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R-E-S-P-E-C-T WITH A CHERRY ON TOP ———————————————————————— by Van © 2005 |
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Jodi was worried. Okay, not worried worried, but concerned. Okay not concerned, but... Anxious? Nervous? Things had that "quiet before the storm" feeling, like something was going to happen. She could feel it—something.
Eve-L had been incommunicado for days. After the infamous "security drill" on Charlie's lab, Jodi had received exactly one message from her new partner-in-mayhem. It had been on flimsy paper sealed in an opaque plastic envelope, and had read:
Ha-ha, very dramatic—then the paper had literally fallen to pieces in her hands! In seconds it was nothing but dust. Eve-L was laying low, and Jodi had no choice but to follow suit.
It had been a long morning. Jodi had led an early morning advanced step aerobics class, and two hours later, a beginning low-impact class. She was bushed.
She peeled off her sweat-soaked leotard, took a quick shower, wrapped a towel around her torso, and headed for one of the smaller, more intimate saunas in the female locker room. The women's steam room was often crowded this time of day, and sometimes it turned into a regular hen-party. That could be fun... but not today. Jodi needed a nice, relaxing, quiet interlude.
The sauna was at full heat, the air dry, close and scented with cedar. She spread a second towel on a lower bench and sat. It felt good... very good.
This afternoon she was scheduled to do floor walking and consultation, helping people with their routines, checking them out on new equipment, etc., etc. She stretched and sighed. That was usually fun, meeting new people, chatting with friends, etc., etc. God knew she could use a break.
Jodi could feel her pores opening. The heat was glorious! She'd ladle some water on the sauna's lava rocks... later. Right now the dry heat was just what she needed.
Suddenly, the door of the sauna opened, admitting a rush of "cold" air. Jodi looked up, and found Ronnie Allbriton standing before her.
The tall (relatively speaking) brunette was dressed in a white tank-top, black bicycle shorts, fluffy white socks, and cross-trainers. She was sweating (more than Jodi, at the moment) and slightly out of breath.
"Hey there," Ronnie said with a friendly grin.
"Hey there," Jodi responded, smiling back. "Uh... close the door?"
Ronnie stepped into the sauna and pulled the door closed behind her. "It's hot in here," she observed.
"I believe that's the general idea," Jodi responded, smiling back.
The brunette and honey blonde gazed at each other for several seconds. Ronnie continued to pant, but she was regaining her breath.
"Tae Bo?" Jodi inquired.
"Tae Bo," Ronnie confirmed. "You ready for tonight?"
Jodi's smile turned coy. "Lookin' forward to it. Should I bring anything?"
Ronnie stretched. "Let's see now... I got everything for the meal, including wine and a nice dessert. You could bring some cotton rope. I have about 100 feet, cut in various lengths, but the more the merrier."
Jodi nodded, still smiling. "Rope. I can do that. Anything else?"
"Anything else... Let's see... Surprise me."
Jodi looked Ronnie's tan, toned, buxom body up and down. Oh, I intend to, she thought. "I was looking forward to meeting Fiona," she said with a sympathetic smile.
Ronnie sighed. "We'll do it again when she gets back from her trip."
"At my place," Jodi suggested. "I'll invite Anne, and we'll make it a foursome."
"Sounds like a plan," Ronnie purred, then reached out, pulled the towel from Jodi's unresisting body, and used it to pat her gleaming face. She backed out the door, smiling as Jodi flinched when the "cold" outside air washed over her flushed, nude body. "Eight-ish," she said, and the door closed.
"Eight-ish!" Jodi confirmed, shouting through the closed door.
The door opened again, Jodi's towel was tossed in her face, and the door closed.
Jodi stood, stretched, and poured a ladle full of water on the hot rocks atop the sauna's heater. A cloud of steam filled the air with a popping, hissing rush. Jodi arranged one towel on the upper seat, rolled the other into a pillow, and reclined. Her pores were wide open, and her tan, toned body was gleaming with sweat. "Eight-ish" she whispered. "Just you wait, Brown-eyes."
Tonight would be a night to remember.
Jodi's Story | Chapter 6 |
"I really like your place," Jodi said. "Modern/Contemporary can be kinda cold or Ikea-like, but you guys pulled it off."
