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Jamie's Story — by Van Chapter 2 |
Jamie was in darkness... darkness and silence, and she couldn't move. She couldn't move at all. Then she began to hear... voices... two voices... as if at a great distance. She couldn't understand what they were saying, but they were definitely there. ... Then she found that she could understand them.
"I think you hit her too hard, Kat," one voice said. "I think you hit her too hard."
"Shut up," said a second voice. Jamie decided the second voice did, in fact sound like Kat... sort of, and the first voice was... Eve? ...not "Gondaloo-Eve," as Jamie preferred her to sound (with a melodious Celtic lilt, like Enya, her favorite singer), but "Seattle-Eve" with her flat Yank accent, like she sounded at TESSERACT Headquarters over in the States.
Jamie began to see colors, then shapes. Her vision partially cleared and she found herself looking at... herself! After a second of disorientation, she realized she was seeing her own reflection in a mirror. She was lying on her back, on a smooth black surface, and was bound in a spread-eagled position by tight cloth strips on her wrists and ankles. She realized she was also gagged, quite effectively gagged. Something had been stuffed in her mouth, a great deal of something, and her lips sealed with several bands of broad, white, surgical tape that tightly encircled her head and completely covered her lower face.
Most remarkable of all... was what she was wearing.
White cotton blouse, green V-neck wool jumper, green and white checkered skirt, white knee socks, black shoes... it was her old school uniform, her old High School uniform. Jamie examined herself more closely. (Her reflection was still the only thing she could see. All else was darkness.) Her hair was tied back with a green hair ribbon, just like she used to do when she was a Year 12 student. And her features... she looked like she had looked at eighteen. She was back in High School! ...nearly ten years in the past!
...Only High School had never been this perilous! Jamie was tightly spread-eagled, the cloth strips expertly knotted and inescapable. Her gag was equally efficient. Jamie mewed and struggled. She could tell almost no sound was escaping her sealed lips, and her bonds were stringent. She could only rotate her wrists a little and point her toes. She might as well have been stretched on a medieval rack.
The darkness beyond her reflection began to resolve into dim shapes and Jamie became aware of more of her surroundings. A blackboard came into focus to her right. To her left, rows of empty lab benches and students' stools. It was her old biology classroom, the classroom of Mrs. Britton, her favorite teacher, and she was bound to the large lab table in the front of the class, the one used for demonstrations and displays. Jamie's reflection was captured in the large rectangular mirror that had been... was... mounted at an angle to the ceiling, so students in the back of the class (if there had been students in the back of the class) could look down on the table's surface... and its current display... Jamie. The overhead lights were off, and from the minimal light leaking around the closed drapes she could tell it was night, but she knew where she was!
(In the back of her mind, Jamie knew she was in Virtual Reality, but the quality of the SPHERUS presentation, the multitude of small details (doubtless obtained from old annual school magazine photos, she reflected), everything conspired to make her believe her location... and her predicament.)
If this was Mrs. Britton's Biology class, then the teacher's desk would be... Jamie lifted her head and looked down across her body... and found the owners of the voices she had heard earlier.
Jamie's Story | Chapter 2 |
Sitting on the teacher's desk were Kat and "Seattle Eve," or rather eighteen year old versions of Kat and Eve. Apparently, Jamie surmised, Kat and Eve were VR role-playing as American exchange students. Both were dressed in school uniforms identical to Jamie's, identical in the most general sense. Their blouses were wrinkled, the tails not properly tucked into their skirts, and their skirts looked to be about two sizes too small and too short. Their bare legs swung insolently, bringing their scruffy Doc Martin boots and crumpled black socks in and out of Jamie's view. Clearly part of what Mrs. Britton had often referred to as the school's "unsavory element," Kat and Eve were trying very hard to pull off the bad girl Goth look, with only limited success. Kat had the necessary hardness (especially around the eyes) but either her natural complexion was too dark or she got too much sun for the "creature of the night" thing. Eve was sufficiently pale, but her general demeanor was just too... perky.
"Well, well, look who finally woke up from her nap," Kat remarked with a gloating smile. The slovenly student hopped off the desk and sauntered towards her mewing, struggling " classmate". She casually reached out and tweaked Jamie's right ear. Jamie pulled on her bonds and screamed for all she was worth. The resulting sound might have carried to the back row, but couldn't possibly have made it out of the closed classroom door. "We stopped off at the counselor's office and raided her first aid supplies to get the good stuff," Kat explained. "That's sterile cotton stuffed in that know-it-all mouth of yours, and I used a whole roll of her best plaster to make sure it stays there. It's probably gonna hurt like crazy when it gets ripped off your precious baby face... but you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs, can you?"
"Oh good!" Eve said. "We gonna make omelets? I'm starved!"
