
by NightShade


Chapter 45

The limo took us to an airfield.  A White House helicopter was waiting and
airlifted us on the short ride to our destination.  Nicole was looking
around in concern as the city disappeared behind us.  My reassuring smile
did not ease it.

"Where, where are we going?  I cannot see the monuments anymore."

"I think we are headed to Camp David.  The President was reported to be
staying there this week."

"A camp?  Mon Dieu!  I have overdressed."

"My darling Nicole, there is no way anyone could accuse you of being
overdressed in that gown!" I laughed at her.  She did not appreciate the

The helicopter settled down on a wide expanse of lawn.  In deference to
Nicole's perfect hair, the marine corporal let the blades spin down
completely before he opened the door.  She favored the corporal with an
enticing view of her assets.  I received an undeserved crisp salute as I
exited the helicopter.

"At ease, corporal."

"That would be difficult at the moment, sir.  I'm at attention all over," he
quipped back.

I shot him an amazed look.

He grinned and finished with an emphatic, "Thank you, sir!"  I had the
feeling he really was thankful.  Maybe this sharing thing could work out
after all.

It proved to be a night of predictability as well as one of surprises.  It
was predictable in that Nicole wowed the other guests with her charm and her
beauty.  It was almost comical when one of them, a French physicist who had
won the Nobel Prize a few years back, recognized and remembered Nicole from
her time at the University.  Apparently her admirers had long memories.

"Mademoiselle Nicole!  What an honor to see you again!" came an accented
shout across the room.

Nicole stiffened in recognition and muttered "Merde" under her breath before
slipping a charming smile on her face and going out to meet the man.  I was
dragged along as an insurance policy, her arm tightly linked in mine.

"Mon Dieu, how you have grown!  And what a beauty you have become!  Gaston!"
he called to his colleague, "come and meet Nicole Le Brech, a student of
mine from the University."

Loudly the two old distinguished gentlemen reminisced with Nicole, much of
the time in French.  Lusting after her young body had not stopped the
professors from encouraging her academically.  The physicist had actually
followed her career and knew she held several patents.

I was highly entertained.  On several fronts.  First, it became obvious that
the people who had vetted Nicole had no idea who she really was.  They must
have cleared her based on my relationship with her, which was a huge no-no.
It felt good they were so confident in my abilities, but heads were going to
roll on this one.

Second, the President and First Lady were left floundering like us common
folk as they found their information on her was sorely inadequate.  They
didn't know she spoke French, they didn't even know she was French, they
didn't know she was a Ph.D., they didn't know she knew the guests of honor,
they didn't know shit.  I could see their eyes glaze over as the tightly
scripted evening they had planned went out the window.

Third, Nicole was begging me, pleading to me with her eyes to rescue her.
She would glance over and I would give her the most 'I'm not jealous' look I
could manage.  She finally caught on that I was teasing her and started to
glare at me in anger.  I simply reached up and touched a finger to my neck,
reminding her of her collar.  Her eyes widened as I nodded at the two
scientists.  She understood.  She had been too worried to charm them.

That changed almost immediately.  She deftly took charge and began directing
the conversation down less technical paths, and doing it in English.
Finally, she had them relating ribald anecdotes of French University
politics that had everybody in stitches.  I noticed it was she that had
initially mentioned a particularly memorable tale from her time at the
University and had asked her professor to relate the story, as she couldn't
quite remember all of it.

She slipped away from the enthralled crowd gathered around the two
storytellers and came back to my side.  Looking up at me she said, "Thank
you, Master, for reminding me of my place."

The First Lady, a notorious champion of women's rights, had been standing
directly behind Nicole as she had addressed me.  She had come over to speak
with Nicole and had heard Nicole refer to me as 'Master.'  From her
thunderous countenance, I couldn't tell which direction this was going to
go.  The First Lady gave me a murderous glance, which I ignored.  I
understood it was at my own peril to do so.

"That was nicely done, Miss Le Brech.  Nicely done."  I think she meant it
as a compliment.

Nicole, back in her element, turned on her charm.  The First Lady gave me
another black glance as she took Nicole with her into her own private area
of influence.  I wandered the room, mingling with the guests.

So far, like I said, it had been pretty predictable.  The first surprise of
the evening came when Gertie showed up at my side.

"Gertie!  I didn't know you came to these things."

"I don't.  This is the first time I've been here in 10 years.  They always
ask me to the scientific and medical shindigs, but I never come.  When they
called to chat about you, for me to clear you, well, I mentioned it might be
a good idea if I was here, too, just in case.  They were more than happy to
let me come along."