"Thanks," Ronnie responded. "Fiona gets most of the credit. She has a better instinct for design. Most of this is hers, from before I moved in, I mean. That chair you're in is an exception. "
Jodi was seated in a rather nondescript, straightback, wooden chair, not what you'd call Modern or Contemporary. She was bound, wrists behind her back, with several yards of white cotton rope. Tight, multiple bands were neatly wrapped around her torso and arms, above and below her breasts. More bands joined her legs, above and below her knees, and around her ankles. Her breasts strained against her heather gray, cashmere blouse and sweater, and her short gray skirt was hitched up, exposing her stocking tops and a peek of panties. Her black heels remained on her feet, thanks to their ankle strap design.
She'd arrived at Ronnie's door at the agreed upon time, lugging a tote bag bulging with neatly coiled hanks of cotton rope. (There was also a compartment in the bottom of the bag containing other items, such as a TIKLER wand Charlie had given her at her last birthday. She hoped to use it and the other carefully chosen items on her hostess, before the night was through.)
After the usual greeting kisses and tour of the apartment, Jodi had opened the bag, extracted a length of rope, and coyly suggested that Ronnie demonstrate the extent of her skill as a villainess. Jodi's intent was to allow herself to be bound, then, after dinner perhaps, offer to demonstrate more advanced techniques. The ultimate goal, of course, was Ronnie Allbriton, naked, gagged, lashed to her bed, and writhing in her umpteenth orgasm as the sun slowly dawned.
But, as the saying goes, all good plans...
Ronnie proved to not be the bondage newbie Jodi had expected. After tying her wrists tightly, comfortably, and inescapably, she had proceeded to add Jodi's additional bonds with expert, nimble fingers, pulling additional rope from the tote as needed.
And now Ronnie was busy in the kitchen. Jodi squirmed in her bonds. Multi-wrapping-style bondage like this was a bear to escape from, and it was easy to get wrong. One had a tendency to assume the multiple bands would cushion the impact of the ropes; but misapplied, they tightened down to an excessive extent, or were too loose and the neat bands slipped apart. Ronnie's ropes, however, were virtually perfect, applied with just enough initial slack to tighten properly when the cinches were added. Jodi could tell her hostess was no stranger to the realm of restraint, and she (Jodi) wasn't going anywhere.
Jodi squirmed some more. She was well and truly tied, but not to the chair. She was "free" to hop about, assuming she didn't stumble and fall on her face thanks to her crossed ankles. For the moment, she contented herself to sit and watch her hostess mix a pair of gin and tonics.
"What were you saying about this chair?" Jodi inquired.
Ronnie smiled, and sauntered from the kitchen, a drink in each hand. "It doesn't match anything else," she explained, " but it's hardwood, and very sturdy... especially after I added several steel angle brackets and a couple of T-braces."
Jodi squirmed again, more energetically. The chair was solid as the proverbial rock. "I see what you mean," she muttered.
"It's a really good place to tie Fiona," Ronnie continued, pausing to help her captive guest take a careful sip of her drink. "Sometimes, after work, I strip her, bind her to the chair from shoulders to toes, so tight she can't twitch, of course, and we talk about our days." Ronnie sampled her own drink, smiling down at Jodi like a cat eyeing a plump mouse. "After dinner, I usually gag her, and we watch some TV. If I'm in a bitchy mood, I leave her there for hours... not that she minds, of course."
"Of course," Jodi agreed. "What about you?"
Now Jodi's smile was predatory. "Don't you ever get to squirm in Fiona's ropes? Doesn't she get a chance to bind you to your special chair?"
Ronnie grinned and gave her captive another drink. "Red and I have an arrangement," she explained. "I get to be the one in charge in the real world, and she's in charge in VR."
"Those R&D Game Division sessions you guys volunteer for," Jodi suggested.
Ronnie nodded. "The very same." She moved over a small end table, placed Jodi's drink on a coaster, and added a small straw. "The paella should be ready in a few minutes. I'm going to open some wine." She kissed Jodi's lips, then headed for the kitchen.
"It smells delicious!" Jodi called after her, then turned in her chair, leaned close to her drink, and took a delicate sip through the straw. "You mix a good G&T," she said. There was the sound of a thud from the kitchen. Jodi straightened and turned. "Did you hear me? I said—"
Ronnie was in the grip of a black-clad woman! A glove was over her mouth in a tight hand-gag, and her arms were pinned behind her back. A second female was placing what looked like a hypospray injector on the side of Ronnie's throat. The helpless brunette struggled and forced a muffled sound past her hand-gag, then her eyes rolled up in her head, and she went limp.