"Try to focus, will you Evie?" Kat sighed. "We're not gonna make any omelets. Freckle Fox here is gonna help me win the biology competition, and in the process I'm gonna cook her goose."
"'Cook her goose!'" Eve enthused. "Good one Kat!"
"Shut up, Evie!" Kat ordered, "and go get the stuff."
Eve smiled and walked to the front row of student lab tables, returning with a large tray covered with a clean white cloth. "The name of my entry is "The Effect of Vibratory Stimuli on Partially Dissected Freckle Foxes," Kat purred.
"'Dissected??'" Jamie thought with alarm, struggling anew. VR or not, this was too much!
"Calm down, Red," Kat chuckled, savoring Jamie's distress. "Evie here faints at the sight of blood, so we'll only 'dissect' you 'til we reach freckles... then stop... or try anyway."
Eve removed the cover from the tray with a flourish. "Tah dah!"
Jamie screamed through her gag. The very best, sharpest, and most frightening of the many dissection tools in the classroom were neatly lined up for her inspection. Several more decidedly unpleasant things had apparently been lifted from the first aid supplies (or elsewhere) along with the makings of Jamie's gag—scalpels, knives, forceps, clamps, blunt probes, scissors, even a surgical saw and a really nasty set of bone shears! There were also two pair of thin latex gloves, and next to them a large box of the biggest "T" shaped dissection pins Jamie had ever seen. They were almost small, thin nails.
Kat picked up a pair of the gloves and made a show of slowly putting them on, snapping the cuffs as she finished and flexing her thin, strong fingers. Eve donned the second pair of gloves with a similar flourish. Next, Kat picked up a large pair of blunt-tip dissecting scissors, slipped the probe-like tip just under the center of the waist band of Jamie's jumper and slowly made a tiny cut. "Make a note, Evie," Kat purred. "Dissection begun at 21:35."
"Notes?" Eve asked, looking up in confusion. "We're supposed to take notes?"
"Never mind," Kat said, and continued, cutting open the jumper with slow, smooth snips, up the mid-line of Jamie's stomach and between her breasts, ending with a final careful cut at the tip of the jumper's "V" neck. She leaned down, smiling at her anxious victim, and made two more long cuts, opening the jumper to the shoulders and then slowly, carefully down each arm to the wrist.
Kat went to the tray and selected several T-pins from the box, then, with Eve's help, began carefully stretching Jamie's jumper away from her body, taking neat folds in the fabric as necessary, then pinning the ruined garment to the table top, quietly tapping the pins into the hard surface with small hammers.
"There, that wasn't so painful, was it?" Kat asked Jamie rhetorically. "Now for that pretty skirt of yours." Jamie mewed and squirmed as Kat cut her skirt open from hem to waistband, then folded it out like a fan centered on her crotch, and pinned it in place.
Next, Kat selected a dissecting knife with a recurved blade and Eve a pair of long forceps, and the grinning pair leaned close. Carefully, with exquisite care, Eve lifted the top button of Jamie's blouse, and with a deft stroke Kat cut it free. "That's one," Eve noted, and tossed the button over her shoulder. It clattered and rolled away on the tile floor. Eve lifted the second button and Kat made a second stroke. "That's two," Eve said, as she tossed it away.
"Save it for maths lesson," Kat ordered.
"Sure, Kat, sure... maths lesson," Eve said with a grin.
Soon the blouse was cut completely open, and after a pair of slow, careful trips with the scissors across Jamie's shoulders and up her arms to her wrists, the blouse was stretched out over the jumper and tacked down.
"What ugly undies," Kat remarked, fingering Jamie's plain white bra and panties. "You must raid your grandmother's collection." Jamie blushed... then winced as Kat snapped the panties' waistband. "Well, what d'ya expect from a bookworm-geek."
"Yeah, what a geek." Eve chorused.
Next Jamie's left knee sock was cut from knee fold to ankle, stretched, and pinned. She tried not to squirm as the steel tip of the scissors slid along her shin. Kat paused at Jamie's ankle bindings to remove the captive's left shoe. "My, my," Kat said, admiring her reflection in the glossy surface. "I can actually see myself. I bet Mummy's Girl polishes her school shoes every night."
"Geek!" Eve exclaimed.
Kat picked up the bone shears, and with a few strategic snips, cut the top of Jamie's shoe to useless ribbons. Jamie's right shoe met a similar fate, then her right knee sock was cut open and pinned.
"Do me a favor, and remove the little footsies of the geek's socks, will ya?" Kat asked her accomplice.
"Sure, Kat, sure," Eve answered, selecting a pair of small scissors.
"...And be careful." Kat admonished. "We don't want to tickle poor Geekie's pink little tootsies in the process, now do we?"
