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Anne's Story — by Van Chapter 6 |
Brie nodded in answer to Anne's greeting, her dark eyes sparkling. Smooth brown skin, toned body, generous breasts with dark, wide nipples, narrow waist (made significantly narrower by the tight corset), thick patch of pubic hair (bisected by several strands of white rope.)
Rope! Anne remembered. Elke told me to untie her! Anne's hands were free, but her upper arms were still pinned back by her rigid, smart rope, shoulder yoke. She'd have to accomplish the task using only one hand at a time. Brie turned, helpfully, and Anne could see that her crossed wrists were wrapped crosswise, horizontally, and vertically, as well as being wrapped again between themselves. The final knot was tied not at Brie's wrists, but up among the rope (or ropes) pinning her arms. Anne untied the knot in question, then continued untying and unwrapping the tight wrist ropes.
Her wrists finally free, Brie attempted to slide her arms under her remaining bonds, struggling with one hand to reach her gag. "Sorry," Anne said, and began untying the cloth cleaving Brie's lips. The cloth turned out to be more a bandage than a simple folded cloth. It was thin and very long. Releasing the doubled knot at the nape of Brie's neck, Anne unwound at least a dozen turns before the gag cloth fell free. Brie immediately spit a wet, silky wad from her mouth. Anne looked down and found the wad to be... a pair of panties. I wonder... Anne thought, then realized Brie had said something. "Excuse me?" she stammered.
"I said, thank you," Brie said with a broad, knowing smile.
"Uh, you're welcome."
"Exactly how new to all this are you, Anne?" Brie asked quietly.
Anne studied Brie's remaining bonds, formulating a plan of attack. "Uh, very new," she answered.
Brie half turned and indicated a complex knot centered between her breasts. "This one," she indicated, with an encumbered gesture.
"Uh, pardon," Anne mumbled and awkwardly untied the knot, blushing anew when the back of her hand brushed the lower surface of Brie's left breast.
Once the key knot came free, Brie shrugged and pulled and in only a few seconds the coils previously pinning her arms fell to the floor. Anne watched, mesmerized, as the beautiful Latina untied the rope around her waist and carefully loosened and pulled free the bands bisecting her sex.
Free at last, Brie ran one hand through her hair, then put her hands on her hips and regarded her semi-bound... rescuer. Grinning broadly, Brie turned her head coyly to one side and regarded Anne through half closed eyes. "'Veeeery new,'" she quoted. "Well, welcome to the Inner Circle."
"Allow me," Eve's voice echoed. "Anne Clayton, meet Brie Sanchez of TESSERACT Public Affairs. Brie Sanchez, Anne Clayton with Legal Special Projects."
Brie reached out and shook Anne's hand. "Con mucho gusto, Anne," she said.
"Uh, a pleasure," Anne answered.
Brie's smile broadened. "'A pleasure,'" she whispered.
Anne blushed. Why do I keep doing that, she mused... and became aware that Brie had not released her hand.
"Eve?" Brie asked quietly. "Am I correct in assuming that Elke would very much like to find Ms. Clayton here when she returns?" Anne pulled on her right hand, and Brie's grip tightened.
"That is correct, Brie," Eve answered.
"I assume that I won't be accused of... expropriating a Damsel... just for making sure she doesn't wander, will I?"
"It's only reasonable," Eve observed, "that a more experienced Member should take a newcomer under her wing."
Brie spun Anne around and forced her wrists back in their waiting cuffs, which closed and locked.
"Hey!" Anne protested. "Do you have to—Hey!" Brie artfully tripped the indignant lawyer and clapped her ankles together. Anne kicked her feet and found the chrome anklets had become close shackles, once again. Anne looked up at Brie with a hurt pout. "I think it's an awfully dirty trick to—M'mpfh!" Brie's hand had shot out and clamped tight over Anne's mouth. Brie smiled, sat on the floor, and pulled Anne onto her lap, her hand remaining firmly in place.
