SERIAL MELODRAMA by Van © 2002 |
When last we left Our Heroine,
Ronnie Allbriton (TESSERACT Game Designer extraordinaire & Tae-bo
Tart); she was trapped in Virtual Reality (& had lost her grip on
what was "VR" & what was "R"); had been captured by the cruel but
fictional Kul'Dakar Amazons (the very same slaveholding (&
handling) Ancient Warrior Culture Ronnie herself had helped invent);
accused of being a "Spirit-witch" & Spy; "stolen" &
"entertained" by the "Sacred Twins" (who nick-named her "Neeka"); &
sentenced by the Kul'Dakar's
Dread Queen to Eternal Slavery
[it's a religious thing] &...
...to be BURIED ALIVE in the
Caverns of Kor!!!
Ronnie stumbled
after Elá in a daze. Naked, wrists,
thumbs and elbows bound together with white silk rope, arms pinned to
her torso; more rope cleaving her crotch and lashed to her thumbs,
mouth stuffed with one blue silk scarf and cleaved with another,
leather slave hobbles buckled around her ankles, steel slave collar
around her throat (now permanently so, the lock mechanism
having been fused by The Queen), and the leather lead
snapped to the ring in the front of the collar firmly in the hand of
Captain Elá,
the Panther Cult Kul'Dakar who had captured her... two days ago... or
was it one day? None of that mattered. Nothing
mattered. The Queen's final words echoed in her mind:
'Bury her
alive in the Caverns of Kor.'
'Let the bone beetles interrogate her.'
'Bury her alive...'
'Bury her alive...'
Ronnie's heart hammered
in her well-roped chest. Her captive breasts heaved. Her
eyes welled and a sob escaped her cloying gag. Elá stopped and looked back.
They were in a dark, narrow passage with an arched roof, the
floor beneath their feet a ramp leading down, deep under the base of the Kul'Dak, the Queen's Palace. The
pomp and politics of The Queen's Audience Chamber was far, far behind
them and they were alone, for the moment.
Elá smiled cruelly and
pushed Ronnie against the cold stone of the passage wall. "Not as
strong as you thought you were," the gloating blonde purred, "eh, Brown
Eyes?" One hand gripped Ronnie's short, tousled hair, the other
her right breast. The Amazon leaned close, her leather armor and
tan skin sliding against her captive's toned, inescapably bound body.
She leaned even closer and gave Ronnie's left cheek and eye a
slow, languid lick. The prisoner shuddered and squirmed in her
bonds. "The tears of a terrified slave," Elá whispered, "sweet as honey wine."
Ronnie found her fear turning to anger, her
wet eyes flashed and she kneed her smug, cruel, Amazon captor
in the crotch... only her hobble absorbed most of the force and
her gloating tormentor experienced little more than a slightly
more than gentle nudge.
Elá laughed and kissed Ronnie's
gagged lips. "Oh, Brown Eyes," she murmured, "such a waste.
The body of a warrior... The spirit of a
warrior... The soul of a slave. Breaking you to your
true self would have been such pleasure: a long, slow, journey of pain
and ecstasy. A journey of months, even years, until you
were ready for the Begging Ceremony, ready to confess your craving for
The Yoke. How I would have loved to have been your guide."
Ronnie mewed through her gag and shook her head, struggling to push her
tormentor away.
Elá laughed again and kissed Ronnie's
nipples, first the left, then the right. "Such a waste... but The
Queen has spoken. Let's get going, shall we? We have
leagues to travel and I have to make the journey back as well."
Ronnie shuddered and lurched forward as Elá jerked her leash and continued
down the ramp.
After descending more ramps and stairwells Ronnie found herself at a
heavy wooden door bound with iron bands. Elá knocked and
the door opened. Ronnie was hustled through
and found herself in a guardroom, surrounded by a mixed squad of
Amazon warriors. They snapped to attention.
leader of the squad was a Hawk Cult veteran in her early thirties, a
tall blonde with high cheekbones, ice blue eyes, and a strong, lithe,
athletic figure. She was dressed in a light variant of the brown
leather harness and chain mail
armor favored by her cult. Heavy rings, designed to bind her
to the saddle of her winged mount were clipped flush to her
harness' corset-like waist belt. "How may we serve you, Captain?"
she inquired, thumping her left breast with her right fist in salute.
