Episode  8.      SURVIVER          (C) dino 2001


[Voiceover and show scenes of island.] "We're down to five Dominant -
Submissive couples now. Stranded on this tiny South Seas island, left
here to survive. Every three days, the couples will have to compete
against each other in two challenge competitions, for rewards, and for

"Just six more episodes, seventeen days for our challengers, and one of
these five couples will be leaving the island with our grand prize of
One Million Dollars."

"Last time on Surviver:" [Run clips as the host, Kent, speaks.]

"With only five couples left on the island there's now room enough for
everyone. The men get busy and subdivide the shelter to give each
couple a room to themselves." [Show doms working inside while the subs
make palm leaf mats for walls.]

Sam and Trish discover Moehi Island and Jim Brown's chicken ranch, thus
assuring another steady supply of food for the group." [Clip of Sam and
Trish chasing down chickens.]

"Our first challenge was a quiz show game with questions on the topic
of sex." [Show Marsha getting a question wrong, her surprised look as
her dildo vibrator fires up.] "Our second challenge was a race across
hot sand by the hogtied subs." [Clip of race.]

"Sam and Trish lead in the points now, but it's still anyone's game to
win. Stay with us, as our couples move closer to one of them winning
the Million Dollar grand prize."

[Run Opening Title Sequence.]  [Episode Intro Sequence: 65 seconds.]

[End episode intro.]

[Evening of day twenty two, after the hog tie race.] The dominants sit
around the beach firepit and snack on fruit and coconut meat. All of
the subs have gathered out in the water. They're nursing their burned
and scraped skin from having to crawl, hog tied, across hot sand in the
last challenge.

Trish: "The question and answer game was fun in the beginning. Getting
a question wrong and having that dildo go off wasn't too bad at all."

Myka: "At first. But after I'd cum five times it wasn't so nice

Trish: "I know. It was almost painful having that thing start buzzing
away again in the last round."

Marsha: "And what about that race? Look how red my tits are!"

Sue: "Did you see the Major sitting there in the shade sucking up

Trish: "Peter seemed to be enjoying himself too. And Sam."

Myka: "Lisa didn't seem too concerned about me frying my ass on that
hot sand."

Marsha: "Why do we always have to suffer the worst in this game?"

Jane: "Why? Because you're submissives, that's why. We're suppose to
submit to anything our dominant wishes. Crawl across burning hot sand?
Start crawling. Get beaten for no reason? Get that ass in the air,

Marsha: "This game started out as fun. But now it just sucks."

The subs gather again on the beach later on to spread some skin cream
over each other's sore areas. By now most of the dominants have noticed
that their subs aren't all that happy with having to bear the brunt of
the more nastier challenges.

Sam approaches Trish to see if she wants to go off into the woods with
him but he gets rebuffed. Trish shrugs his hand off her shoulder saying
she's still too sore. Peter makes a try too, but he can see that Sue is
really not in the mood right now. The two doms don't press though. They
understand that all of the subs are just upset over the last, rather
tough challenge.

The subs turn in early with Lisa and Brandi joining them a bit later
on. The men sit around the fire for a while longer, then they too call
it a night.


It started raining shortly after midnight and it's continued off and on
throughout most of the morning. Between showers, heavy at times, one or
two of the contestants will run out to the latrine, or to get some
fruit or something to drink from the stores.

Sam and Trish sit outside on the shelter steps during a pause in the
drizzle. Trish didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. She's still
sore, front and back, from the race.

Trish: To Sam. "We all knew that it would be a tough game. A million
bucks is a lot of cash. But shit, look how scraped up my knees are! I'd
rather have icecubes shoved up my ass than have to do a race like that

Sam: "You would? I'll have to find some ice."

Trish goes to wack him on the arm but Sam's ready for it. He grabs hold
of the chain on her wrist cuff. Holding her hands down, Sam gives her
nose a gentle kiss. Trish relaxes and snuggles closer to Sam.

Sam: "Look. We're leading now since you won the race. When Kent hands
us the cheque for a million bucks, I'll buy you a case of skin cream."

Trish: "Swell."

The cloud cover begins to break up and soon after, sunlight breaks
through to shine down into the camp. Sunbeams stab through the trees,
burning off the jungle mist and sparkling off the wet leaves around
them. Sam and Trish look around. The scene is peaceful, serene. Almost

Sam: "There now. Feel better?"

Trish: "This is a wondrous adventure. You never know what's going to
happen next."

Sam: "Let's make some coffee."

Sam gets some wood together and makes the fire. Trish fills the pot.
Others join them around the wet table and wait for the morning coffee
to be ready.

Brandi makes rice cakes, and fruit is gathered from the jungle for the
morning meal. After that, everyone heads down to the beach for a swim.

The sea is calm, the sky a brilliant blue, and the trials and
tribulations of yesterday are soon forgotten. Lisa and Brandi sit on
the shore with Trish, their feet in the water.

Brandi: "Hi Trish. You Ok?"

Trish: "Yeah, I'm feeling better now."

Lisa: "We wanted to talk to you about the other day, with you and Sam
on the beach, but there hasn't been a chance."

Trish: "Oh, that."

Brandi: "You're not upset, are you?"

Trish grins a shy grin. Having Brandi touching her the way she did had
confused her at first. She could close her eyes and believe it was Sam
doing those wonderful things to her body. Though, Brandi's touch was
much more gentle and, dare she think it, more skillful too. It takes a
woman to really know what a woman likes.

Also, there was the ever present camera watching their every move. Back
home, Trish would never dream of having someone watch her and Sam
making love. Never mind, her and another woman. Though here on this
island, and in the middle of this crazy game, it had just seemed so
much like an everyday occurrence.

Trish: "No, Brandi. I'm not upset. I'd rather not do it again, but I'll
say this, though. It was kind of neat."

Brandi: "You don't have to worry about turning Lesbo on Sam. It's not
something you can catch."

Trish: "I know. I couldn't do some of the things I've seen you and
Marsha do. Besides. I like my man. I like having him around."

Trish turns to Lisa as she says that. Lisa looks at Trish.

Trish: "It's Ok, Lisa. Seeing your hand on Sam's cock was a bit of a
shock for me, but I know it was only a one time thing. Sam and I
haven't actually talked about it yet but I know that he's Ok with what

Lisa: "Thanks, Trish. You can be sure that I'm not looking to steal
your man from you."

Lisa is grinning, Brandi and Trish laugh. The Major and Jane walk by
and the Major gives the three girls a glance, then walks on. He and
Jane go to the boat.

Jane helps her dom push the boat into the water. Peter sees them and
goes to help.