"Wha—?" Jodi was grabbed from behind! An arm was around her throat and a glove over her mouth. Bound, hand-gagged, and helpless, she watched as the first two intruders carried Ronnie's unconscious form into the main room and gently laid her on the floor, a few yards from Jodi's bound, kicking feet.
The intruders could only be described as female ninjas. Their black costumes were skin-tight, their heads hooded, leaving only a slit for their eyes. And there was something Oriental about the style of their outfits, legging boots with a space for their big toes, the sweep of the hoods and face masks; but they were contemporary ninjas, their outfits a marriage of traditional style and modern advances in material and body armor.
Jodi made an educated guess: The Five! What did I do to piss off Madam Lian?
Jodi's Story | Chapter 6 |
Jodi was rendered even more helpless. An expanding rubber bladder was popped in her mouth, then several tight bands of wide, elastic, dermafoam tape were stretched across her lips and encircled her head. More tape was wrapped around her fingers and bound wrists. As the tape tightened and cured, myoplastic cable-ties were used to secure her bound ankles to the chair's left front leg and her waist to the chair back. Her captor then joined the other two "ninjettes", who were dealing with Ronnie.
Jodi watched as they quickly and gently removed Ronnie's clothes. Her blouse, skirt, bra, panties, and house slippers were unbuttoned and peeled or pulled from her body. They removed her jewelry as well. Jodi could see the captors' gloved hands linger on Ronnie's body as they worked. She could hear whispered comments, too faint for Jodi to understand, as various parts of Ronnie's anatomy were exposed. They seemed to especially like her breasts, and all three paused to gently stroke and knead the firm globes and dark nipples. Ronnie's pierced navel received similar attention. Each of the three shared whispered comments as they caressed Ronnie's firm abdomen and gave her gold and diamond navel post gentle, playful tugs.
One ninjette headed for the bedroom with Ronnie's clothes and jewelry, doubtless to hang the outer garments, drop the undies in the appropriate hamper, and return the accessories to her jewelry box or dresser drawer.
The other two used dermafoam tape to bind Ronnie's naked, unconscious form. A rubber bladder was stuffed in her mouth, and a head-encircling gag similar to Jodi's applied, then soft pads were placed over her closed eyes, and dermafoam bands used to make a tight blindfold. Her arms were folded behind her back, forearm-to-forearm, and her fingers, hands, wrists, and forearms tightly wrapped from elbow-to-elbow. Finally, her legs were crossed and dermafoam wrappings applied from her ankles to just below her knees.
Jodi squirmed in her bonds and sighed. Ronnie was an incredibly erotic sight. Her body was well-toned and athletic, her large breasts deliciously firm, her skin tan and soft. She was a bound, helpless, sexy and vulnerable treat. Unfortunately, Jodi's current predicament was more than a bit of a buzz-kill. She was worried about this strange turn of events.
Had Eve-L been caught? Had Eve-L betrayed her? Why were The Five involved? What was Margo going to do to her? She continued to fidget and squirm—then blinked in surprise.
Their captors were removing their masks! She was not just "meeting" three of The Five, she was being allowed to see their faces! And stunning faces they were!
The first was Asian, possibly Korean. Her features had an almost child-like beauty, and her short, black hair was pulled back and tied in a stubby ponytail at the nape of her neck.
The second was European, her hair long, blonde, and straight; her skin a golden tan; her eyes a pale blue. She shrugged out of the top of her costume and tied the sleeves across her waist, revealing a pair of firm breasts and slim waist, covered by a tight, black tank-top.
The third was Asian, like the first; but, Jodi decided she was probably Chinese. Her hair was long, black, and glossy. Her expression was rather hard, but her features were very pretty, almost delicate.
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Whispering and smiling, they puttered around the kitchen and dining room. The Asian with short hair set an additional place at the table. The blonde popped the cork on the wine Ronnie had been prevented from opening by her capture. The third removed the cover from the pan of paella that had been resting on the stove, and carried it to the table.
Her empty stomach grumbling, helpless and worried, Jodi watched as the three kidnappers enjoyed a leisurely dinner of Greek salad, paella, and wine, followed by coffee and cheesecake.
