Edgar and Judith:

   Home Showcase is inviting Dominant / submissive couples to
   participate in a contest for an upcoming pay per view special to
   be broadcast in the near future.

"Hey Jude, Come look at this"

"Oh no," Judith replied from her position. She lay, languishing
peacefully like a big contented cat, on the couples big, soft bed. "I'm
worn out from the last two times," she said with a gentle purr.

Edgar turned the computer monitor so she could see, and Judith slowly
raised herself up, then squinted, trying to make out the words. Through
the fog caused by those last heart stopping orgasms, what seemed like
only moments before, the heading of the page leapt out to her.

"A contest? With a million as first prize?"

Her interest now peaked, Jude slithered closer to Ed's desk at the foot
of their bed. The chain locked around her right ankle slipped on the
deep green satin sheets, tumbling off the end of the bed and clanking
noisily against the frame where the other end lay, looped around and
fastened with a second lock.

   You and your submissive will join nine other couples on a small
   South Pacific island where you will face-off in challenges set up by
   the moderator of the event.

"Well darling," Jude cooed seductively, "we both love a good challenge,
don't we."

Forty days. A quick mental calculation by Edgar revealed that he, no
they, stood to gain 25 thousand bucks per day. Not bad! After twenty
days, the weak would be culled, cutting the competition in half.
"Hummm," thought Edgar. "Things will really get interesting then.

   This contest is open to all dominance and submission couples,
   regardless of race or gender, however, preference will be given to
   couples who employ bondage in their lifestyle. Ten couples will be
   selected by the event organizers from those who apply. Please fill
   out the form below as honestly and as accurately as possible since
   any misrepresentations could result in disqualification.

The wheels were already spinning in Edgar's head. "The producers are
looking to make a big show out of this thing," he explained to his
partner. "They aren't looking for John and Jane Doe's. They want
couples with some flair, interesting people who can put on a good show.

Edgar continued, thinking out loud. "They'll want contestants who can
seem like just your average folks, but with that little something extra
to pull in the ratings. Right? Contessa Judith De Faria?"

"Contessa!? Edgar, you must be mad! They're going to do background
checks on anyone they pick."

"This is television, my pet. They're going to ask for a few names, call
them up and ask if we're baby killers or not. We'll give them friends
to call and tell them what to say. That couple we met last year, in the
Bahamas. What's their names? His wife with that chastity belt that you
were so fascinated with."

"Oh, Edgar," Jude muttered, "you're going to do whatever you want
anyway. You always do, don't you."

Ed reached down to the floor and grabbed the chain which led to his
partner's ankle. Pulling on it brought her foot closer to him where he
bent over and, holding her ankle just above the chain, he lowered his
lips to softly kiss her dainty little toes.

"Don't you know it," he said with a sly grin.

After finishing high school in his native Portugal, Edgar De Faria,
after working for a year at ever more menial jobs in the farms around
his town, graduated to a life of petty crimes. Then, after running
afoul of the law one too many times, he travelled to France. Paris,
where he could blend into the crowds and practice his art. As a small
time pick-pocket, he soon fell into the criminal underground and did
his under-graduate studies with a man called Pierre Lacroux.

Pierre showed the young Edgar the ins and outs of the art of swindling
unsuspecting folks out of large amounts of cash. After graduation, and
a sting operation that brought about a bit too much heat, Edgar
immigrated to the U S of A, and California, where life was fast and the
pickings easy.

It was at a party that Edgar had gotten himself invited to, that he met
the Contessa Judith Sylvanna. Jude wasn't really a Contessa but she
sure knew how to act the part. Judith was in reality the spoiled
daughter of a French diplomat, though when Ed laid eyes on her, he was
drawn to her like a magnet. Like a banker to a forclosure. Like a
lawyer to an ambulance. Edgar saw fine clothes and nice looking jewelry
and a girl who seemed a little too careless with both.

