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Revenge: A Love Story ——————————————————————————— by Van © 2001 |
Chapter 5 |
Jamie hadn't been able to see much of anything other than her own tousled red curls bobbing around her head since being hoisted on Kat's shoulder, but she had kept track of the twists and turns of their progress and knew they were approaching their declared destination. Kat paused to enter an access code in a keypad and Jamie lifted and shook her head. A corridor marker on the wall opposite confirmed their arrival at storeroom Echo Seven. The door hissed open, Kat entered the space, and set Jamie on the cold, concrete floor with surprising gentleness.
As the door hissed closed, Jamie shook the sweat and hair out of her face again and looked around. The huge storeroom was nearly empty, only a few dozen containers and shipping cases piled against the back wall. Something roughly rectangular and covered with a dust cloth was in the middle of the room. On the far side of the shrouded object Jamie saw several large pillows heaped on a mattress, all covered in deep, wine red silk. Looks like a Kat bed, she mused. On her side of the covered object there was nothing but a stack of plastic cargo pallets, a metal bucket, and a stack of towels.
Jamie grimaced around her ball-gag and gave her bonds a halfhearted tug. Hopeless, she sighed, a wave of despair passing through her helpless, overheated, wetsuited body. I should have known better, she mused. I went too far before. I knew I was going too far. Now she's gonna... What?
Kat carried the bucket over by her captive. She sat on the stack of pallets and pulled Jamie's bound feet onto her lap.
Jamie did an awkward, rope encumbered sit-up and peered into the bucket. A scrub brush was floating in sloshing, sudsy, soapy water. She's gonna scrub me feet! Jamie thought, and tried to pull the bound appendages in question from Kat's lap.
Kat's grip tightened. "None of that," she ordered. "I like it when you struggle, Freckle Fox, but now is not the time." Jamie persisted in her efforts to escape. Finally, Kat sighed, smiled, reached into one of her many pockets, and produced a pair of small, silver objects. She held them in her gloved fingers for Jamie's inspection. They were identical, and appeared to be pieces of jewelry, possibly small brooches... in the shape of spiders. "Ever think of having your nipples pierced, Freckle Fox?" Jamie started and stared at the silver spiders with instant dread, all thoughts of protecting her feet having vanished. "They're micro-robots, you see," Kat explained, smiling at the metal arachnids. "The sharp little feet grab your breasts and nipples and hold on tight. That hurts a little, by the way." Jamie continued to stare. "The mouth parts clamp around the nipples," Kat continued, "and a series of nano-probes, each larger than the last, slide through your flesh, gently vibrating and teasing apart the connective tissue, nudging tiny blood vessels out of the way, and cauterizing bleeders, if they happen. In 24 hours they've opened channels large enough for nice, solid, titanium and gold rings to be inserted. The process doesn't really hurt, you see... but it itches like you wouldn't believe, so bad, in fact, that you'd rip them off your nipples and to hell with the possible damage... if you weren't tied up and helpless, of course. I'm sure they'll fit under your wetsuit... although the pressure of the suit on the spiders might make them hurt a little more."
Kat looked down. Jamie's eyes were huge and her nostrils flared as she panted around her gag. That's gotta be against the Inner Circle rules! Jamie thought. Her nipples were rigid and erect. She could feel them under the rubber of her suit, throbbing as if the dreadful spider-clips were already in place.
"Healing time is only a few days," Kat purred. "Just think of the possibilities for my next visit... if I had a couple of nice, convenient nipple rings to use as lashing points." Jamie continued staring at the silver spiders. Kat put the spiders back in her pocket and smiled down at her petite, terrified prisoner. "I have two sets of those 'nipple spiders,'" she explained, "one for you, and one for 'Lady Penelope'. From now on, when I tell you to be still and stop struggling, that's exactly what you'll do, agreed?"
Jamie nodded gravely.
"Good," Kat purred. "I'm glad we understand each other." The catsuited bodyguard slowly, delicately removed her black leather gloves, reached into the bucket, and grabbed the dripping scrub brush. She then proceeded to give her squirming prisoner's freckled feet a thorough cleaning, concentrating on the wrinkled soles.