Ronnie, naked, bound, gagged, and blindfolded, lay at Jodi's feet, helpless (and erotic). Her dermafoam bonds were now fully cured, and their captors had used a variety of the self-fusing material that was semi-opaque. Jodi could see Ronnie's captive fingers and hands under the smooth, tight tape; also her lips, the milky white pads over her eyes, and the strong muscles of her calves... So beautiful... So helpless.
Jodie sighed, and tried to relax.
Jodi's Story | Chapter 6 |
The captors finished their borrowed meal. The two Asians carried the dishes to the kitchen and began a general cleanup. Meanwhile, the blonde sauntered into the main room and towards Jodi, a smile curling her lips. Her gait was fluid and graceful, the walk of a trained dancer, or a highly skilled, supremely confident martial artist.
She gazed down at Ronnie's still unconscious form, then turned her incredibly pale, incredibly attractive blue eyes to Jodi.
"Jodi Weber," she said quietly. "You've been a very bad girl, and very bad girls get very special treatment."
Jodi stared up at the blonde, her eyes wide above her gag. Her captor's soprano voice had the unmistakable lilt and twang of an Australian accent.
"Ms. Allbriton and her friend," the blonde continued, "will be traveling in the comfort of TESSERACT's latest generation of transport sarcophagi—full life support, VR entertainment, the works." She reached into a pocket of her black costume, and produced a small hypospray injector.
Jodi struggled against her bonds and mewed through her gag. Pointless, hopeless, helpless. The blonde stepped to the side, grabbed a handful of Jodi's hair, pinned her head against her thigh, and bared the side of her neck.
"In your case, however, we have special instructions," the blonde purred, "instructions from the very top."
The injector was against Jodi's throat. She whined and closed her eyes. There was a hiss, and she felt a mild burning sensation at the point of contact.
"It's going to be a very long flight," the blonde added.
Flight? Jodi thought, then all went black.
Jodi's Story | Chapter 6 |
Whatever the blonde had given her, it was wearing off. Yes, it was definitely wearing off. Jodi was aware of her surroundings... in a totally helpless, totally sightless sort of way.
She was blindfolded, probably the same pads-over-the-eyes and tape-around-the-head arrangement she'd watched them use on Ronnie.
She was gagged, but instead of a mouth-filling rubber bladder and more tape, they'd used a foam ball-gag with a tight rubber panel cupping her chin and stretched across her lower face.
Her hands were in some sort of mitten-gloves. She could wiggle her fingers a little (very little), but they were useless for any meaningful attempt at escape. Wide, padded cuffs were around her wrists and ankles. They felt (ominously) like the suspension variety, the kind used to stretch a prisoner without causing excessive damage or pain.
She was on her back, in a full spread-eagle. The surface underneath was padded, but rather hard.
She was naked.
There was a steady, hissing sound. She decided it was air whistling through a ventilation system, and now that she noticed, there was a cool, nipple-popping breeze blowing across her body.
Suddenly, she heard a low frequency rumbling. It built to a modest roar... then slowly faded. An airplane taking off, she decided. She sighed through her gag, and tugged on her bonds. The blonde Aussie-ninja did mention a 'flight', she remembered. She tugged on her bonds again, one-by-one. The spread-eagle was tight, but not excessive, and whatever was securing the cuffs neither clinked or clattered. Rope or cables, she surmised.
There was movement around her. She lifted her head and forced a questioning sound past her gag. Her reward was a rapid tightening of her bonds, stretching her into a very taut, very business-like spread. Then someone knelt, pinned her head between their two strong, nylon or spandex-clad thighs, and added a gloved hand-gag over the rubber panel already sealing her lips.
"Did you check the cargo straps on the sarcophagi?" a voice asked. It spoke with a slightly sing-song accent, and Jodi surmised it was either her Korean or Chinese captor. A second voice answered in an unknown language, and the first voice answered with a quiet laugh.
Jodi squirmed and forced a pathetically quiet protest past her gag, and her unseen captor answered by pinching her nostrils shut! Seconds passed, and Jodi struggled and writhed. She couldn't move her pinned and hand-gagged head at all, and she needed air! More time passed, and Jodi's plight became desperate! Just when she thought she was going to pass out—her nostrils were released.