"By Royal Command
this condemned spy is to be buried in the caverns," Elá said, nodding at Ronnie.
"When does the next patrol depart for the Bat Grotto?"
"This is that patrol, and we depart almost immediately. Your
timing is perfect."
Elá laughed. "To your orders,"
she barked, and the squad resumed their preparations. "I'll
accompany you, uh..."
"Squad Leader Kira," the tall blonde answered, "detached to The Queen's
detached to the High Mistress," Ronnie's captor answered, gripping the
Squad Leader's forearm. "Well met in Her service, Kira."
"Well met in the service of She Who Commands
All," Kira responded, returning the grip.
Ronnie watched as the squad (two of Kira's fellow Hawk-riders, a
very young Panther-rider, a Cave Lion trooper, two
Cheetah-riders, a young Kestrel-rider Scout, and a Jungle Scout),
buckled on their various swords, sabers, and knives, slung satchels of
supplies, water skins, climbing rope, quivers, and short, recurved,
compound bows over their shoulders, and stood ready for inspection.
Meanwhile, Elá had hitched Ronnie's
leash to a convenient iron ring and was outfitting herself from the guardroom stores with water skin, field rations, extra
rope, quiver, and bow. Kira gestured, inviting Elá to conduct the inspection, but
the officer politely declined.
the line, testing the hang of
her troops' equipment, the fit of their armor, their readiness for long
travel in the field. She paused at the young Panther Cult Amazon,
staring down at the short, green-eyed redhead. "Try not to trip
over your feet this time, Tamarie," she said, giving the blushing
warrior's quiver a shake. "You're under the eyes of a superior
Cult Sister."
The rest of the squad (and Elá) laughed, and Tamarie bit her
lower lip coyly, smiled at Kira, then shifting her gaze to Elá.
"Yes, Squad Leader," she muttered, snapping a smart salute.
Kira returned the salute, took a step back, and addressed her squad.
"Stay close and keep an eye on your squad-mates. No side
trips for water or pretty rocks. We don't want the Red Ghost to
take another trophy."
Half the squad laughed (the younger half). The rest simply nodded.
leaned close.
"There are many dangerous things in the Caverns of Kor," she
whispered in the prisoner's ear, "many of which would be very happy to
devour a tasty morsel such as yourself... but the 'Red Ghost'
is one of the few things you don't have to worry about.
The Ghost only takes unwary Amazons... not
Her leash back in
Elá's hand, surrounded by the members of the
patrol, Ronnie shuffled behind her captor and executioner out of
the guard room and into a large chamber. An iron door clanged
shut behind them. Another iron door was opposite. Both
walls were lined with narrow vertical slits. Through the slits
Ronnie could see several Amazons manning heavy crossbows. She
looked up and found several small openings in the high ceiling.
Murder holes, she realized, for dropping hot
oil or burning tar. This area is as well defended as Victory
Gate. The final portal opened, slowly rising into the
"Service to the City!"
Kira shouted. "Service to The Queen!"
"Fear is for slaves!" her
squad chanted in response, and the patrol stepped off.
Trapped in Time-4
The first mile through the
caverns was a literal maze, smooth walls of dressed stone or native
rock, designed to confuse, separate, and frustrate would-be attackers.
Then the caverns opened into an entirely natural maze of
fumeroles and lava vents. The long snaking passageways divided,
crossed, divided again, and crossed again, rising and falling, some
slopes gentle, some decidedly steep. Difficult going for a bound
and hobbled prisoner, but the Amazons set a fast pace and Ronnie had no
choice but to stumble along in Elá's wake.
"If you get lost,
Tamarie," Kira called back over her shoulder, "have the courtesy to
a place where at least three tunnels cross before you sit
down and die. That way the odds are better the City will
eventually be able to recover your equipment."
The young Panther Cult
Amazon grinned as her squad-mates hooted and laughed. Such
ribbing was an inexperienced warrior's lot.
Ronnie found herself
sweating, partially from the effort of having to keep pace while
hobbled, but mainly because the air in the caverns was hot and humid.
She was becoming thirsty as well, very thirsty.
