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Sabrina (Brie's Story) ———————————————— by Courier © 2001 |
Chapter 3 |
With Kat off in pursuit of other prey... (Good luck Naomi. And Jodi? I hope you get what you deserve!) ...Brie had time to relax into her predicament. The resinous material was almost hardened. She could (and did) squirm a little in the cocoon, but she found herself mostly just twisting inside her clothing. Her upper body was strictly held, with the long sleeve jacket and blouse acting as a perfect base for the solidifying goop. Her lower body was a frustrating mix. Her legs below her skirt were in the tightest bondage, the new stockings she had happily donned that morning now acting as stringent casts! Her short skirt was fully covered by the web, but it had hardened a little distance from her body. That meant that her panties and loins are the least constricted part of her body, making the only portion of her anatomy that she might want to have tightly held, was in fact the loosest!
Maybe next time Kat will give me a little warning and I can strip to my panties , Brie mused. Then I'd at least have something to rub on while I languish.
Of course, boredom was not a threat. Brie carefully probed the grenade with her tongue. Smooth, plastic, warm. She could follow the line of the spoon from one side of her mouth to the other. It seemed sturdy and stable, but Brie didn't want to take any risks with the weapon. The idea of itching uncontrollably while held immobile was not an experience she looked forward to. But the depth that Kat had thrust the bit-like grenade into her mouth was uncomfortable and she wanted to ease it into a more sustainable position. She traced the spoon again. It didn't seem to be pushing that hard at her teeth. If she were careful, she could probably slide it forward and hold it more with her lips than her teeth...
Brie used her tongue to slowly turn the grenade so that the spoon faced backwards and she could easily hold it with her tongue. She then gently released her jaw and pressed her lips together. Her lips held the grenade tightly as she pushed it slowly forward with her tongue. The "bit" clicked into her front teeth and she knew it was going no further. Using a combination of her lips, tongue, and teeth, she maneuvered the spoon to be held, again by her teeth and lips. That's better, she thought.
With the "gag" moved to a more sustainable position, Brie turned her attention to the rest of her restraint. Craning her neck she could see that there were still a few moist parts to her resin cocoon, but the rest was hardened into a smooth slick shell. As Brie continued her squirming she could make out a few small crease cracks in the glossy surface. The most pronounced crack was at the joining of the webbing covering Brie's right arm and her torso. Rocking back and forth and pushing her chest out she could just barely stress and restress the crease. After a minute of this she had managed to work up a nice sweat and had lengthened the crack my only a centimeter. This was probably not the key to her freedom, she decided. Also, the web seemed fairly impermeable to sweat, as she could feel her prespiration clinging to her captive body.
I guess hoping that sweat would disolve it is too much to ask for , Brie groused. Of course it would be designed to handle sweat. Otherwise what was it good for? But wait... What had Kat said about what the webbing didn't like...
Brie's mind had been more on her own circumstances then Kat's lecture, but it was something like... Carrots? No, that wasn't it. Keritin! Hair protein! It didn't like hair!
In order to avoid having to clean the web out of a captive's hair, they had designed it to flow away from hair. Now this I can use , Brie thought.
The first problem was freeing her hair to the point she could use it. As usual when going to a major meeting, she had worn her hair in a tight bun. Naomi had helped her that morning folding and pinning her luxurious black hair into the very professional style and had secured it with a lovely turquoise inlaid comb. Turning her head and pressing it back into the wall Brie could feel the comb. It felt quite securely settled, but you never knew...
Brie tossed her head back and forth as much as her restraint would allow. Right, left, forward, back. But the comb remained in place, and all she managed was to free a few errant locks that fell across her face and adhered to her moist cheeks. Drat!
Well, where brute force fails, she thought. This lead to a careful and complete assay of exactly what was behind her head on the wall. Fortunately the walls of the Katacombs were not as featureless as Bio-Sphere corridors. There were no convenient hooks to catch the comb on, but there was plenty of rough concrete surface. With this in mind Brie pushed her head up as far as the cocoon allowed and pressed her head back into the wall, trying to catch the comb on the surface. She then maintained the pressure and slid her head down as far as possible. She could feel the comb scraping across and slightly catching on the wall. I'm going to need a new hair comb when all this is done, she sighed, imagining the turquoise inlay being scratched beyond repair. Ah well, that's what the Kidnap Fund is for... The Kidnap Fund was a special charge account acessible only to Margo's Inner Circle that would reimburse them for any personal items damaged during Inner Circle games. Brie was already sure her entire outfit was going to be a write off, so why not the comb as well.
