The Compound

Part 7

Matthew and Rhianna entered their apartment together, and while Matthew closed the door, Rhianna sprawled out on the floor pillows.  She rolled onto her back, annoyed at what had gone on at Shawna's trial.  Actually, she was more annoyed that she didn't get to ask Shawna a few questions of her own!  Matthew had given her strict orders that she was not to say a word during the proceedings unless asked a direct question, and he had backed up that order with what Rhianna called his "Dom mode".

There were many times she could tell when Matthew was just playing, but she had learned to respect those rare moments when he was deadly serious.  Already in hot water for her shameful display in front of all the men on the night of the search, Rhianna figured she had better listen to her husband this time.

But it didn't mean she had to like it.

"Can I talk NOW, Oh Great One?" she asked Matthew, who was taking his leather vest off.

"What do you have to say, Wench?  I can tell that you're just bursting to say something!"

"Matt, you're not stupid, can't you see that there is something very wrong with that woman?"  Rhianna said.

"Well, thanks for your confidence in my intelligence, but perhaps you had better spell out what you mean!" Matthew replied.  He padded over in just a pair of leather trousers and lay on the pillows beside his wife.  His eyes were all over her, the way her tanned legs were folded, her breasts pushing against the confines of the halter she wore.  He never got tired of looking at her.

"Remember what she first asked us when we found her?  She asked if we were cops, and was relieved when we said we weren't.  Does that sound like someone who is lost and afraid?  A normal person would have been happy to see anyone!"

"True," Matthew agreed, toying with the knot between Rhianna's breasts, holding her halter together.

Rhianna pretended to ignore his fingers.  "Besides, it wasn't as if we LOOKED like cops, so her asking was even MORE strange."

"Well, she had been up there a while, exposure can do strange things to people's minds," Matthew responded, taking the contrary view just to see where Rhianna was going with this.

Rhianna made a face.  "Not likely, not to that extent.  Then there is her attack on poor Vicky, and her run to the woods. I can understand her attack, addiction CAN drive you to extreme acts at times, but look where she was found?  Grady found her upstream, not downstream where you would have expected her to go.  Who escapes UP a mountain?"

"Again, true.  But Grady just followed the first trail he came to after leaving through the same gate she would have.  Maybe all she did was follow a trail without thinking of going anywhere!"  Matthew said.  He managed to undo the knot with one hand, and deftly threw the material open, revealing her tanned mounds.

Rhianna glanced at her husband and shifted slightly, just enough so that he could pull the halter out from under her without giving him the impression that she was cooperating too actively.

"You might be right, but even in the dark in a blinding rain storm, even I could tell which way is downhill.  But why did she leave at all?  That's what I want to know!"

"Shawna had just hit Vicky, she was trying to get away!" he replied.  Now Matthew was working the knot at her hip.  He had given Rhianna a long cloth skirt to wear to the trial, something that laced up one side, revealing a lot of hip.  The knot was at the top, and the laces were pulled tight enough to mold the skirt to her body in a most delightful way.  An added bonus for Matthew was that the skirt also restricted Rhianna's stride, effectively hobbling her.  Walking to and from the school, Rhianna had to take quick steps in her bare feet in order to keep up with her husband.  She had looked delightful.

"But uphill?" Rhianna said, shifting slightly to allow Matthew better access to the knot.  She knew what was going to happen; it was a game they played many times, and it thrilled her.  Matthew's act of slowly undressing her was a definite turn on for her, and she could already feel her body responding to his actions.  To relieve a little of the tension building up inside her, she stretched, and Matthew paused to watch her body in motion.

"I want to know the real reason why she wants to stay here," she said, trying not to respond to the tugging at her hip.

"Why do you think she has another reason?" Matthew asked her, the knot finally undone.  He began to loosen the lacing, slowly.

"Haven't you been listening?  She doesn't like cops, she runs UP hill instead of down, she's a confessed drug user, AND her story about being beaten up and left here is full of holes...Oooo!"  Rhianna said sharply.  Matthew had just loosened up the laces enough to pull the skirt off her, and he pinched her hip to get her to shift.

As Rhianna lifted her butt, Matthew tugged on the skirt, slipping it past that shapely obstacle.

"Full of holes?" Matthew asked, smiling as he began to slide the skirt down her legs.