Jamie bit down hard on the rubber ball in her mouth, trying her best to ignore the effect the soapy brush was having on her feet. At least the water's cold, Jamie thought, flushed and sweating in her tight wetsuit. Abruptly the rasping, teasing ordeal was over, and Kat was toweling Jamie's pink, freckled feet dry. Jamie started to lift her feet from her captor's lap, but Kat gave her a warning glance and shook her head. The bound and gagged biologist settled her feet back on Kat's leather and spandex clad lap and sighed. What now? she wondered.
The answer was immediate. Kat produced a small bottle of dark, clear oil and poured a generous dollop onto her left palm. A pleasant, woodsy fragrance filled the storeroom. Kat capped the bottle and rubbed her hands together, smiling pleasantly.
"Ever do any research on acupressure , Freckle Fox?" Kat asked. Jamie shook her gagged head, then gasped as Kat began massaging her feet. "I used to think all that acupuncture and acupressure stuff was nonsense, 'til Madam Lian gave me a practical demonstration a few months ago. For instance..." Kat used her thumbs to apply deep pressure to the soles of Jamie's feet at a particular spot. "...can you guess what point I'm stimulating right now?"
Jamie gasped and bit her gag. Her sex was throbbing. The captive redhead squirmed in her bonds, rolling her hips and rubbing her thighs together. Oh god, she's gonna make me cum, the miserable captive mused, mewing through her gag.
"Well..." Kat chuckled, peering down at her victim's neoprene covered sex with a feral smile, "no need to ask if you're wet now, is there Freckle Fox? The crotch of your wetsuit's practically steaming."
Jamie turned her head to the side, against the cold concrete. Her cheeks were burning.
"You think you can do it?" Kat asked. "You think you can cum... just by having me do this?" Kat doubled the pressure of her thumbs then abruptly released her hold, blew on Jamie's flushed, wrinkled soles, then applied deep, gentle pressure once again. Jamie writhed and moaned. "I don't mind," Kat purred. "In fact, I'll help... honest!"
Kat settled into a slowly escalating rhythm of pressure, release, and more pressure. Jamie writhed in her bonds, panting and struggling. "Poor Freckle Fox," Kat cooed. "Helpless... bound... no one to rescue her..." Kat paused, listening... then smiled and continued the deep massage of her prisoner's feet. "That was Eve on my earpiece," she explained to her writhing, sweating victim. "The girls are almost back from their excursion to Far Beach. It would seem it's a very good thing Margo put them both off limits for purposes of Inner Circle games. From what Eve tells me, they're a regular pair of Gwendolines... been squirming in each other's ropes most of the afternoon. God only knows what horrible tortures they'd be inflicting on Penny and yourself right now if they weren't protected."
Jamie involuntarily lifted her eyes to the shrouded object in the center of the room. 'Horrible tortures', she thought, then returned her eyes to her captor.
"I'm sorry," Kat cooed, smiling sweetly. "Did I break the mood? Ignore that thing," she said, nodding towards the mysterious, cloth covered object. "You'll find out what's waiting for you under there soon enough. For now..." Kat applied even pressure to Jamie's soles with the palms of her hands, then probed again with her thumbs. "Let's concentrate on making you cum like the slutty little vixen you are, shall we?"
Jamie blinked and mewed again, continuing her writhing struggles.
Kat continued her massage. "Are you even trying, Freckle Fox?" she teased, having already learned the lesson Jamie was learning now. It was almost impossible to cum under the stimulus of this kind of acupressure massage alone, even in the hands of an expert, like Madam Lian.
Jamie writhed in her bonds, helpless, suspended, just short of the release of orgasm.
Kat smiled. "We'll give it a few more minutes... a half hour maybe," she purred, "then I'll have to secure you a little better and go check on our young guests." Kat glanced down at Jamie's glistening face. The captive's eyes were glazed, strands of red hair plastered to her brow. "Don't worry about the girls," Kat continued. "I have nothing active in mind. Deserved or not, they are protected." There was no sign in Jamie's flushed face that she was even aware Kat was talking. "I'll just do a little innocent skulking, checking on things." Kat returned her attention to her prisoner's pink, freckled feet. "Hmm... Time for more oil, I think."