Brie repeated her motions several times. Each time she could feel the comb being pulled just a little further out of her hair. Finally, after the tenth (or was it the twelth) time, she felt the comb wobbling precariously. A few quick tosses of her head and the comb flew free, bouncing down the corridor and her ebony hair cascaded free!
Brie's Story | Chapter 3 |
Naomi leaned forward, panting hard. She was in excellent shape, but the running, climbing, turning, and even crawling that the AI had put her through had left her breathless. Perhaps sensing that she was taxing the blonde beyond her limits (and thus ending her delightfull diversion prematurely) the AI had graciously permitted Naomi a five minute rest break. So Naomi had slumped back against the cool concrete wall and tried hard to catch her breath.
So far Naomi had completed four "quests" for her unseen overseer. Twice she had "won," arriving at the prescribed location within the set time limit . Twice she had lost. Each loss had been met with taunting from the AI and a penalty. Her "tardiness" had so far cost Naomi her pants, stockings and panties, although there had been some argument (which she had lost) over the stockings. So now Naomi was not only trapped in the Katacombs with an eccentric AI program, she was also half naked! This was not how I imagined today going, she thought.
Since her first "quest" the game had not only gotten more strenous, but also more complex. The playful AI (or "Evil Eve" as Naomi had dubbed her) would give her longer strings of instructions, speaking them faster and faster with each iteration. Not only that, but the AI seemed to relish taunting Naomi! As the blonde rushed from site to site, every screen along the way would flash the countdown in glaring red numerals. And, the one time her route had passed no screens, a maintenance crab-bot had scuttled just ahead of her announcing the remaining time in its synthesized voice. But it didn't end there, when the countdown had reached zero, indicating that Naomi had lost, the crab-bot had happily announced, "Game Over!" and done what could only be described as a crabby dance! Naomi had been tempted to kick the little thing into next week, but instead had argued with Evil Eve about her stockings. Finally she had given in and removed her stockings and panties and dropped them on the bot, purposely fouling its sensors. Take that, Crabby! she thought, watching the bot meander away and collide with a pipe.
Now Naomi's primary interest was catching her breath and preparing for the next leg of the game. Evil Eve had given her the rest break and then started a digital count down of 300 seconds. Now it was down to 234 and dropping.
Naomi wondered how Brie was doing. All this running and climbing had distracted her from her friend's likely peril. I wonder, she mused, is it worse to be trapped in the tunnels with Kat or a nutty AI program? I'll have to ask Brie when we both get free. Not that Brie didn't deserve the odd pursuit by a sadistic security director. In fact the "dirty trick" that Brie had played on her the previous weekend had kept Naomi plotting sinister revenge all week...Brie had won the toss the previous day and had opted for the villainess role in their weekly games. This had stirred Naomi's apprehension as Brie almost never chose the dominant role. Brie had further announced that the following night would also be "Exotic Cuisine Night." Every week, and often more frequently, Brie would chase Naomi out of the kitchen and take it over to prepare her latest exotic dish. In fact, it was a toss up which Brie enjoyed learning more, a country's language or its cuisine! From Naomi's perspective the delicious and extravagant feasts were by far preferable to listening to Brie practice conversational Russian, or master the intricacies Mandarin as opposed to Cantonese. Of course, the blindfolded taste test between Mandarin and Cantonese cuisine had been a big hit.Somehow I don't think that an evening of cuddling and interesting uses for peanut sauce is a sufficient revenge, Naomi thought. Maybe I could ask one of the other Inner Circle members for an idea, then I could... She stopped cold as she looked up at the timer. It read:
When Brie cooked she would usually shop all day and then kick Naomi out of their shared house while she slaved over the meal. This time she not only wanted Naomi in the house, she clearly had "plans" for her housemate; Dark, evil, sinister plans, Brie hinted. She had informed Naomi that Naomi should spend the afternoon shopping and then return at precisely five PM, strip to her panties in the front room and await further instructions. Naomi had dutifully cruised the upscale stores of Seattle, trying to distract herself. Knowing that her lover had something "sinister" in mind for her made it difficult for Naomi to concentrate on the merchandise. Whenever Brie took the upper hand it was usually a wild experience. Naomi tried not to think about her "impending doom" in the home improvement store, but all the chains, fasteners and fixtures wouldn't let her. She tried again at the bookstore, but the romance novel covers quickly soured that attempt. Finally, she decided to work off her excitement at the gym. Big mistake! Partially clothed, perspiring, athletic women encased in the latest ingenious Nautilus machines were not about to get her mind off her own unknown fate. A long cold shower slowed her racing pulse, but didn't do anything to quench her excitement. She managed a quick snack and rushed home, making certain to arrive at the precise time specified.