Jodi expelled the stale air in her lungs, and pulled in precious, sweet air to replace it, breathing deeply in rapid, bosom-heaving pants.
Her captor maintained the thigh hold and hand-gag. "Now that I have your attention, Ms. Weber," she said softly, "here are your instructions. You are to remain quiet and unmoving. You will not struggle, nor will you attempt to make any kind of noise. You will remain so until you are informed that we are airborne. Do you understand?"
Jodi attempted to hum something she hoped would be an affirmative sound, and instantly her captors hand pinched her nostrils shut again! She pulled on her bonds and struggled, and again her lungs began to burn.
"I repeat... do you understand?"
The pinch was released, and Jodi could breath again. This time she lay perfectly still, as still as she could while panting air in and out of her lungs.
The hand-gag was released, and her captor stood. "Good girl," the voice said.
Time passed, and Jodi lay still as a statue. Her breathing quickly returned to normal. She heard more sounds around her. A heavy door was closed and latched, cutting off the outside noise from the airport. A low vibration began, the whine of turbine engines spinning to life. Seconds later, there was more vibration, the whine increased in volume, and the airplane shuddered and began to roll.
We're moving! Jodi realized. The airplane taxied for several minutes, pausing twice for extended intervals. Finally, the engines crescendoed to a roar, and everything began to shake. Takeoff! The wheels left the runway and the vibrations stopped. Seconds later, the landing gear retracted and the covering doors thudded closed.
The intercom clicked to life and a voice filled the cabin. "Good morning, ladies. Welcome aboard TESSERACT Special Flight Seven Alpha." It was the blonde Aussie. "Flight time to our final destination will be... interminable. When we reach our cruising altitude of thirty-five thousand feet, feel free to move about the cabin. In the meantime, please keep your seatbelts firmly fastened, as well as all other restraints. Gourmet meals will be served at appropriate intervals, and our in-flight entertainment will be... Ms. Jodi Weber."
Jodi sighed. Very funny. She heard two nearby voices chuckling softly, then the sound of a seatbelt being unlatched. Someone was kneeling near her head, and fingers were unbuckling the straps at the nape of her neck. The rubber panel was peeled from her face and the foam ball pulled from her mouth.
"I am removing your gag, in case you become airsick," her captor announced, "but if you abuse the privilege, you know what to expect."
Jodi's bonds slackened several inches, and the surface she was lying on began to inflate. This continued until it was soft as a mattress. "Please," Jodi croaked. "Water." Seconds passed, then her head was lifted and a straw placed on her tongue. Jodi sucked, and cool, refreshing water filled her parched mouth. She was allowed several pulls on the tiny straw, then it disappeared and her head was released. "Thank you," she whispered, pulling on her loose but still inescapable bonds.
"No speaking," the voice admonished, "and save your strength. You're going to need it."
Jodi nodded her blindfolded head, and lay still. What does she mean by that? she wondered.
Jodi's Story | Chapter 6 |
After they reached cruising altitude, Jodi found out exactly what she meant. She also learned the meaning of 'in-flight entertainment'.
Still blindfolded and spread-eagled, Jodi was startled from a fitful doze to find a naked body sliding atop her own naked, prone form. "What the—M'mpf!" A hand was over her mouth, and a warm, wet tongue invading her right ear. A second tongue was licking her left nipple. A hand was kneading her right breast, and another hand gliding over her thighs. Firm, warm skin, smooth hands, and wet tongues seemed to be everywhere at once, sliding over every hollow and curve of her helpless body; then long hair began trailing across her breasts and tummy. The sensation added a light, teasing counterpoint to her lovers' caresses.
The hands were skilled and gentle, and they played her bound, blindfolded, and hand-gagged body like a fine musical instrument in the hands of a virtuoso. They prolonged Jodi's "ordeal", letting her build to the brink of release, then holding her there, caressing her breasts, thighs, abdomen, and labia, teasing her clitoris, letting their hands glide over her ever-more sensitive, ever-more aroused body.
And then they let her cum. It was Jodi's most explosive, most satisfying orgasm in... weeks. (Thanks to her Inner Circle Sisters, Jodi had a very active "social schedule".) Jodi lay back in her loose bonds, savoring the delicious afterglow... then a ring-gag was thrust between her teeth, the strap tightened, and they began again!