Kat's Revenge: A Love Story | Chapter 5 |
Hidden (she hoped) by the deepening shadows and thick vegetation at the trail head, Chelsea peered across the entrance clearing towards the moat, drawbridge, and tunnel entrance to the Resort. She sighed, carefully backed several paces, then scampered back to the darkening clearing where she had tethered her "pack pony".
Jessie was waiting patiently, her only option. The red-haired American's bonds and costume were unchanged since their departure from Far Beach, save a few errant strands of straight, red hair that had somehow escaped her tight ponytail. Her wet, sand-lined bikini top was now merely damp. Her erect, mildly irritated nipples were clearly visible under the thin fabric. Her bikini bottom had developed a little slack during the hike and drooped slightly to one side, permanently revealing the uppermost tufts of her copper red, pubic bush. There was no slack in the ropes binding her sock covered arms to her overloaded day pack, nor any slack in the taut ponytail-to-crotch rope Chelsea had used to hitch her to a convenient tree limb, leaving the helpless captive dancing on booted toes.
"The coast is clear, darling," Chelsea said brightly. "Would you like to make a dash for your room... or shall I untie you here?"
Jessie shifted the weight of her overloaded but still easily managed day pack and sighed through her makeshift (but still very secure) rope harness bit-gag, rolling her blue eyes in mock disgust.
Chelsea giggled. "Yes... I know... simply too scandalous. Poor Pens would have a tizzy if she saw you, all tied up and scrumptiously helpless like this." The diminutive, blonde Brit then leaned close and untied the strings of her captive's bikini, first the top, then the bottom. She helpfully brushed the sand from Jessie's pale breasts. "How disappointing," she cooed with mock concern. "They aren't even pink." The flirting blonde wet her right index finger and used it to give each of Jessie's nipples a brisk wiping. "No more pink that usual ," she amended. Her sparkling eyes met her prisoner's even, gagged stare, and she leaned forward and gave each nipple a gentle kiss. "I suppose I should get you untied," she said reluctantly, "before it's too dark for me to make out the knots. Then I'd have to leave you prancing on your toes out here until morning... which would be most awkward."
Chelsea began fumbling with the ropes, and in a surprisingly short time (considering the complexity of her bonds), Jessie was standing in the clearing, naked but for her hiking boots, rubbing her wrists and glaring at her perky, short companion, her lips twisted in a sheepish smile. Chelsea was on her knees in the leaf litter with both day packs open. She had Jessie's hiking shorts and tank top neatly arranged to one side, and was reloading several items from Jessie's pack to her own. "Get dressed, darling," Chelsea suggested. "Sorry you have no clean panties, but it isn't far to our rooms, and—M'mmpfh! "
Jessie had leaned forward and pounced. She had Chelsea's arms pinned back by the elbows, her right hand firmly clamped over the short Brit's mouth. "You should be sorry," she admonished. "I have 'no clean panties,' as you put it, 'cause you stuffed my only pair in my mouth, remember?" She released her hand gag and used her right hand to straighten her friend's silky, blonde bangs. "Ya know, the idea of someone spending the night tied up in the jungle, gagged with maybe two pair of panties... one already slimy with spit, the other only a little sweaty... sounds pretty good right now."
"Bad timing," Chelsea said brightly, snuggling her arms in Jessie's relentless hold. "Wait until tonight, after Pens and Doctor Seaton go to bed. Then you can creep into my room and have your wicked way with me. I'll be asleep and unsuspecting and innocent, you see."
"'Innocent,'" Jessie snorted, and released her hold. "I think it's been a long time since you could be called 'innocent', Shorty." Soon Jessie had donned her shorts and top, stowed the rope, her bikini, and panties, and both girls had pulled on their packs.
They crossed the entrance clearing, clattered across the rustic drawbridge, and into the entrance tunnel. Stepping out of the deepening gloom of jungle twilight and into an enclosed tunnel, things were... dark. Chelsea was a little uneasy. "Uh... shouldn't the lights be on by now?"
"They are," Jessie noted, pointing at the pale, emergency lights glowing dimly along the tunnel walls' baseboards.