Claustrophobically small, dark, and narrow tunnels alternated
with huge galleries, some with ceilings high enough to be pierced by
small openings to the sky, all lined by hanging ropes of jungle vines.
In such chambers shafts of tropical sunlight pierced the depths.
In other areas, red light glowed from deep fissures and the heat
was intense. One such fissure was near their path and Ronnie
glanced down
to find a flowing stream of molten lava, hundreds of meters below.
After about two hours Kira
called a halt. The Jungle Scout and Kestrel Scout nodded at a
hand signal from their Squad Leader and darted ahead, their bows at the
Elá motioned for Ronnie to sit and
she dropped to the ground. The Captain tossed the end of her
prisoner's lead to Tamarie. "Watch her for me, Cult Sister," she
said, and joined Kira at the head
of the resting patrol. "No water for her!" she called
"Yes, Captain," Tamarie
answered, eyeing Ronnie's nude, bound, glistening body with leering
interest. "She must really hate this one," she whispered to
another of the Amazons, then took a drink from her waterskin.
Swallowing behind
the cloying gag stuffed in her parched mouth, Ronnie watched miserably as her
young, red-haired, gloating custodian drank.
The veteran Tamarie
had addressed took a slow drink from her own skin and shook her head.
"If the Captain hated her, she'd give her all the water she could
hold, fortified with honey and wake-root. The beetles can take a
long time to find living meat, and even longer
chewing their way to important organs. If that one..." She
nodded at Ronnie. "...were to die of thirst before they really
got started on her... it would be a gift from the goddesses." Her
eyes looked Ronnie up and down, then turned back to Tamarie. "If
anything... the Captain's soft on her."
Tamarie started to defend
her Cult Sister, then eyed Ronnie again, taking her time. Her
lips twisted in a feral grin. "I can understand that," she
Ronnie stared back at the
young warrior, miserable but defiant. Her bonds were inescapable,
but she fought them anyway.
"Goddess how I'd love to
teach her some manners," Tamarie murmured, a cruel smile curling her
The veteran glanced at
Tamarie, then at Ronnie. "Hey Kira!" she called out softly,
pitching her voice to carry only within the group. "The Panther
Cub needs some time in the slave brothel really bad.
Haven't you been putting numb-weed in her loincloth, like a good
Squad Leader?"
"Cut the chat!" Kira snapped
(stifling a smile, as did Elá). She gave a hand signal.
Half the squad climbed to their feet and settled their gear for
the march. When they were ready (and alertly scanning their
surroundings), the rest of
the squad made their preparations.
Tamarie dragged Ronnie to
her feet and jerked her leash. Stumbling on her hobble, her eyes
glazed and her throat parched, she was pulled towards Elá.
"You keep her," Elá said, then glanced at Kira (who
nodded her assent).
Ronnie watched as Elá readjusted her equipment and
unslung her bow. The Amazon officer strung the compact, powerful
weapon and pulled two arrows from her quiver. One she held
parallel to the bow with her grip hand, the other she notched to the
Ronnie yelped
through her gag in surprise. Tamarie's free hand was clutching
her crotch rope. "Give me any trouble," the young redhead
growled, "and... and..."
"You'll bury her
alive?" Kira suggested. "Never make threats to a captive unless
they mean something, Kitten." The squad leader then reached out,
grabbed Ronnie's right nipple and gave it a twist. Ronnie writhed
and mewed through her gag. "Give my warrior any trouble," the
tall blonde hissed, "and I'll flay your breasts before we bury you, so
the beetles will smell your blood and start dining before we're out of
bowshot... understood?"
Ronnie nodded miserably and Kira
released her nipple. The captive twisted her bound wrists and
thumbs (causing her crotch
rope to slide), then noticed that Elá was staring at her,
a sad, almost kind expression on her normally cruel
face. They locked eyes... then Elá turned her back,
ignoring the condemned captive.
Suddenly there was a
commotion at the head of the short column. The Kestrel Scout (a
young, very beautiful Nubian) appeared and whispered in Kira's
ear. The Squad Leader gave a hand signal, and they advanced.
Trapped in Time-4
Almost immediately the squad came
to a vast gallery of huge
tumbled boulders. As they picked their way among the jumble
of gray rocks Ronnie heard quiet gasps from the Amazons ahead.