"Just in case of what?" I asked suspiciously.

"Oh, nothing.  Well, nothing much.  Oh, Hell, you know how it is.  You say
this, and then you say that and suddenly they think that maybe some of those
drugs we gave you way back then might flare up at any moment, especially in
times of stress...."

"Gertie, you didn't!  Is that why I have a shadow?"  I nodded to my right,
indicating a husky fellow who had been ghosting me all evening.

"Yep.  Him, too," she grinned, indicating the other one I had pegged as
security on me.  "The little guy has a tranquilizer gun full of some of the
most amazing stuff.  You'd love it!  Sure you don't want to flip out?  Just
a little?  I've been dying for a chance to try this new mixture out on a
human.  The rats we tested just kind of lay there and flopped around.  It's
most entertaining."

Her eyes glittered in glee and she was enjoying herself way too much.
Careful not to show too much emotion, I shook my head.  "So why are you
here, really?"

"Honestly?  I wouldn't have missed this for the world.  You are a very
important man to me.  I wouldn't want anything to happen to you now, after
all I have invested in you.  By the way, there were some interesting results
on your physical.  You haven't had any, uh, unreported surgery or, uh, um,
implants have you?"

I blushed and the guy went for the tranquilizer gun.  Not wanting to get
carted out of the room, I immediately went into my relaxation techniques I
had learned to control my special senses.  My breathing slowed and my heart
rate moderated as I sought the quiet of that inner place.  Instinctively I
thought of the beach and the sandcastles.  It worked better than it ever had

"Most impressive, Mr. Sampson.  Most impressive!  You may have to come and
teach us your technique for that.  I have never seen you exhibit such self
control."  Gertie's eyes were like flashing diamonds, she was so excited.

Reluctantly, I told her about Dr. Wang.  She was pissed I had omitted it in
the reports, but said she understood.  She was very interested in the Rosens
' work, and not just from a scientific perspective I gathered.

"Oh, Gertie.  By the way, I met an interesting young woman this morning."

Gertie rolled her eyes.  In her opinion, I was always meeting 'interesting'
young women.

"Seriously, Gertie.  I think you'd like her for the program."

That got her attention.  Mostly she held the opinion that I recruited the
women for my own little programs.  It wasn't true, but it always seemed that
there was at least one broken heart after one of my missions.

"She's bright, recovers from shock fairly fast, has a sense of humor...  You
'd like her."

"What exactly was the shock she recovered from?"

"Oh, well, uh, I opened the door a little to widely."

"How wide?"

"I threw it all the way open.  She was knocking on it.  It was 6:00 in the
morning.  I was pissed.  And naked."

"And she saw...?"




"She didn't run screaming from the hotel?  She didn't faint?"

I shook my head.  "She even made a joke about the situation."

"Damn.  I like her all ready.  Where can I find her?"

Even though I didn't know here name, I described the young White House
intern to her.  I could tell that Gertie would make sure they would meet.
Accidentally, of course.  Gertie would want to make her own assessment of
the girl.

I looked up just as the second surprise of the evening came walking over.  I
had never seen Marion looking so lovely.  She greeted Gertie warmly, then
turned to me.

"Finally made it to the big time, huh, little brother?"

"You're a regular here, too, I take it?"

"Oh, no!  This is the first time I've been here in about 5 years."

Where had I heard that line before?  "Let me guess.  When they called to ask
you about me, you suggested it might be a good idea if you were here to ease
the way, lessen the stress?"

She looked at me in astonishment that I had guessed it right the first time.
I simply pointed at Gertie.  "You two should talk."  I walked away with my
two shadows, shaking my head.

The evening went late.  Nicole had never been allowed to leave the First
Lady's side since she had first retrieved her from mine.  Nicole had
captivated her and her collection of ass-kissing old biddies she surrounded
herself with.  I saw her touch the collar occasionally, look over at me for
reassurance and then smile inwardly.  I saw the First Lady observe these
silent communications between us.  She didn't like them, but was clearly
puzzled by our relationship and Nicole's obvious intelligence.

With the reputation I had with security and with a guy with the loaded
tranquilizer gun watching my back, I avoided any movement towards the
President, so he and I didn't speak at all that evening.  I really didn't
want to try out that happy juice Gertie had so thoughtfully supplied to
them.  I'm sure they were greatly distressed when the First Lady announced
to security and to us simultaneously that she had invited Nicole and I to
spend the night at Camp David.  It was much too late to return to the city.

