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Kat's Story — by Michael Masterton Chapter 12 |
Growling angrily through her gag, Kat strained against the cable ties that held her wrists tightly behind her back. She tried futilely to twist away as three pairs of eager female hands reached towards the multitude of zippers on the chair bound bodyguard's catsuit.
“Mmmm, look at all these interesting little zippers,” Kathleen cooed, toying with one of the zippers on Kat’s shoulder.
“Hmm....we never did do a really thorough search of our prisoner, did we?” Jo asked. “I think it would be prudent and... professional for us to make sure she isn’t hiding anything illegal under all that dirty leather. Besides,” Jo added, “we’d be doing her a favour. Look how hot and bothered she’s getting.”
“She could use some airing out,” Jamie concurred.
“Exactly,” Kathleen said, “Let’s start with this big one running from her throat to her navel.”
“Mmmmpfh!!!” Kat protested through her gag as the grinning blonde detective grabbed the zipper and pulled it down as far as it would go.
“....and these little ones over her breasts,” Jo suggested, then she and Jamie undid a zipper each, exposing Kat’s breasts.
“Mmmmff!!!” The bound and gagged bodyguard protested again as Jo and Jamie peeled the messy leather away from Kat’s vulnerable torso.
“Temper temper Kitty-Kat,” Kathleen chastised her, then stood back to admire the view. “Hmm, her tits aren’t as big as I thought they’d be.”
“No....but look at those nips,” Jo said, “oh, and look at her blush. Just like a little school girl.”
“MMMMMMMMMPFH!!!” Kat growled, her wide eyes fierce above her tape gag.
“Whoa, that hit a sensitive spot,” Kathleen teased, “speaking of which, look at this long zipper running between her legs.”
Jamie suddenly got an idea, giggled, and dashed out of the lounge. “Back in a minute,” she called out to the detectives as she headed towards the storeroom.
Kathleen and Jo turned their attention to Kat’s bound and spread legs. They pulled down the zipper between Kat’s legs, paring away the leather from her loins.
“Why look,” Jo exclaimed in mock solemnity, “she’s not wearing any knickers!”
“Not even leather ones?” Kathleen asked, then reached out and playfully tweaked Kat’s left nipple. “You are a brazen little slut, aren’t you, Kitty-Kat?”
Kat’s only response was a low, angry, gagged growl.
The detectives smiled wickedly as they circled the bound, gagged, spread and half-naked bodyguard, studying her predicament with delight.
“What’s the matter, Kitty-Kat,” Kathleen gloated, “don’t like it when the boot’s on the other foot?”
Jamie came back into the lounge. She stopped and indulged in the sight of her favourite nemesis bound, gagged and exposed, then held up a huge black vibrator for the detective’s inspection. Kat’s eyes widened above her gag.
“It’s amazing what you find on TESSERACT premises,” Jamie said in mock surprise.
“You’ve obviously never been in a police station,” Kathleen remarked, with a suggestive wink.
“I have actually,” Jamie said, “I once got arrested during a protest against a freeway being built through a rainforest.” Jamie smiled to herself as she briefly remembered deliberately resisting so the cute police officer trying to arrest her had to cuff her hands behind her back. She then turned her attention back to the squirming, bound bodyguard. She pressed the vibrator up against Kat’s exposed loins, and with the detectives’ help, the black monster was taped to the chair. Jamie held up the control with glee, smiled at Kat, and switched the vibrator on.
Kat’s first reaction was... nothing. Kat prided herself in her emotional discipline, her carefully nurtured ability to always be in control, to always be the one... in... control—but that damn vibrator was so big, and... Margo had a vibrator like that, Kat remembered, and one time she... Kat felt her control slipping. Don’t think about it, she admonished herself. Don’t think about Margo! As the vibrator buzzed away, despite her best efforts, Kat started to descend into a fog of sexual arousal.