Tamarie jerked her lead and they rounded the sharp edge of a
room-sized boulder. Off to the side was a lizard... a very
big, very dead lizard. Perhaps twenty feet from its
snout to its whip-like tail, it was a dull mottled gray that precisely
matched the color and texture of the surrounding rocks. Its mouth
was open, revealing a set of very nasty teeth and a long, forked,
lolling tongue. An arrow was buried in its right eye, almost to
the fletching. As
Ronnie watched, the monster's coloration began to change, slowly fading
to a light, uniform gray.
The Jungle Scout was kneeling
beside the reptilian corpse. She pulled a short-bladed knife from
her belt and began digging one of the larger
teeth from the lizard's lower jaw.
"Good shot," Kira said.
"The Hawk Chick made it,"
the camouflaged veteran stated, and tossed the tooth to the young
The tooth was sharp,
smooth, and slightly recurved. The Kestrel Scout smiled,
accepting the muttered praise of her squad-mates.
"I don't have to tell you
to wrap that thing and wash it the first chance you get, do I?" Kira
"No, Squad Leader," the
grinning Amazon answered, then nodded towards a shiny black beetle
scuttling across the rocky floor towards the dead lizard. "No
blood scent."
"Look," Tamarie whispered,
giving Ronnie's leash a jerk and pointing at the beetle, "it's one of
your new friends!"
Ronnie stared dully at the
thumb-sized insect. So that's a 'bone beetle'.
Elá nodded at the
now ghostly pale lizard. "I've never seen one that big," she
Kira shrugged. "I wasn't
there, but one twice that size took one of my Cult Sisters, about three
moons ago."
"May the strong wings of the Hawk
shelter her," Elá muttered.
Kira nodded her thanks and
gave a hand signal. The scouts scampered ahead and melted into
the rocks, and the march resumed.
The patrol walked for two
more hours. They passed through various tunnels and chambers, but
for Ronnie it became a blur of gray, red, and brown rocks, gleaming
white and pink limestone, and red and black lava. She
stumbled along in a daze of torment and thirst, panting through her
cloying gag, stumbling on her hobbles, her tight silk bonds pinching
her sore shoulders, aching arms, chaffed wrists, and raw sex.
And then they stopped.
Ronnie dropped to her knees, exhausted, then
slowly lifted her head. Elá and Kira were inspecting
a vertical fissure in the cavern wall. Two huge slabs of basalt
had slammed together and buckled, producing a triangular alcove roughly
a half meter wide and deep and three meters in height.
"It should do nicely," Elá was saying.
"We can carry blocks from
that slope we passed about a quarter mile back
and build the wall," Kira said, then pointed to a large slab of basalt
on the cavern floor. "Then we lift that slab and lean it against
the front. Only two ways in or out. The Scouts can plug the
holes while we work."
Elá nodded and Kira began barking
orders. Ronnie watched as
the patrol cached their supplies (but not their weapons), the scouts
deployed, and the Amazons formed up and departed. Only Tamarie
remained behind. She selected a coil of hemp climbing rope from
the cache and sauntered towards Ronnie, a cruel smile on her face.
"I've been ordered to get
you ready to feed the beetles," Tamarie announced. "White silk
rope is too valuable to let it rot on a skeleton." She dropped
the rope next to Ronnie's ankles and began unbuckling the prisoner's
This is it, Ronnie
realized. I don't have a snowball's chance in hell, but this
is my last chance. As Tamarie removed her hobble and tossed
it aside, Ronnie summoned her remaining strength
and kicked the grinning redhead in the jaw. The young
Kul'Dakar warrior staggered and fell back on her rump, blinking and
half-stunned. Ronnie scrambled to
her feet, as did Tamarie. The Amazon drew her sword, but Ronnie
kicked the blade from her hand. She then executed a perfect
swing-kick and caught her opponent squarely in the solar plexus.
Tamarie staggered again, and Ronnie sent a second swing-kick
towards her head. Her foot connected... and Tamarie was down.
Panting through her gag,
Ronnie gazed at the unconscious Amazon sprawled at her feet on the dark
rocks. Arms stringently bound to her torso Ronnie was far from
free... But not entirely helpless, eh Amazon?