At 5:15 PM Brie exited the kitchen to inspect her victim-to-be. As ordered Naomi had striped to her panties (French cut pale blue silk) and was kneeling in the middle of the front room, her eyes closed. Naomi had her knees wide apart on the soft carpet and had her hands behind her head. This allowed Brie a lovely view of Naomi's full breasts. Naomi's legs were long and tanned, sleekly muscled from hours of hiking. Flat stomach, trim waist, and luscious breasts. Her sunbleached blonde hair was cut in a stylish bob that framed her angelic face. As Brie watched Naomi nervously wet her lips, an unconscious, but amazingly erotic act. As her eyes lingered on Naomi's charms, Brie considered scrapping her elaborate plans and just ravishing her blonde friend. No, she reminded her self, all good things to she who waits. Besides, she would hate to disappoint her lover with a mere ravishing.
"Stand up," Brie commanded, "and no speaking unless you are told to!"
Naomi looked up nervously at Brie. The Latina was in her starched chef's whites, as she usually dressed on cooking day, but today Naomi thought they looked almost like a bleached military uniform. The contrast between the white of the uniform and Brie's rich coffee skin and ebony hair was especially striking. The kneeling blonde imagined herself a reporter taken prisoner by some South American regime that had sent this pristine officer to extract some unknown information from her. She blushed as she rose to her feet, her hands still behind her head.
Brie approached her as Naomi stood at attention. The Latina's eyes wandered her lover's body. She slowly walked around her (soon to be) captive, inspecting every naked inch of her. When Naomi turned head to follow Brie's progress she snapped, "Eyes front!" Naomi immediately followed the order, starring straight ahead and trying not to think of all the things Brie might have planned for her. The living room was awfully nice for a South American prison, but her imagination helped filter the details. I must be in some evil land owner's mansion, she decided
Brie completed her circuit of her captive and smiled a saucy smile. "This way," she ordered and walked into the dining room, holding the swinging door open for Naomi. The blonde executive followed.
The dining room had been rearranged in Naomi's absence. The glass topped dining table was moved to the side and covered with a cloth, which, judging by the strange lumps, concealed Brie's toys for the evening. All but two of the matching set of chairs had been removed. The chairs were composed of a single chrome metal tube, a leather hammock-like seat and a soft leather back rest. The metal tube wove down the back, under each side of the seat and then dropped to the floor and looped back onto itself. All in all the chairs were light, easy to pack, and, as both women knew from experience, very sturdy.
Brie let the door swing shut behind Naomi and it lightly tapped the submissive blonde on her panty-clad rump, eliciting a nervous gasp. Brie nearly lost her composure, watching Naomi's breasts bob slightly, but managed to maintain her dominant facade. She crossed to one of the chairs. She turned it slightly towards her waiting captive and smiled, "Sit!" Naomi crossed the room and did so. She felt not a little silly to have her hands behind her head while she sat, but she hesitated to incur her lover's wrath by moving them without permission.
"Arms behind your back and sit on your legs!" Brie ordered. Naomi let her arms drop, clasping her hands together behind the chair's back. Next, she lifted her left leg and bent it back, tucking it under her rump. Her right leg followed. Brie walked around in front of her and shook her head in disappointment. "Farther apart then that," she said, indicating Naomi's legs.
For a moment Naomi was uncertain what to do. She couldn't spread her legs anymore without hitting the arms of the chair. But then she understood. Levering her upper body with her off leg, she scooted one knee and then the other behind the front of the chair's arm and then under the arm itself. This was a less comfortable position, but not unbearable. It also left her spread wide open. Naomi shivered in arousal.