“Okay girls,” Jamie said to the detectives, “I’d better get the seaplane ready for our return to Gondaloo. We’ll have a slap-up meal when we get there.” The petite biologist turned to the bound, squirming bodyguard. “And Kat, you’ll just get a slap-up.” Jamie punctuated her remark by playfully slapping Kat’s thigh. Kat regained her composure long enough to briefly glare at Jamie, before being overwhelmed once again by the sensations of the vibrator.
“We haven’t eaten since breakfast. All we got for lunch was our own panties,” Kathleen said, making a face to show how unappetising that had been. “We really need something to keep us going until we get back to the island.”
“No problem,” Jamie said, tossing a TESSERACT smart change card to Kathleen. “There’s a cafe nearby that’s used by all the staff in the hangars. I’ll catch up with you if I can.”
“Okay, see you soon,” Kathleen and Jo indulged in one last look at Kat’s predicament, then left the lounge. Jamie watched them go out of the hangar, then returned to Kat. The petite biologist’s hands eagerly and brazenly roamed over the exposed flesh of the bound and gagged bodyguard. Jamie freely groped Kat’s breasts, then teasingly ran her fingers around the edges of the vibrator pressing against Kat’s loins.
Kat twisted in her bonds, increasingly copious sweat now mingling with the remaining foam residue and food soiling her tanned, flawless skin. Her angry eyes locked with those of her diminutive, redheaded captor. The prisoner forced another angry protest past her gag—but the noise emerged more as a sorry whimper than the growl Kat had intended. Jamie laughed knowingly. “As much as I’d like to stop and play,” Jamie said, running her fingers through Kat’s matted hair, “I have work to do. Eve, watch over Kat for me.”
“Due to Kat’s special security status, I will not be able to inform you if she escapes,” Eve advised her.
“I know that,” Jamie said, “I meant watch over her for safety.”
“As you very well know, Jamie,” Eve responded, a slightly piqued tone in her artificial voice, “I always do that.”
“I’m sure you do,” Jamie said with a smile, then looked down at her glowering fellow TESSERACT employee. “Besides,” she continued, “Kat escaping would be very unlikely.”
“There is a 24.3% chance that Kat can escape from her current predicament. However, that will decrease to 9.8% if you take the champagne bottle with you.”
A one in ten chance of Kat escaping to wreak a terrible revenge, Jamie thought as she picked up the empty bottle. “That sounds good enough to me.” Jamie turned to the glowering bodyguard, who was frustrated by her own arousal. “Don’t fight it Kitty-Kat. Give in. Believe me, the feeling is glorious.” She then left the captive bodyguard alone with her buzzing companion.
Chapter 12 |
This had to be the worst day of Kat’s life. A few hours ago, she had three gorgeous women bound, gagged and at her mercy. Now she had been bound and gagged herself, smeared with food, sprayed with a fire extinguisher, dunked in a pool, betrayed by Margo, stripped half-naked, and bound legs spread to a chair with an enormous vibrator pressing relentlessly against her vulnerable loins. Bound to a rickety chair, she realised as she heard it squeak in tandem with her futile struggles.
‘Don’t fight it Kitty-Kat. Give in. Believe me, the feeling is glorious.’ Kat glowered. Just you wait, Freckle Fox!
Kat closed her eyes as her bound, helpless body finally lost its war with the buzzing vibrator. As an orgasm rocketed through her body she swayed from side to side in her tight bonds—and she felt the chair collapse beneath her! Kat opened her eyes. She was lying on the floor amongst the wooden debris of the broken chair.
She had to move quickly. She sat up, pressing the wooden cross bar of the chair’s back, which was still attached to her bound wrists, against the floor and sliding it off her wrists. The two cable ties that had tethered her bound hands to the cross-bar tightened around her wrists, further securing her gloved hands behind her back. Using the heel of the opposite boot, she pushed off the remains of the chair legs, which were still attached to her ankles. The cable ties responded by biting into the leather of her boots. The cable ties below her knees and around her upper arms had already tightened around their respective limbs. Kat stared at her boots, calming herself and studying her situation. Her hands were still bound behind her back, and she was still gagged, but now she was able to move about. She looked around the lounge, searching for something to cut her wrist bindings. Kat stood up and dashed over to the fridge, opening the door with her booted feet. There were no more glass bottles in there. Kat slammed the door shut, kicking the fridge in a brief moment of frustration.