Peter: "Going somewhere?"

Major: He eyes Peter. "Going to get some chickens for lunch."

Peter offers to go along with them. He's hoping to drag a line and
maybe hook a few fish. But really, though, he simply doesn't want the
Major to go off alone with Jane. Sue has told him what Jane said when
the subs were off getting water the other day, and Peter wants to see
for himself what sort of relationship the Major has with his sub.

The Major starts up the motor and the little boat roars out to sea.
There's not much wave action so the ride is pretty smooth. Peter
watches for the area that Sam mentioned where the reef drops off into
deep water. Near the South end of their island he sees the sea take on
a deeper shade of blue and he points it out to the Major. He slows so
they can take a look.

Major: "We'll drop a line on the way back."

The Major slows again when they reach the island of Moehi. Chicken
Island, as Trish had named it. They cruise along the high cliffs of the
North shore and see the chickens, perched in cracks and crevasses of
the rock face. They find the rocky beach where the land drops off and
they land the boat.

Peter gets out first to pull the boat onto the shore. He puts out a
hand to help Jane out of the boat. It's normally improper for a dom to
touch another dom's submissive, even for something as simple as this,
and Peter watches for a reaction from the Major. Peter holds Jane's arm
and he places a hand at her back to steady her as she climbs out of the
boat, but the Major pays them no notice at all. He just takes the
bucket and a machete from the boat and stands up.

The three move onto the island beach, mindful not to step in the
chicken shit that's nice and slippery from the night's rain. Chickens
gather around them.

Major: To Jane. "You know how to tell good eggs from bad ones?"

Jane: "Err, good eggs, Sir?"

Major: "Come. I'll show you."

The Major and Jane go to one of the many nests in the bush near shore.
There's a hen sitting on the nest and it watches the two approach. The
Major nudges the bird with the flat side of the machete. It takes the
hint after a harder whack and moves off the nest. The Major picks up
two eggs and holds them to the light so Jane can see.

Peter watches him. Sue gets his eggs at the supermarket and their
chicken comes in plastic wrapped packages. He knows nothing about good
eggs and fertilized ones. The Major shows Jane the darker patches
inside the eggs he's holding. He notices Peter watching and he shows
him too. The Major carefully places the two eggs back into the nest and
moves to another.

The Major raises his arms and roars at the hen sitting there. The
chicken runs off squawking. He takes the three eggs and holds them up
in the sunlight.

Major: "See, these two? These are Ok."

He hands the pail to Jane.

Major: "Put some leaves in the bottom and gather up two dozen good

Jane goes to a nest and tries to shoo away the chicken sitting there.
It doesn't move for her.

Major: "Find a branch to scare off the hen."

The Major watches Jane until she gets the hang of stealing eggs from
the chickens. Then he and Peter go to stand on the beach for a while.

Major: "Jim Brown was it? I'd like to meet that guy. This could be a
nice little operation he's got going here."

Peter: "You thinking of taking the million and buying him out?"

Major: "It's a thought. Hire some locals to do the messy work. Take a
run out two, three times a week and make the deliveries. Yeah, living
around here wouldn't be all that bad."

A chicken is pecking at the Major's leg. He takes a swipe at it with
the machete and cuts the bird's head clean off. The headless chicken
staggers away for a few steps before falling over on the rocks. Peter
watches the bird die and he tries to hide the shock he's feeling from
the Major's sudden brutality.

Major: "Yup, a man could do alright with a setup like this. Come on,
Peter. Let's get our lunch."

[Go commercial. Slave betty's Household Tips Promo] / [Return.]

Lisa, Myka and Sue have gone to check the mail. There's a piece of
paper with the points totals in the mail tube. Also, there's a note
stating that the next day's challenge will be held in the morning and
for them to check the mail early. The girls leave the letters in the
tube while they relax for a while. They sit on the shore and let the
waves wash against their feet.

Myka has gathered some seaweed from the shallows and she's laying
strips of it across her red and scraped spots of skin. Myka hands Sue
some, telling her that it will help sooth the pain. Sue takes some and
drapes the slimy strands of seaweed across her shoulders where the hot
sand burned her. Then she places some on the sand to rest her elbows
on. Lisa watches them.

Lisa: "You subs aren't having it too easy in some of these challenges."

Sue: "The last couple were pretty rough. It's all part of the game,

Myka: "I guess."

Lisa: "You know that as we get closer to the end, the challenges will
probably be getting harder."

Sue: "Harder than getting shot at with paintballs? Harder than getting
icecubes shoved up my cunt?" Sue looks up at Lisa, remembering that she
is a domme. "I'm sorry, Lisa. Sometimes things get a little tough to

Myka: "Sure. But it's not all bad."

Sue: She grins. "No, it's not. On days like this, sitting here on this
deserted beach in the sunshine, or running around naked and chained and
it being an acceptable thing, I think about how lucky I am to have the
chance to do this."

Lisa: "And don't forget the million bucks."

Sue: "Right. What would you two do if you won, if you don't mind my

Myka: "We'd quit working grubby bars, for one thing."

Lisa: "Oh, yeah. Getting hit on by horny guys? They see me and Myka
together and think it's a two for one sale. They just don't get it that
we don't want anything to do with males."

Myka: "Yeah. "Hey, com'on, baby. You want what I got." "Uh, no. Not
really." Most of them just don't understand."

Lisa laughs.

Sue: "So what would you do?"

Lisa: "I'd like to travel. Thailand, India, Italy. Greece. Pack a bag,
buy a ticket and go."

Myka: "I was born in Korea but I grew up in Bangkok. When I was ten, my
Dad Got a transfer to Kerala, India. We had a little house by the sea.
I use to play all day on a beach just like this one, but more crowded."

Sue: "Peter and I have been to Greece. We rented a tiny villa on a
hillside for two weeks. We could stand on the balcony and look over the
town and out to sea. It was really beautiful."

Myka lifts up some of the seaweed on Sue's shoulders to look
underneath. She rearranges it a bit, then does her own.

Sue: "This stuff's helping. I'm not so sore anymore."

[Cut to: Somewhere in the jungle.] A remote camera, mounted high on a
tree, spots one of the subs making her way through the undergrowth.
It's Marsha.

Marsha is exploring the area behind the surviver's shelter. She
carefully picks her way through and around the bushes and plants on the
jungle floor. Occasionally she'll stop and look at something, or just
stand quietly, looking around.

There's a rustling under a bush and Marsha stops. She bends down slowly
to look. The camera zooms in. Although she's far away from a
microphone, we can still make out what she's saying.

Marsha: "Hey, boy. Don't be scared, it's all right."