We were shown to a comfortable room in one of the buildings scattered around
the grounds.  I hadn't been at Camp David before and it was dark, so I had
no accurate sense of distance between the buildings or who was staying
where.  I think it was a compromise the First Lady had made with security
that we were kept distant from all the other guests and the First Family.

That was fine with me.  It was the right time.  I was going try to make the
wheels fall off of Nicole, so to speak.  Nicole opened the door to our cabin
and entered in front of me.  I thanked our guide/guard and closed and locked
the door.  I noticed a distressed looking housekeeping staff member hurrying
in our direction as I closed the door.  I heard the guard and housekeeping
talking outside, then it was quiet.

I pulled Nicole to me and kissed her.  Urgently.  Passionately.  I think she
knew.  It was time.  I had sent her that message over the link earlier this
evening and kept repeating it.  It was time.  It was time.  She bowed her
head to let me undo her collar.  Even in her excitement she remained a
submissive.  I could feel her trembling.

"You may take me with my collar or without, Master.  It makes no difference
to me, wearing the collar.  You are my Master.  You will take me as my
Master.  Not because you want to, but because I want you to."  She looked up
at me, not defiantly, but with respect and love.  It was a true statement
from her.  She wanted me to know.

I found the magic button that kept her dress on and she was naked.  She had
not been able to wear even panties with that dress, it was so revealing.

I took her standing the first time, her back to the wall.  I discovered
Nicole was very vocal and very loud when she came.  She did so often that
first time together, many times in French.  I was glad we were so far away
from the others.  She screamed "Master, my Master" over and over, along with
the usual incoherent noises, begging for it harder, deeper, now, now, now,
damn it, NOW!!!!

We eventually made it to the bed, but it took a while.  There was the time
in the chair, then once on the desk, twice on the sofa, and several times in
front of the fireplace on the bearskin rug.  It was a great rug.  I was
using Dr. Wang's gadgetry to stay hard for her.  She was insatiable, as
well, and delirious, and loudly and repeatedly grateful for each and every
time I made her thunder inside.

We collapsed face to face in a sated heap, but only after she had me take
her from behind, spoon-fashion.  It really was her favorite position, but
there were several others that were close runners up.  We tried as many of
them as we could before slipping off to dreamland together.

A quiet persistent knocking woke me.  At first I wondered who would be
getting us up this early.  It was barely daylight.  Then it occurred to me
that it was a woodpecker outside the cabin window.  I got up and shut it,
and went back to sleep and thought nothing more of it.

We were eating breakfast alone in the common area of the main lodge when the
First Lady came in.  Her open hostility towards me was missing this morning,
but there was still an odd look from her in my direction.  If I didn't know
better, I would say it was one of awe or admiration.  She neatly hustled
Nicole off on a personal tour of the First Family's quarters.

I figured I needed more coffee to get the ol' heart pumping and started to
get up.

"Sit down, Son, I'll get you a refill."

I knew that voice.  Every American knew that voice.  I jumped up to
attention as the President came over to the table carrying a couple of
steaming mugs with him.  I wasn't particularly standing because I respected
him.  I did respect the Office, and it was a Hell of a tough job, but, in my
opinion, this President's policies had not proven to be the most prudent
course for the nation.  I was standing at attention because I wanted to make
an easy target for security.  Maybe they would only wound me if they had a
body shot.  I waited for the visceral sound of a bullet hitting my flesh.  I
had heard it before.  It was not something you forget.

"Relax, Son.  I sent them away."

"Uh, sure, Mr. President."  Brilliant.

He sat there toying with his mug for a while.  "I don't know where to begin,
Son, but the First Lady has given me my instructions.  Best just to jump in,

Sure.  When you're the President, I suppose whatever you want is best.  I
hadn't the foggiest notion what was going on.

"That was some performance you gave last night, you and the Missus."

This was getting weirder and weirder.  "Uh, I'm not sure what you mean.
Last night?"

"Sure.  In the cabin.  You must have, er, pardon the crudeness, um, thrown
the meat to your friend for, what? Two? Two and a half hours?"


"Come on, Son.  The entire camp heard you and her doing the nasty."

"What?  Was the room bugged?"

The President suddenly realized I was totally clueless as to what he was
talking about.  Just then an aide hustled in quietly and gave him an update,
whispering in his ear.  Again that disconcerting look of awe at me before
the aide left.