"You saw her bruises; did you see the one across her hips?  It looked like the type of bruise you get in a car accident from the lap belt."

"Pet, I hate to say this but there are no cars on the mountain," Matthew replied, tossing the skirt to one side.  All Rhianna wore now was her loincloth and waist rope, and she looked lovely lying on her back against the fur covered floor pillows.

"I know, but she had to come from somewhere, and I think it's important for us to find out where!"  Rhianna, hiding a smile, pushed her husband to one side and stood up.

"What!  Now?" said Matthew in horror, surprised at Rhianna's move.

Rhianna laughed, "Not now, lover.  Now I need to use the bathroom.  But tomorrow, maybe."

Matthew chuckled.  "It's curfew for you, Pet.  Don't get caught!"

"It's just a few doors down, I'll be right back, and..." she reached out with one bare foot to rub the tent in his pants, "...keep that warm for me!"

"Ever done it in a public bathroom before?" Matthew said with a grin.

Rhianna gave him an evil look and slipped out of the apartment.  As she made a quick dash to the facilities, she reminded herself that, all jokes aside, she DID need to look into Shawna's past.


Bathrooms were a communal affair in the Compound, but were also the only official segregated areas the community allowed.  While the residents were liberal in their nudity and bathing practices, not even this group wanted to see the other gender use the toilet.  So men's and women's bathrooms were scattered around the complex, usually paired up back-to-back, one for approximately every ten households.  Private bathrooms were non-existent, simply because of the plumbing problems.  Without the use of pumps or electricity, water had to be gravity driven in order to flow.  Couple this with the primitive hand-made clay pipes that passed for plumbing, and there was no way everyone could have their own handy commode.

Still, what they went with was brilliant in its own way.  Based on Roman plumbing two thousand years old, a system of drains and pipes kept water running continuously through every fixture in the Compound.  Diverted from the river upstream and carried through buried pipes to prevent freezing, the water cleaned and carried away all the wastes the community generated.  The fixtures themselves were based on communal use.  Rather than single toilets with their modern internal workings, each bathroom had a long trough with a cover over it.  The cover had holes cut out along its length, the perfect size to do your business through.  Water ran through the trough, keeping it clean, and an ingenious bit of plumbing did away with toilet paper by converting each seat into a bidet at the pull of a handle.

Another trough on the other side of the room acted as a sink; cold water only, though.

It was very basic, but served the needs of the people well.  When Shawna saw it her first day there, she was rather apprehensive about it all.  But she quickly got used to it, and now thought little of trying to pee with other women walking around.

She was a bit more nervous this time, though.  Grady had brought her straight here, and ordered her to relieve herself while he waited outside.  Her hands were still bound behind her, and it was awkward and very embarrassing.  One or two women who were in there with her gave her sympathetic looks, and a young woman who introduced herself as Estelle said she knew what it was like to have to use the bathroom like that, but that it would be okay in the end.

"I was new here myself once, so I know how weird you must think this place is," said Estelle.

"New here?  You mean you weren't born here?" Shawna asked.

Estelle smiled.  "I'm from New York originally, but now I'm here living with my husband and teaching at the school.  Look, I have to run; it's curfew and he's waiting for me.  But if you need help adjusting, just ask around; someone will know where to find me, and I'll be glad to help!"

"Thanks," Shawna said, feeling a little better.  Estelle left, and Shawna looked up at the bar that would start the cleaning jet of water.  She couldn't reach it, but another woman who had just gotten done pulled it herself.  Jets of water appeared in each seat, and Shawna shifted her butt until she felt somewhat washed.

She was unable to dry herself or put her loincloth back on, and she wasn't about to ask for that kind of help, so she just got up and let her dress fall to cover herself.

Outside, Grady was still waiting, and without a word, he began walking.  Shawna hurried to keep up, and after just a short distance, they reached his home.

It was an identical design to the one Rhianna and Matthew lived in.  A single large room with an alcove on the far side where the bed was.  To the right as you entered was a small kitchen area, and the rest of the space was closets and living room.  A large fireplace dominated the left wall, and the apartment was furnished with a single comfortable chair and lots of floor pillows.