Marsha holds out a banana that she's been eating. She holds her wrist
chain with her other hand so it doesn't tinkle. From under the bush, a
tiny pig nose pushes between the leaves.

Marsha: "Here you go. You hungry?"

The pig nose twitches as it smells the banana. The pig takes a timid
step forward. It's beady eyes are fixed on the banana, and, on Marsha.
The pig stretches out it's neck, Marsha slowly moves her hand closer,
and the pig's snout opens a bit to take a small bite of the banana.

Marsha: "Is that good?"

Marsha sits cross legged on the ground and she peels a bit more of the
banana. She holds it near her feet and waits. Slowly, haltingly, the
pig takes a step out from under the bush. It sniffs the air and takes
another step closer to Marsha.

Marsha waits the pig out as it gains enough confidence to take another
step closer to her. The pig lowers its head, keeping its eyes fixed
on her hands, and it's little pig nose wrinkles as it sniffs Marsha's
toes. It's wiry pig whiskers tickle the bottom of her foot. Marsha
wiggles her toes and the pig looks up at her, ready to flee.

Marsha: "That tickles. Here you go, boy."

Marsha slowly raises the banana. The pig takes a nibble. It stands
there this time, chewing on the fruit. Marsha peels the rest of the
banana. She breaks off the end and eats it, then offers the rest to the

The pig finishes off the piece of banana. Marsha lays the peel down on
the ground and the pig eats that too. Then the pig looks up at her and
she sees what looks like a smile on his mouth.

Marsha slowly reaches a hand out to the pig's head. The animal stands
his ground and watches. Marsha's hand touches the top of its head.
Slowly and gently, she scratches behind one little pig ear.

Marsha moves to stand up. The pig turns quickly and bolts off into the

Marsha: "Bye-bye, little guy."

Marsha continues her walk. She comes to a tree with several ripe mangos
hanging from the branches and she takes a long stick to knock a couple
down. Marsha picks one up and takes a bite. She chews the stringy pulp
as juice runs down her chin. Taking the other mango with her, she sets
off again.

A camera crew picks up Marsha as she comes to a sort of clearing where
a patch of big purple flowers are in full bloom. Marsha carefully makes
her way to the center of the area. The lovely fragrance of all the
flowers is almost intoxicating and she stands, looking around and
taking in the beauty of it all.

Marsha picks one of the flowers and she puts it in her hair over her
right ear. She picks several more until she has a nice bouquet for the
camp table. Something brushes against her leg and she looks down. It's
her pig.

Marsha: "Hi there, little fellow. Would you like a mango?"

Marsha lowers the fruit to the pig. It sniffs it and then takes it in
his mouth. The pig looks up at her before lowering its head to the
ground to eat.

The pig is the size of a small dog, a little larger than a big house
cat, and it's fur is mostly brown and white. Its chest, head, and
three of his four legs are white. The pig finishes the fruit and looks
up, Marsha bends down, and the animal holds it's ground and allows the
girl to pet it.

Marsha: "I think I'll have to give you a name. How about Hector?"

Hector makes a soft squeaking sound as Marsha scratches around its
neck. She takes his head in both of her hands and gives it a playful
shake. Her chain tinkles and the pig glances at her wrist cuffs and
then down to the connecting chain.

Marsha: "Would you like to see where I live?"

Marsha stands up and moves off a few steps. The pig looks at her.

Marsha: "Come on, Hector. It's this way."

Marsha turns to go. The pig watches for a few moments, then begins to
follow her. Marsha looks back a few times and sees that Hector is
following her home.

[Cut to: Chicken Island.] The Major has five chickens and he's cleaning
them. He skins them and guts them and flings the scrap off to one side.
A bunch of chickens have gathered there and are picking over the
chicken parts and eating them. Peter is watching.

Peter: "They're eating their own kind! That's disgusting."

Major: "They're chickens. They don't have any sort of a brain. They see
something that's food and they eat it."

Peter: "Yuck!"

Major: "Food's food when you're hungry enough. Back in 'Nam, me and a
couple of the boys got separated from our unit. We found ourselves in
the middle of enemy territory. All we could do was dig in and wait.

"We were pinned down there for two weeks. The rations ran out after
three days. You'd be surprised what you can call food when you really
get hungry."

Peter: "What did you do?"

Major: "Ate rats, bugs, worms. We couldn't make a fire to cook or
nothing. We just had to choke it down. You know, pound for pound,
insects give you more protein than the best sirloin steak."

Peter: "That's gross."

Major: "I'm here to tell you about it. Me and them boys made it back to
our unit in one piece.

"I thought we'd be hard pressed for food on this contest." The Major
holds up a trimmed chicken. "But, shit. I've been eating better here
than I do at home."

Peter: He laughs. "Yeah. Most of the meals haven't been too hard to
take. Sue said that she feels like she's even gained a few pounds."

Major: "My sub's looking heavy too. By the way, where is she?" He
yells, "Jane!"

Jane: Off in the jungle. "Sir?"

Major: "You about done?"

Jane: "Yes, Sir."

Peter gets some big leaves and vines to wrap the chicken carcasses in.
The meat is tied in neat packages and stowed in the boat. Jane returns
with her pail of eggs and the three get into the boat and get going.

Where the water gets deep, the Major stops the boat. He saved a few
chicken livers to use as bait, and he and Peter drop lines over the
side. Peter hooks a nice Blue Cod, the Major snags another. In a very
short time, the three survivers have the makings of a grand feast.

Back at camp, Sam and Trish are making a pot of beans flavoured with
barbecue sauce. Myka has chopped up coconut meat and it's been soaking
in water to extract the milk. Marsha joins them around the table with
her bouquet of big purple flowers and she finds a bowl to put them in.
Marsha's new pet, Hector the pig, begins nosing around the camp area
and finding scraps of food on the ground.

Brandi notices the pig following her sub around the camp.

Brandi: "Marsha. What's that pig doing here?"

Marsha: "He followed me home, mistress. Can I keep him?"

Brandi: "The pigs are for eating, Marsha. Not to keep as pets."

Marsha: "Oh, no, mistress. Not Hector! Besides, he's so small."

Brandi: She rolls her eyes. "Hector?"

Trish: "Hector the pig. Of course."

Myka separates the coconut pulp from the milk and she gives the nutmeat
to the pig. He's happy to have it, and he watches her as she moves back
to the table before lowering his head to gobble up the coconut.

Peter and the Major return from Moehi with the five chickens and the
two good sized fish. Jane has a bucket of eggs for tomorrow's
breakfast. Sue shows Peter and the Major the note about the next day's
challenge being an early one.