Brie had maneuvered Naomi into the chair facing away from the table and now she crossed behind the seated captive and lifted the cloth off the table. Naomi had correctly deduced that it was a collection of equipment that Brie intended to make use of. First off, a set of coils of soft, nylon rope...
It was just 5:45pm when Brie completed tying her captive, just in time for her to rush off to check her cooking! With her captor gone Naomi considered her position. I guess this is where I attempt to make my heroic escape, she mused. Fat chance!
Brie had done a lovely job of securing her willing but nervous partner to the chair. Naomi was in almost exactly the same position she had been in before the tying, but now she was, of course, totally trapped in it. Her spread legs had been looped at the ankle, securing each to the thigh above it. This was in turn wrapped with another rope that then ran under the seat and connected to the other ankle/thigh tie. Then Brie had forced ropes between Naomi's thigh and calf (with only a bearable amount of tickling) and attached them to the arm of the chair itself. Brie had tied a lighter cord around Naomi's big toe, looped it around the tubes and tied it off to the oppostie big toe. Next Brie had looped several lengths of rope around Naomi's waist and the back of the chair, pulling it tight to assure Naomi's upright posture. A simple cross knot was tied above Naomi's rope covered navel and the two ends then ran up between Naomi's breast, over her shoulders and were looped several times around the tubes of the chair. The same ropes then ran back around the captive's bare torso, running above and below her breasts, then around the back and then crisscrossing the breasts again. Finally the two ends were tied off to the arms of the chair.
All this had been done with Naomi's arms still free. She had obligingly raised and lowered them at Brie's command, all the while wondering why she was letting this happen. Of course she knew the answer, but it just seemed slightly absurd that she was willingly letting someone tie her to a chair. This line of thought had been quickly made moot when Brie started to bind her arms. First Brie had tied a many loop manacle knot on each, separate wrist. The free ends of each knot were pulled forward and attached to the arm supports of the chair far away from Naomi's nimble fingers. To complete her arm binding Brie looped another rope around Naomi's elbows and tightened the loops until the captive started to squirm. Feeling benevolent (or maybe knowing how long her victim would be bound) she had then released a little of the tension before tying a solid knot to complete the binding. This left Naomi with her elbows secured behind her back and her forearms pulled forwards. Her hands were held slightly out from her body making her free fingers unable to reach anything. Brie had then looked up at the clock and rushed to check her cooking.
Naomi was left with a mixture of thoughts. First was that Brie really hadn't done anything to her yet. She wondered if the Latina just planned to feed her while she was bound. It wouldn't have been the first time, but it seemed like a let down after the set up. Second, she noted that she was still wearing her panties. While Naomi wasn't an Inner Circle old timer, she knew that whenever one was allowed to keep an article of clothing (and especially underwear) it was bound to end up in the captive's mouth before the night was over. So at least I'm certain to get something to eat, Naomi joked to herself. Until Brie returned Naomi amused herself with testing the limits of her motion and embellishing her Reporter Captured In Banana Republic fantasy.
Before Naomi could get too lost in her daydream, her captor returned. Gone was the strict, almost military task mistress. Now Brie was all soft and seductive. She swayed over to the captive Naomi and offered her two fingers smeared with some kind of brownish sauce. Without reservation Naomi leaned her head forward as far as it would go and sucked on the two fingers. Mmmm... Peanut sauce.
"Mmmmm... Very nice," Brie teased, using her saliva moist fingers to stroke Naomi's cheek. "Such a good girl..." Naomi almost responded, but then stopped herself, remembering Brie's earlier command. Instead, she tried to put on her most smolderingly seductive look and looked up at Brie through lowered lashes.
Brie smiled and knelt before her captive. For the next twenty minutes Brie did everything she could to arouse and tease her lover. Her hands wandered freely over Naomi's bound flesh. She stroked every sensitive part of her lover's body, but languished the majority of her attention on Naomi's full breasts.
By the end of the massage Naomi was moaning deep in her throat and had let her head loll backwards. She was covered by a thin sheen of perspiration and her nipples were erect and almost aching, and regardless of Generalissima Sabrina's orders, I'm going to either scream or bite my lower lip off! the squirming captive fretted. Appreciating the level of arousal in her lover Brie stopped, letting Naomi just float for a moment while she went to retrieve more of her toys from the table.