Shawna had expected something smaller, more primitive; but the place was large and airy, even though it was only lit up with a few wall mounted oil lamps.  Shawna glanced up, saw the night sky through the large skylight in the ceiling, and thought this place would be well lit by the sun during the day.  It looked like a comfortable place for a married couple to spend their time, and Shawna felt sympathy for Grady having to live here alone.  But then, that had changed now, hadn't it.

Grady closed the door behind them and went to the kitchen area.  Shawna wasn't sure if she was allowed to speak; she wasn't sure of anything really, except that her arms were really beginning to hurt from the awkward position they were tied in.

"Er..." she said, and Grady looked over at her.  He was in the process of pouring some water from a jug into a glass.

"Grady, I don't suppose you can untie me could you?  This is getting very uncomfortable...please?"

Grady closed his eyes and took a deep breath.  "Sure," he said, and he put down the jug and came over to her.  It only took him a few moments to free her, and when done, he went back to what he was doing.  "You thirsty?" he asked.

Shawna nodded, looking about the apartment again.  She stood awkwardly in the middle of the room rubbing her sore wrists, not knowing what to do.  "I prefer a verbal response," Grady said.

"Sorry; sure, I'm thirsty," Shawna replied.

Grady stared at her for a moment then found another dusty glass on a shelf.  He wiped it clean with a rag and then poured water into it.

Shawna tried not to wince as she took it from him, wondering how clean it was.  From the look of the kitchen, not much in it had been cleaned for a while.

"Yeah, I know," Grady said, following her gaze.  "It'll be one of your first jobs, putting this place back together.  You have a lot to learn."

"I'll be happy to help," Shawna said.

"Yeah, sure," Grady replied.

"No, really.  I feel like I'm at a loose end, all jumpy and stuff.  Cleaning...doing ANYTHING, really would be good for me.  I need to be occupied."

Grady looked like he wasn't sure he believed her, but he said nothing.  He moved to the bed and put his glass down on a side table before removing his shirt.

Shawna once again got a good look at his very well built torso and tried to remember what he looked like nude.

There was a knock at the door.

Grady looked at Shawna and she understood that it was her duty to answer it.

It turned out to be Gabe.

"Hi," he said, looking a little nervous. Like a lot of the people that knew about this, Gabe wasn't exactly thrilled by the elder's decision to have Shawna live with Grady, and he himself found it even harder to deal with.  He now knew he was attracted to her and it pained him to see her living with another man.

Shawna smiled and let him in.

"Gabe," Grady said, acknowledging the man's arrival.

"I need a word with you, about Shawna.  Now that you're responsible for her, I need to tell you about her requirements," said Gabe.

"Requirements?" answered Grady.

"Yes, concerning her treatment."

"Oh."  Grady looked about the apartment, as if seeing it for the first time, then he looked at Shawna.

"Do what you can to tidy up this place, will you?  Figure out the laundry, and what needs to be taken to the big kitchen for cleaning," he said to her.

"Er, sure!" Shawna replied.

"She's not up to heavy tasks yet, Grady," Gabe said, "so go easy on her."

"Just a little cleaning, Doc.  While she does that, let's go get a beer and talk about her...requirements."

Gabe was surprised.  Since his wife passed, Grady had rebuffed any attempts at socialization, yet now he was willing to do just that.  Gabe wondered if Shawna's sudden arrival in his life was the cause of it, and if it was a good thing or bad?

"Sure, let's go."

Grady nodded and the men headed to the door.  But before they reached it, Grady turned to speak to Shawna once more.

"You do NOT leave this room, understand?  I don't know if anyone ever told you, but right now it's curfew, curfew for women that is.  You aren't allowed out without an escort, and in your case, your only escort is ME!  The next time you go running anywhere, I'll put you in the stocks myself when I catch you, and you will be there for days.  You got that?"

Shawna felt a chill go through her.  She thought the man was just grumpy, but she could see that for some reason he really hated her.  Unable to understand his feelings, yet afraid of doing any more wrong, all she could say was yes.

Seconds later, she was alone.


Shawna lay still and quiet on the floor pillows by the cold fireplace.  She had been alone for several hours, and while she didn't have a watch, she figured it was very late.

