
by NightShade


Chapter 46

To say I had their undivided attention when I announced that a 'Family Day'
would be held the following day would be a bit of an understatement.  Two of
the four pairs of gorgeous eyes riveted on me were full of curiosity.
Apparently, I had hit upon the one topic Sally and Janey had failed to
discuss ad nausea with Nicole and Simone.  The other two pairs of eyes, more
familiar with these special days, had glints of excitement and glee
twinkling in them.

It had been about a week - eight days, exactly - since Nicole and I had
returned from our trip to Washington, DC.  While not entirely seamless, our
family life since our return had been almost blissful, at least compared to
the tension-riddled existence we had suffered before.  It still brought me
sorrow to think of all the pain and suffering my pride had caused those I
loved.  My girls never let me dwell on that time; in fact, they chided me
for taking the blame for the trouble.  And as for our family life, I now ate
my meals with one proudly preening bare chested teenager sitting on my
right, and another beautiful woman bound and kneeling by side.  Yeah, sure,

Upon our return, there were some changes to our lifestyle that were
necessary. After the expected homecoming intimacies were thoroughly and
exhaustively completed, we, or more accurately, Sally realized we suddenly
had one more person than we had chairs at the dining table.  Prior to this
time, Nicole, as the property of Sally, had always served the meals, thus
freeing up a chair.  With Nicole's status now changed to equal that of
Sally, the whole paradigm had changed.

Sally, in her usual adroit manner, impeccable timing and with her attention
to detail, mentioned this to me on the first night of my return, timing her
comments precisely at that point when Nicole was busy trying to swallow my
rampant cock whole.

"Master?" came the soft voice from above.  She was sitting on my face, and I
was delightfully busy.

"Yes, Love?"  My words were somewhat muffled as I was speaking into the
juncture of two perfectly formed thighs.

"How would you like the seating arrangements to be handled at breakfast?"

Now, I don't know about you, but hearing that question while having your
cock masterfully swallowed by a beautiful woman would be disconcerting to
most men.  Imagine how I felt, for the second time as I was rudely
interrupted as I was, at the exact time Sally asked me that question, trying
to swab her tonsils by sticking my tongue as far up her cunt as possible.

Apparently this was something that was really bothering her.  Now it was
bothering me.  She had skillfully dumped this domestic problem in my lap.
My two imps suddenly found themselves rudely dumped onto the floor beside
our bed.  It was, however, no more rude than the timing of Sally's question,
in my estimation.


My wonderfully naked nubile wenches scampered to the foot of the bed and
assumed a submissive pose, kneeling, heads bowed, hands resting on their
thighs palms up.  There was no giggling, no sideward glances to one another.
I caught a whiff of fear from Sally over our link.


I let them stew while I thought about the problem that she had presented me.
Then I had a flash of inspiration.  I hoped.  Speaking to Sally, I gave her
my instructions.  They were simple, but the preparations would keep her up
all night.  I invited Nicole to re-join me in our bed and we let Sally
quietly slip out to her tasks.

The following morning I sensed a lot of tension in the kitchen.  As I had
specified, placed next to my chair was a cushion.  Sally had used the middle
section of the couch from the living room, but that would have to be
changed.  It was inevitable that there would be some spillage, and the
fabric of the couch wouldn't stand up to the abuse it was bound to take.  I
tersely informed Sally of the inadequacy of the current arrangements, but
that they would suffice for this morning.  When she heard that it would be
OK for this morning, she sighed in relief.

Sally sat across from me, Janey on my left, Nicole on my right.  Simone had
not yet made her appearance, and I could tell that the other three women
were very nervous about what would happen to Simone that morning.  They
could tell something was up, but not one of them had an idea of what it
might be.

Good.  I was beginning to enjoy keeping them off balance.  It happened so
rarely with these minxes.  There were too many of them and too smart for me.

"Sen- Sensei?" came a timid voice from hallway.  I grinned at the name she
used for me.  Janey had shared with Simone as well as Sally had with Nicole.

"Yes, Simone?"

"May I enter?"

"But, of course!"

I turned in my chair and caught my breath.  Simone, as requested, was clad
in Slave clothes.  Sally had taken a set of Janey's Slave clothes and
modified them to fit the younger girl.  I had seen Simone naked before so
her lovely assets were no surprise.  However, in this charged environment
and in that outfit, there was an almost overpowering allure to her natural
beauty and youth.  I stared at her in silence as she walked over to the
cushion and knelt gracefully beside my chair.

The fear, no, the panic in the young girl was palpable.  This was
understandable, given her recent trauma.  I tried not take it too
personally, though I found it becoming tiresome that I kept having to prove
myself over and over.  I had done this before with Janey, the careful
nurturing back to a more even emotional balance, and now I was going to have
to do it with Simone.

Understand, I didn't begrudge the task, in fact, I actually enjoyed it.  But
I guess I just didn't fully comprehend how fragile these creatures were, how
insecure in their own beauty and intelligence.  And they say men's egos are
fragile!  Anyway, helping Simone was part of what this morning was about,
although none of them knew that.

Simone had set her plate of food beside mine when she knelt down.  As I had
requested, the food on her plate was cut into bite-sized pieces of foods she
liked.  She had chosen grapes and squares of cheese, with a mound of Ritz®
crackers on the side.  I smiled to myself.  Perfect!

Leaning over in my chair, I used the convenient straps on the back of Simone
's skirt to fasten her wrists behind her back.  A glare at Sally stifled any
further protestations after her first instinctual "OH!"  I made it clear
over the link that I would not tolerate any interference this morning.  Both
Sally and Janey paled at my warning, and, I noted with interest, that Nicole
seemed to have caught a bit of the warning, as well.