"Your first lesson in the Biosphere," Brie said with a teasing voice. "...well, first lesson from me , anyway." Anne struggled in Brie's grasp. Brie shifted position and held Anne even closer, her right hand still clamped firmly over Anne's mouth, her left sliding along Anne's right flank. Brie leaned close and whispered in Anne's ear. "Opportunities in the Biosphere can be few and far between," she lectured, " especially for a new girl." Anne mewed through her gag as Brie's left hand roamed over Anne's flat stomach, towards her groin. "Never pass up an... opportunity ."
Anne struggled, pressing her legs tightly together, but was unable to prevent Brie's hand from sliding between her upper thighs and... "You are very wet, Anne," Brie observed. Anne whimpered miserably as the palm of Brie's hand lightly caressed her labia. Anne trembled, her excitement building. Anne couldn't control her feelings. She was going to...
Brie suddenly turned her head in the direction in which Charlie had fled and Elke had given chase. Brie's intimate caress stopped, and Anne could hear a whimpering, mewing sound echoing down the mirrored passageway, growing closer.
Brie released her hand gag, leaned close and kissed Anne full on the lips. "Opportunities can also be fleeting," she whispered.
Anne's Story | Chapter 6 |
Anne gasped in amazement and Brie giggled in delight as Elke rounded a distant corner and strode into view. Tucked in the crook of her right arm, giving Elke the difficulty Anne might have experienced from carrying a stuffed teddy bear, was what Anne presumed was Charlie the fugitive. Actually, all she could see was a petite pair of pale, bare legs, kicking and twisting, somehow joined at the big toes. As Elke came closer, Anne could see that a cable-tie had been used to bind the toes in question. Shoes, black tights (and anything else Charlie might have been wearing under her skirt) were missing, but Anne could see what she recognized as Charlie's skirt flapping under Elke's arm, revealing the prisoner's petite, dimpled buttocks (and fleeting glimpses of other anatomical details.)
"My, what a friendly scene," Elke remarked as she stopped before Brie and Anne. Anne could still hear the mewing, gagged diatribe that had heralded Elke's return. Elke plunked her minimal burden on the floor, a burden now confirmed to be, in fact, Charlie. The petite prisoner rolled onto her side, tucked her bare legs under her body, and struggled to her knees. In the process, Anne got a good look at Charlie's thumbs, which were bound behind her back with the second cable-tie. In addition to her skirt, the captive was still wearing her black turtleneck... and the mystery of the missing tights was solved. Charlie's big, blue eyes blinked above a tight, thick gag of black cotton. Apparently Elke had peeled Charlie's tights, tied the legs together at the crotch panel in a tight square knot, stuffed the seat and knot in Charlie's mouth, and tied the legs together again, this time behind Charlie's head.
"I said, what a friendly scene," Elke repeated.
Brie scrambled to her feet, dumping Anne on her naked rear. "Uh, uh," Brie stammered, "I was just..."
"Taking advantage of my absence?" Elke suggested.
"No, no!" Brie protested. "It's just that Anne was just... there... and..."
Charlie locked eyes with Anne. The diminutive prisoner nodded her gagged head towards Elke. Anne gave her a puzzled frown... then understood.
"Uh, it's okay, Elke," Anne interrupted. "After I untied Brie I asked her how these cuffs work and she, uh..."
"I was showing her how Eve can control them," Brie interjected, "and..."
"Yeah," Anne agreed, "and they locked and I'm helpless and so she was, uh..."
Elke smiled, leaned down, and put her finger to Anne's lips, the reached for the ball gag around Anne's neck and popped it back into Anne's mouth before she knew what was happening.
"I have no idea why you're trying to defend a hopeless libertine like Señorita Sanchez, here," Elke said, shaking her head, "but I better silence you before you both get into trouble." She then kissed the top of Anne's head. "But thank you, anyway," she whispered
Anne blinked, and saw Brie and Charlie smiling at her. Brie knelt and gave the confused lawyer a peck on the forehead. "Gracias," she whispered.