Edgar struck up a conversation with the girl, who seemed just a little
bit drunk, and after a nightcap at a nearby club he got himself invited
up to her apartment. The apartment was spacious and richly furnished,
befitting a Contessa, or a spoiled daughter of a rich diplomat. After a
quick look around, Edgar decided to return someday, uninvited,

The two found themselves in Jude's bedroom. "Sweet thing," Ed thought,
as she swung open a painting on the wall, opened the wall safe and
deposited her rings and necklaces inside while he sat on her bed
and watched her. The two made love, spectacularly, yet a part of
Edgar's mind remained on the safe, and the contents he'd glimpsed

The next three days Ed spent in his car, parked outside the girl's
apartment building and watching her comings and goings. He would watch
her strut proudly through the doors as the doorman held them open for
her, to then stand impatiently at the curb as the doorman hailed a cab
for her. As the taxi pulled away, Ed would follow at a discrete
distance. It took just three days for him to spot his opening.

Judith would come out around 10:30 each morning, take a cab to a small
restaurant five blocks away and have a leasurly breakfast there. "So
that's it," thought Edgar. "Tomorrow's payday."

The next morning Ed watched the "Contessa" climb into her cab for the
ride to the restaurant. Edgar waited a few minutes before getting out of
his car and walking to the building. He had his story prepared and he
bluffed his way past the bored security man, striding to the elevators
with an air of confidence. On the ride up to the tenth floor and Jude's
apartment, he fingered the lock pick in his pocket. The door lock he
had examined on his last visit and would present no problem.

Judith had waited until they reached the end of her block before she
asked the cab driver to pull over.

"Just stop here for a moment," she ordered.

Taking the small opera glasses with the mother of pearl handle from her
purse, she turned in the seat to peer through them out the back window.
There. The flash of sunlight as Edgar's car door opened and closed. She
watched a man dart through the morning traffic, heading towards her

"So. The little fishie has taken the hook," she muttered to herself.
Then quickly, "Driver. Turn around and take me back."

"But Miss, the traffic. . . ."

"Do it NOW!" she shouted, flinging a twenty down on the front seat.

"Yes Ma'm!"

So intent was Edgar in riffling through the contents of Judith's safe
that he didn't hear the almost imperceptible click of the front door
lock opening. It wasn't until he heard the slide chambering a round in
the tiny Beretta, with the mother of pearl grip held in Judith's hand,
that he turned around. Staring down the dull gray barrel pointed
between his eyes, Edgar felt the lump rise in his throat as his heart

"Good morning Edgar," Judith coolly quipped. "I didn't expect to see you
again so soon."

"Judith. I. . . ."

Jude's diamond studded tiara in his hand, Ed watched her finger slide
back to click the safety off her weapon.

"Put that back, dear. Then move over to the bedside table."

Carefully, Edgar complied. He stood beside the night table and glanced
at Judith.

"Open the top drawer, darling."

Hooking a finger through the handle, Ed slid the drawer open. He
glanced inside, then looked again.

"Now be a dear and put those on, would you please?"

With two fingers, Edgar raised the shiny silver handcuffs from the
drawer. Glancing at Judith, and seeing only an ice cold stare returned
his way, he placed one open cuff against his wrist and slowly began
ratcheting the handcuff closed. Each click sounded like a gunshot to
him in Jude's silent bedroom. Ed took the other cuff into his hand.

"Behind you, of course."

"Judith, we can talk about th. . . ."

"I don't imagine that the police would be much of a bother to me if I
was forced to shoot an intruder in my own bedroom, do you?" Judith
placed one of her hands at her throat. Her fingers encircled her neck.
"You see the marks here officer?" She squeezed, then withdrew her
fingers. Ed watched the marks left by the slight pressure fade quickly.
"He tried to kill me. I had no choice. Now, DO IT!"

With deliberate slowness, Ed moved his hands behind his back. Taking
the open cuff, he placed it against his wrist. His mind was working at
double time but he could see no way out at the moment. The rat-tat-tat
sound of the cuff closing sealed his fate, whatever it may be.

Judith moved closer to Edgar and gently pressed the tip of the gun
against the base of his skull. Slowly, teasingly, she traced it down
his spine. Then she took a step back.

"Lay down across the bed. Face down."

Edgar turned towards the bed. With his knees against the edge, he bent
over, pressing his face to the duvet. Then he lowered his body down to
the surface. Inching forward like the worm he felt like, he moved
himself onto the bed until just his feet were hanging over the side.


Ed lay still. He heard the sound of chain links tinkling together as
Jude lifted a length of it from the drawer.

"Cross your ankles."

Ed complied. Judith hooked a padlock through the end link of the chain
and then, pressing the gun to his spine just above his cuffed hands,
she lay the chain across the top of his crossed ankles.

