it on top of the skirt and arranged the garments in such a manner as to hide his mounting erection. He was beginning to enjoy Katie's little game.
Using Malcolm's shoulders for support, she eased her shoes from her feet and passed them down to him. Placing one in either hand she told him: "And these shoes are for the keys to the premises. This one's for the gate, and this one's for the back door."
Malcolm placed the shoes on his lap and Katie stepped back a fraction. Tauntingly she raised up a long leg and placed her heel on the stool between his legs. Immediately she felt his growing erection and she wriggled her toes against his manhood to excite him even more.
He squirmed awkwardly on the small stool as Katie began to fiddle with her suspender belt. Balanced with one leg on the floor and one foot pushed hard against his manhood, she slowly released the two button fastenings, deliberately allowing the elastics to snap back and bounce against the thigh. Maintaining the same sensual movements as before, she unhurriedly rolled the black nylon stocking down her leg, pulled it away from her toes, and draped it about his neck like a scarf.
Malcolm was keen to hear what this gift was for, but Katie changed legs quickly and said nothing. Instead, in the same teasing manner she removed the other stocking and afterwards wrapped that too about his neck. Only then, and whilst gripping the ends of both stockings in her hands and gyrating them softly about the nape of his neck did she tell him: "These stockings Malcolm, are for the meal. The best meal I ever had in my whole life. I guess one is for the turkey, the other for the potatoes and vegetables."
He shaped to say something, to simply thank her, but she quickly shut him up by placing a finger before his mouth. "Shush!" she whispered, and tapped him gently on the lips.
From this point onwards the tempo moved up a notch, and with a sudden eagerness on Katie's part to reach a more rapid conclusion. She stepped back and dragged the thin black suspender belt about her waist. Quickly she unclipped the two fastening hooks at a point close to her bellybutton, held it high between thumb and finger, then dropped it on Malcolm's lap. Bending low she whispered in his ear: "And the suspender belt my dearest is for accompanying me to the gate and helping to carry my heavy suitcases back for me."
By this time Malcolm was very aware as to what Katie's little game was all about. She was returning one favour for another. And oh boy, did he appreciate what she was doing! He stared back at the sumptuous, almost naked figure stood before him and locked his legs together. Katie's breasts were simply bulging out from the tops of her sexy low-cut bra, and her panties were those sort that dived down from the waist and exposed the whole of the hips. He closed his eyes and wondered just how much longer he could stop himself from coming. He opened them again just in time to see her slipping the bra straps from off her shoulders and extracting the arms.
Transfixed and following every move in great detail, he watched as Katie's hands crept slowly to her breasts and begin to fondle and rub the bulging globes. Then long slender fingers slid beneath the bra at the cleavage and applied a little downwards pressure. The cups strained for a moment, then two cherry-red nipples appeared above the frilly laced-topped edges. Finally, with an extra little downward heave, two beautiful round orbs bounced free from all restraint.
Malcolm whistled and gulped down an involuntary intake of air. Katie held one finger to her own lips suggesting silence and waited for her audience to settle before continuing. With bra pulled down about the waist there was not a great more deal left to do. She simply twisted it about her body and unclipped the hooks at the front in much the same way as she undid the suspender belt. With one end held loosely between thumb and forefinger she dangled the bra before Malcolm's face, swaying it to-and-fro and letting it brush gently against his nose. "I guess this is for putting up with my constant badgering to bring me down here. It's a special thank you from me. Keep it and treasure it always!" she said dropping it on the floor between his legs.
Malcolm quickly scooped up the fallen garment, and as he did so Katie skipped away to do a little graceful, slow pirouette and come to halt before the alcove. She turned her back on him and raised her hands above her head. Slowly her arms descended, gliding down with both thumbs tracing the silhouetted outline of her body against the green spotlights in the background. They arrived at the hips and hooked beneath the waist elastic of her panties. The tight band moved away from the body a fraction before the thumbs moved on, down past the thighs, and over the knees until the taper of the calf muscles could hold the elastic taught no longer and she allowed the crumpled ring of silky black material to fall about her feet.
Remaining facing into the alcove, Katie stooped to pick up the panties from the floor. Then slowly she turned to face Malcolm. With one hand gyrating about her pubic region with the garment, and with the other raised,  she beckoned with index finger for him to rise from the stool and join her.
Taking his cue, he rose slowly, clinging doggedly to all the clothes and shoes she had bestowed on him. "Put those things down on the stool and come here," she told him sternly.