Why did I try to help her? Anne wondered. Did I help her? I don't even know the rules. Charlie winked at Anne above her gag, then resumed halfhearted attempts to free her thumbs and toes. I guess a really do want to be a member of this club, Anne mused, then twisted her wrists and arms in their implacable steel bonds. Not that I seem to have much choice in the matter... at the moment .
Just then a service 'bot rolled up on silent treads. Brie gazed down at Charlie, whose struggles became a little more enthusiastic, then smiled warmly at Elke. "Mother may I?" she asked.
"Yes, chica," Elke laughed.
Brie paced a slow circle around Charlie, who watched anxiously. "I believe Bug is... overdressed," Brie announced.
Anne looked up at Elke, an eyebrow raised in question.
"Bug, as in cute-as-a-," Elke explained. "Charlie's nickname."
Charlie growled through her gag, protesting the designation. Elke and Brie laughed, and Anne smiled behind her gag. Unfortunately for "Bug," her angry protest had emerged about as threatening as the yowl of a playful kitten high on catnip. Even her growls were cute. Charlie sighed in frustration and pulled on her joined thumbs. Anne smiled again. Even her frustration was cute.
In the meanwhile, Brie had opened a drawer in the side of the service 'bot and extracted a small pair of bandage scissors. Charlie mewed and complained as Brie clacked the scissors ominously and approached. "Oh, be brave my little Bug," Brie teased, then knelt beside the miserable prisoner, slowly cut open the side of Charlie's skirt, and tossed it aside. It was soon joined by Charlie's ruined turtleneck and bra.
Charlie knelt on her knees, tucked in a tight fold, trying to hide her surprisingly generous breasts and dark pubic thatch. Her skin was smooth and pale, except where it was reddened in a crimson blush.
Glad to see I'm not the only person around here embarrassed to be seen bound and gagged and naked, Anne mused.
Brie put her hand in Charlie's hair and pulled her half erect. "Don't be so shy, Charlie," she ordered. "Let Anne see you."
Anne gazed at the diminutive prisoner. She was beautiful, very beautiful in a tomboy, perky little hoyden sort of way.
"She's only pretending to be shy," Brie remarked. "She's as much a brazen little minx as, as..."
"As you are?" Elke suggested.
Brie smiled and struck a pose, hands on hips. "As I am!" she laughed.
Charlie sighed and settled back into her "shy" folded tuck.
Just thumbs and big toes, Anne mused, and a tight gag... and she's completely helpless... and I'm getting excited again.
Brie walked back to the service 'bot, opened another drawer, and extracted several generous coils of thin black cord, which she tossed to the floor near Charlie. She then opened a third drawer, and produced a wide roll of black, plastic tape. Charlie (and Anne) watched as Brie tossed the roll in the air and caught it again, repeatedly.
"Eve," Brie called. "Could you get me something to wear, please?"
"Would one of your office suits be acceptable?" Eve responded.
"Of course," Brie answered, "as long as it won't make me look ridiculous in this damn corset."
"A valet 'bot will arrive in approximately eight minutes," Eve announced.
"Naomi's key code?" Elke asked, indicating the corset.
"Yes," Brie answered angrily. "I've been locked in this estupido thing for two days."
"Certain, uh, items around here are keyed to specific access codes," Elke explained to Anne, "and in this case Naomi... you know Naomi Curtis?" Anne nodded. "Good. Naomi locked her in the corset, so only Naomi can get her out of it."
Anne took a closer look at the corset in question, it was "TRESSERACT blue " with silver trim. Brie noticed her interest and sliding the roll of tape on one arm like an oversized bangle, resumed her hands on hips pose.
"Silk lined, steel stays..." Brie raised her hands above her head and did a slow pirouette.
"Carefully molded steel stays," Elke added.
"Carefully molded steel stays," Brie laughed. "...self tightening laces."