Peter: "No clue as to what it is. Just something that starts in the

Myka prepares the fish, cutting it up into chunks and feeding the
scraps to the pig. She makes a big pot of fish stew by slowly simmering
the cut up fish in the coconut milk. Brandi and Lisa do the chicken
halves on the grill over the fire. Sam's tasty beans round out the

Hector the pig has suddenly found out where all the good table scraps
have been coming from. All of the subs, and most of the doms, have
found the little pig to be simply adorable, and Hector works the crowd
for handouts. Someone's hand will slip under the table with a tasty
morsel and he'll let the person give his head a scratch in exchange.
And once the meal's finished, Hector has more food put before him than
he's ever seen before.

Once lunch is finished and the cleanup's done, everyone goes down to
the beach to laze around. Hector can barely move he's eaten so much,
but he picks Marsha out of the group and follows her down to the water.
The pig finds a spot in the shade and settles down for a long nap.

Peter and Sue go into the water for a swim. After that, they take a
walk down the beach. Sue has both hands on Peter's arm and he's
fingering the links of the chain between her wrists as they walk.

Peter: "Nothing happened this morning. The Major wasn't at all mean to
Jane. On the contrary, he seemed almost nice with her. He patiently
explained how to sort the eggs and then he let her go do it."

Sue: "You've seen the marks on her. There's something going on there."

Peter: "Maybe, maybe not. I don't think they're close like another
couple would be. Maybe they have more like a father, daughter
relationship. In any case, none of us are going anywhere until this
game is over, so let's just wait and see what happens. Ok?"

Sue: "I'm worried about her, Peter. The other day, I saw genuine fear
in her eyes."

Peter: "If she comes to us and asks for help, fine. You know I'll do
whatever it takes. But I don't want you pushing her into making a
decision that she might come to regret. Alright, Sue?"

Sue: "All right."

Peter: "Yes. . . . ?"

Sue: "Yes, Master."

Peter: "Good."

The two walk further down the beach and they start to hear the noise of
a tractor or something. Past a point of land and they see a backhoe
working on an area of beach. The tide is on the way out, and some of
the crew are digging holes in the sand and planting short posts out
past the high water line.

Peter: "Let's go take a look."

Sue "Should we? Maybe we're not allowed."

Peter: "So what? Then they'll tell us to leave."

Peter and Sue walk down the beach to where the crew is setting up the
next challenge. A few of the men look up as they approach. Because of
the warm day, Peter hasn't bothered wearing shorts and, of course, Sue
is naked. The men wrestling the heavy posts into the holes aren't
wearing all that much either.

Peter: "Hi."

Crewman: "Afternoon."

Peter: "Is this for the next challenge?"

Crewman: "I can't tell you that, sorry."

Peter: "Oh."

The two watch the men hook a chain around one of the posts. Each one is
about a foot across and flat on top. The backhoe lifts the post up and
it's manoeuvered into a hole. Once it's down, the men shovel some sand
in around it. It's checked with a level to make sure it's straight,
then the men shovel more sand into the hole. When the post is secure
they unhook the chain, and the machine fills the rest of the hole with
sand. There's two done, three more to go. Peter turns to Sue.

Peter: "I'll bet that you subs have to stand on top of a post until you
fall off. Last one standing wins." He turns to one of the crew. "Am I

Crewman: "Can't say. Could be, I guess."

Sue: "Come on, Peter. Let's head back."

[Voiceover: As the two walk back to camp.] "Peter and Sue now face a
dilemma. Should they tell the others what they've seen, or keep the
information to themselves."

Sue: "Standing up on a post isn't something you can prepare for. You
just have to stand there."

Peter: "We'll just tell Sam and Trish. Ok?"

Sue: "All right. We don't have to let everyone know what we saw."

Back at camp, they see Sam and Trish splashing around in the water.
Peter waits until they finish what they're doing before swimming out to
talk to them. Peter tells Sam and Trish about the posts in the sand
that they saw.

Peter: "I'm guessing that the subs have to stand there until they can't
take it anymore and have to get down."

Trish: "I'm sure there's more to it than that. Did you see any
vibrating dildos?"

Peter: "Nope. Just five posts."

Sam: "Maybe we get to shoot paintballs to try and knock you off."

Trish: "That's more like it."

Sam and Peter get their subs to do some bending and stretching
exercises to hopefully give themselves a bit of an advantage in the
challenge. Standing in one spot for a long time can be tougher than it

Sam: "It's a good thing it's not me doing it. My back starts hurting if
I stand around too long without moving."

Most of the group spend a relaxing afternoon on the beach, and later on
a light dinner is made. Rice is cooked with some leftover chicken
added. There's fruit, and there's some fish stew from lunch to round
out the meal. As evening rolls around and it starts to get dark, a fire
is made down on the beach. The couples sit around it, watching the wood

After a couple of hours with nobody saying much, Trish speaks up.

Trish: "Pretty quiet around here tonight."

Lisa: "Colleen had a way of getting people talking. Anyone have a story
to tell?"

Sue: "Hottest or wildest? I think we've all covered that one."

Brandi: "Lovers found, lovers lost."

Marsha: "Yeah. First loves."

Peter: "Major. You've been around the block. How about a story?"

Major: "I don't think so."

Myka: "Come on, Major. You must have had a woman before, one who meant
a lot to you."

Major: "I. . . Well. Yes, there was one."

Myka: Softly. "What was her name?"

Major: "Her name was Mi-Ling."

There's a pause, while The Major sorts through his thoughts.

Major: "It was after the Vietnam war, when we got our asses kicked by
them commie bastards. I felt shame for my country then. The men we
lost, good men. And all for nothing. My Colonel suggested that I take a
posting in Hawaii, as an instructor, so I did.

"She started working at a bar that I use to frequent. Actually, I was
pretty much a regular there. One day she served me my drink and I asked
her to sit a while. I started talking, and this girl seemed interested.
Turned out that I served with her brother. He was killed over there, in

"Well I got pretty drunk that night. She offered to take me home with
her. She lived in this little grass shack down by the ocean with her
Mother and Father. Dirt poor, they were, but happy though. They were
plain and simple just good people. Me and her, we went walking down the
beach in the moonlight. And for a few hours, she made me forget all my

"I'd see her practically every day after that. I'd get off duty and
head right over to that bar she worked at. And then, later on, well. .
. . She was the best thing that ever happened to me.

"We began to make plans, you know? I'd quit the service, we'd settle
down on the mainland. I'd get a real job. . . ."

Sam: Quietly. "What happened, Major."