“Please don’t abuse TESSERACT facilities,” Eve scolded her. Kat responded to Eve’s chastisement by raising one of the fingers of her bound hands in the direction of the computer terminal.
She looked out of the partition, and saw Jamie come out of the seaplane. The bound and gagged bodyguard reacted swiftly, and crouching below the glassed section of the partition so she would be unseen by Jamie. Breathing heavily through her nose, Kat peered around the doorway. Jamie was just going back inside the tilt rotor. Kat thought quickly. Now that she was half-naked, leaving the hangar was out of the question. While her wrists were still bound behind her back and she was still gagged, she only had one captor now, instead of three. Fight was a better option than flight—more fun too! She stood up and dashed into the storeroom, crouching down behind some boxes. The bound bodyguard looked around, and smiled behind her gag as she saw a carton cutter, more cable ties, tape, and an open box of packaging material.
She walked over to the carton cutter and deftly sliced through the cable ties binding her wrists. Free at last, she peeled away the tape from her lips and spat out the saliva soaked ball that had filled up her mouth. With a feral grin, she tucked away the ball and a roll of tape in her catsuit, along with a handful of cable ties, and strode confidently out of the storeroom.
It would be difficult to move stealthily across the open hangar, but Kat didn’t try. Jamie was in the tilt-rotor, and there was nowhere she could go. Kat’s boots clicked on the concrete, the sound echoing throughout the hanger. As she approached the aircraft, carefully, methodically zipping her catsuit closed, Kat noticed what might have been a flicker of movement at the cockpit window. With a gloating, anticipatory grin, Kat went up the ramp and inside what she found to be an apparently empty plane.
“It’s no use hiding Freckle Fox,” Kat warned her skulking adversary, “you’re in enough trouble already. Don’t make it worse for yourself.”
Kat stood nonchalantly in the middle of the cabin, her arms folded. She knew Jamie was trying to sneak up behind her. She waited until Jamie jumped her, grabbing the petite biologist and tossing her over her shoulder. Jamie crashed on the floor in front of the bodyguard, but recovered surprisingly quickly and sprung up. Kat dealt quickly with the redhead’s challenge, wrenching the biologist’s arm behind her back and grabbing Jamie by her red locks.
“Owww, take it easy will ya!” Jamie protested.
“My, my,” Kat purred, “what a brave little Freckle Fox. Ready to do combat with the mighty Kat?” Kat leaned close and whispered in her panting, frightened captive’s ear. “Brave, or foolish? No matter. Will you be a good little captive and do as ‘Kitty-Kat’ says, or would you like me to demonstrate a few illegal and very painful ninjutsu holds on that tiny, delicate little freckled body of yours?” Jamie nodded slowly, her eyes wide with fear. “Gooood,” Kat purred. “Time to put things back the way they should be,” releasing her grip on the petite biologist and pushing her now compliant prisoner towards the cockpit.
Chapter 12 |
Kat crisply folded Jamie’s coverall and placed it on the pilot’s seat, then put the redhead’s deck shoes and cap on top, making sure they were neatly arranged.
“I know how much you like everything neat and tidy, Dr. Seaton,” she said to Jamie, who was sitting on the floor in her naked, freckled and bound glory again. The petite biologist’s wrists were crossed and bound behind her back with three cable ties. Two more cable ties were wrapped around her chest above and below her breasts. Her legs were bound together at her ankles, above and below her knees. Kat had even used a cable tie to bind Jamie’s big toes together. Jamie kept her bound bare feet flat on the floor, anxious not to remind her vengeful captor how ticklish she was.
“When Margo finds out about this,” Jamie remarked casually as she squirmed against her bonds, “she’ll be furious.”