When Naomi opened her eyes she saw Brie standing again before her, with something dangling from her hand. Something that looked like two fancy, metal clips connected by a string. What on Earth...? Naomi wondered, then her skin tingled as she realized what they were: nipple clamps!
Brie's smile turned feral watching the realization dawn on her partner. Naomi knew that this was an escalation of their games, but that was probably the reason Bire hadn't gagged her. If Naomi wanted to protest, she could.
Naomi did consider protesting. The sight of the toys was quite frightening at first, but looking at her lover Naomi had realized that it was frightening in a really exciting way. With as much bravery as she could muster Naomi squirmed in her seat and presented her breasts to Brie.
Brie set the clips on the chair seat between Naomi's legs and leaned forward kissing Naomi wetly on the lips and then once on each rigid nipple. She then held up one clip and squeezed it to show Naomi the working of the mechanism. Wordlessly, she gently tugged on Naomi right nipple, drying it with her nimble fingers. Naomi watched, hypnotized, as the Latina squeezed the clamp open and moved it towards the helpless, waiting nipple. Naomi watched as the clamp slowly closed, squeezing her tender flesh, and as it tightened she let out a strangled yelp. It was not unlike having someone pinch her nipple, and she was so aroused it was more of a turn on than anything else. The other nipple received the same treatment and Brie was rewarded with Naomi's panting and flushing reaction.
Brie let her fingers wander around the rest of Naomi's breasts, just enjoying the tactile sensation and letting her "victim" settle. Then she locked eyes with her captive. Naomi slowly and laviciously licked her lips. Brie smiled in return and again disappeared behind Naomi to the table. Brie returned with an odd object. It was a short wooden dowel, about 4 inches long. Into one end was screwed a small brass hook. The rest of the dowel was completely coated with a thick, brown, doughy substance. She held it up for Naomi to see. It wasn't dough, but rather a thick gelatin with a rich brown color. Chocolate, Naomi hoped.
"Open," Brie commanded, and Naomi obeyed. Brie slid the plug into the waiting mouth and then ordered, "Close," and Naomi bit down. Mmm.. It is chocolate, Naomi happily realised.
"Don't bite down too hard, querida," Brie warned. "Only the outer layer tastes that nice." Naomi quickly released her bite and stopped licking the plug.
"Now that your greedy tongue is not so busy, time to finish the project." Brie brought a long wand vibrator and busied herself nestling it between Naomi's spread legs and making sure it pressed against her lover's already damp panties.
Next, Brie returned from the table with a round lead weight with two cords tied off to the top, each ending with a small clip. Naomi watched her friend, not really sure what this was for. Brie quickly attached the clip to the cord connecting the nipple clamps and Naomi's eyes widened. She started to shake her head, but Brie nimbly attached the second latch to the loop on the plug between Naomi's teeth. As Naomi watched helplessly, Brie guided the cords over the front of the chair and let the weight hang free. Naomi felt the tension in the cord to the plug increase enormously. In response she tightened her teeth. She also realized that the cord to the nipple clamps was slightly longer then the one to the plug. Very clever, she thought. Very mean
Brie reached between Naomi's legs and clicked on the vibrator to "low."
"There, all set," Brie announced happily. "Now I have to get back to the kitchen. I'll be back to check on you soon chica," she promised. Naomi tried to protest the entire situation, but managed nothing more than a plaintive whine. Brie turned at the door to the kitchen for one last look. "Now did I put the chili powder under the chocolate layer, or was it the wasabi?" she wondered as she exited.
Well, this just sucks! Naomi thought. And not in the good way!
The chocolate taste had her mouth watering and the resulting melting of the outer layer was only adding to that process. Was syrupy drool already leaking from the corners of her mouth? It was hard to tell. Naomi could almost imagine that she was already tasting the less savory portions of her gag. Her nipples didn't hurt much now, but they did ache, and the vibrator was working its magic to keep her aroused. Oh, I will so get you for this, Sanchez, she fumed. She considered just spitting out the plug, but the idea of having that ugly weight pulling on her nipples was even less palatable. No, she'd hold on, no matter what...