Major: He lets out a long sigh. "I went to the bar one day, like usual.
Mi-Ling had gotten herself in the way of two guys who were fighting.
One of them had a knife."

Marsha: "Oh my God."

Major: "When her Father heard, he had a heart attack. Dropped dead
right on the spot. I guess that I died a little too that day. I had
some money saved and I just gave it all to Mi-Ling's Mother. Then, I
went to my Colonel and said, "Send me someplace where there's some
action." Three days later I was in Honduras."

Jane: "I never knew this, Sir."

Major: He stands. "Shit happens to everyone, sooner or later."

The Major and Jane leave the group to head to the shelter. Others stand
and stretch too.

Peter: "It's late, and we've got an early challenge tomorrow. Let's
call it a night."

Inside the shelter, the Major and Jane are settling into their bed.
Jane is looking at her dom.

Jane: Softly. "Sir?"

Major: "Yes."

Jane: "I'm sorry about that girl, Mi-Ling."

Major: He looks at her. "It was a long time ago."

Jane: "You have seen a lot of death, in the wars and such."

Major: "In war, death is expected. It follows you around. It can be ten
feet away from you and you wouldn't know it until it hits you. But in
real life, it's when you're not expecting it that it hits the hardest."


[Night cam, inside the shelter.] The Major is lying in bed with his
eyes open. It's just beginning to get light out; the sun not yet risen.
The Major sits up and Jane, beside him, stirs. He looks at her for a

The Major gets up off the sleeping pad and stands. He quietly moves to
the shelter doorway. As he moves to step outside, his foot touches
something big and warm and hairy. He grabs hold of the edge of the
entrance to halt his fall.

Major: "God damn-it."

Hector the pig spent the night sleeping on the shelter's top step. With
a sharp squeal, the pig bolts off into the jungle. The Major shakes his
head and then steps out of the shelter.

Major Edwin Kilpatrick makes his way towards the latrine. A camera
follows him. At the toilet, the Major stands and pisses.

[Iso, head shot of Major.] He looks up into the lens.

Major: "I must be getting soft out here. It's not like me to let my
guard down like I did last night."

[Voice of camera operator, off camera:] "Would you like to talk about
it, sir?"

Major: He gives the camera a glance. "No. I said it all last night.
Maybe I said too much."

The Major gives his dick a shake and zips up his shorts. He heads back
to camp. There, he builds up the fire and puts a pot of water on to

A bit later on, Jane steps out from the shelter and goes to her dom.

Jane: "Sir, about what you told us last night. I. . . ."

Major: "There's nothing to say. It happened long ago, so just forget
it. The water's nearly ready, make my coffee."

Jane: "Yes, Sir."

After a while, others wake up and leave the shelter. Peter heads off to
the toilet while Sue joins the Major at the table for a moment. Sam and
Trish stand nearby. Myka and Marsha also go to the table where the
Major is sitting.

Everyone knows how difficult it can be to talk to the Major and they
all just gather around, giving him and Jane sidelong glances. Peter
returns and joins the group. Finally, the Major speaks up.

Major: "Look. I'm not interested in talking about it. Case closed. Now.
we've got breakfast to eat and a challenge to go to. Let's get going."

The Major stands and he, Peter and Sam each take a cup of coffee and go
to check the mail. Jane gets the bucket of eggs down from the food
storage platform and the girls get busy cooking eggs for everyone.

[Camera following the doms.] The three men step out from the jungle and
onto the beach. The sky is overcast with gray cloud and there's a
slightly cool breeze blowing across the beach, from the South.

Sam: "Did it rain last night?"

Peter: "I don't think so."

Major: "No, it didn't."

Sam: "So we could get wet on today's challenge. At least the subs

The Major eyes Sam carefully. If the challenge involves swimming they
all could get wet.

Major: "The wind's from the South. Storms usually blow in from the East
around these parts. I think we'll be Ok."

The tide is out, so they walk along the wet sand farther down because
the wind is blowing loose sand into their faces. The three make the
mail tree, and Sam reaches into the tube to pull out a scrap of paper.
He reads the challenge.

"Standing on a post,
In the morning sun,
Not a lot to do,
Not a lot of fun.
Outlast the others,
Then you'll be a winner,
Hope it doesn't last,
Through until your dinner."

Major: "What? Standing on a post? That doesn't sound too hard."

Sam: "Maybe the subs have to hold something. Something heavy."

[Cut to: Surviver camp.] There's a big pot of eggs boiling and Brandi
is making an omelet with wild onions mixed into the egg. Some fruit has
also been gathered from the forest.

Lisa: "We should have some bread. Or at least some flour to make
something like bread."

Trish: "Let's drop some hints to Kent today. Maybe he'll get us some."

The doms return to camp, and Sam reads the challenge again to the

Myka: "Sounds too easy. There must be a trick to it."

Hector the pig is crunching up eggshells as the survivers eat their
breakfast. The Major puts his hand down and gives the pig's back a pat.
Hector looks up at him and gives him a crooked pig smile. The Major
catches himself smiling back at the little pig.

After they've eaten, the group heads up the beach for the challenge.
The pig follows along, walking behind Marsha. From time to time, Hector
will take a fancy to Marsha's jingling ankle chain and he'll run to it
and try to bite it. This usually causes Marsha to trip and stumble over
the animal. By the time the group reaches the challenge site, Hector
has gotten himself underfoot of all of the subs.

At the challenge area they see, about fifty feet past the high water
line, five posts set in the sand in a semicircle and spaced about ten
feet apart. Kent is sitting in his Jeep parked near the trees. The
contestants gather around him.

Kent: "Welcome, everyone. Now this challenge is really quite a simple
one. Just climb up on one of the posts and stand there. 

"Both, or one of your feet has to be on top of the post at all times.
You can't sit down on top of it. Last three challengers left standing
start winning points. The one who lasts the longest gets twenty
points, second earns fifteen, and the third longest post stander gets

"This could be a long challenge today, so I have a cooler full of
drinks and sandwiches here. If the subs would like to take a seat over
there," Kent points to some logs at the jungle's edge, "and the
dominants would pick a post and climb up, we'll get started."

Most of the doms and subs are looking at each other.

Trish: "Did you say that we're suppose to sit this one out, Kent?"

Kent: "That's right. Oh, didn't I mention that this challenge is for
the dominants? Oh well, doms and dommes, choose a post and climb on

The subs take seats on the logs while the doms move towards the five
posts. Each post is sticking up about five feet from the sand, and a
few boards are fastened to them to serve as ladders. The posts are flat
on top and a little over a foot across.

The doms climb up on their posts and place their feet on the top. Once
they're all in position, Kent starts his stopwatch.