"Now, darling, hold very still. If we have an accident here, it's going
to make a big mess on my nice clean bed. We wouldn't want that now,
would we?"

Placing her foot on the chain on the floor, Judith wound the other end
twice around Edgar's ankles and secured it with the lock. Then, taking
up the other end, she secured it to the brass headboard with another
lock. Gathering up the keys to the locks and the cuffs, she crossed the
room, placed them on the beaurau well away from Ed's reach, then,
returned to sit on the bed by his head.

She stared down at him as he looked up at her, craning his neck
painfully so he could see her face. After several minutes, Edgar let
his head fall back to the mattress.

"What are you going to do?" he asked her.

Judith, who had been loosely holding the gun on him the whole time, set
it down on the bed cover beside his face.

"Well. That depends. I could call the police and have you taken away.
Or I could call my Daddy. He's a respected and influential man in this
country. He has many friends, and has always managed to make my
problems simply go away. However, I may have use for a man of your
talents, limited though they may be," the last, said with a sneer.

Edgar's heart skipped a beat as he fathomed a way out of his
predicament. Showing no reaction, he waited the lady out.

"It was through a friend of mine," Judith began, "that you managed your
invitation to the party last weekend. I'd heard your name mentioned in
certain circles and I thought that you may have some skills that I
require. The fact that you are here, now, proves that you have at least
some of the requirements in this area." Judith paused to gauge Ed's

"Go on," Edgar carefully prompted.

"Some of my father's aquaintances are gentlemen of high stature and
quite well off. One of these gentleman's wives is a rather nasty old
bitch. She has been rather rude to me over the years and I wish to
extract a bit of revenge on her."

Judith went on to describe an elaborate investment scam that she'd
cooked up to take advantage of the woman's greedy nature. While she was
telling Edgar of the plan, her hands began to roam tentatively over
Ed's bound body. Edgar's hands and feet were prickly with pins and
needles caused by the too tight chains and cuffs, and by the position
he'd been forced into over the past several long minutes. Yet he tried
not to let his discomfort show as Jude's hands became ever more bold in
their explorations. Her excitement was growing with the telling of her

"Oh, you poor dear," she said upon noticing the tension in Edgar's
arms. "Now if I release these cuffs, do you promise not to run away?"

With his feet chained to the solid headboard there was little chance of
that. Ed nodded, and Jude picked up her gun, then fetched the handcuff
keys from the beaurau. Leaving her gun over there, she returned to the
bed and opened one of the cuffs. Edgar's arms immediately dropped to
his sides.

"Roll over and remove your shirt, please," Jude ordered.

Ed complied, the open cuff snagging inside the sleeve of his shirt.
Once he was freed of his shirt, Judith grabbed his wrist and re-cuffed
his hands together in front of him.

"So," Ed asked, stalling for time. "This investment scam, do you have
something in mind?"

Judith was on her knees on the bed, Edgar's head between them. Her
hands began roaming his chest again as she told of the plan to swindle
this woman out of as much money as she could. The plan was simple; rent
an office and some furniture, start up a small drug company. On paper
anyway. Produce some impressive literature on some new wonder drug that
would cure some illness. Create reports on clinical trials that showed
the drug to be remarkably effective. F.D.A. approval forms submitted,
the licence to manufacture only weeks away. All that was needed was
start up capital for the manufacturing and once the drug hit the
market, thousands of lives would be saved. And the investors would reap
the profits.

Judith's fingers had found Ed's belt buckle and she was un-doing his
pants. Hooking her fingers in the waist, she slid them down his legs.
Edgar felt her pebble hard nipples against his hands as she leaned over
him, and he casually tweaked one between his fingers. Jude straightened
up and then, with a swift movement, she pulled her blouse off over her
head. Her perfectly formed breasts sprang free.

"This woman's mother died of Parkinson's desease. She fears that her
son is developing symptoms now. So she has a vested interest in any
treatment that may prove to be effective. I'll slip the word to her
through a mutual friend. You, my dear Edgar, will play the agent for
the pharmaceutical company. After you've shown her the test results, and
explained the hefty return on her investment, she'll be eager to hand
over a cheque."

"And what if she isn't?" asked Ed.

"Well," said Jude, bending over him. Her tits rubbed against his arms.
"That means that you aren't the salesman I've heard you are. Then I
will have to kill you."