Ronnie scanned the nearby rocks, looking for Tamarie's
sword. I'll cut myself free (somehow), steal some weapons
and equipment, sneak up behind the lead Scout, and...
Ronnie heard a noise behind
her back. She turned—and her last impression was of a fist
approaching her face.
Trapped in Time-4
Ronnie opened
her eyes. She
was on her back. Overhead was
dark gray rock. Dark gray rock was also her bed. What
felt like the same blue silk gag was stuffed in her parched mouth and
bound between her clenched teeth. She lifted her head (with
difficulty) and found that the rest of her bonds had been changed.
She was hitched and wrapped from collar to toes with an
overabundance of tight, cunningly interlaced, and very snug
hemp rope. Her elbows and wrists were bound behind her back.
Her fingers and
thumbs as well, and a lattice of rope bit into the flesh of her arms
her wrists to her shoulders and was anchored to the back of her collar.
More rope, hitched through the ring in the front of her collar,
pinned her arms to her torso, cleaved her crotch, and bound her legs
together from thighs to knees to shins to ankles to insteps to her very
toes. All her bonds were hitched together, one tight band pulling
on another, and being pulled in turn, and there was no slack in any of
them. They tied up my toes, she mused, still not fully
alert. Were they afraid they'd get away? She
squirmed and struggled, exploring her predicament. Goddess...
I can barely wiggle .
Miserable, sore, and
aching, Ronnie turned her head. Members of Kira's patrol were
coming and going, adding to a large stack of head-sized rocks growing
beside the narrow alcove in the cavern wall... (A thrill of
terror passed through Ronnie, and a moan of despair escaped her gag.)
...the alcove
Elá and Kira
had selected... for her tomb.
Tamarie was sprawled on her back on the other side
of the chamber. Kira was standing over the still unconscious
young warrior with
Elá seated
comfortably on a boulder nearby, smiling serenely. Kira had a
waterskin in her hand. She took a large mouthful, and spat
it in Tamarie's face. The youthful redhead sputtered and tossed
her head, her eyes opened, and
she started to rise.
Kira planted the hobnailed sole of her left boot-sandal between her
subordinate's breasts and slammed Tamarie back onto her back.
"I've decided to add prisoner handling techniques to the formal
training regimen for this patrol," she announced in a loud voice.
She was addressing all present, but her icy blue eyes remained
locked with Tamarie's wide green eyes. "Some of
you obviously need it! Which of you scum want to volunteer
to act as training-slave?"
The laboring
Amazons laughed. One called out, her voice pitched in a mocking,
artificial soprano, "Me, Squad Leader. Choose me!"
Another joined the fun. "I already know everything,
Squad Leader, so let me be the training-slave!"
Kira laughed, her foot still on Tamarie's chest. "Why thank you,
Kitten," she smiled down at the miserable redhead. "But I tell
you what, I'll give you a choice: you can be training-slave for the
remainder of the patrol, and... say... for half a moon afterwards back
at barracks... or I'll let your superior Cult Sister take you back to
the Panther wing for cult discipline."
Tamarie's eyes popped wide and darted from Kira, to Elá (whose smile broadened), and back
to Kira. "I... I choose whatever duty my Squad Leader assigns
me," she stammered.
Kira took a step back. "Get up!" she barked,
and Tamarie scrambled to her feet. "Strip to the skin, put
those hobbles on your clumsy feet, meaning, of course, the
hobbles from the Royal prisoner that almost escaped due
to your slovenly, stupid, undisciplined, inattention to duty, gag
yourself with your smelly loin cloth, and then you can haul all
the rest of the rocks we need to carry out The Queen's orders, so your
squad mates can take a well-deserved rest." Glaring at
Ronnie, Tamarie began peeling off her armor. "The rest of you
lot," Kira continued, raising her voice to address the patrol, "start
thinking of ways to entertain a difficult prisoner during a
forced march. I want one good idea from each of you before we
start back! Best idea gets first turn with Kitten's 'training'
Cruel... Ronnie mused, even with their own.