Kent: "Challengers, this is for points. Good luck."

Kent takes the cooler from his Jeep and he places it near to where the
subs sit. Hector has parked his bum between Marsha's feet and is
sitting on her ankle chain. Kent goes to her and bends down.

Kent: "I see you've found a friend, Marsha."

Marsha: "This is Hector."

The pig turns to look at her like he knows his own name.

Kent: "Hector?" The pig looks at him again. "Well that's a nice name.
Will he bite me?"

Marsha: "I don't think so. He hasn't bitten anyone yet."

Kent slowly puts out his hand to the little pig. Hector sniffs Kent's
hand and then nuzzles his palm. Kent gives the animal a scratch behind
his ear.

Out on their posts, the doms settle in for a long stand.

Sam: "How long are we going to be standing here?"

Lisa: "Till the cows come home if you guys don't jump. I need to earn
some points."

Brandi: "We all do. At least it's not too hot today."

Peter: "If the wind picks up, this isn't going to get any easier."

Major: "Swell."

[Superimpose time on bottom of screen:]  "45 Minutes."

Kent is sitting with the subs and making small talk. Out on the posts,
the five doms are standing there and looking bored. Sam has his hands
on his hips and he's moving from side to side to try and ease the pain
in his back. Lisa carefully bends forward, then straightens up.

[Superimpose time on bottom of screen:]  "1 Hour, 30 Minutes."

The clouds are thinning and the wind has died down a bit. Kent is
passing bottles of water out to the subs. He sits again, this time
beside Trish.

After several minutes, Trish begins to notice that Kent seems to be
letting his eyes linger just a bit too long on her body, rather than
the challengers out on the posts. She looks at him and gives him a
smile. Kent's focus abruptly shifts to her eyes and he grins, then nods
towards the doms.

Kent: "Sam doesn't look too happy out there."

[Cut to: Sam.] Sam is constantly moving to try and gain some relief
from the pain he's in. He brings up one leg and grasps his knee,
pulling and stretching his back muscles."

[Cut to: Trish.] Trish: "Sam's back gets really sore if he has to stand
in one spot for long. Moving around he's Ok, it's just whenever he's
got to stand still he has problems."

Kent: "It doesn't look like he's going to hang on much longer. Look,
there he goes."

Sam bends down and finds the first board with his foot. He slowly
climbs down off his post. When he's down on the sand he holds onto the
post and twists his back to work the kinks out of it. Then, he gingerly
makes his way to where the subs are sitting.

Kent: "Had enough, Sam?"

Sam: "Yeah, afraid so."

[Superimpose time on bottom of screen:]  "2 Hours, 20 Minutes."

The cloud cover is beginning to break up. The sun is getting stronger
and the tide is coming in. Waves are starting to lap at the bottoms of
the five posts now. Kent gets up with a bottle of sunscreen and he
makes his way out to where the doms are standing. He hands the bottle
up to each challenger in turn and lets them rub some of the sunscreen
on themselves.

Kent: "Sorry I can't reach your backs, guys. I guess you'll have to
make do."

[Superimpose time on bottom of screen:]  "4 Hours, 36 Minutes."

The tide is fully in, and the five posts are tiny islands now with four
doms standing on top. Sometimes a high wave will even break over their
feet. The wetness is also making the tops of the logs a bit slippery,
and Lisa almost tips over as she stands on one foot, holding the other
one behind her back and trying to balance herself.

The Major is crouched down and he reaches to splash some water on his
face. Peter bends over a couple times, mostly to relieve the boredom.
Brandi stands with her arms crossed and looks pissed off.

On shore, Kent and Sam hand out the sandwiches and cans of soda pop to
the subs. They all sit in the shade and watch to see who will be the
next one to bail.

[Superimpose time on bottom of screen:]  "5 Hours, 10 Minutes."

Peter bends over and dives off his post and into the surf. He flips
over and backstrokes towards shore. Peter gives a wave to the three
doms left.

He joins the group on shore to park his bum on one of the logs. Sue
hands Peter her can of pop which he quickly drinks down.

Kent: "Five hours and ten minutes, Peter. Good try."

Peter: "Not good enough though. I just couldn't take it anymore."

Sue gives her dom's arm a squeeze. The couple exchange a wordless

Out on the posts, the Major looks towards the two girls who are left.

Major: "That'll do it for me, girls. Good luck."

With that, the Major brings one foot back and bends down. He gets his
foot on the top board of the ladder but as he shifts his weight his
foot slips on the wet wood. The Major pushes himself off the post to
drop backwards into the water. He then swims to shore.

Kent: "Five hours and fifteen minutes, Major. You take third place with
ten points. 

[Superimpose time on bottom of screen:]  "6 Hours, 29 Minutes."

Three posts stand empty, Lisa is looking across to Brandi. Brandi is
standing with her hands on her knees. The top two rungs of the ladders
are above the water now. The tide is receding.

Lisa: "Give it up, Brandi."

Brandi: "No way! Me and Marsha want to win this thing."

Lisa: "You're not going to outlast me, Brandi. You know it."


Brandi straightens up and looks at Lisa.

Lisa: "We can end this thing right now. It's only five points."

Brandi tries to respond but her mouth is dry as dust. She feels it too.
She's dehydrated and getting weaker by the minute. Brandi gives Lisa a
final glare and then begins to climb down off her post. She jumps down
into the thigh high water and wades to shore.

Lisa raises her arms but she feels no joy in winning the challenge.
Only relief that it's finally over. She starts to climb down but her
legs give out and she falls the last few feet into the sea.

Kent hands each girl a bottle of water when they reach the rest of the
group on shore.

Kent: "Congratulations, ladies. Six and a half hours. Brandi takes
second place, and Lisa and Myka win the challenge earning themselves
twenty points.

"You can all head back to camp, and I'll see you tomorrow."

Kent leaves a few sandwiches and cans of pop for Lisa and Brandi. They
and their subs hang around the area for a while after the others leave,
until the two dommes have regained enough strength to make the trek
back to camp.

Brandi: "You tricked me, didn't you, Lisa. You were ready to drop out."

Lisa: "Sorry, Brandi, but that's the name of the game. Outwit, outlast,
and all."

Brandi: "I should have called your bluff, but I was nearly finished out
there. All that water around us and not a drop to drink."

Lisa: "No hard feelings?"

Brandi: "No. Good challenge, Lisa. Congratulations."

Lisa: "Come on. Let's head back."

Lisa, Brandi, Myka and Marsha start back to camp. Hector the pig
follows along.

[Camera zoom out and follow the four girls and the pig as they walk
down the beach.]