More caresses—more gentle, experienced hands—more educated tongues, this time exploring her involuntarily open mouth, and her ears, and her nipples, and her sex—more nimble fingers, probing her sex. And it went on-and-on. They kept her at the brink for what felt like an hour—and then they let her cum.
Her body slick with sweat, her muscles burning from struggling and writhing under her lover's bodies and against her inescapable bonds, Jodi collapsed against the soft mattress—but they only let her rest less than a minute!
Her bonds were released, she was hauled to her feet, and bound in a semi-suspended position with her arms raised and her legs widely splayed. The hands returned, and this time they caressed and massaged her forehead, her throat, solar plexus, lower tummy, and other points on her body. They played special attention to her feet, kneading and pressing the firm, wrinkled soles. Tantric acupressure stuff! Jodi realized. Oh god!
Jodi's sex began to throb. She hung in her bonds, trying weakly to twist her fettered feet from her lover's strong hands. Resistance (to coin a phrase) was futile. The sweet, pleasurable, horrible ordeal went on and on. Her labia felt swollen, her clitoris throbbing like a tiny heart, and she swore she could actually feel herself dripping musk. Oh god!
There was a pause, in which the world itself seemed to twist and warp—and then she came! And it was glorious! And it ebbed and flowed like waves crashing on a tropical beach. And it didn't stop! Jodi writhed and struggled, lifted her head and screamed through her ring-gag! And still it didn't stop!
Jodi was back on the mattress, bound in a very loose spread-eagle. Her head was cradled in one of her lover's naked laps. She was weak as a newborn kitten. A straw was held to her lips, and she drank the most refreshing liquid she had ever tasted. Some sort of fruit juice, she decided. And then she was fed a light meal, delicious morsels of meat, vegetables, and noodles delivered to her mouth with chopsticks.
Between bites, Jodi decided to risk a little conversation. "Please,"she whispered, "where are you taking us?"
"What did I tell you about not speaking, Ms. Weber," a voice answered. It was one of the Asians.
Jodi sighed and tugged on her bonds. "I have a right to know something," she pouted.
"Hush!" the voice responded, and a morsel of meat was popped in her mouth.
Jodi chewed and swallowed. "I'm worried about my friends," she said. "Ah!" Her right nipple had been seized by a pair of chopsticks, and was being gently pinched!
"Ms. Allbriton and Ms. McLean are fine," the voice purred "You will be fine. Now, be a good girl and let us enjoy our meal in pleasant silence."
"But why is Margo doing this to me, to us? ...or is it Madam Lian? Um!" Now the chopsticks were pinching her lips!
"Be silent, Naughty Girl!" the voice admonished, "or that busy mouth will be packed with rubber foam and taped shut."
The chop sticks released her lips, then returned with a load of savory, crisp noodles. Jodi remained prudently silent for the remainder of the meal. Afterwards, she was bathed with moist, cool cloths. She lay in her bonds, exhausted and spent, and let herself doze.
Jodi snapped awake. Her bonds were strict and tight, once again stretching her into a taut spread-eagle. Her blindfold was unchanged, and a ball-gag was strapped in her mouth. And hands were gliding over her body, hands clad in what felt like beaded gloves, and her skin tingled and quivered at their touch. TIKLER gloves! Please, no more!
Charlie's nerve-stimulating beads had been sewn to the inner surface of thin, skin-tight gloves! They'd tried this in Seattle, but if you made the gloves thin enough for the wearer to feel the "victim's" skin, the TIKLER sensations bled through to the hand, making them tickle and throb. Either the Hong Kong labs had solved the problem, or The Five, with their supreme emotional and physical control, were able to ignore the side-effects.
Jodi tugged on her bonds and moaned through her gag. There were at least four hands at work, sliding over every curve of her helpless body. It felt good, and terrible, and wonderful, and it would not stop!!
Jodi felt hair settling around her face, then soft lips kissed her cheeks and gagged lips. "This is just the beginning, Jodi," a voice whispered. It was the blonde Australian. "But don't worry, Naughty Girl. You are a very strong, very healthy young woman, and we have only just begun to test the limits of your stamina. No one ever died from too much pleasure. Not yet, anyway."
The hands slid towards Jodi's sex, and she felt her tired, throbbing labia responding. She pulled on her bonds and groaned. Oh god! Please, wherever we're going, whatever awaits—can we please get there??
THE END | of Jodi's Story — Chapter 6 |