Malcolm placed all that he had on his lap upon the stool, but retained the nylon stockings draped about his neck. Keeping his hands well before him to conceal the ever mounting bulge within his trousers, he walked slowly over to join her.
As they stood face to face, she held the panties up for him to see. "Finally… these Malcolm.... are for the asking of one last special favour.... they're for something you haven't done yet... But I know you will, and I desperately want you to earn them," she said dangling them tantalisingly before his face.
Malcolm's eyes followed  the swaying panties backwards and forwards. There was a damped patch about the crutch. "What do you want me to do then Katie?" he asked feverishly.
Stepping into the recess, Katie plucked the two keys away from the chain and passed them to him. "To earn these panties my darling," she said still enticing him with the swaying undergarment, "I want you to chain me to the wall, then fuck me hard! I want you to fuck me, fuck me, and fuck me again, until your prick's red and raw. If you do that for me, then these panties my darling will be yours to keep and treasure for ever!"
Malcolm gave no reply, but a wicked glint appeared in his eyes. With all traces of embarrassment vanished, he tossed the keys up and down in his hand a couple of times, then stretched out his arms to take hold of Katie shoulders and manoeuvre her backwards to stand against the wall. Then, taking a grip of her left hand, he raised it up above her head. She offered no resistance, holding it high whilst he took command.
With a gentle click Malcolm locked a manacle about the wrist.
Katie motioned to speak, to thank him for doing exactly what she asked, but was quickly stopped.
He saw her mouth move and placed a gentle finger to her lips. "Shush! It's my turn now!" he told her.
With her right hand still free, she worked her fingers in order to gather in the panties, screwing them into a small ball and clenching them tightly in her grasp. Then, in an act of true submission, and without being ordered to do so, she raised the fist above her head and held it there. With the other arm already restrained there could be no escaping now, and she knew it. Malcolm had become the dominant partner, and it was her turn submit to his will. She lowered her head to gazed passively at the floor as the second manacle clicked about the wrist.
Malcolm took a couple of paces backwards. Katie was stood naked in the alcove, her back to the wall, and with arms locked in position above her head. She displayed no signs of discomfort as she gazed at the floor with half a smile across her face. Despite the situation, she appeared at ease both mentally and physically with the things he had done to her.
He stepped forward, unwound the nylon stockings from about his neck and held them before her eyes. She looked up at him. This was his game now. She had allowed the boy to take charge and recognised that from this point onwards they were destined to play the game by his own rules.
Malcolm however still had the courtesy to ask: "Do you mind?"
Katie saw his intent and held no objections. "No, that's fine Malcolm! Go ahead and do it," she said lowering her head in submission.
Malcolm tied the stockings about her head and eyes, and afterwards blew a little kiss.
To be truthful Katie had not expected the blindfold for one second, but now it was there, tied firmly about her eyes, it only helped heighten her already highly aroused sexual desires. Suddenly she could contain herself no-longer: "Malcolm!... Take me!... Fuck me!... Now!... Do it!... Please do it!" she squealed at the top of her voice.
"Slave, you'll get what you deserve only when I'm good and ready!" he told her.
Katie exhaled a deep sigh and relaxed her stance. It was even better this way. "I'm sorry my Master! I am all yours to do with whatever you wish," she answered coyly.
Unseen by Katie, Malcolm slowly and methodically dropped his trousers and let his feverish erection spring free. Soon he too was standing completely naked. With penis rampant, he moved in close until their bodies touched. She felt his hot organ rub against the inside of her thighs and she spread her legs wide to accommodate him. He entered her, sliding easily into an already much excited and well lubricated passage. She threw her legs upwards and locked them about his body. Drawing him in towards her in order to attain maximum penetration. "Oh Malcolm! I love you!… Now fuck me!... Fuck me!… Fuck Me!" she screamed and begged in earnest.
With arms out straight, wrists tugging against the chains, and with body suspended and drawn well away from the wall by the leg-lock about Malcolm's body, Katie squealed with delight as the pumping reached fever pitch. This was the best fucking she had ever had.
As they simultaneously reached a climax, Katie's hand opened and the panties fell from her grasp to float and wedge between their writhing bodies. Malcolm gathered them in. They belonged to him now, and he deserved them. They would be his always, to treasure and to forever remind him of this one special moment in his life: The time when he first fucked Katie, and also the point in his life when he lost his own virginity.

End of Chapter Two