For Naomi the interim had been agonizing. She did all she could to not dissolve the outer layer of the plug, but it was hopeless. Slowly she had begun to taste the fiery tang of peppers, and that had only increased her mouth's watering, which in turn increased the noxious tastes. She was trapped in a vicious circle and she knew it. Still, she refused to give in. Calling on every reserve, she refused to release the gag. It was becoming less and less about worrying about her tender nipples and more and more about struggling with herself for internal control. She knew it would become unbearable, but she was intent on holding off that moment as long as was physically possible.
Her eyes closed, she had thought she heard Brie enter more than once, but her focus was so internal she didn't respond. Just a little longer, a little longer... And then she hit the wasabi. It was like every taste bud in her mouth had been electrocuted! She pulled her lips back and blew out as much of the spittle as possible, uncaring that it was running glossily down her chin and chest. Her whole body shook as she fought to retain the gag, but it was over. She looked down at the slack cord attached to the nipple clamps, braced herself for the jolt of pain and spit out the gag. The combined force of the tension and the expulsion arched the much diminished plug gag into her lap and the weight took over.
The cord on her nipples never tightened, it remained slack. Naomi looked down in astonishment as the round weight rolled into her line of sight. The cord from the nipple clips had never been attached to it!
As Naomi starred dumbly, Brie, standing in front of her, doubled over in laughter. Once she had control of herself the grinning Latina looked over her prisoner. Naomi's face was shining with sweat and flushed beet red. Her her chin, chest and belly were slick with a chocolate colored combination of her saliva and the material of the gag, and she was starring at Brie with deadly intent.
"Oh you should have seen your face!" She laughed, "I should have taped it!"
Naomi stared.
"You look like the world's angriest beet!"
Naomi stared. Brie realized it was time to make up.
"Maybe I should get those clips off, huh?"
Naomi nodded.
"This will hurt a little, My Love," Brie warned. She removed the clamps quickly and lovingly massaged the nipples back to life. It did hurt, but only for a moment, and the gentle stroking was enough to quickly distract Naomi.
"Permission to speak?" Naomi asked.
"Granted," Brie replied, still stroking Naomi's breasts.
"That was evil! Just plain, unadulterated, evil!" Naomi railed. "That was the most evil thing I've ever seen! I can't imagine anything more evil than that."
Brie looked at her lover meekly and a little worried.
"And! " Naomi continued, "it's going to take me a while to think of a way to get you back."
Brie grinned happily and kissed Naomi on the lips. Then came away spluttering when she tasted her lover's mouth.
The rest of the evening was spent with Brie feeding her loving captive a sumptuous Thai dinner (after several large cups of water and a small scoop of lemon sorbet to clear the prisoner's palate). After that Naomi was freed, showered, and found a lovely, Latina's mouth to hold her drenched panties...
- 137.2 sec
In flashing, red numerals. And under it, a scrolling message read:
**** Penalty Assessed! **** Penalty Assessed! ****
Oops , Naomi thought, I guess I was a little caught up in the memory.
"Are we paying attention now, Ms. Curtis?" the AI inquired.
"Y-yes," Naomi answered, steeling herself for, most likely, the loss of more of her clothing.
"Well, I could take that jacket and blouse, and leave you running about in your bra, but..." the AI let the moment drag out, "What if I made you a deal?"
"I'm listening," Naomi replied.
"Suppose you freely give up all the rest of your lovely ensemble and I provide you with something new to wear?" The AI offered.
Naomi weighed her options. Lose everything but the bra now or trade it away for "what's behind door number one." The executive had already realized that Evil Eve was going to keep ramping up the difficulty of the game until she was naked anyway. Maybe she could get more out of it by playing along.
"It's not too uncomfortable is it?" Naomi asked. She already knew she was going to agree to the deal, but she didn't want to AI to know that just yet. She'll enjoy me more as an unwilling subject, Naomi thought, then maybe she'll be more reasonable.
"Of course not, silly, " the AI playfully replied, "I leave it to Kat to lock helpless maidens into cruelly uncomfortable outfits."
Naomi swallowed nervously at the mention of the still stalking predator. "Deal," she said.
"Marvelous!" the AI cooed. "Now strip for me!"
As Naomi began removing the rest of her clothing the crab bot scuttled back to her. The stockings and panties had been removed and the bot was cradling on its flat back what, to Naomi, looked to be several meters of leather straps and buckles.
Oh my, she thought.
of Brie's Story — Chapter 3 |