[Go commercial. Home Showcase Promo] / [Return.]

At the surviver's camp, Sam and Trish have taken the boat out to catch
some dinner. They return with a few small fish. Sue is making a pot of
rice, and Jane is out gathering some fruit. After Lisa and Brandi have
joined the group, they all sit down at the camp table to eat.

Sam: "Well, you subs had it pretty easy today."

Trish: "For a change."

Peter: "I wonder what made Kent switch things around?"

Sue: "Yeah, I wonder."

Lisa: "You think that the challenge was originally for the subs?"

Peter: "Well they usually are."

Major: "I think that they just wanted to keep us on our toes. Throw out
a curve ball and force us to keep guessing."

Marsha: "It could be that we've got something particularly nasty coming
up tomorrow. They might have thought us subs needed a break."

Major: "No, that's not it. Subs don't normally get breaks. Dispite us
being dominants and use to being in charge, during this game we still
have to answer to a higher authority. Today's challenge was just a
reminder for us not to get too complacent in our roles as Masters."

Brandi: "So you think making us stand on the poles was a punishment for

Major: "Maybe not a punishment. It was more of a change up to show us
all who's really in charge out here. Generals have to take orders like
everyone else down the line. Even those at the top have to answer to
somebody. At least, in a democracy they do."

Peter: "But. This isn't a democracy out here."

Major: "Good point. We have to dance to the tune that's playing, if we
want to win the money."

After dinner's over and the camp is cleaned up, the group goes down to
the beach to watch the sunset for a while. Lisa nudges Brandi and the
two dommes go off into the jungle together.

Near a big palm tree, Lisa turns to Brandi. Although the girls think
that they're alone, they don't notice the tiny remote camera mounted on
a tree nearby.

Lisa: "Brandi, I've been thinking. If we had worked together this
afternoon we could have saved ourselves a few uncomfortable hours
standing on those posts."

Brandi: "What do you mean?"

Lisa: "Well. Say we both agreed that, for the challenges that we're
able to, us and our subs work together. Then at the end, when one of us
wins the money we split the prize."

Brandi: "Now, Lisa. You know that's against the rules. It was quite
clearly spelled out in all those papers we signed that couples can't
join forces or split any prize money."

Lisa: "Yeah, but who's to know? We don't have to tell anyone and if
we're subtle about it, it should work."

Brandi: "Who's to know? They know everything that goes on on this
island. There could be cameras in those coconuts up there."

The two girls nervously look up and around them. Lisa studies the
coconuts hanging on the tree high above them.

Brandi: "Besides. How could we work together and expect to win? One of
us would have to throw the challenge to the other and make sure they
won all the time. Or most of the times."

Lisa: "Like today. You could have bailed after the Major, and I would
have won. Or paintball way back when. Marsha could have hid with Myka
and then we could have scored points off each other's subs. If we can
work together on just a few of the challenges, it could make a

Brandi: "I don't know, Lisa. I'll think about it. Ok?"

Lisa: "Think about us sitting down and counting out half a million

Brandi turns to go, and Lisa follows her back to the rest of the group
sitting around the bonfire. Everyone sits around the fire and watches
the wood burn, each lost in their own thoughts. As night falls, one by
one, the couples head for the shelter to turn in for the night.


[Dawn: Surviver camp.] Peter and Sue are sitting at the table and they
watch the Major and Jane head down to the beach for their morning
exercise routine. Sue has the coffee on and, after it's done, they each
take a cup and walk down to check the mail.

At the mail tree, Peter reaches into the tube and pulls out a scrap of
paper with the day's challenge printed on it. He reads it to Sue:

Multiples of five,
A hand that's steady and true,
Marks on something live,
Points accrue to you.

Sue: "Rather cryptic, yes?"

Peter: "A steady hand? Marking something live? A whipping challenge?"

Sue: "Oh, shit."

[Cut to: Surviver camp.] The group is sitting down for the morning
meal. They're discussing the challenge announcement.

Marsha: "Oh, shit."

Sue: "That's what I said."

Sam: "Something live could be a tree or something. It could be shooting
arrows at a tree."

Trish: "Want to bet it's not?"

Sam: "No."

The challenge is set for the big clearing in the jungle. After a lunch
of some fruit, the couples follow the trail from the beach, through the
forest, to the clearing.

Kent, Kate and Brent are standing around an ominous looking padded
bench. The bench is a foot wide and three feet long, and stands about a
foot and a half high. Its top is padded and covered with tan coloured
leather. At the head, two hand grips stick up and are fixed on either
side, near the end.

On a small table lay several thin bamboo canes of various lengths, all
near about three feet long. It's these canes that draw the sub's eyes.

Kent: "Welcome, folks. The equipment you see should be familiar to you
all. We have a padded bench, and several springy bamboo canes. I think
you all know what's going to happen in this challenge.

"What we have in mind is this. Each submissive gets to lay, face down,
on the bench. Each dominant gets to select a cane. You'll have five
seconds to strike your sub five times across her back. What we're
looking for is five nicely defined lines, equally spaced and of equal

"You should only hit hard enough to make a clearly defined line. You're
NOT to draw blood. If you break your sub's skin, you're out of this
challenge with no points.

"The scoring goes like this. Five marks of the cane in five seconds
gets you five points. Equal spacing of the marks along your sub's back
gets five points. Equal length of each mark is another five. Even
colouration along the length of each line is another five points. And
finally, your submissive's reaction gets you another five. The subs
have to hold very still while you're whipping them to let you place the
marks evenly.

"Now backs are curvy, so when we're judging the lines we'll take that
into account. If you only get in four hits in the five seconds, you
don't get four points, you get zero. For the rest of the
qualifications, we're scoring from zero to five. There's a possible
twenty five points for a perfect score in today's challenge.

"Remember, we're looking for accuracy today. You don't have to hit hard
because your sub might not be able to hold still for the full five
strokes. As long as there's five clear marks on her back, that's all
we'll need. Everyone understand the challenge?"

Kent waits a moment, in case anyone has a question. When he sees that
there's none, he nods to Miss Kate.

Kate: "If the doms and dommes would like to take a few moments to
select a cane, then we'll begin."

There's a dozen thin canes on the table. The Major handles a couple
and then picks one. He slashes the air a few times with it. Peter picks
one and tests its springiness and balance. He whips the air a few
times, and he smiles.

Lisa has a cane in her hand and she looks upset. Although Lisa has used
a whip on someone before, she's never had any inclination to take one
to her lovely submissive, Myka. Their relationship is one based on
tenderness and love, and to take a cane and physically mark Myka's back
is something that Lisa would rather not have to do.