Careful not to touch Simone, I let my link open up to her.  I reached into
her and took us to our beach.  It was a struggle, at first, as she was full
of terror and fought me, out of fear.  The calming rhythm of the waves, the
lonesome calling of the sea gulls and the endless beaches soon soothed her
panic though, and she joined me there freely.

We had a picnic on the beach, just Simone and me.  I could sense her
wonderment at the peacefulness we found there.  We both knew we were not
alone, as we could see the others at the table with us.  Yet we had never
been more alone in our special place as we were that morning.

That first morning as we walked the beach, I let Simone ask any question she
wanted of me, about the faces that made up the sands in my castle and the
memories that went with them.  As she wandered around my sandcastle, she
would point to first one or the other and I would open up and allow her to
see the memories I had of this one and that one.  Some of my memories
frightened her, as they did me, even now.  In my more private life, I had
experienced many moments of violence and the worst of human depravity, all
carefully condoned by the government and the authorities.  I still
maintained a thick mental file of more than my share of personal terrors
that often woke me up nights.

As Simone began to see the patterns of my life, the lights and the darks,
she would look up at me when she would see the darkened face of a former,
usually dead, adversary.  Then, with exceeding tenderness she would touch
the sand around it with her long, slender fingers and somehow take some of
the pain or terror associated with that memory from me.  It was amazing, and
a totally unexpected development.  Simone, this little girl who had known so
much pain and violence, this waif who still cried out in anguish and terror
in her sleep, was drawing out the festering anguish I had been repressing
and living with for years!

On the surface, Simone and I simply sat and ate our breakfasts, I feeding
Simone a bite now and again.  Detached from what was going on between Simone
and I, I watched first Janey, then Sally relax.  They may not have known
exactly what was happening, but they quickly figured out that Simone was not
going to be punished or humiliated or any other such drivel.  In fact, as I
expected, there was more than a little jealousy on their parts.  They
realized that this time of intimacy between Simone and I was special, and
they didn't really like it that she got to go first.  Nicole, sensing their
relaxation, also eased her worries for her daughter.

I had instructed Sally that the rotation of the person on the cushion was to
go Simone, Janey, Nicole, and then Sally.  Every day, one of them was to be
on the cushion.  That person was also exempted from 'Head Time' during the
day, as well.  That was another reason I had wanted to start with Simone.
She had not quite adjusted to me as yet and I thought another day without
having to face that particular task might help her adjust.

That evening at dinner, Simone was not nearly as fearful as she had been
earlier.  In fact, she was eager to take her place at my side.  To her
surprise, and that of the others, I held a normal conversation with the
other three women at the table.  Every time Simone would try to take part in
the conversations, I would lay a gentle finger on her lips, smile down at
her, and shake my head.  It was not done harshly, just in a manner that let
her know that she was an observer and not a participant at this meal.  Not a
punishment, just a new situation for her.

When Janey's turn came the next day, she eagerly knelt down at my side.  I
don't know what she was expecting, but it was obvious she had thought I had
taken Simone down a path of sexual bliss the morning before.  At least, that
's where she seemed determined to go.  I managed to focus her boundless
energies on other, less prurient topics, much to her passing disappointment.
As I had done with Simone, I opened up the link between us and let her know
I would answer any questions she might have.  When she found she had access
to my past and all my memories, as I had let Simone have, she timidly looked
around inside and then looked up at me in sadness and shook her head.
Apparently Janey had fully accepted who I was in her life and didn't need
the reassurances that Simone needed.  We moved on.

Realizing she did not have the same needs as Simone, I took us back to our
own shared times together.  I relived the now infamous wrestling match,
letting her see the pride I felt at her perseverance and flat out guts.  We
re-visited the bike ride on the beach, the baseball game and the wild day we
had then.  She let me see how much she had enjoyed that day, and even though
she had been terribly embarrassed at how she had dressed and behaved then,
how much it had helped her get over her fear of men.  We went over good
times and touched on the bad times, too.  She let me see a little of what
she had felt that night with Steven.  Not much, but a little.  It was still
raw underneath, but healing.

That evening at dinner I did not have to remind Janey once to remain silent.
She simply leaned her head on my leg and luxuriated in the sense of
touching.  She was literally purring and I was beginning to question whether
I had misnamed her.  'Kitty' might have been a more appropriate name for her
than 'Cricket', what with her present behavior.

After I had fed her all the food on her plate, I kept my hand on the nape of
her neck, stroking it lightly.  Her purring intensified slowly and I wasn't
paying that much attention to her.  The conversation was particularly
engrossing that night, with a much more relaxed Simone leading us on a
hilarious journey through the peccadilloes of the French court of Louis XIV.
The way she told it, it almost sounded as if she had first hand knowledge of
the old lecher.  It seems I wasn't the first man to have a small harem.

The sudden blinding flash of Janey's orgasm that passed across the link
surprised all of us, including Janey, I think.  Nicole caught a sense of it
as well, it was so powerful.  I was about to reprimand Janey for touching
herself without permission when I remembered that her hands were tied behind
her.  When she finally finished shaking and trembling, she slumped down on
the cushion, exhausted.

Alarmed, I was beside her in a flash.  I didn't quite understand or
appreciate the incongruity of Sally's helpless giggling at a time when I was
panicked until I heard the soft snoring of a young girl, sound asleep.  I
hadn't checked the link, as she had.  Sally knew Janey was OK, and was
really enjoying the floorshow I was giving her, so full of concern.  I gave
Sally an un-amused, but wry glare as I carried the somnolent girl up to her
own bed.  Janey stayed asleep until the next morning, and even then,
grinningly protested that she had not known it was coming, pun intended.