Save for her loincloth, Tamarie was now nude. She neatly arranged
her weapons (for later redistribution to her squad-mates), rolled her
armor, boot-sandals, and personal gear into a compact
trail bundle and tied it with a thong, then stalked over to Ronnie
and began buckling the hobbles she had removed from the captive around
her own ankles, as ordered. "I hope the beetles take a week
to eat you," she muttered. "Then, I hope you wake up in hell to
find more beetles chewing on your slave carcass... forever!
" Still glaring at the helpless, suffering Ronnie, she removed
her loincloth, tied an overhand knot in its center, took the knot in
her teeth, and tied the ends of the cloth together behind her neck,
pulling it tight until her cheeks bulged. She then stalked away
to haul rocks to Ronnie's tomb, stumbling once on the hobble, to her
now lounging squad mates vast enjoyment.
"Don't let the Red Ghost get you!" one called after her, and the others
Ronnie watched Tamarie's nude, lithe form until she was out of sight,
then turned towards the alcove. One of the Amazons was using the
flat end of a hand ax to hammer small spikes into the back of the
coffin-sized fissure. The dull, metallic pinging continued for
some time; then the Amazon stepped back and Ronnie beheld
an array of more than a dozen small rings, outlining the hourglass
shape of a female figure.
"Let's get her ready," Kira ordered, and two Amazons approached
Ronnie's squirming, mewing form.
"C'mon, Beetle Meat," one said, and they hauled Ronnie towards the
Soon Ronnie was upright in the alcove, her shoulders, arms, buttocks,
and legs hard against the cold stone, and more rope was tightening
around her body. Threaded through the rings of the spikes, loops
and bands of rope were laced in a diamond pattern and pulled tight
across Ronnie's already totally helpless form, until her skin was
dimpled by the rough hemp and crushed against the rough rock. A
series of running knots were tied, interlaced with the underlying
bonds, from Ronnie's shoulders to her ankles.
"There," one of the Amazons said as they finished.
The Cave Lion Trooper, a brawny brunette with hazel eyes,
smiled sadistically and gave the side of Ronnie's gagged face a gentle
pat. "Eventually the blood soaks the rope," she explained,
"and the beetles chew them as well... so we use a lot of rope
and a lot of knots."
The Amazons returned to their lounging squad mates
and Ronnie tested her new bonds. She found she could barely
squirm, could barely even twitch. The ropes were so tight,
so numerous, and so well arranged, that other than bobbing her gagged
but otherwise unrestrained head, she might almost have been paralyzed
from the neck down.
The Amazons watched her toss her head, grinning and whispering among
themselves. Finally, Ronnie let her head loll. No longer
providing entertainment... she was ignored.
Tamarie returned, her nude body glistening with sweat, panting through
her gag, the large stone clutched in her hands
banding the lithe tensioned muscles of her arms and shoulders.
She added the rock to the pile, glared at Ronnie, and departed
for another. This continued for several trips.
"Start the wall, Kitten," Kira finally ordered, and Tamarie set a large
rock at Ronnie's bound feet. "Make sure the base is broad and
well-seated and the stones lock."
The building of the wall took some time. Ronnie watched miserably
as stone was piled on stone, all carefully chosen and set by Tamarie,
the nude, sweating redhead pausing occasionally to wipe her forehead
and smile above her gag at her helpless victim. None of the
stones touched Ronnie. The toiling Amazon was careful to leave a
gap of a few inches between Ronnie's well-roped body and the inner face
of the gradually climbing wall.
The top
of the wall reached the level of Ronnie's knees... then her thighs...
her stomach... her breasts... and finally her collared neck. Her
pleading eyes wide with terror, she watched as Tamarie set a large
stone to the left; another to the right; then
continued building upwards, leaving a small opening before Ronnie's
Helpless, gagged, naked and suffering, Ronnie felt
the grip of panic stealing over her mind. Mildly claustrophobic
all her life, this was her worst nightmare come true... come horribly,
horribly true! She panted through her gag and fought to
escape her bonds. Impossible! This is really going to
happen! Please goddess! she prayed, oh please no!
Not this!
The wall building stopped.
Tamarie had completed her task.
Ronnie struggled and whimpered through her gag
as she watched the patrol don their gear and prepare to leave, to
abandon her to her ghastly fate.