Brandi gives Lisa a wink. Brandi waves her cane downwards and lets the
tip touch the ground. She does this a few times, each time letting the
tip touch an inch away from the last mark. Lisa picks up the idea and
tries her hand at controlling the springy bamboo cane. Brandi wipes the
end of her cane off.

Kent touches Brent on his arm. They both have noticed Brandi's helping
Lisa calm herself and prepare for the challenge.

Kent: "All right. Who's up first?"

Major: "I'll go first."

Miss Kate helps Jane position herself on the bench. Her hands hold the
two posts sticking up on each side of her head with her wrist chain
laying across the back of her neck. When the submissive is ready, Kate
nods to the Major. The Major takes his position.

Kent is ready with the stopwatch.

Kent: "Ready? Set? GO!"

At the word go, the Major swings his cane down onto Jane's back. His
hand is sure, and his next stroke gets placed perfectly, an inch below
the last. Jane takes each blow without flinching. Her forehead is
pressed to the padded bench top and her hands grip the hand grips
tightly. Each time the Major raises the cane to deliver the next blow,
a bright red line is left in it's wake.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack!

Kent: "Stop!"

Brent and Miss Kate move in to examine the Major's work. Brent has a
ruler and a pair of calipers, and each of Jane's marks is compared to
the others. Jane must lay there and endure the poking and prodding of
her burning back by the two judges.

Finally, Jane is allowed to get up and the next sub steps up to the
bench. Miss Kate has the Major's score written down on her clipboard.
Peter has offered Sue to be next.

Kent: "We'll announce the final scoring at the end. Peter?"

Peter and Sue play with whips and such from time to time, so Sue knows
what to expect. Sue's back has a bit of meat on it and is nice and
flat. Sue has settled herself onto the bench in such a way that her
back is straight and evenly presented to the cane. Peter lays his five
strokes in a tight pattern across the widest part of Sue's back, just
below her shoulder blades.

When Peter's five seconds are up he steps back smiling. Sue lets out
her breath in a long shudder. Brent and Kate move towards Sue. The cane
is about a quarter inch thick and the marks are spaced just a half an
inch apart. They're all perfectly equal in length and nearly perfectly
spaced. Sue will have a rather sore stripe on her back for the next few

Sam and Trish go next. Sam and Trish have played around with sticks and
stuff in the forest up at their cottage. In this more formal setting,
Sam doesn't do as well as the more experienced doms of the Major or
Peter. On his last stroke, Trish flinches and Sam misses the mark
making the stroke overlap one of the others a bit. Sam shrugs his
shoulders knowing that he's lost some points over that one.

Brandi and Marsha take their turn. They also have played a bit with the
S and M side of things, but never really seriously. And Marsha can't
hold still enough for Brandi to set her strokes where she'd like them.
Marsha flinches on the first smack. She jumps on the second one. Brandi
pauses for just a moment, hoping her sub will settle down. Kent calls
stop when her time is up, and Brandi misses out on having her last
stroke count.

Marsha has tears in her eyes when she's released from the whipping

Marsha: To Brandi. "I'm sorry, mistress."

Brandi: "It's Ok, kitten. It's over now."

Kate helps get Myka into position on the bench. Lisa is standing there
and watching. Myka's long hair is cleared from off her back, to hang
off one side of the bench and pool on the ground below. Lisa is clearly
uncomfortable holding the cane in her hand.

Though Myka has hinted to Lisa that a spanking might be fun, they never
have done anything like this at all. Now, Lisa has to whip her sub's
back with a hard bamboo cane and leave marks on her. With a worried
look, Lisa gets into position.

Kent: "Ready? Set? GO!"

Lisa's first stroke is light. Her second one is a little harder, but
not straight. The third one draws a line across one side of Myka's mid
back and partway across the other side. Myka lets out a gasp that
causes Lisa to check her fourth stroke, and it barely leaves any mark.
And Kent calls time before Lisa gets in her last one.

Lisa holds Myka's hand as her markings are checked. When the judging is
done, the two girls stand off to one side of the others. Both have
tears in their eyes. Brandi and Marsha go over to comfort them.

Kent, Kate and Brent go over the results. Kent gets all the subs
together and facing away from them so that the markings can be compared
once more. Finally, the points are totaled up.

Kent: "Ok. In first place, with twenty three points, Peter and Sue!

"Second place with twenty one, The Major and Jane. Sam and Trish draw
eighteen points. Brandi and Marsha: Ten points. And Lisa and Myka:
Sorry guys. You've earned just six points.

"Some people aren't into the giving and receiving of pain, and that's
Ok. It's something that's not for everyone. But we've tried to make
these challenges so you each get a chance to do things that you might
not normally experience.

"Anyway, good try, survivers. Good work Peter, and Major. You can all
head back to camp, and I'll see you in a couple of days."

Sue is grinning on the way back to camp, even though her back is
hurting pretty bad. Peter resists the urge to put his arm around her
until he gets some skin cream rubbed on the red striped patch on her
back. Lisa is still upset over having to take the cane to her sub's
beautiful back, and there's tears in her eyes as she gently dabs some
of the cream on Myka's marks.

Myka: To Lisa. "It's Ok, Lisa. It doesn't hurt all that much."

Lisa: "I'm sorry, Myka. I tried not to hit so hard. I tried to just
make light marks so we'd get some points. I just couldn't do it."

Myka: "Don't worry about the points, Lisa. We'll make it up."

Lisa: "We'll have to."

[Roll credits.] [Split screen with credits, show points totals.]

Sam and Trish               68
The Major and Jane          65
Peter and Sue               62
Lisa and Myka               58
Brandi and Marsha           57

[Split screen.] Left side, picture of Kent Brockman on the island.
                Right side, Home Showcase studios, Burbank California.

[Sound:] A telephone conversation. Clicks and chirps are occasionally
heard as from a long distance call.

Kent: "I know, sir. This could escalate into a serious breach of the

Director of programming, Home Showcase: "I agree. I've watched the
footage you've sent from the hidden camera. We'll have to act quickly
on this one."

Kent: "What should we do?"

Director: "You're on top of the situation, Kent. I'll leave it to your

Kent: "Thank you, sir. We'll handle it from here."

[END Episode 8.]

"Next time on Surviver:" "Miss Kate is called upon to mete out some
discipline to the two dommes, Lisa and Brandi. A late night visit is
arranged by Kent and Kate." [Show two persons garbed in yellow
raincoats approaching the shelter.] 

"And the subs get a little muddy. Again." [Clip of Myka, covered in mud
from her neck to her toes, exiting the mud pool.]

  - End of file -