"The real lights?" Chelsea suggested. "Eve," she called, "any messages? ...Eve?"
They had reached the end of the tunnel and were at the main lobby concourse of the Resort. There were still only emergency lights showing. Penny was nowhere to be seen... and neither was Jamie.
Chelsea took several steps into the dark lobby, a lobby now admittedly spooky, thrown into alternating zones of deep shadow and glowing silver by the last, indirect rays of the sun shining through open doorways and skylights. "Eve?" she repeated, this time at a whisper.
Jessie found a computer kiosk. The screen was dark save a row of icons glowing dimly across the bottom. She touched the EVE-6900 icon. The screen flashed from black to TESSERACT blue and displayed the single word: OFF-LINE.
"Off-line?" Chelsea whispered, her pixie pace decidedly worried in the ghostly, blue light of the screen. "How can Eve be off-line? She runs everything."
Before Jessie could answer, the screen flashed again and a simple message appeared.
TESSERACT HQ has called a SURPRISE SECURITY DRILL. Most of the housekeeping systems are on automatic, but EVE's persona will be off-line for the duration, as will all outside communications. Jamie and I will be busy until the drill is over, so you'll have to entertain yourselves. Sorry for the inconvenience.Penny
"'Security Drill,'" Jessie muttered, then shrugged out of her pack, opened a pocket on the top flap and produced a small flashlight. "Let's check things out," she suggested, and walked towards the lagoon.
"Hang on," Chelsea called after her nervously, doffing her pack as well. "Let me get my torch."
Stepping through the main door of the lobby and out onto the concourse patio, they still found only emergency lights. Further, the doors to the boathouse, the Marine Institute, and every maintenance space and building they could see were covered by what looked like thick, sloping slabs of steel. "Emergency lights and tsunami-proof doors," Jessie noted. "Look," she said, pointing towards the entrances of several lounges, bars, and guest suites.
"What?" Chelsea asked, her blue eyes wide.
"No emergency doors. Apparently only maintenance and technical spaces are off limits."
"But what does it mean?" Chelsea demanded, shining her torch around anxiously. "What exactly is involved in a 'security drill'?"
"Don't know," Jessie answered. "Turn that thing off. Save the batteries."
Chelsea switched off her torch, but continued to stare nervously into the gathering darkness.
Jessie reached out and gave her friend's shoulder an encouraging squeeze. "Show me where your sister's room is, okay?"
Chelsea smiled back and nodded.
"Be brave, Shorty," Jessie said with a grin. "This'll be fun!"
Kat's Revenge: A Love Story | Chapter 5 |
Penny was mortified! Eve-L had woken her from exhausted sleep minutes earlier with several waves of TIKLER energy pulsing through her loins and the prim announcement that it had been decided that Penny would be finally be allowed to cum.
"I don't want to hear any arguments," Eve-L had told her bound and gagged prisoner, "I'm going to give you a nice looooong multiple orgasm (or three or four), and that's all there is to it. Ready? No? Too bad, 'cause here we go!"
Minutes of gradually increasing pulses followed, as Penny writhed and moaned amid the tangled, sweat dampened sheets. It was just like the teasing torture of the previous hours, only this time she was going to cum! Eve-L had promised! The throbbing settled into a consistent pattern and Penny found herself thrusting her hips, matching the rhythm of the pulsing belt. She was close... very close...
"Excuse me, Penelope darling," Eve-L said, "but your little sister is in the hallway." Penny's door buzzer sounded! "Should I let her in?"
Penny whined in dismay... and the belt continued to throb!![]()
The wall display beside her bed flashed to life, showing Chelsea and Jessie in the hallway, both in the hiking costumes Penny remembered from... before... before her capture. Chelsea's hand reached for the buzzer... and it sounded, the raucous noise echoing through Penny's prison. Oh God! Penny thought, no! Go away!
"I take it you don't want me to let them in?" Eve-L asked. "That's kinda rude, don't you think? Oh—here you go! ...or should I say here you cum?"