Elá stepped into view. Her
cruel, beautiful face became Ronnie's entire world.
"Such a waste," the Amazon officer said, then her expression became...
wistful, almost sad. "When the beetles come,"
she sighed, "think of the things that might have been. Think
of the pleasure and joy of a mistress pleased with your service.
Think of the sweet spice of pain mixed with the rich ecstasy of release
as she plays your slave body like a finely tuned harp. As the
pain turns to agony and the endless, suffering hours of your final
begins, think of me, Neeka Brown Eyes. When I'm back in Valpakra
tonight, I'll find a strong, beautiful slave with short brown hair and
big brown eyes, and I'll bind her and she'll pleasure me... and I'll
of you in your tomb... waiting to meet your goddess." The blonde
Amazon gazed into Ronnie's eyes... and the cruel hardness returned to
her angelic face. "You never should have come to Kul'Dakar,
Elá said
evenly, and backed away.
Ronnie heard Kira bark an order, several seconds passed, then a huge
slab of stone rose into view and inched towards the
opening before her face. As the Amazons heaved, Ronnie saw
naked, hobbled, in the process of being bound by one of her fellow
Amazons, her green eyes smiling at Ronnie above her gag as bands of
rope tightened around her torso—then Ronnie could see nothing but
stone—and finally darkness... total...
ink black darkness. Ronnie listened to
her heart hammer, her breath pant past her gag and through her flaring
nostrils. She whined through her gag... and the whine became a
Trapped in Time-4
Time passed... how much time
Ronnie had no idea. Her panic ebbed and flowed. She twisted
in the python embrace of her bonds, whimpering without shame through
her gag, blinking
back stinging tears as she stared into the total darkness. A
thousand times she imagined strange, glowing, shapes sharing the tiny
confines of her stone tomb. A thousand times she heard voices
calling to her, speaking her name, whispering urgent, indecipherable
thousand times she flinched in her bonds,
imagining things crawling on her skin, touching her face, pulling on
her hair. She wondered, Have the beetles finally come?
But there was no pain (other than the
tormenting cramps of her rope enforced immobility and her still growing
thirst). The beetles had not come... not yet.
She thought of Elá... of the Sacred Twins... of
Kul'Dakar's Cruel Queen... and her terror subsided. Maybe the
goddess will grant
me revenge, she mused. Maybe when I'm reborn I'll
be granted a chance to...
Ronnie heard the noise of
stone scraping on stone. At first, she dismissed it as another
hallucination... then it returned...
and there was a glimmer of light before her totally dark adapted eyes, a
glimmer that resolved into the
stone face of her tomb... and the face
was receding, falling away!
and dust filled the air of the cavern. Still trapped in her
coffin-like prison, Ronnie coughed through her gag and sneezed
The ghostly, pale face of a woman
came into view. She had flaming red hair, full red lips, pale,
fair skin, and she was beautiful, very beautiful. Her
expression was cold and detached, the hint of a slightly
sardonic smile on her angelic features. Ronnie was mesmerized.
She... she's gorgeous, the captive
mused, so... gorgeous! Not
speaking, not moving, the red-haired vision stared into Ronnie's eyes.
The woman's eyes were dark, dark as night, dark as the tomb.
In the eerie, orange light washing
the visitor's face, Ronnie couldn't tell what color they were.
A death-dream, Ronnie decided, it's a death-dream...
she's a death-dream. Are
you my guide? Are you to lead me to the goddess?
Still not speaking, the
redhead slowly raised her hand. Palm up, it held a small mound of
white powder. The redhead pursed her full, sensuous lips, and blew
the powder into Ronnie's face.
Ronnie blinked once and
began to sneeze—then
all was darkness.
Poor Ronnie!
Uh... wait a minute... "Poor"
Maybe she's bein' RESCUED!
...& who's the babe with the Red hair & Ghostly
Is Ronnie Hallucinating...?
Is she having a Religious Experience...?
(I know whenever I see Alicia Witt I have a "Religious
This can't
of Trapped in Time! |
Chapter 4. :-)
Rest assured, Ronnie's Virtual Adventure continues...
(...& we get to watch! ) |
... Stay Tuned for the
NEXT thrilling episode
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