"More myoplastic, like the smart rope," Elke explained. Anne nodded her understanding.
"...and a flush, locking panel to cover the laces," Brie finished.
She pulled the roll of tape off her arms and walked towards the cowering Charlie. "These damn heels are locked on as well," Brie added. She then pulled the end of the tape free with her teeth, jerked Charlie half erect with one hand in her hair, slapped the tape across Charlie's mouth, and began wrapping it around her lower face. After seven turns, Charlie's mouth, cleave-gag and all, was covered from below her nose to the tip of her chin. Brie ripped the tape free and took a step back. Charlie's cheeks bulged above the smooth, tight bands of stretched plastic.
"Now the Bug is nice and quiet, yes?" Brie mused with a gloating smile.
"Well," Elke said, "Anne and I have an imminent appointment with Margo." She tapped her ring to Anne's shackles, causing them to separate, and pulled the lawyer to her feet. "So why don't you just tell Annie something of your plans for Bug, the short version."
Brie crossed her arms across her substantial, corset supported chest and gazed down at the naked, over-silenced, but still minimally restrained Charlie. "The short version?" Brie asked. "I plan on tying up this little interloper so tight she can't twitch, using, oh, maybe seven times as much of this cord as is reasonably necessary. Then, I plan on stashing her some place close, dark, unpleasant, and very secret. Then, I plan on finding Naomi and begging her to get me out of these damn heels and this damn corset." Brie leaned down, lifted Charlie's chin, and locked eyes with the diminutive prisoner. "And you better hope I can talk her out of tying me up again, chica, " Brie purred, "because otherwise I might not be around to rescue you for a very... long ... time ."
Anne's Story | Chapter 6 |
Anne looked back over her shoulder as she was led away. Her last view of her new friends as she rounded the corner was of Brie sorting coils of black cord, and Charlie pulling futilely on her plastic-bound thumbs.
"No more than twelve hours for Bug, Eve," Elke ordered as soon as they were out of the others' hearing. "She has important work to finish."
"Yes, Elke," Eve answered. "And if Ms. Curtis does tie Ms. Sanchez again, as she fears?"
Elke smiled. "Not an unreasonable fear," she mused. "Let me know and I'll rescue Bug myself... and possibly Ms. Sanchez, as well." Elke stopped and turned to face Anne. "What would you do, Annie?" Elke asked. "What would you do to Charlie if she was your prisoner?"
Anne considered the question. Charlie... cute little Bug... my prisoner, Anne mused—then squawked through her gag when Elke abruptly grabbed her by the hair and pulled her close. Anne mewed miserably as Elke's other hand reached behind her back, slid across her buttocks, between her cheeks, and gently probed her sex.
"You're almost dripping, Annie," Elke purred. "I guess you really enjoyed our little encounter with Brie and the Bug, eh?" Elke released Anne, except for her leash, favored her blushing prisoner with a mocking smile, then spun on her heel and resumed their journey.
Anne blinked back tears... God, I wish I could stop doing that, she thought. I wish I'd stop blushing, and stop getting so damn excited, or at least would get excited enough for something to happen. God I wish my hands were free. How would Elke like it if... if...
Anne watched her captor as they strode down the passageway, her broad shoulders, well-muscled back, tight buttocks, long legs. So strong, yet so feminine. Anne imagined Elke tightly bound with rope, cruelly gagged, helpless and writhing on the floor, Anne holding her close... and...
"A penny for your thoughts," Elke called back over her shoulder. Anne blushed bright crimson and almost stumbled. Elke spun around and steadied her prisoner. "Careful there Annie," she admonished. Seconds passed as Anne twisted in her bonds, not daring to meet Elke's questioning eyes. "All things come to she who waits, Annie," Elke said quietly, then kissed the captive's slightly damp forehead, and their journey continued.
Is she a damn mind reader? Anne wondered, then began watching Elke's back, again, as they walked. ...'All things?'...
THE END | of Anne's Story— Chapter 6 |