The diabolical belt had done its job. Despite herself Penny was locked in the throes of a devastating multiple orgasm, sustained by the continuing, rhythmic, intelligent stimulation of the belt. Writhing in pleasure and embarrassment, Penny stared at the screen, at her sister. Jessie turned to Chelsea and spoke. The American's voice was a little tinny through the security system speaker, but Penny could hear every word."Well... she's not answering," Jessie observed.Back in the bedroom, Penny collapsed amid the sweat soaked sheets of her bed... utterly spent... dead to the world. (The TIKLER lights of her belt continued their twinkling dance, and Eve-L's soft, subliminal voice continued to whisper.)
"What should we do?" Chelsea asked, obviously more than a little nervous.
"I suggest we look for them in the kitchen," Jessie answered. "I'm starving."
"I'm hungry as well, but... well..." Chelsea stared at the closed door, biting her lower lip. "Maybe there are killer robots about or something. You think it's safe?"
Jessie grinned and rolled her eyes. "Margo would not let us wander around in the middle of a drill involving 'killer robots,'" she snorted. "Get a grip, Shorty. We'll eat, then decide what to do," she said, then turned and walked away down the hallway towards the Main Concourse.
Chelsea continued staring at the door, then noticed she was about to be... alone. "Jessie, wait!" she called, and scurried after the redhead's rapidly disappearing form. "I'm not scared... honest!"
Kat's Revenge: A Love Story | Chapter 5 |
Jamie was alone. Kat had indeed gone skulking... after securing Jamie "a little better," as she had promised.
Her wetsuited prisoner already tightly, inescapably bound at ankles, knees, elbows, and wrists, already effectively silenced with a standard, Inner Circle ball-gag; Kat had oiled Jamie's freckled feet one last time, wrapped them in a towel, then used a meter from a roll of pallet strapping tape to secure the towel in place. Many more meters of strapping tape was wound around the redhead's petite, bound, rubber-clad body from her ankles to her shoulders. Yet more strapping tape was wound over Jamie's ball-gagged mouth and head, sealing the captive's lips and lower face from just below her freckled nose to just under her chin. Finally, Jamie was laid on her side atop a cargo pallet in a semi-fetal tuck, and yet more strapping tape was wound around the pallet and Jamie's body to make very sure she stayed in that exact position.
Kat had then gently lifted Jamie's head and laid it back down on a fluffy, folded towel. A gloved hand brushed the prisoner's red bangs aside and Kat kissed Jamie's brow. "I'll be back, Freckle Fox," she whispered, then stepped gracefully to the door. "We haven't even started yet," she called back over her shoulder. "You know that... don't you?" The door hissed opened, the overhead lights blinked out, the door closed... and Jamie was alone.
That had been several minutes ago. In the interim, Jamie made two observations and had reached one conclusion:
First observation: The strapping tape melding her bound body to the pallet was very sticky and strong. She could squirm a little in her hot, sweaty rubber suit, rope bonds, and cocoon of tape, but escape was laughably impossible. She knew that eventually the tape would be removed. That would have to happen before they moved on the next stage... Jamie eyed the dreaded 'Shrouded Object', dimly visible by the storeroom's emergency exit light. ...whatever the 'next stage' might be.
Second observation: The 'Shrouded Object' itself had dim, flashing, red and green lights barely visible through the thin cloth of the dust cover, and was casting some very eerie colored shadow effects on the concrete floor.
Conclusion: Elke had been right—Jamie should have tried harder, much harder to clear the air with Kat... and now I'm going to pay, she mused. Fear, self-pity, and despair rose in crescendo as the doubly bound and gagged, rubber-clad redhead lay helpless in the dark. Elke's always right, Jamie sighed, like Margo. Jamie twisted in her bonds, feeling the tape pull on her wetsuit in a dozen places. Why does Kat have to be so... so... god-awful mean? She's so beautiful and strong and so very good at her job and... Why can't she...? Why can't I...? Jamie snuggled her head on the soft, cushioning towel. A single tear rolled from the corner of one eye, down her freckled cheek to the margin of the sticky, clear tape, and disappeared into the terry cloth pillowing her head. Sometimes these games aren't much fun , Jamie sighed, feeling very sorry for herself. Sometimes they aren't any bloody fun at all.
THE END | of Kat's Revenge: A Love Story—Chapter 5 |