Taking his cock into her mouth, Jude was quiet for a time. The hem of
her short skirt was touching Edgar's forehead and he brought his hands
up to lift it and peek underneath. Jude was bare there, her arousal
clearly evident. With a finger, Ed traced the line of her slit making
her jump and moan softly. Then, as his finger probed a bit deeper, Jude
renewed her efforts on his prick.

Judith's sucking, and her talented tongue, brought Edgar nearly to the
point of climax. Then, suddenly, Judith drew her face away from him and
sat upright, rocking back on her heels. Ed lowered his hands past his
face with the overpowering scent of her heat on his fingers. He looked
up at her.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Well, darling Edgar," she answered, "it's quite simple. You work this
sting with me or I call the police and report an intruder."

"And what if I say that I'll tell them about this little scam of

"I could report that I shot an intruder dead in my bedroom. Besides,
you're not going to tell the police anything, are you? There is honour
amongst thieves, no?"

Edgar had worked operations like this before but never one with such a
high possibility of returns. Almost every week in the papers there were
reports of some little startup research company making a new discovery
and creating riches for lucky investors.

"What would the split be?" he asked.

"Fifty Fifty," she answered.

Edgar thought for a moment. "Since the Mark knows you, it will be me
whom she'll have to deal with. It will be me that she picks out of the
police line up if things go sour. I want more."

Judith regarded him coldly. "If we are going to work together, we'll be
as equals. They'll be no me or you, it's us, baby, or nothing. Is that
clear? Besides, there's going to be enough for us both."

Already Edgar was imagining the office they'd need, the paperwork
required. It had been too long since he'd worked one of these scams,
and never one as ambitious as this. A slight smile began to pull at his
lips, and there, Judith had her answer.

"Alright," he said. "I'll do it. Now how about letting me go?"

"Darling, what's the rush? We've got all day."

With that, Judith shifted her position so she was kneeling over top of
Ed's waist. Slowly, she began to lower herself, guiding his stiff
length inside of her with her hand. Then, taking hold of the handcuff
chain, she raised his hands up over his head and bent down, stretching
herself along his body to roughly press her lips to his.

Judith was thrusting so forcefully with her hips that the two of them
were sliding on the bed, the bedcover slipping against the satin sheets
underneath. When she'd managed to move Edgar down far enough on the
bed, the chain from his ankles to the headboard pulled tight, stopping
their travels. Pants around his knees, the chain around his ankles
biting into them, Judith drove him to an explosive orgasm, the force of
which making him pass out for a few seconds.

When he came to, Judith was sitting on his belly and rubbing their
combined juices over it with her pussy. She sealed their partnership
with a kiss, silencing any protests he may have had with her lips.

The sting operation exceeded both their expectations. The woman, Edgar
discovered, was as arrogant and as nasty as Judith made her out to be.
Just the type of Mark that Ed loved to fleece. On that first meeting
with her in the new office, "Dr. Stormont" sold her on the soundness of
the investment with stacks of clinical trial reports, colourful
brochures, and photos of clean pharmaceutical factories with lots of
high tech equipment, just waiting for government approval to begin
production. The woman handed over a cheque for a hundred and fifty
thousand, payable in cash.

They'd timed the scam for the end of the month, so a week later, the
Mark was called back and the good doctor showed her how her money had
doubled in such a short time. "The F.D.A. is asking for a second
clinical trial," Edgar explained to her. "If another trial is needed,
it will delay production for up to three months. But, of course, a
second test will only confirm how effective our new drug is in curing
this terrible desease."

"My mother sucommed to Parkinsons," the woman coolly told him, and he

"Whether or not the second trial takes place, this company is poised to
take off. If you have any friends who wish to invest, now would be the
time for them to get in. Once we begin production, and the drug hits
the market, the growth rate of your investments will be even greater."

Knowing how greed can overtake a person's reasoning, Edgar was not
surprised when the woman offered to invest some more money into this
fictitious drug company of his. Her greed would ensure her silence
concerning this wonderful new investment opportunity. The Doctor
received another cheque for one hundred and fifty thousand that time,
and less than two weeks later, another two hundred thousand.

Near the end of that month, after hearing no more from Dr. Stormont or
this new wonder drug, the woman returned to the crime scene to find an
empty office, the furniture repossessed by the rental company. Edgar
and Judith took two months off and vacationed in the Bahamas.