“In your dreams, you sycophantic geek,” Kat teased in return. “You think you’re Margo’s pet, but you’re not. She was willing to give me to you, so I don’t think she’ll complain if I turn the tables. Fair is fair.”
“You’ll be in trouble when Kathleen and Jo get back here,” Jamie said, trying a different tack.
“What, those bumbling Keystone Cops?” Kat laughed. “I’ll soon deal with them.”
“If you pounce on them now, you’ll end up in a jail cell. You can’t pretend they’re trespassers anymore.”
Kat ignored Jamie’s winning argument, and crouched down by the bound, helpless biologist. Kat’s hands wandered freely over Jamie’s naked body, starting at her breasts, brushing over her flat stomach (all that swimming had given the marine biologist a smooth, lithe shape) and working her way down to Jamie’s vulnerable loins. Kat relished her control over the helpless redhead, relished the way the petite woman’s body responded no matter how much she pretended to resist. “Don’t fight it Freckle Fox, give in, believe me, the feeling is glorious.” Kat purred to her prey. As Jamie’s head rolled back in pleasure Kat held up her gloved hand, her leather covered fingers glistening with Jamie’s juices, in front of the petite redhead’s face. Jamie blushed deeply.
“Lick my fingers clean, you wicked little slut,” Kat hissed.
Jamie shook her head to the negative.
“Do it,” Kat ordered, “or I start counting....and every number will be one more hour of tickling for that oh so sensitive little body of yours.”
Jamie’s face reddened even more as she licked the juices of her wantonness from Kat’s hand. The smell of Kat’s leather glove was almost intoxicating.
“You’ve got a good tongue there, Freckle Fox,” Kat said as she pulled her hand away, examining the cleaned leather, “what a shame I can’t stay around for long.” Kat produced the rubber ball, studying it closely as her redheaded captive watched helplessly. “This is a very well travelled ball now. It was in Blondie’s mouth, my mouth, and now it’s going in your mouth.”
Jamie was unable to stop Kat thrusting the dirty, slimy ball into the redhead’s mouth. Kat swiftly applied several strips of tape to Jamie’s freckled face, holding the ball in place. Kat smoothed the tape over Jamie’s mouth, then stood up.
“That should keep you out of mischief, Freckle Fox,” Kat gloated. The bodyguard turned on her booted heel and walked out of the seaplane, leaving Jamie to her futile struggles. Jamie stamped her bare bound feet on the floor in frustration, twisting in her tight bonds, which responded by tightening further. Shudders of anticipation mixed with trepidation went up her spine as she wondered what Kat had planned for her redheaded captive. With some difficulty, Jamie managed to stand up and hop over to the window. Kat was returning from the storage area, carrying a box. She put the box down and headed into the lounge. Jamie twisted in her bonds, her only reward a fractional tightening of one of the cable ties on her wrists. Kat emerged from the lounge with a second box, which she put on the floor next to the first... then stretched gracefully... and headed back towards the seaplane. Jamie quickly tried to sit down again, lost her balance, and fell down on her bare behind instead. Kat saw her redheaded, bound and gagged captive rolling around helplessly on the cockpit floor, and laughed.
“What is it with you Aussie damsels?” Kat asked rhetorically, “You always like to hop around. You’ve obviously been hanging around kangaroos too much.” She ignored Jamie’s glare and continued. “I’d love to make you hop out of the plane, but as you say, we don’t have much time.”
Jamie shrieked as Kat hoisted the naked, bound and gagged redhead over her shoulder and carried the petite biologist with ease out of the seaplane and into the hanger. “By the way, Freckle Fox,” Kat said as she approached a row of lockers, “I never did thank you for saving my life. I still think you’re a goody-two-shoes who sucks up to the boss at every opportunity, but you really did impress me with the way you handled the emergency on Gondaloo.” Kat put the freckled bundle down, standing her up beside the lockers. Jamie shrieked through her gag as her bare bound feet came in contact with the cold concrete. “However;” Kat continued, “I was not impressed by the way you handled me.” Jamie watched helplessly, her eyes widening above her tape gag, as Kat retrieved packaging material from one box, and several food and beverage containers from the second. Kat looked down at her redheaded captive, and smiled evilly.