"Oh, dear.  Son, it seems we owe you and Miss Le Brech an apology.
Apparently housekeeping was airing your room out for you and you arrived too
soon.  The windows of your cabin were wide open all night last night.  The
position of that cabin is such that your open windows were facing the entire
populated part of the camp.  Being down in the dell like it is, well, it's
kind of like an amphitheater.  Your voices carried clearly to the whole
camp.  We, uh, we thought you knew."

The awful realization of what had happened hit me.  My tender moments with
Nicole were gossip fodder.  It suddenly became very important to find her.

The President seemed to anticipate my concern.  He knew a lot about scandals
"Son, not one word of this will leave here.  It never has, yet.  You may
find yourself a national hero in France, though."  He grinned at me as he
relayed the humorous conversation he had had with the two Frenchmen as they
had departed earlier that morning.  They claimed more than partial credit on
behalf of France for my performance, as Nicole had obviously inspired me to
greater and greater heights of passion with her beauty.  And she was French,
after all...

I shook my head.  I couldn't believe it.

"Uh, Son, I know this is a touchy subject.  I'll admit I'm having a Hell of
a time seeing your medical file, and I'm the fucking commander-in-chief.  I
know you worked for us for a while, but it seems your entire career and
medical file is beyond even my security clearance.  I didn't think that was
possible.  But, seriously son, can you tell me, is this something we did to
you?  To make you be able to last so long?"

Suddenly it became clear.  I started chuckling, then laughing outright.  I
fell on the floor.  It didn't help my credibility with him at all, but by
this time it was pretty well shot anyway.

"You mean...  Are you trying to tell me that the First Lady sent you to find
out how I can keep it up so long?"  I laughed from the floor.

"Son!  Keep your voice down.  But, yes, that's exactly the reason I'm here."

I calmed down.  It took a while, but I climbed back into the chair I had
fallen out of.  "Can I ask you a personal question, sir?"

He looked dubious.  He nodded.

"Does the First Lady get there every time?"

"Get...?  Oh.  Well, Son, no, I guess not.  No one does every time, do
 they?"  He almost sounded wistful.

"Would you like her to?"

"Every time?"  He sounded almost wistful.  Maybe the guy was human after

I nodded.

"God, yes!  I'd give my left nut for that!"

"It won't cost you that.  Let me tell you about a little private clinic I
found.  Does amazing things for couples.  Men and women.  I have a pretty
good connection with them.  I can set up a visit.  Just name the date and
time.  I'll even pay for it."

He looked at me suspiciously.  "This place on the level?"

"You can check with Dr. Schwartz.  I think she is going to inspect the
clinic herself.  You know her?"  I grinned when I thought of that meeting.
Gertie would be squirming in her own juices as the President grilled her on
the clinic.  Especially if Gertie indulged in the procedure herself, which
she would if I knew her.   Scientific research, my ass.  I wished I could be
a fly on the wall for that conversation.

He nodded.  He'd check.  "How come you'd pay for it.  You don't like me or
my politics.  I checked you out."  At least they'd gotten that right.

I looked him straight in the eye.  "Well, Mr. President, speaking as a
taxpayer, if I can get you to spend more time with your lovely First Lady
flat on her back, maybe you'll get off ours."

He looked stunned, the burst out laughing.

Nicole and the First Lady came back in just then.  Nicole came over and sat
down next to me.  "Lawrence, the First Lady asked me if it was like last
night with you every time we made love."  She looked me, her blue eyes
twinkling.  "I told her it was like that every single time we did it.
Wouldn't you agree?"

I could see the disbelief on their faces change to incredulous belief as I
solemnly agreed with Nicole.  "Yes, dearest.  It has been like that every
single time."  I didn't bother to tell them there had only been a single
time.  Didn't seem important, somehow...

We finished our breakfasts in an awkward silence.  I could tell they wanted
to ask us more about our relationship, especially the First Lady.  But it
was too personal, too soon, and too public.  It would have to wait for
later.  Or never, if I had my choice.

We received a standing ovation from the Camp David staff as we walked to the
waiting helicopter.  The entire staff had assembled to see us off, together
with the President and First Lady.  They had all either heard our
performance the night before or heard of it from those who had.  This
tribute to us was just their way of letting us know we had been special
guests, who would be long remembered.  It was an honor kind of thing with
them.  The staff of Camp David never leaked a word of what went on out there
in the woods, ever.  This was all they would ever say or do.

The same marine corporal who had delivered us the night before greeted us as
we strapped in our seats.  I don't think he understood what was so funny
that we were in hysterics all the way back to the airfield.  It wasn't the
normal response to an evening at Camp David.

Nicole got her other wish, too.  We had been invited back.