"We don't?" Eve asked, confused. Then she noted Kat's expression and smiled. "Oh... Of course we don't." Eve then gave Jamie a wink and ran the blunt tip of the scissors up the prisoner's left sole. Jamie squealed through her gag and struggled anew.
"That's the spirit," Kat said with a gloating smile. She then stepped to the side of her squirming, gag-giggling victim and carefully cut her bra straps and tacked them down above her shoulders. A single quick cut between Jamie's heaving bosom, and the rest of the bra was opened and pinned to either side, a single "T" pin through the center of each cup. Jamie blushed anew as Kat watched the redhead's white breasts quiver and shake as Jamie gasped and mewed under Eve's "clumsy" effort to remove the remainder of her socks.
Kat reached out and prodded each of Jamie's coral nipples with the blunt tip of her scissors. "Hmm... must be cold in here," Jamie's tormentor noted as she stroked the erect side of one nipple with the cold steel.
Eve finished cutting open and pinning down the foot of each sock as Kat selected a steel knife with a long, straight, narrow blade and slid it, blunt side down, up along the outside of Jamie's left hip, through the leg opening of her panties and up through the waistband. Kat pressed her latex gloved left hand over Jamie's lower abdomen, holding the front panel of her panties flat, and with a gloating grin, sliced them open on the left. Her eyes never leaving Jamie's, she then reached over and sliced them open on the right.
Kat's hand remained pressed on Jamie's abdomen as Eve carefully tacked back the sides of the ruined panties. Jamie felt tears welling in her eyes as Kat shifted her hand to hold the edge of the panties' waistband. "There, there," Kat cooed. "Be brave little geek. You've done so well up to now. Don't get all weepy on us."
"Geek!" Eve giggled.
Jamie reddened, with anger this time, and mumbled several decidedly impolite suggestions at her captors. Kat ignored the tirade and with a gloating smile, slowly lifted the front panel of the prisoner's panties, stretched them down between Jamie's splayed legs, and held then taut as Eve tacked them in place.
Jamie looked up in the overhead mirror, angry and humiliated. Her uniform was neatly stretched and pinned around her, layer upon layer. She actually did look something like a dissected specimen, albeit one without a mark on her pale, freckled body. She pulled on her bonds and pointed her toes. She knew her only covering was a narrow band of cotton around her ankles under their cloth bindings, the part of her knee socks that had not been "dissected".
"That's funny," Eve remarked.
"What's funny?" Kat asked, then idly grasped a tuft of Jamie's pubic hair and ran it through her latex covered fingers. "Freckle Fox here doesn't seem to find anything funny."
"The geek's tits are pretty big, but she doesn't hardly have any hair on her twat."
Kat sighed and whispered to Jamie in an aside (her hand still pulling on the hair in question). "She's so crude at times, isn't she?" Kat released Jamie's pubic hair and turned to Eve. "It's there, stupid, it's just that Freckle Fox is such an orange-haired geek it's hard to see."
"Oh," Eve said, then picked up a pair of forceps. "Maybe we should pull it out to get a closer look."
Jamie's eyes widened and she twisted her wrists against their inescapable cloth bindings. "...or we could use one of these scalpels to shave her so you can see the difference," Kat teased, savoring her victim's reactions. Tears were welling in Jamie's eyes again. "No worry, Freckle Fox," Kat reassured her. "Maybe next time. We've got an experiment to finish."
Jamie's Story | Chapter 2 |
Jamie watched as Kat rummaged in a box sitting on Mrs. Britton's desk, then alternated between craning her neck and watching in the mirror as Eve began clamping some sort of bracket to the edge of the table between her legs.
Kat returned from the desk with a large, gleaming white, wand-style vibrator. It had a long electrical cord emerging from the base, and the saddle-shaped head was covered in a series of rubber nubs and ridges, all in a hideous shade of green not found in Nature. "We found this in the counselor's office, too," Kat explained. "I don't know if she uses it to soothe tired muscles... or maybe to soothe... other things?" The main housing of the vibrator had been taped to the side of a steel rod, the kind used in chemistry class to support the glassware during laboratory experiments. Kat slid the side of the rod into the bracket Eve had attached, and with a sly grin, slowly slid the vibrator forward until it just barely brushed against Jamie's sex.
"Doesn't it go any further?" Eve asked.
"I swear," Kat muttered, "you have absolutely no appreciation for the value of the subtle approach."
"Just plug it in," Kat sighed.
With a flourish, Eve did just that, and Jamie squealed and squirmed. She could just barely feel the buzzing head of the vibrator. She squirmed a little more, and the head came into full contact. Jamie squealed even louder and pulling her stomach in, scrunched herself as far from the quivering wand as her ankle bonds would allow.