“Time to wrap this operation up,” Kat purred.
Chapter 12 |
Kathleen and Jo walked back into the hangar.
“I still don’t believe there’s no boat named Tarsis III registered anywhere,” Kathleen groused. “If that was a repaint job, it’s the neatest one I’ve ever seen.”
“I’m more worried that there’s no one matching ‘Mr. Shotgun’s’ description,” Jo said. “Well... he’s probably hiding under a rock on Borneo by now.”
“Somehow I don’t see that bloke trying to hide anywhere,” Kathleen said with a shudder.
“Anyway, enough talking shop. That was a nice meal we had, even if you spent most of it blabbing on the phone to the NCA. I’m surprised Jamie didn’t join us.”
“She’s probably got engrossed in her preparations. She seems to be a rather thorough person.”
“Like you. You two should get on like a house on fire.”
“I wonder how Kitty-Kat’s going?”
They walked into the lounge and stopped when they realised the chair that Kat had been bound to was now an assortment of scattered broken sticks underneath their sneakered feet. The leather clad bodyguard was nowhere to be seen.
“Speaking of hiding...” Jo whispered, turning her head and nervously searching the cluttered hanger.
“Hide later,” Kathleen ordered. “We’d better find Jamie.”
The detectives dashed out of lounge.
“Jamie?” Kathleen called out, her voice bouncing around the apparently deserted hangar. The detectives looked at each other, nodded, and rushed over to the seaplane, quickly going on board. They looked around the empty cabin, calling out Jamie’s name. They went into the cockpit, and saw Jamie’s coverall, cap and deck shoes neatly stacked on the pilot’s seat. Kathleen picked up the cap, looked at it for a moment, dropped it back on the seat and rushed out of the plane. Jo followed her.
They scanned anxiously around the hangar. Kathleen nudged her partner and pointed. A metal locker on the far side of the space was shaking a little. They approached with hesitation. The floor was a wet, sticky mess, and the door to the locker was jammed closed, with an electrical extension cord trailing from a power outlet to the inside. The remains of several rolls of packing tape and palette wrapping material were scattered about, as were empty containers of orange juice, sugar, non-dairy creamer, instant coffee, tea, and various brands of carbonated drinks. They examined the locker cautiously, expecting Kat to leap out and grab them. Jo hesitated again, then leant her ear against the locker. Her eyes widened, and she nodded to Kathleen to open the locker door. They grabbed the door, but with the cord jammed in it it took two attempts to open it. The door flung open with so much force it banged against the locker beside it.
The detectives gasped as they saw Jamie, mummified from head to toe and hanging from the locker’s coat hook. Only her eyes, her nose, her nipples, the tips of her toes, and the power cord end of the buzzing vibrator weren’t covered by the multiple tight layers of wrappings. Jamie mewed through her gag, wriggling furiously, her eyes as big as saucers. As the detectives watched, several drops of brown, syrupy... something oozed around the captive’s toes and added to the slimy pool covering the floor of the locker.
“Good Lord,” Jo exclaimed. “She poured everything she could find all over her and, wrapped her up and... it must feel horrible.”
“It’s gonna take us an hour to slice her out of all that,” Kathleen said in a whisper. “We’ll have to go slow and careful so as not to cut her.” Kathleen turned back to the mummified biologist, noticing something else. “Wait a minute, what’s this?”
An envelope, addressed to the detectives, was stuck to Jamie’s encased body. Kathleen started to open the envelope, as Jamie tried her best to indicate her fervent desire to be freed from her predicament immediately. The least they could do is turn off the bloody vibrator, she thought miserably.
“‘Gone to find Margo,’” Kathleen read out loud, “‘Catch you later—Kat.’”
Kathleen and Jo exchanged worried looks, as Jamie continued her struggles.
“‘Catch you later...’,” Kathleen quoted. “You don’t suppose she means that literally do you?”
of Kat's Story |