She had turned down all but one of the oil lamps, and had settled onto the floor pillows to get some sleep.  Shawna wasn't sure what the sleeping arrangements were supposed to be, but she remembered Robert Klink's warning about no sex, so she figured they wouldn't be sharing the bed.  She thought it better to leave it for Grady than to assume that she got to use it.  She tried to sleep, but her mind was going too fast.  She figured out that what she had volunteered for was a little consensual slavery.  Do what the man says, and don't talk back!

It wouldn't be so bad except that now she thought she had been bonded to someone who hated her.  Would he go easy on her, or grind her to dust?  Shawna had no idea.

She wondered if his attitude toward her had something to do with the death of his wife.  Certainly, he hadn't welcomed her into his home.  Shawna was a little confused about why it was SUCH a big deal, her living alone with him, but she figured that too was going to be a problem.

Then there was her original plan, get fit, get supplies, then go get the money and find a place to spend it all.  In order to make THAT work, she needed to be free to get around this place, and there was not much chance of that anytime soon.

One more thing to worry about was the stocks.  She was glad that Gabe spoke up when he did, saying that she couldn't do more than a couple of hours at a time in them, but she was still worried about it.  What was it going to be like, exhibited naked like that?

She didn't want to think of it, but the thoughts just kept drifting back.

The door opening jolted her from her semi-slumber.  Three men entered, and Shawna sat up in fright.  She had noticed that none of the doors she had seen had any locks, and the sight of these men brought her fears to the surface.

But, in the light of the hallway, she saw that one of the men was Grady, and that the other two men were half carrying him.

"Ma'am, can you help us get him on the bed?" one of them asked.

"What happened to him?" Shawna asked, then as she got closer, she knew.  Grady was drunk, dead drunk.  He stunk of beer, and the smell both repulsed Shawna and drove hard into her own thirst.

She forced herself to help the men put Grady on the bed, all the while wondering where they got the beer.

"Thank you, Ma'am," the men said when they were done.  Then in the dim light Shawna saw one of them frown.  "I'm sorry Ma'am, but we heard about what happened to you, and your sentence and everything.  You got eight hours in the stocks and house discipline, right?"

"That's right," Shawna replied.

The men looked at each other.  "Do we get in the middle of this?" one of them asked the other.

"It's his house, his rules," said the other.

"Yeah, but look at him.  His first night with her, and he's in no shape to enforce anything.  Besides," the man glanced at Shawna for a second, "I think my wife would sleep better tonight knowing that things here are on the up and up."

The other man nodded.  "Ma'am," he said, "we're going to have to do something about your freedom.  It just isn't right, you being here able to walk around when the two of you aren't...well, it ain't right.  Not with Grady like this."

"What are you talking about?" Shawna said, nervous again.

"Look, people are going to talk unless we do something; we've got to protect Grady's reputation, and yours.  Thing's just aren't done this way.  I know everyone will feel better if we could tell them that the right thing's being done here."

"I don't understand you!" said Shawna desperately.

"We have to bind you for the night, it's the only way."

"What?  No!"

"It'll be okay, Grady should be back in the land of the living to free you in the morning."

"No!" yelled Shawna, but the two men took hold of her and led her back to the pillows.

Against her will, they laid her on her stomach and bound her hands behind her, followed by her ankles, which they brought up and attached to her wrists.  Because Shawna started swearing at them, they also added a bit gag, and then left the apartment.

Shawna twisted and struggled a little, but the thin cords dug deep, and she was soon convinced to stop.  She was mad, a little sick, and very uncomfortable.  How the hell was she to sleep like this?

Grumbling to herself, Shawna tried to make the best of it, and eventually found a position that didn't put too much strain on her arms and back.  All this to protect Grady's reputation!  What did they think she was going to do, rape him in his sleep?  What about HER reputation?  What was to prevent Grady from taking HER in the middle of the night?

It seemed very unfair.


Shawna woke to the sound of crying.  She listened for a moment, and figured that it came from Grady on the bed.  Every so often, she could make out a name, Cheryl, as he mumbled in his sleep.  But most of all, it was the crying.  Shawna knew the man was in pain; he must have loved her a great deal to still be crying after so long.

She wanted to go over there and comfort him, but her bonds hadn't shifted all night.  She was stuck until he released her.

It was a long time before she dozed off again, and all she heard was his crying.

End of Part 7