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The Five Sisters | |||
played by ... Five Very Beautiful International Actresses | ||||
aka: "The Five" The Five Sisters are the core of security for TESSERACT East. Apart from the fact that they are not related, very little else is known about them. They like it that way. When seen in public they affect matching outfits, mirrored sunglasses and lots of attitude. They move alike, dress alike, and appear to think alike. They finish each other's sentences. Tell something to one Sister and all of them seem to know it. General consensous is that the five met in training at a hidden Shaolin temple in mainland China. Under the rigorous training they bonded closer than family. Now they have accepted the task of protecting TESSERACT East and its employees. Beyond that almost everything known about them are rumors: |
- Some say the Five Sisters speak their own unique language among themselves. (Secret temple language from the Shaolin? Ancient language from the Kali Cult in Calcutta?) Others say it's a "Pacific Rim Pidgin" with words and grammar borrowed from dozens of obscure languages.
- When the Five Sisters relax as a group, one of them is always bound and gagged, as an advanced meditative exercise. Exactly who gets B&G'd at any given time seems to be decided by a system understood only by the Sisters themselves and without apparent discussion or negotiation.
- Once the Sisters visited Gondaloo Island Resort for a month, and Jamie and Penny didn't even know they were there 'til the last day! (Penny did notice that a lot of food and booze seemed to be disappearing.)
- The Sisters are constantly testing one anothers skills: combat, evasion, security. Ambushes are common as are esoteric punishments for a lack of preparation. When Kat is in Hong Kong she is automatically included in this testing and the Sisters go out of their way to make her feel "like one of them."
- The only person who knows much about the Sisters is Lourdes, who seems to be close to all of them. But Lourdes isn't talking.
- It is very likely that the Sisters are walking prototypes for the latest in TESSERACT Cybernetics technology (...or not.)
- Although they all have the same basic training and fighting style, each of the Sisters specializes in a unique fighting art that meshes with her personality.
- All of the Sisters are ranked as Mistress in the Hong Kong Inner Circle with Samurai priviledges.
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