"You see, stupid," Kat lectured Eve, pointing towards their squirming victim. "Freckle Fox has to pull herself away from it so she won't cum like a little slut in heat... but eventually, she'll get tired..."
"...Or decides she likes it...," Eve suggested.
"Exactly," Kat grinned. "There may be hope for you yet, Evie."
Eve beamed, basking in the rare compliment.
"And as for you, geek," Kat continued, turning to face Jamie, "We have one more surprise for you before we leave you to enjoy your evening."
Kat stepped into the shadows of the student benches, and returned, half dragging, half carrying a bound figure into the light.
Jamie recognized the new prisoner immediately. Blonde hair in a short, straight bob; smooth, tan skin; tall, slender, athletic figure; clear, blue eyes, at the moment huge with fear above a tight tape gag similar to Jamie's own—it was "Gwendoline," her VR pen pal! Like Jamie, Kat, and Eve, her VR appearance had been altered to make her appear as she must have been at eighteen, but it was definitely Gwendoline. She was wearing the same school uniform as her captors and Jamie (as Jamie had been wearing), only it was soiled and ripped, one sleeve hanging off her bare shoulder. Rope, a lot of rope, bound her arms tightly to her sides, and from the way her breasts strained against her ruined blouse, her elbows and wrists were probably equally tightly roped behind her back. Jamie couldn't see anything else of Gwen's predicament, but from her posture and the manner of her arrival she surmised Gwen's ankles and legs were also bound.
"That's right," Kat gloated, one hand tightly clutching Gwen's tousled hair, "it's your... how do you Aussies put it?... Ah yes,... your 'pommy mate,' the Brit exchange student who's always prancing about all 'lah-de-dah' with her nose in the air. She took exception when she saw us inviting you to our little party... so we decided to invite her along as well." Gwen mewed through her gag. "That's right, Princess," Kat continued, directing her remarks at Gwen. "It's not wise to stick your cute little button nose where it isn't wanted, is it?"
"We haven't decided what to do with her yet," Eve explained, "right Kat?"
"That's right," Kat responded. "She was reading a book when she decided to get nosey. Where is it?"
Eve produced a library book and opened it. "The complete works of Edgar Allen Poe," she read. "I've read this one! It's a hoot! ...except for the poetry crap."
"I've read it too," Kat purred. "What strikes your fancy?" she asked the miserable blonde, "'The Premature Burial?'" Gwen moaned and struggled. Kat grinned, renewing her grasp of Gwen's hair.
"'The Cask of Amontillado' was always my favorite," Eve remarked. "I know a little alcove down in the basement behind the boiler. There's bound to be some loose bricks around someplace."
"I was always partial to 'The Pit and the Pendulum,'" Kat said. "No time to get that elaborate, but there are some nice power tools over in the Tech Studies building... and some of them have timers. Bet we could rig up something... interesting."
Jamie mewed as Kat dragged Gwen towards the door. "Have a fun evening, Freckle Fox," she called back over her shoulder, "and don't worry about your mate. She'll survive the evening... probably."
Eve leaned forward and kissed Jamie on her gagged lips, then whispered in her ear. "Remember, Dr. Seaton: All's fair in Love, War, and VR." She then winked and followed Kat and Gwen, leaving Jamie alone in the dark classroom... with the buzzing vibrator.
Jamie's Story | Chapter 2 |
Alone, Jamie surrendered to the vibrating wand. Not much point in resisting. She knew it was all an illusion... that she wasn't really eighteen again, stripped and bound and being mechanically aroused against her will... and poor Gwen wasn't really being dragged off to some horrific fate... (In any case, Gwen was going to have to take care of herself. Jamie certainly wasn't in any position to do anything to help. (Gwen had sure looked cute at eighteen, Jamie mused.)) ...It was all an illusion.
...But the SPHERUS environment was SO REAL... (especially to someone whose mind had spent hours lost in its cyber-fantasies!) ...and the wand felt... SO... GOOD!
After what she thought was her seventh orgasm (she may have lost count)... Jamie fell into an exhausted slumber...
—then was startled rudely awake by the thundering, angry voice of her teacher, Mrs. Britton.
"Jamie Seaton, you've been a VERY BAD GIRL!"
Jamie became aware of bright light and the familiar hiss of the SPHERUS VR cocoon opening and retracting. The message program had finally run its course. Jamie glanced at a time display to discover it was not quite the first light of a new day.
Jamie's Story | Chapter 2 |
A large breakfast did much to revive Jamie's condition. After all, she had to admit, her "ordeal" had been decidedly similar to what she and Gwen engaged in under the guise of "recreation". She was back to her normal, chipper self by the time the tilt-rotor seaplane carrying Margo's party began circling the lagoon a little after noon.
of Jamie's Story—Chapter 2 |